Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Feb 1939, p. 2

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- ~ -.,-.-. -~ fl-E W~~B GAETr. A~CjRONCUWEDNEPýYi FEBRUARY 1, 1939 4THE The Whitby Gazette and Chronide Oata bçVuhya L4nt Weekiy Pubibed every Wdneuay muraing by TIles Pu>- Itahi OampanY'oS Ouhavai. L£lied. C. M. MundY, Pradnt:A. R& AIIoway. Vioe-Presidelt. Orsyclom etL oodfeflow. DU"rece. A.nywhTS iln Canada S2.00 a year ln ad'.anCC. 92M0 a yçar to subscriberais n the United Statà or othe- torsignu enulea Tbo date to whIli thie SUb$crlP- ticn le ph la lnOmcted on the addmess Label Ad - vertJalng rt" on & POUCtl0Il. J. IR. ORMIISTON, Editor and Business Manager Telephone . Bell 73.Residence. 39. WMTB, WEDNIMDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1939. Wluitby Chu rchea Report Pro gress Tt is encourÉgiT1g ta note froîn reports published in the.se columnns hast and thlA Iveek that four churches of' the town havie been able to report spiritual and niattrial progresa for the year 1928. Another con- gZregation has yet ta meet and advance re. ports are that there have W-en ,4ome splen- did achievemfenti% there in the past tweivt' rnonths. Outatanding in the reports p)resented thiî year is the place that has heen lziven to such matteriq as increamed attendance at Sunday School, the adding of ncv member.q ta tht church rail, tht visiting of the sick and shut-inz Aîd the sending of flo-wers and comforts, the emphasis placed on the value of and need for regular church attendance: increased attendance at Communion and L baptismal services, and hast, but bv no r means least, the deepening interest in mis- j Itt is encouraging ta note that s@rne churches -report the begt year financialiv. Ail obligations have been met, de! icits wiptd out and giving increased for mis- alanig. Frmnkhy, we believe that if people are inttrtsttd enough in tht church to attend t - ita services they will bring &long their con- tributions and financial problems will van- fsh. Treasurers frtquently lay emphasis on the value o! giving through duplex envel- bptsa nd they are on tht ight track, but we submit that they wili have little diffi- culty in getting ts.3 distributed and sys- tematlcmlliy'used If they can get people out ta chie-i. Tire churches of ail denominations in 1Whitby ire doing a worth whiie cork for ,Jli community, and ~It would b. nothing ilhort o! a calamlty Ifany ose o! theni had te close their doors or even curtail activi- tics for lack o! moral and finanfciai sup- port. W. have taith te believe that tuis day vili never corne, Take Broad V(ew of SaIary The. question o!fsalary lncrea3es nov be- for&- thc Town Council ln one which, we suismit, should b. conaidered f ram the atandpoint of the, value of and tht iength of service nçudered by tht apphicanta, juat tht saue as ît would b. by any privat Corporation. The Town o! Whitby a.s an em- ployer of liber should give recognition to th. ftt that the laborer ln worthy o! bus hine m"d the Councli should net allov t- Mil to b. lnfluenctd by tht fact that cen- tain citlienu anc not unaking -ai much mouieY todaY as tiity did in pre-eprmalon days, because, viien we come down t0 brame teacks, fev cf us are dolng thiîs today. If a mari worklng for tht Town of WVhît- by/ fa wonth nse ruch money, h. in entitied necelve same. and, ve stîbmit, faitiiful tqervice and eft Iclency shouid b. reeognired, We have ne particulmi- employee ln mind- we are11 oi ntereatd ti eoing the night and honorable thing being doe by