Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Oct 1933, p. 7

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MHali-ITY AETEC-RONICLE, THURSDAY, OcTOER5,1933 ,h Itb District New Bu dgets F m -SaffR News of- Bu Trookli, Oct' 5-The Septetn- rnher meeting of the Brooklin 1omen's Institute was held at the )me of Mrs. Ustlife on Wed- N4ay when the Makham Institute ?,., enteutained, and Mrs. Rob- tg, Ditrict President, wao thse est speaker. A. very attractive, -ogranime was premented by thse arkhlam Braneh, consisting of ree numhers. from the Ladies .iarettt; two, readings from i Is uld, and- a piper on "lInstitute its" i'rom thse Secretar of the arkhani Branch, Missem rma ioenms. A delithtfzl social, hour »s spent when lunch waa served -the Bfrooklin Branch. Mrs. Hughes, of Toionto, was a ek-end guest wlth Mis,, Oliver:> Mrs. George Cuthbert, Mr. Grant' d Wilbuu. Cuthbezt, and Misses ermiina and Ruths Cuthbert, wereý eek-end gueists 'with Mr. Jobi Ihite and M4r. and Mrs,. N..- J.l Remenaber the auction sale ai' lected Nursery Stock, at Cedar urmerteg, Whltby, on Saturday, tober 'lth. ie Men's Choir -f the United iumls assisted at the anniver- ,y services in ClaremoatBap- t Churcb en Sunday eveniag.. Mu. and Mus. E. R.. Taylor and ji4ren, of Belleville, were wýith1 rand Mrs: G. H. Humter*aveul ,e week-end. Mrs. Jerry Bailey was in Quono t 'week. Mr. and Mns. Lazenby and Miss nenby, of Churchlll, and- Mus. Mes, of,. loomington, %Aere with r. Garbutt on Tuesday. A numnber of thse MissionCircle ris attended the rally cof the bawa Presbyterial held ini Whit- -this week. >Irs, Dorn White, who has been Ottawa, and Miss Olver, who s en in paruy Sound for thse st two inonths, returned homei ft 'week. Mirs. H.. Willls and daughter are th Mu. and Mus. Dryden. Mrs. E., Micheli and son, of ontreal ' are. spendlng. a few eks at the home of heu parents, r and Mrs. C. L. Mackey. Mr. and Mrs. Scott we'ue in* aiemont on Sunday. fr Richard Hunter, of Exeter, ited last week with Mrs. M. Ormiston. Mr. snd Mus. Harvey Harris ont Sunday wths. AMow- 14r. end Mus. B.- Dellaut' anmd TORONTO SINGLE--70c RETURN.-$I.25- S12 TRIPS &ACH WAY EVERY- DAY Extra Week-End Servîce DMILY SERVICEt LOW FARES I.twew, TORONTO an2d 3ufàIlo, Hamtilton, De- roit, Barrie, Ort*Uia, Mid- wd, 'Jackson'& Point, rampton, AND ALL. J.S.A. POINTS. 'fekets and Information atj Gray Coach LUnes. mas Street, W"ltby Mènce 121 tsy, Brooklin - Mt. and" Mrs. Morley. Ross. were ini Toronto last week. Mrs. Lade.is witli herdaugbter, Mrs.. Thompsone in Toron:to. Mrs. McMana, of, Cold Springs, is wvith*heu dauglater, Mus.Du. -UcKinney. Mu.ý and Mus. Percy Wessels, ai' Niche, North Dakota, andlMu. and Mus. F. Wessels, cof Weoleu, ere week-end gueats with Mu. and Mus. Norman White. The United Chuci. ]Rev. P. L. JuIl, B.A., Pastor. Sunday., Octo- ber Sf1. Special -Tlianksgiving ser vices.' 10 a.m., Sunday School; il a.m., 11ev. J. I. MacKay, B.D., "1Churci oi'ARl Nations, Taranto; 7 p.n., 'tise pastor ý wîI' preacis. Special.msusic at bath servIèes'. Mondey, October 9th - - 'Annual Fowl Sumpr and Duamatie, Re. citaI, "Bei-Hur" by 1ev. A.. l: Roýbb,h of St.. Andrew's. Unitedi hurcli' Oshawa.