vu 'y ~1 C ?14! ~wcA~TTE-&~0~woN!eTi. ftS~AV. ~ f 1cà ilI 's ftÎcmm uwi wbm m - oexiys t 0mOO10om b t«,foa eâMlange c. euap.Moel TIy a bovffl oge-«bp LlIop'sCota FI"ke. whh . o «ufourcka Iaà t. S« how kom gSdlefi 7«,". 1.- h Kelog. tl a . qa- t ig. u s 4-? - -- e--,- Miss G. Stovin, teacher. ttly oe I'm afaid yiir Senior !-J*net Mason 91, Rose Dlot thée man weé want to writeR e u r Y 11$ Mlym'tle Dowson 86, Ora Dowson 80, t Vera Bm'uce 78. Kathleen Cook 78g That loe-year-old woman of Mit- Eva Goode 78, Ttddy Leahy 77, chel, Ont., who attributes ber long- Gartlî Andrcws 75. Warren Eades evitv to a lifelong practice of 2els-. 74@ Fred Gyton 7Z, Does Peter&=s ins at 4 o'clock - in the~ moriii BO TH FO 66,Jac Mcreor 6, icor Eade May he offering the solution, t 65, Walter Sonley 57, Lloyd Wake- we doubt that she wiIl ever popî4ar - ford 4Q, Grant -Bennett (absent), ize her habit.-Hamilton Specttr Junior I-Edna Gaà uld 76, Normais -o.N E Y À&R Ploug9hrnari69. Hà rold Mark 68 Eporta faplsduigthpe0~t~ Gordons McMaster 64. Altta Wake- sent - seasonu-2f2Mre ford 64. Betty Hall (60, David Bent- . O0bajn d ,2,5 oe UVO R eiarc ley- 5. ran BntlyS9# Doris an -increase of 104 ber etiitofýn bat-. Vanos $9, ICeith Stewart 458,Frank ossd£ e nonox c>m., -, -. ' Prtmtice 45. ]Teà h Alihi 43, ois l ande1 Otls tii irepojoe D I.1M, e.w inC n Gerrow 37, Arthur Colbcer e, Ar - -tIs se&.on f-î,0M#>î.ni Teachrn M-, ESait174A' thur Ncst 33o Mm. eo-ach son £ l ¶s R retia. . cd home sfter spending a coup o! s Oesoj-IY ; <k weeks in Toronto, î U~IisOfrGodFraLmtdPeb MisDoris Nid and lMi" y1à NiIId. ci Toroto. r. and r& DiiNbîd. ofnS. -& tnd, m!- 'i TheRhapsocy'DIIA AONT Bi 1 AA GUS LIB.EANOU&RELU CHAPTER I. in r One afternoon Ruth Dray ton was theRoyalAcadcmnythedirection ofSU C r L-RA Y th oalAaem fMusic, Lon-___ dlou, carryinz her portfolio contaimw it:, f roni it-s outward appearance Libera Leader Say& Far- :tiite an extenîsive repertoire. At i .c moontt shc was concentratmtg mers Victimized by ,tudies entirelv ta ont of Lizîs 4inîious Rhapsodies which has ai- aia ia) , appeared vcry difficult to must !) anmsts ecs',A5i .Acsn Ktîoclsing gently upon the door Nwae pil4~cuSn Vuîn w.M'as îîtînîdiately admitted thé Bennett Govérniment of hav- m:tû tht iuiobv a young man of lng tolerated thé vlctimiizing of st tudnizpronai woa neCanadian fart-ers b>' thé pack- thos' wh entrcd ht I ng Industry. Dr. George A. Me- - Quibbn, thé Libéal Leader l 1resbion oi .t'einz of an artistic ubateLiea edrI 1..nî.mrarntiît. The roons was air- thé Ontario Législature, on Motn- îeîmg d witlî Oriental rugs, beautiful day night addressed a capacity îdpe:tt-ics paintings, and Chinese audience In thée ommunity hall 1ni - V'lîeti the young girl was h&ée under the auspices of tise s.aeIai the piano, Mn. ,regorv district Libéral organlzationls. :<ýimd viv rt-r. I dont wish to hc-r r Récent disclosures nt Ot- r>' arpecgC., to-day, i presunictawa," said Dr. McQulbban, "ré- Du lavc berrii suim'Ivitig your theory véal hat, despite thé récent r>' conscntius1v. Now Rutlm Years of depression and hard- t.t iont-rltiCl.ila I have 10 ship, thé packing Industry bas rregardini' your rneînory work. buit up a surplus of millions of - tphrascoosmv i riot at ail satis- dolla,-. This great Industry bas fatutr";, and vvJen you comne t10thietlouriehed, déspîte thé, suffering -Ad ,fu Page. t car.,tncofuciouslS' In otl-'er fields. Tf must have car oùu tut-lt the rnusic. Do try reaped ehat treLnendous profitL ..d yverconie that difficulty. Plcas-c fr mi thé prodiicts sold lt by the ii erthe 'Rhiapsçdtl by farmers of this country-~sold ta Rui liad onlv played a few overburdened famer could mani- I,.t-s Lfore lit tapped the miusir age and yet 'ive. i pat ently wmth bis pencil and Bc' -re-Election Promises - gri'v ex claimcd. 