Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Aug 1934, p. 2

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* s: ~ -. -, -4 TI-IE WHITBY GAZEITE & CHRO~4IQL.E THUR$DAY, AUGUSTt30,_19S4 (jitizeils of WhItbY ~ general ne doubt usoteti wîth pleasure and satiefaction tho announcement in the Gazette and Chran- icle hast week that the registration 'cf iu~it~ ut the Ontarlu Ladies' College prom- ises to h~ sorneWhat larger this year. This is good i-iews indeed for tise Town o! Whitby lias a real intertst in the College, sî~t t-mîci'ctY because it is îocated witbin its lîorder~. but because cf its reputation as an 0~~8tanding educatiOflal 'institution, ac- ~0rnphishing a real work for the youth 0f ('anada. - There ai'e sonus who argue that the day ot' the pri'sttC sehool is passing. The Gaz- ette and ChrofliCle does net thînk so. It is t~'ue that institutions like the Callege have suffei'ed fî'orn the standpoiflt of attend- :îiwt' and ~onSequCflt ioss of revenue on ac- coum4 of tise strenuaus tues of the pait tew ycat'5, but we behieve that tht vatue of tise prîe'ate school is just as n'iueh roc- ognized today hy parents ~vho can afford ta giv 91 their daughters a college trainiflg suc hs~Ii tise O.L.C. provides as it was in hetter tirnes. It catinot be denied that a more ihorougis traifliflg in ail subjecta is obtainable in an institution like the O.L.C., and, tao, there la to be considtred the fine home atmospherf, the Christian influence anti the extra cure taken in tht matter o! persenal comfort and health of the stu- tienta that are net se pronoul'lCed in state sehoots and collegea. Sa with better times la prospect we fancy that the Ontarie Ladies' College wihl regain its former prospereuS days, and continue as in tht past ta give leader- ship in tht education of young ladies in this country. k is aur eari'itst hope that 'wheri the doars o! the Callege open again for an- other term on September llth the regis-, tratian will ho such as ta give encourage- ment to Principal Caracallen and hie Beard cf Directors. County ~o~ncil ShouLd - Practiée ~Ecoaomy 4 Ontarie County Council might , weli md - profitably take a boa! out of the book o! Premier Mitchell Hepburn in hie pro- gramme o! ecanamy. it la a well known tact that county ex- penditures are altagether tea high, md it la aise a fact that conelderable parlng ceuld be done. Council sessions are toa costly because sessions as a rule are too prebonged. There je absolutely aie necessity for adjaurned sessions that have become tee common in Ontarlo Couety. The busi- ness o! tho province hae been transacted at one ecesion o! tht Legisiature almeat as qulckly. as th.-'Gounty's business for the year apread oves' three sessions. If the prosont , committeo system which permits cf only 0210 or twa calaimittets meeting at one tlii~e when the warden baves the chair le 'to blame,, then it muet be overhaubed * -and a - neun and a bas costly system le- stalled in its place, We venture ta express "tht' opinion that members o! tho County Gouncil hear their representatives a! ter every session say that they specd tee inuch tirne in Whitby. Ont hua only te attend a session o! tise County Couascil te get seme idea o! tht amount o! nîocey paid te members for 4work on committees. No unonder there la lu much .rivairy te get on certain commit- tees attise tiret o! tise yeur, fer there are ~eme better than others tram the stand- *point 5ctf nilleage and per diens. Commlttee work, hQ doubt, needa ta ho dont, bridges -and roade muet be înspected, tripe muet -ho anade te tht seat af governusent iii Whitby ta get certain business don., but, une asic, là there any room for economy