Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Jun 1939, p. 6

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BERMUII A S RF1>RD NUMBER DURINli SUMMFPR Year Round -Tranaportation Service Great Boon to "Coi-ai islande" 0TI-IF. WH ITI3Y GAETTE AND CHRONICL.WEDNESDAY JUNE 28,1939 Blame CI "Otto Butt For Bz. On Farnu Llndaty, Junt . 20-A cIgarette butl beiieved ho hove been cafeiesà* Iy tcusd Laide by prowifta tgni*d the trame houer of John flluack. Bolsaovr remidrnt, during the night Mr. Black arose to find the rear of. lits home lrn famnerAroustflg hie wtt e, the two aorkKd depfatclý carrying water and managed to ex- t.ngutsh the flamc- A fîas.ltght and a second cigarette but, %-ce fîund near the scretolthe c ire W. P- Àlley'. bais cert *&uI thueuusd i a etW ta twettne W" sa mply an tnunce-mj (104 mathertnh for this ,upe. of c*ect--- r4 ov e mb.rilel colilam atm;Ui-Gnaou Gu âg off any namea uioî conar.td tIble. M esli Mas'ot & T CI&%-- Hoteb sCmii la Taz "W= Msd rtqUcatid th* is t uithng be >iblhdregardins the ducuusioe. iit JUDO 26-1 Consrvatîon of FiabI wmàs m imi i i Ur li. Thee of Addr.sà Site f r «t rtliy 110C14te poiliun M" « h a Ut III m Ueo for poadubam aid speaitu ab MM O. mou**p1- l--1111 lni «du tonfliegLa.We esu o uï1w t WKhs. um- aiply*Wu sUuo.i iilxoà i Tiyb. mrat htcdal on" lx ý «Ut ~ amnmr&i ote vm "epautl by eSU di=w f th. pI4Or Ut & .1go W J" <ýü« u k 6$r tt.1 wuhtUw tw Pl. fr s Il din 1 Isul * m o u théPm mem ,L.lm a *eu- s' P« u « TREND IS1TOW-4R SMALER 1AUT9i America Favori Lâghter Vehicles; Choice Thought Due to High Taxes nitricâ-rmon 2;)">'appar n) b ring m:r r' to0m'ýbute' tith ,atr MY did;n197 T"e'ale a te a i. i q.< . t ncw car A'oCt"ac r " ýr or. te b,'. ', :-,1938 i îc'ugn r"e .Un retIth- la:ifr m c" ' une per mlle, tise average driver ,t~kh iii 1*30 lotali.4 3207 pot i educusg uic tota~ arnount o! e wopperiffl ued the ae dr ivfr- QtbareflUy. c@mflIaihl&c ortaa. * ts.oiih crOnuPtfti apbrtuin TAclfte rrsmti of Perb. iWpe. tatlise airtd Mof thelnai ina tutnri i pl. g.ton flffii ti9U attplIn. t. iOl tilAtitS by hpi *mt Ame Arlen Pt1onsaisum iel<1U3tIle r Ammranît oeu Idutre C*intl1 tiiOihCt iyIhte P% momlsU' t~ben. Whih am neariy dota\lC miurden.pic h ticareapdonablefor te e te1d *,aý ua: mlt carposi" Uiformthéted r od %ma5."btIlfr a t nlbkteey **nreCXCSIt ot netea havel ta' inr rcr ff mtoCt blevieophave effeu In' ropea r 'P.rýr a e pmotor vehicIe oper- * m .-, Unt-d States at year "ii r<ira state and local tax g.3,, 3 on the operati1on of hi., r, *thUic onmmt1eefound. s'VC m ad tederal gasolifle taxe:, LITLE ANNIE ROONEY u'amlton. Bermuda. June 23 -A __________den total of 7,460 persons arrived t>y ont r.'eamshlp and atUner at Bermuda i D D 11hH1M cp durini May. bremkbng aL trave tJU IUPIVWY pu, ,(coîcls for what on1c w55 con- a rn >,dicre' trie "quiet montil .IT UD lIi e r rhc 1939 figure representsà an ln- 1>UI IlIUIUI rcaâ.scof 2,145 over thse corresponc-%m ing meontitof 1938. an-d te more tri. 1.1jert'Urns ILS large rus tht 1930 .APpM AN Ntytotal.L G IN i-ort.s