'Ns iis is the "Defont an electIon," hé con- 1:. t .tline' 1 oin zgeng to correct tinucd, "tbey pronîlse you all * o.V'c bas- sttndied tîmat certain sorts o)e ,erotetionl for this and * -..sagc over hurdreds of tinîe, andi that Industry, but atter the elec- Au lhavent thc si-ht i dea 'Of th't- ion thebe promises are forgot- -rnWat e s' agw t en. It Ile to thé credif of thé Cari- - n. adieu farmer alone that he bas 1 ' am 3sût-t,,A*r. Gregot, but 1 sa splendidly survIved this ciin r seeni t,, -r' able to gt-asp le crîsîs.' .' i"Dr. MýcQulbban blamed thé On. 'G,: d hca, mi:.- Do %ou realize tarte o (osenîative Administra- t i 's. Mav aid at my recital is tion for niuch of the unemplo>'- "ithin thirece ctks tinie ?"lhe ask- ment il, Nvrtlitris Ontario, as a ,.' abruptly. sil possible that result of what j termed "tht , u haventi':. i-nmorized 'The getAil~~oîpe" H 1( îapsody' 'geargé Atbié eople'e h Mr. Gregor- rose and began tf0 Prvne had bheefopcedoftoun ;-s.,cc up and dowNn the studio. "Put deovinfe hCrenienfos osseun- t.iat confoutîdcd 'Rhapsody' aw tht anothie t'reendus o thé col- ', anvtnily decrtatîded. "Now try ta nte «t, rtecl 'Thé Swan' îhrougb withîout theaPsee O! the min-mu Project n'as, nu. i t's higli tinît you knew it." ."thé In-.,' iity o! tht T. & N.O. But- unlortuttatels' Ruth was not RaIln'a5 to imet Ci full oblim'a- j rogressing vcry favourably thiat Clone to the Province." day and when sec had finishrd, Mr. Tl-, speaker told tht gatherlng Gvmegorv said âarcasiically, 'That's of thé laie dlscovery Chat a t'ie. V%'e certxlnl%- will have "The "chèque for $1,500,000 had béén Sîwan executed at the rccital." muade out to the Goverument rhere was att aw'kwat-d sijlence, front the Lîquor ContrOl ]Board rend hée walked user.10 the window taCe tet a favorable balance à rid lomXed ta be out-of-doors. foc thé Government, although Rimîli renîained Quietly at tht piano thé accounits of the board at tisse and wberî Mn. Gregory inally spoke time revealed a crédit t o nly Iis manrier had changed consîder- $19,000."1 i4bly. He said: "I repeat non' My "Niv father hias begged me on charge tn thé House Chat they several occasions to give up my présented an abeolutély and ut. t.ea hingz and assist bit-t in tht pro- terly faise statement to thé nuc! ion of an operetta," be said, Province." lemvinz the window reluctantly. "As 'Àosn;Lberty vou know our f amiiy have always Hn ien ssy nlz heen infcreste n the Theatre, and ing tradîtional Liberal, policles, as there is no tine like the, présent, held theY lncludéd thé prIn- 'me are both of tht opinion te use cil tproa îét. H the eld phrase "strike -whiilt théenared ohaperona liberty vas iru t «weyouldknow, "ean eove a wlde section of Europe -C "plisfied piallt, I mmediately h-o-asking you f0ta ukn but now that is cntmreuy ouf of thte o S h o question." u'C o ii S h o "Oh. Mr. Grestory!" Ruth ex- claisned, ver>' nuch excitid over the Lesson thOUglst of even being eonsidcred Iunstch an enterprite, "1please give (Contintred f rom page 7) m ne ont more chance." made fromn tht vilain orang jll sy ad torr' uth," bet sdfor0us fold into il (when partly set) 1 1>',"anif ouldih edwtter fno USstiffly beaten egg White and 1 cup bofhif toustuded ithsom one o heavy creani, -whipped. .Mould 171 k V mi »a lbisa rearguard P'IU A I ON naId, ,«ara notwltthout danger of loia or liberty. Tisere -'s au enatment on olir statute bookso IIT Y TO N$a IT which la contrary to the very principles of liberty. 1 roter to Section -98 of the ,CrlintnftCode. 0K TE -A 1, remové from tlsos0 books. It Fridy and S4dy UUEu. MEUUUMMUUU *..U MUEUUW UUm ropresents an Infringément on our personal liberty, and It must Kotex, w@dersoft.. B WstrT'UClhedDm go." (Applause.) 2 fori.s The speaker- attacked cum- ages for Wrongful &1Z- muiea oseia:lut nds am as Kle ei.5.............Better :Theatre Entertainm ent muni.Socitam, e s.n al m as i e su Incorporated Into public life, Bittlers ................ 77c r Justice McEvoy presidisig F or U41Iitby waz, nevertiseless, if carrled to over the proceedingi of the Su- Its logîcal conclusion, sa unac- Ppon preme Court Assizes at the Court u.EEu ceptable frôm the point of vîéw Tooth Paste.......... 330House here Thursday morning con. of, personal liberty as were thi s FutSatscnted to a settlement of the action -other two 'aa'"There la, F for 5 c ~ 1daagesbrought by Walter T hwvr eslatype o e large ..........TulaantW.itby Township form wh:'ch does flot extinguish and Daniel Parrott. who acted as IoteP ol fW ib n itit personal.Inlitiati-ve or personal Paîmolwp Sosj., g bailif for the township ini the sciz- liberty. yet can achieve Vieé o .......... % ure of ccrtain chattels un the farm chanes which we In Canada 15o Lux Toilet S@oa7c f the plaintiff in May, 1933. sorely need, and that t "Ilibéral- 3 for . ........p1e lTactio malcd t ha t e aslîthe lsm. plintif alegd tht te balif ùfAs announced last week, the BROCK THEATRIE Theéhira for the ei.eniig Ironized 8 the Townshiu of W~hitby made ill-e n~Ahtyi hena uue was S. B. Hatheway, President Yest................... C eal azuro e rstaxn çarers.o iloe nW ib nten uue ot the Liberal Association of i amtstsftxares. Durhm Cunt. Te Screary Pe9cnaUnder the ternis of the settlement Duam Couan t thé ecrew-tar on..........7810 agrced up)on bv the litigants before was lla ntit fth entrr lbow t...........justice McEvov. the li'* ,TulIlenew ma ge nths ad vrlmu ed Who sang a solo. Mus.KeeKeeéi recie'-- irom the defendant T em ng m n a aesvrlm c ed aNvi.00 TownthihCtntlur nClube pldatnthe, 'srle New Arm of Party .................iC $1d a thAsae d improvements, including Northern Electric Sound Mr. HatheWay explained that of tht chanis in uiuestion of a span the occasion niarked the for:-.1 Princes& - f horses and a cc'w, and wilî also Equipnient, New UPHOLSTERED SPR.ING SEATS, ~ 2 7f!be relieved as tenant of back taxes Introduction to the riding of the Soap Flakea.... N W OTWA ERHE TI GsY'r27C s hebu0 Twéntieth Century enovemént, for the years 1932 and 1933. The N W H TW T RH A IGS S E .A h ui and hé emphasized that it was a Phillips litigants wvill each pay their owi new arm of a party based on a Milk of Magnebia ..... %se s. K:nd