Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Mar 1932, p. 1

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7: GAZETTE AND- el-bRI r HTBONT., CANAODA, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, -1932 ONTARIO Ci -W.- H. :MOORE, M.!>. FdaimembereT -arlianient for Ontario iding, wso gave, a fine address on tise-gohI standard aItishe banquet luI - Pckerlng Frlday nigist .visch anarked tise close ef special ag- ricultural. courses., i iGth Battaion Assomation Attendeci Divine Service - Sunday Old atenîbers of hlie-116bisBat- talion, C.E.F., ateaded a speciai service ileld la - St. ,George's- Cisurcis, Oshsaw-a, Suaday naomiag lu çoiumemorabloneh lise 1515 au- nlversar'y of tise Battliou's land- lng niFrance dnning lise.World War. Represeabatives frem Tor- enite, Whistby. Uxhridge, Sunder- laadaad Oshawa were ah hile ser- vice,-wblcis was condncted by the Rev. --Canon -dePeneler. .St. (l'eorge's Churcla waS cisen ufer, Stitis partlcalar-occasion, -,because Il isouses thse Battalionu colora. Canon dPuirrecalildthse days wilen lise 116thBttle w"n formed under tise leadership of tise lafe -Col. Sanm Sharpe. He remiaided tise' men ehftise last lime ise addressed tisem -bêere tIEy sailedfer overseas and hisen turning th-ehe colone whicis bang 'la tise chiancel, he outined brie!- ly Ibeir remarkable iistery. Tisey were tise last colora toe et où tise Ceneral, Wolfe Monument in, Westminster Abbey. - Afler tise war lisey were haken from lisere Le France wlth tise Battallen on thier mareS ltrougis Meus, .and wit thlie returu ef hlie men te Canada thhy were brougist bacx and wilh due ceremeay hung ln St. G-erge's Cisurcis.- S Thle.- menatahtie servic te yesler- duy were their colora and.Asseel- allen badges wlth t15dm arm dec- orehions. ef he divisienal 'colora te whicis hhey belionged ia France. Band The-weil known, popplar dra- ma, "East, Lynne,"' was w-eh stag- cd on Tisursday nigis lu -the Town Hall ,ý by local talent,. under1 tise. direction ofh Mr. Nelson Bell, oh Osawa*. Tise drama, presented - nder tise auspices.-oh tise Wfiltby CitI- zoe' Band, did net ,by-any mens reeeive tise patronage Il >dcserv- ccl, but thise w-ho turned out were mîanuous tisatItilwas- a real trealt. A. better -caet couId not have beau cissen by Mr.' Bell,, w-hile tise extra attractions be- 1w-cen acta were alIth tia could be desired. ' Tise cash of charactere 'was as followe; Joh.UDli, Frank Webb-,-Cern- eia -Carlyle, Mrs. F..G. - Erslae; Joycc, -Miss Jeaw McConnell; Arciibald Carlyle,, Mn. A. Herb- et; Lady Isabel 'Carlyle, Mrs. 514 Erekine; Wilson, Miss ýMcEacs-. rca; Lord Mount -Sevéren,, Mr. Earl Conboy; Sir, Francis 'Levi- son. Mn. Gordon McDoiiald; Bar- bai-a Haro, hilss Mldred -Mantll;, Richard, Haro,, Mr. Ian Davey;, UtIle W~illam, Doi'oliy Richard- Bet-weeu ache doen texhibitione oh tllpplng 1he.,ligisl. fautastle, u ere given by Doria, Mouutenay. oh Oshsawa. Sid -Erekine and hie chorus. made a nice bit, au dld an'sa Mn. Vernard Brock is Il hie banjo and guitar special.hIies. Miss .EIla Unin lead a chorus whIch elid very well. On tisew-iole It wac. a tiae e'eilng etf-whlesône. enteirtaliimeth.- At tise close ohftise show there w-as'a. dance for a number wbe' DEM0NSTRATIQN. Propgramnme Shows Pro- gress .Being'Made ini Ph'sicalWork, Thle important place 'given to ç-iaysical training in Wbitby Higit Scilool was demonstrated on -Fr!