- Tuesday, 8 p.ni., Young Pcople's - League. Thurs- dlay, 8 p.m., nid-week servicé. Attise meetin f a'tiseYôung People's League an Tuesday ýeven- - inge, Rev. P. L. JuIl gave a n'fa- feuesting ueviîew ai'tishe book "ThseF Hidden Years," by Johil Oxenhans. At fthe nid-week- services la the United- Church- an o pen forum is behsg held fou tise discussion for tise discusmion.ai' subjects'- sulimit- ted by anyane attending. Tis week tise aubjccf,*Iill be, "'How Far iWtise State to.Blame fou tise At their meeting on Wednesday- affeunoon thse Womea's Associa- tion of tise United Chirdis enfer- fa-lnedtise new corners ta tise vil- lage.- ___ -Mu. Joseph Grills, of, New Lis- keard, hias been flic guest the pastý week ut thse haine cf Mr$. A. Lawrence. Mr. and a-Ms. Herbert Grills . and Andrus, ai' tise Base Lîne, was visitous at tise saine home. - W. J. Lawrence, ai' ofBroolin a West, isset wfth a >very .seriaus ac- cident on Wednesday- as lie"was on his wvay -ta Wiitby, just soutis cf Rice's Hil,> - with, a- load of' wood. A lcaded truck ýwas cons- lain the opposite direction wben a ox cf' ý Ttise truck - onto tise bouses, and startcd thean ta rua away, *witis tise esut that .Mr. Lawrènce. was tisuoWn taî- tise pavement, tise wagon running over Inalatis e iatime a. car caise aicng and coaveyed -hlm'ta IDu. MeKinney's office, Brooklu, where lie was exanslned. - At tise tUm o i- wrting lie is dolng as.-well as can be epeted. It is i'otpnate ,Ts nIi l w aTv- t lHore Ber-us vices wIll bie.-beld lu thé nle Chucci at Brooklil on Sunday, nexit October mt. At .11 a.ns. the special 'preacher will be 11ev. J. 1. *MacKay, M.A., -B.D., a! the -Chuuch cf Ail Nations," Toron- ta, whlle the.,pastor. 11ev. P. L. ýJulI, B.A., wl pueacl aa seven a deock. There will le special usualo at bath services. On Mion- day evenlng,. October 9ts, ts naunal Fowl Supper. will lie lsld fram >5 -ta-8 P-...under the auspices cof" thse.Women's : Mis- sioaary Society, followed by a1 dramatte. recitaLl, "IBenMur," by Réev. A. D. Robli. aof St. Ândcew's -United Cisurcis, Osha'wa. There1 will aise lie musical. numbeus byi Mus. A,. W. Lynde, Whitby, and1 Miss Getrude Webber., Colm- bus. 'The admission wfil be 40C and 25c. - Ou Monday niglit. Oct. 2. tise members - of- Beeth6veu Lodge'No. 165 IO.O.F.ý iseld an open. in- stallation of thse officeusÉ fou tise ensuing year-lu 7thse- Township Hall, when thse following aofficers were. insfalied In their reepective chairs by D.D.Q.M. ýBue.,James Noswarthy ,andIinstallation teans-of Corinthian Lodge, Osis- -Jr.,P. G.-Bro. W. Holliday. N.G.-Buo. R. Cooper. V. G-flua. C. Richsardson. R. S.-.-Buo. H. N. Auksey. F. S.-Bro., Jaïf 1Oumiston. T-reas.---. Bup. M. Routly. -R.S..G. -Bro. J. . Baîley. L.S.N.G.-Bro. A. Joncs. R.S.V.G.-Buo. F. Woodward. L.SwV.G.-.--Buo. -1. Tilley. Wauden-Bro In. marris. Canductor-Bro. G. Vick. I.G.-.-Bro. -B. Croxali. -ChaPlain-Bro. W. Heron. H.Meinney. M.teu tIse ceeemany o! Installa-IV tion a spflendid puagraun was siven by *te._ followiug autiste. -Mu. Jarnes Ricliardson. spent. Sunday with lis i'arnily in 'Oshs- awa. .Mus.' Fred Haubuon and Miss Mabel - spent aonc day uecently - la Oshawaà. TeAPPOulo Mae Octette, -of T è ltefor luet wee k: Tise Septenaber meeting -ai' tise - - Wcmen's Association was lseld:a! tise home -cf -Mus. J. Steil. i-le m neeting took-the fornai' a quil!