Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Jun 1935, p. 7

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POAGE SEVEN TrHE WHITBY GAZETTE & CHRONJCLTlrURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1935 SIINIE BEAUTY BRIN5S HOT1HOUSEAN STORE INTO ONTARIONMBR Acce8sibiity of Resorts &M Outdom Attractions UnequaIl.d tgi Land Vil ot uiy min- I115 -dut les iso la -stili re- :1 I i 'I UANADA'3 EXI'ORT3 ON THE INCREA-SE Figures up Four Mil- bions From Year ay ori Cati was cro yea that outs Ki STOR-DOR See the New Model Westinghouse Dualmautomatic REFRIGERATORS at Our Showrooms Beautiful, Ufetime "abnets of weld.d steel. Duel. attu , erm~enc&y hed matukig reof lvorth automaidec, hecrot lyaaid uswchnam fe. j while advasscements you're lever' men. Ansd the LOWEST PRICED refrigeratoe Weo"ighouae ha. ever offered. 'Mse new mod.la ame ERE. Se. ebem NOW. (19y JACK HA?fLETON) (0ntaio0 Tourtat ana l'rave, Ontio ls prep&" sitei lthse TKcil equirMeuDa1<of the msoderan motorist, to berkofl hlm & .lng W@llbullt bigbw&ys to lthe serenity of its Pasturles. thse grin <eur of it titi«s snd the Pil- srênto> Irmîtof ts forett. 1-cr tbirty-fivie !e&s. prarlical- jy pvince the firpt automobile jstartledti <le quiet iof thse r0ufltY- side. Ontario has platnnCd. <'Of- strurted andld ,tende-<1 its bigh-i -sy issîtem. Todais tne5C roads crias-frofsi and rioler liq surfae in à multitude of ',n" l1ke thse urirîkles on an nid Man's face. Witbin titis rystem there aire ï mote .han 69.001mils f huig- % ays. of wbiels 45 .ý7 emileisef .seen improyed asfl .rfared and ro I7 milles have b bcîs paN ed îTht,..lover 7'3 per rer? of t il readi of thse Jrotnce are capable or oferint a secur,. ana eomfott- able avenu# of lrstispotalon in thIC mn i rt a car Not aIl of tises, t-uads l'ie i e eider *e<tiols cf lte Prorfice a ber. the populatio~n ila bee thé communhhleg more ffu àr. rt- entres of prîpulstior n ter jr'sl'knitlt orçtbtr Ji ~b.f te rlde upcn pastirrifoý The above mode! wiII give you.r favorite s.î ie'îCa ie rs j Contestant 6,029,100 votes iDHot i igtb uuterb'dt i ile quailv 01ossîbe1t» mct'Ir ln xtncothlil'fr('sm 1T-Wo 1,' S A ~u !1l COME IN - SEE THE 'seoPe1att is '. 5 f S L Se paveti, or tln dri"e 5oi0t5 thi! tr I~ e y ~ t I [ 0 Iauton Hichwas paitithe g rrat Ilirougt the %orid-facnoun mining ;dîstricts or Cobalt and rc'rcupinr- R A D IO S1t IoCochirane. visich s hlesthon» 1&0 mil"s soulitof Jomes fia". carryns from 2,510,000 vote&. t!he l o i a altern f Hadfon Alaothelatt inWESING OUS ELETRI STVES James Rai, ais flot more thar s Ale tb itea [nWETINHOLSEELETRI SOVE ihep. skip, and lump f rom thse give you from 2,M8,000 tos.Norths Polo.ie oda ge rarefully bave ter4wy of Ontario been plance4 andi