Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Nov 1936, p. 4

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- .- t -, THE WHrrBY GAZETTE & CHRONICLL .THM1SDPAY N~OVEMBER 26, 1936 ODOISH IURCHIESH Miii Evelyn Hay, of Toro nto, speiit the week-end wth -Miss Bet- ty Wildler, Byron St. N. MrB. J. E Thompson and family ýeft this' week for Toronto, where they will reside lu future. A report of the', Castie Chapter meeting held on Monday wIll 'lap- pear lu our next Issue. Mr. aud Mrs. A. E. Patterson at- tetided the banquet of the Ontario Milk, Dlstributors' Associationlu thet Crystal Bail Rooma, Kng Ed- ward Hotel, Toronto, on Wednes- day eveulnfg. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Humphrey and Mrs. Mason who 'moved from Whltby to Oshawa - two mnoutis ago, have returued to Whltby and, have taicen Up resideuce ln the Wallace bungalow on Green Street. St. Andrew's Ladies' Aid lias plans completed for their aunual concert and supper on St. Andrew's niglit,- Monday, Nov. 30th. A splen- did program of Scotch songs and dances haýi been arrangÊd following the suliper. The Women's Parish Quilci of Ail $aints' lu holding a sho wer prev- lous to the annual Bazaar lu the Pârlsh Hall on Monday afternoon. G$fts of ail kincis for the Bazaar wilU be most acceptable. -Final ar- rangements are being made for this ovent- whlch takes place ou Friday, December 4th, tIn the Council Cham- -tr. Al members and f rieuds .are 1nýedto.both these events. The regular monthly meeting of the Wèmen's Mlsslonary Society o! the Unlted-Qhurch wll be held ou 'Xusday, Dec.-4st, in the Sunday Sçhool room at 3ý.0 p.m. This being the last meeting of the year, agood attendauce ix hoped for. 7bTe- report of the nominating committee'wlE be brought lu ana thse executive Would appreciate it vry miuch if the remnaluder o! the envelopes for 1936 were broughi or Bent lu at tits time. Mrs. Whittles group will have charge of the>meet- ing.. ý NEWS, 0ýF THýE WEEKt IN __i______ Al S aints' Meuns Club wtll hold their nomination meeting ou Wed- nesday, P)ecember 2ud. I tet- bu lioped that a large number o! men wiill be prescrit"and that there wil be many nominations for the varlous offices. The'Women's (uslltute lu holding9 a.five-day short course la planning- and preparngmela1 cmmencing Nov. 3th, lu the Council Cianiber: and Dec. .1-2-3-4, r lu AU Saints, Parlsh Hall, at .2 p.m. Plan fo- at- tend tIlpse. meetings as. they willl be mostýinlttresting and'instructiîve. DEATE 0OF MARY FARRINDER .Tht deatb occured ai loi 29, Con. 6,, Darlingion Township, on Tues- day, Nov. 24th.. 1936, o! -Mary Earleen Parrinder, buloved daugh- ter o! Welter and Hazel Parrinder, aged 10 years and 6 months. Tht funeral took place on Thursday. Inierment was made ï1 Hampton Cemneiery.- ST. ANDREWS SUIPPER AND CONCERT St. Andrtw's n1glit, Mouday even- ing next, Noveraber 30, is to bu ap-1 proprlaiely recognlzed and celebrat- ed lu - Whitby, when tht Ladies' Aid o! Si. Ancfrew's Presbytenlun churci wlll -hbid thein annual supper, an& concert.lun, the Town Hall. -,Tht menu'for tht _supper will, remlnd those attending of thet-"Land OU tht Heaiher," ,whlle foiowing, there wl be a Scotch concert, uniden the direction o! Mrs. P. N. Sprutt.. CITIZENS' BAND TO GIVE CONCERT Whitby Citizeus' Bana! ias plan-' ned to present its- firsi concert o! the season lu tht Town 1Hall on. Suuday> evening, .Decemaber. th. The band!, under tht leadership of -Mr; Erie 'Clarke, lias mude really wondenfui progress dùring tht pai year.,Many o! tht. boys wlio v wre Jusi beginners a. few monils ugo ,eau play exceptionally well -and those5;i<o can attend tiil concert have 'a real and- pleasant surprise lu store. ', Local