bndcate a decrease lni rou;- Projetai o f$6, O in travei. Bermuda continues lie- ca ot f$30 .;.sactcinbdespite unsetLed In- 000, is Answer to 100- rtational conditions. Tue Mav imcreasC ref1eeto ln, Year-Old Dream i g..uWIiig popuiarily of Uic Cors. lj;cà a. a summel' play spot As«, H ar L'ou0, Ps z na 26-A hunl- Es i'\ aý l1930trie Bermuda Tiade ue-ca-; t'en con% tuetit IýevTopment Board predited Usa , transpor*t acr-ies- Pru" t'ar.a LIn tsi Yr! adequate year 'round transporta' face !sec u ..umot1ai .on was establish'ed bummer çiooild Oaat.;r"" , b rugged oi'.rank thie wtnter seasor %%,ti1'.Apaaa;M a:si rapid.; unexcelled transportation no% matirriaiIif t'uas as$63 0M0 0 isvailabe. the laI-e spring and sun"- tuper-hha-isa-v rio'.tIan a rail- nier trade lias shown à markrd in- road as oîn' ronfrlfett c1«ea..f Construc'in gang' tint ,,t1ho- 160 Thie Coi-alIstle.t are rts'alîng th' mile route belapen Piltt.burgh and I rFis icra 12-us vear. Soci.alîl-es art Harri'bucg a hic1 a a.' 5urNfsed ai taking cottages tiscre for thie sum- tarît as 1837 anti onriri Vl- nier montra tn5t.ead o! gzoni fà liam HN VandPrt)i'!' sund rtends grield it U' à giorlous safe spo! fer1 begtan bî;:lding A :ai:road ln 188 c,hldren 'nd rc.tful for thtenrtîreon-yteaX,'i - an st ar'taeî t.,mîls -aller it.had ti. $1lo000 00 anc S îAP-%'a tht drnant ti r - 21 11 N 4.' ii.; pLaeduring one rpren* Indi% ;d'îta: r ,! '.51201 *aýr bux- tha te 'dbifive large ahips !îorr. crmp.iiflg eizfl cof tu ne su b - ' , A aited mb 1'tam1.ion mnan trr ur' b% \Van- lia:. but S ipcrfect %wealhr: p e nefr- r. x-5king 'e f-'tP, 0oU snîai 2 412 pabengri. from tiîcar Pr h...'srir. ant ;1anrti1ng -ir(l u~<jthe i%Iance'% <s- TU"il,1ràk ftrthe lie nnth of M' N~i,;, tUt ' ir% ýr r -c on! s'r-ach"-d itue eek-enid o! M&a, sehtits a il: ho spe Il go tmtht On triai dav. thse United Siaie.s csteu caboa:S lue tue Mî Niddir tînle tr~amr Manhattan t ati\ r,-. 'Wekt or' a mnode'.a'.t-tsel nearT% t'unii Ne"w Yot k itri 362 passengpr' .ra, ' or nan~aa d tager tlexeplot" Bermuýda. s aondi- îcdf'a,5*.e:'"M11an sd bi- ti'. Ne-xt di% the Finf inet iorr3lnouàs c& rsa !cd.o!fiiiPius Mionarch o! Bermuda biought »0 bucgh arta a.be ery i'acceaslbir cens'ctlontrs lrom Norfolk, Va to shipsard5 on t ttdeaaCr isnld 1ti e H o 1and.-Anir r i crn sh ip (rad;ng srd r'ina 'a ' racbec Si.ecim niarriseti wiltt4M"6from the -we pon' s. t-e e-ncrete laylu New 'uoi k ()riMont'a' Ma'.' 2tm crtrac: s a ..r- a'ddu.n thti Swedîstt Aeirrican K-.însbom trie sunsmciT '. e rr'"'a hirough'. 464 tram New" York and Turnpik-ý Coummý_o-. nmrcîpale, the Furnes.5 Qî;etn of Bermuda. aise t,.,at ti projecc' u,.: secip.ti froni Ntsc"York, carrled 5901 On b'% the mîidle of .9401 tht return trip, the Queet MilRer- Althougri tre ica M .;rga motta isatia capacilut i o! mort -ailrojd %ýon tJ-. e ti [ cuti tlsn 650 paastnicmri Route ' %a.% mu'--s .lit183# tlre 'Me, Furnekm L.îne bootà mili con- pro)e'ct neNer quile ;pss.sed tie'sur- tinue their regxlar service Urougth- %ev stage untîl NO 'cars la'.