Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Mar 1932, p. 4

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'17 '.J t *1 THE WHITBY C8AZETT~E &,CHRONIC LE, THURSDAY, A-CTIVITIES of Whitby women er, pies, c ales, coffee and Other 1 _ood -thlings, .al ao- whicls prêved amatch f or' the appetites Of thse . atrons. Atter tise supper Rev. Dry. Carmichaei, the pastor,. tok the, chair, and presented a pro- gram me..-which wns in charge of tise church organist and. choir leaderý, Mrs. P. N. Spratt. There were_ solos _by «Mr. Petric, a quar- tette number by David -%owat, 'Margaret N!ýpwat, Mrs CGilli- vray and John R. Frost; humer- ous readings, by Mr. Peteis. of 'To- r-oito,-*mho very ktindly consented tab take the. place6 of another art- lit who could :net> corne;ad a' mole byMrs. MGllvaY, Mter of Mrx. Spratt. Thse programme wvas well recelved and appreciated. RENIO CLASS ATHOME, The annual Senior Classe at - om .!tise Ontario Ladies' Col- lege-,,Wbitby, was sucçes.-sfully lield on iday evening ln the -college. The atudents and their riueste were received In, the gym- 1rasitm whichisnder tise direc-. tion of. Miss Helen' Merkley, hadl been festlvely decked- wlth thse -ollege celore, dark and light c'.e. Potted planits and ilIver cFtars, compieted, the background. 1Receling the guests were Dr. C., IR. Carscâllen, principal. 0f the- college:, Mrs. Çarseal lemi, Miss Maxwvell, tise dean; Miss Marjorie ,BtIr, Senior cass teacher; Miss Marian, Crow,, president 0f the gradslating clase. iVgembers of ýtie -Juni.or.year.as5isted-with the trresismets. whlch were. served in thse commnon. ropm., The'sup- -Per table wasý gay with bowls of sprinlg- flowers, softly lighted by -candies In the coîlege colore. ed fr'om ail parts o! tise province. Tise sudden deatis o! our friend William Gibsefl, o! Hamiltoni, tise grand.old eman o! vheckers, filîs our fiearte with sadnesg. He ful- 1>' iuteuded to attend -tise tourne>' and play in it., He was -one -of M.r. Die Dînun, a 19-year-old Jew, o! Winnipeg, won.tise Can- eadian checked champioisship la- Reglin a recentl>'. Ontario iwhs net represéeated. TheW. - E. N.'- Sinclair Cup is for tise - best ehecker player -ia E'onth Ontarie Couniit> and must bo won tisree times. te be owned. À A lover of'ýtise."client gamo"e' from Markham lias sent lu ,a sub- seriptios o!' $25, to help along tise tourne>'. Thet's the spirit. -A few more Ilke thatwouîd make th.u prizes look ver>' teMpting, Iu tise champioushirp e!*tise Wstyserie, Wm. Stone. de- fated Capt. e t b>' a score>o! .to. three ansd 2- draws and now Mr. Stone and. Chie! Quentrili is'e locked home ,ina'a 20 gam e ccrtest fox tiselocal honoh'. -Monday., February.. 