- I ~L. ~ -7 Ti-r vuwLrrpV CA7PTTE AND CHRONICLE. W/EDNESDAY.- FE13RIýARY i 1i Commerce Department amoul'1 A'e ORIFR tence to allow hlxf tO reJOin bis b omne wus best alter an becuse the~j0jg~ S l [AN4DJAN ~$9,164,776. an increase of $538»98. *lfather. Henlry HutChirf'of. The par- two of them leit the jail belogin toMr. ebres aiThope al sid. Ils s g Administration costs will be up 111etcaeL EtZOOg l at*y walklng ru ln RM Clown theArodner eloMoba.wsM. cN1, al $133.880; the Canada Grain Actlf 1IrQLflin search of bis boy af ter awornan stee.0f The Nineties coe o h ac% ad ts l. D E S T R O Y E R cost%. $9338 : Dom inion Bureau of had seefl an acco it of h s sen-_ _ _ _ _ _ __e t em f jo ey. a j r ed h re F s- pîz s a g g~g~~*j<.~ United Kingdom. $1135,120. and the- She wrote tae1the fatiser and , heRecent Bride WVearu - I"Naughty Ninet.ies" Came down the monwscud.Sarpie hhCot Efl Re'~arc4s Cuncli, 135.850came immediately from Lake Pets- I ears when 1 talked to Mr. Charles dadBlok !CaenLdcva ic yLd iJ LU For thse Justice Departmenl.t ue Setenced to Ten DitYS,i age. near Sudbury. ta see thse boy ht 'enn rc MNUOBE., of Cobham, Ken,,wows ognsrmche o r ce1 o vote of $5.827.212 san Increa.e ofi Alwd o i,1 wont f orce thbe boy to com h zl srio nsrti ftt $2183 agl cone o yl- AlwdT on homne if he doesiVt want ta:' Rut- Mrs. Henry J. TbPPIZSZ(GoOria famous Moonlght- steeplechase !allmsfrmtbMdaiiRa-M.Mcel.io Reinms Intc> $241.82s3.n-i c argso elcnted fr b i-Father ichirisats zad yesterday afternoon aj BSICeT). whose recent marriage w tlwrtes a London Dallv Mail reporter.wyt îunnî ah0fteteC:a a t Los An- rrea~ed ~o~ts of pet'iitentlaiies. jhe waited at the juil for the releas. a social avent in the United St-at-es. He tld me t-bat thbe deatb aofec.o!-eto-is ure B':hRnun geles Dur-mg H<.vy Stor Adetotal so $418.509607 due ate., PtebrJan2 -a.e adt cm trough, -If he wont comé e, of5Caa ParY ty the patio ut Major Algernon Edwin Burnaby Ln e ihdtaCr~ca -WillPo<ed iapar* Irorn ,,hor*term treasur7 'son met for the first lime î 8ln Ica Icn rbsae l e alm eh sithe other eveirtg.ha tfhehm m I isdlînt.in ih.hr. eewr wms wOt.haei0sta 1 îvi ar vrysmpe ul-kitd though one other of iemdlh !tehree u ete ao r~-~angini f rom Juis- 1 next teO monUm ut the Peterbor.ough Cou ly dress of white crepe wiîb bodire riders. Brigadier - Grnerai Angu.S Brayfr M cei a )IIO March 1ID140. juil titis morning and walked au-a' "TMis youngster bas pluck.- he guthered to a rather high V at McNeiUl, '5 in Pale.stine. bogt thm Ld uut teiin e bhip o! a squadran of four destroy - ;I iN i Thr-e Minster off Ju>.tice brolught wont let him camne back wltk me.; chomte a printed s.ik ln medium the sponsor of the str'ePlechaeuttceubMjrBunb.wît,.