Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 May 1933, p. 3

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THE WÇITBY GAZEE& CHRONJCL, ITJ ~News Bad., BrooklinOddfeliws toebfound I nside bat. Telephona ro dMs-s J. Wagg had a irthay s- Conditic Am.aumuwv~emaÃŽaT Obve aIBalats-e asiat Thurs MakLodge Anvray -"h -'Aroundi _______________Mr. andi Mm. L. Hoard, M.r. and fuiss. J. R. Meard and ailsly >-lOOKLIN. May 17.-BeaCh- Tise somamer meetiag- of the nf Oshawahabat nda>' aîening MYRTLE STATION, May 16-If Ovtil Losige, No. 165, wilifoh- Women's Intitat wl if ha befd Ira vi fh Mr. A. Pas-km andafaam- lie ceaîher renninues fane, îeadiag Ces-s- thie 114115 anniversary et an fiai' 26, tFriday), ai the home f y. opraions i-euhocipccaa titre. Odteiiow Order. ln Broakliu fieaiMs-s.Ratlif fe. Mis% MCflafr- Sr oenLdeNo 5 fC .le- a aiia pars.TRdi noa United Chus-ch, on Sonda>', May ofi, ai Mane Creek, lu the F., Brookîjo ssilf holai ihef o annuel seatnai m'ven spoîf s are ali-ghi,ý once 21àt, *ai 230' ociocis. Memiserasipeaker-. Rer sbele sPersan- aiolivereary servcin Braokiin Un- pou gel yoer caop c. Graassfi wiii motet ia the Ladge acm i. at apy as an efament Oai aiaàtsl i d CharchnS unaMy2sgoiggnw hi 2o*'giack (S.T.). Uxhide iband leadership." She viii aiseaf na P 0otoco Sea, ai2iabroiggodolilhfaa reaf vOllhae ln attendance and i viiia demonsi ration on a "Buffel t'n h - eoma ' dok eiReatelîic ioulîf e hfrhliai. glYsaàaconcer-t lanthe park aites- Luneheon.' Everyona. f. uirai ceSehndardgTie).roonidaI2 ofBadi hen faues 01l osuecele tisa erice. VIsiting hretisren ara lu aittendi.wilsaiid tnardTî e). ndL'xhr ida eAed nthe e a. m ashl 6ririaliy Inited' ta attend. Rer. Tise CfitfT. Gsoap are hoinlg clhiaînaradoi ie Aca soafefm a aa i 'r.oona Rend conctertine the Park aller thase ladies who ateandeai IRe cMas.ai ?.L. Jul iaf viibave charge ni a Nevely Bazasi and Aftes-i thesrieoantnrbehe reTms fenontawih-h thé,serasvite. Teas Inthe basaerfint nf the Oil- iRcrve Viesg reeeareTme irno CamhhIh Tise Wome' .lAsascial Ian mai ad Churcis an S'lrsay next lrem uodiaif y invifeai f0 affinai. Rai', Ji.Women's Associaione paftaoslast on Wednasnday at tisahorne of 3 te B m.m. L. Juif ms-ff f ondes-f tfe service. Tleursdao. Alter tRe basiness ses- Mrss. Pascoe vith a large attanai- The Uniteai Cborch. Reel. P L. -'"- '"aim s eover a good prorann mCF anme. Mr@. . Spears hati charge Juif, BSA., pnatr. Sonday,.BiyN I a qesef hi onssistil realing, ai tise vorship service andI Mes. 21sf, 10 arn., Sanda>' Sciso; il floflus y Mesdames Teetea, Diclasai anei Osafaif tise programma. Miss cm.. Ros. Fred Mostan ci Green- Chisholi refialf on by Plis. Mil- Jean 6cat remet!twa slactiona wenad; 2.30 p.m., animi cisroh - çfel, solos kv kMesames Price and trnsss Neuf.e McCiung's hock, "Be service of Beethoaven Lsiga. 