- IYOUing. Mus. C. J. Stevenson prcsie A ~ - and Misa Roxena Ledgett acted'.as ~ ~fl I~4~i - - - -secretary for fIsc bVsiness part of A HGE tise meeting. Aruanagemnent s weue made for tise Bazuar lu Noveniser, .idi. '7' e-., * and tise- followiasg -coassuittees L'Hol£I<cIIQ>, afl WglI i'oumed: - Sales Convsiftee-Mes- roft dames C.> J. Stevenson,J Rici-ý Do VouaLO ofardson, G. Tcipp;,ý and Mus. Gel,. Do& . YouaL tofGood - Hodgson. *Tabe Comsnittee,,Mes- ~ j,, i~,"~~"teê the ~J.,Laureusce, T. Hirst J. StelI uasd Cow Bv1. a. bw o.ntMr, ssWagg, Misses Violet c.7 tb ., ufllerJeanLedgett -and lileen A'eslcs ,.u ~Parii., Notion Counter, Mrs. W. Pl.elelbM) -mT.,Seeno.-Fisisod- ise CAAM MaMan ACCgPr» AT PAR Plrme:Mowbuay and Roxenia Ledet---- he-girls to cannas for, TFHE RoYCROFT INN Sr.,- ct sorkeepers FAM AMI- (U Ma« , nated will- be qulted authefIe at, meeting, and put up: for cule a! ~~ the Bazaar. The eFicm -ojn- rmittee was put in to look after eth, draina,. Mrs-.. Hooker, Mrs. tParkin,, Mrs. Roy Mowbray and Miss Violet Sadier. A shot pro- gram xvwas giveii by the folla:wlng:. Readings by Mesdames R. E.. Mow- bray, J. Wagg, 'and G. Tripp.. The meeting was closed by. sùiging, "Work, for thé night is coming,' after. which a- dainty lunch -%vas served bv our hostess:, .The 'llalIy Day services at the, church, -undler the -leadership or Mrs. -N. Gibson, xvas thoroughly enjoyed by' the goodly number present. .Mrs. Howard . Farndale and son, Douglas, ai' No-th Oshawa, spenlt Thursday afternooni with *Mrs. &. Farndale. -The W. M. S.'ai' this circuit will m>eet'in the basement of the GreetiNvood Church on the after- noon noon of Thu-rsday, October .5. Thete ill- be a quilting at 'this meeting. Ladies 'are requested ta corne early. Oehawa, *Pauli Chuistenson, Mrs. H., N. Auksey, Mr. R. K..Webber and Mu. Levi Arksey. Kinsale KislOctober 4th-Tl Sep. tenaber meeting f heW0ne' Institute maet at the home ai' Mrs. J. Wagg. on Thursday last* witl an, attendance ai'- nine'inemiberE and thuee visitors.- After the uüs- ual business w as transacted ane thé courespondence". read, Mrs. Mrs9. ,Ierb.'Parin gave an excel- lent paper on "Makîng Our Hous4E a Hiome,"'. followed , with a- vocal solo by -Miss Lena- Sadier, a >nda reading by Mrs. Albert Parkin, Alter thse close of' the meeting oui hostess 'served a sumptuaus sup. peu. euebrtise .auction sale ai Selected Nursery. Stock, at Cedar Nurseries, 'Whitby,. on Saturday October .7th. Misses Laura and Lena Sadici spent ane day receatiy with frieads in Cooksville. - The. Kinsale basebaîl boys play- ed the' Audley ' boys a, friendly gaine. Score 18-8 in favourf of the haine team. Mus. Chas. Ledgett sýent sev- eral days wifh heu brother,* C,.,O Lawton, at*,Manilla. .Mr. and. Mrs. Alex. ThoIn, Mr. Wmn; Thons, Miss Agnes Th6an an~d fuiend.' ýMiss Alliston, al ai Duabarton, spent -Tuesday after- noon af'llast keelz with C. J. and Mrs. ,Stevenson., Mr.Staniley Rase aiid miss Kelngoof B3looaiington, speni Thursday wifh the for.mer's'par- ents, Mr. and . Mrs. Wagg. Mrs. M. Parkin, ai' Markhani spent one day last Week-with Herb. an~d Mrs. Parkin. . A special meeting ai' the W. M. S. wiIl be held in the.Mit.