peseni.Ots5eirnm~tc~etsi.I. ' ' ' t -'l'tt'ds'~r5st t' t' t j /, '" 's t . . s t . 5 THE-l WITBY GAZETTE & CH-RONICLE. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 193Y PAGE THRE1 News Budgets Fo Gazette: and Chronicle Correspondents Oîice agais tise 'iosen's totitate invitsa to a aaivei ceaining an- tie tIse dinectionaoaithtie Granutuso- tisers. Tbc date is Wedatiey, Pcb. 22. at tise hauteof lie. Rat. clife. tise hbsec' eght de'cin aitise creningz. A sypîcal "Sella Parler" eveninse seu lie puai on cis al tise chae'ucteeai su cclli n ta lal salua lilsen ii ta Sella Parkse eastluSun- day i'lit. There sotl Serali salI misen eacb person is aehed tu e- spaint by a joie ce pav s penalty. You uay Sing aomnttiigiofid- enutiures w'scirbou tiilkfie illures; ainsi toai nay alsa heiýp etavide the lusdhshinis ciilconsistnaitf rassie ireati. taris and caieiies. Ereroe i invited tu attend. Tisa Globe or Mail and Empotes andthes Whistby Gazette and Cisor. iil'aier $5.50 Iona imiieci isse osît on nec suisfiptIous or cus i This in su aneceptiaialofir etîti in vor...esacrinsnosaw', lie Pife..D. Whi te is isOsisawa wtttti' s * * eirso.Mr soroa*Wit. A parsculair interestiaif prer.n- M. Ceatta aif Barrie,. s vistîne t'isisonlo the maris of Cht sitans cils bis cousisi. ir, andi its.Ra- i' ssis iCiina as given ilr bert 13eett. Utied Cissreis onaSunday by Rev. ]lias Margret McNabb, o Care- Speatiaig in tise morine tai "Aai mnsa. i.s Mr. Drydesn Ibi ishaadfiio f eais", hc teacedth ie peo week. greas aif Chisîsianuny tron tise deos s s s aif Mtobert Piorrison antil to-dat'. M. W. F. Batty is in Winnitteg asd usise îwo reniarisabif cisac- thie mesS atsendieg a meeting oail ers, "0W Jeanid "Sisabepeae. tise Horst Breedees' Associtsin. as eassises. isesisoseesichgt the 0iaiaGospeldtssflaieindividoals. In lise Tise MissainCarciai met oaiMan' eveaiiegise spoise an "Tise Netw daY sîgit in tise iaaerete Chie 'ina" istîve a bncI ssdine ail UniesiCisrci. MsaiJeaai Watson receaiichaneain educatise. ids-i hasi charge ai thtieseorsip, Mis iy. paliics anid religion. Jean Scot afBug Book neya anti Mise Alice Arnold aif aiiadvibook. Tisa United Chlurds. Rer. P L. Followisg tise meeting gauses sere Jail. BA., ps.toe, Suaday. Pcb. 19: led by Miss Ratis White. 10 a m.. Saiaday Scisool.; Il a.s., 0a0 ssaring saorsîip. ev. A. M. lecti., Tise Odittelioses "At Hainc" cas B.A.. B D.. of Whisîby. viii preasis. centre cf attraction aon Ftiday audlit 7 jeve e iige revice. tise tase vises asoe two hisiidred gatîseret in is et Iperacis. Tuseay, S ose.. sae the Towcnship Hall. Tisa hall sas Proties Leaste. ieautifulir deciradin îe epine n s vush Valentine colora. Feuzes vert Tise Yong Peoptea Laague Iteiti avarded for cachre te Mers. 0, Lasea Valeaiine social on Tuesiay es e. for firt prize and Miss Knaap con- ning A aeet enjoyabie tiis tvasa solaionanaid Mr. D. Meard fta i ts etb ilpee amI M. K. Webisee cosolation. aei ieel0rsa Tise prise for nie uckv aisssbee cent se Miss Ruts Witie. Tise Tise mnasv renssoailMes, liter fiet part o tse eveaing cas speail P. L Jsti. chai met mils a seesoas in progressive eucre Isloseeti iy acidetreeenîiv in bier borne. vsli a daintv lunachs and lise lait pari in bie pleaeed ta learai htfilaie is irn- dancing csenan asorrhsraea esespeavi'sansi Carleave tise Hospitl Osisawa rovidesi exellientmusic. tliss eet. .uthburn Servce n BarKsaChurch on Suin- day, Pcb. l9th, à t Il pa.. with tise si. Y,.pn uda cils Me 'Iica .Spcc. Whity . Misses Marie and Doris West. Mes. IL D)qble ansi lira. Win. Wall- ace aoeatt Satueday li Toronte. Younog people met an Taicaday eneninir laot viih thse socai couveai- e in chsarge. lira H. Aaiston. 