s» rapidly have tisen been cîlendeti tbat Dow they reacis ouItO teinir thé 11m1têrist le direct tourts i r < matir are s<a nnfire 'cars FRED LANDON , yi eeiaeail xeib train and. ln scieraI Instanrop Phone 271, Brock St. North e:'y byateptant. EtrePt i IbU jperlor-anti #teps are nOw bein: _____________________________________________ taken te reniedy luis stuation- Itiser. asi rrcly a setion nf On- 9 j farie 15mb caonnt be rq*rhe4 coIn. Ra la , D I. .forbhy and eheaply S>' lie 0wn agla - ~ .îîm.that TI~Eer ef a privaI. automobile. little grias an abo-s Tise ~ ei pn th,* pubie tssnd (Ni". liosm il Stler. Cor.) WOrO sateIy4ueick 10 bed; bai bel e u L Ta lo»s e 1'<AGLAN, lunn IR.- tr an d 'ôo put iaway yoilr books *Smite' boit Sacl5104ftMr exceede tisai ef çay guests o! Mr. rtncb Mrr is.'Vout itile legs and f*t basê--'un Iliumier lerretes atinaîl>. 1.5. buStek . 1 About tise whiole #Ry tistougis. lear more ihan 3,000.000 AmonI. Man' tînt ilire rio iii Afld n outoMobies aentened Ontario. lr'ndtnce n ri AnrdtYeu lhave had i b eap of fila. Are.dY it la apparent tisai ibisi vIr n Plii Griv (ýli.-try For littie boys 1k. you. - fiure .111 W surpaisfed th(& at-. l'rince Allprt, i» lSunda lttyum tr t rtati E s109 OIlly iii ts oistu _Mrý . Lird %1Millet o' s' ia. P ro ad l lne itl l 1tt entj frrîm cinnoque #'for P ks u.ule. our m a t":o 6bigwas'.tist ai Ostolbas.i But i.yd.rMa îogi tle attrl sraeatlO.'titaîtl l <'nl1 ceulti nôt tbink 1t e otyft cut Il& demain snd ho pis*then adMr. A.rJ.Nroq It .iitlIn li At aur-h a4 lime as t<lti Whu'ef t ie>corne hl btaexielîded andMi.A J h;rie "ce hT0WhIt es'er aou4.yotâr fDed &&y ita.if iother dlrn& " aasWelL rOfln oe da lat "<cI.If ho could t@ ieYou soi. l1a thse mon>' fonêstar«Is mui Tise young min nir-- organislne Corne now iantIgrive 1105e l'ara i11014 a Merlted luire for th isehi- aL hAll tibati tlnplas'At 1A kit ;un- away*. rman. the huonrand lise cirto'- da Fch»lp a akee f" Ani offto heti yen go. 'ti, tt e auenq i las*acen t4 Pfir. OshRuna. Jiir 2Pîth itil bth(le traits art e wIJisept N118,4 l,aurrni. ittîler. r o-'o do net tiink it tg so la ' and imreanmanket nn NW'lIîon nind MI'and I rm. JisI lar 1hat old 0 etotiks . 01yforséï patrol and 5êI'oplnft l-loyd Mllertscro tîsitors withs One,- two, tites..four.,fove., sx, lit bas bau avigilantIfun Pretectins Nir. ad Mrs L w'otdq. NMyrtit, on' aveu. elobt b*<hai*aasafso reiar. Aihisousih 5undhv. T ~~ialt. 0091tio utigs 0 k.'jtta gaâme *athc "ay*es avea. Nr.Maie, 'Sr , lha& returne4 Sow 190 andI w&#% ygu705e > an d fp«r*te h b . eaattbl*,il biÎ Ins Godoond, afer vspending sOi f face tiean ce fl 4masi eaîilï Pr.11 'sek% m<th lier daugoiter AnJdean it-tisOItefl 01111' 1 0 Pla<ed u0010e th&n 80.060,ebO lits. A. J. Pilkie. Thon