utists wiil assist ndM. yor A. WV. Jackson. a warm friend o! tht band, will bu chair- Man. T AT UBTRATZ -BETTZR' SIGHT CAMFAIGN -Jusi wliai consiltutes good llght- ing ai home and ai school? Thlu là a mmi Iimportant question -and ont lu whhch tht'Whitby Public Utilhty Cox mission ha hntertsted as:it seeka" tco-oprate WIth tht ProvIncia HYdro Comnmsion lu lis "Btter Light, Beiter Sight" campalgu. .Somethhng o!, tht new service o! seemng, wlth suggestions -for malcing over opld 'lampa, wlll bu dlscusstd, ai à meeting lui the - CouncIl Chamber on Wednesday - evenlng nexi,'De- cembur 2nd, ati eghi o'clock' wlien movingpictures wlll bu shown to illustrate ilîs stibJect. AUl c1tizens Who are lnteresied lu btter light and, btter sight- are urged te at- tend. There will bue no admissioli fée.. TO ELEOT OF FICERS r£ht A. Y. P. A. o! Ail Saluts' WU -hold their aninual eleciion 1o! officers. on, Monday%*,night nexi,' Noveinber 3Oih. GreatIinteresi lias 'been arouaed. by the announeemeni o! tht preparationa for a mnutrel show, which lu to bu held lu thet Town Hall on. January iSili nexi. Sld .Enakine ta is tedireçtor, and lie las gaihertd aroursd hlm ýan able- band o!flielpers. ST. ANDREW'S MEN ELECT OFFICERS At a meeting o! Si. Andrew's Men leld "on Mouday - evenlug. lu the Sunday Sehool room, tht followlng officers were elected: «. Presiclent.-James. Read. Vlce-Pnesidteut-Aý. A. Walken. SecretaLry-Clianles Cowie.- Treasurer-Thomas Semple. ý Tht Executive Commlittee, wlch comprises the - officers and Pasi Président James Rosa, wIU draw up a liai o! commttees and à, pro- gramme for;the season. The men .w*111assisi tht women o! tht dhurci lu connection with St. Anidrtw's- asupper md concert te bu held on. Monclay ýevening -nexti lu tht Town Hall, and also tlitSunday, School lunherpre3enta ofo!ieir unnual Chizstmas, conicert. SILVER TEA The silven te& whlcis waà held ai the home o! Rev. and Mrs, RUusseU O'Bnltn. bletht 'Women's -Associa- tion was -a most successful ont. Tht proceeds whlch were lu aid lot tl£e Flower Fond weru very grathf:y tn'g. Tht following p namewas g&en during tht course o! thse afternoon: Two solos, by Mrs. A.. Sturges "lu a Litile Old Ganden" suùd "h Passed By Your Window"l; a, rtadlng -.by bMrs.Frankc Wells,. l"Tht Journey o! LI es'; uud:a piano solo.. by Mrs. Vernon Rowe, "Min- uet' by Setbuclc. Tei was poured by Mns. C. E. Harper, Mns. R. Clem- ence, .Mrs. A. B. Edwards. sud Mrs. Wesley Augustus, tht table bing pneti.ly decraied wluh- yeflowam FTEACHERS BEI»MEETINGý The localbmanèh 0f tht South ,)ntanlo Teacher' .Fedtaion led taý annual meeting ai King Street 3dhool, on Wtdntsday. evening, lovembur tht tigliteenth. ai whlci *leý fôlloYiing officers were elected or thecomlflg year: -Preident--Gordon EB. McBniîde, - Vict-Presideni--Carrit Harris..- Secretary-Treasurer - W. Jean Mfddieton. Conveners o! Membrslip- Oco. Rendal sud Dorothy Lockcyer.- Convener o! -Research--Chaflst Simpson. Tht -renialuder o! .tht, evenlng was spentinl gaines, affier which refreshinents wene served. by tle King Etreet, staff. INTERESTING -DISATE AT - BAPTIST -LEURCU' Tht menits and demerits of farm labor .Vertus faciony - labon wene puraded1lait Monday night ai thtl Baptisi dhurci, as-teains o! tht BYP. U. lougili a yerbal battis. tô decide the issue. «Fan labor was declared tht vîctor. Parm- 'labor wus supporte» by Elmab Green sud Rowvardlne Michael, and. factory labor by Ted -Adamsanmd Dudley Wilson. It was suggeated thatthe ladies art o! conversation set tise malt debaters ai a dlsadvantage. Four members,0f tht Toronto Un- Ions were guestisud iliret were press@» Into > service as. Impartial Judges. Mn. George Hanrys,. Secre- tary o! the huter-?rovtnchal