Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Oct 1933, p. 3

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- ~ q- ~w v. THE WHITBY G-AZETTE & CHRONIC LE, THURSDAY, OCTOBRl, 933 HIB Y CHUR.CH OBSER'1/ES- CEN TEl An drew 's Week Of ý Mari byteran Faith Wau rn*I Established by, »peer Mini8tcrs fromii ie Old Land R. THORNTON LAID FOUNDATIOIN ent Fine Church' in Ihitby Built in 1859 by ioner-M" -ny'Eents the Presbyterlan cause th st v rmly saIselnWi- t eH s i. f Thorntoii, D.IY., by InvitaSt.André - s- meout from the SeCeS--,tfLrU hurch ln Sçotlaiud an4ý be- swork here.. This Iliport- ' ent le to be celebrated by The, minutes of the first ses- ,igregation of 5t. Andrew'sso etn1f h fuco teran Claurch ln Wh'ltby June 6,. 1835, at-Whitby, î'ead as e week, commeflciiig 5n- 0lW etober th, 'wben the spec- .eThe session of the Presbyter- %aker wlll be Rev. Dr. H. 1lan Church of Whltby, having aham, minister of Gien-, met accordlng, to appofintment on Presbyterlali Church, To- the l19th day o! April,,whc'u were and on of _the late Rev. Plesent, the nioderatar.1 and braa» ho ccuiedthe Messrs. William .Dôw. William liere for over 35 years. d ayew.id W im Watr lIowlng Sunday Rev. Dr. andaî Wy*After -bei,.g con-~ Grant, secretary of the stituted, they proceeded, to. the of Administration o! the ' choice o! a- clerk, when. William Dow was- nnanimously appointed. terian Church inl Canada.- iessso*nx poeeded to the ulgt trouhou th wek -consideration of som2 matters Bpecial occasion wlll mark _f!or therguaoxofteruue ,in Ivroceve oh Dngs, . _Anufa+_- 1t o Ile kd t. Bc L 8' rat er le un agi hs. T' o' t il til ter pfi aei i 'r li 1 i 'i, Pu 'd 'l an Plan S Eivents To. SCeélebration' vices, for the two Sundays, the annuai supper and enterte.ifmeflt wili be held by. the L;adie'- A!d, wh en. greetings 'will be brought *from, sister. churches. On Trues- day the Young PeoPle 's Associa-. Stlon and the Sunday School, are spousorlflg, an organ -and vocal recital, with Mir. Matthiew Gold-. burn, of *Oshawa, a former -or- Iganlet here, as director. Thurs- day the Young Women's Associa- tion le holding- a te.a t the manse,. and on IFriday -eyening the choir is bringing here ,for a çofcert the choir of _ St. PaRll's SPresbyterianý Church, Toronto. lu lrreli;iý-ous company, contrary to the instructions ot her. rela- tions. She was found not chargQ- able with scandai,' Dut that er' conduct had -been improperas a aervant 'in taking- that liberiy which was refused her fmathe best ntics.anad moreover. very jimprudent, to'say theleast. -fer a professor of. religion to .frequëiit a house-where there was no ýe% î- dence of the fear of Gad. She was admonished- by the "moderator * ddismnissedfroni the court.e A note ln the -f lyleaf :of the first session book says: "'Pre- .Vious' to the summer of 1835. there were only two, eiders. -il- liam Dow and. John Hlepburn, who were-so sittiated-as to pre- vent regular meetings. No rec- ords: therefore exist:,previous, to this date." Ad am Speers ana John Boyd were the nmen who acted as pre- centors of the- church during Dr. Thornton's ministry. The inscriptioni on -the tomul of the 'Rev' Dr.R. H. Thornton reads: "Leavîng to our country the im- ýerishable record of an earnest lhf e." ..He Giveth His Belovred Sleep." Iu October. 