Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Dec 1931, p. 6

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PAGE SIX I q 31r. and MUrs. -George JefTery and Mrs. Jas. C'ook. of Myrtle, speut Sunday wiLb Mfr. and Mrs. Theodore Jllgbt. Mrs. Jus. Cook, ot Ntyrtle. Is 9pending a wcelc w1th M-r. and Mr3s. Tlieodore J3Ight. J. A. Barber wa'; called 10 .4hannonville this week owlug to the sertous Ilineas of bis brother there. Mias Bella J.arbpr, of Kalania- -e700, Nllh., in vlsiting lier par- ents. MIr. and Nir-. J. A. Parber, .Much s3nipatlhy i% rXLCflded tb .Mr. and '.%rs. Gordon Rodd, Hick- ory Et rect, ln the sudden death on Monday. of their four-weekisdld daughter. Messrs. F'ranic aud Stewart -Threedgold bave- juaft recei?*d word et the death of their aged mother lu Engiand. wbteh occur.ý red on Derenuber 3rd. The de- ceased iîud beeri liu ailing- healtb for sorn ni ,oanDI lier death wasý not unexp'cted. Thoa ictçion of utbouselhold lurnîture. uhe property of M.r. El- in. Ard, l'lne Street. beld on Tues- -day arterîîoon, waR qite succegs- fixI. lierytîiiîg lait up ror sale %vas dtlsrao.fd of. VYr. Aid wil niov» b tToronto u fr ihc wnter The qliareondrrs sud mcembers of the Whilby Bowvling and Ten- nis Clut) wlsh t take this oppor- îtuniît' of extr-ndlng their sincee tiranks te thê' Publie who go gen- erously afit4fted tbern ln niaklng It possible te erect their new club- CLOSSI) 1MR (1RJSTMAS The Onterlo Ladis' Gollege rlosed Cor the Christinas luolidas .on lVednesday. and mopî of the ktu dents have loft for their hom, * 'C(hrstimae marka the tirât long break In the Coliege year, and la eagerly lookeci forward to by t ho girls. LOCAL FHU4MIS TISE A vory welcome and mucli ap; rreciated donatien to the Christ- Ynug Cheer and Welfare Fund la t.wO tOrS of coke fromn T. W. Rosi & Son. well-knowra local fuel deal. ore. 4Mr. Rosa bas been a gencrous (!Oftl'jbUtôr to (lhe Fund mince it op.n.d thiee years &go. andc!bis lsteot lut WIN be tbanifu1îy re. cel~ved bY some needy famnille. Mir-.RomsaSoniletlimeago doiuated hlaI A ton ef coal to the Junor Red Cross. INTRTAitNED MiE» PSOPIZ On Monay members of 5h. Studenîse' ChrIgtlan Aoioeatlon -of the Ontario Ladies' College 'riait. ed the O Iise ofu Refuge and enter- Statndd theÉ aged men andi vomen ;ýýhre. Tluere wasae delithtfuî pro- 'gramme of riadings and muaical THR WHTlrBY GAZMeT &CHRONîÇZ THURSDAY, DECEMBER i17.193t numbers bY th1e girls. aftr' wibld treatis were dli5trtjtcd. Needless to say the 0afternlofl WU8 a *Very plessant 'one Cor those 'Who partl- cipated in the programum- In between Chritas& aeNew Yearte. (M1ondaY, Dec. 28) the Lnited Church Y.P.r. lbre ar- ranged an old fahond lsocial e'eniflg. Mms Vernon Rowe J, charge of th1e musical POglMM and there wW be gameq ate o. petifton. A apertal f et*4t t the evenlng la that th1e pre«se tie young people and old aiem- 1#>rs of the Y.P.S. are *u o