1f0. ALMONDS, May 17 - klotheras Harrisoe. Alfter cfoisg tRis pari ou Ã"opd la Vans-sai." and Misns 0F. Urheliga Baisa in attend- 1 Caa> service oa Sonda y aa anim- se' ie pifng. a ver>' daceS>' luerh Rod uBayd gaie an os-gem sofa. ance. 3Rev. P. L. Jull i vfifpseach. IP11531.vo aerce. rom iRe fergin- mas sered and mach eaîaye Ilhi Mes, ilsaIt pia'oia a floyer content No eveeing service. rieg tiRegîhoagf a Mohers Day ail. TRis gthering rias arrangeci wlici vas mach enjayesi. Ms. F. Mtise' Day services fa tRe o'as corrieei oai. lira. forne Kemp eifa onoar or ut0r f ofkrs. A sim Koëllida>' afsd lire. Stavar verà l.nitedl Chas-eh an Sanda>' mora- presid eoîr ahi sersvici aed Mrs. lar galfering is planea for jssi- te isevnmeselfiatisacontesi. The ing vers larcoof>'attendasi .. in Guc;y wsuaa the pana. Vice andai if ie hitcehonoar af "Ouj Bra olin AsaaciationvîilfiiRatheeveniogthlie pastos- gave au nli- IfIhru Day serviuce Iiecîs caidGrassdiii'sees". tAe Iinsae Association et lisais- îarsting sketch of the litesand ymas se ri aeeai as foir as possible. Mr. and Prs. Glubert Gordon arI meeting an Tharada>'. May 18. va-ot 'rForence Nigktinale. The choir rendireai tRe an-,he . Br and MIr. Greenfrie andi daugi- Thse meeting ii liatebRaid lain- Ths fuili programme et Brook- 'TIarisa Roonc einte aks'anulifer. Laraisie, sef Ohasea, wcre 0e saie chiasch. fin Fals- Repear ns- pi agte 1etofii a qaartette "MY'MoiRera Oiaiceeantsiirs wefh Mv. caidMrs. Rc -Th dC.Gas-cisas-aohai heas nît- o Hcr'ecr e l.raBliblhe' mas sang Rbe Misses f rece ie braChishofm. ",OU . seMr.Hryeer Ia csi ro c ad AIma Howfand, Me. Kesceif' 5005 .SOa andi nOvaIt>' haume n wOICth hCanof teon cky i lnfLe ed MrR. Nirholsnon. Mae 111ber indaheScismiaies-amsoRerScdatLloyd Pilkey and Donald Kemp Wafter and Ms-.P;at epot os-ay M>'25- t-o 3ts A nry amkcr sStre fest. reek. tf oek u e OaRe ring. Mrs. Ander- Sanda>' vitk frieads et Oakviiie ipeedisi programma has'RmaMaDad Sor fai îes. son gee iR$aiory, ,'TRihelut"; sding crndiiosns ielaýi- il apmdandian Invitationfla ex- onMr. ein- 54,cogaliauîsMisa lina0 Graham gai'. fhe aîary therea aso. ene a alta mret svutifte avea "Build~ ~ingRRthe ome. ,and Mo. Lus- Mime McMialiee et Taoonto le aken. 0f aipaper SnoseoFate'.eSuifobSeonetoacers ber stes-. Srs. John Gs-anlav ,Mr. ansi Mss. C. S. Tisampaos nîm furetDpprfRieinen porma mare gare breiaghoaa Miss Reipea. ai New Vork ani aml> vse a itieB-iem bloe a' 41.c i serv ire Ry Donald McQuay, @poat Sada>' vith Miss Mariaý tas--dise vek-and. Coanriias-Astihas- omke. sfio BtyMQaRt od o-Wsnya h atrshn ,ZZ, DIlie Kiveil vas homneon has heen esita 11tas-for ne c N RtuRo eRrt oo,.D r WsTay ae tis iaîîer'a hirz