Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Feb 1933, p. 6

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S'AGE FOUR ty tables 'more 's-eu patruolceit e85. -iugera lu searcii et papular durIne thse afferncun. Mir%. J. C. latai wslsl liOnd mucit tu inter. Commer. M%. Jas. SIcttghtinî pit flièt1 In *'euarct o in 1UU ' asd tirs. Robert Bernes mare lnFe i rom ut thea. iidon's"cd il. chargé of tiie home-rooeltie ta- -Love cme callue." bie.,mistie Mccir. Harold Misant andt l'or te Paniste there are sucii j% n *UfU kE Mrs. R. M. Davoreti looked aliter Icens au "Pînoitte", Imalts Cc- T ra i tioe nivelty abli. lires. Ceaie mai prier(, à suomisat su..t...."T convenitir ai the tes, tablste and rantiiO" anit tsro sketches vacs ciily assisted by mesihars of 'Chinoseo boat sou:" and "Pur- le muacle 4asse uhen you the Guoli. The prateeds ut thse lne ttddles." .s afternoom amouutad ta caolt Mr.ie Strling, 'cho vas former N ew L I "ts~ Iresde C.P.R., or J. N'taretret Pister. and a ulstertn -q ayof te weh1-hcnowis of ut rs. Robert Hésron. Myrtie 25c 2 f 49 Si.t itpLnue we rep- EXCEPTION.hL NEWS7A.PESt ma a welt'kncnvn Toronto sing- K~it x 2 4 .~ W bit ~ Tisr. iiaaOFFBE leor. n member of the taBous Men. MDBISC fr4 Sls Cutad, AnhIIOr" raspance ta tisa annoutsemfentlot il' 51 rOMitoOi ebarciies ln thte ATI~ remsesl'P. Coul U at ttowets tbat the CO!GîtF5RtT»PErPLU ' . 22cE pir andy thete Nob Gazti n %nos5 e fnehado gun. f fa' 5110e. Cironîcele cat ie ha tatued frToronto Conssarvetory. previeus the vry low sam er $5.60. bthtat cumti ta Vitseî>pver, obie vas auc Wube. on ewsuscrpton an r- sarcher of the stat£ ar Comum- COL ÀTE'8 A le Ofewls flnhtusiitiassu ne Conser#teor Muit lu A .U IL nvals asy t ea ex- atine Albtert andi Saskatoon. TOOTH PASTE saptiassal cumiinatian aller, cait aine WC0 4& ~~~for that ressort can o iigi ond WILI. IVEILLBRTDTC R ~es~aaAA~A~ tar otiiy a limiteSt time. Bth' »DRE0S ON AFRICA T u R ti h ie eu ndil & Emtpire A chacnge lise been ntteahitatei Rgulear 01.00 lite Hhgltay Café are gonad Toronto newspcpers iii arrangements for tise cotisai voit thouetet ef le tiie district, lutetitssI of thse Wiiitiiy Brancii of £or PhoMe 310 WlniibY saule the~ Gazette and Cironiele. tise Bie Saciety. As annaucced 49 sitis its mecsp unique ass it eist week tise meeting wiii iic beli featuras aver wetis oi tite year. -: thse Baptiot Cisurcis an Wedaes. FR.ENCH HALM hec log isees reognitud as Ou- 'ay 11-t. 8Vei. 2Z2nd, but tise speak- w tania Countyts leeding weekip t wha hait bée erraset for la 2. and 39e nasaspaper. Oriters for tise tom- t:ýavoidaitpy preventet Irit attend. MILIC OF M"MM~8A k isnciln shsrlptlaa affer -ttC. However, tise exécutive are Th v e souiit be sent, ar raught in ,tjsch