GAZETTE CIIRON WHITBY, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5,N.933 O -TRIO COUNTY'S LE, TRA-DE CAN >n of I1WO MEN IIEN councl FOUR MONTUS N. 4 y vening, BAR11E 0FrTHIEFI AT ROTARY CLUB SoeGsln rmPm iri Whitby During Nigbt of August 4 nPeading guilty la the County --- Jusiga s Criminal Court Thora- day'afternoon Vo a charge of theft tif gasoine from tise sfervie station tif Scbert Bahir, WVhitby. hwo mea, Richard Oudinig andi Stewxart Chalmers of- Windsoir, 1Ž-fs 'i' uera sèmttaaced. by JudgeRuy - t--ahf ont monîba detiaihe and four ----- onths inldelarminate ia the On- tamîi Refornatory ah du"tlpf.. In' -i --each casa thet sentences w-1.1 date - frqm.Aùuut 9th. te day in, ~ --' se hîch h otui men were arr -:ted lu, Muntreal sud--,broughbacis ho Whihby. by. Chif Quantril sud Traffie-OfFicer Delanay Judge Ruddy ln pasaing sentence. took lato considerahion the fac:rý that. hoth mpn à ar e yotttg. Thte meh, uvere allegeéd tus havea drive-,q u-n r tiea gasollîti' pump ounUcmaort- _________________________ ing- of Aüguisth 4liu. and afher - bre-aking the !ock bipbnz thei-i RlleV Doie oC4JFieni(Il ilandsalves- ho easolina. Who pOk on'Frenkîipsud Crosen At!oraey A. C. liai pt-i Ibelowshilp ai t tise Rotary (p ceccrtiatshp-' -.ha Club lutcnd 'lbOwt'itth3 iliîrd .~sbj 2 98 ixas s enteiceti far Windsor ho tati di.vii anýd2hausi-u, on atn arusues O obarycIt nu". rhie li3t--Ptem-. oft ut19?2 O..-Iiag. uîîder 'an- UAL U DnBY DIEATH1.1To!e,.te. - rerttýg *foi' iua'b men, ,piIci!ct o h iht lu ini u 3v-casa ho was s îee lai u'er, seuitencesi ah 'icittp lmaith Whyty Mourns the ýSùd TIstue t '.treccived bure- ~en assig o Wiliam sidered hls yotiti. la Ondirtg's E Meeker - case,.wisile liîèhasi brokeiu thi law' -~ thaetonvictiont dii nor pla.'e iani î lu thé catcgory tif. a c."ninal ah tiliai E. Meeker, one of thse heart. Short senipence:,, saisi Mr. ol »deai -ansi bath lîutwn irvine, uxoulsi ha ,nuordtr bn bot.h sincas- mati, passai away ah the cases. Oshawa Hospital about eleven outiw nAt'te criHall intasi;l or'elock,' Prld ay evënitig ather aiteà t atth a criais wîtb wbich lilnes of oaly- a few dayts. is- oî mnW e braiwas quihe ipas8a*lià Ms Occasionasi gesnina, sarious. ýHa.ppily, .Ibis, forn -of '~p luis -' ai't, i watn oimn i froiti the L'nited States'qnti bruk- I at what waîs tisen hsuowtu. as,-an inho thé gasoline pomp lu. Haà mer-'o Corners, ansi was a lite question in. the éaaniy - ours oif long resîdant..ti f tise tiwn.-Ha îiorniig,. learned the *grocery business with Mm. lt-vina oli the court that te laVa W., B. P-inglc, 'ux'th t'lite turo"mca wcrc not Ainrn whom -ha sers-ad for 22 ycasnd atitaud hadnut coma froin the ULnit-. for about twenty _ycams bad ba&,n cd States. The-car ina liicli thav in business -fuorhiaisaîf. Wiliit-uW-ct-c* was bought ilu tbe Meekar wans a -vary succassful-ni'asi States ansi this; acP'oîint'dý Pusiness in, ouaesvho, gav'e'tise for tis a tat titat 1h, borea an Amn- uhm.ost in service ,a nsifait- déal-. enican liccuse. inga Vo his cus tomars sud but A. charge 'cof left of. gastihina up b-us business 'rt- lara-ely on froua tise saine service ssttin on thèe priaciples. Ha was' a -nait Alîguat. 