><cîr.hl ers en route to t-he Wett Indies VLI .) JLAJ the acr-loioys long absence frorn But if t-e doesn't. 1 cats otIY 1hoPe 1sized floral patternu. with Sodice 5aid %,r. el1.tefe cmn r cNelllhdawiesetrCli i on b iammed mba pier inL~ Angeles rr ~1Thi% home 10 an uid end 0r.he re- 10cl od he waiE write tc Us. His featur ng bustline h,.srizontu drap- to her durlng ber birtisdsy Onanarci-.pO. 51LWSh Tfl FARINIdenin he bowMitted ha! of 15 ',ear-Old David moth,.>er a-orried terTtbly " îng and pufied à leeves aPP'.lqited Marrh 10, lago harorSuda d nt-n ber bow r- T MF * fi i*N T * Vtt, *.nnn-it p à - râranCv. sen- .Blut- apparentiv thbe lad decided aitthe p rînt motif, Ai soonas Lady Aguç-*,ero-le.haft co.urse Ottawa, jan 26 - Main estiosatie for tise fiscal 3-car 1939-1940 were be- fore Parliamen' Iodsv. cailiîng fit ta total vote o! $457 241.915 for i-r cos1_., of ordiriarv io' eriniînt Th&t compares wtb a vote for thse same purpose of $430,328.510 lor t-be sear endiisg Marcîs 31 next. Fnance Minlatcr Dutsning tab:e'd the stimtesn the Bouse o! Cons- shest-nmlie wlAbrîîîg Inb upleen tary estinsate3 o extraordinary ex. pendit-tres sucli as the railway de- 'f ict, relief and works projects. for wh!Cls he asked $95000,000 lat, eur The vote for national defense pro- biligt of thr esttmates pared *lt.b $35,M,6524 voted lest Vea r. ej. -To Inerreaf Relief Share IV Thse usuai long lit-o! publicj works wvas greatly curt-alled and thse 1 vole under tlis heading, $1245Î.532.9 was $6.076.843 lem t-ban tise lotai ordinary vote o! lest ce&sioni But1 plans of tise Governuseît is thusi respect- remalîs tobe sovis vien the isupplermentaries are brouglit In and t-be total ta b. uxpelsdcd on public woric,.lîsciuding relief prto- jects. probably viii runts tadoublé tise figure sentioned ius hie tmaIn estimts In 1938 apectal auppienicrtarie.* aîsîvuistIiii to $95,149,382 brought 11>0 total nisontex soted for aIl purposes 10, $525.47-d.892. Inditcation t aready bas been given tisaitise Gosertiment viii engage Iii extensive work.a prolect.% looklng toward prosidlng emipînymert.,, in- cludl1sg encouragemensîta curir imptovemu'nts on a usure basl.s ivîtb lihe provinces uasd municipa!1- ies. It al.o bas beets annoiincmd t-bat- lie Federal :iîare oh direct lie! hisibe încreu.ed Oi tihe totalI sotPe lî , or us uts- Ilerest sud râtii înc v tarce.,011 Câin- uda'.% (ueb> îý rouime1 34 000 00 t.skst n à ') n( t ..(. îan ciepartitr utc a tirlott-ais 8191 bO:i.8à 9 rîtrli-(ludepS 30 000 00for rid 1zaivi rsri '~tdpen' on' aisd S$9- lit- Mà e ivilei r-v gtits t-.t PF<rs.'îuts tîrd O-.4tita :ei,<'au-III ru(l'urt- %))'52Ù13608 Rasd înreL>e utf 90,uiPemsSLoný to (îreSt War vetpar, a' take S40,7 0 ,Liighm uc,> a hiiler s'-erîu. ; lowuîsu-es a%%ilrequit. 