- Zior àsuuch. this Suniday levening, Octa- ber Stis, at 7 o'clocke An address will ibe given by a retucned mîis- sioaauy. AiU Bands and, Circles are specially iavited ta attend. Mr. Harry Musson, Mrs.. Millie Wilby, - Mrs.- Williamis, Mrs.; Con- con, and Mrs.. Coulter, allai' West- op, Sundayed with Mr. Wm. Sad- 1er and family. miss Helen Law, ai' Lefroy. lias beca spending thse past -week witlî 'Mrsi Vic. Parkin and -other Km.ý sale fuiends. -Miss--DeHart, ai' Brooklin, cal. ed oIi Mr. and Mus. C.. J. Steven- sonone day last week. Mr. Steve, Horayak attended tise Hnarian picnic at Oshawa, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Poy McWhirter and children,'aof Broughamn; Mr. and' Mus. Frank Ledgeft, of. Ta- ronto, called on Mu. Chas. Ledgeti a nd fainilY last Sunday. .Mu.and Ms.ý Swanu and friesadg of -Toronto speat the week-end wlth Robt. -and, Mus. Bentley, Sr. Mu. and -Mirs. Howard Farndale and son, Douglas. ai' North-- Osis. awa, Sundayed with zelatives lieue, and attended the Quarterly ser- vice. Mus. Edý Redman, ai' Snithfield, wifh Mrs..J. Wagg fou thse week- Mus. M. Maitland and-ss, Keitis, of Oshawa, spent the week-ý e nd witis Mu. Joe Pafkin and faîn- Tise funeral ai' the. lai e Victoria Amelia 'Nuttin9î wife *aif' R.. R. Mowbrayè who paàssed away an Thursday, Sept. 21sf, af *her home ini Brookla, was held on Sntur- day affeunoon. Internent tooli pace in Guaveside Cemneteuy. Thse la.te Mrs. Mawbrgy, wlio w'as In lieu eig-,ht-y-thlird year, had been fin failing faealth,-for sarne fume. She naïoved ta -Buooklin with heu hus- band about- si ycaus ago. TErevious ta tisis fine she spent bier nar- ried, life. on tise Mowbray home-, s .-dVsutAfa'Knsl.Murs. Balsam - 5.II., ±i Kev. j.;. .zrJLJC01LUl L* __i__ say, la charge. Watec is fouT &aVefor 6t wek -tise foxcI supper. (Ta lï, ae fou '-lWst ek)n ..Mr. Raymond Baruabalspcn!sChl incToDay, ws s t teNding Sunday at his home ifaNewcasfle. è.oo aj oana pc!tie-s-c end a!hic home here'. i-îM. and Mrs. A. ,J. .Rogers, of iBraoklin, spent- Sunday with Mu. Mt. and Mus. A., Mandeýson1I and snGlen, accompanied. by Mus. R.. Piense .rerember tisa! Sunday Sadîcu,,ai' Blackistack, spent Sun- scisool 1sad church ' wili be unifed pday with Mu. and Murs. W..H.. Jonc 1s for- nex! Suriday a! 10.30 in tise 1 at Wiitby. marnîng.- Be sure and cane and M-r. -and Mus. J. Wilson and Mu. bing youi'rinds. Tiset you will and Mus. J. Wlkia ànd son attend-, be free thg ucst aoftise day fa at- cd tise, graduation at Wiitby -Hos- tend. tise, aniveusauy services a! pifai- las! Wednesday. - Manchsester. Mcc. R. Carcan, whisabas bena ýMus. John Pcuy'ai' Pickerng,is -lconfined'ta iser bed, iciable ta be visiting witis heu Éon, Mu-. Royl~arourid again. Peccy., Af tise.meeting of tise Womnsc Mr. and Mus., John B3irkett, aof Association, xvhici was held at tise. Port Perry, on Monday weuc, visit- Ihome ai' Mus. C. Empringisami it -ors ai' lr..- and Mus. O. Lune. -,%!as decided ta hold a fowl supper Mu.: Wm.- Lamminsan, Jr., and il! Novcùaber. Ful pauticulaus lat- Mn. Chai-lie Richards, ai' Oslîawa, cu. xvceeliolidaying, a! Mr. C. Hauri- Mu. and Mrs. J. Biukett,.oi' Part soa's a few days- ai' las! Weck. Pcrry., spent aonc day las! wcek a!; Renenicu tise auction saleai' R. Wilson's.