the Council on behal! o! the citizens. Then. are three applications for salai- lncrase. Couneilainot obllgcd î<n grant ose or ail cf -theut; each, should b.e ontîd- ered on Ita mclta. r I iW. Not.d ThYft and Rrure of Bas' Doy *«uidn t tise Brnys Nîght banquet fa tihe Tebw a 1W oneFrlday nigt, Public SciroolInspecor R. A. Hutchuson exraad thée -de thafthtie husons taughî by Robert *400ters tuaùyNlbtd i hdad hi Canada today would do zacb t10 siait presat soialmoeacaid religons eo diliosa. Tisevpourive a aIoft placete hounad t te spirt o! puuse.am% . , speet frpuutidalon elmaphu. famly worblp aidm kobdutt »Mbut u aamau hs o vd boit- e#timigve armrnugVhoeail m, e w1yr1 tt kWao .bo «W cd et as sacimi rJht&±s. i est man's tht noblest work of God," he de- clared on one occasion. He encouragd work and perseveraice, and Mr. Hutchison, while in no way opposed to the. pregent systern o! relief distribution because he feels that aIl In need should b. given at helping hand, expressed the belle! that the spirit of Cotter's Saturday Nlght Inter- preted In the. light o! present day needa dcoditions. wouid neduce relief nolîs and induce rmen te mû.e greater effort than ever before to secure oppontunities te engage in honest and self sustainlng tofl. With Mr. Hutchison we most hcartlly agree. W. believe that fi we could retunn to the mnore simple and hardy life of the. Scot- itish plantera, thouiands of who<n have set- tied in Canada and madc good, Caiadà wotild be a much better place In whlch te live from social, economical and religious ttandpoin ts. Sees No Chance of World War There is no)t tht Iciat chance of a world war happening ini the near future- That lu the firm belle! of George Bernard Shaw. diti nguished dramnatisttand author, reveal- ed in an interview with his friend W. R. Titterton for the current Rotarian Maga- ziné. If there were. it would have happened in September. 9, 8 when there waai more iinflanmatory talk and even feeling than there ever was froin the Agadir incident te tht homnbardment of Liege. "What wonuld happen finsi lIn a word war.)" aks Shaw. "Tht ailplnes af A. B. IC. and D wouid bomb thte<ities of F, F. G. and H Sn effectively that the white flafg wauid b. hoisted at approximnately the same time in the stvrnal capitals. and abject pleas for peace would cross each other I tht air." The. tragle nastineis o! this latest 'de- VelOPmnent of varfare la that the. mtt.ack of the civilian Population la absundir easy, h. Points out. Beca&use adequate defense ia im- Possible, the. danger te civiliana of whole.. sale tatinction la greater than evtr bef or rGovenuments of the civllze ontre.. those "Mallequlpped with thse lateat mains of destyuctlon-ere eil avar cf titis fact, "I lnk that mu ar ce o trial" d«4la«e Shm", IfMwM ame Provi d d< ly to b. amis e airal be serappe4. mid Çod viii sosý tbf etaiturft a frmte les. stupld -mmru'y ou ispurposa.Ouro- port ea>"rnbesi reat, or stupldtlea have me"ato. An&. no doubt, ver lone tise greatest of tires,. "But 't delude yoursIf wltii the ase- tien that viiezinations aMeat pesea vus each otiier. tiey are at puc vIitiUmur. sevea. or tt a mua a»d r-ump tr and iniiwnanvorklug «etom aveMu-, lng vagf eafar 'more a4mlrble tiraitire miserable squalo, of ver," hoe omt1tUn "Asnlong as punuacty la cui&"'vIt. b. a virtue, yon viii ha" IteruMrerl van, and you yl hava a a ii.blsaas;.o»jpM""e fe fuw o Tiser. la isa grnt dm1w es la inte agtatemmt Msida e iS Ouet o! Cn a fev damgoM b> KailNenutb. 