nHR WHJTBY GAZETTE AMD CIRONICLE. THURSDAV MAY 24 1934 News and Reports from The -Cazette Correspondent Staff week-end sciih Normssasad Mss. t-bt Otdieiiowa service hbeIdlwl nner of the drawmics Mss. Peter nesticy atternnnn. chen the B:.Bronkln ons Suaday aftersaons, Lasîthouse. Sesior-. Tht Presidesî Myrtte Public Suhout hoys plap- ______________________the____________liait_____________ thtaftctnoen Grant, celasha& brecs iI alit g-nt pectie-andtihebe-ea ieg cas clon-atte ptapineu tii t vc ad qailîda illilt ha bc ecsanti sdt-r the- doelr' art-et-t-,osnotecd hc flic singisg cftht- NatonaltiCmt. BROOKLIN, May 22-Dr. andstierat las wtt-k with Ms. anti tinaleaitethe b. cietî. in a cciv sertons condtiîon. Anihent. Miss Lamant, a home mistotn- 'Mc. CamspbellaiansonCoite, at-e Mea. L Rosa. The Mistion Cfdt emet ai the atsRbts c oeyes~ arts. cho has badti teulca Ive - visitig wtb Mr. Griga. Dispersion Credit Sait of Rog- home of Mis& M. Bie iaat Satardan --tilttsstn ttsetM periece IsnCiao Pec fttcrr Dis- Those havtng books front tht W. ittted HBtistoins ai Dr. McQsays ai Icresca. Miss Dot-ta Hero'areea ftlierealitrElîtat1.riect, catht ouest secater-au MS. librtary ci the Unitedi Chcach latin, lot 32, t-sn. 2, WhItIby, g otais)gavenhe gprogrammec. Miss R ga hw li - wt-k-the Wssmen'a tatlstonery Suriestr aestcegatesteai ta tacd thenatelaMes. Satet-say, May 2tub, about t4 Edna G t-ceaise brout-ht scai Ot Fanka Huazg ette e nsTuesday attentionu. <ha ccry Rogers as salon as possible, mittas Went of Whitby tacs. t-tport lt-sm tht- Prcabpieriai mess- (miss.. A t-Aat-y, Cuc@peuspe) cild enSt-hright. tht Rctst ni she ahit' oupiainertithe htetlite aliu The Wretiîs Misstujtary Sa- Miss Evlnt-t tl! tte inBrook- teg ai Ciat-emosî. RAGLAN, May i5-A largte nm- Rte. C. E. C-aug ted Mrs. Ct-ieu ttatn e oditions ta hai, cm ciety ai the United Chut-eh metolin fott few cctat's. Wm. anti Mr&. Cheshet-. aid Noeciber wtt-t-pt-t-atnaSuntiat'for iai at t"tmotte5 eservcctbt- gavetCasadian ditrict andti ha ladics Wcdeestisy at the home of Mes MissaOvet- leit test ceeek forthie tand Mt-s. Cbtsbet-. Mes. McKinnsarth be annuel Mathtt'a Day et-vtce. a t-ading cf Ashburn ihoscît hît ee jcyeti ltateliflfe. )Mr. Jones, taits. Crexail Titaetilanasa abate sh- iii bsc d Mt- antiMrs. Houahtosof l 'abs chiltirea forerd a aMbît- and htrant ISttî. )X A. Scot t-rt- ber iaaptring atities aloi!Miss Niehof Itaticharge cf the ailiesr siaier, Mes. Morria. fat- Toronto tcet-sgeauits ai George ast ilbeipeti silelti it th tht siagtig. in fecutlis one Saday. bItS& Merion Speacer. ut Ta- ponetaname and cet-e asisled lac orne tiente. Mrs. Pet-getenStsday. DorsaBryant ceeseeat-adng 'Hep- Tht- Misnes Betîy Robiessnan t-enta. speci the cweek-tel club flits. Elitot t. hies Rogers and Mss lite Brueklia Yaeg iPeoplet mcisacMtthe" t iliiy Macs a reatisig Blanche Gf;cp ectrt Sat-tiat'lbar parents, htr. ant i hIs. fbtý Burt-tn. lbe sahiegi takec cias tht ai the heome of Ms. astiMt-s. Beath un "Moihle' ay'RiaB- eaac s.G cis Spencer. eduetiasalcet-k in CiaseattiitS. os Tatadat' eeceieg asndgave a 'seTteeeetiîg et 'My Mutilber-";M r. -Mr. anti Mt-. Henry' Laesb. cf loaies led isi ibis bp tht-use of amiacclaneousa slocet-tet Miss Ralan IeMecs sang an appropriate solo. Um Cbritige. spent Suodet' ît h ber pst- shecing the ahat-cie Ihai Haecack. Rt-n. Tation tcid tht story of Moses .