29th, sald. Le be the- leaplng day. o! Leap, Year, proved te be a red letter. day *fer tise'Mesoule Craft *of tis town, It. belug tise officiai viiLt for Inspection purposes o! R. W. Broc. E. F. Farrow,. ! - Osisawa,, D.D.G.M.. e! Ontario District, te Comnposite' Lodge No. 30i A.F. &, A.M. Tise work o! tise eveuing-wasaa firat- degree witis full musical rituel led b>' tise Composite Quar- tette. Bro. A. W. Lynde contrib-' utOd as a sole "'The Rol1> Ciy" -wiclhohéreude.red ila a meet pleasing and acceptable mauner. Tise'. D.D.G.M. was .most lavisis, in is words of commendation, *and it seemed te- be tise general im- pression tisat it was eue o! tise umet- impressive . and amootist deégrees eyer conferred Is tise elghty Year's -isistor>' -, e!fCo.m-- pesite Ladge. Tise W.M. la ex- ceedingi>' prend ef oue and alI of ie officere. Subsequeutl>', the membere and -visitera set down te a isot supper serveCq lu'tise banquet- hall. Af- ter tise toast te thse Nin,,g ?nd tise Craft had. been dul>' h6or-f ed according te eýncieut cîsstom, W. Bre.- R., A. Hutchison ,wes cailed -on te propose tise toast o! Gr and Lodge- whlch 'wes ahi>' r Ie- sponded: te 'b>'the D.D.G.-M. Bre. Dr.. lvonti,,omery coutrlbuted an meet eujo>'eble solo at this stage. sud thon- Bro.: Ed. Bowman pro- posed 'isiehealti o! tise Visitiug flrethren whlcis was respouded tàô b>' W. Bro. Robt. Ruddy anid ]Bro. Harebon from O. shawa. W, Pro.-Presser, o! Oe5hawa, sang a solo whlci waws loudi>' eacored, aeîd the toast to tise candidate b>' l3re. :Atye breugit tis-e eveuiug te a -close. About' fort>' visltlug bretirea *frein-Coder-Lodg.e at Oshsawa accompauied the D.D.G.- M. t. Whitby.- A PURE MUSIUAL ThEAT .1 One o! 'tise lineet musical treats o! tise seanon ln Wlitby was tise concert givea IÙ tise Whbtby ep- fiSt Churcis on Saturdey' evening b>' thse Cecilian Trio, compriaing tisree hihl>' talented. Toronto y eang ladies, Mies 1LIlîfr SperL ilng, viella; Miss Joanne Fox, ceelle; and Missa Giadys Thorn- t'oougi, iRn. Tseprogramme, was e! a very igisorder, tise-db!- fereet numbers, a!fording tise ar-- Osibaever>' oppertunît>' tg dispia>' tbeir talen. Tise.young ladies Ilv- cdiip toesetestlmony ,given te <hem *by Boris. HenbOurg, Cen- ada's * notes! mualci4n, ta thse -et- feet that-tise>' are an ensemble, of merit, Ideals and! personal cisarm». Tise WÏlter formed. tise opinion before -tise prorgramm e - waa fer. aêvanced tbat Indlvldualiy and' coilectivêîy tise members of tise trio 'wligofurmin- tise musical world. >Tleir programme, divis!- ed bte four parts, was . as foi- Iowa: 'Part 1 - Trio III lu C'Miner op. 1Betoe);Andante Cen- tibiUe. con Vaniazboni, Mouette, -Part II.n ---'.Adante expres- ,sivo,.' Edwemd. Bacie); Govotte uCCiESSFUL CA1ID PARTY t WE MEANI The C ountY of-. Ontario ,Old Girls held a very , suceieseful Ugs ~ev'eng, lna^the 1auditorium H m b ~ o, Ue Lbrgry, which-'M'as1 liitastefuIly decorate4. Tbiere werej fovotables of bridge and euchre; Mr$. Joseph King won tise prlze for eoftract bridge..Miiss MiddiOtOII, auctiolt bridge, and ats§EdlthContior, tise au4zreý Co The hostesio! t1le evenin-g.terv-. ed eliclouis refrelsments. A nice litîle u s'eiz ftth PE H.t, zutifi fn o h o hO Week End Speia Th Wmenm Sewlng CiréleO f tise Christmaes Uheer: nudWelfat.e îrun la tUlutable to côp8 .wiètli the denlia for, cloilig for.1ca nieedy tamifîies. nîthomigli core L ie y fine -contributions have beeli e*d 1frol1,l interestden-d--. The ffi gh ay Te depot0t1o. Coiborne Street,: i Iet west o! Tûd'ý' store, loa a usy, C afe <paeeeyMnaxedl I iiinggo into to ceel-la Ph9ne 316 Whty* s tire for tliein -Thse -need for ¼..lldi ell'uu clbthlsg 1.4,tite great- es-t.Ppi' arc made by tise la- dies %here nese'. Furtiser donaàtloua 0of -lotilligo! ýal Icinds: w iii be: thlsankflly received. HEDSUPPER AND CONCERT 'lrhe W eek 1 lnder, the. auspices..of the La- lies'-Aid Socety, a ver>' deîght-. nWhîtby ~r.John tRidglY% of Torotto,I as in lôwtt on deda.- -. mE. V. Camp, O! Atlanta, a., has been vis ktlg. ~hm 'f~~~ Mý u Ms Geo.)A. Rosa. --Wx. .Bst,'fb<fCapt. and m.rA. Be iS ,retttrted to-Flent, slichigan, where lie will resum itudies in Ihi. engineerinlg course. ReY. T. F. Best was .ue9 peaker et the United Churcli rl'fekday. nlght, wtl' 910 men pro- ra. . Ç-Hodge ana '30fl havye novod Io tise »andel aPartmiett tvej tise Red and White, store. Mr.Chas. .Clikje, of Toronto, lelited on Satus'lay wti hic BAis- er, Mrs. A. MacPherson. miss VivieR Rice, a Pupil o! Nio 1-ate WrlglIt, passed lier uilor ' piano wilith irât- cless Lonors et the..C onservator>' iinatioiis. -- ýes 1 rs. F. A. NIýxon, Fred T. e, Fred Landon , and John R.- t, wero in-.ralhtou du Wed- ay and Thursa5> lst attend- - Lise annual convocation o! tise nd Oisaptel', Royal Arcli Ma- et which R. H. Glever, o! pbelifqýd, was elected district inte adent for'tise culr.rnt ho Ontario Ladies' col -lege Girls' Reunion for tise yearf 9, 1930. and 1931, wlll behO hld he college tise weekeidý start- Marchis iths Concert -wiIl be m by ]Patricia toneséta, vocal, luates ?,oftise college, Local, mni are wel-eoPiO. APIply -toi B. Powell, aecretary- e! tise ti chapter, for tIckeIts anud- 1la- Mxr. eund Mm. A. E. 'Sbtiick on rbisda>' eveina t their home'. on Byron Street Narth wete the host and hoatessaet eainiseellaii-. ous sisower lu houer o! Harold Moore. whose surriago t Miss Hazel Love tiies' placeou7a- r Xiy a!terflÙoi-1 o! hic yeef d ieL gallse o! carda wvas iifprogý grýess wlse'î a rap et tise door au- nounced the arrIvai of!ae:large number of friende o! tise groom- to -be. leden wlth useflil gifLa. 'Tise Avening' 'was spentinlu aInîos aud dancing, aud towards -' idight tise Itot and listesa crerved a buf- fet luncheon. Tise guest o! houer wes tise recbpieeit sot oui>'-o! gifts but good wbches frem inhls mais f rielids. BENEFIT SHOW FOU~ ORIiRSTM.1S CIJEÈAII Tisougi tise generosit>'oe! Maln- ager O. M. Chapelle. of tise Royal Theatre, two henlefit ilwii for tise Christmas Clieer and Wehfaee Fund wil loiseld attise tiseatre ou Thursday and ]rlday eveni- ings, «NMieis ltitand îtis, tise manager havIn.g offeredl ta denate to tise fond 1lty 'percent. o! <he net prôceeds o! eaclî -ight. A epe- cial programme for eecls ulgist lis been prepared, tise'pictu'o at- tractio0n. bieng Warren- Baxter lis- Cecil B. Deille's "Tise Squaw Mai"witli Lupe Volez, Eleanor :Boardssnan, and Charles iclkford. This bu a ver>' fino pilcture and one that isould