- Selected Nursery Stock, at Cedar -_________ Nurseries, Wiitby, on Safurday, ctr7tis. Alm onds Mu. Arthur Moore, ai' Scagr-ave, ealled on- saine.ai' hicaid frieads al'Suy l1blidints isere -on Sunday.lySnay*I ehedi>h Mr'., and Mus. George Houston,oai Suiaday Scheool October 8tis . con-. Toronto, and Mus. J. ýE. Beacock mencing- at 1.45., Mu.. G. ýWest, oi' weue visitous xith fuicndc ia Lind- Aclibura, will be present, and ad- say an Suaday. dess tise Sunday Scisool. Tise rally IMrs. Josepis. Sinikia ýspènt a fcw sheet wilI be used an d nembers ai' days Withli relatives in Touant o. rcitise Suaday scisool-,will take pia rt. cently. -tN o - doulit a, veuy enjoyable session Mus*. Josepis Johaston was a vis- will be spenttogetiser. itou ta Bowmanville and Lindsay. Saineai'fische ebers ai'flhc La- las! week. dies' Aid have been busy tii pas! Mr. and Mus., Morley Chishoin. Wcek palintiag- fli chcircis - ýfloor, af. Toronto, a bride and groom ai' wiich . niakes -a- gcat impuovemnut Satîiuday.,*w-u visitai-s a! tise au- tatise interior ai'-tise churcis . mer's. unc le's,,Mu. Robeut Chisisolinm r . asa adM.J on tise saine day.. Kaiglit visited at Tuesday witli Mu. Tis e local choir is busilY. practis- 1, m.- Courtic e, ai' Courtice, iviso is, ingfou tise annivcus'ary an Oct. j5 goingta Toronto General Hospital A ucai goôod finie was enjovcd ~tisis week ta -undergo6 an opération. thase wiso attenrled tise hl i~sp His nany fiiends hope. - lie may peu, a!tiseh Ladies' Aid las! Wed- lias-e a speedy recovery..- nesday. Progressive> cuokinole' WS Mcr, and MuÈs. Jack Mass and son g9rcatly enjoyed by, ali wio tooi. Jackie spcn! tise wcck end Witi tisei .part. latter's parents, MvJr. and -Mus. -T. Mus. -Pilkey's Sunday Scheool Bentiey.- csai' boys met .a! tise homne aof Miss«Park-eu, ai'Toron!to, f5 visit!- Mr. and Mus. Cross lasf Fuiday ev-- lnà.g with Miss Mkay J7effrey.- ening and madelier a ai' - of Mu. and Mus. W. Bentley, ai' a bcautiful Èottcery eîectrite laiP Audlcy, spen,! Sund ay wsitliMu. iand fach Mus ike, adgreat surprise u.T ely. to Ms. ilky ýandveuYan.uch:- ape- Ladies,' Aidne! a! tise cisurdl an, pr-eciated. Ifis frcuevd Tuesduy afteunoon, wisen a busi-. ence of tise esteena in which she s ness meeting was hcld. - 1eMd bythe- boys, wlo. aresorrytb O Tuesday eveniag oflat we-ek lace lieu fmrunthi class. Their new a very intcuesting musical puoguana téucher wiil be Mus. Cross, wio is vwas iziven at tise, anniversuuy 50- ai' their own cisoice, -aind we- wiss cial. Nuinieus wich weue asuch.0a- lier eveuy success in lieu uew work. preciuted, wee givçn b1 tise foi- lowing:.readihigs. Mus. Walkeu, ai' Wiitby; solo, Mus. Wn. Heard, Wldtby; solas, Mu. L. -Rc,.Wi- OFF'ý C-OLOUR? bv, orchestra selectians .bv 1Mu. R. me ? seislson. and Mu. hâr Tet HOW Is YOUR*LIVER lN' fisen served a daiuty. lunch, .Wake up ycwUr iser Bile whicis brouglit ta a close a very -Witcut -'pleasant e-srnag. You woa't completu1y correct incisa ce ition--AdeOt 4Apepcigi by taldngaMtt.e-nerawater, la» . udett-oc.e cpé pcIndist Or c«« V4 orrough~g.W' ien uey've in full swing mad tise