Con- ventIon o! Baptlat-YoUng People, ad- - dj;essed the members Q! tht Leader- slip Training Course, urglng thai tht Wlhtby Socle ty organise 'a course. Plans, were discussed for -Mncayý%s. meetinig, wlich will bu under tichre o! tise social group o heicety. -- FAILY NIGUT AT TE UNITED CHURCUX Lait Wednesday tie- second Pu=- lly-Nlgttt 1*ý United Ohurci was su enthuslasilo meeting. Thtre haI suIt zoo m for newcomesi ai'any Urne 1 to aitIsuad taJke part. The varlous.groupa chose names indicg- tive o! ithlitype 'o! activliy, and forecasttd'thethtilng ,whlcb they were prepsnlng te do. Nexi Wed- uesday. Vm c.2, tht third Faim11y_ Ntht:takes place. 'Tht Readtng fine repot on tht, recent 1300k Pair wMl revlew-a cuùnt publica- tion, nor next wtek. ThetLitle Tistre Group (ThtMu=ro) wIu get uncien way. wtb thre ne-aet pisys. Tht Hobbies Oniup (ob- bietes) plana te-do b"oc-prhitingt and ecdiont-lits or ber . wn Clitimi carda. Thse,-Cornent. Events Oroup (Tht Bubmsziew plans thave niembera o!fUthegroup te 1.1f. a cureti event thqy have remd. It wll belIthe nature. a "br lets section."'.Then there vili ite ý% goimura-discusson on "Interna'. tional- Dauers and tht Munition', rMn. MiTe discusion wvi De oped by Mm. Dr. C atipi. Il is f uggea*ed Usat an excelent bookc $0 CO.CU ,Matched Sets The -Last Word iD c.c.m. "Nemo" Matched Set $4035 C.C.M. "Cco Matched Set $5.65 C.C.M. Boys' ýor Girls'..Matched. Sets - $3.50 Sizes 3 to 5' $3.95 Any Set sbown'i - C.C.M book procured on 24 hours notice. -Sold withA Guarantee Buy: ,Proven, Performance' HOCKEY.I STICKS, PUCKS, and Other, Acceèss&ories.* ARDWARE- BROOK ST. SOUTH. pRUNE 25 Al intschurch. !INNUAL IN1 COUNCIL CHMBER- ýecember 4th. 3 O'CLOCiK Christmas Noveltits UstfuI Articles Nome Oooking White Elephant Chlldrea's Corner TE-A 25 centé MANSTREET* ANO' SlIDESTREETS If you want to get away from- everyday cares, and get a -perspective on what reaily matters, - take à6 couplp: o! congenial younsters wlth you. and spend' an aflrnoon along some, creek, and, through- the f ields. After you have lilmbed over and- crawled under jsundry fences, have crossed: a creek lu perilous fashion os-. au old- log, and have had your companions show, you the remains of teda m they built last suzÛmeri aftiryou have ,helped them break. tht Ice that edges -the.-blrook,. and* have picked- specimnens of seed-pods and be rnes strange to you, aiid-have scuffled your feet. lu the dead leaves lu somie oak and maple grove, where y ou dlscover a hierýYose-Ush, and wonder If It had sirayed there f rom .somne garden, you have liad' a les- son in Nature study that Ï.wýlll be a pleasaut memory lu timneto corne. Od lumsD:rug Store is ulce these days with 'Christmas goods, beina, opeued up-. Their Uine of cards la. tht finesi -I have seen, especilly the Canadian cards. Beautiful Canadian calendars as low as. 15c, aud lovely seals, wrappings.and. boxes.. -.How's this for cyicsm?-,"Do unto others as you know they lutend doing unto you -only, do it~ first " Have you seean"'thie grand new hockey outfits at eolllus' Shoeý Store? We adviseý you to cail and look. thema over. PrIced $2.R8 up. A1.so a co;nplete 'line-aud I mnean coin- plte- o! rubber: ,ai prices lu mauy cases iower thani city- pnices. How about a'fiited*traveling-case for'thc j girl -frieud.is Christmas glft? Extra nice travelling goodsa t this - store., Along tht Restigouche River, lu Nonihern New B--wick, miles from- civilization, there lýanau oIc! ciaring.1 Tht oldesi Inhabitautor lumberman, lias -no -recollection- o! who f irai cleaned the land; I saw i once, while, on- a huntinýg-tnlp, a f airly . large field, pantly gone bar'-,to tht bush. wth a square lu aa tile meadow that la kn'wu