dran' a large crowd on both naiglits. Iu addition, ftii and succ esàful supper and en- tQitatIsMeflt was iseld 611 Friday evening Il, s '. .Andtew's Presby-' terian Chureli Sunday Sehool ltoo. Frnt .20 until eight tise ladies eeryed supper 'o!,nieat, Ic alloped -potatoeÉ, bread and b u t- there will bo numbers by, l-ocal tialent oaci'n-lglbtbefore sud .ho- tween i pctui'O5 itnd shows. There -*1ll ho two 'shows «each nigist et tise usual admission fIee 'o! 25c. for adults aud .20C. for chuîdreti. THE STORY 0F- THE HEAVF'NS ýSUBJ1CT 0F LEdITUREB On Monday niglit next a lecture Of ver>' great*appeal to aIl inter- ested ta astroneai>, wIl ho given at the -Y.P.S. o! tise Unted "Churcis. Tise iectus'er, Mr. H.-, W. Barkiet', well knewnu- astroIio- mien1 * circlos ln Toronsto, tells the, story la a fasclnatlIng mahnuel. He wlll bring hic owu set o! lides, a ver>' fine cdalectlon wicli *wiIII well Illustrate tise- cubject. Tise meeting W1.11 com meildeproisptî>' etý & o'clock. There le ne admis- sion charge but a silves' collection, wili be taIýn.-- WON àA*SKATING MEEÈT kt .Orono last week.. Miss Nora Burt, o! :Whitby ,was successrul. lu - winuing three first prizes at, t ýlîelr speed skating usmeet. Miss, Burt won tihe 200 yards -desis, tise, ha:ll-M'ile, aIse tise n9velt>' race. - .Northini siewèd iis speed te a iigli ciasg field o!. Orono dis-, trict boys :b>' wpning the SA0O event. In botiri of these' events, Nortisam was puehed isard b>' Bill IWatson of Orone 'te wl. - DEATII 0F C. A. PAXTONIq . Men>' citizous o! Whltby a-ad- district learnied witi: keen regret on SaturIda> o! tise. suddetx deetli - t Port Artisur of Charles A. Paxton,. second son'o! Sheriff andf Mrs. J. . Ë Paxten, .-who. are 'nowi at St. Lamnbert, Que. Tise de-. ceased was, e nativre- o! Whltby,i bora on ]November iStis, 1881. iïe1 recelved hie education isere, and, was e ver>' popila.r youug men,' oeewhe by hie .Pleaslng persoxi-. alitir' made and retalned nueler-i onarienda lu town aud <lirosîgli- out tise cont>'.,lie served borei for a tîme as acting bailli!, andc later joined tise Oshawa -policeè fo rce5,wisere isaebilit>' as e con- stable was: recoguàlzed. Hoelins( beon1 at Port Arthur, lutihe. Fed-( oral Custome Departmeut. for a iumber of' years. lis deati was - tise aftermiath o! an accident sus-E tninod corne <ie ago. Decoased1 eavesto niouna hie iosc hie .nid-1 ow, hic, parents, threo daughte'rsi sud oee sou. The f uneral 'wasý lield et Port. Arthur on. Monda>'. CHECKERS ARE -MVN Twenety boards and- 40. men give an idea o! tise size o! tise athplayedk lu Oshawýa erilay eveung est -bt te uuderstaad. tise, iitejise excitemeeit o! tise'oc- casion, one chouîd, be tisere. Co- . bourg, Trente" and Iport*,Hope ,layod isardte win from Oshsawa, and Whltb>', but- failed b>' a score o! 17 te, 18 andl 28 drawÉ. .Prospects for a successruli touruey here. on Mercis 25ti lookc l.Mghter over>' day. -: Twelve men ;învie aiready pais! their- entry fecesuad. -a -lot have e.'presaod their intention te enter*afid play. About .200ý- 1lettere are ,gobng ont te -ise- mauy cheekeristsaend en- cquraglng repliesý are expeet-.