4Vh againat Maurice Skia whose- lahagrihy Iwas navet- ques- - uwss wihhdrawit by the Ct-own. ansi tionesi. -- the aticusasi was diseltargesi. The sieceasesi lid be en a ment bar of' Wliitby Baptist Cliurca sinca 1895. -ONTs HR MElM Surviving arae i widow, tht-e EN o f W hitby; - M rs. W ilia m H ,n-lý S T moud, - Toronto, -ansi Miss I>I1 T END Blanche, tof Toronto, sud. one.ur sou, William, a druggish la .Ham. - BR AU UIN LI A. Century ,Of Presbyterian, ý-Pro gress In VvYitby Important, eventsý in Presbvterian history in7 Whitby, datinz Lack a century, and beÃŽng ccfebrated alil next week~, may *be ssunarized as follows: 1833--First..Presbyterian Chuwch congreýà tion in Whitbv ad- ministered to -by Rev. Robert Thornton,. D.D. 1841-Rev. James LambJe camne.frorn Scotland as ]osal pastor of The Auld Kirk. 1851-Rev.' James, Finlay bect&_miý Iminister of -the Free Church of Scotland. 4859-St. Andrew'sa Church, 'Whitby, erecrtecl. 1875-Union af Free. Churthi asxd dAuld Kirk congTegations. 1879-1914-Ministry of the Re%,'. Dr., Abrzrb]ami 19ô2-ýPresent Presbyterian manse erected'. 1931-Present minister, Rev. Dr. iarvev Carmina-,.el, inducted. 1933-Centésiary celebration f"iom October 8th to 16th. Collectin of -Ta Arrears. Stili -Engag1es Attention. SpecialCouncil Committee Tlt.StCoiOd itîstai c lit c the 1 . ti c o c itc ai ý tec taxes xii bc dite iMi h. s lta t ryprtgýress xvasînade. ]il ssofié nionth now, l;Neeiber lst tlu eN;s Cs. (iîîzcin< rc paYing %what exact, and the Counicil is very ho pc i hey rmi as they appeQar hetore the fui that a large portion of the roil colntttte, while otýilCri art'. pr-o:1,-' xiii be.paid.intothe banýkthen . Asing rgula denis otil i ar a iiattei of fact, the taxcs r;osl ï-tars ac ai e iii op Sinc acoùrditnp coinc i11 if thée Counc-il ji tutarr' t r- lite rcrk arce ntakingi a rcal f on. ùà tilz the -end of the year wltî f ort andi aru to bc~etrnted out borrowink large soins ut inutîtcy It 'oheîllx, rcîî:itthlcrt.d bv tlle Iu the imcantuurie, îtiiosc Who baýei c j :ci- ts tlîtt t L otntcii lias r C noft' yet paîd the first îisîiic nar oliliu'îs imd us ie which was, (Lie ini june -arte ii 'ie d1 friîiue-the. Board ed titat -ou Noveuliber lstau adde'io a . îii' d l1700 -u pnlygoes J1110 effeet. Lt veî iîcrilus t.alat li t nussd lte xsho eaui payIuîow il sas c>tliteut :asirc adi i Nw rk iard to t selvesanad-the towu moites'In, do- 't tots ii cl t -iis Obli- itig su at [lie carliest possible uit)- ' jun ltt.I axes -caîîîe in as nîeiC .Oîtiya snuaii part of the rul(A 1 houd u. tuiîi 'îdiavec of, 1933, css ltait 50 lper ccut., it' t'ii ietis' Ivtaeser iinht1tîing, su iar beîî paid ii. . -ît i i -(j .