- m-ren cl tht'- 1.mer a'îth extra tr.ps ta became insolsfd tulna& ba",ie el planned aroîînd Juls'.4Us Trie ' ladcent urv bs*empire bukildi-e -"ln Acacia. cruIsf ahtp of Uie Eatern ' tudîng V\anderbilt. Andrew Cax- S>,eaamnhip Lina m-iil matitain a negie. John D RoçketrIerti Pier- eleady %chtx.iul4,, makiuig thirt.een pont Mougaus. the contrellin i l-¶ four-da' eruisxti'teBermuda be- U-erestma et Ue Peuinsyhaia ai tatO n June lth and September' roand and other hankem, s. an d> 111h. rti.reoad magxsates_ Wit.i' a large number of trisel ic .'%tory. culled f rom Mi news- Nhîpa acheduled tb visittBermuda pape'.tfilts and t.a.uportzu'tion h111- durig June, Julv and Aiguiat. ilt 1' tories. lxa ta botri Caciegle An" expected Uiat tise 1939 tot.al w1',t; \'anderb!lt had quarrels mihtls ri top &Il prcvlouz voài". &Mon£ tht Pcunslsanla Ralroad - Carni-gji- cruise shlpe cheduled 1.0 arrive art because the railroad ront1o.ledra tise fnllowliS: .Rotterdlam. June lé. out of nPttsburgh, ahere ho ,&a. Norths Star, June 3X; Rottecrdam tuaffîc muid *pegged" reiths' rt*s July 1. Osiojord. JuIy 2, Colum- -Iglmg of steI-cl'nd Vars'.erbilit be- bus. Juiy 3. St. Loulâ. Juiy Il. cause Uih e "ns>lsanit pumblaue-e Iroquoi, July 18, Bremen, July Z2,lise West MhorteLUne. pa*ralkrinç E'ucopa. July 29. Conte Di Bavola Vauidertsi'a Noew York Centra!* Juiy 31: Iroquoise, August 1, Bt tracla ison,, Uic Hudt'ou LouIs, August '1.St. Louis Aagst Bofi1W 0 outans etI ndumnrT 14; Kungahoîni. AuSsasI 14. Car- mnd finance poioled t1ritr -e»ocxma intisa.AMUat15, Bremen. AUlgt.i anmud mucli 10 the Penur.s5lat 10; Iroquois. Augist 29, Orlpahoim. ccusternatiofi. sent »00 enflters Septembi r 1, CoDlumtsu.Septembr 10 #sy outIt 1100 his OI4Obrrax 3. St. Louis. Septemuber Ili: 15tthe PenrtaylvaUib 6frelgi tmosopi> Louis. Beptember 18.,muid St Louisln lu$e Iton andsoit oQu e . Sept.ember 25. Wack progrcssc42rspidly ull ___________- îk.8 abs us abi 2pur CMalOf thl# Lindsay Purges Its l& oly dm&luîto co t-« Relief Rolh Secretly &naebll a %&" -genf:A"'e b'yth lrsdaay. lune 26 -The tirai clos'e-t1' ;I.T I NA 5OQ1~Y - BUTA5 ~ LE6AL I&VISCR -T m Is mv D.TV l TOMJ J vou nrae&r TEU.iIWG Mp 4>p.JDS lJAnxTI-4AT r YOU CO b AN3-J4>iE QOO.4tj" E)4 >Ts et An'! LIV IGs<TLEAD~ '>4.r-~1 ~ VAT1~J6Ai 1rpz SE>&4O9M ~r SPRT bé tCAO0MU#4r-8 rEWARCS5 TMADOPT i-4fCR BUT 'NOU fOLD Mr- AIfJNIE RX>NFY -i Tlq c~êv 'se*-1 TI4EV CAlS ~ tlt Ck AL LTkEt MIlLL»4s E' el COULL) tE , ý T >EL~ "pC 4~Q~~ FZ t kir '5 Z OWE iL1\I'vos NtU D* BE 5u PPt5ErY - & M*%CV.ýEE;Z POC>WELL WARUIE 15 A >MUL7 T ML LkC 'YJ - WrLOVI!!STWE rHILD AýD L W¶9ULD MOT CAPE TOMiH AVE w m 9y;Ç'A P EVM.. t CZAR SVU A ,EF1rQTItJ NA4 -Ms 1 4 MTcmnTIPY/f ï i 4 KA » pICK VC POW4D A QC>. A L.ITTLEC 14J>JI<OF' Y PLAC r .*TWE r B«XLE Fi»T y*"x4' 1z-ý o bý-IS ieO A LOT0' BIArm «MA ro Iy~ o ssiG LADY SUTAW»G 04 moolYtsei-- *Ae T% 4*nc4 W #4*n 'O-e.BU W*iew romin UWe hosviest motor leywo pald WY MMiOn toL0y1t*m, thm Wl.vloep sP UUIII irly $à p# ..nt of U',.lr enfre tabill, The lino taies lut Year IM 820 01 mend lni t .d.ial giilin@ laxeà 86.08. 