gratiflet in iavissg cecureit. OTHPAT 1aLp e k wltiiuat detay ta the Gazette andt' gise an iltusicateit adiress on fla-8, tube) t *~ * ~ Chiclle office ln Wiitity. Africa. Rev. A1. W. Banfitit. wltis and ~I f lt y HCER R of Africa. Mr. Baniielit is pcohaiity TcoOT RS 'sas.pe.sr.p.J Tse isarsarmatis ltta 1e 'stter acinuainteil ils that geai Mv. ichad Witer. ~ Part Haope hait ta ha pattpuseit. sot tsan aise alter Canaitian. He Bous fo Cr'oMt. Ricear vîsîtse lf De-. on acaont ut rougîts meatiier soi 's eried bi-s issi n orn- 39t trit as benvs tisa lnt tngippery highssay. mate rtis aFreig Bsil 'ior a fen' dea, osin ta th-Ii Tisa Sinclair Cap tournamneot 'saciete for mayYas n ii nées et bts ther. Air. W, 0. ls an in fait force. .,11î cames as,, sescrihe tus csprrences iu a lecture Waitara. ta ta tintsee ln Faitruars- 80 1tsteit mitis lantcnn stisies. Mr. ]à îà Fnieta i Ev. as.Fieche, Isot pioyers hait here horst ri Basili conteca here hlgisir recoi- lb 5 Friads o Rov Jas Flecher l endeit os o dit'siui speaker. HeM.S cr111 leero wit nefgrat of bi 1 co ~.- i s Ns'tit-huct Io seceial flitby sertons iinmoz at bis hi oie n itiec toacsematsîchc 1)i est ntsetptc miss pretict a tigiîr inter- AIwa>'s Fwah Byron B. North. Hecit Nonsi iii cjiý, s stinz evonir in iic itus ja Mc.~~~ ~~ 1e .Âessihas o r ouesiis il 't" lien acocs Aines. The nýIcttc ig attunitn sale tamis i'itoiopieuado is TE sntsr-denisiatiosai assi tise pubhic eostein, act a hsu an fcrin-ei Otarioanne Ofttaiit:r l sEt ar rcctrtoily iuviteit. s Rineifaocsr .8ansco ani it 41 il aOi unit , piesceuts et is tari. iciuga or -4pil iopl Tr&uu. IeT.D L rocS met, an Tuetais. Fais. 2lst. 1iho or HeisiTosi.RS GA E Mu . This wili Ie a scie ai greait im- îîsE HTY~~ TION AT hOuG SCHOOL / JI n s D ptaeeodu net mise it Mi. iesda J o~. er Cameron of Camp Par-D Wus. Man', AuctoSeisc Whttihp. ' exyOi r h no t o amtiait the i1ret-elit clics wilii couduct the sale. starilng t .1 unit Qn'iiee Btit. 5t pi,, Ofath Cari ty tisa isitis sCia-ii 12.80 sharp. pes Union. aitirassel lise iO5 rSpatrut. Tî er Mir. iFrancis J. iiCI.tyce lias 'People ef Whitii'RPi e isîsossr stmenty-oce cadts tIi the eiugs anit boeu appoinyteS epreaetntive uf en Mnulntisyovrsisg. alist ' nîneties marc suceisfut in pages the ie t. Benard'@ Seitoat, an tisa g iven a sensm n' siso ites ithe-n ing tise euasitoa, ant où quoi- - Boacrdi o dcecion. suceeiif nuaaeeitl iti' l ni ys lp 1 P,~ Ifyîug tac tise rertîieua Ot Huste anpds. St. AitnêW' te late Tas. Reondei. M. Heicn- nnionin 10 e teS is it 14 ani:ý 1s baSies cf tisa St. John'îs Aissi- tcre teck ie place on tise Board i Mal 1th i OS thic the losa l ance Assaatone. sstngcorpe at tise meetisng luit Wtdnasdav [sio mii hsre. rpeo 5 Theo eaaminttau nas isr