0w- ig ta tise esfavoeabîe weatiser. l.e Major yoai pseeple vere os- able ta eb wat us. A short pro- gramme cvas g1i folleved br teasai and farnes 'Xer mhich re- leeshatact cev serve ai tctai isoar aiteni. Asisborn Ladiesi Bridge ('tub mt as tise home or Mes. R. Richardson os liondav eveoiog last citis tisir- laesn membees preett chen a spies- tid lime cas eaiiayed by ail. Mes. Edgaa Mirais spaint tise carl- sec paret ait tise ceeS ntis bec î:ar- cils. Me. ansi M es. A. Reynolds. L'tica. * Sescrai Iron isee atteaitict tise Shorihori Sale in Toronto aie 'aet- nesdas laat. A"i~uro esachre Club met ai the hoeme aiof Mr. aed lirs. Walter Trou aie Wedaieaday evçsini lasi. lira. MAns Hopisoan tadiea firsi prise aind Manier Jaihns Hoisu tise gentlemani. W. M. S. and Ladies Geild met' i tise basemeni of tise chaecls on Wedsesdav aftersaoan mitis atea saiseres presaint. tise presidesi. lira. Raiit DuEf, presidieae. A asort ragramaise mas giee as loîlaca. es isg v Mes. Robt. 1-evon; soiei Mis. V. Leach; readisg. Mitas itarnc StopGns Pains! German Remedy Gives Relief Actinig ain BOTII sppair and ie- mec isaiela Allca cotshes out oil poaions tisat causai gao. nair- tainasend bs al alaiap Dais doge gbfes relief ait once t B1 Aulin. Druigiat. New York Men Take Iro. t. Get New Pep Mev Tara-C. Williams. W. ifitis lt., cas ail runoodva anti hal ne pep or tigse. Vient Iran taoue) gave blt set utrengts aid vlisor andi made a newm uai of its A. Allia. Draigelt. We&Lt Miss M. Heron anid Mrs. Robt. Dufl. Miss Hlda Hapkisaod Lr. W. Tr npei Mony rjb- . and Mr,.. C.PA. Lynsi. ft ~iaille. Mca.A. IuFiti4 iWTatf, A ,caipeciiîi h tiaendini e IStsiod'ili Mr. .adMe.JsmaRoa 1 Utica Service n thse Unted Cbarcli Susday, Fei. 19, ai 2.30 p., with Res. J. Deaasy as charge. Staaday achoo t a1 .30 p.a.. Ail are crdially welcorne. Seholarsa atodattce lait Sanday waa 56, a year ago Smiday t was 62. Collecion Suaidat. $140; a year ago Sunday. 801 cta. Tise reguslar monsisiy meeting ail tise Ladies' Aid was heiti Wediaea-. dav alseranon of this wee inaithse seissol ronfthn i ie United t.hurch wihlh Me.. j Ackney ptteýiding. Mseeing siseard stilishynte 248. Rer. J. Denny led i prayer lolIow- ed acrplare readang by Mc. A. Reotîtsids. Aller sh t eglar busi- nsa it was dectded U, hla-t a Si. Parick'. box social one Me rit10 ansd slav entiîied. "Tise Latle,' Aid ofthlie Cross Roada". As astowespht quil i wlt aIsbe siti. Mr. Wilhsar Runeil of Oslawa. apeail test iseek i athe lisse t Mr. andi Mes J. E. Mttctell. Mri. Norman -,i.tti. tiîca, and Mns. Marshllu Baïlateti ,Al- ierta, vsed tsiss srt sliit ers. Fred Taylor. Assisses Merle Ross, oail tlele aà o t a Fred Balard'a receestIv Mrs. Russell H arper .,a-lise diiesi ott Feias .,lîrna ofilMes. J Ward. Me. and Mts. Vaà IcotSli, tet and Mildeed al ortan t see-'ti bier moliser bere o' et ites.ckli ad. Sorry f0 report M, Fi"litrt ain tiesicis lis Me. W M.laratat, ti oit, ige %vas as Mr. Haret Hîs trt i tta few dav e ceco iv M5r. Won. Phit ha, tttt borne alter spcndiutus tc oa.t ai'o weaiisswitis reatt'e.t, n' estn' Me. MaraisalBalard, i. i ltt s sse bz is rarrt' lirttt 1a lew ceebi Mr Harîford. 'î Td ss, wi~ ed sith is bssiset bere. \lrsi ftuoP Alderson ecetI Mes Henre Stercelt an'! EIceai baeretsrssed honte ater a t att 50 asweee lstes anItie' t'rt per c Mr, Frark'"v.soit dasehet. Me,. hs 'ttr Tite Biaiuei t.Clb ae bK-id paiets iart ai te"e 1- t GOAL PoTWHrrDy INEWS 0F BUSY -BROOKLIN- raand lira. Harrisos Spears ainsiliy are movlifng i tisaie homeMIkUly secupiel Sp M. and Mli. ia raves. lir. ad Me. licBaisu an e Ocra bave movesi in iss blns. Burns mh is 'o naly reaioeringfro ierhe Mc. Fraisai Harrison i spendituR a wesS in BRe uwsit iert s sser. bIrs. Toediff. Tise gtosap ni WasaestAssocia- tion mesobees under usai leadersip o lira. J. af.Jonies cerecenterîaio- cdsi t atiemnou tesa t lise hsmc ai m5r. A. J CookS on Monday. A verv eJassapase afternooii sas pes aiitb soute nenty-llve ls inatn- Mes. J, Maynaeti anti fOit es ase cils M. anti lis. H'arold