- day evenlng wvhen -the a nnual gymnastie display w .as.held in thée spacious and splexîdidly eciipped gyntnasluni. AÀlarge number of Parents of the ptipils and friends ofhe hieelool accepted lte.invita- lion of Principal Archibald and is staff -1- be present, and they were more tiian pleased ,with what- they saw, judging from enrnments teard by the Gaýzette and Chironic'le nbe F-romï. the *va rions numbers on 'hé, programme il was évident thtthe instructors - r.J.C rerguson forte boys, and Miss Gi!ll-ard aild Mý,iss Allisonl for the -Orls, devote mucli hime tb de- veloping sound bodies nsi well as sound rninds.. There was a no- table impîroventents hrom last year in ome O.f the %vork-,digplayed, ,vhile lte wh c'ole progra.mm e made those present feel ltat money exlendled on lte gynnnasiuim is bri ýgÎng forth splendid ret-urns, un tio muli frorua- hina ncial sta hdpoint. as fror lthe promotion ff pbiyshial culture' whieli of course,,mnus good hilafl.1 Titne wcî-e 4,nulmbe)rs on te, -programme, >ns' foilows: Marcýn, seirgirls.; calisthenies -and mnimeties, senior boys; wand drill junior -girls;. exercises oni liorse,. boys' gyi)lsquad; -IuidIan c .lub .C: l, senior girls, eeeieso - parnilels, boys, gyml. squad; folk and -Indian .danees, unoZg,'s demionstration of fi-st aid and, ]Ife sat-ing, 17irst Aid Corps oh tito Cadets; folk dance, Rigs 0%. Marlowe, ýjun1ir girs;eibto on flyiug rings, boys' gymu squad, mliruet, senior girls; marching tactics, senio r boys; -tum bling, boys' 'gym. sq-uad;, pyramids, boys' gym squad.,- SThe demonstratIoti of irst'aid 'vork suad hf e. savfng was partie- nllarly -gond. Here is work. whieil mght w-ell orru part of ho ephy- ailtraining programme.of' ev- ery sehool. The b)oys showed great skili in bandaging, -sud ai- sco in,,placi -ng a supposedly çwound- ed or siek :menfiber'0f tîteir com- rany -on lte streteber. -Snecta- ,pe rhaps got lteir' biggest tr~ i 1 ,rom tilýéexhibiti on ur.-tjjté flying rings..-Here great skili is demonstratorl, and :il wouid be hard b I ind ail exercise which cievelopi the muscles and- inspir.es nerte more. than tbis. The drills and folk dances by bte-girls'were particularly ýgond, and merited te appiause *hich they receiv- the spectators greatly enj.oy- rd tise-performances of lite twc. -elowns,i Wyman Booth and H-an- old Gascoigne,, who v'ery êieverly imllaled ail of thse exorcises, and lucidentally provided a iiearty laugh for ail and sundry. Afler lte demonstration tilere was widance on lte gym floor-f or tIhe shudents. -T1WUHUTIYE 5 J R liT RA'IN11 Wlnen lte car in wwhicit tluey wce ridiig -crasîtet inte lte side of a .P.R. engine puiling the Toronto- Trenton local on the railsvay tmacks ah Whitb~y Sahurday ai'lemnoon about 2.30, Wr~. j. Found, of N\iagaa-on- le-LaI,çe. drver oîfluhe car.sustain- èd, a'broken collar bouie, and Mrs. E3owrte, of Little Bnîtaiti,-ho was in the front seat w-ihlmàn ,sustaLin- cdl brokeit ils. Boîh- wene ushed te the Oshýxva Genemai Hospital- aI- ter being attendeci by Dr Chanies- F. .Mc-Gillivrmay,, oh Wlitby. The train,. travelling cast, and. shopping for lte .station, w-as ta charge of' Engitteer. John -Nelson, and conductor J. W.. Ebbs. They wilnessed- bbc car, which was pro-, ceeding north, apparentiy hryiug ho stop as, bbc traits approached,' and, whlen the driver found- that lie conid not stop 'he ,tried' ho run along the tracks with the train,' svtl the ne- suit that thé train lieaded inho the car and the latter w-as bodly wmeck- cd; The car,. an old usodel Ford, w-as found br Traffîc Officer -Hiii- liard,- ofWhitby, wlto -as calicd ho thé scene. ho have no brakes and te be in- bad mechanical condition oîh- erwise.1h w-as wrecked beyend re- pair.