- FOR THE LENTEN, FAST SH REDDE READY-COOKEP THE 9IDgAm LENTEN, AND NUOURISHING. Mode inCanada. wiç& CenWAt WLTD. mCA>IÀbMNSNBIDDED WKIÂT COPANY, LD Jmproved BuckeyeBroodr a n n ators R-educed Prices- Absolutely Guaranteed for- Satisfactory Service Ful Information Cheèrf ully Given Cet Vour Buckeye Now! -W.ýI A. HoiIdaýy &Co. Sole Distributors for Whitby- Distrkt BROCIK STREET S. VIARCH- 3,,1932 WhItby Baptlst Chrei, T. 1 11 Best, pastor.> 10. a.m., Sunday School, classes for ai*ag.es. tee il ar.m , - ee, "The Q uest for SoilsË". 7 p. m,, s 'ubject, "HopÈ'. *Thie pastor at both services. Mond'aY,. 7 p.m,;, B.Y.P.LU. Jun- ors and at- 8 P.m. the Seniors meet. Rev.. Roy . McGregor, f. Oshawa, will be the guest speak- er. Tuesday,. 7.15 p.m., C.G.I.T. wilmeet. * edesay at 7.30, Men's Club will rally. Thiursday,* 8 p.mn., weekly pray- er service foliowed by choir prac- .tice.. Friday, 7.15. M Nr. Syd- Par- rott's Cla ,ss n eet for gymnas ium work-and mocial program. Mrs. . Bentley' and fi ushto exend, to thir friends their a.ppreciatlon thn5for th i lndness and -sympthy expresce ring ecet bereavent. manY their -Wife an mIo ther, Emm a Fow- 1er, who entered into r est,l Mardi lst, 1830. "The pearly gaes wer'e opened, 'l.1eAi - ' o g e n tie v o ic e s i c r e ,' A nd w ith .farew ells ,left u .iÏ po ken , (Tes Deux M1ýontons) Martini; Througli, Christ", third sermon_________________ Hornpip ;e, (F raiik Bridge). lu series on "Finding God."Leetaui ýe t Part1IL iebetraue. 7 iJl., -eveniag worship "dThe. Pat1 -IPeople", third. sermon in cseis nfli ou n c> em n tL!Ezt);, Londonlderry Air (Ar-1 on "'Tise Gospel of 4trhe Cross. e ranged by Kreisler) -Seronadel, Morning-Sb," odCr (Vtictorý Herbert). 1 reet M." 'ýSoloist Ms Earl Price. Tise Whitby Bowling and Ten- Part IV.- Trio in D Minor Evenin-M.,aleý-Quartette, "Thse. nie Club will hold a card .party (iArensky); Elegia, Finale. . Old Wayside Cross". So-o ist, Mr. ibridge and ouchre) at ilhe home Between parts- mucis appreciat- Ed. Bowman.. of Mir and Mr. Joseph King, nt. ed readinge and1 solos were giv- M.ýonday, 8 p.m.,, illustrated S p..m., F'riday, MarchIsL-.Tick- enby WiIîiani-Jackson and Leon- lecture,: "Tise " storY 1o! Tise etc 10. Paer rn w ard Ricli. Heavens" by H. W.. cadeaToroerv tblof.on Barker, Mts Jospeli King,.No. 98, or - orsîo.- 5Mrs. G. L. Mncdougoalî, No. 75. Tuesday, 7.45,TxsBo' - Tise NWomen's Associaeioîso ts IiithCurc es* iroa .30U, niid,-week Unitcd Cuël iljil herA on -Mardi l-7tls.. Reserve tbue -da te.- ôf W hitb Alhionde United Cisurcis, minis- B. Hanna. fhcmýstitchinig and oieî,- o W htySunday, ýIrh6th. - Herb Wil son, Colborne and to ,SrRev AnL. ichadsB.D, oing.Iînediîc ervie, ec-Mrs St. ndrw'sreb>'erin, er. 1. 4.5 p. nitise Sabljatis Scisool, St,. -Plionc 210. - H. CarmIciseel. -.M.A., Ph 1).- tise minister teaching ttie Aduît- mnse.Stînda>', Mardi 6. Bible Class. .