cuop îa cleais.l mod&ve yomuwlg he'z tzug- -ady P . H. -Westney * is .geftiig tise Cartwe UtleUverPa in D - bio - debris cleuued up alter tise flue.. Hé th nM it =I e hvr prl vg.IS puepai-ing te rebuild next spuang.] table. Safe. Sure. Ajk for lhem tir name. &efum- E. Smiths is imfpuov ing-s pup- sàudIu..2atauldugdists -4S8 .., - )V >.,sPr - w Ul 4"-&m-wJ-u £A - George Cooper read the address and Melvin Painter made the pres- entation.. The rest. of the evening w as. spent inâ.gaines and.a dainty luncheon was. seruç.d by the boys' .mothers. Following is thé address: Dear Mrs.- Pilkey,-We, the* pu- puls of your Sunday Sehool class,- are happy to haXe the, privilege af, meeting here to-night, for the 'pur- pose of, showing the high regard in w-hich you are h11eld by us. As a Sunday sehool teacher -,.-u took up- an yourself .nat oniy thÏe responsi- bility aof aur Biblical instruction, but also the, duty of teaching u s by, your example. Bath -of these you have inost loyally carried out. ,We are 'proud ta say that you have been. an inspiration ta us, not only by your connectian wth our class, but also by *your -interest in aur Trail iRangers aetivities, and- by yaur. leadership in the tuther conmunity affairs. We wishyou eve&y joy and happiness in yaour new homne, ..and bi)pe that your sucess ýwith us-will be an. inceative ta .fuither efforts there. We ask you ta accept'this humble gift, and'trust that w'hea- ever you use this lanip, it rnay re- cai .11memaries aof dm i when yau %vereý a light ta us., Signed anr be- haif of the clasRobert- Cross,ý George Cooper. Base.Line West Dr. Jimi Ca ipheli, -of Chiedga, paid a visit last week ta lhis Pick- ering farin. Mr..Caakson is going to continue wavrking it.--:--.I .Mr. Jas. M.cCurdy, manager.aof the Hlospital Farm, and friends. leave the end ai' the week for the Gravenhurst- district for 'a part- ridge ,hunt. .Mrs.' Richard Hoar paid .a visit Sunday ta Mrs. Cookson, Pickering. Messrs., Ellis, Canning, Collin.s, Fitch and McDonald have arrang- cdà a mator tnipta Haliburton for a. partridge huntin, that dcistri*ct., Mrs. Blow, Mrs. El.rns and Miss Ida Story, paid a visi t fa Grafton and other towns last week. We desire ta express. ta Mrs. Meeker and farnily a,,ur sincere syrnpathy in their great 'bereave- ment. SWe received wo rd fr.oin R. Starx' in the' West, wha is Ïin his 9tÈ year, the naines aof the first Trust- ees, of the Almond Church: Jas. Almond, Jas. *Wilson, J. Reid,. Mr. Irving,, W. Thomponson, -Mr. Clarke, Jas. Story ýand Nathaniel Died-on -September 3th, aft- cr a Iliageing- illness, Daylight Saving, in its -2lst year. The funerai was at nidnight, private, unwept, unhonored and, unsu ng. The squirrels are busY storing 'waygrup -for the. wvinter months. Muir. Dusfy, Greenbaulr i vis-] iting, ber daughster,. Mus.,F. Clark, -for a ew weeks. Mr.: and Mus.. C. Graisani, Par- otby and* Vernon !isltcd Mc. a nI Mus. J.. A. Sveetmýan, on Sun Dday. -Araund seventy you ng people and-tisose tisa! felt eoung had a very enjoyable finie las! Fuiday eVening- at Stephen 1son Pait! at- tise weineu rouît pis! on by the Ju2l-ar ,Institufe girls. , Tise fim Was speuif la ganse.singing, mu-. sic." Tise weafisemman end the Ma, and - tise mana la the aOnoo dîd tiseir bes!ta assiake tise eve-n-F Ing a s uccess. Mc.