get te bd ottr tisai tho jiaoffl 6 arlotgia ri 1se Bah ID tise Un lé pn h ex Plat*e l< e fet tise P'O"taerthitaii fdm1t isI'n er p entth W 1 ' For Ilte boys 11W py«. isive Pnoved most pepUlar ,îîb <nl l lerpnitsat Seatravu 1sp&risumib. MisA Violet Thotapon cf To-1 nIdi'tfrh( isi&u >'ari yt*et flwuca. rnntn, ýas a mweek.end visilor ni h :. It hbu de'mloped tise aiIdg*a ted 11cr home lîcr bel?.mid > oSsa îaeeeuî< o f tis* rt*vaee Iâto a teetb; ;ol bied , 4 capelle. » ept esP1e l'lie pîrranir ruieti tp extit-_ lv. nover flsc1,46 dewsef~ ~ tei Pi 'P&as.. bas,' The blktnbsas A boy' 11k. Deisb7 lêtittscilAttis il etefdoa ha, fallen "P ta hîfs ktie's ln tise Thse $&m 0 5e bi <8 ,*tisist. frm, aî,¶.ils issm4steg 'nond." lie tslôitel. thse lest isord *st i l!e ~ pils a6aslc ieGrti "'Oh.,liel I gs out ail riglst,** L*ço, ta*b lyonàrasit **a oIl~>« S~h,**asiaadve Raid ,lîP farmeér, uatoncernaedly. riglit. ybtw a49 'Yo f nbais, bot ha fe la ii Refero, "Va40tgo »4. ii<la. haa a*& su tisa ifoa.i iritlrt." cano lthe quîck reply. -1t. .RItt. f<>VI '% 1.09,. CaMPÎ if Ibo "I'tes* 1te ettat is ass etmattue4teeu is èICKIRINGý Do minion Day JULY it C- PARK pu ato i il Perfoams loi maetv de6 !et e id tis peolme huatiefmu a e*Nat tmt * t 0< »mueIr éO *ttethi ,g* 4<e h .Sa0< fe% weeks &go. on bue bouses andi b U5fl ilte listeti i'eow. numbers hast a1red y been ,'îîabligbed. ain> nunbers oie araillbli i5t »C5 h&rdusiae stores Neat t ,e'k a furthpr list %111 be pubiisised. snid sn thse meantîme. Dr. Vaàniyr'> wnl bu pleaaed to turnîts any In-' trmatlnn requireti. Dundai street mOrt iort>' Iidm et dcccl commentcittl ai-Bec treet 100-A. YiAli 102-Dr. F. S. Mille 1 02--Canadisu Legion rrs'ii 104--Dominion StoreS 106-À. E. Sturgésa% l<>5--r. B. B. Boston 1 10- Fred Walter$ Il 3-Ciarles King 114-4;rsy Crans Lino,% t h9-Charc.le aet 1Z0-T. lierIrt Wîls-.on 1!:-H. Tufker 1.4-.t; lrcrs 1:6--Ciintott Pascoe 130-BR. 8. Hatch I 30'-3til'iGarage 1 zI-The Publie Library 220-The Roman Caîbolle sep. arato Séboo. 04-411M ag1l8* Csit 404-0. X. Gco4telloiw t@8-»'. r. A. Caddy 40*-Nias Mary Clendema 610-MSs. W. JsKrey 410--a. E. Oot«ml*y 199Vorm t ff0tter. A. Z ai urgea.> 102-Mga lHardy 404-varaît g06-mise C . MI*oewll Paloaces« tait emntt 46t-b4ts c. tloe"n Cesdwi.Strni t ettIWt 700c-3Ma.-0. wart Cýarrtt»1 700-Pied w >&bai 6-L W. Harlow ((es) "SI-Mni. M. muit welliagtoin m#St. iratffa M~-John Criffin 90O4--Joh ast oD 90$-Thomats *ee yi Ll-n.J F. Reati -ALI SWISCRIBED Àdilonal Tenttive Stai. aeu4iana rvim Totali B6-lrandy' îeFarm Aoe$0000~ Dunaa tret aat sortbald jToronto. JUDO 20.