Y, aw. as takem this veais ta the Oh- cRi0 Roy rs.Hefon Chamhers lea ia'aebs'mvv-tr .Ms-. Fulon, ni Hamilton, w-aw aaHMspital. Hil nmroufs Hry - 5j AdryShrt eàtheir Uiversity' enams. vJ4s' Ms. and MrMss C. L. M.a"'. rfends hope usai ise vif5sono fhe scripf are feson. Wima Birh- Do mt tresgitishe drama irai' tas- tise veek-endi. rapfdf>' racaver. orason are apprcpoiateano NiKfaae hat la heini given ine th-a Ms- ani ies Liyd Bs-df ' Mss. P. L. Jail, vis aoemeasii.o.Mc. Walter Bromewn iftIeau-hbr nTii> v bave baron viiting wvus Ms-s. gamet wvus an accidentins er Rr.T hraie ieieora. ig disa l 5cas O Bradloys pas-enis la Little Brn-is oma, lasteadl>' Improvino ned iea and praer.co Fferaand feras vils a social hans- and esuai the tain. lsaisble ta hi about tise bossaefanufiroraleai the alterarsatrrieaou! lose. Min Is-inence AMoies-a>'spe>ss a iseai-ciais-. iRe siit of tRe day. ' Mise Dos-l e Rdige las isearic tis wek-ed vls iss100 B eethfioven Lodge, Na. i65, 100 Mos. R.' Brome and e'Ro spandint a iev day. vus hi Pes-in.' F.. Brookiis ,5fwifl hi5fd heir'Anueai rmewrîu oifasaiLandiai remsai iDn Ms.M aStn nd miss E. sei-viceein Brooklfs Unted i Omayeh NNedeeday las is ueelng the toron- Tises. Annan hasnibeeu laid off Sas-lon are mnvieg ths. eakIn te on Sonday. Rfay 2iaa, ai 2.30 i dock S irastir, rm-ho sus ceie adoc- ctsa tai issai u sî thlii- bame In BronhI fa. Ms, Meoners iii mecs fil iRe îodge t tory, fa lenov about again. UÇIVOO, ai Pas-sy Souna, boa pas-- raon at 2 e'clocis (Standard rime). Mues Auea MbAcreff and Ms-. L. Audie>' i. notea tas-lils geuufd aliesiMs-, Biasîmes t as-onand la Uabridge Ban isaimiia e ainai'd-Monceff.eniu sel menc. isc iai onsiravieersies ansi fise mIn> pfacs mavisng ln Ihis veek. acte endai lli gi-vs a bend conteratPao day et fhe home of W. H. Soabs- ie bava coma hohtbsmahlie vie Ms. Steinen and fammii>'bave in ahi Park allas- tie ses-vire Visiîaione.les- ln fine chape. iteI a t as-m.latli>'par- is0 hereth ris are ms-dieu>' fnc ed f0 Mi aid ides. Cecif Wood and Ms-. Smitis ot tisa Dulp erm a clssei b>' Mr;s-I lieon, ai Bamp- attendf. Ras. P. L. Jafl il'ifc- inu chiîudeeîof lome spene Soeday wmuR "longvitis a fs-fend, le bnci pcect tan. thise rice.. heandf Mes.Norman NWood, Mstilaàa alarge acreage oi ves-ata Bafh. Sa., andi Mr. Lorna Bath, olfais- eleMa-a'.siBna Yocng Peuipias meeffa t bis parents here. g n.us-pM. Ciapmaa bas aaeia M ti of rv i careofWMbdt M aey eçtng of- dSGay h m' a s chrgev.A. Mssc. o-hriaseg s'psî e s e C aha garna Rr.A .Spe. MaI atasisRed@ anal Meihea Riha Ashad rhaege Of ahe tapie. extsISanda>' s RuaafLiteOn - Mr. nch Leesis. ni Torontao dy inthe'utsdflharcisand a W asà lield at. uzv.ae ien , Ae 'n4 .,,hMr craipr asapoef sees ha cak-saiAiRMo. ioci onerai uursoat