* Thé front and sie fit werc smashcd.ý .Officer Hilliard is of the opinion that the driver of te car heard or saw the-train appmoahing'and tied. 1ht shop but conid n owing te bad braises. Thte, traini cmCw- shated. thal as- alsays tlucy w'histled as tIse-i aproaclscd the Brock Street 1 'vèý crossîng on thtiuir.-ay ho Ithe sta- tion. - Aftcrth e- accident niemnbers *of the ýtrain crew w-eme at the. scene and medîcal aid w-as senh for, Wibl lise restait hhah Dm. McÇillrmay. ah- -endcd thé iujured Pair befome bhey iw-cerem red ho the HospibaL Eey.Mmbe avass - A ID~D Work Has ,Su.ccess fuiAt Al ýSaints Tl0~lDFA Sewer Nearly $MOo900 Reeu Pledged by Congregation: TYI --ReauIt o av. xeddAILlExpectations- SYIITRi-ep Pledges of Members Declicated at Impressive Service - __ - ~~~Inispiring Leniten Semn i(AEAUE ,Cauvasslnge' very member.in God Is. with Ilthee.'.If -God be United Church Last f l U lteParish luhhespace of a.week for. us, 'wio can be against us, - ~ lte men of-ý Ail Éainhs' Chureis duriug thse past week have prov- cd tat people are.anious ar.d we illing to support a good ca-usej 'w ilS money as welI as werds.ý Elîlileen men worked, two, or *. more -eYeningl te accemplisll the task. . Making: about 275 cails «tbe pledged revenue ho the1 cýiurcki was 'iucreaaed by nearly ý' 0 Q*O - Cash donations totailed '-'250 sud. donations. sprêad over- a perlod of weeks o r menthu - àf ,:;vo« brought the amount of spe- -cil, donations ho about $550. The rc.uIt achIevaýi exceedb thse pInst ,sanguine expectations of tisem~osf c'plimistîc of tthe offkceiof thse churei. On. Sunday. mornlng -an impres- bive service o? thanksgivlng took- placewltea thse- pledges of the. m *emnbers were presented befo.re Go.d'and dedlcated te -Hi serV-ice.ý . The reclor, to.oký for his hext, Isalail 6O verse'*--.,, "Âwake, awaise, .put ou .hhy Strenglis O Zli..".-Pointing out ho the con- gregati.on that. pessimism wasaa si and, had ne place la. the Cliristian -phllosopby, tise rechor, stressed lisefaclt that apeclal- cf- f ont of the past week was a clar- lon ea 11 for 'ail, Ged's -people tho as aise ho -the realzation - of, the -t *ength 'ofh lise -Churcit. The s!criptural motté chosen as tise watchword- fer tise year -1932 had beeu arply proven., "Take cour- -aga,ý Go forward. Tise.Lord lily aske4 tise speaker.: God aiways justifies our faibli if -Vewe ili ouily, üive Hlm the. Poprtunity seo do. 'tise rector furbiser tisanked tise congregation for -tise abun- t'art supporbtilhey ilad- given ho lte campaigu -and paid -Iribute te thsse w-ho isad se ardenbiy worked te organize It and. carry il tisrougishoails nm1ost successful conclusion. tlurlag tise haiýingup - oh lIte, -ýffërtory Mr. C. A. Bryans, chàir- man oetlite Finance committee, gase tise cngregation a hall me- part oh, he caaras s - sd persan- ally tisaiskedbthose -wio' bad 6 abiy assisbed , hlm. Many *aew cuvelepe subseriberswere gained ..nd seme oid, subsenibers increas- cl tiseir subsenlptions. -Foilow- ing the, presentalibnof htie-reg- u.ar offertony. thsse responsible for- the organization ,ohftise hou-r distficuts mb owiicitl4e panish_ was divlded'presented bise pledges- from their respective -wards, te tise rector w'ho -ýgave a short ded- >yator prayen and led lise-con gregation la tise singiug ohflise Doioiogy.