tio Pi asam Cia . lit e, lbs t, Fi avto Arany, Eîsign and-. aveauisg. bralonceis l t'o eanes tasp. Tisa Cudots mare ris- hies. Hortas, afi cera.la-Churge. R. E. litiArtsur. mis a s heie ori Stnte utd lr tise a ii. quces ta gise a practîcai insî- Voua aie coriiaiip laitedth a t- is Sutk Amot. iii tis sis-atit if nS scni:it ati s t intion. using tisetr ciasansates as tend tise foiiowiag meeting&. ln out *mrts wth heaceOun o tise irogreso tise Bli- sajeets. ac ta ian' they mouS Soeday, Fehruarv ltis. Il am. Tropial 011 Co.. ior cverai 1ie t sat ug eoplte are mashig trest broitisn boues. stop iseriise. Hoseam igl 2.15 p art, yoiislg peers, arrived tu Wtiy on tisere. Pelloming litse adçlits banodce maunkde anit revive thse I isesse t hit li 7 ug Wednesac morning. Mca. me- feutabnlies soitis it -055' L.5.?ýe0 Peul andrtsl biabuee Tiser; mentn us krth rseisueituC Cflinhyr fj a l 55015 popi %, , rp aise reulreit ta étumer usez- ; li eoe COrttw aisth eur aler miich tes 's isa~~ iepo t Saiartay. Fctcsaarp 18, spet1oi abouttma onti cea serrad it slî refreehitent rThe for poisosa, anake bies, iainting. 'hiursitay. Fehruury 16. Culsa one of th& populan Vuientiss tatitering iroite up t Isle s'insepepcssyîtti.c.' ceiehuea évnt o tewek il iet ai1O tGand Niglis. Laitier:-' tutd ppipy shxitoec rav'ermeetingaitehmof le eteus p tie met lii e tse ass lis' cit ie otoipi Sgf. Major Young of the R. C. eîSturgeas. Dunlap sîceet eait. Valentins Tee ta lie givesib th ue j*1 qYe'adteNaholR' hdba r Ladiess AlS o! Baptiat Citrrh on5 '?o caa e eiss at sne fpu a laiearfo s a.sa ee ri o s-ye cnt interces uianitassea. -xanilnation anj. .a u rac oci '~ icgitep~j"-3~ astaa act ne. Tiesa erguant nalor fi con of aSif in déluaf the Cheer ýn are tae luaccactare connectaS mitis Mia - .Ba, omtipa IPu. msshe heninoevtc ottHatiitrs cfd Tvas Wiittp Bapîîst Cisurets, Res. T. lati e! tie Ontario Ladies' Col- $itue eaniv Oili tet. cIsedt# 't'O (dîCraSt ma ctiutte Wtis ootFBe, at loea. has ieec vislifl trients iln omine ta te lack af clotliis#tp and tise set at t tocitb tpa . BSoa, Fchcrp tài, 03 tean plies Dîstise the ister iuuni the Tiqsa f h luc cîa l op. SnaFbui 9 93 ai Plectes ai clatlsstg have bei seti Theo ceo!Ig anis te nans ut 10 a.. Bil Schoai. classes foc - a Nos-uclt yeissof tisa inole h ituens . i tee tf adites J. Allen. S. Bracu. R. Ayiocmotc., il ansi.. public wôahiv; tise pas- ss alto ments-irt Las ol- hu prs misst itmise ai ISsues B. Daolby. . Dasisy. il. Eoery. C. eur n'sU pieacis. ltas, loftis estekrl Las' Cci- hag preuiacet usytm s loa lets Crroonfleisi. C Etisi. A. Jackson. 11.30 anos. Chilireia Churcis. ieee.isîficatvast for Wcitn-n csri $ am t t ' ns 'stQsay, W. Pepisor. L. Pug Jpntns iiegep,'iii son, visare tha ho,& taken s poc- TIer seua particulariy iieavy de 3o p.