gues of honour. PUBLISH E.N-T Tt7E5IiAY The Mwbtby (,Arftie I" (bro)nlclesti I bLxpnbilslse next Tureda> eveniui«. go tht il naay bc rrnla-#>d in tos- anid difttrlçt beforre h.'f crt« M»as oliday. .Adveci4 W,. ra aad ooxrcupondonts art- renffl. ed Of this eerly date of rami. ration. and are a'kM dte Co. OW'?a1.' wItb flic .iliItiai and advertiing drparinents. Tise 138M wILJ b. replete wlth ~tirma.advertlm--nigmnts and thue eguar new-4 featuri-a. 4. .4 IoULUN' oui. a mWnsu*gsela. *b MI.lu a h 08- 0,4M ily i E DRESUNGAIWSCASESE PERFUMES fOCA PERFUMEATMZR TOILETWATER 0iOB1 FACE POWDER g COMPACTS mlVmos DO1TI LUNCIIBOX WITU VACUUM Bsrm EVERSHWPEN~fJ WAUR cala" YAaDLY'SRAM" Mr$, . TStapies, te PrOaldeat,c> rupieti the chair. The, meetg aspened euth thse derotiowale>' eisc-- after a-hth lins.Ares- Lropug's grou a ud charge of tise itternuaprog-an. Tb*se ounait-, t"o iu9tn4 euI -et the u"mi' Crtat-Isns i'betinga 10te hisek aud abat.lns. Rev. A. M4. Ircis. laY Invtation. caque th a4dress tise MOMettS. Mr. Tr*ln stremeed Tory ue wdanger: to tise Yogas peo- ple. ethle préceus generation ukrli9fttOut of pryesen tean of U»i 0ovoreueat haadliag of the I4enr quegtlog. ITh VICon a& Ptlesset 10lcr oetb tisauber orf l0Udîy SabI ool hl4weetakit pait la tise -tewmgram eontus. 1We bavte Y«s 40 hastof a racke- er wl.ha., bis d .off>'UUPcn mu 1 . Metaote. VAM >or TMM&S ~W. X. Prin..Tese Mr., John Xison anS d augiser, G. W. P. vlemur mmrs Anrtiur wtal bisa op- F. J. Gal*-Suis. mareiL. peritu>' oetaenhngte coin. T M - Dwgeop-.Caps. et the "udt' a4Ladwiesd1 for macy GU&i.i. orresis tkmndtieus ldSia .O.Wva'4t& nuutesd nl teIluee a~ . 4 *XL , r tlo.tot reEl ANNUAL (1HliTMAlàTE On Frlday afternoon at 3.30 the WomnerxsInâLitte ý ill giTe thoir annuel Christmnas Tree "dn tee to the rexidente of 'th, Houes of Refuge. A good programmre icili ho given sud itl h hop'-d t.hat 1 n:prnhers and frIends uf the In- stitute n-ill endeavor luh4 pi-es- ent and help to make the ater.- mouplea>tant ands rho'er!uilfo thoefur w hon> lhlm Irent la giv- G~AVE Fi.NE R îE On Niondety evenidng. Derenuber tîh, a grc'at many 'enjo>-ed the addrriss on Palestlne ia St. John-â Clîurrh, l'ort Wltby-, glu en bF Bei 7R. 13. McElheran. DI) , Prie. ciai oftIWY-clitf, Cellegi-. This addrp.,i -as li2nliylniere-.ting a'nd benefîclal along edmicatiomutal At the dec of 11w addre- mh, Niîernmt>o f t ho. e.. e.rd ref re ehmentis b alilpreisert, la tbe echool roohai. tLNDAY ScilOOL SCIÎI-1118l TO PItESIENT CSIIUSTMAS C&NTATA -*Croza. Patch Fairie," '*a <-'bris;tinasCantata. wiIl hb lthe î,iieclal festure et the United Cliurcli on We4auey neat for the annuai Christmas entertain- ment, commelnmetai7.30 SharpI Ther. are Fairies and irt>wraies. Butt-rnfli.anad Cadets, lovely ct$umes d nec longs from thé lit lie tota. Ganta-Claus ls coin- In# too, 50 It las runtored around 10w-n. anti 12JenISd a gorgeons Christmas brU ci iota oft