Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Dec 1932, p. 2

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GAEZETTE AD CUONCLE VOL. 69-NO. 78 WIHITBY, Ã"NT. CANADA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, ý1932 ONTARIO COUNTYS LEADING WFÈYLY W'HITBY'S. :ÇO.UNTýY. ASSES MENTICEAI~ FINACIAL STATEMENT 1#EEK 0f FRAYER Town Financing In~ YIJLE AFANT NEW EQUALIZÂTIO N SHOWS GOOD. YEAR KYOETBE1932 In Brief Revi.w '.AT THE COLIE WLLM NBIL0 Debenture debt reuced by $16,000, although new imiUe OF____________IN for $25,000 wers maàde. A FINE SIICCESS $ , O O E T Y A _________________Year atarted writh ceductian n ta tx rate. 5 0 0F R N X Dfiuit of $1200 recorded b>- th treasucer fer teyr SmaII Deficit Expected CARO SERICE Arranged by with hope tiatthin amount would be reduced before eeit <lru n noa Whe Year Closes, the CATO FOURVCRER Witby Ministerial the year. amutpi bspa e iio ucn a.# Event HeId Friday LORD GREENWOOD Award in Township of Traurr Reots t CRST A EE Association cer, 0f ogh arrarts of other years were not o viel isas« Evemîkg THINKS 0F WHITBY Reach Appeai Hade Council Iisagttthe worid le ready Bill for relief vras the heavieat in years. $850 han ba- AT CHRISTMAS~ TIME Down on Monâay by th*. Under the auspices of th foraeat1 spiritual advanco, and pn.fruif Paetr-dChsta ra- bEBENTURE DEBT Whitby binisteriai Aaaoels- iýse Whiitby thse heart and mind Donations from tescisers and iown emplo>-esfo reie f ortascn Laie' aoiegnlst- odGenod hiyaa DEETR ET tien, an organisation embre- ftopol are ready for thse IProved ver- blelpful to the Cu ncl. . Il g PZat1distingu CUT Y $6,~ ing ail Protestant thurch cor- nisk tar> as nover before, the eos' cap Il ibilities are fo tbe must pari for mInte. Frda>- evening, IntOý W living pic- diiiCgtsednaiv a _____ gaisiln $1.( tleona i i t o towt, etahndt ~ princilpal on debenture lues. Sore nid issues wd t. Tht apaclosangiod, rat au fa ras hmsage Il More Paid in on Curet iu be heid ai tbe Four Cos.- i~th hme of 1ev. A. L. Comrsee cfaeCucnkeivi etinier ~ t cla b dade itti tng~ grte h Evening Mon,: N13 TXRT ors on Saturday evenluns, Ch da miister of the United maies,.sotitsanding man>- demande during a iryisg year. araneereessdefta5 os rmLdoanIon Taxes During Year, But Christmas Eve, conmencng et Chuci, decided that the progarn Nev 5itmfpament of taxes b>- prepaymenî sciti. mOtting for thse achool'a second an- daLrdrensdsaa To fWhtyWINo A r car Inreasd- c5:ock, an ths bee for tise Wottt ~ cjrhud ftes proecftetake efcci in Jenuary, 1933.aalCitnsdnerndft- A 1go iescba. Pty939 er en.o val.e etoeot o heo aeav Choiîme vivifies my Y939PrCn.o Statement Reiwd service. In the event of »-* =5Wd opportunit> foc discusalon Ma> uta-smtto ssn asr- fCrua evee aoabevste, h evs 8 iis xorainac pae.mmer ftehar n h imyndhm nCO*~ T~ Cut o wili be hed n the Towen aifl. C5tg, da , t theme tP I T'Wit.y .8 dues a lumnae, Kitnessed thse revival cf And from Lady Grewo il1 xe1ei iaé gnino h aldi rcolsand customa. Tht vebole cames tht. brief but tmel ivext Year 'i'owni Council hld on Thuroday Il ieh provided, and tht atung. - pca sigoificance le given lh!.unStetCuhcor e«etigta&-Lteu TeaepysofWtbhe tIse ~in wl lieuor moton by Mr.