-Witb total of strkeot. Commenrintsg t frock1aàs-spî.4 subscrttPti0Is tS O 16- j stret. & 00.000. andi turtber troffoedi 101'P,0st Oiffice lsutfiit.ioOf etMoret* au 84.. IO3-hualoms andi Excite I000.000. Qtanie'a liret 'eves-- lot-'-Cowlesons Taxi tbte-couauter" lotbabd deftitlY l>-...Ticket Offie euceeeded lat tiglt. tOT-PaUcerion-a Dot-y Thse proffend su sceipti@UUe 10-J. Ni. H ieisvie a xplaied as M0neY avall- Il 1-Jatr-il Spedaîts' Co. &aloif netedt. 113-H n.oya!s t tas probable lit nîglit tisal 11 3-Waîter Brown tise Province voulti bolbtthtisasu*C l-L.ouis F. Richsardison :<flSn for furtiser public SUb4criV- lIS-IasQ. o<îueLiit thia mets. wbicb voulti l1-Vac An Fsnly u. ak tise $4.000.000 unnerlS" R'estaurant) Tairs ustolo e;it j Byron 1S1irIt îîeu..-ta. Tirse qcaItioiWbett p ent 201 -- l'.Isiîy Gaaette andl las< nigbt Such usnction la a (bronile. Note: Thi poasiblitty. mu;lsi albo h. numsiered ltesurauec emaulae andI b4alk 10ltrnSi. RoUlis. a t alularge isuii odn Téea prefenably ao ai tise e. te-daas tieboa04 S tas I e trance ta fartas Iiyrn ast. nr-asicem i gures. mottuaiUtt 201-NIasum prpeia d<I o $ ter0$200.000. s it ut? k Biyron atret Soutih. 5M.6.00. Mutu.tuiel'5'Lita I01-C. Woodrow tf0?;660.,09*î104fliafl Tint $-0T*-Whttby Hlà$nt (lii. . L. for* 1 b O.telas et bais a4 8*-mc* alb4i1*tto t *et* :oS-L. W. D'au.v t.4 I*lde "a, tmt t 407-mr*. Lw4 Kisisaît btiei tht*a1. $#»8IltuA la"Aoùt <1Ci.- 401-3. rt .sea Piaiet 4»M4.futint&t &oîw#r À.ovab Asie 1 lt-ts lia itl mm %~uecos? rvng W s S11.4oepbMîtisei Iao. t876-2trs.Cont tc wes if* . ad suadiova*-* * à- ftnveîrq ewNa us'ïtt 1ts4ae ~nt ma be tsttme4t;motu« by hi e e»4.f &M îe thiat:Ichw'df uto 4rpm st e Parïttts e& Ya, tard a thse c4m* '4scorte bthagot em Auêhs 4ecbnt4 dto approe'e teust 0 and *14mk a"d pvr th Itbe 1- Loadm tOuÎmsh. t malde qph ti 01tsea. I t uipuil&MW tb* w u r uii4 l j-DG GII KGWï- 00 sou-[Riu.hri FOOT. tebl hav itereottu'g *csIunyt* to e hi idis utt v a fthge bhil4k' ifrat a udm#t meell's-tiske op- arte ê4t.ýOs, tra T C it t - net *ny *4u*. . Leom se. Kt Ft*t*o "Oueed h to d a tp «W kms ïtélittg hwu1 , a1&b i cttt#ttn.UVdakm ths seotaftcson cm" e*we' teto ae h~e taa t IW L a. not formally tisted aiflotIR nadian sports, running toa fire scertainly considered onç ôt thse 'W sports of the youth a few j nr aRo and the camera shows Lt it is stili being donc ini the i-honored fashion. Flovward Fogg ha5 arranged an standing musical score for indom for a Horsc" and the n. one of the highiv successful nadian Sport Chats introduced hniî. ks beiniz ,hoi,%n In Catiada weif as abroad. merican Chain Lettr Flops iin Dritif.D.sut Aundon, June 1l.-Thei Norths ricai chain letter. halled as ho craîleat got.?icb-quiCk Com. that ever captivated a 'PI Englassd and was described by newupapers today sa a "com- plete flop." London noepapsrs, bintint of possible gorercmeti frowDS on the scbeme. est tbeir math.