-. Eei' TBiblet t'ope "SindolF-roeis Lics lu a studtio teachisic plana asss btiooes andi nîsiters, Lait' T' msn.a H. 'RtilIson. F. ODeli, jpoR.LeaF.Kp .d. n renoni on ihss isacssof utî tiel _ '"Vample,;o- 7ds pi. 'Rie Leisac Kapt B.Ai. Mrte. <teo l T n' DPon lali Or n-r mviii ho poisisseit in tseeimfTe aainBatswl ne tus a couple et mets '11lti coesîmes asi, iih ssseett pres. Ier Sagiten, Mcas. J. nWuri thse geouea i meetinsg of tte Welf*e M IU f~Ca ondav. 7 pm., junior B.Y(.P.U.;. Plielpis. ta Westmunni. M terai. Fend on 'rarsd;se Fet. .~ T pceg, WflAl UIlLTH R SJAY 8 a.m.- Sensor BYPU.a 'the indusss ot 1%cr Il N. Basett. END THE DERSSO Tuesitay, 7.15 pan.. C.C I.T. 1 WHITY W..T.U i te dlý,, wasoi,,atel wlth tirs 'ednesdar,. 7.30 p.rn., Mec's Cub. 1t lie Teul r eetingo lt.iia û- niout ri Edi:s- of tGazete assi Cislo:ite. Th sav 8n...prayer useeii ,1bcsbellia truseoe ofMr irrtsr Pacce for s hooter àui pression assit Nul ce taie as 1cistay' 3 p.m. ta 6 p.m.. Valite- ti e as a ie sus iMe lsitsMs C-sstarsi mai convens- r'snaina sîondsc millions nfu dol- 'se rtý.bremd okn n tahers Tlitasoi. il ai Street Ir t o the lihos omittee acd hait lare a ye or ln diruitk. tsc hl" Ira ti-. hoausait cfanie ai North. on il'aecday alseesîsaîs. Pris asuocisted astis iot Miss Harper itg oar jclis anit acsusa unit Ald stslticli saine Mest, ai tre .clatis Ail ansi Miru Mt P B o7nnar Qsiteu ratsieg go mus-lh ieurt break il _______ nvtc isemsae ue atû co5rneit assi eattisrs'siiatise. dis sewieg for the vrtyadcie a a brille thies Fehrualv erpy of lise r'sc,_ er sccy e rm. a'na White ltishan l dsogs. Ainaso Sur pseeitua stop the cule of iSnki Si. John'. Port Wtsitr. cecton. pieSaap Teute Machs soll te V'sNCtf'i'VE ftS A In mme te mur, aSd nom ta eliS Re, D, S. Laecarit. pldl es etvd iepressoa. Lot us go at It ees-Y Soxagesi me Ss itda y. cesral giaip ecei-ct. tF%5 FLOS AIBtIsTY li C hristian. tndi rnos nt. nl use iiýtsoi. Tite Social Seccîste Workc SUPREME CORTM>C 0 i SO N» PL'iNO ýI'ruëQ land s ie froi tee ils cucca. ao' oc Chitscîs CORTMACH20 Mtî.isioret Parc Stilitng, Tises tocS miliracin cite us pros- Il usi. Mernicg Prayeî I Tise sps-sag stiec af te Sin- us-goulot endt choir teciter eit parus- unS happtso suit a scie 3 r us. Sondeus School and Bible S renie Court ot Osntatio for tfis Winitsor luIit Chîsrcoi. 'Vaa'oii- sountrys for l'ors endit l tIn o mhai assos. rauisty n-su open in M'hsts or tee, bau ti hiec ocoiit couse Inter- ilîl tr te us e or wonieno uto- 7 9 on'PIt Comunono. Marris 20. Mtr. justsce Jetony is entmne conte ont pao oipocl-. mnrrstm Titesias'. huoitayl. 