1838, Thonîà.s Or- nîtst ot.-Lockhart Ormiston. John '.lichae-l and William Sm th wcrcè elected -ei1ders of the church. Adam Spears was. scssionÈ clerk of the church in 1844 and 1845 and tfe, session meetings w ere usuaily held at 'George ?Machie's house. WH1TBY CHURCH MARKS CENTENARY. St. Andrei Playèd- In- Col Pr eësent Building Well and Truly Buit hy Pioneer Workmen In Good State of Repair GENEROUS GIFTS S HELPED BUILD IT lnb Conigregation of ioda-y TaIs Well Organized and ~[ Looks Hopefully to the, Future'Th the c-n1-ar o Prcsbytra m~ e' this to i ad di rîct, Iha> sifiC' ti mue, Place 1,,)thi ei"ou hel 1 lthe h1ave preaeC1(d f uiii lis pli n jcp rî'onîihiie chur n o i týj arloUs 'ciný of *he w'orld l -u gne imc>i and 11ic wh ai C ]iiddc nairies ùfr TiThe erectili orthe '.ciircli as Ade madc psibelag l îhrough mcpar1ci gcoveusiîîu hLIaing faili"- but II- ,IV poe er Mr. vîd M\1-S. Cnfid L'aing ual -onu' ';lc C l iC.r îat the churcli, but l, oa SubsiantîJ vanc cash rit utn \r. T a ogits in 1859 aild for xa~pcîu ample o gorh ei qamr c ina I i ment ta)tje ir-cil wha"bumi btcri-Vrs ie the Rev. Dr. Hre versatonI, it was thouglit proper Gf oSAde' rs ( lstor to adjourli to the present daté, in b________________ Eary iy *ordr tatmature rePlection btra hrhUe rical records show that ln m'ight be enîployed on the. euh- ev. Dr. Thornton came jeet. Meeting. concluided with Sunday E'~T" Y Ednburgh, Scotland, t prayer." ***Temntrdao sok w r.ortblshng*e *AtlIe'qurtrlaCmmninit.i'iung Attlir . t.he'r'ns 'rsLytrilx('uiel, f C'ttynii cibrteflc OOisausi ations in Whitby. Osh- Neglect of ,puiblic * rdinauce service lu St, Ancre-çv ýs Presby-m 'ersa .y 'of the establisliuncit of iii.'i'ses -imm Wuse lt 'itb.v by a woliveek of pcia1 ser orte Cones yrCtu-h'se eros mtttiii11iaîy teraCurch on Simnd ar-. oit- ccs. 1'Iiotopii'mii tsuîv 1 hîeh bîilt inIW85) wihts pso' tR-. Dr. H. arîîîiclîacil,'.inset othe plces vera wide ditys of!-the cliire.h. and différenst intomiitr1ev .Br Dr. Thornton also' estab- hsro15s werp reb'uÈrel hytos'- e' Criha.ii the e0aeî' -______________________ chols, and was active In !ion oj. modem star for the; sin, of the.'Session ana col' regat*i L I ervice -work 0 e rom 1851 t'kens were given only on re- fo mlly .acceptedl-and (.edieated.* OSFIAWA-,M AN> IN COURTI 2f 75 there 'was a congrege- lpcntance. a handeomne quarter-eU1t oal; ' AT COBOURG F as h reeo Curca, bete s nmetngt! 9n S,18 of the Misses Mary and Helen ~cie aeti ~pruiyc xe ~hrc ! aadbetr Plart o! the mstlaof the i.cs-, Wilp(A Dnd'eStrie ltct A*,on a chiarge of obtaîn- lulter being the Rev. reade as foilows: '"Took up -th', Whttbv%, in memory 'of iher ai'-A Century of Religlous Fcuth inf ùmgi)v false.pret-enses- an ovrot ltion te h ogrgto rinlay, who pioneers re- sèjeto heîrmcmnuerý neelaeM. n M- l .Oiin cash and seven galions. of as a staunch preacher o! pecting t :eposture ln puiblie C ilson,W'hso iwere furr iiiNct'ektéenimacfFsbe- a.DuaiFechrofOiaI hi. Frotns1947 ufltilî1860 pas.