oai&11i oottry M4iet sa>'y ' TieMiay 55 Lnc as prons dcA hp "lgofteW.if'.S. vas aeid MrssMokas-, Mrs. W T. Stevens- A d e qtteb eof Ms-s. Bsandon son, Ms-a. J0. Pas-kit and Mos.de Ba-se Line W4est as»;,eyè 2 memses-s prsaant. Gissosa. if. mete t as ias -aa igOf Tise Ms>' meeting of thfe We Ous- scebarsdare pes-aaang a Mr. Mcollissan ansi lamîf>'vis- Msa, Assis-cvPegg. visa openeai menus Instituts viii ho ifr ai ci iod ahovw oribloomCeditat lise Lake Shore Beach, Il vtis<psaies-. Tise devtioasftfR5sehlant bouse an Tkadia ai Thes flnlirîtaanîiy os- table Beada>'. isailîl 'Tise Wnman a ofait- Mis>'26tR. Vhe 5eesc i eki"j isiisdai e-th Boises-t and Mrs. Ms-a. A. Bcysi andaifeenais. ai vir-eil bR'Mos. Miilôa Pegg. vli ho Mrs.-s.I..Johrus oaiHodge. on Sanda>'. Torante, ces-e iators ai Rer on. ti utaI haptas- nifis.e SledY Brougham, lise remalader thoe _______________________________ Sobkvas teken R>' Miss May prmgramme viii hoituiv ho Brsovn. A vas-y Intecetînt aad c hfidore. Mves-yhcdp on and ,. beipini discussion an fise vRaIe briat yoar achat. o h rsD y W el hook took place. each oeoner Miss Fforencaesovisca tippet I l t e ' a s W l tatingthtie gond site had recitour-IRaeekh-endivtis Missi les ed gramtis e samne. Rrs. Paroi' nie sud MarjonesPans.O se v d at M ri Wilson veau appointesi SecrearY Miss RfaRel Hachron aor c.ýeO s m 4 t M r l le placeoI Mrs. Lavrten.e-uo weeki-endA vus ber motiu aro __________ viLl ba anahie ta atteasi regalar- Me. and Mes. Hovacur hi n 1>' dphrîs lise rani ai tie sersi. dais and sencif N. Oshe cin- BYTLF..May i RfissL.wer nTorost nTusa M-.(Rev.> Nrestans ial tRedasyedaite-eRMs. and pN q Timme, ani on Thu ada be smeeint wltR prayer. eftes- i-rndae. andi attendes Ill e .dougr lbrtLmt M e agi M-srai Ach nA f0 visici aur hoateas ses-îad anclu. serv'icelier@.Rra(so Mo eà bt can dagk riond r nîSatu, ay Tise Kinsoale Young Poi e dMsCi.S sîc i e NNailMr.yce,i o fof'nae 'n, i i essteremnSîaah Ineenet thair drama. "Heedstroug anai Miss Fr iiiigate »P caine d ihc iiTruiso L nuiMethers Day sec oe Jeoan" la tise Audiasi CRarhday faonst esaislfaTssont Suaday. a Refa ber.ona Sanday ciii 'ut net Frida>' nlgit. May OiR Mes, . Hndiay out loto Tise Juar Roui scoîshafi rase inhen thiprocgramme iasueci ice 4aast Wednesdey. Mr.flairas speni tisa cash-endai vu rhoutA ehhkrti ayed ftue hooasIerOntario Reigioas Edaration ic a iltaml>' mmved theirkbose- moiai-.rMre. RoddA lacee urRRt relcraed meitha large tel vas carried ast. The i feil. 