-- Tise Mission B3and will hoîd ,an -10 a.m., tie 'Chuùrciý Scisool, al -p afteroonwrùpcn fooon ton and sale o! cakes. departaients. -@eýcted -býytise. min ister.- à.id cnd in tise St. Andrew's, 11a.aîi.-Piiblic wo'rsip, ser- -- îis l a Cunînsunit>' Chu rci Sunda>' Scisool rooni, Marcis l7th,ý mon subjeet, "Tise Cost o! Dis- and. everybody is iitade. weleoitse. -3to, 6 P.ni. cileship." - 7ý p.m.-Public worship and St Joisn's, Port, Witby, roc- -Reg. Pairott.- plimb.ng, heating. sermon, "W-isy Religion?". Sac- tor, R1ev. D.. B. Lang.ford. Sun- bureshad unprsse rament o! Baptisai at mornitsn ay- aci t-.Mth sba 9 umpe...etc. -Phiotie 460.- - service..-i a.îni., Hol>' Coninienioi.' Tise. regular monthl>' meeting Thse Mission Baud meets in,- 3 p.nî., Suli.day Scisool- and -o!fbise V.O.N.,wllbe heldjla tisE .the church. hall on Frida>' -after- Bible Classes.,- auditorium.:o!f ieLbrr'o noon et four o'clock. 7p-.Ie.,ý eve-ingpre. Monda>', March 7*,et 3 p.m - - Wednesde>', Mercis 9th, Sadis Tise United_ Churcli, minister, J1. Nelson Clristananda,-o! Southis Arthur W. Lyndc, 1tcacher oi Rev. A. T Richards. B.D India.. well kn4wiï enpeaker' jen In- sin 1in9. Studio une -block northi of' 1~ le il da, a.m. us nig wrip.cr non theme, "Fiudlng.Ged Simply give the 'address at. the 'service at 8 p. m., TheWieBve Sits down and weighs the SERVICE VALUE ANID QUALITY that ber grtccer, gives herg,and very rightly that. decides where she buysi ,' nd ostdecisio ns are in otir favor. PURE LARD .......l.. .b. l1OC WILTSHIRE BACON............l--- b. 15C Sliced Breakfast BACON .......l----b. 15c ORANGES, lreAn uiy dz. 25c RIPE TOMATOE-S. full-flavored lb. 20c FRESH WHITEFISH ANIJ. OYSTERS- SEA HERRING., Pound........................................a............. . 8c Your Business Firiend, PH. . WHITBY Reneit Show. For. Christ,'as -Cheer and Welfare Fu atý iROYAL..THEATRE. Thursday and Friday. MARCH-1an Warren Baxter initei 'B. DeMile' The Squ.aw Mai Hear Elmer Dure, Ho>' Staplos., Audre>' 'ord and« Hugis Brown,-a qvtart'ette o! , enter.tainifng- harmi- ces>' at tise St., Patrlck's supper .,ýnd conc ert, Mardi .17Lh, latise United iurch. - W':Pe trie*, Florisb, Flowers 'for all occasions. Brock, Street. So)utli. WhitbbyPhonc 412. - - - Doa't fait to roserve, tables for tise Bowling -and Tennis Club card pîirty at tise home 'o! Mr. and, Mii. osei ing at pm. on F7rida>', Mercis 11., Toz reserve tables -phono Mmcr. - Josopis hsIng, No. 9 8 or Mrs. G. L,. Macdougall, Nu. 75. - - - -ea-tise Appollo MI ur tette, e! Toront',: wio will give tise progrnm 'on Maréhi 17, at Lie U'nited Cisureis supper, aud coôn- cert. - Dca'tmiss hearing them,- a ancli. timsisitîs. Brock, strecet sortli. Pisone -117W. Wilîitby,. of hrllig intercst and! edu- iIevoýns," an' illustrates! lecture, b>'1 H. 'W. Bem'rier, Esq., o! Toron- te. Y.P.S. United. Churcis, Mon- de>', Merch i , 8, p.m.. Silývor - collectioni.--- -TIse Tanîblyti',Coiîtect of tic i Iligi Scýisool NwilI ho heîd ou ri day oveniîsg, Marcis 11tÛ.- TIME.T.ABLES - WIITB"-OSHAWA,- BeWMANI'vLE .BUS LUNES - Week.De y cheduie (Effective on.. andater january Z4. 