15e Mev Cousovatve mulerfer fBobtSWteh.. t. tbthtfileafMr br*0Woue vbiei Cou u ipme1 l-_e-, ï i lb. o- wMuret «MW flemi k.1 o mlsu 1<e dollarseham moss-et<MM vi. anre - va* med q a- be founifer tâm I ppse, eb mm«la b. foun hte " * s a - te UaMd wu*?" b. Mu& L If lat tie.ie*bon if t <b om a ls Ut g *Ide Imm op*a- âd btise UeeîJ d w 1bé *e I.tr«d ln peace dayî they bave had work which wil provide them with the necessities of lie, am the standard of thèlr mondle wil b. rilsed Nor la this the tmsk of the government aloae, but of private Interesta wbo have money which, in turne of war they would ghladlY loan for the purchase of armas, but which, if put to work, wQuld flnd jubs for ail who need them in days of peace. Tt is perfectly truc that in a country like Can- ada there should be no unemploymtflt. Lower Bread-Pn-ýe PMight Move Wheat Stocks Tht millions of bushels of wheat in gran- aries in Canada and other parts of the world are causing so rnuch concern that efforts are being mnade to convene a con- ference in 4h. nemi' future for the purpose of considering what can be dont to regulate marketing and-production. ln saine quart- ern it ha. been estimated that tht stocks at the end of 1938 may be in excess o! 1,160,000,000 bushels. One authority la quoted ai saying that the 1938 wheat croli o! the northern and southern hernispheres mmv -exceed by 250.00,00 bushels the record harvest of ten years ago. No one wishes to sec, in Canada at ltast, a repiti. tion of the wheat surptuses and the losies sustained thereby ôf the fateful years cto recentIy ecoed. if the proposed conference should talce place it îs ta be hoped that somiething of real value to producera will emerge trom the deliberations. Tht fight for markets bv meins of state &id cannot proceed fnr long without someone fallin.g in the battle. on. o! thest days Borne genlus mmv canceive the bruilant idea of expanding the demand for wheat by' lowering the price o! bread. Or new usas for wheat i commercial fields mayý b. dlacovered. It seem& far fromn n- tional to keep the. price o! the loi! at its prescrit figure, and at the same time tir consumera in order thut bounties may b. pald te tth. over-pi-oducens of wbeat. Bd Friendly Lfit a.o to be iedn salng tiiutklddlu; t 1si0l~ unw toe WiMuon 7«e U bjeet iou flnd that It is martydàa matter o! habit which grow S yoo If yoUre not careful, wit-h tiie passiage of the yura.You te thte ha"t et nmklag splt«W lremarka without rUtlaig how much barr It dom yotu and how tittie It affects the. cUrer felbow. A koo# tongule fi adaa«u'os vepon any- viser, anytime. Be cardul ef yours thet It ry not brlag sow aid&M rmin lpon your hmad ti the. ".Wtt<h out for un- kturd rmrnkifor snb remurks lrfallbly hNve b.llve tUsaIthu <herbe hi tise St«e - 8fteO tifu Lt La a la à t tia" e< sla tise real oeoemalty laa tw mo~~1 bMtth e e totiw pope tisa la tise mm*ast mi B o te torm- et tise Ppm g<e huisleb uil ll bie u urustas t * ýb W. 'isola ulal19MW 0F tirnes more organizations, than tht church in tiie imali centre. There are, however. 