- and Mus. R. Carter n-re Sunday. guests of! Mr. and Mr.a. J. Johlîn. - -Las! -- Sunday-,n'as- Ra rvez:st ~oeTianluoffering service et fise Foot churci, -*and Rer:N . -' McKu. -,A. o!DoveccourtAld.,- Toronto, gave'us two of hic splen- did, sermons, which n -eue !uti ot messages 'of, eicaurag1emnent in this- tuying fiie. We need numorc faitia ln' Cod as.He. a i ic a'- .wayc, f h Sanie- yesterda. - tay ànd..Îonorroýw. Thse Junior,éhir aof the Foot ebuccis ,san,7 at tise ýmounlng set-vice forc nc hysn. titeisa quartette o e! la .unia choir WithI MijssIM ar garet Cronies- at the organ. Tise choir of, the Centre churcis w1th Mus.l G. Sani- eYîs did thse shsgiog fortsee-n ing, service.- The, _cýiuci' as taste!uliy decorated *Wltls -110owecS, muple. leaves..and Yvegetables whici s cowcd the bheautifîjIl fhiuigs we, a re surauaaded -wlth. 11ev. McýIKay and daughter,' To-. conta). Wre with 1Mcr. and Mu1s. W. iWeIr,, on Sunclay. Murs. -J. RobinaTaat spent tise week-end n'ith -heu fa- tiser, Mr. ÏM. Fualick. RevMc. ~eid speus!tiseý -weelà--end -Ia Toronsto and ýtoi chatrge cf 11ev. syswok "Let anotisrmi rietlc and net ti>ine-ewn outh. '"_Tise bok of. Proverlis is noa! strong for tise perpeadicular pronn.m T- ledo 'Blade.- Explorer .- "Have meucy I I1-have- ,awife and fis-e chiidren ta provide for" ancé drive. The trustees held a -commiitte meeting this wek. getting ready for the-winter., The question -of coal *stealiag froin the school s1hed in the winter,is reelving their -atý tention and it-might be necessarv .to put a plain detective on,_the' job. The next meeting oa, -the* C]ub will be held, at the. residence ai' Robt. and -Mrs. ýHedge. on Manday eivening next: .A -good turnout is looked for., It is reported, that Harvey, and Mrs. Edwairds arc ýdispasig af their farm- and niovýing ta the Brcsck. Road. We aise caorry ta lIose théem front heebut thbey xilli stilI1,be runniùg the mail routes and bc more central for thre 'Vor.. Myrtle .awa. frilds on Saturdat.. MNr. and Ms.E. utrxrh were. on la otar -t rip toaianaoque and other easternl poitsat ek Mrs.. Bert'-Duf xwas it iLindsay3 ls ekas àavitness an Olie Gran- dy-Claxtan tilwhich evlar ,out of an ac'Cent ithat happenêd jtust' south iôf the village on Jan.. 4 when a car- ownl1ed,-by Claxcton if Lindsay,, xýas procceding 9souili and Mr. Grandy_ was prnnecediiz, fortii ta the C.P.R.- aP his ie "glar-,mail roite Mien. bath car'shad, ahci on, collision and thé occupaâni-s ai bathwer qutc ~di lîht.Aftcr the usuail procedure the ,cjudge -dis- Mr.andMrs Chrli Wisonandi orrscousinMs.Fik hl on Sunday.- Mesrs FrnkBaath liand Edvard Ma\fie ,r.,otored taoqoelaio iM.Kennet', ,\fax-e is attendhx11; t-ise anniýlual Te-,cbelt>' . Convention that is bein i n Prt crrin T1,urshdx- and Fridat- of thîs ,week- an ic ri'rstoni Carnerr . t îitd iss T . and,:Mcr. Jack O0'Boyle cin Sun- day. SCUGOG. c..2 2r.and Mr' .Phili _ps, i msIiolma.n, of- Toronto, Mrs. L. V.. Savag. Osh- awa, were*guests o! Mr. and Mr; C. Graham, one: day las! ec, spd cal led on a nuw.ber o! .thëir friends. Mr. and r. l ihasand, daughtÉlr, Elva, vere receiit eu estia ô! Mr. snd Ms.J.»