730 p.m. W. catei t 50presie. hbu ihe is ai- tosIand unit l asriisg thing la1 A HOTHER ANDi' GRAND- maya a possitiliît of à c'ta-a bc- ihal te tifti of Ibisa CaiaSIau MOTHER ssg mcde compoier lire cit tiislr hcownu! _____________ Amon- a hasch ni continsuit- NEIW TELEPHONIE DMEtCTUTt)t 5sle v inissorîrta9 mîinat IouP-C ucis S E The Bal Telapitune Cu., ba tione t son afective sanea. 'Tih. Issuesl liesuranni dîrsttory taco iStas-u Kisg 'c Chalenge,. anS aI h h rh s S r 90 B Whittsy. Gsaisa, Bommaîrllea 1 'SuiotnecaOver'. te mardi isya Coborg.PortPary ed Pot 1Kat (olijbu.Vanouver puet. HOPe. it wss distcthsited an ______________________ Tru«eS lu Wiîtisp. Tise diras- P e p tory ls maech thînner titan tea TieUîtSCasemtitr 1982 édition. urmist. t . LLOYD DUAS' NéEW BOOK Royal Theatre Ra e . L1ihad.9. -Sa TO DE SIIEJEOT OF satSEMON ils aPet. angwrhi n Town r Ifert Suuidcu night ai tise Whitby îaess:,r rongreeutiuu sermon Rsvr. A. L. RIcharde, iii discuasa tersal lsaseas-" tisa nes- hock, "Fergive Us Oun i us, thetosituîish Seisuai.T A 'T'Or.apuse" itp Lloyd Dauglasa. FER. 105 - 17 - 185 7 p. tut , eveeina mrotip. liti a booke mti c massage, le- DO BL FEATURE esoushir asois siemou, 'Partira 'non ainS mumen ut uffaire criS Edgar Vs'allae's NaceS Doigs.ta vtitrougout tite shois etory tisere NloaLday, 8 pn m., t.s 'suce Raepayers aie offeredI enIa> am smmiasas assibu "cThe Ringer" Paspîn o.cety. op for tunim 3 ae u'n iet enerCht ts iae ne tt The Ghot al! iEi. iiidred a icusand urn 13 M arde ie folling heia a.re itas- Y book basline. Eu Ca "ma5" aitvl WXsr TOMI KEENE Tioectet. 7 15 p.us.. clusing cd the t mnie>. fldTlTtTE MEETDeG eFi2o Tahr ring Fahmnany meeting cf the Cours'._________ ü» in TrasînOr= n'a lustitate iii ise hel 2151 .is = a5 -ac ai-ltI auh. il - Mi.. A îto. 1 ...it 'n . - ae. tise 4t It-2t rug Store, W Prie«! CRABE S S1IUM a LIVERa rILLé29C CRAS.......... 49c. ...... . 49c Ovaias 4509 6709$*1.09 Ylp 594, 98e PASTE 230 2 lb. 900 - &Y> a Box mg 9Store ME 48 1A. husiAcu and devtecal meeting ilt Zh home of Mca. Blow'. Iiionday. 8 p.s.. A.Y.P.A. social st enliewith gueta. 'lueiday, 7.15 p. m., concludina seeeion of Teachers Traiing Course ai fse Uitied thurch. Deatha MRS. ROBERT COLE ŽStsckeri auddenly in hec home in ilit Neskel block, Bea.ch Street N, sîl. an Saturdy mornisg, Jeant Jainieson, vwîdow o0ftis aeRhr C,, an Idmprial Arny NWr veter- ie .tsdwy, declii eissg du, flure. he sBfoursd alihugter Who wsa c 0t4ti laspioapl. * dce iwas in her SOtie pear ss4 dbeen a ceaident of Whut>y for the paît six yaarsjcmnto Troi rmScotianl. She wa PlMlsing ta pay a visit 10 lier motis' et lue ber native cutry.ttsli or le t prina. IMes' husband n'wiasi lelius li lthe grece war ln 191S. A vur~ edsltwotasa deceased had q eit fancda site towu who lei.fpltd 'wlth regret ci hec auddese 1p'entieral service n'as held an Tuesslày afîcesoon ce Towss's fusn. effi homo. and was cofidscted hyl Riv. T. F. Bet of the Bavtist1 ChtIrcis. Intermese nas made in Grarealde cemetecy. Defeased la s svivesi iy cosc datighter. Margaret, la Whitby, and asihiber desescitér len Toronsto. Tiiete la qlsa a sos ini the latter cit. and oiben relatives in Seotland. 