16S0 kow ais llterca.r.'o! S<O00(M00 Therc are 1tuMr1lousiîf licru'axp,-Intrit~tes !or publice lb ltlsertie TIle paî%t 0111ev sote Of 517535 667 th an limîrrease o!81.314m320o! ehicis about otie-titird L% 'for add-. tionaI airmail aervkies For the Depr.rtmaeasî ai bMUses &d Fýmre. sost' ie-total vote lals ISW- -M0,an Incrrase of 81.11O.0,00 tbih retietis Ue recerslly aanuwed propoealt-o Ixcreaft ue Ol abe. tiQas Yrm ý82.2»0.000ta 4.800.a». 1 IEELi. 1 I l uîas à 1aa 1 H. r uon -%.,rn-ua"" 1--..... .. OtaaWjiIBRe Aaked ta, (aeFrAil Out of Worli LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Ex-Service Men 0,)"au-sats !"31 -DOlulsott re- varWl. b-urcd"Pan tLie govern- brrby ir : ssia Legion visen ,lie IX mj.r r. o n-ç 1; bers r Caje(b:; Assen ib.11it rtz u n d r *the c,.4itiirti ('-o. W W Fue us-r' - -n;cîl cOTflriç" ST A Barr.a n i N.u a.1c B C . Brig u~-:'u:Ait,,R(i,s.s. Yorkton 1Samk C, CBas.: P:le andfaýor G C- B rrdgr 1 r.Co: H R AliresTorcur.tr, Rrs P-os Mrsetai-- dot. CH'a' GCi otssPMa)jo:- P.'r Gt-gg and J R Bawir 'fl-e urssyplù.ttseflt subm"Issons re.' r. e s:-we of the grea!t, f r~r:v' seteran,. Ces! F ,, ' l:(1 al (in ç hr had been -~ cispu-iîca'by tlie Cun- av.a:COrp, As-w)c!ationî the 5.r-sv a:IlNà %. Veteransm in Canada and U., Cai,ad.ats Pensionere Associa- t:ît tz erîpa10 ~thrir view-a a To Develop 162,000 H.P. at Cost of $16,000,000 For Statin Quebec. Jets. 26 -A fydro de- velopusett, etterprise eatlmated to~ tout bet-veen $16.000.000and$20.- 00.000 ta to be &et up et la TuaquIe us a resuit o! niegotiat-iS csrrlad out betwren Qu.bec Goverismun ýheada and off icialsaiofSt. Mauric Power Corporation. it vwu Ieerned iros tise Pretniers oatce lbat tiiht- Altrer à a exies o! cortfereisce directors a! the Powver CorporatIo have rec lved authoration. alon« coesdltiom sf xed by Premier Maurice Dupieusis and bià Cabinet, t-o ettab- liah the glant Rydro stion et IA Tuque. according to thse announce- Tise plant vîli be establhed ut a minimum cout of $10.0.000t. de- velop 162,000 hlsrepover at thé ex- piration o!fis consatruceton wbich ta eutpected 10 l.ake tIbree yemr Accordlng t-o planls. tIwos"- Ucsn*la t-at-sonsmay b.e dded 1.0 th& plant later to Jump drveiopncnt opi t-o 2i4300 iortexwer Premier Dupleesi approved Use company sà plans on conditions thit workera ta be engaged un ronstrue- tins of thse plant and Its uperattoes i' fre-cuited trous townsa and vil- lages is t-he Si Maurite Valley A centrai empiovmsent affke itl be O50' u*rAquffe fer thi pur- Ai'-su-re r ,pu'.sans'davisby 11-e Prrmir and atree-d 10 b tuse 14rorurti tilat vbee-rer pos. s:be co=ntctiîmnata'rialu b.pur., cha&ed Ir 1SttPrýe-îrtwe oïl QUeb Tle meui buIdins Ut-'O b. <al r*- In!oeeil -ner-mte and *1 frtrn a dan armsa. tsti Meurre Rivet near thse lorer ensi r>! Àla ru Pâllit Mie dansmlt! b. 1jS te-t I hieigist andi about a q-serecul a b, bsVttni trkk.il-sdltt4ese t b. 3M fete! lon 80 f"4 tv»<q *04 t) fee t ash t wcb-oua.bit uS»- traling tarsiti four <s! wt,Ktt "u be it.uiajed for tise Cçsaulaag o4!