Joncs. Mes. W. M. Bell an tise lItseft ailla usonti.1 Word scasreecisetilitre troatr Ssndiiee ot tise deatis of M.r HuglisChrisies. e4est danchier out Itba teceaseti cas a relatire of tiser Christiea ail Ullea.,t Me. anti bie. A. Reainsaod8 andl Georgina sverre lie guects on Sun-d dat of M. asti bte. J. . Mitchlaîl. lits. Pranki Kendtall in Torontoai for ai tesedavs. I bMr& Etigar Hersao! bofipnle, eras t Innhhoms- ber foc a fem date.1 A numiser aifte yausgflkiS rous ibis iciitai5t aend titscsacniralt in Usbrigr Aresa on TuesdayR siRt anti report a gooti tiCai.E Rural hociser tram mere booheti( to par aitli birîieTiuscdat sitlil ai Port Perr. bt tise seatiîer man t maililt cas sooscold. Our boys'1 l asn'l eisto 00 ooti. bai itet arr sînadt i epe'oing and sissy0 hascrises rons 90 lenlisefilei cause tai 20 ite ue asi. Waicl iard isncs anti roeIls 's tise saisI on 'lise Aeîis e Son ici. Clans, andthie Cloeer Leal clams wecre entertaieed aite Ohosse os' M. ast Mre. Irting .MeAsos on Mondar escning. Ralpis Satile io bel o socbus grand- iathe. Mr. Wit Ieti Sater. aS Ksn. sale. Mr. Radins ban sottibiss arm toa aTorono layer anti nili isoitian auclion sale sisorsiai. Miss Salit Evan s. ailClaeemoait.t isvisusîsa ehare. cru lier cousiie Mes. Lorur lane. bien. R. Ferey. Me. 0. Laasc Raies Broone of Myrtie Station vis- ted Santiar eis NIe. ansi bis. tD. B roosse. MIr. anti lis. R. Wilson ener- tainect a niassier of rieetis on Sut-E urtiar evenief. Sorr 10reparties sriei Jones ili cils Seariet Feaer in a Torointo Hastitet. M. J Frecat. uf Torontlo. peel use week-endti th bis eu, taise Frent. Gre -ri wood OwimsesutOc serere eaiher tasi Sasday tise Mtesinaar programme maa caneiled and t ciii ise elveai tsi0 Sentiav enng ai 7, 30oiciotis inithecheris. Th is(sris' Saaday Sehlusi ass met atie honte af MiseDOisse i-4 near on Mandaiy evesing. 1 Stanlcy Byers lsata Wiiiauushsrg1 liere he la refesetas treatraet. 1is Iiensshope usai bie mili bemuecis îsspnoved cisen le retIrnn home. Tise severeceather tasa ceeS cas a lsateuste coal ine anti mooti piles. Pebeuaey ihaîs iosen janer chase reai visser s lise. Tise (laremasitYoungi Peoplerasec elvino liser drarna in the Grecs- vaiod Clurcis Cis Ffi(lisy eresnez. TiseYaongFeeplesa remeteng issu hesu obangal tai Weduesdaiy1 sightIsioteaitiof Taesdsy fth ue1 usantis ef Fsiruory. t1 o lifs memsera te atesi p the Teaciser Training C'orse et tise Inibail [ciorcis. Wbt S. A good reprenen-1 tation trous ber. ite attendlng. i Misses Violet and StelYn HallI aud tlseir malsain, brs. W. Mati. caire iestasses te a mussgsiaueooai shever on lSartiyatelrnoon I isense et Mss Creasiai Barnatt- er and Mr. Chsater Laie.vsise marriais vilI taiSe place Mainy ieveîp gifls aiee shaomrel epon tuseveste acsupe end oait goo1 taiisefor oaihappy lits ee estainlaitu t isir. A delnty luainch et sandwichso, cte andm teets aind coffea mat serred. 'tise Globe or Mail and Empire anti tisaiWiithît Daeteanda CIre'aatna for snly $5 10 par1 yeas-fosr alitmtad limesa saly o uner tabecriltiais oaieranetais. Tiss a asn excaipttonai effet sud one thicis rany Is Sisa airlity are taig adrantege et. Tise1 Gazette and Ciseante suise aiisauiti Isai Suaitplace sanstais-1 tieg In tips nhcriptiains aon biss [aev combinallon affer. Sesdtu la pear aubseriptien ioday. Tisa Father aaid Saai banutt hetI lu tise churet Felday stan- ing ecler lise auspicas et tise Young biins Cae, cas s decl- ail acess. A iaiesiy uoppe cass tea'aided tes the maubsiss of tise Ladies' Aid. Rais De. bcTaielis., of lint. Uan('itedl Cisuscis. Doia- vs. mas tise gaissi speaker for tise eynong andi Sare a seryIteiareef- lngadmdres onsbis pastoanal vnris In tise Wesi. Tuere vasaislt pia- no music and rsnemusiiy iaigtîg. lie. . W. Bonis met vitis a ett Ionse raiSaluedat atbaimnaier wv ie lmped osa is hie iestoaa amI frae