-l , J t u t, ule Tue ý.special -cuîîi.iniîîec uft! ti Council appouîîted.l tievis-Iit o U t lita to tbo rros uý% 1YI hl. quent taxp-aycrs for 1931' aîd 19 32ttt~~ is, still at work. and is geîîtiitg eccc- -flue tax cù it dcur is etitîtîde Ili t\,ý a t lenît results. Last Frid.av e :ihfleie îext :s ck"\aid of another dozeit delinquentb appearci :toîeI)nY iul ilue 111. Presbytery WîIl Sq,, sor 'SiUprnent, of,7,ý î tadoads f Fruit ad Veetablesto0West 'In .to an urgent ap- peal* from Westerni Canada). ai- èffà orh will b'e made through the, United Churches of Oshawa ires- byhery, to ship- two compiete cai'- ]oads of- fruit and 'tegetables tou the droughh-strickeîx areas oif Saskatchewan. Organizatioîi for this purpose bas, been eonîplcted. and an appeal -issueci Vo peuple oif ail denominations and,,creeds, toassist lu pro-riding thest- Plies. Vo fM1 these two -cars. AI- though the nîovenîeît is beirg snsrdb'y the lUniteri Clîur-ch tif Canada, -the _!supplies wxili be dtrbtdby the Saskahchewai governmeîît relief . ousuîisstouî to' which they 'îxill lbe -senit.and will go to People ut ail denoniiiua- tions, creeds and races tin'Itle districts..wliere the 1 'ieed la muat urgent. One car will be ahi pped front Wiîitby. In order to have the collection ýWere-,Guests at ColorfuI l ti fuit andvegetablea Vo fi the,. two, cars donc in a systcniahic Affai HeIdin Tronto manner, a special committec a been appointed by 'the- Oshawa Militairy Institute Presbyhery tif the United- Chtireli. with Rev. Dr. R. Lorne McTavisi tif King, Street. UnIhed ('hurch.i Tue ,second animîal diiner 'tif the Oshawî, as chairman, and J. C. 25t1ti Brigade,,$Military District No. Young. of Oshawxa as secretarv. 2, lield iniii bbc Military LIustitute at This commihtee bias alri'-tedy met [Turouto on Frîday night was a anud divided the -Presbytery ialo ins.colourfula sucucesaf i ffair. two districts, the enstein district, 1 uloatair. with headquarters at ]Bowmn Soniue seveîîty officers representiuig-t ville, and'including the eastcrtî the -York Rà ngers, Peel and Dut- section dtiwn Vo -Newcastie and ferin Regiment, Lorne -Rifles andNetnilan nrt fVe Ontrii 'eguiint whci mae P highway. 'and the western dis- the brigade were on baud, xith the trich, with itsý head-uarters ah Onitario Regiment sudn th Osaaadetending weat ho stronges[ representahion whieh con- Whitby and- Piekering and. north oitdtf nineteen ýofficers. The ho Port Perry. These two districts banquet w-as presided tirer -by Lt. wiîî* be -operahed separahely'witîî C-ol. Fraik, Chap'peil, Brigadier ot their sepJarahe committees. One. -the Brigade,- wbo acted as toast- car will -be. loaded >ah Bowman- Là ter. ville, from the eashern district, Those at the, head table uitit Lt. and the other ah Whitby, *for. the Col. chappel ivere Col. Hertzberg western, district. ard Col. H-lli'Who rëpresented 'the Wednesday, Octotuer 1S.-.blas district, Col.AT . Huxte, ol-H been f.ixed as the date for the S. Coop)er anîd Col. Conover, wlio shipping oif the two cars, and in formerlv -held the -position now the meanhiffie ddnationÉ for the' 1 graced by Lt. Col. ,Chappeli. are -being asebed a strate gie Gre at regret. xvas expressed by points al hrough the Presby- the speakers ah the departure of terf, for shipment. 