iV ibatdns eeoaohripoe et ilb ae sound and logical srhool of poî in.tH ce,1 for h litifTl, ens&d-,l sot rim ov etwl b ma . ItIcal tLuh.Kolynos -eoth Paute, ind t.e. se incth lai .C, f Osh-l Others Who were introduced large sizand 43s and .a ortE.d.fna. Co 5 to thé gathering "vere four dis- Silver Spoon ...... T3 aa o he sc w as t t s to be dis-mtobin t %ib te et trict executives of the Twentieth Th efore va the Cour tao bnds Centry oveent:Kelh Lng pse beore he our adj7ured.Entertainment at Reasonable rces. of Port Hope, Stanley Robinson. 1 fBom anill e, Uoyd iliarWSto ! .'cteroA ato o dmcsù.'gîb. We have installed a telephone, No. 118. anhd invite you of Hampton. Walter l'ru]!. \Vhîtbv Township, W. J. Bragg, _M.P.P. for the IKRNApi h against the Tuwnship ini which he tom k nure about our progranmmes. PICKRIN, Apil Théis reidcnt and Daniel Parrott, oftoi ke nq re rilnalo pkebrely ibers o'f the local Masonic Ashburin, townshmip b al îf f was Lodge werec ucîts of the Brooklin commenced before Mr. justice Mc- Lodgt on Tuesday eve.ning. Evoy in the Suvreme Court litre We ho"- t cater to alag number fro"' lVhitby and. Mir. Emerson Symons. Of St. Wednesday afternoon. W. H. Ken- t ag Por ery Carles, Michigan and Mr. Maurice nedy,. of Whitby, is acting as dsrc.W ecnt anyu Lyness, 9f Saginaw, Michigan, wert counsel tor the plaintl isrct eand W. E.a t am yorparnae recent visitors with Mrs. A. BurreiL N. Sinclair. K.C.. of Oshawa, for PORT PERRY, April 2 - Port Mrs. W. Boves of Toronto. visà t- tht defendants. Tîhe evidence of ____________________________________________ PFrerr bli P coolreprt:honrs d o Sedaywrtt:r an Mr. oly ne îtnns as îcad bfor I ___Mr.___and__________________one_______________________________________ 75 pe r cent., pass 60m per cent. Mrs. A. Boyes. the court adiourned. It wvas con- ______________________________________________ Senior IV-Ruth Carnegie 782, Mr. H. J. Liark, of Toronto, visit- sidered oossible that tht case would Rody Hayden 73.9, Marion Brent cd his parents, W. J. and Mrs. Clark be disprjsedi of bv noon today. 73.1, Murrav Holtby 72.6, Chas. Sut- on Wcdnesday. T was brouzht out that the sale and paid the bailiff at hie home &&aInR itoo. omieoeaId. "Our #Ise cliffe 72.5. Dorothv Pyatt 72.4, Dor- Mr. and Mrs. L. Ravin, recently plaint:ff dlaims damnages for the that nizht with moncy he borrowed -C0frnalngnandiantinrealng othy Cliff 71.9, Charlie .\ndrews 71.7, of Slincoe, have taken up residence alleged wrongzful seizure of chattels. for tht purpose. ofmkigÇ aunsfteun, Bert De Shane 71.6, Tommy Hay- in E. Crawford's house on Kinig St. which were allegzed to have been In cross examination Mr. Trull CaflauuaR - B@@ftd'B ly more tea. consertus ,-fa biset% den 71.6. I)orcen Hood 71.5, Ejîen East. They are Weil known in tht i t roin seizure for a tax sale, admitted that he owed for taxes 01Ev~5V chiefly on diyuwpprÇd Bikt 1.BlyBae6.,Jc ilgadaecrilywlo eempt* vertising. We begat - l Mm Bikt .BlvBeare 68.1.8, JCrege a49. bc ilae, n re codial elcme which was lheld on the plaintiff's and that the seizure had been made 60,000ý000 TuneS by placing 290 ad , r1eeà snt-h juer 6IV Hr-y Carnegie 64.3,ytersient.. Cu erh farm on Mav 22, 1933. to satisfy thern. Ht said, howevtr 0yaVr*=ù l Junor V May Pat 823, Contabe . O Crmrer as Tht plaintiff in bis evidence stat- that lie did not dlaim exemptions daily papers and thus rgached a Glenn McMaster 79.3, Marie Hay- been In Whithv during tht past cd that in 1932 lit made a bat-gain when a lisi was subrnitted to him by total circulation j of 9gt14b#17. den 75.3, Burgess Beare 729, Bruce week min attendance at tht spring with Reeve Weir of Whitby Town- tht plaintiff when he made the seiz- Montî'eal.