KG- tes awaint him. W.C.T.VM MIUMîG The. iegular monthly me*ting of the Womnen'i Christ"a Tenu. perance Union wtas heId ai the hone -of Mr*. D. Jackson, Henryt Mt., on Tu*aday. 15t11list. w1th a good a(tendance of nuenbe m c rNotice ToRatepaycr MftenJan.1, 9 32,avt. nty -o5%lowM be dâ.dto &B 0olt@tmd tasfer 1931. -Tbbiswil mshak a Pay nir *134v.tbu mily SAt t» edu'aw i«*utIy 1015 b> tise tadies' Orsage Beaevel*oa bes's cors dracu: -ie81.tr T. Semaple. WhIbM« to. 17lit Ir. Sayloe s aa**a; Ma. 1Mr. p. %%übb. Whitby; No. 441, tir. jai- loe. Whitby'; Ne.Usl. Ms M. Ili-ons, WItb7;Noe. 4M r 4. VirgIn. WhatbV: Nç 24l, i.' IL otxppavd. Wbllhy; Ne ,14 ire Wahtand. Iewealll*o. , a MSf< tKWft 4I r, 0I A union Çwata&etlutai »#;iome -et tusaetuepisv M prle a* tbê ribem- m. osaschit shpD!- M ir Aiuiouncements The. Christaijis concert of St. Ber- nard's Sehool wili be held on Mon-' day evening,-.December Ziat. ia the Parish Hall Everybody s welcome. Rte .Parott. pkbing. heating od bur& m - udpunups, pressure Dumps, etc. Phono 46Q Shooting M,%atch for tîirkeys on the farm of W. 1. Bell. haîf mile sooth of Kinsale on the Audley Road. Friday. Dec. t one o'- 1ock 12 gauge guns useti.sheIls STORE Whre VarI@tjandlUIIt *P Comblned CHIA CUPS, gret variety specWa prioed 25c, M0, 75c FANCY PITCHERS, malmie, am i nes GLASS WATER SETS.... ......85c to$l.5 JARDINRES. BERRY SETS, SALADS JTEA POTS, an Iuuauafine lot.....e e8&c to $1.25 TABLE CUTLERY, PLATED SPOONS, CARVING J SETS. PREMIER SHEARSt a fa l mwotment, 1ide tix», TOYS-ýtbe kind that lastTrucs.Tractmg4 FiFft E- J ~ ~~~~ gi.,Seas9 Acroplanes, Traimon Tracr FLAS PIM', 3c to $LO00; tLECTRIC IRONS,. TOASTERS, HEAT- JING PAr>S, 'wROnCAV. HEATERS, VACUUM CLL&NERS. etc. ROGERS RADIOS AND TUBES .... $49-00e $74.00, $129.0O, $159.0O% SSTORE OW44 EVENNGS--COME AND SEE tUE FULL DISPLAY3 Uff WTBY CHRISMSFAIR-DEC. 2461 W.AteHomideyCo &ROCK 3T, 3OUT1IPINH 5 posedby )4i&$<ilcred Pruce. Mrs. G. Mý. Godfohow resioadod to thtb and the toast to oui- chureh- was proposed by Min Eleanor Correil. Dr. Steveons repiled. to this tost The eleçtion of officers then took Place for the year xintcen-thirty- tvo. The newly-appointed officers art as follows: PresjdentDr. Milîs. 'zecretary-Betty Wylie. Treasurcr-rýEleanor Correil. Vice-Prcsjdents-Florence Heard. I-aura ?eîlow. Marguerite Iýobbyn. M ildreti Price. Gordon NecBrlde. Edward Cormack. After the election of ofccr,5 Rc%. A. L Richards introduccd theget speaker. gev. Marison D)oyIe, spoke in a veryinteresting arine- ..n the work being dore hC11 Young PeopIe' Society in diftcicl,,: branches of our Dominion During the cvcnitrw girertinz, wcre brought liv Miss 1-en, salis- bury "- mA1monds Yonns Peoplces Societv and from Mr. S. Parrott c: the B.Y.P.. The banquet was brro'iRht tn- close by repcating the M:Zpahl Bc,!. Presbytenimn Sabba1.h Seluooî wIn be hcld on Tuaday evenirig ne.xt, »eceiber 22ad. at exht o'ciock. Etervbody «oMato the Piremen .s 'Il in %btby on-New Years Fi-c. Tis Year it wiil be buter rhan Mm-i P. N. Spratt. teacluer of sleging and piao-pupils prcoared f«r cmuM-cr b hircis or' eamination lwor.