In 'ail these thinge? Could expeaditures be cnt? W. thinit se, and, hi another issue w. llOIlO#. te show how. Tue systcm wherteby membere - o! tue County Co.mc$I are patd mileage needa to be ,yei~ajl1e&t This la a day o! motor trfivol md o! good roade, when dIstan~es t;h~ ~qwu o! Wbitby have been cut. Excspt ~or 4h. anuary session, nembors np beîwe tii. vartous niwllclpalius au4 motor cars almeet pntirel~x'. And yt ipl4àg. md per dlezn bylaw la pu.th~ *)I~eamas~twaswbsn ralIwywas~ set Olitin the nov ambu mittes or any fur~h psy $23, treasury, portion, j: ing, follo~ econon'ly. agricultural fifri, YU'Y Uttie in of qçonomy wàs accomplisbed. mittes for a time made - a~ blg it soon dled away. he province of Ontaria is doing be dune by the counties if the taxation is ta be relJeved. We t the county in view o! Premier i accampliîhmêflti In, the money markets mlght be able to bor- ~y cheaper from now on. The staggering under ita heavy debt id much of It le due to the large evied annually to pay intereat 'ipal on debentures. Thl~ La a :hat might be studied by the com- f in~nce and assesament before er debenturea are sald or iusued. need economy in the County cf ~Tben a town like Whitby has ta 000 annually into the county and other municipalities in pro. t la time for sanie merjous think- wed by action in the reaini cf The Why cf Poil Tax A bachelor i~ Whîtby asits why tht men ahould be compeIled ta pay poli tax of five dollars and woxnen similarly situateil <et off scat free. There i. na gaad reason that we can sec, ~vther than the fact that the fair soi are not"liable under the Municipal Act. Poli taxf la a ievy an men nat other- wise asstsstd aed le tht menas taken te have them pay' their share a! the coat o! tht services the rnunicipality furnishes for its citizens. Ladies as well as gentlemen get the benefit o! these advantages and as they enjoy equai privileges with the mon in the matter of voting, they should have tht same obligations with respect ta taxation- PolI s tax was collected befare women received the franchise and the very fact that they now have votes will make politic-ians fight shy of introducing an amondment that would place them an equal footing with men as regards taxa- tien as welI as voting. Why.Nat Lower Rate, F~ir Whitby A provincial ban o! several million dol- lars at thê-.~ate o! two and a hall per cent. intereat la aNpmoueced by Premier Hepburn» Perhaps thisNn will be tRie forerunner o! lowor interest rates fer the municipali- tics' 4 wcW ieciuding Whitby, which le nowptyip~arateoffiveandihilfPOr cent to 't)$ei,?~bk on every dqllar borrowed. On miny~4~es this ~p~r-4au pointed out that Ulî4b'.i's high tax rate Is due very Jargely tq tht necessity o! borrevin; money when thjes are not pald, also that a levy ta me~ intereet and principal on debentures co*itutes the !Lrst charge on tht town's ~nntsal revenues. -If as already noted, the kovinco je gotting cheaper money, when twill the muelcipalities get a break? N Ed'itoriai Notes Tht echool bell rings next Tuesday mornlng. Whitby churches resume their regular services next Sunday after the sumnier vacation. Organizatian meeting wlli soon bo le order. Since the dismissal o! James E. WlllIa as police magistrat. o! Whltby,, police court business in Whltby ha, been held up and IL hie been necessary to have Cases heard in Oshawa by a Port flops magis- trat.. Surely tise Attorney General cf On- tarlo wlll take action qui~kly ta rlght this very inconvenient state o! affaire. Tht St. Thomas Timos-Journal quotas instances o! teachers' salaries that are away below tht coat o! living md su~geats that the Provincial government est a ml* munit satary for teachera. Tua la a, go&I auggsstloil. 