#uCZleymoibos-.Mss. M. Fisher. cark af the Woisens Missienet-y Mies Ere Jaones, of Toontoe 5(Mia. C Hsetiooi. Coeeepeodmga) anti bis mother wstl aig t muiDcOh ____Miss Dot&aJackson, e! Brook- Societty. Mes. Juif condteetthet- utsber sit-t-.Mrs. W. White- MYRTLE STATION, Meay 21- csiaycti. Tht- chat-ehcas huai-Ili.,ageetttht week-endti cth Misa buietas part of the mectitat. Miss Eicaeer Maeey tavisititait The artice china cwas ersanget bp fitildecoraledti c iîtt luitez. -AL'DLEY. Mat 23-Ratcs have Met-aroetFis.her. frit-sintiHamiton. tht W.M.S. on Suniat', pranredta ;Ir. anti Mes. W.Fintcy ofiDun_ a- astied tht cosetitaens of ail Crops -Mr. Ja.Suinsce anti tieeh- Tht Mey meeting iof the We- Tht Missioin Ciseit mcl on Tues- hecoft-tat tntcresi. Tht chut-ch daih, Ms-.ati Mes. John Colgan tiurinthae toast cet-h. ter, Normecaid b!. Wcu. Jcnes, W& In~ Jstitute wtt! lac ht-lai osntiuy tevetsgai the basse cf Miss cas aimait but-de csari' came front ant i leiofa Oshawa, ct-se Sunt- Wulliam asti Mcî. Ht-tge. ei Epaom, catiedi e tht home ci Woduesday, Mat' 30 at230 pgm.Aic Arcolai MISs C. SimspsonManchcstcr, Raglan asti Prospecet, day guscssof Mr. antiMt-s. G-1 tachsas, ct-se ciaisceset ltur re- Mrs. J. RatutieyonceSouthey. sith lthomseti bit-. Ratlitit. birs. haati ba-e-sf tht de-setienai ses-. chona ce wmetRgadti a celeome. Bt-et'andi Miss Sasit Bt-ay. laesnru (risttht cViiete--t-ted. Mes. Chas. Stack aud 01111e. tohn Maoe iliivge-a gapet- ou ice anti ces aaaislti he Miss . Gar speaker, Miss HRude Bansks, as.mdMs ,J.Pîi e-- iiau itidn.Meree. \Vhiiiuia n isit er@ MIasHap r.în Mr leeA. Lama Rtlatng la Wumneeanti Garlasti. Muiss C. Hrc:sanadtM-s. eeît-nst i mssiasary traminstni. gcasa c f rel-atives tn Gooticoction Sondala.a. Tcee elletaclct eciîermtt tcant aIa Chtldrcn". Tht roll sali l ila c Ju. Plaisa ctsmatie-fort-hebcgave a very Intct-esting talk i à alfut-ay. tîicci y t.ai.dfh Irs.et-et a nde-Perrînaier. cf Mycte. 'Mtmbet-shlp Ft-t- sinte Iis met-lite meetieng eehteberil bt-bt-Ied it ces-y pfastng istanct-. ons her met-h Ms.anti Mt-sA. Miller, Mis$eth R uitar.Bac ni Cosgteationn u taîr.D. Pet- ingght-gins a netc eas-.Tht diste- Casete sPoint. A t-ep fine rce- inIntita. She aise showedsoti saMargercite- ataiMaat- Gardatatuglite, of Toronto.s-tt sn beteg tht Pcsse-scr cf r i I "r The-Cluîb fîid c la s t bcht-Id. teteyeseaic carmtn in for thiamettint sa"lit ct-ses pari of tile sertioeai meet-ing bt-I aivery in-terceg nRvecws o ebr waeb Milter vtsitdin Ltte Britate os h uk ,tnbrI ot ta dieoeaythe lacs ai the stase C' ai Clarert-mîca ires bc Mes. AI- anti thecunlt-y shicemorkein. Oif finaas. ete ne lut-Zttlu, cc Wiatair' ri-restit'and cinIg a nce bull- bit-. Hollei ili sot-ah se "Ose ces. geestient, bits. Totirs. ant i cti- Rtc las on rutpaatot- heu ar- filtti preat. Maiasanti