1111. SAIRUEL PlUMET *lII.lesown tichouot tise&ous- licite aectJon, ai Ontario coslnty. Îà4 A, memier ofaioineer Iaseelî s4 l, district Mre.Sansuel Disney ,dbm of thiste 1Samuel Disney of 1 iitey. an ui ofe a L V. Dlasey ZÏ . Disssém f iOsawna. dled aà "a Angeies. daiiorsia. on VoL. rw#rv 7. tira. r)laep.sWhoieWb& fort-oslv Mis Mungret Ridley. ci 'ssim.tReoIptecm WAUOqIta "evingthenl ves« coolt in Mard li-s t 9.88 9.9 chalget Ttfa& ai hu ksuesebf fwou » lmt ttf rtué aloknh i ta t*0w Urée It6v. Odacie!.OSillit, Défilor Of theé. ôtCo oipal Tiberna OIe, b5'oSd tstabis *rect eySni tlleisolrIce. fromnt VOli -ta un. F.Il L t, baItoepe gnat. coïeaiteé abotit ouî eyeou'.ô ç ibloos Te i r toe. rfé.î (85) VasleioCeausinoer ltse ne- pmcees oi Eptiat LadIes' Ait le ths Bandsai Scheel ruont, liehru. ery5 iTtt. Teà p sé ifrôse 3 fte6 o'lok. non#-stals ecaitîne;iand n*velty <ahies;, tes tee. IgitveYalr sufper et the ,UiniedChutlonsutcrh 17, Reg . ingtIeatce isl lsldégtoesmnieaisrs pompe.etc. Gc. Sîneet, oteebcl entet aiTovm Hall.Phase 40 Valeetisno toctinter the. eue- C or aBaistli Let1es' AIt le fte Suintap e bhool roam, lPsbru- as- luth. T» servait ftom i ta O o.tlook. Home-mate eaakîug; noveltY table. Tus Sea. John VléIeep. Eledcl con.au tter, oSpélu', su itnluieance. Phtone 581, eveuiegs 232. Tise Ltteary Socetytp of tie Pilais eiool satlioît an opec meeting le thé Aswsmitiy Rati ou POridsy, Prla. S4th, cf 8.16 P.m. Thete saîmu ho short playâ, physl. cal exorceu lse5iteraiy eand musI- cal ossibens. Admission 25C. P. J- Sutllvan. icessei t ilscberJ rnd iusmiis. Bracis étect ortis. Wousoas Asqetlatlon of Unitaed Chureis are iholding c t, Pst- ci's Suuper' on metih 17, loti. Artiur W. Lynde, teachen af isalgi. Studtio cans block sortit ai AIl iets' Cisurcis. Centre Si. Fnorls, Phono 371. a mel-ktaosn Pickerineg tonship psontecn fmiiy, mac avenrclisis- Yeats of cre. c andis thcheexcep- tien eftishe lace eleven veste, speet pracicalv ail of ber life le titis duc- trict. Os thte dccii oci her issuiansi, civ s-" Asa. M Iiss a tit a ele AnogeIjesmiene sie ibas ltved evor elaice. 1She uns' ps-an- isant jens-amena activsties le Wit- hy sahitele siseil there, = ad îsta %vuta circeeaiffriands, In itditiou te hr e urp in aOskcmc.,i e"' ihsr-me-lcse. J. E. biisey. livra ln Thteibodp la beissgi rasght hauts for luteemeet in tise Union Cemet- ery ass eitie ssr service miii bie heid insLke'ci.idertakicg Parlons oe Tlsunsiay alternoci oi this meek. et [s-e oclotir. CORMACK-LAWIa5R- On FUit. ltit. hi Bas. P. J. Dykes,. a! -Toronto. Charlatte Aiieou Lcn'ler, ta Normsan E, Car- meéte. isoti et Whititp. Bit SHEARER-Af Whltisp. an Bt- uctay rabt. tti to Me. and tirs. 