>-r t arh epe is daelegiofmeing tht Yhe:;F NLyL K l~ j e rtaae byt e br theneaIL-otsfu ie hatdepaes Moslti Jsacce tirer Jorn R.be Frost5 prsne meioga inhte Mr. D.3 AON I Wticsnmuia uval tisse with rseewd Chriatmas box in thse focm ofa Mtaternent of receiptsanmd expendi- ment accompanimesi. vas.a Cofcn Mr.ti tis evo otisn sasmusoaicalt sadda ai 0ctpa ____________ tise New Year vith Watcisnight C U C L W director ofthe College. haoe In e happier Nleve Yesr." substtel inrreaae in uts equal. tsreo soiT tise tows'a balance set servipaa'ocs n tise Baptsst Cisorcis at ~ T~l7 L II 'Wstisth lghtiesjof tho Yule- Bth of theas messages wl ized amseosmont for cont>- pus - ai nt December Iitis. rirIl p.m. Dectmissr lost, and in Ait I>I Ih sdlure and sastisfaction b>- Lard and usidouistedly mur an addition ef Tise statement, aecorsing tu tise 1111E II ~ ISaite tram 11d1.45 .t iOn aEY QUIET AF ARi ami tise vossngost girl.î~O and e h recive vîb sr n tas po le fo ihex year' 933 riscisei. Porre suel oeod hosadfi edgrl, tise coremossies Lady Greenweodle msy tw is01IxtY'txro. icii of $1270.25 foc tise >eor bon *'llIIIP ois bega Tht Clerry-trae Carol vas fidebWibsddstc. Unrtseewvauotion as ennuir' arvorshw al deflo-M flu, Jan-vice 8. 193 mheri______ isessMs . odn n r@ aded down on Monda- by tisa mes50. lOisexplinesl, iowever, tisa ands op nuetngfr Stis 13, s ion tisero evr DA-RuNt> tia tisVnops otsgfrdou3yooc Little Business Transacted-No Farewell S-p--d-u C. bitzgMras ldien mndieMca.it EqoaiaoiOn Bosard appointed in C r ossblt htti quetiis willie iseld in thse Uni- VUoesna Pisead iiecnl-tcs-e R U~ rrnnertOon wlth the Township of sv ,a'erds iefare tise end of tr., s,,vass - nday cisool ai 8.1 as Tow F r Fiis Work for Year and Face th -,rs la blase and >elow vent frott Roucis eppeal ageinsi the countys Deeiisr bute itlser havoei romainte atISMA PJA' UIIIHE aChuc tutsIe ta tabsle ws-th llgbted tapera. ER DecenIer but IiitU~I qhul P.ai r' Electtervisove cont Mtter OnyCa Up et Fina A trumvet ralt ieralded tise ap- "e,,e yo ,,te t = ,trfet rs.i E R118 H N to shoten tise rogular evesulng bqcne WjILJf DE SE Towen of Witb>- wi aiy 9.889 per v re tio ii etn i> o Ssinc h er lf vfu ap aosg d ~ .s Ll cent cf tisa total caunt>- levy for gtent way in wiOn tise>- have isld. The order cf tise Chrhs nrfvfurngsI oag n 1933. Sic 1926 thes tavn s ol>- adad thse Oinancial situotion Oln Heavy Lotsa Sustainicd on han heent revervait and the firsi cool. and precedo bit a jester. There NT TuILL808 tîms as difficut as tiseoe. mauryys.r 10 asi-igls meeting %011 ho held in Tise final mteeting of the Town lise quantit>- ot crroIs. paret a1 rnlnA-ed a mrolley assembslage eof-Usa.. aL nces en 1.h09 Oifnc an r Sehessiar beb Meurd . Wnl the Salvation Arro> Hall and tise Councîl Of 1932, hl os Mondey tht surplus 0,-sp tros tisé Boupl- Cisristas faosrites: Minstrels, lni'~ Znuisn 1.59 n n p A f ure Dctaith cw' A.mo rada iioseetinîg ln Ail el'ennt Wie oe of the ejoteet tel farta, wars availaleî foc lecel Throe Itiega of the Orient, Itir INLLIJ III!I1II I lProxlsnate lev> of $265,000 for thi, Aebentce