WhettlMsans" astidtC Rt-i. H.L. Partige, cf Green-g-steibtsMtga c rts-gîa cit re ia atI tlt- meelunca s iCtetucb bit-ce ant.a .We.ttt al muscanti otherrprogramme cl l batikan, prt-asbt- a cet-y ttoughtitof tht-lirist part ci the set-vtc, asdti taiRt-v. Smnttbfront tht Manil-acetIe bfgnie S d t-nra eci asti DettDoisVeet acnd Mes. W'm. is chargc cf Mies Jten Scott anadimupreict-srrmcn itt tht- Uc- Mes. Totasn n tîtduceetithte salsr. ton Pt-tshylery ceit bhaccchat-erg t ie o dsc euTheîOxfag anaie-tof-Wallase antiJack spcch Cal tut MissB. Garbuti. Tht- motis frles îtiChurcb as Ssstiay nornint. Tht bulk nf the cllections ct-t-cia tht- servire hcre se Susday icatInTornti then montb e tah'et-man vche sans il The Unit-tiChai-ch. Rcn. P. L aid ai Ihe loaletbrasehfthe ttW. wcenl t as hcpt-dthet ail mtmlaera fV itthpandiPieket-int,. ct--s bit-eoo ca*t blac it alIt ta he tre- Juil, B.A, gestes- Susti, ay. bie.'MS. ciii ie Psest-i.at, iat' t-ricg anti tavotabte srt-M. Roy Leach, cf Couambae, rtglca lasorte oerdoine f.» Mtss- f0 a.ss.. SestiaseSchcta;Il & m., ot sme imrcbeh fi-s aec cedoa a -at iesat-tistuc peuine Ric. Dr. M-'sudmtiRs.Allen Pithtt. ut!Tan A gon numbr ofont curch Mrs. aye f Goowood s viil- Tvish ci Clla inn pceree onton tioye rusay iutarieta lli bt-ts ateashet ie ta obrmsiu- mseaing carebip, the lallt- cwii geoplt-e oriat-Pet net-t-leRaglan inme cth ber tiaugbîer, Mca. Ptitie. TaIlshoeaifOsramn. cet-ach.ti cee gestioss for t- ea pt-egrsamem. prtactt -7 Pm.s, Bec. J. iL. Giance-.Sundat' aitenonas lebtat- Rt-s.Mei 'htlie ccpest scpaihy iat-alenti:t tretiay evttcruetc humendI Mseul Xl ue J leu Tnecsannui elt-pet-t iiilat- tices ai Ctaremast. Smash. ceba s petashîso for a Cati. edta Mrbt-. Vitlet lcapp of West- Tht- aiatst'Atb-idelatitstuc-ai lerRussellRicahatît.uaai. Sgt-ise te Si. Thomas Anita eas A rampett- iiait glrise wcm- WC-regret la asscuncesfilai ot- Mouantenthe iicatb oflibet-th't-di etsîtî mert- etai tht- basse ef tnieith earac ht Chuceh ce Stnaia .Maic27 at Il asers as Bsaaktîn SpentgFaiermil*presci palos, Rte. J. .ITaien t i asghtt-t, Lots, classs titath "' asti his. Greselase on intstvilar Ms th eso utleru] tuuh*-uit. m. dat-s Hlc Communion ii c utalti eicbk ceag pus libis cicr anti has acet p- uet-inastbe Oshawa Gcicerai Nos- c0 htpeedc t-tonetay. eeltbset-tiA rt-rtsbisg raie feil in Broaki:n t-da sal]inte .Hamilton Conter- p cail îeî teh Sevrseot-pIe ht-rtliane fournti Doue celbraed.ast i ciity ot Sunatie' ot-ag. etatt-Braerh. Mr. eanl Mes. John Ke-liegon Si aetîng itet-tîs tth t-ucht act ine Shattti-ay, May 2 l'h ri Mr. Dugsiti. MisDucaiti asti Drg the t sîrasfilue leelsiecPoec An inettesting datcuit songre-a- anal sac Rauctn a c mave oet intto r ln t tle R anc ai-e mahi-su a ut-sdi t taie ef hegatdcut Iu- ViesaMary Jury, af Torotnto., ct-t-- atîrti. iocnacmeet m as halai lethe- tht-te homes b-t-t. aflt- asptnia Ist trrsemd t-flot-t Su citht farce 'tein s at De %Icuay*. tars luit chut-th ltest Tutsdac eesisatThia tbe ctnit- mousinaOshaca. b ail nsts andtitedessi-rc thuse 32,.cen. 2, IVhiet- v About t1t1t On Juiy Il a Lace Social ceil