- itlIs .lae that tise mcn who carried mil lIte campalgnwili ho organized into a permanent body te peniodlically visit the wisoie congregation lu .the interests poh the-werk of tho churchin lagenerai. dund net.alone- te secure subsbr-ip- lions.- ýW.MS. United.Church ',.Hearý-d Sp eaker o ni Miss Oughterson, Prnn*cipal of Bishop. Bethune College,. Oshawaï, Says Britain is Helping India ta Becmte Important Unit-of Ezmpire-SoJve Problems Through Prayer At the se cond annual ndon -lunch- while. in: Englarrd. 1-lIis ccnfrencei eonl leld bythie Womfen's Mission- wvth Viceroy -rinn er-e lot* sucli ary Soiety of the Unittd Church. as would promote cause ho w1îièh on Tuesdayý in tic Sunday School lie, claimed t. be devoting his_ 111e, room. Miss Ougli4erson, principal of the granting of. Dominion statuis tq. B ishop Bethine Coilege, 'Oshawa, Ipdia. In, jhis connection Miss w-as the- gest speaker, giving a Ougliterson referred to the freedom most ineresini and instM t -4 wihCài.ais. under the Biis forstael tale oùý n Indi- the 'ete g enjoyed, a f reedomr whicli was lier birth, and -of *whiclî she bas. a greater she declared., thian,-that en- -Very intimate kno-,ledge-. joyed by the people ini the rcpiiblic he Iil-neheon ivas very,.well at- to hthetouth of US. tendedaithougli somne memibers and Miss Oughterson dclarcd fth at for friends of the W.M . ee r-thie past hunled years Great* Bnr- vyentcd on account of, illiness f romn tain had cndeavored lu- do well for, bcing present.- jhià fact was com»- India,, and she icilt thaitt hê great mented u 1pon by thic president, Mrs. majorîty of thie people 'rralized tliis A. W N. Richardson, who. very ably fact.. Those of the English p*cpU- presided. 'lcsekrfrtedylho were constanil iîelping lier %vus, introduced in an i ntercsting 10, realize herseif so,îlhat she iniglit nianner by Mirs. C. IL Carseallen.- prove herseif to be a wVorthy Illd wif e of'tlne principal andà governor pohent part of tiic.Britislh Empire. of the Ontario Ladies College.. Mrs. Missionaries, doctors, riursc', social Carseallen referred.,to-the f act that -service workers and those of the Miss Ougliterson wvas borni in In- civil service had ail contributed $hceir dia and .knew rnnch about ils pres- shate in thisregard. cnt day problems, aiso thîat ai- The, speaker opined thiat wher thougli a very busy woiman she kad missionaries were. first stent to'.n- found- lime to- corne and address dia aîmistake wvas Made in thinking the ladies of Whitby on this occa- that -ail of the Indians were be. .sion. n fighted people. AIFtae hrng Miss1 Oughterson -devoted part of their ivaried 'religious beliefs had lier lime to relating some of ber some conception or--idea, of. God- experiences, and. those of members The. dutir of tli'e missionary vas hi of lier family white living in Indiafr work f rom 'that pjoint anid-teaci and these conveye d to her auiditors themn the true facts C'onccrnîn2 t1ii so me idea of the. probiems ho. be truc God, and point them l i P V.-I Met in so vast an empire with ils ho salvatioâ Ibrougli Christ. -Sh many castes and religions -belief s. stalted that India ,hail nany -Proh- At'the outset sîte pointed ont that lemhs. ý but the peonile. of Canada. India. lias a population ýof some Particulary those'of the mnissiwiar:ý three hundred and fil ty mlillions of societies and auxiliaries, couldd People, with, onîy 1w-o million emn- muchb thi pays 0ol brac-ing the Christian faith. In a th-elfl.