-Canadians have Th%'s io-uth' we shçtll reae na Leahy, 24,Gog Muia72.7..3,a Mr. and M r s. E.Grainer ofsbl5 that if bis chattels ivere not tire; and lurthermore did flot claire begun to drInk more tea. Last relers and t0e976,8Î86 ie Norahy724,Georde70.9, a-ion23,P iipnding thE.Gaster. o if e ol elha n rinayeepioso h ay of thé month, tes sales increased euh--erattn0 ieCnda- Normn Gibood 709, Marin Pitonis pendng he Es andaopplan yathy ttmoney n on tahe sltaxeslelsale. roWhile he had prottheestedAgtej Gooderham, 70.8. Norma Ewers 70.1, days with her grandmother, aMrs. hoe.H ttdta r a.aantttsl en cdh a stantlally, according to pachers traite bas done much-te lnerèase Elin loghan70,LuhaPlug- A Brrli .rott. tht bailiff for the township not nmade any specific mention of hère. The increase le partly at- public Interest in oui' efforts.- marn 69.9, Wilbert Wakeford 69.4, On Friday evening last, at tht 'id visit to his farm during seed- anv articles. It was also deriied tributod to tise efforts of thse gov- Cl7re9 c Ruth Bett686, Hrld HDen- Chulrh C.G.i.T. oufthelUtd a ttng titî n193and seized stock that the bailiff had handcd hbu anyerument of Céylon to qulckén By thé edéiSd fthis arIts 67.. Rth Blwet 6.8,Fre Dn- hurliC.GI.T -rou, hldat heand equipment which was Inter put list of jzoods which wtrè exempt. the demand for better teas by a. undei'atood- that. th., goerhà n shamn 63.8, Ray B:rkett 63.5. Leon- home of Miss Rubv Andrew, a pre- upfr sale despite bis protéets. glattmerchandising plan Wlsich of Ceylon, thragth Sta Te&a *ur1j up fo 3..TeDwon6..snaio a aetaMs hlis7euhr-il reitejiate Its story a Coîer 635.9 ert t owon612,s Lntan wao s mo iss iyllis Tht plainif said, however, that he "Truth is-as impossible-to be soil- h8 Just swung lit) action. - e'0h y W Cor Grro 5.9 Evret ade Lngmn lî lemomn wih erhad been able to buv «a tonsiderable ed 'by any -outwaï tucîeth uetoeda tw e n c filo I'«B tisol 41OOi4q0à p M-5 Bo Jçfry 4A fnedvae r tsonns 58., Bb Jffry 4.8.parnts'toBowanvlle Folowg nount of these izoods ini at tht sunbeam."-Milton. . Bureau, F. E. -B. Gourlay, tht'et 0 Wsppr~ ..- Teacher, R. M-. Cornish. tht usîsal prograni, a social titie -Senior TII - H-ugli Nastiih 83,unis held and refreshments served Louise Hall 81.- Grant McDermott by the hostess. 79, Herbert HIoward 78, Doris Mac- The'Swastika Club held its regu- Gregor 75, Georgze Stone 75, David lar mecting at the home of Mre. C. PieIsard 75, Josephine Cooney 74 A. Sterritt on Tuesday evening. B3etty Mitchell 73, Lola Gerrow 73,'1-as-Sports Any Place in th.- Life George Emmerson 72, June Sonley o a Christian" was answered ini the 71. 'Jack Raines- 7o1,-Stanley Gytom affirmative in a paner gziven on tht 69. Edîîa Dawson 69, Lucille Harri- bvonhl MIisRr cigto thtu- son 67, Gladys Nott 67. Dick 1-iood siatéed ctPS b io ss er. otl u 67, Jack inslcy 66. Rosser Wit a ed eetinS. o ngvnbyiis V c , i L , L L .- lianis~Wil 6, , Cîer6 Nra~Chse r- eadneby Mrs. -