Monday ec 15 hd oissoalnuaieis Misa Rubie Wilson ci Oshawa leif-ilds wetseet oiblethtTht-tare daCutswett cWhtttu_ tacs meeting lastait-tilt-aidthi va c ec t tluthfemanc du Utica ceigsaitesaae oh ituegcethberht-rpenta, Me-. anti itcntd lt treatedtti clicant touc- he hceld te the lacs cf Me. asti -t-syai-t-castiniz. lut-ser a.nossct-- Mes. John Wilson. Ms-a. L. W Lahete. sislat-r. Mr. anti Rs. Ge.McClintockt' rtiOeter.tI idet uaIeresur IHTS UTICAe May'I-iferice ln tht- bitaiBlancet anti Eusuce Le The monttby mittint of the W ai Posgect-s-re Teesiay vtsite!oe- it it-c- tststtcmk ttuiteai Chut-ch an Sunaa, May' 27, amai bitsVerna hitcelli sgtet mS.cslct e h-hm f sac i- at c.Cr Acy ut 'es. Deapy pasot- a chs-gt. Salaat Geo-ge ktt-t-.S.atatedet tht-homet-tins p-ftMr.Lads i.Aasotatta Asht-d.in The pitihe uipncss-itohyanCdC F ai 230 put.. citb the Rt. Jau. li-dase t-eauna wîh Me. anti bits. lot-dif on Thursdap lat. it, ila a The monîhît' business meetcng ofILa ssaeîsccet hat tlct- m- ade-at- G RANULT E sclsslol ai1,10 gm. Af i at--cet-tuiai- Me'. anudbis.Riehard SI e-t-astiCeuaici ibIheha ymnn.Whai a tht-bh aon Weainraaay alteient.cen.daciile, as t-pry rcactie i ert- u rtconemniesige h IV ccîcamc. Dat-us, ci Tarants, Suna a itathIe Prtt-nd Wc bat-t-is Jeans",. loet-ti ç T t cing cesa ogcned cibla ine- l'iufîcno SIuuouteeS uand cOsomyh Mr. anti Rs. O- H. Bennettl afhome ci Mes, A. Stee. îty pset-andaiPselus 121casratiing "Whaf a Pri-tssirce bavn N teee s Illut-cahte ai tectrîr ]Peterborough, tcet-e the ctGfMa OaMsks e -rgze bu' the Pt--nsai . Ms-s. Rutiina Jeaus" anti peaos. The main bhuai-lahemr uecba aseh qN O Me, acnd Mis, C, W.Le~y avraiteylrMsa.Wns. Loteanti Mer.eneaaisia tpe- ithe t- el-iss maptel -tsannn o ia-tanI.'bn hbiis nnet-.h. eeatht iaht- E FNEFO the wee-esnd. Gt-orgeShieltis, of Terso, t-s-c imerah.ant i.t-,Toutea sîtesaietimenais ofthes auioglabquviLt- eftir esple the effot%fs fmanv in CLOGGED CEMIG Mt-. anti Hts. H. . Smpson aid thetgaislci Mt-. asti Mes. rihue ai Claremont. chtch cma mcmiin-.llocks are la bc ait bantietinlislat'lesdice thlt-eacre, oasuaensatis- DRAINS L~SRYN elilite, îe t-ctce-r-tat-Ievlson ceSîui ttetsting. bits. Icet-ili!asti MesMat' 24, ast a esmmittet- cas îactst-niRAIN te ai tthense ifMr. Mras luI. herît Ruscas wctîh bsiect-y sang a bt-asiiful tint-tTht-rt- ame t l gthIe iaill in ceadincs____ hýr nSr railetr Metrtc ht-s-vrtn-rhe ct-tk- t hope ai tht- cnd o c Ihe Rasai' ulot gi l n unfaut th. 5.5ts- <AP O hTORONTO Me. anti Mr&. Franh Hrbe antiend.chiclaaicas stch ccteyed. Ht-i. A amlrasre as-tesit-k lit Base Line West @DH OPWtlS OT Hles cveet-t-Santanvieillts cth Me. anti uis i; d Shretet mer t-Crues lhss gave apage-aboutsstht e situascosmssîy. Mr. adasR-. tac Wae-d. Scatiau i-ct-c isetiers wlttuMtaieht-ai cbagtt-t-ofieut stusly book, MItSS ARgtt- Getocf Brooku- Ilir. anti bise. HtaueeeastiMas-t asti bitsHarlt-m Wagg. Lady feut aciateglater ni Chisa'"f stt tt eet s ei BASE LINE W5IOT. Ray'i 23 catch mas msati t-retiteg. HyeMeF ins J. J, G ae nts Mr. att-d. anti R-a. BW. Butt, To- eToronî.tto, ettaiflt-cbasse ni