as "Radhle's Gurden." Who Rachel was,1 no: ont. now- living knows. TradW~on saysc-ber garden la tle grave o! a chilid, who died there lu yeurs long gone, miles from a doc- ton, or even' human compunionsshp.' htish certain thai someone, once lived there ýwho loved flowers, for, althougli run oui and sall;, they c-n stillI bu found lu ibis amall plot,- old-fashioned Sweet Williamis. and* phlox and Pnide o!'Londoli. And thtseed must. have'benh taken, there by thai early settler more miles tbhxi 1 cr-e to thInle o!. Dots t 'matier ai utis time thai gallaut Rachel, who has now dust, loved flow-ý ers? I 111e te think it does. Calllug ai, Bell's, I fo'und Mn. Bell getting tht store,-reacqy for Christ- mas.- goçds. - Titre are some flue bargains this week-ýend.' Goods belug clçared oui to muke - room are going for. very lutile. Too muny to- eiium- traie.- Cal'nd ,set hem. h do not tliink auy o! us who at-- tended the Womeèn's Institute meet- ilig on'Pniday will ever forget ôurý contact will tle indomilable spinit and finl cleerfulness o! th<' blind people who talked to us, andl dernonstrated their. work. I- til-k we'ail f eh ashamed thai .we, with ou-r sight, accompliali so ile. lun commissnwltb these. We hope you onder your milk and crealu from the Wlltby -Dalny. Mn. Cowhe teIlîsnie theirbuttermhlk, ha a popular speclaliy. Have -you titd *SPRINO - :ý"MATTRESS 'WEEK. "AT - Marlow and-SIrowgers,-, WoHave Thom For Five, Yer Guar- antee- Bust Vai n. e SE «.OUR,.WINDOWS THEY, TELL. THE STORY Mar--wand Strobwgieir Fu Miturand Fuaing PHONE 3 R- WHIBY, Announcements BED BUGS. ROACHES, -RATrS, mInce', exterminated, furnIture, iclothe s, homes,ý moth proofed by licensed. fumnigators. References supplied.-Box -25 Gazette Office. PIRE,!, PIRE! I PIRE -COME to:tht annual Bail and Railroad Euchre of. the Whitby Pire dC-om-. peny, on -December 411i. lu Town Hall. A voluntary* company, that. ,uelp you lu- case of fine,: day tnue, or" middle, of night -so: why fhot help theu. >-Buy a ticket. HARVEY DONEY- AT THE ON- tario Ladies' College, .on - Satur- day, Nov. 281h, at 8 p.n Tht pub - lic, are. Invited. Admion 25C. PINGERi-WAVING - 25c, W ITH shampoo. 40c; -permnanent wvs folr tht balance o! Noàvember only -45.00. wavýes for _'3.75; -$3.75 ýwaves for $2.50;. $2M 0waves -for $1.05.' Wllhemine Rieli, 135 Byron StreetNorth. PRINTED CHR ISTMAS GREET- ING* CARD)S- AT MODERATrE PRICES. Outsiandlng dèésgns. Sce -our. samples. Mundy-Cioodifeilow ýPrlnting Co., Whltby. LADIES, ATiI'ENTrINI A 5.00 ýper- manent wave fret. Will be given at Heleni's Beauty Parlor lucky draw, New, Ydar's Eve. For fur- ther particulars, phone 237. ST. ANDREW'S SUPPER ýA"D CONCERT lu, Town Hall on -mon- day, Nov. 30. Supper servedt fronu 5.30, until ail are servýed, followed by a good musical program of Scotch sougs, by *the Choir, also Scotch lassies from - tht' Budmal Academiy, Toronto. 'Supper, 5c. Children 25c. ,Concert- only,. 25*' WE HAVE AN EXCEPTIONALLY. FINE LINE 0F, CHRIS'TMAS greetlug1 cards ai prises to' suit any purse. Samrpies glac$' showun. Mundly-Goodfellow Pnng Co., Whitby. RESERVE TUESDAY, DEC.-15TH for St. Eernard's School Christmas. Concert, to be held in Panish Hall. .Admission 26c. THE LOCAL SALVATION Affly Home. League: wtilhold thein an- nual: Sale'o! Work, on -Saiurday, Decemben l2ih.- A PIVE-DAY SHORT COURSE under the auspices of: the Wo- .men's Institute lu "Planning<aud Nov. 30hinlutht Couneil Ohamber. and. Dec. il 2. 3, 4, lu Ail Saints' Parlsh H-all,,ai 2 p.m. Miss Gert- rude A.