uses. Tisaitra. seicis startel rtranauoveeealel sste pipes. vas tanael ferisî hv s strene cindandamIaily a fet thînsia eres aived. as fise bosea ta ia 5 useai rost snaIil and ISaf praivsnted usaie@maiiste ous fing Catarrbal Deafness Or Headi Noise St pon sors ratareis. taiarruiet leatnewm ar ieati noisaes raiusail isy catares. poli saiuld isnactisat tisses lutresalse syusptoliaemar treaqîenhit be oercoms h5 this simple hbe ra tsmeut cery serlaus operaliou. sud ta oui and drave Il aIl tistoughl tht bosa. Semai insauceWà 8 car- ried, but ne diuist, oet snosia tn replace il. Tise Ors reel' wait out fraisawiltisy an id naiolko ar- rlved on tiese rans very ttIifcsit, isut net muet couldbie doine te save tise tisa. mýr.> BoaÇ, ais doubt.wwll buldagate, Tisa youaig ladies' tiasa beldi thele sannael electlion 0f gifiera, and tise toilowlig' airé electaid; Teaicier, Mias Marin ichtrardl- son, presldeait. Gran,'.Qà b$rn. vie-lreaidet, traesSsilobuCy i treaaurer- ~ SuseAdam 'a; %sera- tary, Ruth Van Horne, asaitatt aiacretary, haine HIfaadllais- sloaiary collector.,lfdoa Megre- TisaiYounsg ladies' elasu met 0t tisa hoe.of Mie. J. b,., ro eeentiy anad tis ai tieril aa tisa fnrm of a firuit aps. i 0l sisoier linisonor 0i laMis a iel Baratatter. A ver ltliisà t:tiseo wao autant anid doirlat f' - iog daaity rereisfllefti re aseraid. Onei of Marks1a'I pObnhsT meuss, John S. Balidain. pes- ait afiyoniJas. M0. aler At laingtisy llaiesi.Bliailivèeia ariple oid ageaitf alusost 83 yearai" He had beaun a'very active aaidbrifist citiznsail ibaIul. and asgerat- ly lIntsr.ated tai af- faira. HM agasa direetor er Maris. hsiemiPailr for ysars aaid a lIrai member ait. tise fRoyalTemplqri. For a nornier ef years lie adt lred retiradIn aiMarkiain. ,tic married JanestF'orest. He eTIs tai moorai bis ms bis vite aaid fouir daugisters and six sons- Jean Stibeome; Mra. Levi Gleeseai. ait Fort William., vis aentlome for tisa fumerait; lra. J. itautley. Aginurt; lira. Arthsur Hoover, Mooe Baledoai, ef Fort Williamn. vis aisaimare hbeefor hies tti- es fuaieral. Allaai, ait"Dsai-Aida Parus": Walter aot Donlanda 'W Il- lie. ait Port Craidit; Leirneainad Norman, aot Toroaito, amnaisnebrai- tiser, W. H. BasiofetWitby. Tise fuseraI cas iseld on Wss5les-i day attersaoon> Feis. 1,andl vas largely atteaided. Ret. Mr. Smrith,. tpasteir oaithlie Preaibyterlani cisurcs. aeailated isy tisaipastofalf tise Mennaoaite cisarcis.aitfsS5*b' issus.lookscisargei at tis eairle anid spaie very isigis f ethtie de- reasel aid rany vairda ait tam- tort te tise bereaved one$. Inter- mientl vas madInaitise taaiIIY plot at Marisiaso. Maaiy ieatultai floral tributea teaifieuitse bl iis eateaim aend ns dsaiit b. viii ise greaiiy missel sy ail visai kPOw Misr. Tisebis ersvers billsix soais Wlllis. Mooare, Allan, Wal- tee'. Norman and Loeais. iieath cf Jasoni. isdais One of MarkisaOt's igily rTe- speeted ploncer aettlere isassed gway ai bis home sai Manday. Jaaieary 30tis. alter aa iillusas ait many ceee tI tise person'et Johno 1. Balaidon. oft Mln stin 'Vinlage. Me iadh se !ae1cW4 thse eurroundig taivai5isip'bIt maoy yearo, lesterr SpY ý' _Z active Iitereait lI aIl agiemlità m affaire,.liai as a dirèrctor aof Mriarn mFair for years. lies memisar ofthtie Rayat Tearsa. lie carne te Canada InisfIp ,srly soyisond days. fHe saarril J,~ane Forest. uMc. BalodI e sasei meureiebisonashie vlfeandatfotsr daugistersainad six sos,%irce. Levi Gstesei. of Pairs Wiitai ,Mr@. J. Roaitlet. aotAglaiýrttt, Mrai. Arthsur IHoover. aif Sttris- hem and Jesai et home, M., e. of Fort Willaîs. Wiitatr aif PairstCredit. Leirne and Norstaii.t of Toronsto. Allain, et Don ida Farn. Walteir, of Dais i adt ose isrotisec. Wn Osieit' ait Witby. Tise fanecai casliîeld aion i asdar otteroson trous lise t aiti il residence and oas sairi ai s' teaided. Rev. Mr.aiSmiths. na,' t of tise