Mist Tillie Lee asti Me. Geore-3l3ias îlong"There s cee-k tao tcMs J . W mhisitua ibtca ona at ilis..Ss-' le George Mi c nrs aectht meeshut-ham. Miss Razel Lot anti bit-.foras- "Raig eetnegv *LWn uevstdwt ea otpl li tE tr' eisd. tHtamtya Rt nti R-s.earg Jis.vRaisa es-- h-ngi.tiven T-arntoela lst meelt,. tSRt. Jhe e.Te t- aUntc hc h oi rnrset'liGarsa d Metustoiat r5elay Mlir altit-n on "St-anzena' Mr$a. ts-cm 0emis tes, Mrs. A. J. wongratulasibts cthr. his-ia aThed UtcaUthetsinChuecacairSketttl cpati Workb, anti aits. Chia- Grases.i-s AMRiler astd Ut-t, RyWWlonoa -gt brhay setstti ui th- isain etRaa-M.hla Fi l astemParance cet-k, Ai- Moont altecae e taretMat' 241h. MilsRaoe,.aas-tucae sti Iaaat-y service mili bc heM tin tht Pt-ctby. -at-nait anti caltectiont. tietins epreestî oplit aebe ae chateros antey at- i chn htert-galet ataaies-ascoInA. tt- Bl* ucw tt:hm-c reat atiovset aat t -oblaanbouda. titht pet-sacn cis iat the i rpla lotie, gave a ces-y tasait-ustc me hthtte Wt.DA tet-mwidihtu"oeLv amas-ah an fat-olait cash ts the' aa4.4l tJt aile kona bt-t-Clans-gt-sua, the pastor, l ln ýargeC, Tht-g, O Chrit".a ,A vtaftt- t-mmy r hasnt - Tnt-tif!tforNews Ms-.A. Osîmain, a! Tcssso )s. anti Rs. Water Alitaci 1useta.of lber bosse.Ntet mettings cul W"__ cihot-a iaitceh ns beasines fflom, ct-t- ece--tati vsittt-wilh '.reentvooa se hslt I usthe bosse ai Mes. D. G Marly People lait itunaAt' t-t Mi. edMrsaP-t-a Balleaid. ___Rots. (Min. G. H. Robison, tais Easihousst Park. Ms. anti Rs. H. Symnes. o1 GREEN\VOO-D, fat'21 -Tht- Mus GatietO'ocyte, cf Oshawa, Cat-s-asssssit) A masnlt-cm Torntoiabas t-t A A RoedlvrestnzfinsSatta ife ltetfrît-ad merecSantda i Laits VieFarts fot-à apter5M AN batt a Saactai estittafuMce. A. Moortae, tehusMise OBaule. 22Ž-Sauatat Srhoci eseamencdt etla te. Me. anti rn t.euege Taylor anti brillbere- d ast merlu .Miss Vina Bt-tata chu has bece te tht eIg)ialz ci "Whosnenee tsat- esFat-met-a appt-salais th eetn oo a ohltiaitsu.oc Prouspect, wet-cn ith Tht- "Rea t -huoldtticl Ighî'Totest or he tise it sinste a i eh, nues, Shbut te cn-éoet-. i mas Mut-haSetisti for Irîetis t-te cuetetwceer-tud.i, te h p e seat Snayeinttht- Sht heai rainabaycois »- t-bsi-ch tant Suatianîct-nUngsprnt, basls-t-ut-assaitalhecrbasse asti "Tell hIe the. Oldti ( tIt to-a-tte-isat a'ta 0e t-isata. auJilît R-, aiettver cdwldoanssdatappre-sat- htse.l'lit- ense mas t-catialseti an i the fL~% Kaotmas Wal, ih. e esn hte- hoesed t-aiattrerts bss OlieteSpenert-ociPet-ls. as aclasset si-ti tutatht-e cituc ICIthe Laiuen' Ait l ,it lete-t The shauvvs r n Suilar a"iad a VS o r erthe- ct-tht-tai atîet- WIhet heyt' tcte-d arhtuei .' i 'VA LU E !1 Chut-ch r a suctalattearic nst-uîwuI doatubitofgîutt -rad,)aet iiMaandMts 1E'ctanmtiaas sangct" tiet riua. A h st-bosss the Bine Bird club o il alsa 1). V Hashîn utf'tueiite,,lias *cerchlui-tluand i hitti' Thteaainue-- lae etteetieha tht ladites ut lut- b-eu tic eg sme reoetsîg î Mu r ieanti hiesRBuePeru e me teetsutaner esati, artitht-stuIcs AflBit7nxttl'Mat' 22 - SaervicaIi Aki. A zuiraipratamm u stiir n s hlast eotla cithe seventh. 