'u - Rateteselishtaen mues aorih Misa Mîfiresi Taylor 'lu core lui lamer of aRe MAtrae ho0 s eumRer h.uaag aarnbîaRy ui uc of-Hunsville, visase iha bas pue-- avae, Bandayell vlth Mî i hMr. Isaac T. Keegha. cf Poice bers of the Premery Ciais. îîI abaseda agas-m. Mos AlinHooker. NiRref, cafld iid u rîeda titre laitPaeater reaitbe scrplarer I . c Mrs. F. Norton cais-si dtor f. kMos. Leey a readin,ucMr l'airsj Mmîhes's -a>' vas ohsraedln Highlfand Creais cai a .5 fucR Sypath a lofa for Morf as a votai nssasier, George (i tIfs Snadeî Scisool i lise nuuelRodd andi tisa R.V. M4 e>' anod 'Irs. Clarenre Becioaeiis andeA , a readisg and pageane a -Il. r hous, andi Roy. Horton precar- iaoify lest 8usda.' laaecfyt'e aedeaah f, lthe lomeson' ceme mas givi R>' Mea idlu.i esi Fin e*eclleiat sermonasathie %Ir. and Ms-e. H. Hoot)rcf leie daughteT glas, Miss Mf. Wiippy. M,,, B elliascis service. bis mesagea10OToronto ceffeai n Mes.-- M and Mes. Pîrcu \futaed aned Coopier, Ms. Edmard Mole andulr maotie-abing pastieaiarly ep- heon anA Miss Maisel las -ianl o S- -i datMr.Price. The cangrgaiuii e,îeluis. daiel.JionC oopers eonf ada),. hearaly is aRe rasponsiverc-rda 'iTise drame vhfcis vas proeuit- Miss Hannais Madie nof a- Meî lHtufe Hadgins, lit J.A cad s igsng as-d tiR e ansco.. s4 R>' tise Bs-maRus Young ta allint tiseveek-endai vu aoeîeeukaei cecAMrs..RAma AMoee ry isfreslisg and hellfu Pentls iast Fisay niglit faiR le parants ir@. p.c i<incel R ail, vas muniatrfI eui b>" al. e achisactint ber as- is RMranai Mrs. Vftor M- part-inf a vs-y s-aisii oanner. ansi famifi'. anAdRMr.and B i h u g to Prnefeesiî amoamîsd a $0 20. hais- Ifoyd ai Turatato aldas B ig t aeto ei visici Sgaemta tisa Mission C. Richar-dsoniand asa maail Band ansi haiftaintise Woen'a day atarnoon. N ' s r n r e w o Iqdititse. Ms- and Ms-s. Wm. Boet N w r m r e w o 'Tise Wemen's Asaocietioaneif f Audir>' Suedayasi vitis etesln lise ladies oi tise Braook- Sesîiry aed Ruobert. is aaaaonthisaThuradasi Lest Saturda>' AiRs-bert GRNW<ODMa>' f -Ms scaaal îilaper. liAscainEJacksson, ai Fort W iiacms iB i scleleau attes-ti ait tise chas-ch. Everi- puaiseai ap a gold ai atRc usîa 5f L LPg nAscm . andtreonda>' e-fthMo1 Rosi>'nome and- ed si cpleesant hoe isai picweesondes- sevois iit 1hL _Pg n an nc pn udywt Pays- isbas- ils pans- Broaklila tîenda. îears cga, tise cas. ani e Thc Wcmen'a AscainmtFyr Tisa 'Mission Bans Inagebso eeare la gaosi roîi ls. hbau ie om Aaoî&fseml isma rou s-ehore attaudeif il(Mis FornceMobry wi;wors erebalyrusel. a te hmeofMe'..Pelry Wil- meating af tise wecte-su son 4 niit Missh al lsca Movisaturas Mmrba verst ens orslA aboanit ii ralay Plfansceese tis e Oaaa Pfs5-iterla h a, isls a lseHalIat airdc- fuss.J1 . taanons made for as i 0e rea m souiai te Pranhlin. ant eek aifes-moon vls abouftlia meus hec a e-arA for iha rto khaibelli os Frudai',Ma>' Si. F. T. Bmitb. et Wifhc us c brs prsest. Durngthtie alh a RIaci. Rnduit chiliae hes Mis. Aaatin Fersytbe, et îaîsg vicia John Bs-cen and fta e sace os- lie Presieni andi las isolceen