'by truîck ho Çol. Aston, xvho -ia leaving the dis- the cars on the, date speeified. trict, while the best wishes and co- Apples for shiprnent should be'cf operation tif those present was. ex- firat,clasa cquality, and packed in tendcd Vo Coi. Anderson -Who ivili barrels, while it la retitested take op his' duties in the nea& that vegehables ha packied in future. sacks. Each local community, and Tîte toaz-t list uxhiclu ',,vas presided church will bave its own com- over by Lt. Col. Chappeli ivas a mithee for collection purposes, lengtbytione briuuging out some"bril' and it is nnticipahed that the ýre- liant- addresses, -The -toast to the aptinse will ha sti generous as to Brigade was prtiposed by Co . ake 1h quihe easy, ho completeiy Conover andi responded ho by fili htwo tif-the largeat t ype Majo Fobes BrgadeMajr; t. reight- cars. AIl freighh expenses Majr Frbs, riade Maor-, t.are being borne. by the railray Col. R, B. -Smith cf' theý Ontarito paes 0hmhtirVllb Regiment andLt. Col. Tremnain of ýýn cosh he the shipment tif thé the-York Rangers. The toast t10 supplies. lte -District, w-as proposed by Lt. There -hlau, also béen a shrong Col. Corkctt of tlie- Peel and' Duf ..appeal .foi' clohhitugtif ail kintls. ferin ' Reginu ent «and responded to but titis sa beinghalien care tif Wý Col., Herhzberg, acing - D.O. C. -b the Women's Associatiotra tif The toast ho theý guests was pro- tae varlous churches, as arran'e Posed ivb Lt. Col. Cousen tif "the-, ients have been made for clotbi- ,Lornec Rifles and rcplied ho by Col.. ing Vo be sht.pped in balles. from A. T.' Huntér, CoL. Hill and Coi. 1-thef individual associati*ons.ý Coop *e Th need for, this help for the xveît la lbornue onIt by reports uvthilî av'conte fî'oîî o'rî tîte.. raiiway ;atid eiîtt't.h géit dies t1iroulîont tîtat piart ofthfei cooi .iiry Drouglit, g rassh6'ppers anid haill have doute deadlr w'oris hiî mlaux' sec-ionstif-w'ester'n Cali- ada. Sinie aicas are uîoxx suffer- ing fi'otheii foti and fifth aîiiccessix'e -yai' tof failiîre. Statei- meth froua 1-oie 'Mission SUD- eriîheîde ofs t' iet'chîirrlîcon- \fî'ui.these repôbrts, and.t hýesIe stiperiîiteudeutts, 1 kiiuwig the. actual coniditions, ýare pft'ading- fo the fttliesýt possible assishanc.è lu stilpplQnicilit what, Uic gov-ern- liouts. aîîd îiiiicipalifies 'arc doiîîg ho liel]p. It 15 lin e-ponse to thbs appeal fliat the Oshiawa -pi'esbyhery il orgauizing ho seil id touca'a .of fruit and : vegetabies ho the 'esh, anîd l skin-for hhe'g,-en- sîippléstof these -commôdhies' -t. AI PORT W'IITBY P Special Speaker. at Sunday Servicçe-Openng C0W MeetingMo*day St. Johuns A.Y.P.A. heid thei 'anuual service on Sunda y cvening, Oct. -la.t, .at 7 The chioeli wa ni'cely de-corated xxith -blute auid white. flo\tteras, also thie fouri' pt n7 cipies. of the A.Y.1P.A., svorÀuîhp, Work, .feIloWship uitand iietin amà d their rmotto "For> t'hrî.,t and.I tuTe Clîurch . Nwere ii' oiriletter on bluc aîtd white backgrountd Iabout the wý,iudd'w s of- the eýhurci. Ms'. F. C. Jacksonu, B.A., tif Alfe Coilege, cond-ucteti the srie andvasstd by Mr. N.. C. S, Goldringi. IMr. Pursi.s W'ootd gav thé adtli'ss. :Other young ei taking- part 'inu-the -service we' c Messrs. H.. Neal, M. -.