010 t--storswctsh these elativs it %aaýs caîtrdeti bu te hin "Icsia n te ls sCharrih ns Seetat'yJ LO se.ttaiGaidat Br-owneasti t-tut of Ttr c-kltsereeg. ut Tt-îîtiaty t atiatoThIrefi us" mtaer 7.let 1f s c i ý iWiLItht Tr!ht tegalat tutfti gext .t tohi %pet i pnt Suiau citt John Musses. Won.Martis aund C tas- ,tuaic lut- pereiteel-s's br it ,c pester. Rt-t Gý . A rgeusas unn UPAXEMAKBRC Epnom hii heu aut' etuici Ofi . Band -tota sti M 'iao'uas es-e ritointeTut-uit-tune tot TIteatttsaiauua as -etchargt- Sabhath l aiout0et s eas turdy a tire.as.Tou tEpsuwteu h,ý1rt adnul fsinLe! Pchee an-pluseîit-Mandat' surtuti ar. iever de«on ep th porildM'liofPcein Pn luit- Rýat-d citiMDaremeei. cf Ada- iOn Fciay ait-tcutcte s e ant Ras Aima ONeilt tiect thte adie tu ep s ncaliedcduti reecais ht-rt-utsLinesScitout ise-taIai t t'urmtou- wcei-eut math reladtvenlte To-, hck trcad 1 Buatreaoed Seetiay.eFtrs lchoal tua duc tuait Tht - enrota, i sid L ogt Lni Mrasitaise CbaoPiflete, afsuit Itas Tltuuctu s tlied cutîtua- Mr. taid t-s G. Sasage, s! Ta wlO-gfl Ln- h ushliai ce etietiters tae rut t-r iiatlie-ft' iii et-aat i Ivrenta, ast- a H5ay tasitîcs min mearingl Ycsu would ae laot- on dsia a tivebîause Base litue tîn Rt-Mro. CaaaAti. Pec to pay a pice ai lt-aut es. bisalt- Iet-e rber. si %W'htlani(ds astht-a i> l'a vare lraulig ar. ast i Ms. K Mt-aiR t- M Spsn itewees-endstisnth lier pr- Thuoetite's itttht- sen-uha is îtastiMs-s. Resiii PItk o futequaal go ailer ires for etn eat. f ait-s%.tamc-sBaret-' ltr es_Ciaremeat, sipeet Buttiat'ai the due"5Pact->gft " But Nfr.asti hIs.<et' Sct t ati eus- ' Osu e et-ca et't-eeuu May h6. homeocf Ms-sa. gtacehvota dont have co. -Pacte, - g Paa~Rnnteî Hat-alaianti Beverley. cf ftien Lotis' Ail eltetta ced ,heTh e is. at matise aof tht e use aae- s rIJ 5 tes-ave we-et-Susaise eutseof cemmasiy.1hetririeuuuuhr an ,st dtPeples Socety ot r asftileseaee aee sa U Mra-i Mr&. FrankHNarrstonsasti Huit- ltaatamt-tett e tisuicird l'cy htse- o upe-I bailta DUNLOP gues-an. Mis Laese Ma Atîue Pecce he-o it-ire as llntti he bassianof aitht- teed tire Mai aremarkalsly Mde ChIeete Wttatit.-e hu i-- Bielesiad Mes.L. 1 iii etieu t chus-- a sIeaaesît-Mc~» t-. t-pl itocn hli data se.ltatie Sa dbflac irst plaetor ie lasie sichoast- oTls ces-t cltn O - a Mr-Smhn'stcca. rect-med.tu.lahie anti Me ct-mac Rusanasai latte gh alswr ie-d - lwpi rpi n hmesin t-nr euon tfait-ttt-te esonpua- Stu hon l utet u dav Gordon Lefthatset-lh-ie surîttesaicwt tb tllera ndat affeif* te aefor ouarel. t-est-t-s, ascii Mies Sache suiet-r eCao tleainesurble tfi-tela_ s'-ý t-- eaaV b'-H-m i.abeussee-bwsanan teaict- htsstttde tet-.4 tit.ess t 8 3taenttrpR OIm -s II Rte vbith we -a h mnt»Socue i thsreci thd-et e-411 'om Afterw strtna..Mtth, e.ett-a(aE-Ley & Rciehr.aef .Teti enaitcsu le , uIfet haslat-ctTheantg ltii --tut lettrce. Cast-'et- en D a Clii i ý SmithaonSndat.taac fhlicraw foD tePut-si t cketa fuhr - s-tcft-#Il41'e lo t nct Me- a'c Shat- 'N', I~~) s~t-j Mre e t- cei;kn faa atrnit-el tht- msst h. ut-bt- a i e ae -tt. - et 9a't l Aisst-ysasWnt. does,,? scratch