8aiarles e! $400 md $500, <t whlch twdierz have been blireti iii some ot tii. temashipa o! Ontarlo County, <aid not far from Whttby, are out 'o! place wlth 111e coat o! living and tii. demand zuade tapon the <venge toieber lu a rurel soc. Uc»., It la net Ioig aines thêcltalrmaai cf Iii. Commfttee ou Educatiosi got up ~Jounty Qosmeil bore <aid advocatsd sain>'- I~as I~iv as th paies qtsotL The 0v~~ tumqut mhosald ~ertaIu1y tba Ilsul Iii IbIS voe~ I~poetaut qnstloeL *m~ I. a aaiuroàt'Wxbaiu * 41.. ~.n6 111. .wu~ ~as la aoerowfal a~ flic Whitb, Gazette & Chroolcie ~ru~liuxi This coUl PilblIIhSd eiT7 TbUtUdSl sotUtUl W T!US pabUalSII OompBUl o QokaiS. UUMS' O. M. notas but Mtsudl, PtUld0Dt~ A. 8~ All0W~l. VIwPVUI What t 4001 Orsydal M. UOOdtSIIOVî DiroUlOr. ~nyWhI* 15 OBDS4B SilO a IflW la *dvaIU flOW muet *8.,@ B ~ 10 iUbSCtIbOlS î~ îki UilL4 S1 burden ai or othe? foreigi .o~ftt.TtIS. fI 4810 10 VM<bi~0 thlnk tua *ubSClPtlOfl la P1<1 141141a0104 os 100 Hpburn'a label. j. H. OR*ISTON. <~ttor 554 BaIUOSs Managhf borrowin~ TutiPbQE" ~1I Il; RU1~O'~~ 819 ~ fllOTi4 WHITBYT}1LiWDAYAUGL eou~ty la -~ burden ai ~r~ghter Pros peets for College amount I and princ ~n Whitby question t b~Us under 13 years cf sgt, got minced liver and put it ituider esch e( these bridges several timcs~ They thon weat an sevcral uszcceediug utghts amI macle fine catches. Tiiis dais cf 67 U~ te ~. yosra ai age with .22 il e.. are s menace ta aU wbo ~ttempt te restoclt their wotsd- lied. It ii ~gatIy to tht farmors' ta,- tereat there shoul& ho a pu Ikuoe aud s rod Ikesise,, Tisis *tii mot isserease bis tages; it wllI de- crea*. thees by shufting a pcrUbn of tbe.sssnus$ toit cf tht Gastie sud i7islieries Depsrtnsaut cf flic Pp- vîascial Goverosisent frein tht <à- oral public ta those wba flsh sud shoot. Th#. ta th.4arne see4 te. dsiyfor s gus jicease mmd for s~r0d licêssa, tisaI there j, fr-a cartI~ i ~iou a.ad ~Pt* AM 4.4.mdi t. dut aIt'flica. qe~- ~tiaa Sp amI <le. lb. <$cvensusnt a vlew ol thope.pWa siseda a~é ais. a*oes tii. f~ontusiseut a - nOiiitratiou boeths ai wbicls is flsiished in I cream, is Catsstruct- ~cnerat view cf aU tht .scs tan be seen f rom ~ancc, thtrc being ne s bcîwecn tht differ- f the Toronto \Vo- ry to tht Canadian tutc for tht »lind are speciat branch cf ...raf t Shop and have nation booth most aI- rîîishcd with cs'ickcr ferus in fern pothoid- er baskets, att elever. by the hands of btind c furnishings of this rîed ont iii the crcam, d ni îhc entirc cx- vi~îting tht Exhibition n shouldnt miss this - restîn~ and eniighîcn- Icînember the location, d Engineering Build- Princes Gate. 'IONS IN INUUSTRY Oanwgltssteroand Maintalu FIsh and Ground Garnis in OId Ontarlo? (By Y. W. Huduoiî) Be Broaktin, Aug. 29-Seventy te 100 years mgo <round game and trout abouncted everywhere in Otd On- tarse. Why have they ait but dis- sppearcd? Ask that at any village gathcring but ptacc and you witt be îotd: "Any the foot knows why. Tht iand ~~'15 ai clearcd; they tost their caver." Etc In a measurc, tisat is truc, more ing particutarly of ground gamc. Trout hib my have been 1'surt iii somc cases fin - net much - anti ground game bîn woulct have continued to be plenti. ing fui, but for another cause: tise anc love 10 kiii-atmost a mania witlî Ca~ rnany perSons. i Scventy years ago tht black 5tiI squîrreis were numerous in Soutb S 4 Ontanio County. In tht fait of 1866 bai fîve mcii got together and ~venî ouI ty~ for a day shootsng biack anti grey 155 squirreis. They got 147. As that zin tîme two nien with hounds woutd Na often get ten or more snow-sho~ Ca tiare in a day. Parînidge, quail and liii pigeclis î~'ere siaughtcred iii tise fo same wav. In 1879 I saw a nuinher of buffato deati on tht plains. Tht longue pr of each had been removed. J ask- ha cd svhy were they kitted and flot tr~ uscd. J isas totd a nuniber of f hunters froni so'ith of 'The bine" iîad been up for a hutît and Iîad a Iii "whalc of a good lime." W 'flic sanie spîrît suit prevaîls. T know two ponds in whîch 2,500 an 'tegal Sire' trout were rtcentt>' fa ptanted in each. In a short tinse th tisese ponds were open te tht pul.