Praisiyferlos risurnl os- slsied tsy tise paetror ath5e Stes. nonîse cisurcis. roodsrtaid Il.' t aieal servie an od itstbpoke ,'-"tr isigisty aittise deeead l t-iY varIai ait rernort te tisiher- aid famtly and frienss letet '-. . cas malselIn tise famlevitai istarisiam eemetlery, 'Si- ' .. herters ver. isix asosns, %5'*t- iiarn Moaire, Alias, Wailter ' r' man aod Lornei. Meor teeL a floral trtisutais fastifiel ai 'ie biis eeemn wlai chs Oc-as issld. Thosfraim a diofains r -on atteidaid tise fanerai caire M, s. LestviGleaaa, Me. Moore Sals- don.,ait Fort William. Mes C L. Mercairnsai.of Ossornai. NMcand Mes, lobai Tardif aitf Baitrie lies. J. Buraieti. oait arier 'sîso.. Me. snd Mrs. Fred aialadoo. of Burtard and ssaiay suber retaiîssas and frIsaida. rnakiaig thiselemonde agale inthe netgsisoed. Me. G. Lee's pain cao robisel about a meiffiaie anid Tast weois. (hantle Tether- gtîl. Me. Msddftord. Hadîrs mna IonstuMost ail cst ebcicknes1 1 Juet too tsornetiing ranntt 1bai dons alng tises tieq ta ilt 1a stop te tisai itise4 Tise yaonngpeipîes mae: 5fr lias issen cisaned tai WpdoI.a" eteaing ti aataad ait Tusîaia fort tis e mntist f Fbesairy isteot ait biseia5gelosel as if reaed Ie t week's nemai Last ceek 500 te' suai eongregtaaiinailaii'Ctit ssII os Wednesdat' it tt Mes. Cliford Brocs of Wl ttcv >gavai ani saterecofinge epite 'r readiaige and solos ait liai'. - t Peopies meettig tbF, Weýdo' ,- eveniait. Tise Young ladies tilsses e te bairne ailMes J. t'ha I - saiseseniog t se cici 5Tt tai tenm et a frusit and pîi ae'" el i aiair aitthe 'brtdai. a Mearles Coullis.- V 1AlîIsîsi. and lirs. Les I Tordit?; "A hisaerfel mord, a tainui insale also Ico sister., Mesý J. W. Fait- soie', tess. of Seatle, Wasis.. and Toetisese ce meet oaafi day. Tise fsasg people viii prenent lire. T. J. Smith. ait Liafocel. and Are tiss thingai iat maire eair their drame. -Headtsrstg Joai-t" io hesss. Mre Jobs Dyee, et litse crtis viie. on P'eIdsy, Feisruesfry 24t at te Prince Rupert, B.C . and Me. Tise ittle thinsietisat py." Xtaisaaie Buis et 8 ocis Th' WIII Dyear. of Cottumisss. Tte late iTai roll rail taie ancmaited bai'play ta under tise aspiicais oaitheMatitai slnler84 ripeaitinga ti reticelae. bMauisaiWaiue's Insfituts,. and ise ane of ysar . Iiaierosntlooki placei ta Suitth playel ai pleastig plant)Lilitan Meefiera popailair titres Prtice Albetiraeletr motoi. Tiseraisa a discussion on St plaiys Tisai tloiaicaire Tise ssîdaincold speili aitlest "Haim c aare gstrned." licetyn tise rast aof hrieaitees: Atîra veekt bais iese saislisersers as- Glraiy tsl us issc la malle ai Vernon. a seisaiai tealleae, Atîde avairais. asnd carssitr Prpaeed. will Mia Lts.Christi gae aConsequentiy. mssyotiuraiaiigis- mii, MsaiLais istailai Sea 5Bell; Richard RenIai. Jim Dlas «barseisad tier plaints frlen and stermnsslatiais en 'Tattlnf". Poster son,.4reit!e aBali.l; ios ec enspaiilel s? frost hifesi. Thnebaiteseefae'1the lunch isi>aitDay, a peospersUai usants. Meand Mrî('hairles PiSser wern Erelys GlIcaiy. MatalilStauley Faiekiai; Oraitiy Dat ..tIttni $pont MaiadSetis fetiels el PusIti. Maibai Niddery ansd lie'- Day's aigai mather. RdIasOese Oslaica ion lithy. son; Jacis Day. Jies Da's mon, Mli. T. B.Peii, etofCobourg, On Mondai eveaing. Fais, il. andl asseis siesp. Orville Lai- apenf Tisoday i aithi oeehare. airr'sanînel guesatai ttsrel tan; Hoaiora, tise Irishbobase' MsnY o? as are liîsifsr- St tisaihornaiofl Mr. anid Mrs. keeper. Lancesladlar; Ahbai. e ai e aiai geoti ted et paineekes JstnBraySI'.laideoionor tilte M. Jewiis pedîlair. Mifon Parbie tis Tusay eseaIlet. abian ir. Reil Ctaak (îlesi Realiie.bisastne.HsgiaiFaireitssseit MiessVisa Briggai. aofTsoonto Ouest i visai erai reentlst mai- Rosie. aine of Aaura'a aýispi' salintlise mpe-e-cd nitisier paie- reetiThesai taitaing aidcase cite Roiena Lilgeti 3Jean Vause t'itente, Me