bms eau mmOd Dutcl md w "sà ak ee =Ieeadre o. n e OCM Dutcaonay ucewe. clos cave c r mire surface eut in ordieary clesmalerAsa resutait 0O i d l>uftcbgoes fart-hor sd mmdfomore square yards oi gcratcie lei u ptpenny of costL OId Dutch lfiMs.]fer a4 cées ifot id: cha tenuuuils am suj .e.gsimwm Md martai h - 40t csiem sporcesla, 16enemeltue ;;é. 0o Camser cie o mach atgo Utile Moe # , le co COt flor en vra! et éupdg.. I ý Regarding Wac t-Dr, Fosdtek renos nr'-ta il t torsew y k tVcrtut-TEnlugraml dniii tarrst-cattlonta Tht' iht-r day a ftOreecuut tfig- Dit one thlng metng ma su- le ti n r -cc v, tfilter aut'lttue he more arti'utly îtirettuol"oto Ilaaucît Inun stitiece that ir, _o ~d'rluî flhetInstitI fuiture muerF, tire gloucrint pr-ut Irai-rnir viuludthauetgouuccgripttattco-uu -tul ,, li ftuuu fortheu-tîîrre sietutus uuljeuccus and ttit q cr pl rit ch Ir'Pa ,'cm mt thein in auukcamps. L'cle ley y Last cueitthe Hec. Dr. tterry M P8Iie. yFtcc'tîtupon Filurk, pester cf the tllurtll,(<tutu l, ita petuitent rcttaratlac "for aeetitgmarituriuer Life Begiss at Forty thetotutin thet eWcrid War titBrantfuord Exttultcri Ith encueragîement inte tetr Thetrimtcberp or a profeesajusat huerta. recouceei mr and Wautd agieeral, itreutit' or Itcd- cue'cluîb In New Yorkh have rrilY ancttion acuther car-_duttiu-ti ttttu ttc lirpeofthtde hust- 1>1celru In cprisos ftrat." 'les e-amen rammet-ce au aifrît. The wurtd setbs su abctteb wsr tut che lt gouing rideelu n atcat'c. s'tth the mente! reterce- wnue butthe txaut tu'tc t. tien thet t sebel sut bg uppceeti1 buta gîsen, The Last Judgment "tiRASS TI4CKS" ON THE ISt'ND-1Y '4HflL ESS;O ýLesgson fas thte buue taptu tur l'îttgmPcî lu i-cc tti-' io Mfac 27 la Matthes 23 i11-44.t. ,,hu unrattitude ile-ard tua w"fg a_ GotldentTgat beiag fIl tot . t In'lue i lu cltha i raut- iîe. -a- 'We musC att bie mandt manc ,tel" lutte dc -tulhr-'i. .ut, tp hetura the Jîtigmu t' rai .rI leat Tipuut'A 'i lthe king IeAu Christ."'iuiu lu emc" Il 1ih uuiu C'uocnt Y itP i-"tmi F:ithtu in Dty DR. ALVIN E. BELL iîur'ttir icutu, u9d iri eparl c OtUR LORD'S prtdtttutecoru- lttmI i li- t -uuu tat-rucf tute c 'ut t tcttng the endtof LIIt preïtcîî ftrttiwadiu,111197v. iccau aae. as ha deieerei thenir n ht4 e ti'teCui -t, 1cas titty. anti "c Cria! dîsceurst os the %foutotftbite me titihu t 'sas a tuý, Olivu'esnTscsdayaofthse wek ItIlaul ci a t i utj l ;utda'kîri, t bis cuciftiiontait elo 't I et ,,c" etilt tto euerel k ,,-k brîd and attinctusve nette!r tttIitiîcý.t1asIn prue pruphesies rttaîteng. o@-tet lmt- titd "EI ta 'iti tucmcu, - T. r'u ,.ati, ta wtuichheoitredIttd a pier- btitteatInituiitu -a tlu ilu'tîud- tati cf anparatteteîl î"ttautattua bati uot t lîeme kiltccatc:taLI." fcr fuiescva e ureeMart. king. lut teltîd.teucetarfue v 24 6-44:tiath e ttuclAti htsprî'ptt- 11t iti t Itlto uiut ,feuttîtc uerP estes tetatlag tei tht rhareh. blait. titrea týitîl llici. 'i-al i (1. 