- sti tic 10 tish. lis six wceks there ~vas bc not a fuis tcf t. Those ~vho owiîcd ~ hie streani and buitt tue ponds got tii noîhing.t, Tise Deparîmetît of Ganse ta anti Fasherses got nothing. Tht fisis th were not caught hy sportsmen, but (~ b>' pe~soi~s ~vho go about tht coun- try gettîng sonsctiîîng for nothîng. ~ 'flic muter-car îs a greai cc~nvciss- CI1CC 10 this ctass. '1'wo persans tn as thrce afîcrisoons eaught neani>' 251) fr of these fisls. Th~s k isol an cx- ~~~ coption it î~ tht general cule. Even (~ persons thoîîght ta be espectabte P îhink it quite ait niglît ta poacis anti "~ 10 kilt' i~it tise> can. Thîs is ~s'hat ~' a f.îrmcr i's "up agailsît" wtien tic M tries ta stock a streans witis trout, W or rougis tands ~viîtî grouîsd game. Expcrience lias taugtst us trout P~ eau be successfulty rciistroduced in Cl ntaîsy streanis in Olti Ontarjo. ~ ki some places rougît cd grouse anti C~ quail witt sîlIt do weii, but every- 51 ~vhcra tht Emîglisîs ptîeasaîst anti tise tC Hîsugartan partnitige. if cared for, W svitl succeed. 'flic farmer must bc I~ taught how te care for tus strcam 51 and for tht game bird. on bis iand iC and bew te dispose nI tacts at a H fair price to tîîîsîsetf, afler tise 0 Geverninent lias becis paiet a pe~p. CeMagc for rcsteciui~g .tt4~fir~~ or tht woedlund. Every aise, fanas- O' crs siet excepîcct, shîoutd pay an annisal guis amI ait amînuai rod a ticense. tIsaI is, if lic lias a rea or h i gin. I f tht Goveruînsent spenda ~i nîoney puîting in game bîrds anti 51 f ish anti if a fariner îhinks it worîlî P while te shoot ttsein or catch tisons, tht pnavilego is cet*~inly worth $1 ~ a yeas~ la cither cisc il is wartls i usoreto hies thiàtyft~is te tht town S min who cati seldoni go shç.eting b or fishiîsg. b Oh, mnuit a fariner pay te ewn £ C rod, to fiais on bis owîs f ami, or a b gise ta kilt veruein ais liii ftrm? t A dotta~ is a large soin wlsosi il is '~ paiti te 4help a Provincial enterpi tac whicta bolonga ta tht 'peopte cal to C tut Gavernuseut, who are tht ser- t vanîs csf the ~poopic. ~ach guiî ~ ewner er catis rod ewner shonid ~ asake an aneual reporT te tht Gorerament - tht fîtber's ted h- t ceuse shesatti give morne priviieges te i tht pienibors et bis famiiy. O y.,! What about tht hittît boy I witis tue witlow pote-ho inuit lie I co~tuidered. Wetl, if tht streltu star hies lias net been rcstocked or proîectcd there is nothing in it. i If it has beeui restoctccd or pro- tccttd. lie causal Isîli there, so- mathtr's dartiisg lias ne ~laçe ,ta go,, They 4b go places, t ough, I know a restoclced sîrc'jm that cross- ea a road îever~t turnes. Twc lads. ~IKINfi BOQK îng aIl tht de' tIse Instîtute, ced, black anc ON DISPiAI tht issarn cuti hîgh partition AT FXRIBIIWN Ci5~!cniberso National Insti coisduetîag a ing Demonstlatuu >~ît ~~ir l3imnd Exliibit cf Inatîtute also an infors tt-activcly fu For the Blind chairs, dcsk, crs anti fiow he taiking book, ont cf tht lat. IY fashiened sensations in the ~vorid vf tht workers. Th demonstrateti at bootis are car id is aow being hîîcî~ aîsd ne exisîbît of tht Canadian Nation- Institute for tht Blinti in lite hibit. etrical anîd Engineering Buitti- yass arc aI the