1932> . : Going MWest Leave 1 Leave' Arrive Arrivie B3owmnanville ýO*bawa - WhItby 4joi0.taI 6.20 sîi, 6.3 a.ii. 7.I'J a.. 70.00 a.m.- 10.0a.ni. e10a.rn. - 8.15 a.11. 9.03 a.m. 9-4O a-.. x12.10 p.- 12.23 p.m. 12.40 p.in. j .13-p.jn. 1.45 pan. 2.00.5 i. J 2.20 p;.in 2.50 p.m. 3,10 p.in. 4.40 p.m, 51p.m. 5.30 p.n. x 5.40 paen. 6.15 p.en. 6.30 p.M. 6.43 Pan. 7.15 p).e. 7.45 p.m. 8.00 Vain. - . -10.00 pan. 1.301-: 10.45p.rn: Léeove Le ave Lasve Arrive Bow- j!Hospital Whitbl? clhawa manville 6.30 a.,n. 6.30 a.an. 7.20 a.m. 7.30 a.n, .5'.0 arn. 8.15 a. ni. 8.30 a.mi. 8.45-a.ii. 0Off - 9.20 a.m. 9.35 aan. 10.00am 'j11.45 a. 1:10S p.rn. 12.35 ixem. 1.15 p.ns. 1.30 p.m.' 1.4S p.iu. 2.15 pra. 3.0 . 3mp-.rn Off - .0 4.10 p.rin. -4.40 P.. - - 4.43 ,p.rn. 5.135ePau. 5.40 pa.ii 7.15 pan. 7.30p: 6.45 p.rn. 8.5.. 9.1 p . 5.30 pan. 10.00 p.mi. 10.43 p.rn. 1.00 p.m. 11.30 iain SUN'DAY AND MOLIDAY 3CHDL o i g W tt LsaeLea ve 7enrvv -Arrivej lais .1.10.4ta.m.H1.00 ai I - Also numbers b>' lecal talent -- C-orne and beip. Wbitby's eedy - familles get teugh tise A&n6iionm 25ce Children, 20c.di z 1.40 p. 2.15 p.cm. 2.30,p.c. '45 p. x 3."40 p .r . 6.13 p.rn. 6.30 p.ns. 6.43 .p . i 9.15 pin. 9.45 t.in. 10.05 p.rn. 10.20 p.m. 11.40 p.m n. 12.1 0 p.. 12.30 p.nî. Leave Leavo Lezvo Arrive Hospital Whitby Osh4awe Bo'wmsnville -9.23 a.m.- 9.40-.m. 10.45 a.m. 12.00 p mrn 12.15 p.mn. -12.43 p .l 2.50 p .m .0 p .n. 3.30 v.m . 4. W 0 p n . - -7.15 p.rn.- 7.30 pant. 7.453p.m. 8.15 pan. 10.33 parn. -10.à55 p.m. - 11.10 p.m. 11.40,p.m. special Bùse For AUil Occasion. 'Reasooale Rates snd'-Carehu Driver& T. X GARTON. PROPRIETOR , BOWMANVIILLE PHONES,412 or 346 Oshaw a Walting Rom."S Prince' St. JGSIO EXPERIMENT MAY MAKE MOVIES FREE Los Angeles, Cal.-If anexr- men(t bciing îricd here proves suc- CCssfll free motion pictuies for hoqme projection soýon wHIlbc awai- ablo to cveryonic. ' 'hý_ National Filin Librar, ins op- cration less thaIn two ninlansý filmsf withouit charge. , It is onfly ne- ccssary to hav'c a home. sze pro-, jector. Cost of the flm and u'x- penses oi thec libralry are paid tlirough thiniedinni of advcrtiiing. l -I e r e t o f o r çc m o t io n i C t lr C 'ý i n il ] , A tthe io Royal Thursclay, Fri day, LLOYD HUGHE. "The Sj Comedy, "The Delive Moriday-, Tuésday, N CHARLES FARRI 'Me rely Also comeè Matinee Satuùi Children, For Ci Thur -See Evg Aduli PR] Least as h-more heat-iio pound of coke put over ccý livery on ail orders. WOOD W( We have' a large supply of Hard and soft., Order, now ITe W,~ Brock St. S., Whitl GRAY COACH.1 suPplies you ù cost, of pro vid -pays its full, pense of Onta -ias, neyer reci subsidy. -is providing. necessary sei Pro'vincial regi D Da01yCoa WHITBY- Single, 70c; LEAVE WHITBY ,Eai A.M. P.M. ' Star ag.55 Z.40 -- T- ' a7.40 3.40 1 11.400 P.M. -4 0 12.40 -bs.40 1.40 10.40 - - 11.30 a-Daily except- Sunday. b-Sat d-Sun, COACHES STOP AT UP PASSENGE.RS. Felle, .1H Detreit, land, Jec Tickelf Duýndas Street I -- i I I fil 1 PHONE 25 l

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