ýlidey, N. Pindar and 1. Dca'aî. Durinpg the -otit'î tirs' Humnphries'sand Ms.J. ýWifsoi -sang a, duet "Th.ere er niliietY. and uniie. t A etter tif ooiîn'rtu1îî anti ALI good wishes to the AYI.f rom New Cy7own the trecturti,- ltes'.D. B. Luftd Cunty, m:a s rettd b,' 31r. ack,on. 'hsa Mi'. Purvis \Wood, à a ïast pre'd usyi tient oif thue Dojitiion ",tcIiati]Oîi by last I gave aiN' ry, stirriîug adres tuthe_______ Youn~g pope- l b -opnigre- miarks .he ioutlined lthe ai uu anti growtb of tue e il etienufe i of Mi'. Wood's tili sstaken VUS from. the -nanuos teoý'a11a oI f tion: AAtvi. X ' ness; P-Patroth1 , A n M[[ mrent.- He str'essed tiî atta i; oI'icers (of tue 1ii1hb utl-1 *that-tuhe miîeuet's tjý- l tl e. woik tif thé bi iie hm irtdis'idual ini'the 1bratielli nuust (du bis or. lier Part. W'e mtust give ;somethîlig' n., rîeturn f oui ht pe akers treceive,. and PaS N\" Iiferi a tri oif piileat th-é-iht F miurf'.g b so shiouid xe be filedieti thpîido ati the sigluttif-the..,itield tif the A7'. P.-A., sithits colôrs tiof bloc ai î:\ttîît wxhite, emliernatir ofif te Chrstia lintî life, iuo1eftîui )i.ut'c. ani t' nuonograni N h01hÀ) aiid P1, ( U 1, lt 0li titit tIe fr -n .tiis w cl tluat %ve u ttei' el fr ntili:W> t L I lait behîîîd 'we VLC'111iith1siid 1 n1 tt'u e, thesto n îîwoe' of cf heda, i lt.h îuîiust ho mottrotscari's' tptthew ork hIt xx'ich other> ttc iavîig d1CxIVI. o OnMod -xeîîiîg thé tipenîne meeting -,\-asiîe'lîhiii the Stîn1daZ1' NiC e School Hallixstth a gutiel-attend', Ti tii' C ance. Plans \wL te made' to atl4)r'jT ht'.r thé East. X oi-i% Deaiei'y'nly aser- ~ot'vc *vice w hidhiS ix eng liel -ti at X- bridge on Ott 'lttiu,1lan tue ~- Duttgý, tt i-minionand.iProinieal Con-ference.- wr in Toronto on Oet. lOth to '22îîd. 'k Àt the Annuùal*Meetiri'gof 'ttheChamnber of Commerce erousC assistanîce- uf ahi uho havýe -s< UI1JLtiiuLJ wer ho spare. '- At the _autual meetintg tuf _________________WlutbvChauuhet tif Couitîtuerce --Ulri heldis .the -Ruyal fHotel ott'n Frî'ti AT day eveniiig, heu uteur diî'ect ors IJ~II1~~1I i w'ere eleched hy ballo t. Thty are;.it A. Holidayx, E. L. Odli uuî, i -, . ÃŽ [ DonaldA Wil,,., W. C.Tuwîî, lYeais Supplied .OnIy toco AUIIIN S - -Franik Golulus à Ilr Wood a Household Effects. ôof Late with' heu tithers urbo las' lt 111 'anh-.xo aueti other year lu ser've u'tilitteEýt,-Cl F. NBurns Were - heCotîmcil Cîtanîir tii W cd-i ut utlaii'\iub ut;tdl - nesdayeu'eaiig ou.t this NweekVriirMudyi<l cue tt e i~soe fthe ciechion u aof eiteîtantd.ttuc: rttIrIIl eu usuts-fr titi other ufficei's. and for ltme li'nt uhlîsît it titieiii y aud 'be-co 'lîe -sale tif tue lîouseluuld effectsaçacioîî tif*othier, business.utlti'iei' a ticke2t for- break o cf lte late-F. N. Borna, for auîy Te uehngo F'iato i 'il101 titeChicf tif poliCe. 