Salemn Crnera.ndi Toronto wvliffsaaiton tisa o- îî>' Vit..Mas-lacis Pansue rvery ahfy Rama atSanda>' atterri.. grammae-fis munoungues -and A.Stiel ba pocaeu filiei h. chair, Tise Lesson ct:un.di.e«.mali anm af M cadinga. Atise aO.cth esie.Rpar, ,,Mi-iîe Sias->' as toid R>' Audrey'BSal.i.nsbiffsanmdrchange. @srna p The WM S. mai on Taesdsy aith@ ansta-mvari'ntei yH. Me la ansi tiseWats- Toera taisea hi' anda c heuR e-ih alléevafu om s viWM raio anfrr A Bayes. Se th i Johsn Gibison ansi Maiie Steven- e ksepsake. Mes- edaiesa ' ehorem ea u.Y; . no n mAs i are epîrvas.aneilmac, ___________- Ira esA. Pagg's grnap. amnmuevmei fd r Mito Ormes-ad. ci Lasabuni. monesiasorfl> as Rame aven Baaday Walfer Wilson, cf Ouai. e , MI* isasAura u~. ci Wite eaivfsMoresiAa r AL . i No5 rigaima se. cas cuis beeriparenta,.e anvt MoeadAi ý ho eek-endi ThMissions rc. mcctij" ~~ ~ Ths Ds-smaaio Cilbgansef bir al cdai' 5itêraaoa Bt uth Ram 142 ~aA casflm % Ea. "Hi. Boat incecîmeat, ce-tliacMpBae siN i Whtby Distric 'HURSDAY, MAY 18, 1933 PAGE THREE !gets From Staff Reporters Ms Grd AandrnMr,~ hoi I pacci. Miss 6fadyr, ...±1 ~ ~ ~ * ASlIBURN.Niay' f7.- le. andi visiird cIiiIliir îi .fl 1 I iI h'd1 a ai a M yrLle Stationl[ifres. Henry Leacli. a nl lia Igh- berte, l;i >Souda1 %'i a. î , fils. fHarold te r, of f'xbrldge', NI îi, E mema Tii0 W. M. i ',' iii iii> li 11 i l~îîa. Erliiie îFfI Iler,e0ifToronto oi'.acday quilting iln hSurlîi( lî I'".laîl iliath and Me. Nor- f M .aild Mr , W N ard andcif litorset the home of Ni.z.M. on Nl:ed il.q1 'îi ci Sclt.Ah iiec-er and Ken- 9 l-i i(, )I Diali.a. oni Sunday %vre i s~fher. finisfîrd ,crt ,î i t-toicfr0,r i c diîieerieg. r gic c'l '. nd iii si. liicor[ Mlie Aima O'Neill spoiri the Mes ii(,c 1%si r v .îîî N î '- , -o.,,ai.v_ Rali in,,week-end weuh li r riî'îai Efenekcclît,,1î, l'îcirc l i li oil muirI e hM i l Wîif rM Rai' Scott and Woodvllm. hifri ....... \l\f ~i ih. M -CNoailiondance. ~h Har'oldfand Beeoi MiaBernli'e ucieGoos nee.iai,îlfllit-il,î'c- t xisii ciuî irc l asi Sai hy. lpe a feeedar liccîwek daintv iiicu'll ,,1 eid. it her home hon-. joycd bu v 2! RT ii E OISY r M Il i ) rce and f daîîglie'r. Nfr. fi. W. West lied li'ni, of Tii N hi u, fi l, i i'fce'c( li one uîid0. Nfifer'e Dai' eroi i n a' t.f apfire-cuanî Ill. c. j__ i , . i hîî a k itiR llu" final look V o Iir h0 sc se iiMr. anid Nfr-. Zion on Stîaday. onSe da ccii cii a i, c jr,,j aroiiioii iii arkhoopor ftounid 1Le 1 o ifg Sric In Bu r' hli ' onhî uti fll, dellniei- i ra p 81ecIg onic. itneeof the 7 fM and Mci ROi f'riiandison, Sindai'. Mai 219t, at If a n., Thae cli'uisanig ccc ci i rIi t cii fii D.fav i" îîîî ui lothepasior. Reî' nD iA l'or- meucîicî 5-M.so ',-1-i1.i'.hoHi' lie leo limed. shah- lariinPei ng aiîd Bru-g osion