'ho%. Sheccer, a daîgis- toi. 1ALL Tu PASTOR DY CLARENONT CDURCHUPHELO >AdèWeeS oMuete!Health Gis-eut t Oshawa Pres. hytery Meeins At te umettetin ftise Oshawas Presbytery o! the tUnited Chiieti, boidtul Atlbert Street United ecii. Oshsama on Tuesday witit 11ev. Ri. T. Richant.aifus-rt Pcc. ry. Che chatnmaa, preiting. the outétanling Naeture of tise ae- te mas e revlen' hi Dn. Stevene. son, a et h. Onterio Hospital. VMtby. of a booke an 'Pastoral Psyistny cnd MeintalI Rsalti,' isy Oliver. Tise book eacm elti tâte varions causes anS reaulta of mesntal troubles, usohumoia c mlat*r may reinder vaiuaisle sérvflo eIe people s-ho mais ite siffenn rtaron s sci maladiies ln thioînecriier stages. Dr. Steven- son mate soea eny islplum cous- seeutai ran hIe asn eaperienceu. «datciimeet a nemiar oi qeus. tions. A ecu frsm Clarement tatae Ren. J. E. ofvor. utflimitisteit. mas late e sone tte PrcsitnCer liteady tae uui PlU wlilc tiihe uest eato nte lieaat teut. lin purniieslng.. eedy to give regl vaele Donele uRb15 Voeeuh Hame DBreakfa"t style lb. 121/s. Tvlunmed Speclal lb. 1l1/2e LoIns PURE PORK Homte Readred AMBER SAUSACiE LARD HONEY ROc . 8Its. for 5 ib. Pau or1%ii. for 250 19e 330 HERD WILSON PHONE 169 - wHITBy pledged themnee-te o Ive suci s att ram every minuster one per moral and financtel support ansaecenat.oai lsassirp iunards tis propora i i. s The aproposai t o 1 o sd. NECW LUMWBER' We bave a full lime of goed Pne mand $pruce inn ail dimneca aleine. Aima XXX and XXXXX Shingles and ail trn'dua wood Flaolmg at rsacSable priç"o Estuima Chserfully Furn PHONE 12 . WHIBY Cool1 Days o rNigh ts Ulve on.a dealre for c hot drink of tee, aoffee, eoeom. W517 aot drap lais> Sturges[ce CreeciPFalor and aatisfy elsat de. aire? Oten a bot drink cr111 eaod a roid or chili. We alse serve Sandwiches and Cake, Bread. Paatry, Ciiocoîntem, Candie. of Quallty A.E. deSTUROESS PHONE 260 - W HITBY HaeyuCOAL Haeyuts'icd bis ieew, econoseelfel e, chenau dur. insg5 no cncdera. Order a ton todey. You'il l11k. CoKE fWe have plenty af Cake et lamest ps'lces. Gaod Cokes gaves yau sney. We ssiliti. Phone o yar ader for a load. COAL and WOOD-AIlsimi W dandsai Antacit týJ Cash, Hardwocd and Sait Woodaoflsbo uhty.A coai thou'oughly aceened. Cash saihonder or on delis-rp. Te W. ROSS1 BROCK ST. SOUTH - WHITBY - Telegnhame 1e. 345Office, 34. THE WHITBY GAZETTE & CHRONICLE, TI-URSDAY, FEBRUARY t6, 193Y 4) :

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