Cariadian National Ex. S year >'0 itian. Toronto. Tîsis year. for tht inteiitely inte t lime, ait tht activilies la whicis inc ctîsilay. J~ d persons are engageti are be- Electrîcal an carrîcti out on tise premises, îng, near tisa t evcry phase of tise Institutc's - flhlflYI he National Librar? of tht la- UU1~UII utc contains o~cr 17000 ~otumes ronducting a boothi vshere Braille AIffO ~tcs are on vies'. and a Braille ew'riter operateti. Tht current ut of tht raonttity Braîtte maga- e "Tht Canner" sent ouI by tise isada, is bcing produiceti. stîowing I tionat Library ta att parts uf process of Braille printing fat- is-eti ~y tIse stitehing of leavés ta- D. R. ther. Speaker I'hirtv-one btiisd pensons arc esent, saine demonstrating home motive ndicrafts, aisother tunning ont at- ictive dresses aisti alunons on aile ~ compni tise power drivets machines used ~oîsdtîîons t the great gomment factonies ni e tnsîitute located in Toronto and motive t'sdi commenta e iîsnipcg. provenseat. Rsîbbcn doan mats made frcm aid tertitys c.~ tomohîte tires arc beiiig nianu- Oaa by p etunest in the bootis niîpresentiisg dent o! the e Western Division cf tise Iîî Chamber o! tute (British Cotumbia anti Ab President o nia) suiti îsetting is asie af tise poratton o! cupations found in the bootti ai la Ihe la. e Newfouîsdtand Division. lis be- hati been di ccii these tisa extremitits cornes varlous in c Central Western Division powen pro~ askatchewaii and Manitaha) 30 per cessi litre a btind mais îs canîîsg chairs, duction, 20 :xt a bliîsd girl irons tht Qucbcc biles. 115 uvisiais typing letters on a stand- tien work. cI typcwniter taking lier dictatian tites, 80 p ans the dictapîsone. aîîd a btiiid manufactun ais iii tht M aritime Division hootis addition, Cc ew Brunswick. Nova Scotia anti droppeti 40 rince Edward Island) demonstrat- Produetti g tise osanufactune of svitiow expert Ibis gisat canes sîseti by tise Dominion neariy thet ticorotogicai . Depantnstmst for lii tise cet catisen sîgnatting cii tue sea coast. lasI year, The Industniat Piacensenî Dc- iiittd Ibis v trIment arrangeti for a btind issan omble baie siployeti mn înduslry by a wott- Prite Dlf rsowa sporîiag gootis company le The spcn îrry on witiî bis regular job ef pression, g ningiîsg tennis racquets. another vertislng n i i it spoices in joy cytte wîsceîs feretice bot hile a blînti emptoyet iii ont ~i ~e~e~nd se melon car cenilsanies is demon- were cansp :ratiisg lus job ai stufiîmsg cushi- cd on tise tas for automobites anti assembi- sud, tise îg contrai hantites for car wind- iseusrty se WS. lana iciagit Ganses uîscd b~ tht .biiad suds as ~ ~ a'aiI~ piaytis~ carda, 'chqekors etc. "isasuf tes î j on dlsptay 'as 'e'eth as ~î~àiitè ~ ~ i 'attises, ehermornetors and other long as it ppii.sîîces. Iii Ibis bootis iiifontist~ te Governs cii cuis be obtaîmîcti regardumsg tht labor £44 peciai prîvitegos for blind peopie. lu tise f ens Lichi as radie services, street car weutd ptlsî aises, tiscatre p8sSti, ttC. produet, 'I isistitute f actony ~srork incliiduîsg a! tise pr he pracesu csf nsanufacturing article deî Ihinderait breenîs -h fuliy doinen- tise amati trated witiî oct bhind mas sorting clone bore, reamis cons, tisather windhzig consumer roonis mcd a third sowhig anti venue ta hippiug thees. 