rdbtio in appreitoiys A.Ko Sins' iCbscch. Tise addcesseo to of tise Ysar. Atter transeetlng relief. Mayor Bewmsa. aiviseti Wevceiaus. The Boa-san, HollypaWib ii s sIce Os,0 asonintesaeet e gives wll folios- the sel.le,. as routine businss tise riI legliala- tisai tise ceneros donation bait yod 1v-y, siossîs- prceedinsz te the - of $4,4250l hi s county- rate, veicis, 816000iashoslistie aatnset, Fîre on Satorsiso alternoons de- uggaated bv o ooroiiccec of ail sera left tises,-ni aetwitisou aven ieen pîcises np. and tisa loud s anousi of tihe h-ail,- nid llOr'os etWUB Sen Otit e> te figu onut ata o depiais, ar tsa $500 f ree i tie -luable hisp roet denasslssstionv, for use clroogisout opeccftroîanalu-Istetitataeuiiî os-eilCas-el suoisr 5v Hars-ey Dcccv. osleai oe d fiue.oie sie- ýdeienturea woro issurd bost harn ansi ti asena 5 cr05 and5 tise vsolo Dlominio and will fater ed sine die. Tise adisecnmeaî vas aovledgemenl. Durlvg dinnor follk dessers. rarn1, on Seturday Iet al50 yer otyfrrle wr. fr.vriey oWllami A. as tise dominant note, "Consacra- lest tîho a oliser meeting of tise As appllicao trams Josephs -ne nonsense iespiraid 5- Uc. H. Moig itb tse ai well tpie vau- Tex Arrears larreard Kaox, weil isvsv- fomer 111119 tion.» Earis address %filI dent vitis ye.a. There vert ns congratula- Foster for atsIs bouse and ce- Prve.e adiied te tise ceelo-. M me hstneta fe h au ereers u 00io sot ahe l- hotal saislle voat of tise village mon nartirulir deootmevt af lho- ieus. or retrsts expressai. Is- fresans isoolis prlvllsges ai tise 5i tise ligltlng of tise Chist- ___g attire hai stade thir report On tise aac oreusse l odt thel re o r uhm A s1ovîng cled ad- mas lfe anal %vil] endeavsso te tentios toi 1983 delrd. or jlie toc 198 unes referrad ta the mvas toeo thse secrne chinned ansd COun Council ln 1926, tisrcag tse aon cfe arrar qis edcn loînîng tise haro wos aIsc dtgi- shev isow God worko s lamS moa3nga ai il.s bar se the aent 1933 Cosucll toc action. tise guests assemisaid before tise The Christas Cieor and Woi- tis trenoous efforts cf Wiiti's teaoide nt ofer urg ieaion tooyed, and torlusately a tiactor throcgh is OahuMâau agens te ae- besra a the Ilsl ri-tpolludat Garan's Ceacis Limes, lihs sOnge for tisa more impresalve part fera Fund iyl play tise cols of Presoat reoee Albert W. Jacks'on sieal.Ctzn r re yad truck etooed intae bu ilding ruplsiserposeus martit, TOUt 8" 5A 09, o persai a bas %o spi4t ls ot tis argc.l.suaa tSuaCiu sfra rii i tova eeuredai roduction cf thse Cossgjl pd e-psy it sisal, vores roelttisb>net- Ilcstsitiapol fts La. adremai te the Casa- Ontario Hospital. vpois gratd a Cotfomi Te." bi, Uir. J. Iodlsg-vaai vhnOo 5Chits 4000 slsonsO ass suah e ise> remne laS tie 55.0 net lae vo t h p eopai t o f t hesîs cil vt» fevw and t botvosc. rsdssctloii et 81.06 tl tsi l nl"a h iotftsa baoeserla v 7s tCrtasl a ev ment es aims 1h50tissa a tiasa~ ~ ~ ~ d &0,dln testis he ne isira - a ev vs % -bus 55<0w an sait as smy or inme~0 Coueil vaas adised b>- he cons. tee, oivlsg te fitelis 0ev- ssi"bu thea visai alai, Jase,.. trO8 u W ha acei out la £ enm.an rm 400te$. et~ ~ taspcpy eatcc ties or the tie. bflau