- lirief reference to Gliandi ivho has In closing -Miss -Onghterson cor- been mucli in the limèlight in-re-, rected the -faise-impression hield b: cÇent.monîlis, Miss Oughterson stat- mnanyr that those in -the Indian civli ed that. -vhile at first a great many service were paid ecntirely f rom the people lookced tapon Iimi as -an içlal- taxes 'levied tapon the, people. Shi ist tvho had the welfare of his pointed ont.that tlîey lîad to con- country at, heart, Il .is, rec ent tnibute throîîgh tlîeir' salaries ta- utherances and actions liad led them wards th eir pensions or retiring al- to believe that they had, made a lowances and that the, balance of mistake. It, was- pointed 'out th4at the moncy for this purpose camn Ghandi did not belong to the Icower from -the East India -Fnnd estab- class of l'ndia and therefore was not lished many years ago. obliged h o wear bis,. loin cloth gar- At the close;of lier address Mim ment ;vhen he ent to-call uipon.His Oughtcrson. was tendcred, a ver3 \LFajesty the King- wo howcver, hcarty vote of, îhanks. had graciously received bimin that Duringthie luncheon most accept. garment..Without criticism hie could able vocal.atumbers were rendereé have appeared in European- dresc, by Mrs.: Arîhur W. Lynde,- anc but-he chose ho wear a spectacular. -Miss Margaret Nicholson, of.th( mode of dress, also to live on food OiL.C., wihh. Mrsý A. E. Kearney ai which lie was -flot obliged to cat -the piano. eorchants of Whitby .to Stage a Great.,Sale WVhitby .mnerchants are ants te show that, their planning a great Conuuity stores are taking part in thô Better Biisiness Sale to ie jbig cemmùunity éevent4-..Tihe hled on, ThursdaÈ, Fri1day dates of thse sale. were ar- and Saturday, Marc 1?tb, jrangeds s ostimulate lSth and l9th - three day* I bulng ,for Easter and early or eXcepionl sllng ln aul , Sprlngi and I1h was agreed Ilme.ebusns. tisat every mercisant would On Tuesday evexing, thO offîer exeeptional values dur-- speclalcommittee apponted tmg ts be as soute time ago tow oulline There will be- speclal at- plans, for thée-sale,, submit- fractions for tise- tbree days ted -a report . n a mîerebanti' including *an essay contest meeting, and after somedis- for, public - and separate cussion It was adopted. Tise sehool c-hildren. purtiser cisairman of.tthe specli cern. particulgis oethtie sale will ndttee is Mr. F.'J. Mcflntyre. bè announced ia tise Gazette Thse Gazette and Chronicle' a:nd Cbroniele next week. wili get dut a speell edtien A meeting ef aitl mercs-, for tise sale, and.- il wiil bave-a'.,f W ty wl lbe heéId extra clregbion. -Pennants. mcxl -TuCEsd 9.eighits willbe use& by thee mercli. -OcunliCisamberaI 8.15. - nWhen ltecar -li-h ic n'as driving casbed -mbo a trurkS. o1 iJundas Street East onu T-oesda eveniug oh last we*i, ,T. E. Oliver, empioyee of, a Tomante cieauing and preising plant, was haken ia- te custody ýby local police and - cha rged -withsbeing intDMicated whiie la chatrge, oh a car. - Wlien- the .Crashs oceurred* Chie! Qîtant- ri, anid 'TraMfc-Offier Sidney- Hilliard invesligaled,'wilS tise*y-r suit tisat te chaigewas laid.