Âtrmtr osdr-long years faithfi worlcers alid îiciiisrnin W . bvi -beuig .,bserved byt the '> p al .iil, Cfo, coscfret-T [p!t was vacant wlth n1 onauanmsprfrncwa worshippers at St. Andre-e' si and F lalK . 0nc o'Fcý il Dastor, epl liisesgiven osadn. Tes'aoîohrmembersa o! the faumity cîr- cnîeainc t Ade" hrh her.. imformiedi tl1ecouirt Iliat lis ng !rom timne to tme, but -also ageeêd th-ut thme malter be cie. * Whîtby, 'whi'eh gix'es "ise- te the: thought ' i mtias 'w"ýlliimgta make resthtu- On their osraneoCteC duln tisperlod that li ~y.te~The ablretitoYfeùmd'4 .itwu db a'a~ ecret, if, not'R mî'cmi n ta' lr i t oa lacd ri ' ' e-rsWh 8echurch, St. Andrew's, bç y ise SÈo.a T icàui'Ythtalws eJ{4ecleWee ittopa,-fet"' scd. Hp-thtn lat t h ctha1 mple of fine Gothir art, and that a brie! statemiemitbhi per was.dispensed. Mclm bers cfnstkweei t aisunetId Hp resscd ammd ta tha em ater tt. the' ;year belng 1859. mcadeby the dinlster.o! tha leààd- the Session, Dr. R. T. XaLiepily, how'eveî', the evert is to be fitting * lsi there was c union o! the lng reasons s u :.tug the Jspsf ithl. Uiglas ma1rked, and w'e feel ,uïè that ciÏtizens c) f aonfo tbe Frce cbange,- anmd 1 eau npion them Thomnson -and F. H. M.- Trwin, sut t' and thse Church o! Scot- Cçandidly and, mutuaily ta <'consid- On eifter ide o! tîhe nir.sierai 'lgusfthivteton vi o -':~114 : 'he Auld Kirk) under thse er the subject." hl h evc fd-iaioismeetutjipil h ogeainc fthe Preshbyterlan Church was la p)rogress, and afterwardls etnî1obrV md, ndth curlino ' * *thé tbewsara r h St. Andrew's in their cnenalbsr' fdadtecuc orwaercie yte eso rm e table, a alabaad di..tion sa-1 y the WhIt fL aptist ln August, 1 à3, apétition' crament. * ace ne o! the lunlting church- the eiders o! the "eback" district. to tiseochurch fumensanid . le o! TENINIAL CELE sold to the Baptist de- ashing: for ise ,dispeusaltion ýof vr adoedsgaî n 'rai ftemnau ye~ligl îo tion. the supper occasiosclly'*am4cng one igu are the words "inuPte- Scotland, -who came to the rugged his, t.4 mas we ySt. An- thenfi, they 'being .so placed tima.t membranc, !M. e le eet idre 0tecnedwt 1833 - 1 3 congregation. a ten room they- cort' 'ilnover -tioniO"to the' ' ifclisc 'il hyke lti t_________________ trscture. sud one o!f the front." Tise termes "bacýii" asmd ,TURN ABOUT' this district, was erect- "front" w ere used, to mar'k tise I hÏl i their home shires and. isies cf 502. u~~~orth and south sections -of the Wife: Yci dou't give mcrsutis udSeit ufîlutl adhp An Early Pioneer township. * * iice. presents as you used to..btt uce uawyta h leetA r~ ~ 1r s y e l James Lamblé, an earnest Husband: No, but'.i settle for geeaitea sa'ey opnhn.T wrpccewocae Here le an, interesting'entry in thosc you give výouracîf. -to cnsaclycnpeen.T.4 'thse Churcis o! Scotiand, thse sesaîba records o! > Decembes'pemt u---t---oîemi utld eudWhitbOn, red. here from 1841 to2,885-"IOSession, held " AT LEASTbeetc'kpigwhtetrn cfhe_______________ -d It wasrngiem- court. on Dec. 22Ž, 1835, to con- eouofwttetrdfth iat considérable lirogrese 'sider tise case o! J. B., a young Watress ('iigl} ou mi