'T-le yuu yesrs n Whitiby îerclîanîan - -agtotik the forfl iiin iiird i Ewhich uvas - served ah th.e RusvaI tsu clhs s:is n furîuuer itiavo, atractesi'a lare 55'111c t , f Itei.lreHohel, sud uxhich uvas attendesit seît cuusa ial atl h eroxvd fruîut fan anud Tucar T by abitt50, ."Ite -tables ux111d' attifîcruueîîluthe lînuse,'oit Dundas Itseut riuce,.au i î siui s2 oeepvig i we n 'r Strcet Fast. f nen -t hiil,-sd theIgndCt il c e nglit.Nosmocer d Tuie saýle:couuîîîlccd 't 12.30 noon. h!tnewsiuc auueihd11 rxiih Žcee eoegcl at1-i-t ursslate iii ite afteruooîî The president. W. A. Hullîdelu \.are ltaiîdtd(lont amîsi thie ehusîtees 5 f befo re il uas fluisliie-si. -Biddîu.goit- Pr es!ded, - sud te yt" ilat hie - tuxshiuct s au al re-suit 0 durth lanunuer tif W'iiiiain Mass, speaker. Russeil" T., Relies x îih ic ur. lt was ris ahtiuîes ud erygood cf Hamilton,'wellkosnsstriltdcîiugu- usctretfs-g. lîrices -ere obtaimicd. î tising man sud autiiority ut' coni ioî ii tiduyotgi tmC ucales This- ssa ue argat aletifmuuity building, gave an inter-i~ cicdl s i ilzish n hîtosbol cfecs eidlu \Vibbyeahing addî'e-souin Wiat a pciteu utu le Chh1cf of PCie C ' fo suîe;'ar at i semdhoai hanuber: ofComnuerce CÇautDo sio I a2îsi ânafo nal.ep, ýfr oie eas ditesi ne vcrty-for a'- Ctiimnoity." ahresiîtg -the ' le i ief witI uatîdIeiinal tract utusua intrs. on eypromotion tif bbl cuunii:ktîieýts aiii aclaeriredLitîhe , sue- 'iccýs tif t-ar funitore, W-cit spiri'h, the dev iuel i ubntul0ii1G hrec tt el huuets underthue liaruu:ier. aî-rîa rae u-c-peratin xi npr s ieu-cs la ora - ux'~~:%ith the f arnier-s'. Tie u'ote et urîsi' va i.ttt OBSERVE. HILDRE 'S îthauka Vto -the speake r %'as îîmuvn'cl il o pe 'î :)y CA. Bruaîs. manager ut' Cic , Qerl DAY I ank of Conmrice. udseoit t ie ouil dpe ~pr i c Year bv ycci'tVe Itsi Sundaybu-.JMcttue. tttaîig uuttceiirccîe lin Octiber Ãis set irside in.. tlue The meeh;iî - ahsu îo aIeli ecîeh tîit'hacu'îitr-ael foi Ihue Wli Church-of England as Ciîildi'ens pleasure - tif as bnei -ît't u iad i lut utur lt-outiv Day. Tbis yeaar iarks the 15 1 tt]t -addrasî11)vWillia.ù Neuvpan, M., li,,jIli itaieclaiaricituJaI ýci ut anniversary tif lt commence- P.P.,ftir Nrth',Vicetoria.,uWho Wm5 Yi.xdo!it h- i'uii1u, rc ment of Surandav Sehooluvork lun tue tiof thé guesta. MgNI. Newm aIl ibiasigolti, s'itllite tursltof tuhe e n Canada, at rfi*ifax, -Nova Scotia.' saisi that w'at-tlie farmer naccU- fuiel souIl ibeclhîeeiiitu uctc bxtl AIl Saints' Churcb tsili mark this 'cd Most w'as synupathy and Ilu ri uvda ous fîru h t occasion, uith stiaciai ýservices, and nul -so mîîcèh asviceoI Ins iut luîyug tr heluous he.0t hotu nîî'tiîgand cx'eniitg.Offi- liecoetumd îucî'e. lt atig r ttiîett ccrs sud tesel-fens -of the S'unday1h w-as -of litItselie sa id.ui. ut Seliol, together with the pa r- hall&a fat-mer how >lic coulsi ra fit tthve bhi-hv t s~ iu ell ~ enita and' childî'en sud all.ohhc-rs stock foi' export w'hîen lic'haXti no. \mîiiruiiu u i unacfi intere-sted -ix-tll coma hogaîera>nîney to_'finance a ucï îr . orauu-3'tg ut dooitu, homes qlarý the Lord's Table ahthacigi-t b,- pos-ai. Mth Nawmâiî aetvtcateetd sieeî auuhrtfîi~fnixeî r dlock celebration -off.- hie 0HoN ,conversion ba n a s >a nucati"i of cui .1t IL.'lTle turu siilic(-ale Cte 'nd Corimmuni on. The chltdre .n u-ilpoting. lato .Iciitlatior. aItu -ictircithar u\\iocd elitcicl i té t-a ]lave thisi- owxn special servi'elanîitiev nosv helsi by niai of' titis ;ail uinter - titie çcattraCi ste- .dia atarnoon hf iithe chut-ch., 'îwealthi. rc OCA L