* Appearing befome. u-aistrahe Willis, Oliver was.houud guiity o! te charge and sentenced te, sevea days lai te coromon - jail. The --Court granted Itis requdest tuaI ise be allowedioat f or a weý,ek on -bail. of- $1.000. ou bis- Pr"nise la re- hum a àt lIti Imo, 10serve bis sen- TVItft liN IIILL ev, 1 tliig hat a great iti- lude oh people fonnld Go)d 11' iltrnrng Ri thse expenience of deheat, in their lires,- Rer. A. L. .Richards, B.D., preached 16' a large congregation- in lte Unitedý-Church on Sgnday morning iast. St. Paul, Augustine, Francis, Luther, Bunyan u ad Wes- le-j hza iIfound God laib tis way,' and -a vew largé nunther oh pen- lie pIe ýcouldz ma ke simi lar, lesbimnfly. el Once tiey wOre lte heipie~ssve tirus oh Iheir osvn wyrr i sires, but byrtrreînder to C ris*,- tbey -fonnd- delis-nrans-ed 50 ne entered ou their joy and t1heir,- power. w The elenients i nuan livea -nil wliieii were ,niiyrespnusible 1)' for bondage and wrec 'kage, Rev. iný Ricliards-said, wcre impuirity, in- uV temperance, sheer,. bard,,selfish- ý tsess, and pnide..Inîipunity secmed-- to have,.a greater înoNvcr or de- <Ja sboying iifeé's'harmiony,, aud oh-. -t scuring spiritual vision tItan anîy ar other siri. W.bu-le there wenle sorne n people s50 selfiâh, ho loîrc.by. s mtoody taIt tey muade it v cry anre difilcuit foir fois le w-orl witb i 1 thperuor live.wtitb Ier. ,The essential step hon deliver- 1 an-ce- from tIbis condition w-as. ai-,h ways a nnet oh suri-entier, .nlotL-C merf-îy a w-itgnets 10o renounce some lavoante sinbit a willing- j 6ess ho -put oneselh ibhto lItebauds " oh God- for oae's wnole hfutur~e and la.eveny neiecet. Froisti pôilu soute.soîtis eap jut: a atnrma - ness of God, b le i~nrlîi a great pence. It va-s Cii'%Nititi Grenfell and Gagawa, -v'in hen *God appears atir rami-a li t t te1ni.Yet nlwtvys tIt- îi-ncne l-uîarks tetuýrniîr1purt.Wiiett a man is surreaidère d Gosi n-niaand- doesIranshorruino. i'eopie ho carne Ibis w-ay lu God, bo-yý-es-ar, ,aomel-intes wvere content to dsÙl eoîîstantly fin lîoug ht and speech tapon the! r gi-cnt e xpenrienes'p, sud allow, their spit-Ilual tievelop.1uent. hoa ceâsc at tlitat 'poilît. Thex- ne- mained-babes inChrist and Itales werG.neyer Yeny effective peoopie, bowcver cbarmnîîg. -It. vas- ai- aniazing tc, b5failitre of iasany Chistians tb shbowsItlecan,t ilu- ten.e.st in-sucli thiîîgs ns pîtttinîg an eud ta>w-an gutogrid -oh siaus;.Clt-rlstlaiiziug ,oi[r, h1tîsi- uess world, seuls denrant-borns o labour. dc&ant unges annd, dcenrýe. bioites. Tirý wn',e -o a very -tuan-y notable- exanîples' hu the coftrary. . c -len1,ike tt- bury. Wilbenfo-&e;Livin,_,at on, Xaaa îveita allil ian oh a reat. -sffiritual ap'i-s- hs ie ivent out. tru lite lîîalinýg oh. tIns sores ohfOi-y t A Great Messive i lb was ia- g1iitmessage hto *preacli. Ïbat-by tit i-zras-oh Goti. r :a lira bmokeit iy hail recoul dyt tbe. eleanseýd ndfilict i tih îs IGod was --itat -kitd air Ged vt me filHrlnilûr-î-rn iii theÉi 1jr dr'SL I nea îed d itiai) u. -. . r-Tisese Lenthn-n nnîçllresses -il r co ntinue lup, t o Ester aùd uex Suuday. M-'\in-ais.ra-e laon "Fiudiug C od Siriy !.-Thmroiglij g Christ" -- LI[IJT4OL SMITII' 191 eAt Shootîing for King Cup 1 - Held W iWhitby - Friday Lietiteniant Colonel 1R. B. - mtcomminandiug officer oh bbc- y Ontario Regimenit, dropped la ati -ý LIt Wb,-ibby artswuries, on Frida 'yJ C tgtdurnug lte sltooting com7- C îetitinuts h on t ii tgCiui leld -ý by "C." Compux orbilqRegmest

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