-IesimS.Kent Street- P. J uba.tcae lme Mdt aiuesithBroelc strect nord> Phnr 117W WbItbv% Thse aeaaT Obiqmai tres andi antartainent et the Saîratton Aria>' l b hol14on Monday ove- atn$. December Siat. Ailare uval- plan so hei> show your appreta- dion of Wbhtb9, iré fighîers bvl autedinc thetaul sai en New YearR.sobait. 8.JGomolgs il hini O Vol be $9 thé Tb" inov cot TTQav -the IGng9s HiKhway Christihas Eursions TIOKETIam0 >0011< D.oMibe 24t)4 25tb, 31* sud Janiiary 14t AND N DAM OPISSUS oNILY pa,. M 1.40 4M La. 4m . aesshni LXAVE TORONTO 3"nà- hSA . - .M. &MI5 5.5 g.mis* - OOCI AT i KTo pJC* WPAS. SU1GUs8 UOIAi LMNY Y (413>TOTUE Pelle, 1 Delep m IeD4*u,. f er, Bufalo, Nlagamra g! lui ern I T -OliFICERS I%STAILLEn The. foiiowlug are t"seno of.- fic ues't the loci al K eTaenp.- lar oritatioonSt.jothie! Alutome reePtonory, »,. 16.,cluly isatalleai on Dec. 141h. b>' m. KIL. U W. Dudley' and iugb Robtason: W. F. Itarden-P.P. W. M. JeraýYni-P. Y. T. Ilowoe-Coestuble. - 'rank Pctriasai atdt -abd Jus buo la pie ri The large a wek, (. tfons Cc gaines learned t'breadi: game.' ho held tili Jan The ON The heard -tc discuss-î even tht Sorne poned Io to atten Bill E Sons arc pocket wbich n year. John 1 that the Now jusi crs sav 1 bookkeel prophet peats in pay UV f Trou -! I I t. j 2 c we A' Atm L - -j' - i. 1- . W. Jý. MeBride. Iiisuranco-Fire. Auto:»obüek Accideat. Responuible ~E W U cmaiSt1 Palace Street. Whitby . lot;m Mtch, or Ge i ie st o "eh i 't x a duck,, a Roojiers. on Saturdav. Decemiber 26tb, at John Richards. Audley Road. àa one o'clock p.m.0_ No. 12 gauge shot guns used, Shls provided.. Âwtur W. Zýinds. tebober of ~ C g r àuugtng. Stdio Que block forth et Ail SaInWe Obarcl. centre St. AU 1braws, BacWeors, -Pulmcb, Marguerites, Tuck. Turkey Sboot: Tbirty turkeys TwnyPair Guinia iowL. Wm. W Commnacks. lot 34. Con. s. l C garette Satrda. Dc.19. àe1 Zcallbre riSs an>i 1rauje giins. G* -Packages of 50# 80 and 100. Amunuation supplied. Tb annual Christmas concert cf * Tobacco the laptist Sunday Sehoot %#ill be ,,. held on Tuesday. Dc, Z2nd, ini the l hih rpehf on is cburch auditoriumL Admissin alpon i childrcn under 14, 10c. Adu t 35c. W. ?etrie. Florfut. Flowers for Chocolatea a&l occasions. Brock Street South. Whlîby. Phone 41.Z. ~FouC7 bos sd vng n price front the kiddies' Shoot1 Match on Saturdav. Die - PCk. at 25C to $9.00. cember 19, at Gordon M4cLean'. Pikrn eahsdra . 2o 11' C C. MeBr2!de. rempresenta Iiie H*hw v afe lave in WVitby and district foi but, z 1 n v~ klit Assurance Co>. of Canada Phon 316 Whitby Phione 8t. The anualChristmas tree andl etrane t of St.- Andrc%%,U'sU ll$ U U$ S id 1 1

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