90 ManY other interests to divert the at- tention o! the people i townis ad cities the church dots not mnean ai much to themT. It 18 alsqo true that the people of the rural comrnunities are more devoted to their church and will subject themselves to more personal hardship to ensure ita succeut. The fact that itandii out most promin- ently is that while the farmers of tht pro- vince have had mor difficulty in keeping their heads above water than any other group, they have not laid aside their re- sponsibilitv to their church. Must Be in Writing' Merchants and business men %till be in- terested in some remarks made hy His Honor Judge G. W. Morley, Grey County, in Division Court at Hanover recently. The ca.Re concerned an account o%%ir-g to a gar- age and included in thet daim was a bill for seven per cent. interest. Judge MNorley de- clared that such printed notices do not comply with the stattutei;. île declarej that int--rest chargP.tmru!it 1w '.'ated in writing. Although the case before him %'ta not a major is.sue. Judge Morley did not alow the plaintiff anything for interest. Sone qtaternents sent out from bu.sine.ss. firnis carry the printed wo-rtlx " -per cent. interesit will be charged on overdue Ac- counts," vri, according to Judge Morley this la flot a legal claim and no merchmnt or businesýs man could colle"t irntereit on overdue account.qn 1e~rnt o th'n .qn ,qtàted on thr'ir 5tatenienti. Tiie fîj muat le in writing. jtori No tes The Hon. R. B. Bennett was ahowtred with strpamér. mad confetti vmhen lie board- ed the ocean liner at St. John on Saturda % when he became entanglééd with a we1diniz couple. Mr. Bennett bas kept free of such entanglements, but you never know what an ocean voyage will do to a bachelor. 1County Council of the 1counties of Dur- b.n and Northumberland at its inaugural siOWm got tiirh ywth It., work lni three dhy,. Thé saiaofonedon'uesda y even-.-, Ing and wound up en Frlday afternoon' about tour oclock. Durlng the three days reports were preseiîted frin the same number of comrnittesai govern Ontario County Council. and many important mat- ters were diseusxed and diaposed of. .Im'oe County Couneil got through with its busi-- ne"i ln a week. What la to hînder Ontario County Council from doing the same., Reportg from the Ixeeutive of Whitlby Jntermediat. Hockey Club are that deficits art being piled up after each gamne for Iack of public support. Gamnes art not blag as Iarg.ly attended t" yisr as lait, although the. brand-of hockey beint served up lit on a par witb. If not bette than ln other y«er and the. town has a winnlng toam. Tt li to h. hoped that for thi e mainder of the, home gamnes the attendane wtil Inrease and tat a&l expuises et the Club will be met WbItby hait always- given good 8up- port to amateur sport Tii. homstown e*"My newppr bas a ddwato place Tt vo imb Uposaillfor a Colmmuaiy t. thive vlthout a wemkty mowffpen to kup the.pecq"leitreste4 la thou tlhWe wièe ar, for tbelr o" ibot. teuiet. Spukhig t. a gmop of weekly - 11-t-1111-m4tDubdIIcreently. Nus Atum Nackal, M 1. muud:el tbh* the. weêl Peow aan e i.mportan pt a«. Tb" yane folnyW4uburuidaidmoMt saudmtwta. S» #M . tbUat sb emade al tii. loca dme te *t ii.opi. omttuulmg MiMc- #MtI mot :"gmWM «M>qpe 6 l1m ti tii t t e aoe .I Aoi . * ute*O. hli.V«« a VIEW CONTINENT-WIDE Or Tickets and Information af DAS LV SERVICE MS. C. DREW - Phone 675 WESTERN CANADA S PECIAI BARGAIN E~XCURSIONS Freni ail sta[ion%, ln ta%,tern ( inadm GOINC DAILY - FEB. 18 - MAR. 4, 1939 INCLUSIVE Retu,-n Limlit - 45 l)ays ( 044 lit S Mt frri'qàapn'%tnîàiciv 1'Mt pcr 11111r TOItRi.-T %LIEI,1\<(. t 'Rs it Lf., approxirnatlY 1,.c per ,nik. ?. % tf%% ) %Rî>1) liN -r1 < altus .L t r' ipprixiiiitI1% *i rpe'r , coli O!'<( >MOI1IONIN slEFIINC1AI ; )lIIS~ ltll.ýi lu ted So ne t Pori t ur:Iî r vrnîroî,r. (b hîrign and West. SILREXCURISONS FRONT WTSTERN TO EASTERN CANA&DA DUlUNG S.VME PEIOD 1< krt3.silcrping t ar [trrr'.a ion, 3iit U nforlinatio,î roiti ay agent. c AN14A D1ANMNATIONAL Defenses for Dominion Cali for An Expenditure 0f Nea rly $86,OOO090OO i Bîgger Air Force and Navy 1'ýaitiltig of Pilots ~ ~ St tes, cludcing 'irciait, arl ULncrse eav /fnstes n,.,,, $2 218160 and Supplies Are In Work.