- Gray, o! thé Departmnent, "Fi1eld AssistantIlu Foods and--Nu- trition," lu charge, mhe rfee.will bu 25 cents -for Institute mnembers and-50 cenUts t non-mnembers, nnaking them a nuember for the year. AUl the ladies are luvited :te attend. RING TE PIRE BELL!I OUR R OUSE 15 ON PIRE! Tht volun- teers turu out and-qulckly put it oui. 1Why not turn t and help -the Firemen ai -their,àpual .Bal and Euchre. LetËËmak.e)li thé, best yet. Nine good prises for euchre,- an-sudHnnigan's -Radio Orchestra Vfor dancini. -HEAR DR. -HARVEY DONEY, baritone, Toronte, ai a recital te * .be gîiven ai tht Ontario Ladies- OCollege, Whib y, Sgturday even- ing, November ",28. aoclock. /Citizens are'luvited. Admission,, - 25c. their icé-cream lu bricks? You'l, like It ML you do. - lor teachlng, there is an opeposte, bellef. Belleve in prede stination and electioni, and someont wil try' to couvert you to a bulle! lu frtee *Mil Tne Pro tecioniÈi se-ts ouly his- aide o! -the argument, the Fret -Tradei- sets the t ollir Tht, wntr o! fret verse se'orus-.tht acceptd form, and vice versa. Jusi .7z. I. had begun te think -the idea'o! friendllutswas being. 4"sold". te the 'world, along comes a man,.(no, not an Oularlan) and proceeds. to knock my ide asinto a - cocked. bat. -,"No r.lce person," lie says, "'ever speaks te aà stranger ou a train orý bus. Especlally dots, he -or ýmore. likely she 1- neyer- smtle ai anyont. unless personally acqualu- ted. Reailynice peo ple go along, tyts alieud, minding thetr own business and -expectilg ailiers. .t3'mid. ilielrs!" Well, well. Do teil!, We .ail kn" iw tîe. 01 story o!. tht, man cast awgy on an Island--who couldnot speak te hIs fellow castawaYs, lie-- cause they liadn' een lntroduced. And we:shahl go, ou-as we were, bu- ù 1: relal na:wsty." If you like our Uitile columnn wont: you drop-us a lineeat.tht office, and tel! usso I thank 'you. J~WeddIngs -BUR#TRUSKY-HOGEL A, quiet but preiiy wedding was. -soiemnlzed on Saturday mornlngi Nov. 2lsi, ai îhe manse o! Slnicoe Steet United -Church, Oshawa, -by' tht Rev. Ai D. .-Robb,- wlietMurief h. - iigii,, daughtcr o! Mn. suad Mns. Alonga- Hogel, Whutby, bucame tht bride of. John Peter Buntruiky o!f Whltby. Tht -bride wone a'rusi-col- ored travelling suit with -. hat - te m atcnd a corsage o! carnations. She was saitendied by «the sister o! the. groom, Nu" s Mary Buntrusky, and Mr. Harny Hogel, brother o! tht bride,- supponted thegroom. -Mr. sud Mrs. Bùrtruaky wtll reaide. lu Whitby. SHERIDA-CUNNINGHAM- O!- luteresitotôtheir friends Ilu Whîtby wau tht marriage 'ô! Ivyý Cuinnfngliam,- 'wldow of tht. laie James Qum=lgbam, and i daughter of Mn. isud-Bra. 'George Wilson, o!. Lindsay, to Lawrence Sheridan, so n o! Mr.. and -.M4e .John' Sheridan' Whitby, Psiday- night, lu, St. Jolnï's PHONE 94 . -By Popular Reque BACON~ - perl OjIiy Limited Quan oYI In uBulk Per Haif Pint... FULL LI] Specio,1 At R.'C C hurcb. Eev. Fathen Rý offcîated ut tht nuptial mass,a tht bride was aitendeci - y DA Maniha Sheridan, asster of!- groom, and Francis Webb acted busi- =nu. Tht bride wore a bni enepe dress, -and matching access ies, and tht bricissmald was gowl lu bnown crepe, wlth niatchlng ceasorles. '-A reception was I ufier tht weddlng and -tht cou lefi for'tht west,- and upon tt return wilreslde lu Whitby. AMATEUR SHOW FOR- WELFARE FUND Plans for tht amateur show to rslaged by the Whltby Lions' C on Thunsday - eveninig, Decen l0i lu tht Town Hall, for tht bel f it -o! the Christmas CheerE BETTER Li Ni bc abi seeni, liàhtec easy you. Pt<hIic OF THE TOVW Ju st w G.6ood Li andI wi be AU Perim cc 1- - r ~ t--- R,.- FOUR I - WHITBY THEATRE, WHITBY- PHONE,118 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Lait Complets Show ai 9-"Suturday.Matnte ai* 1.30 SATURDAY EVENING SHOW STARTS -AT 6.30 MAt MONDAY -TUESDAY -WEDNESDAY TWO SHOWS AT 7.W and 8;oo

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