gbt uay, when theî'e is, a"pessibly neyer be- 4 de and tise Pres-byterian lady, c. domestic, and. arParenlthY1 find a ujcari in that- ovster s trew'.. foea dsr e tie te epien- ~per cae lng dstacesbeen cisarged wIth beîug. out o! ta fimda tr eers. Men like Rev. Robert Thoruton, L 1 D~ Y S l. '~ S îo3re carmi. e ln tcs eme ! iechri. cd Ptan Yst I b atrf ci adonfot10wo-tise house at a too late hour; and mn f great religieus z àl and a pasin Mibtr ev .E brn, D.D., lniwPebt risc Ministers' ]Roll FRTPEBTR NMNSE EEfrscilsrieadeuain h ad'the evening service, St. Andrew',s Choiudr h ed outeTPREndTEngANmînîsters REw'elle and« tr1uly, the feundatiens. cf Pres- 'e sacbd bore dlng ailg byterianism in this district, shouid neyrwl oasse by many cf its f ormer mmes ru of! Presisyterian hlstory. be forggtteni, ner sheuid we of the p'eseut e Re. Dr. Abrahamn oc-i the pulpît for' the Io gest day lose sight 'cf the fact that muhcih iearly 40 years. Sueis courageand fertitude of the p ieers cf. f xsay S P astRe enetMbe. tè past twas made possible by their. religi-' Rer. RJv.Mr. abieer. uVat. e n 'onr enuyaoMONDAY, OCTOBER 9th, under the asie fteL ,vt. Mr. McCormIck,wo seemed te tâke their. religinm àsr- ~ t 5.30 panm.-Admission, aduits, 35c. cîde,1c red in the ecrler.years, ousl ha e d ed and weethe '3 aler years tise Rev, Ed-fe t hey t.________________ urklngton, tise Rev. John 'bette or it. .' and tise proet minis- The anniversary c f any chiurch isa e remembred. Dr. Car- ' iLmora t.C.Mi.he c m uut, h aistoro! tis Preebtorianlike passing 'anether milestQne ah iweil Organist, Matthew Go'Idburn, ALCM;ogna fS.G nIltro heid b tedleü we may hait, recal the past, and than Whitby, and formerly cf St. Andrew's%, Wib, Ammi at Pickering,. whlch Providence for the heritag handed dà' 'd, îCrton t ntdCuc;Too e r .3 Iiito bejng twoyoars-ago '4sPrgamc oins o! tise former Pres- te us by these 'who hae Égne. before.'t. trian Churhsaa. rormecmensaI81 rie decided to beave tise ('hurcis. Many o!'tise mIu-, retioned bore Aiomin- at Pickering 'wher'o, toQ, gregation has beein l n cue o h hlr~o iecnrgtos iry records ths.t tise firet , or here 'was a Mr-. WIh- llin. a local aewo(..-.'.v rI~ service o! praf se and used. -C en ..I1ury3 tunlng fork, for lu those a 4.ne Tawl.b ans, ' pianos and otiser ciT eheda ie as.Ta wîin .mr em4t Instruments vere un- o~ f .,the 'ouiLadies' Associto.AttnatIwl .a se, far as churcis worsip " erned. Mr. George Robb, une est membor o! St., An- alive today, 'weli remne- B oarly days of tise Pros- i hu ohhre, and lie 13 Choir Concert, Frd y o enstuctn ndis Presented by thse choir cf St Pâul's Prembtra hr present churchs. of ouid BotieCnaeouins. Amsin2 trma 75 yoar ami. s muci te asatwhen tiep'Ce S ioctiOctt et this week lias e abu--Miitr e .S rat irnayBadcfAmns 'Wilesonand Iemeu c! hV OIU r ireD FOUR asotwN OLnLthCeRCTIt Acorial uwiatinnsetne eeeyn e I ti ltl, ie lt !tietieILebte1n hs-hluWItb ss isrct ons Aoe sapetof ! vpct i lgcSucî !on susre eas* ifn' ni enWlsn" et adeSementAra 80.Dld. forOn. eburyaoscarrylhtuguiicsR rThrto onute is irt **.

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