and lIro. Fraink Beiges. reaiti y Mariais Haitisyc aeling ulrr taise rotorai. Flor- Mec. Reevald Daiisenof Oat s- To Mrndaiesl BaiRid Caok. enceiMsviray epecial maiueic ave, speot S aic w dao e 1sf Myrsie, Ontario. viii bai prsvldsd betcesai arte. veauat bern isomseibe@ andet- Du'sn Reaand Rei- AdmiasinadulSate,25; cblidren. tendel thei tsnae'ail aitMi. liait- Wr. yane friaiseat Prospaet 1 à canto. bat. basa sosernilel ibere tidtese- Mils Jeaai Ulgeti aipstaiSa re- ,Mr. and tirs. Robaet Chisaios'n elg eg sow our appreciaitiain ait uent oesk'sad vils MisselMarsthsi eere cent clullirs ta Toroaitai. yoser lelendlsip; as te ezteisd VI il ait Brorliai. *I.Parey'. Mra Laneainad our hearftit caicgratuiitioes aaid Mr. aaid Mro . F r le4OP-tisegCesetao! -fr1esýtisasimpye el 515 piaiaiai. Tucaday atterni ai. -ste' Ws trait anad pray tisat tise liv. il. Sas berretcid te i'isgratniations ta i St and sis igb Iseais wch e mihavaihuahiere boes.ailler a fev vesait lire Rad Ceak an theai sasien loanaedtiogetise Iaiour lisie visit cith is tatsoirlies. Wm ý lf ibprteseaielmarriage A sur- rounit r erb ai etaspaet, mai Nicheli ai utParkisitIprise perti vas givese le thisr stillidtte and praters ol'as s TisaiWXS. chiais was 5teisave rateai thie Comarniy Hlltet polur tome home.a met t bise. F. L. Greensai aI'Tt rIniesa sesinng, chais a Deasscriaiids. ce aik ot vita Gesesîvitai aet Thearday, caî osetiprofraus vas gIrOn. tai- accepi aiîr litie gifle. nettaior paitpoisd saistlTsesdaiy ai thî lIopii iy a presaiitattoe Mai. lhisaimateeil vnaue, butsi .s cesi. Chases ePlisy actel a aieeSrmaS Ievlsc taiesaisof sur irsei rtini- Wai tarai sersaite lasestha f,,,isi rorsfaius visinb nsisted aiisp As tOti iasieuser. mei MiSsnRieai Gorrntay ait Toronto, aiS -tsi matiy inglng. ld uit tisay es-it mony haupyruer a- hSartaeanderge an operatien frMtaieckadNIs rIea orsis ot Proaspaet.appeailetia aithtie Geaerailinos- li' .a âoDoaDatieteian gare le rioitant, te quteaitheltsords pitalilest maisi. ibst at tise tîMe e 'tsi 'trid Iets nonberri ssn aif the psst. ait mnting laI iprsrlsg ais velI ýý radMr.Ba ksn "May ait yits laya ss h ritht laysai a Co eenpaelted. lie aind liras linrp cirbs cnvaiceappropel- But f sone met b blu, s'.latait'fortise oaris'n. Tbai fsi- ibi i aiss mui aiOIe. aîtsatiGariey veol te Ts- ' f etlise peesentatiais la tbe May iteybai lise tiesa iusme' ronteosntuaday 10 rIaIt ber, itandasizron oft i a anîaiime skiesand lirai.Hadley ait Te- .tsss-îosr ndotii aautstttt cai01 Wislit0111,seulle on o cee rono s pessithei week-endltitis Mrhet RIayepDeceeyresal May' ah yoernosisti baiglsm'ssg R. V. Moaicse and tasllty. . -recsltieis andasti esses. Alle Wt il uer stars abare, A sumear frairnhaies atteai-l" 'scnet atediDais Johinson gare Maiy litsegive peu geail searasti jedtihtsai"At Morne" edee tisa ?e tai uIsMrC aokrmodeaia vrey Astfiloisaed u spiceofathsue f... OS Brooki-"s taohm rep itftisants. Thae i Signect tt seFridar sraing asti repoaie -aal dgeenestid eatresmafts Touir Fraispac r 'iaiadai irina aisisys i e, 1sIc lames Coepe and Mes Reti Tisero mas a riscesiaseou% Mr Mailel tnd sttaily fTai- tos stîntitisaimise orn othe hep sovere of roaiyprettiy antiuses . riato horsmotel isto tsi00the isis-0 ta1uhirh loeti, sel "Go av ie tai giflsBRoths bride anti erooai boissearons fot tisaiscbool' ' te King ' Faloinv 1tletihe ad- raiplIiain sa ec teli suiosets 1baisair morde. afler aihstisee aiueens j Tise easy tnends nf Me. Louis Ts Mr aisdi lIns Raid ('soli-- saing, "For Tbey Are Jaiuiy G-ol ' latns viii hOspiessedti ta isot .5 a tesesthat voni baaie rai Pellows.' Commuaity inging ruisitaei s borne ataii otter ai s- n-taietdintstiese tte os? romunity ssoais el epresentsd. a tev eoustng front oufalde poinate. An tteretief gaule ut praigres- ise eciseaoceapled tlee ecilee pnrtioaitheSue naisl, 21 tablais bu- Iug unsupieti. 