1%«uitrtion anIdlilcense f oea wtt the next highest charges on motor vehicle owner. coiting #13.19 ln the average state laut year. Thiis two per cent reduction ln th,, gamount paid per vehicle reflectâ thr increse lni amalI-car regi3t ration and a decrease bn the use of larlier cars. Peder-al excise taxe& pald 10 t tederal goverfment on îubricating o11, tires anid tubes. parts and arcrc;- gorles. and new automobiles and truckà amounted to $2 88 per schicfr acompared wth $4.71 lni 1937 T1'is decrease'WU aCribbd Iargely to Itr ecrirous decline li new-car ae taxies pald oit new cett ThbalbBancof thse motot s e i t opfr*tor'e t.i< Ih ti t 'et.; Amounting 1482f5$ZOO ren ecilgxieu* tmAesr nd1#11(i c a ltoMot Ive ta n5q tid fr "M$e r na niit i use of sma HIor ufmt.r lni the dern'<' lun<'te t'Pglstt'a n t I r -. %chIc le tUr rintu.'ý ganie 'rendaç ' 1 en the %-Cari 1931 îIi ":i3 bile ar t 1rc,.! n'"t: Wrre benlr 1,g I" ti r' c'cfea'.- W r r 52 ri"" .si.. t ; i 1' t'.' - -s . - 51 i IFE 1NSURANUE SALES 5IN ii P6cU. Canadiafl Lite trisurarice OfticOi'4 Amoclitofl.Ail tho e off Pro. vincOs roported »r 8ca, BU kitchaWari leaditig with en iMPtOYO' menit of rwer 20 pur cent, In on" tarin. wlhkh li t ll¶eftrW 60 pur cont of tilpt tol bîotîtea4 Mwer UP oôver 18 pr ("'it. Saskatchewan Leade In. Dtalimt sni, by provinces, bu- creas Wit Advnce d on rturl.3 hy 18 compBles ha,/ crea~ Wit Advaice g 8M per cent. o! th-@ total insriSi of 29 Per Cent. ancf, in force. exclusive of grOUo end whairsale inurancc. annutbesI - - pénýiofl bonds %wîfhout trlsurancel T " V . J ue 26 Sho wlTg Bs .r el rf. reinsua.'. tc., w ere s :.rteor ntariy il per cent . m olows- %mise I t'h the arne period last Britishs Colombin, $2,637,000; Al- M-r ~ e nrw ordnary life In berta, $1.422.000. -Sskatchew'Sn, S9,8,000: Maiintobo, $2.146.000; On- * ~ Ct'.('s;.'sisan'd Newfound. tario. $15 Î36,000: Queb-'c). $8,029.000: l.'Na% ,otailed $33,637.000. New Brunswick. S$756.000; Nova * * ý' e'n% comnpiled bv~ ScotlS. $1.333.000. Pi nce Edward 1s- t.s;i'eSales Rt-e.earct; land. $108.000. Nrcwleundland, $513,- n ~ ~ , t nnttdvb h--,000 Totnl. $33.657 (TOIý by Brandon Walsh Grou Ac Re Alter ly two raped- were fi lthe C.1 TIbe foi day Mo: and nt the fal Ibeir plished torts t several of hlg?. reportei ers whl fence ir After thie nel port o thse final b re sh PO th we foi wa WL 'a ~ro 1a pre -àf mu Xe I4OIaT-r vM1IOT BE A>FUL BPAVE. %*HE =* IE r>ýJ<Nt&JK S C~CD T0-r 0 ANVA4cQE- S0UI iý4ý «Tý%AueFT'Mg&OCW ALL GO'.*4A <30ACN MISSUMER - mt 8EiCMA N-4 rreY SAY %*cmm 9N AI0 y4~ ..MV L~fl455 wQ1j~~ LV WMT ~ié PAGE SIX' Ai dri' "lv <1 WýiV4, BLE"5'YtOUR UN5>Et.F1 LITTLE NEART... 'tOi xT HAve To w06?R1 ABOU-T mi-LL.ri BE A L L QI «V ruLt5 GO A"D E ,ý % Y OUR %*.CATiowwo KN o5 s <O uT mAy 5uiz- ppisE '.OU &8v COMIN T"CALL if M i t - , à a i 1 5 'AE5 5ARE I qOULCD NOT a - LG pG.' -ro ADPT Tb4AT 4 lMr cwy ww THEY cAbi PM MY SIVRY ts X&LSE ism oqmmrwc cwltiysp^ftw"^«Dsm.»m T404 M MeReLv ADWIr t %INMS A."TAKC$4 - %ýýA4^T cffl 7HUY 00

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