%%,r- Plart and it-* oU <saIo-. * N 64e- a: a laterdateý Mfail Ca rrie r Di.. On Start of Route be-icm Staisaray *tb uSMg M mtian t on hbudai "mmw.a* The vote for natIonalrvr.atuu a~i su W U W I 82324.a ligisi decreesetram W o WM7 wmm lust year. ettributable 10 eeon«uiat" a ukmr*Oât a, mI ln administraton voeu.Cat Mmto acm 'her-awuvaadecre ln t-his! u id30Pm baneM»a ab ricWum e estmates. vhkb vube the&&"Odr«Vw 11usd* ut 8.751.SI0, a dro fa lti liii.- Mnanlydue to t- rtS-« lut )"f* h» *t«oly aw 1OY TU à «. asd twm dB4*«r la# j=yearmainin; sasspent M V wIf CXZ. i 6zr KMf. ail es Valt gn.t *w the. Roffui Canadien MowIt»d ~ ~ ~ ,r Pobio.the.vote svau ti8oe5. auljt eiWWw.~s ~~ ~ etu K. m Lw. Oea". ont i AM s4»XMUincaptaL an kIneruleu" ot4% CemsmtOprm eand uata- ~ <~p0ti SUd£17? *MW, tiru l. *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ dW -wu SDooo v 5UI i*so am . - ~ oua lit b cani î b Trad Ihm h NC.ku~.~cjARE %UlJ'~ j os(y e g~ ~ ~a ~A~P~IdB~ 0 *tsMQSMA be à ov «Me~ O1 Sc ktOLV - <>,N O- 1t01 .T VJANN JUST A 4.4S*pV , O Cb4ZsrOPU6R COLUA*S as mWAê4fflTO» - WJHO USSD lbL ivE M696 Ai"^ _ I SCMoo1- , s reSURF., TmesTHEr. ST ANews AN ~ 4-~8LJKU oÇM TI~T iit~)r 14 AN - OO144g W»"èkAT a c@M W4U. w6ma4ffl. wvolbu od as over," said d BUrIiSby did silver CUP glvent i. The Second zbarowski w0ii, Augusta, Whle the third prize. y Hilda Rous, 72was dJrji ,ff officer ta tise Commission in O KED -ec ctiscu-ssinga ri U-) after twO saîid Fred. ",be- hadi a past'" tnscd o)ut 0f the w.sseven " By BRANDON WALSH qI -__ _ __ _ _ m_ _ t Vb~ o~w CUA~r AM1 ma eGdbm SAO tir T. OMY der ~SomIq,4 Afl .t3 G6T SICK' sOevU iit juS¶ 44AO 110 COANi' j LJ~~i 4L~,g~qGotg-0A 'q' rn~5uiao~ 1$ G~ANP~ I*A~N NOV> '~ R!~O ~r~9gu~At~ iAN '-~TRSI~ ~s AT 7~ UIiUJ -H My ca sal S;dini *..or ~ vproi ateg '<by ~Tri and bu£ eff one cei ln thu tha fun disi in con tasl xsb f oo bac or i adi: abs m&a s ln~ toi la, San usa ceg o beo w;i v C Aut Po ta- <i :Zc *1- 77ý board side were badlîr damnaged Ths, accident occurre-d durlng a loas'y s'ind whicb swept over So-,ithierr, California. lgritisli consular attaclhesý a n C Ulnited States army and rsvv ofui- '-crs welcomed the C anad ian squatt- rto bSoilberri aliforr.;a, Thie hips wîll remaîn hre fou7 assbefore steamlng esouthward tt thse Panama Canal anîd tIser. Io Cie Wecst Indies where t-be si Lu tour Brtîh cruipr.s n 1 the Wuvt, Indipes dptachn: ni t -.%-oCa.-.r dian destroxrs of *, re ,ýar* squadrois for manoeuixrF.,,a:i !*a-wrI prictice Thse darnaize Io t1,-1w fi was nt <oiiiderpd ssprioilu-Lt-m to cvlay the departure [COMMUNS TOLU Main Estimates Presersted to Hoture Reveal Debt ln- teret ansd Carrying Charges Are $134,000,- 000