'Wicker furisiture is. point at " eing made mcd serviceablo bamkets tance la V ako shape wbile thoy are bcing osa, sud s ratclstd. ' befOTt BVI Ont ai tht spocial features ai tIse are matie sxhibit is tht oegaging poup ai Increaseti jolis iii tise PrevoetR>e e~ Bhacd- Sud OctrOI tes. beotis pertrsying, wlth flic as- 'Âuotbo istante cf ' arîiittcally dcshgned Ibis indus crues 1abovc tlîorn, tht particalar elsandualsis are that inuit be taken cf 16e cyts sa on ~ it 'caricom stagea cf Uic. .' values. i 4truI~'to j~bU!he4 by tht jXts- adoptati ~ ititoto h sv~ bic fis a ,iumbcr cf prsctlce~ i~ booths. aima cards fer testiCg iisl~ viate iaslesi th~t tisa>' as weil lic used for ~t tht tht ~elcphoee nineber nscmoraeduus, et tu48str ted Braille ilphabet.card.. a cads vi Tht conspkto structure, tcutats. b. opur ~mme uppeared te be opemattss~ ,uccems!uily. But I ans sorry te im1y that lu rotent moctbs tIse insount e! confidence jsiaced lis Ibis code lu diminisbffsg. Il. is lifficute. te etimînate evil pmac- lites without injuntcg honast nduîtry. The wett-m~antflg deni- er who endeavora te ilve Up ta tht apirtt e! tise haw or agrea- ment otten finda istiliself hantit- tappeti by lise so-called "smni-t tetlows." Prohiens Witl Be Reduiced "Many et flac preblema ssow facing industry." conchsided Mi'. Cresmman, ~'wlil automatically ho redusceti by the centinsseti h- provement la goneral business cosuditions. Attlsougti this cona' tr~e lias not ludulgeti lu ~xteis- st~'e Gevemarnent regulatien o! business and induslry. it lias 10 dîtto enlayecl as tango a mocassiro o! recevcny as countnies adopt- itsg suds niettieda. Il wonid seans Ilsat we are ivarranteti lu stnlv- lng te abelisis the knewms wroug mêthotis o! procedure, but slad.sr - ne etrcumîslasscOs are ire -siar- ranteti la ustng a penioti et do- pression as Ilie niodet by whicls eue Pliure co4s'se sheuld bo ebarteti." The Iseatis et automobile coni- punies anti ellier firme atlis~d witts tho industry were ~uesIs ~t the luncheon. To Get Rzd of That Vacation Weight Ilew le gel rtd et extra welgist is amiotber p~at-vacatlon preblem that now confronta mcany girte. Il corlalnty lB anneying te put on lewis clothes oniy te 1usd they'ro tee mnug te be cosutert- ablo or thalterins. Samothing muaI ho dace isnxsiedtatety. A thi'ee-day hiquid diel le a good beginclng. Botter 808 yossr decter beforo jeu plais il. Thon, if ho approvea, taI ne soliti footi fer three days. You cati bave fruit juices. mltk; Ibm, cie~sr soup anti temale Juice Insteati, Be mure te drink ut. leasî olgisI <lasses et water catis day. When tise Itirto day. are evor yen dan atarI on rogular footi agate, Howeyer, you stieulti cal sparlcgly a! frled anti slarelsy fooda anti riais- desserts. Substi- tale tresis vogetahtes ted frottis or stewe4 fruIt for thees. .Any- aise who 15 marlous aboutI lamina a test posindi alwaym shnuld loti a tiltit bungl'y stisen sisO louves tise tabhe . -. Plan ta de morne daily ex~rcI8- os. If your extra wcstgist seestis ta b. ~t Ibo waf~tliee5 ronsausabet that bendiag exorcisas s~hlIlse1p, TisaI old tivctr~t.-be"isdlfl~.-OvGT sait teucltlug 111e floar wlth- yoîîr - hinda visIte keoptlsg ItisOti pertêcîl>' stratgist-ls excellent. De It ten thuies tacis mornnM * for ~ stock Then -Ir>' 'starlîttesi et it. badIng' te tht tight, 1.11 aa,4 baêwar4 as stehi - as tpr- yard. - MUCH DAMAGE DONE TO CROPS 1H THE WEST Wianipeg, Man., Âug. 27- Fothowing on tise bot spetl o! a week ago tht weatiser became de- eidedly COOl and cioudy' Tesuiîing ta hait storms whteh la man~- districts diti frein SQ ta 100 per cent. damuge te crops sthlI stand- ing. Cuttiug o! grain varias f mcm atmost total conipletion 10 about 50 per cent, lu -tise more nantis- ena districts. Fr051 dansago is reported Irons aerthemn Sask&t- ehewtiîi, tise effeets o! whieh are sîtil 'unlcaown, aeeording t& weekiy crop report c! tise Agri- cuttunul Depanîment. Canadien National flalhways. Cool cloudy stoutiser wit.h showcrs provatteti lu Manitoba, ss'hich held up thneîbing lu niais>' distniels but did ne barm. Ciii- tiîîg