possible la eider thit t go>verns-ment, thrococi the North- enues. ed tise nattit> star>-, gafti o ieand tisamseivee i lwer thIsa aboulai a> lavé L of lapte -al ttl oeet Tise fire depacimonin trom ma>- mousc thse eousseeutivoer enrco Developsetea Brases, tisat na Ses oral masters relative ta tise dalta lih itai tise maie ssdccussaes se Oam saceto vlitho an lteyeca ted psy , ti si cet Brougham ad Clsremoust srt,- uptation andl kncwldgt of tie lobe viOl be asallable tisa vinter administration cf local relatiasdrni seenrf a km1v Rap l- sira Isu asa tisat tisas. tanpa teua b>-i tiseen af lbcalt viiie ha .sv the v isa in of ab. 1 * tie htougisly âpealting, ti sa svng ta, 1ax'ea bp tise fIsialment meîhod. td ln goal tisse and veeabes series. Tiei noer o htf tootsm OtoofrWsîhwwo noooeiiytiersOm th'ti aa; ierarg fi Wlsdy iehya omuietvn lrui ils80,0 e lia- eifBh te saso tise plg parns snd part ofpop ewilb prepared ta" ams ingle mes. Lette0 vas Illed. Coasi. Fraink Tiiiredoulol. coucm. y> Joisn DrinIr-ovter, by Miss muttes or ladisa ent oui ta pur- th iss bos 00 ,000. BayRleBil tise sOlo. Frest tise stables veos Oooatians ai tise Bonda>- ev.ning The Ontario Hospial alviaiste n ile repcrts 1isposoti of and Mille Jefforias, mni tise dramatisa- ias. tise baskeatisu île. i bu baisou ies tise vaUatorn litreaBurer points eut t550 removel ivont>- Seul or vajuuhlo Meeting os Jansar- ti, aithor b» iaif bagasg 0 araof n *acosl psso or0>-en- itiendlca arsc tLebadlieraianiiuda O-meic vbrugsMOorat o 'The o,0f prblem ban beats the catlo and ne.is hors«s, yard of mantis or b>- witiisg et ___________________________ u"Esisd_ t"" x htiresuit o dusrd8t cme if tis visol psero. The tire etartoi tramnsnsse tise question and handus hhsjs-itei ..als ii bai bea Mont matie vialb vt thse tova -Wison tise tas rate vai atrssck m ansknevu cause tas tise top at tise On i.va ht osa 11e11n .amsnts Af M.AM vaa issunrejiat. tarse bars measurins te X 90. narçlaiuetis os . C I T FA - TMA .ai. ~~~~ ~ dn Tis PLUSmes sho- tisa trou th1 . - A ROia tiseg for- thes«« ocra M> n t ai il ha atog ed h ttein hw tJ n h faos onâ!b h' eijcÏ i.ejjljj Iýejig te en t i esi il a oe à" ~ a ttisa 0 amii' eipa t Ms rutas itd Theg $6,580 han been Pipent. Subiruet- wiaI. apreai rapidi>-. lenroyloz the siniter diaitng viih that par-f ~i5M5 aili «g tho fctl s - arhMes Wht ilaOonth.u-yarb h Cut oue n tng front the amount &pnt on tho building undsil ot tise ses- ticutar part of tise si mili tis- R 111~ FRI)AY HAiVE NOW ts2rxs C. <. Wsiace, Min rda> Wcholt wilft am ie brun arae b>- the o nshi p ofnin astooat et $350020, refonds frost seau' crop ef grain antI bey cisesbon frais the bsody> of tise steut- A TalorMis CO P.T 'hcl- mis" borstan p'is'i In~l th v a peltali> ieT sspc ise raOna moeont sho n Sourne torasnosechisory, soret la ing wiii ho enrouraged andi oves bIn~l~~LfufhIIU ELynchs, Mrs. C. Adami, Misa X. baskets. Reai waaod prclcy tse sqassea rnt eminlane.oveua recei pts, it lise building feu[ e pra>- t, tise aougist. Tise tentative programme WUaawa Ilsonjsazz 1 o0 f tise collae tai>. Velu stear viks wili I niasnBadi g6 a h seî enoteal that the chairosan et