-A. Sweet 'ma n. N1r. Gl1en. Elford visited in- Sar- nia last week,. Mr.. and Mrý. IH. Wanaimaker, Seagrave, M . and'Mrs. J. De - mara an 1d Glien ývisited their casu- sins, Mr. and Mrs. H. eiuge Osha- awa. Miss~N4iwr ~inghmsi1 ort Perry, visited ber friend. is Olive Sclaell, avec the week-end1. %Ic. and . E. O. Jeffrey, Clein and -Lois visited hiis parents.- I r. and.Mrs. W. Jeffreyý an -Suu-ý .iss Irene Heayn and Ms i leen. Reader. spent Sunda witùl Misses Edna and Vera Clark. Miss Ivab Mi1mner, INM iss arion MIlss Margaret Crazier. :Mr. and Mrs. W.* Crozier,, Man- chester, Mr. and 'Mcs. G. Sawla-i Mc. W., Samelis were, Sunday, guests .o . r;andMs.A.Plougli- man. Mr. and' Mrs. G. Marlow, -of-- Nest1eton, visited Mc.. and Mr's. R. Jackson,-don Sunday. iMr. an4 Mrs. D. Hope sVeniti unda.yw bersister, Mcar. C. H1-ardy, an Mr. Hardy. Mr. and .,rs.: A. Martyù..La vera, Haral *, Inez, Mr. and, Mrs. L. S.ag pntSuda -it Rear of Royal When for. thei hegins tc not lac]- cotnpalni up the friends i next townshl or haif a- coul For 30 cents you cau teiephoae 100OOmiies by making an "=ny- One" cal (station- îo.sta±ion> after 830 pii.Se Iisfof rates in front cf directauy. -4 - Ashburn Mu 'and Mvrm. initî ai'-Ux bridge,'w-ee Sunday iisitors with Mu. and Mus. D. -Parrot!. Mr.and.Mrsv. WmI. Hopisin spent Sunday wxith Mu. and, Mrs. A. Ped- die, at Glea Major. ,. Asihùra Choir assa'isted xsith an- niversary services- at Raglan an Sunday eyening last. ',Mu.- Was. Rice, aof Ridgevrille, fa speading tise week at tise, home ai' Mr. and Murs. G. W. West. There will bc na service iscld in Burns" Preshyteriats Churcîs o Sunday, Oct. Stis, owing f aean'iver- sary ser-vices in Breadaibane Pues- byterian Churchi, Utica, at il a.mî. and 7 p.m. Ashhurn chir ivili as- -sis! ifi tise evening ser-vice. Sais- bath Scisool at thse usual haur ai' 10 a.m. We hope. for a. good at-. tendance>. -,Renseniber -tise auction sale ai' SSeiecterl -Nur-sery, Stock, a! Cedar Nurseries, Whitbyý, on Satu.rday,- Mr. and Mus.- G. W. WestjFMîlsses- Marie and Doris West, and Mu. W. lilce, spent Sunday witls Mr. and MuS., Harold Allia, aof Newcastle..' Mr. Walter Reynolds and Gear- gina Reynoids spcn! Suadey -with Mr; and- Mus. Edgar Heron. MuNl. and Mus. Nelson Ashston and i'amily -iere Suaday -isitors wifis Mr. aind -Mus. Walter Rogers, oi'f Epsonm. W.IM.S. w -il ec! fa thc base- ment ai' the cîsurcis on Wednesday, Oct. lits. at 2.30 p.ai., this.being tise annuai Thank-offcriag meeting, Rev. Rabt. Simpson, ai' Brooklîn, will be tise speaker. Membeus ai' tise Part, Peruy and lJtiça W.M.S. nue also invited. Refresisments will be served. Annivcusary services wi11 be lield in Burns' Puesbytcrian Churcis, on Sundav, Oct. 29tli. atil a.ns. and 71- n i - ih RD.- T- (' CV.i.f -TS.I - _Gen eral1 Moto rs-- Fine Sales' RecordA Augupt autuinv Hlsd!taCs tgii t- tir t11tal1-'-unàlbe ail î c r. -Ili ;s'- pascýcd ti]iat m --ip(eiaili, 19, 'ta Sin Cnt Contd i :' 1315îVtii -1-4 occ ctu e t ps c r I i' i Inn C'iitar isitt-yi F taI Iîcis-r l ci w:th -11. .pe c sl - i i til i i St aenseai Mr'bst retcPi-ns o m a-la,- igîi d i Qiv> %W. ai- t AnsorK lisrease-", fl 1c-li iy i' ý "ý

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