ý, and biîRtîîî;i.3 1'000.000 cludeci$3 228.180 ýM1.cltaneouât CIVII gov'erlInImcI:air oper- Ottawa. Jan 26 -PiýIlament Ls fttliîi $100,000 this y'ear betng asked to vote $83.- N Wl'. & Yutkon tacito 70,375 447,175.42 for national deteiue. corIl$170.ài75 pared ta the $35,996,524.42 vot.ed Comtng next to projected ecpendl- ln 1938. turcs. not ta be -.oLed this year. tise The large., figure. alalst double total la $22,062,606. Tis comprisesq of lait jear'ý% vote, doci fot teU thse these itemn: whùé toy.Ho. a iakenzle. 'Miitia Service choi atoy. Hi~. AU Çotlsaug. armnament andi MIniater of gNaUonM <Defem h as ja ignal elîîîpment ..... SlÈn eS Itnated Mt atIan'ea t$2,2.,6065'Ammultion.......I2i 0 wiii be requ1red in fulure ye rs toi160 6 complele the contracu i. are]SIAir Force etdIRred ifltOtItis year, Thus. thse Aircrait, origines and actual defens program whichla spares .$2r,700,P0iot à toal penitue of$8550.81.Aircral t, engines. rparps. $641.849 As w&% lndicated thesic expendi- Works and bullaînga 120.000 turcs are too. large to put ln one yeara, budget to b. colkected througis $61,840 taxation ln a 12-monta So the gev ________ emument propos-, ta distrIbute the er:endltures in *',,efollowing mari- MISSINfi SON 15 To epi for thla year: ortinsry current expenses and aiUgfund. 434.042,0a3 FOUNO IN JML1 'l'o be voted tisa n ar for capi- tal account, ta be pald for hy a tn-year debenture Issue, $29.- Fmtber Corne From Sud- 405.02.bury District to PMte- yrseI ecmimft et boro>-Asks Rclemse Peterborough, Jan. ZO.-Miagdgf MIdlng tbat the. total cS oU e- fi-rn bis homne for elghteen montha, arnment l13(00 greait toincluda la Davld Rutdhinson Wu reunlted La add L t fth feléa l bu t wihwlth bis father yesterday mter-tht out ptovision for Ita rettremient, theImater traveiied by skis, auto and Item 01SWA2,45.02 on capital mc- train front h13 flthing camp at Lake. couticli . nsa'tze j t ygi-.,Peiia"ne, feur WhiteFlM.,ln tht ebntwil e motîtdàntO YUt tSudbury district. ,ne cot et litterest and ainitins. he oy, nl 14 when ho Ieft- aan Ual ln U. budge t é "é -home, la servlng -a ten-day sentee annualy inthe bdget.formgrancy he. 'Me mounlon The voteofUtMo n 'di' c=me about when a frlend of Mra. acýemt i ciipay for * th gami OUtIî unnoWoda police court re- .1 oporati" athetmfa .dqwartatiat port in -a paper. andi knowlng thse Md CO O Ii. armaesni M-ather aought the. boy. arate te tMM te chi coe awmdet lu PM-- J . y"loua baarm Virndy the 1&ther, Henry 0. Catt4. XauteMtchlnaonset ouit ram hl& camp TtCapital accownt ,to e .f uaddo sis cow - the. laite te the -9« * <yflP"d malaid. chere a frlenti-dreve hlm lllcmn te :Ite a Ut R e arrive& boe.at noozi MuiL Ito i dhbson atUllhâd fva dy ButidiaaMad wcos -.401»ôOIN5 » -MnaMu% sudequlparat 4MIM ). it*C= wh Co #AAVMlUM . .. . .759»5 Mtorn. V. J.Imeldrty . viho Wu UWotWO ............. 49M unable to do anylarlng ciller than ......onk oetiet Dr. Hrtublus, M.P. fer 1.1:. àwf aie The latter agred to steek - sem i S40etramthe Departarent of ~ ~ JUatiPoq-se oboy could beI bet- U tia-fateCUtai cIi ie no tiplufla- U1U ion lrylb.qoy eft heM. 1ebW 1no tpimnce, b. a.MU, Iusý dlsp- ,,M pun&a, 80 fer >(r. nutaleism ia EDITORIAL PONT .1' ( a E tir e: ai h ci o9 dl i t i 4.- r 4i~ 1 1 rAUL - l'WC) in A eV orqvl^ v

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