fiasses. Tisa Ivo lire iapamt- s as follows: Astonýg ihose whio ettandaid 1-s gotting tisabaskets Wll cutI b t o seail On196 Ra tser relief Sas kopt witbin hla estimate, meats used chassîcls freel>- andi Setooda>-, Decemiser 3lot, 1932- istb>-, i addition ta memnbei et sd truck&asd baskes dslîvurs ee ta ppe ac b>hac tserbya i despite lacreaseet demandea. di excellent veorta. Negisisrs WateJsnigis services: At" Baptiat Judges Appointed antd Laies Are Now Couning in Fo tise CIIeg Board an thi vie Vna en cars arlpe 23m. a od cav bl foa tisa tise yes The Tovn'o Assola i large nei 5 hs aiso asslsted i n Churrh at il p.st. Salvation Aomy Or eea slarge number cf tise ai' VolThiteers cao teepuh Chrisou a heavahlifrtiena v The bal rite sheet ase t Deceso- COOsuissg mucliaery, oud otluer et il pst., aad Ait Sant' Csuris AUl Claaea-Only ood Waatber Needed for %Iac, mie.u- Thavlla scorSCoatpe-n ber ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ aa Mc,., C.3, R.wsaCarotsartcleea Tuai. ondperatifrnto1.4np..for1.1tise Cisad itr. CsR-aThtilesM"ainserttaxation hee Th etrataxtin tiseth Sec ~ti tItisomuit 3332,atu shows onel ceura ericon .iesatcas ess rm114 ..b ean naa Town of Wliltby f11 lise to siîg tallowo: : aufelv Bonde>-, Jauary lot, 1933. Ge cenCdmui-O ltia re Stra f Misa A. A. Mael retelveai h ltigdpt iih pnx er o onypro Tax Arrears _$83263593 Mcr Knuox, it la leoacs, carrîrsi eral excisange et pulpito Ieiseen ternoon-sSanta Clams WiU Arrive by Air to j)ýg, in tise commun roomn betore tise Ti eoilgdptvl b pna erfrcui-prot Su~~cp baqets as usuel as Prlday alter- Os practifaîly aquivaient te tise ra- Acropnta Receseahie . 13,.51509 sma lsurace. but sf11 utaio the minfisera in1 the toven. Bisitt, triuts Gifta tu Chbà,nhno nOas. dartion made thie y tac ln tise la- - a cosderahls tome. Ha has tise "Tisa Consecrotian ut Ourseves' ___________pa Total curreat Aàâts $96,782.02 oyrnpaîîy of tho people or Pi-i.- Manda>-, Januacis 2al, 133-Sal- cal tai ratedlauua '~' 1*0. That, so tacen es Contruction asoets ....$ 1900.00 cing Township whre ha la se s ation Arsi>. Hev. A. t-. Richacrds, At n meetinig isela ln tise ofcie~ Smuta Clauso f11 arrive ntae fios TIlv tise eounty tiar vas about Capital Aasets ...683,754.85 oveil usonsi B.D., sjert, 'Cnsoecration et tise et Mc. J. H. Ferry. Domliion Siai, bpit "lane, Norman Irwefn Sas * vIfKII A equaliasti assesomeni, on sisicis tise Home." o~~n Mosiday avening. tise OnMuhMlit us y conaented to pris hast' LO A ERCHII T CH ISMA S Uni Slndk p Ui,>I II teves muai nov pa>- la ctontalne. Total Asseto $.. 782.486-87 HEL> CONFIROMATION Tueoday, Januar-> 3rd, 1933-. touches sert put on the elabocate op asi irig hlm te Whsiby, land- th qtogn tonha aflteho a Tht lrgeot Items casier the Nauanes. - Rt. 1ev. John0 Unitedi Churcis. Roc. T. F. Bs, plana fo h *Wib Chicabas hlm bais i. B. Mitchllaieold n . utt uweae u ~ ee. m iae hece t vean On 1926. Tht ofly> bedngo cpta sai re yos DD.Lard Bislaap o uiject, "Ceasecraisos ofthlie Fair ansi Mrs. Show, oha bila 2U la tise afternoen. Sente yl cfj~f~ UUiiUEjgf onsolation Ios tisai thse too hi Town buildings $33,315,88; Fre Dioceae - Ontario, made bis