24 ah-lt 10. ta wttlu Ina uler- l ittr me > 'tdutl IirttLait, les ut perabies. he ensîneut eiaun PItitttîy uttîtu t h itr;i-tIl tht tbcttuh thtetneeai ai aitlitai- tht ,'us ut aitl lut eeîîuîîtn au ersagicatchfstaessandmcd dutgeiutre tîuîtte tuusaud 'il'-e l'tstîtîî te etc. af thteatnertitty cf h.' arO frît as aittitudtta tuuca tic , ttme cf hiq ceteIert: and 'but'cit't ahi!1-1îî'lged uttittearlgvut1 came the titetets iu-teenuofu'hie'..Cin-'ieta iîruiruut nîy tuiri îtrediurittets Ite 'utsprateutîsr- etr". eut "itiputelt r rut me )A lite ltiîgtlathecnationsscfttt"- il eut. ttloiteeuraitlis-i'i. and itajttgment apin (ttc tu utti'al'ut tut lîn eil 'l i 'boit trelimeet ut'ît Iltl u-"acul' tht popte Muittrel.Niataî. 2",3 1- Thte »-tllt!r î'tatt "JeAue King 0cf îaoir,- fal ntth na lg Ie ar-e te hî ett utitre prtv ,ret tetlce ti4ii il attll't dut kteîîtiem one -'astilutouu,,tut leîniuîre tuut 'Ppr-selon 'e traclue. "P'rnm thuttue ht Ctiun't crueilm eantîte cîindtitualt ecth,- crme te tuait-utthteatîttrkanti the trît b t (tudr s ni erult ct esit deet- i" dît teeeailti ed nthtelfti- nalit dur-i teetîî 1,ît ashameti nOim nt o csuJetî- rd'ri, tt'ttetuail -'uethttllr,,e rît., tiliaSnntcfnn hah Itî'I n hc <.1dîtlut;t'ient ltut tep.te. e ploteandeil ttucangelscuIthiic ltldlurIe bm lîntitsci h'h,,e thoncball tit or the" cfîi (it (,e-cms1'2 3' eiei he-r bts Itlr anttiheturs hin chaîllone huaIt rtretithcc antit'est bo gathereti ailt bunariceanti eut b- e tic lria i ai itîettel i 'le chali sapacate them teo te o t hpe Grec-l2- 1 F2e' 'cactber.as Ihe uhupterti menr yl,;ra,,ic n Gt' e P eu ctpmiute %etatu tec iset' fronmttu suiate-thei ciil ut -rtct'-" t s e- Theunt-cthrcred Inte hilcîtitoft(leut prupîr 'mci I1efciasîteia the- natins tbfc KnofKîn t ,i --e tl t'etman- lenitotturti the-,,. miii exereete, ledgme.t 'n ihI Anad et Intrue cearihistîurueati tectala utoen nceticr"" lte îOii c thitîti tIcrht oft-i,mi MyTbene C piees. l'unt-sa Itece -h'r acre nit m uis utulullu [t-at-llîîiîituhse Ilule on-It r, 'Theprelt-rite bu blhrt1h- nucruc utte n.Peu ieei Thle Golden Text Cor. 5'l ' emiut ail hmnsaaje. santteci t "O-t- hr, satgmnat art-e of Chit." - TLae JudandILLUSTRAkTED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON irs.sssUfmdsiJ. ---2-itt-f-Mr;,7 25:31-41L tOur laoeth âd*lM te laisdisciples on ib* e anMtMJda-au i bs m aiM sM li b. de. 0f tUse. vIehave estetaime a kindit attitudes 0f titnoshose attitutie-ma hostile aid chu f Olive m *5 Tiostabefoe s ts iath set t eujsa.d by iii.. UOW U»&" 9i 1 ds eInul- at- ays, "Tises shai]the king- cap sts then en ossitted tilese ktctlsren, he gaa%, "Tiers Otaif he 7teth Unls1 . - ug t em, frui. bu ts relation tae unO- or titit'tocard Jasmi' ew tm U siof bis rt-ght hanti, Csrne, ye blaentet af n FttSaet-, my ise ucte tisemn sethe itft hacti Depaut sem isa peoptl-e l tU (at24.4-44);l tbîn tt-tla- ufl n e bsa a.W4 m a.h smape sd la anti tohetit tektegdom grtpat-td tnt- yca frocthe me, pe ctasc-a. ta the ttersai fit-e cbarh ta pt- bon te tbe aCbs5sch (24.4-5:30) and R£558117 f55 m t.f.iaa -7myb-ti v eu Mihffl-asu, ye ftagaticitaf ithb. ottai. fuort1semahunMg, asnd pat-et- tee ie ait-euht i el" *..i teeS À um&---&Ju4)ua- pagave me M*8a tsc." (GÇLD&\ tEIT-lt C., 5h 1,i PACT SEVEN D % r, C cr7xr - N