'ls. Bert. Harrait astidi Mre. H.Suiesvers tise lady prise mInutta. tise honora otaitte oeincoigtes Mesrs. Roy lller and Oevai Otei. Thai "aitcien Sc.'reper';" Qesestra turseie this raean an joapule dance cOilinM.tMVitas Bars ilfilied the dteiecof faoumanager llnisa assot isapp manner. «%eustere of the W.T' t oOtilteti a tlunce un- tes uInus e nving. Mr. Belsitessis s csaiPotaieo er- rai vieitor, on eSuiday. Mrls. John Coure bail a businaes rIp us Toroanto. Monday. Mc. Thomas Pariusan lisa isero ssethe ie dict ors caca tise Past testlaye. sunfetIloTfrttoa iseari altaiet. Me. astiMes. A. Loainsd sais. o? Toronto. vars fosats o! lhier reltivsi.tisePerrymasisfamilies. on iundsy. Tisare %rae an aitenleece ait 71 ai Sundat Scisail. ae. lNt. licLeod. of Toronto. iuiaitiSIs Jalsis pltsl ry se- nepSihltsnas lnday lait. deliver- s messeof ni caineidtlfverait vuS esîbiuss. Prospect Tlie Juniore Girls' Instituita Fei). iltsh, at tiseisame etftthe presislaiss. litas Relyn OtIroy. vhOspresititai. Tisaitaiic weai 'Leginlutiaai". The tnlovlng mautn va. s omaned oun te! houi. Tises arc I, f itié fitde. Donald, Magart Du Ma las andsiKeilis Cramter. Tise hsuse mac beaettlulI3y detair- aleti ctis ruses asti velow daffo itI. lilair sesueistulilits cere rteivil. s asti messages o of aIfrattlations iraseuhaise uoable ta e cireseiht. Aller pactaising ofai! siliciaies taiseS and nis tieseiniiegcit Aui Lang Orna iun tise aarly asurnilsai issues, tise gsaests tool tiseir ieavc. %vsiniîatise happy couple ssai more ceass isetere. Tise SeeseosiBlue Wîigus siaret Greesisanh lasi Tuenotac esenlie tar Port tenu-v eest. A Rad inl-s Ierrseng trame vaa staged hth ii ie Bisc Wtt,555 tise laysets iabort tîscauaiisilness. Tisev did iheir isese sol tjedth ie fanie t-h. Mies RildaiWallace. S'et Paerav. asti Ms& Locha Jefeioeare gseste ci Mr. and hies. E. O. Jeffee r se lSsedavs. Mr. anti Mes. G Sarnele i ute4 lie parents. Me. astiMes. W. Ceoit. ier ah Maschester on Saeday. Thet ae nuuite a lese sn tues ida lits Wr bute ihe'c are aIl iefie Me J C arpen anti Me.Hoover of Toroneto, isetet a fes data casih tise foessees unnle. Mle. I- Deessaca, j j I i qivu. qau .dded feotur.....Iower pricu.! WIHDSHIfLO W #TtxAND STITE "nlon FOUI SCRUNOR COMFAITEÉ ADJwiUSTOAGAI FRONT NORS1JA1 NEW Am »POINT RME SULON~------ Du"" ", Gai"a a maii ALES s*ss 0 ~s,.s a *~wsLU ~ à WcoabL. s t a %"s.._______ vai lad 5y tise pasr.Raiv. TeS- teaceuspaaiied isy Mes. Itailsi liomnrervils sn tisaipainai. Tisa ceat et tise aeuine cas speatln varions faosealni and m aiWet3 Lunch mas serseti.bIînicng s happy avaiiaito a ecaiselBachi guesl recesveti a piaice fthtsa svedtilag rake. Tise !sebhurnîstuaueg paipie praiseniedth ieir papslat play, "Tise PetisAcroîs teklit," t Peosopect Scissisi ast hitiay 500- ng.Poli, i0ih. ssdair tse auai- pife, sor the Wsue's AgaOc!- aliou. SOch eharanten neayed tisels' roui escaedlngIc ',. i seti deserve grsât ceeit.-Wr cas iighly rcsssmesd toi' plat glo- tai is Osr Anhuars tientis Misâ ersthas Ruatle ait Fors Ferry is vlsitisg tc ithe home of 151. anad Mee. Arthsur Gitroit. lIjsaiJean 7lcClintaict,' peslta fet Isys in.telise dt isai eai. Misses Dorotby Bray sondlaiez Wilsoniare atteailg tise short coairses ai Coumbss put os by lise DepterirnofsAgriculture. Tise Girls' Seving Ctasu rosi at tiseihomse ait gvaiys fitteis ail Toesaeafternssn. FeAh. 141li, !IYRTLE.- faili 3 bNitent 'usa. palhy s exsen)dcsl toMbic, iLes T'or- diff ine 10eteîast iter i sser tnotair, r. i. HOusethî. Miss elt Krliss osent ast sceet isiss-s-attauit Tairostî. Mer. isoheM ilerI. tof siAsitittre. ssnloasied a car ioesi ,fiwstern sal- lie aitishe C..R. suds or battît. uv. A eussier rto here aier i Prospect on Fcisa, ilabi lai heur thei oav. "The Petlit rcss tise His" tisai tht Atsiitttst1s-.ait plaed ict tse uc tislit'stt'tis'cai vssdetsîy luproee. A ceerlaitof 0e paonai peoplei attendeaitisaelance asti oecrer ai Brotigison ast Fnîdsy sight. isa Floraince Msmliray liait tea cithbhec graudaiarente. Me. ant 'IraesR. R. 