Churcs." in Wiithy on Finde>, Demesber oltfe s fs ervices free for tise oc- E EVC'N F T t NC C hem savat san>- ihouamalu ef cqufpmesu, $8,143.23; Pubhie Lib- tirot officia) isii lu st- Mary Wednsday, Januar- stis, 193- 23rd. Preaeni Indicaions are tissu cmain, anal on SOs arrivai ai tise AIsIP -dollars since 1926 throogh tise fight rary, $14,000; onsola ansi equsp- Magleue Churcîs s Suda>- Baptiot Charcis. Enof go Hartas, tise Fair wili be tise lrgeot eos st office ai 3 pst. w-Ill ha wesl j.rnrniismausrvc wa KELae t in tm nth lu ment, $110,6i41.62; tydro Electrin moaisg. ansi -sO reîssi S>-a soijot, 'Cnsoecration et aur Buai- munft>- avent sagesi sos@ fer eomsd 5>- Mayor C. R. Bowsrnat IiIUE A 1 po Unteehsho heldal ofet th at timat Coun tismer Bystomn, $83,837.68; setersworas oarge con regutioi lnadditioile sse uni Industreal tMse." mnt er.The jusiges voe ap- auss measthae ut tise Council. Banta uvnig h. ed Chris n S.ichrsa> cfThe Ceunsi- Coosicil Ch Ot sysless, $176,663.83; sos-or e-sien- le clv og a farcefol aeron, Do Tisusday, Januar>- 5ti, 1933- pointed anal otiser plans made. En- il enure ta have a large foilowig watt ofthe mu nier, tsld tise or>- launuched tise appeal whici s nose 0,aoaa ln.$2.537 sd-Lessofirmei a closa ef four B. John's Churris, Dr. Carseallen, tries fn ail classea are expstteti b- ýaid parents ans ankealebigtefr " ot"h OhrieMnb h en ipsi f a o i wsale, $22717.19; pvemsts $80 tevn s1e ii e on lseparesb is- ubjoci, "Caisecration et sur Cein- A. E. Kearne>- at tise Royal Blak. whlie.t rt iePlc o&n o fei Isor sea uahr Henry tis y, bues dipoa uct is vaa hesOc (Coaîntincal on page 3) the s cor, Rets. R. J. Dumhrsîle. snuain ie n> as ete onvsoai Dnri tet W'ho Tendereti Faits Vau Dyko. The atar>- vas ilm-mus itu eli as110ts ____________________________________________ ria>-, J anaao 6th, 1933-Ot te mata. thes Fair a soccoas. Marchsants are invltad ta, ro-cip traistai iu hîutiiul lestera uides. cousit>- of epprexlmais- $3,000. Andrtw'u, 1ev. E. ltelph Ad>-e, L- Tise Fair effets prizes foi oves- arate vutis th. Faur Comnsttee in Cheques jprior tu, tise star>- tise caagroge- Itrddantally. Daput y-rteve Wlllians Th., ahbj*t, "Contiein of aur ors cf bornes, igriralturaiti d acating the business strete. It l___ ion sang a ruminer of well-knowns Pars-ot. vli feur hi tise toensips Iniernetfena 1.aioasfa n lady dilvera, dceaei ponsi- uageid ia .i marchant Chistasu craos. with s. Vernonosces ln Ceuni>- Cousicil Sefore anal BOARD HAS COMPLETED Satuda, January 7, 1933..-Ali arae mecoiand dat>-r10a. Chisma trei front ef The Withy businesi assi. tsepe rga. aaa iter ¶an appui 5is dedded upan. se0lTH Ph.D, subjert, "Coissecretfosi Presidesit Ceci. Rire lias issasa -U b~as var gesierousty a taise chaeque ertîsi vise la ecufrnto and thgessn5O iteever goaf the nty ni l EQ A M--IOcf H o h Casiaint Lte" hvn ome a nhibtera bat vel a place putting ornamental befig ougt by local ani previt, 'sssota ~ h novat saer Gant~ Cis4~t i . kwâ xaa5,jLrIuA jjq Bnda>-. Januar>- 8th, 1933, 8.15 istmei anti drivers. ansi tise ýteArai ot afnevn eurJsi uie nIau-Isslîue oaoeitstO The entirs cent ofthOe nippent COUNTY'S ASESFMEMT pon.