- maticians to work to show odds are heavily againut profit frofn participation. We haven't enouRzh people here.' said a typical headlile. white tise borcing Times as- serted. -,As a glorification ef thse principie of taking lu *aeis other's washing it seela lbard to beat." Brighton and other soutbL coiet lowns reporttd thy gr@ tiooded with jettera invitlng in- b&bit&nti bmond six plessacd receive 15.625 repli«s. and the -Imount 0f £La0o (about $1960).- POT S!------ WVe are PleaiccitO o COoPerte i*tù goCa ~,ubcng f sora acihou<î~ <~eOttawa. June -Canada*i as Of Whitby. If you have a nuMber allotted to total exporta for May. 1935. your propcrty cail us on the telephone and wero J62.100.691. as rom paredA we will have "out numnbers put or>4 charin wth 157.899,510 for the corr..-A poudliks month lait ysàr. accord- you only for, the numbers sUPPlied. rTe cou e t leuras reaf*d tuday hi, of thtis 1go50ali tisai we belie it hto b. in tb D*portment cf N'atonal 'A*- thse interest Of Out îown for *ver3, Kousan ad i vnua. store to bear a number, W.conar supply thoie ~Tise Dominion exports continu- eto b. wal aheaof etita&Importa. m from 5 cents up. Thse total Importa at monts . were and a yeor ago *e aé ofetprincIial Items of McINTRE HADWAREwith 1034 figures - bcheta. folci: Wheat. ?1o.. f081,013 (813,5l,4M ; wbeaî PHONE 60 flou?. $1.494.004 ($1.462.024); furi. .007,12 <8420 ratiks and boards, 82.334,431 (182,220.4643); Wood puip, Va.- mobiles and paris. 42.9Q'.42 Uj ($1,94.99);copper, partialy W HITBY manDufàetuted 83 2.105 18 SI. 671.204). nickel. uumanufactur- bd M34001912 <(921181814) Houtesud tibuslnxie<~ l'k nurn-i'08-Albert lisrloi _________ berini ln NN*1ttb> la14 Iund-Pr' t7-08-E. N*,HarioNw 'aundér ise dirtedion oets v'724-Mire, R. V, Mattines Dir. Roy NVanuTck awb osne n ar 734-iSpruce VMl1aHotel. NtrKv rKUvINUAL LOAN iWH1TBY COMM1UNITY CAMPMIGN B3uy Our T" d.Carda Voté for Your Favquits Con'testat DEVERELL MOTORS PHONE 10 1 Ford Sal« &M dSewic. TREAT YOURSILF TO -A HAPPY HOLIDAY . .6 Travel byMotor C-oach 1.5.alyou cam e iIcL.Easjey thse eleautfi"alr *0s mceni beetav of the open hlghway . enioy tieuae* ma Mmd .nxet 1mmim a* de bae .:cotaheessthi$~ GftAWvNNLR-MUSI(oKA wHAW-I4UwnTv1LL JacCsoNes POINT -4LWERTON.MSMA4LAC Dfr.et mmthm l -wIiâmnet Mubia WIet ma. dHIghway ONE -TO lIGIT OAYS MUSKOKAL AMnom ,OISLAND WASAGA SMuH - LKMo IIme(* -tel-d.yVisita Aakhiue* Am, a*eTeu -VOTES! 159~6OVOTES NEW FORD V-8 TUDOR SEDAN E Qualit>. tsow in Now. rIngi on lWýIsh. ~I. Pl - 1 .b. iï~J kE ity k2Y' ror- 0* s,- tel at iit;v le'. au... I a~ADj -ie~ eTHNG I-AVE, mf Y F0-li rlbŽ ile vm %1 CM<Ipê* 1 ma ýto-, f ý u i

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