le iharge. ,eahahl 'rfool Rev.nir Coopo- 'k, Nf chý ic. i - Iriamn 8 shiiifdr f'm ga- 1 10a.m.A heariic-inviatirin al iai' rcýnirne io ia incocu c ' n'gli cin hegalf's," 4 l , \' \fheailri ihî husexended f0 reeryono Suedai Sl ,,R NM. rn"- .AI i 'ghf " nîîrmered the foril i, p ect io i .M.8. and fadles' Ciîi'of met eitnrlla h rro l; rm ," o Im te . .. liii' Suiiihiiar.onoSuedayr-In tfeehaisemeet of ihé '-iiîîref Uieiueiii.idiagoîelaei.oelmhe. ii ii- oi, ionnhue iii Toronto. on Wedneeaay aftroin' l, Mf - l fMie, ail bob Sprintef %Mr. and Nfre. A. Hn a f -thii tiiih ho iaiioi'. fiaretsIn Torooto, sppnt he wek-pd h Port tfire. Wm. Wlaker. flce R c îîîhiil andciititîe daiigfr Nira Waler Toil c ntfi fe hai i.i, , l ' broui 1, -u0 da s fest eeeh ili I l, p r ia l I I ilff n'iloi t.ei eeie.Mr.r arî frsie C A 1 Ie Cciai ii îiiiia, lîst 0f iaggoinniffe. \ 3, fie,îîl lc ellir ieh 'Zff. and fifi G C r e a m andc ,11i dauoh ie-r iîî'îîa. alec fMIf...aisfu a ilriîDr i lsuA n s Mi.i Iftr-ifl Sirliîlcîi ari l îcc sýffarel apen t Sondray wah i l, n i 1aîî ee']'cli 1 oai fln Mj. clii giioci ofl ho liriiers pareils, ficoattPooiabmo i, ailifres. Ssce eane fa. oirh vrner of ihe Dtioil W an ted- ri. S ltelsScnd Mlr. Walteierro br ge i i cle E ' nda v. f the toile Nf ici Niociorie Arno i. of Tir- Miss Dnrotyih e ,fr To o t . iie à itciR i M ines J oen ronto. ipen i the w pm der h W Hoar. lati neoh. hec- paroets, ir. and %Irf. la lisa-k nce rospafi. ap. Nlise Hîlca Rei* nolda narre In MI 1fo r. We pa>' tae assest al et rc510mtl.W spl Il.ii a Hospital. cprci tho Moihrs Day mas i fifrli' oh- carte and truck service. iioofioId aithemhorneofflMrR aeredsfitfhemorning serviî.on SuiloS unday anst. weh a M iiIlioi is Accurate Tests and Weights Mr. if E Si ciii' eanf au.iLir choir onderlsg opprorm an h00 i'iî iie homfaiccai fiion 'Nfy Moilcîs' ri' ïiclîda, fIr N f-f ira h in hfie iflgon ic ( i Moadayr ililipoin csaeint c e Cccr soumbus boi's ai tlife .h ore Hoacoe. Perc Il fehlcg la irfiirli-d pont- IMe. T. Cask, Casrespondant ai tho I aho Shoro Brah cai. re OfLMIS. i. ar f-MsAli dolos cr en i ileluck h eoa n e f o n, T rnoien u dý ' laye Ileor soniri, Mci. TPe omn C T Z N "D I T ired ig laoci,( oh k acîd arr e uy iinZ i rnds in oTorontoo iow mIti choir large iorri l'rn \,fastr BoiiieoliL ,, Ie RieheriSiaîerr cpeî i a fr0 -uri- eh e cr nd cîîih Ru c' and-eA ite a il ite t oý e k , îîîîîîîîg i n o ie p a ic e c u . ie a n d M i I i i l. N -falo n . dliérict fifs Rehiiý osrl- tiriiiiii endei PHONE 52 WHITBY Dr Jem f'amphe ios-fCi'a enRa ciday;%i ihefalcîr. gls e pcei l re P h ec ppko t,, eFlsM N Aiha . a v eil il li s t ri In Pic er ng . M is M rj - A > ,1 urn 1 A'I - ~ ~ o Sa "S 1' -, - i.

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