-Iscuunan equy Ouest- hosre shocwevar siagesi ln Whutys Id isplays are in ev?'dence. Dry Goolis. and ali vero stock for 5usd.>-, beseg Christmus, hot muse homen b>- tise contv, ar- ___ltenied__________l____dfo. s n a yr te TeFi fies $60 ah h diarverys was *.uult ha a fastlly Christas servece nrding ta the averi cf tht Equel- Brhooi. sesw wiii tae place on BrookStI Tht cfiners of the Fair are: made on meula>- mernlag ves le the cdurcis, ant in lise eveasg a lezatios Board, and Il; vlt, h aime On, Moniey atternoan lu Whlt- Beaveruas. 1.9469 par cent. Thece are aise quitea snumbor et Hesiorar Presialenta - Mayor tirrie cheques wera dePaUittsj .2 rumulani sersire vIson tise choir bill. Whftby, tisa largoit urbai payite bor n a e,-hîain ap ontsr eires O-p~q - g estrea in tise nIas for ladr doive- Nivesoan, W<~. H. Meort, M.P., W. local bonitu aol fosd te be lers- viii presentu a Caitata. viOn yul muacpallty, viii pays a geod mitea apalO te tovaht foish At tia lecst metngor tie in ru,~I aise for tise automobile evost& . M. Bnlair, K.C.. M.P.P., Dr. T. soles. asa. be given et Almonds Churris tisougIs uceuni>- 1ev> for nest agasi o te townhipsi Rashss At etant eein oros fe TheAR LII Plarlag Exisibita X Kaluer, Frank L Maison, Haro>- Acorrdig te Informationi fur- is tise attrnoan. Tise anuai ear. ar ntth qalo z ont soseuvee Jboe ard, ishar cmosgaRity ansih poaltrys and hamt eiekiag Aincil. Normai Irin. alsisel ta Chlef of Police M. W. Chisitmes suri-r asnd visit ai Bouse Furteer refèense ta tht avird Of ntri CUny eclvd heJugePake, ude udy nd FOR PREYENI'N aliaspa ou Foie>- vill bt la tisea President-Geo. M. Rira. Questrill, a lait smon. uf madils. Clsus tec tise Banda>- Scool cil- of tise Equalusatian Board wilI be repart et uts valuators ansi efler Dr. jams Moors tise coun> yil Counr il Ciseenhr. It Os eupestsid Vc-Pres-Doseld Wi lson. bulî, porboseti slu I sn skires a aise unnauncesi lac Thora- faunti elaevhere in itis issue ot gis-lug It consiecetlon. Prenent- reelsurar. bail on Ortoiser 16, ;à ai tisa Fair velIt bring hundro Sorratarys.-J. H. ormiatenr. îisrss store moatucuel. tessisuin de>- evtossg. teGzteadCrnc ad lis Judgmant. Tise nst resaIt roli1ng vas stade tisaif th mu f peopl Gazett anti PatCOhreninle. H ery n ah aea hqu o $ orl t Rpeaila tate lthfes lu.n nappaltisesul et ie Cls st heIIL r Coant>- tc Wlsiby. Preidest 4eo. hntr> Cleris-A. E. Keerne>-. msade out ta ose "Jobs Sfmbis. apoiten fte o. ýu e .RIre ansi tsos asaociaisai vOi Prisa Liai Coonsiite-Gea. Rira. ani purportad us hsave beenut- iu 'r ls 'alluvda aligisi reduioln in McLaughlin, Basmanvilla, T. ____iss vans ver>- optumste visoa lKes Wilson, C. A. Bryans. fleuead. b>- Ruseell Fleming. "Iîl. IAeU L V N O ,W I'B us esqualtzed assosinent. ise Newman, M.P.. Victoria Coastys. eco Sp tise Gazette and Crisidce Jiss R. M. Devartîl, W. A. isuown Wislthy- Township fermer. G 1.S E E S N H B 7equaliel iseseent tsea rand roSamuellnowdon, ibet&n bais. auda nJnur loeaude the s la e co î se is uonnom ea gr e t Carsa si v » ath.ta tle >-D-it w î on . . Or iat n ma ecs-n v sa-pie-u O b . l

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