Is cossijiieleel anti threslîlng le uudorway. lu tise southi and seuth centrai districts yteids wilt ho hight on ucceunt cf dry stemîli. or duniug fiiiiag seamen. uvistie in tise siortis wlseat yielde 'Wiii lie conslcierabiy above average, stitis oats and bartey ouiy about a ~0 par cent, trop. Alomig tise Lewvan, Lampm~n. Avealea, Ciravelsbesîrg, Bongougis, Central Butte subdi visions ~n Sasicatchostan cutting la coi- ploleti anti la districts stisere crope justity lhresblng Ibis storie lu proceeding rapidly and w-lit soon lie thaisheti. Irons Yorkton West tbrough tise Watrou~~ Biggar. Dodulalid districts weatiscr has-been cool mcd cutting lu <tiserai. Yle~d lu beiew tisaI at-liaI yeas' amI Irons morne Iccalltles terne reports sit grain kornels bacliy ahrunken.~- lu Bfack, Forgasi, Ttcistte!d, Netberisiil. torritorles a mev4re hall stores unIs bîgls Wled pB~s- ccl over tise beat crop aroîs sud damage le roper'Iod around '75 par cent. et ail standing crapu. ..Aleng subdivisicisî - et t2se Prince .Mbert dIvisIon Weatl~er bas becis cool 'wfth -misosters. wislie irons points as tas' 'apar-t au Cacuneati anti Humboit com'~ T,- parts ai freut on Assgust 23P4 damago aI Casivooti lu eutlwa~st4 at 25 par tout. lu Use- -isortiieru sections et tht, divîkîca yl*l4 unit be average stbite at otites' poInts grain du tu~~nisg eut b~bt. ter tison at tiret anticipated. Practicail>' ail points aicng ihsO 'Oyen anti Maùtarlosbibdtvislon la Aiberta store strpck b>' a bkll sterm unisîcit ~l4 fram 40 te' 1~0O pet 'ceet. dama;. te. st~nd~a,ç pain and aisont- 20p0r çest,,~to j ulooltoti cropi. Tlsremhtng lu lb se arens -unit -corauneuce -la about a r weok, yleld 'oui 4be uebl ~id i sestiple et l~w: grad&. iu nolth centr&Âlbérta ~srospectU e<in" tinnei~4 vils ciattin; advaisc- 4- ' rI~ I.. mn Ev en 110 adi fnl nie Mi gin tnt La pe a M s Bis Su w M T M e B lu a e f f -c -h t *1 I i v 'i-' 4 4 i j; t i i - 44 4~'j EREVIEIYED Grosîman Was at CN.E. Auto- Day Luncheon shensivo revtew cf - n tise Canadlan muta- îstr>', and pertinent a methoda et ils liii- were oftered at yes- ~ titroctorS" lunch- R. Crosanian, Presi- Canadian Automobile Commence, anti VIce- f tht St',idebalter Cor- Canada Limîteti. et year, ho satd, there acideti improve-ment la itisîstnies. Ehectnitat tuetion lsad Ins'reased r.; mon anti steel pro- 0 per cent.; automa- per cosit.; ecustrue- 100 per cent ; tex- er coul.; anti geneisi ing, 40 pen cent. la uinniercial failcîres isad per cent. su e! autonsobitesa tan year had rîsen b se limes w-bat il stas 'reepoaiitng pertoti o! ho announced. anti ho routti atiti ta tise fav- ince et tmade. rerenco Net So Great item deplencti tise mi- ircu la American nd- mIter, o! a unitie di!- Weoii motel' car pniccus la tise Unitoti, States. wbqu exact ineoes areti, anti extrais adul- t Arnorican price, lie ditference stan net <tout as mosl Cacad- sod. it~StO7~' b. ~~?o~t~ded, lisO- -protecttim extaulti" ~y -iîs Uuves'isitient as gives mare le revenue neait anti benetits te business tissu Il laites s et bigiser pnices Itissis arsttae bo paiti for ils 'ho bouc-fît te Canucs'4 edusclian haro a! -mii? teetis nat oaiy up6e il o! nsanufacturing but mIsa tise co~t to mcd lise aucount aI rt- tise Govoramont. Tise risicis tiseso faclors lia- lte auternolive tiiduistry iboulti ho doîernillseti traga production oasIs Dliii isigiset throngb - content regulmtlons nment revesiomu. r-'of'-the dtfflcuities o! lu tise' retail mer- problêrn; unlaicis bing- 4-cas' allostanosa. sud Ian>'- -plans bave been o - overcorue - lb. ail Truly SETTER BRAN FLAKES *0* Readymtoueat inenchants. Tise code fox' menus

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