'iiairaiy ai Broakilci leutt SVadnesaiotiaister- TisaiWairn'za lestiuae mi useat aithtie baise ait bis. Victor Parkin ou Thureday. FParay tise 23eti air .30 p.m. A psper. "'bliniService ('ns bats Bnder" wiiilais- fivaihy lIre Nairmsai G'ibhsaion ROHail-eu.tilt pattern,. sndi a cading tep Mes.Archie Biunkser. U. R. Welcaiue. Myrtie Station Ms Edgiar lbut. issiovail citai et tise lotsMr. Edgarir l- Oui. pase aitiay un Nonday, Faibrîsur Lis, oStisaieisameat bae dottiser. Mes. Leri Tendif' Main isueaent praideceaaed ber stne s ae erTthelate lteHurlisat sas of aa isstiaietsidispoisition asti a sli-erfuiaind patient suifer- ,-e. czhu'lieadaiieuilnti toc tisa tacttt lSracrs. bat diII n0fai- lot tisa greas afflictioin taiMaie ts- pioassaensluhe faosi le tuilai liný Hae pasing laf;etraibîtrai-- -ecteti y isher largei rircie uo! friniauts. vsoaixpreass thisysu- liatliyte liheir ereacail farniy. Tisaisai miss emaiiaitlaimouen ber lemsoareiber Iimsadisle tassiy- tcosoeno,.Me'. Lawids Hllut, of Palusersitoinanti Mn. Itusseil Mari- but. t ,ofDssstaiui.andti imudaisei- taira. Mes. Flouence herguson, et HATCH MOTOR Si Phone 299 Duncis St. West k ýi matciaiseay. We bave fatbaie lis eveotais ta extend our.isnsri ceaigratulationsan d to expres sur Bod vili and aur butell vpes for a loaig anidisappy rnsriesai ts. aie isave eneared ltie a lite ail partaierisip viicis vstrust vili peste mutually enjoa'bls to'yoi isotis. Vea bave Inoncisel ont o os tise a&etf natrtiiainy cm' vicisvoyage you viii aoentirn*t meet cistaitrma. ail viii no$, boi aimsotb saillng, butt f lioncilii Poli taigether an thse oire. 706 will ise able tai veatse tisa stsrrns. aad se yor host, trois eiseansi 117 e are glad tisas$ 3ais isavei declded pet tai ceaidai elaochere. bet bave taisen atp yor resilenceta or midet, wisare Yeu cili ha arng yott old fcieelai and neiluhifra. W* . [ispe as tise joncs gai b!7 ôO fciendsisip viii senorna morio pieuanaat asd agresabie ta us.k3t As an szticsmiobt oc gcodwfll and isat vishs e e nv as jai tai accelet tisese aomati gifin and il le oc vwisistsai s ysu use.theea tisey may serve ta 0 yooernmany friends ait Myrtlo *ted anreoundiait eammainiiy. 81usd on ieiait f et plaise Indie oti selgisisara. Chas. Pillley-Nair- main liabon.' Tise Globe or Mail &s Empire ad tise Wbitby Gaetteacli Cisesaitre for cnly 05.50 peul ysae fer a ltaiulteduree oly onS lia isuiscaripilaiaior renevas i'hia ta as exooipttanai oceransd one vbf eh many ti tisvfntp are teking advantage of. 14,41U Gazette and Obraniele ofIauW. liegI thie soisscctpttaais on thISî se*coembistattos cIter. iBondfI ysur subacripllin fodsy. Gaie tb¶. eouipoon page 7 for ceCà u..s Scugog SCiUGO(.. Fnb. 15. - It wus happvts'aaieriai thatasurprised it# n asnd Mra. Nelson Fosier of 301 Wîsse sets Ave, Toroneto, on s ady evsu ainti Jan. 3i. tse occasion of tisid t saltirssvetiîs anniveesaay. Ilfr tl anPra oster aipesat tise dag t aIe lamii'. Inth ie eveniaif about thirty-l'iso relatisees trous Rochesiece~ !a NY. Lindsay, Port Ferry. Scuat4 Ilandsti Sutlon. Toronto. met atif anid ssexpc.ctedly dropped si tai ai- fer congerassiations. A deliigteitaii veaiînai sau sent iut eusse. gasses aed reseing sut iiendsiasep. Ms. anti Mea Fosier are naift aif Seugog Island. tiseir parents hon ts pisaieres ofiii sspart ail Ostarcai Pitre. Ponter cuai boerentMis Mactacet Fralicis. tiaigisser af lbe iste Splemnon and Mrai. Fraiak ami aoisier ail Mr.Hiramn Fratick,. of Scugoez. Me. Foster ia a sontalftise aIe à ie. andi Meai. aras. Postef of SeugogZ. Tisey vert married aie tise Islandl Jan. 3s. 1883 by Reva jais. C"ampbsell. Mer. anid brs. Fostsf et hae tree da atta_ ___ ;W+ IL .1r, Ji m