Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Dec 1931, p. 9

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PAGE NINE .fl4~ vq~IrrBy GAZETTE & cHRONICLE. I~1UR5DAY. DECEMBER 17, 1931' coniotive wheeis arc slip' siig tise rails corrects tIse ~Vhscss 'uts 6n4 yoUr$lf te d l~tti,. more Record. atl'ord l3cacon - Hcr~lst isow wlsy s-orne cows have I lcsok. Cud it be tisai ilIfliiIIi.2 ais the insnîoot- 'rotito Star. 1< OL t- RE ce ist iAT Iiuik ltc unit Cale1 IATES -*7 TTES I i 'n I Igi and ice'i roprietor e mas OR trImq~Inge. Mountainous Volume of Mcdl Being Han dled t scisimas is comitgu~ln fa-ct Ils 's-~ .s-rouud tise coruer, a-t lia-st - r thuse who are hoittunste onoughs i' la' able ta sentI presenîs ta. - ~sk bis otiser part; cf theEtltisis pire and foreigîs- count-ries. If 'osi 'do net believe il.. ssk tise staff f fie biritisis md foreigu brandi oh tht l'os-t hitTite i)tpaitmcflt. bocatcd tic sscphersc Buildbnsc -oh St. An- ~ic streci. iii Montreal \' lien ;~ 1, rcahized sisat 90 per cil oh suc mail <vo-m ail over Cas- .1. lcssmisedi'or isîber parts oh the Itri î~lî P.îss~.ire anîl aIl Loreigu touts- - rxccpt Japan and Cismna k re- -, t 1 anti dcspatchsed Irons Mots- - I. t w iii bsc mcm what a Eos-muîd- * 1.sk faces J. P. Rolsland. pris- i clCik~ ansi liii t,>~ ~ff when Cbrkîsnas rush le on. Tîsis sca- -. i l.c~iits ast or about Nosemiser - sol hîrgîsui ta due dow'ui about a t- il I.s5vr. Local Rush StasIs rets tise local Cliristunat ritals k c ~ssnîssg, to <rosit tise nistidie oh N -'.cmbrr until vlrtualiy tise day i fore Christmat tise stafi h work- I ta capaciîy. Extra vos-kers are. * i cossr~~-, crnployc'd dîss-iag titis perici. Wôrkets iii tise Bruis-h a-ni for. olgn brandi. wisetlser permanent or teuiporary, become wcll-versed hi geograplsy wlsiie atîes'sditsg to tissu tashi dtsring tise Cisrisuma-s ruais, Since tis.e ouI>. cassutries ta wisicbs thcy do not daspaîcit niai! are Ans'. traita, Japaît nnd Chmna. nisicis are deait wssis f rom Visncoîîvcr, tIse> soon breosise fuîniliar wiîls names sud places forgottesi vIses thsey kit sehool. Train. comung froîts ail directions spced tise mail ta M -~ ircosi, tise rna>ority oh tisu-m ans' stg un tise rnorning. TIse cacici arc loaded on ta trssckts and nîsheti i - il'- llritisit and forcigîs brandi fs-r qssîck son- ing assd dispatels. John Boyclsssk, a Lmuiss;sîsisn set- tier living ai L<>hs-ssrk. Aiberta. wisiîcs ta scsd a Chrktrrs~ii present oh ~ oais oh Canaduan o'- --canins b liii >-Ouisger ~.îster ils il'- <'1.1 Couis- try. I{as-'ing finI ss-cîsr'-<i tise issue- cas-ms, Rt tvraps tisent tirs n gatsdy paper, encloses thîbi ;-- kage lu sîuîiy brown papea, .s-ldrc-~sta ut c~refîslIv anti Jossrnev.' t~ tise pes~ o$Cc, Tisîs nc~cet'itaîc~. i-crhaps, a 15-mile drive. Tise Lobsdck jsosîo5cc <lumps tire pareel lu a mai sacle lu whlch are parcels deuîuned for tii patta oh the cautti. un4 loatis h ou board t train bound for Edmooton. Fitu liseur, aitet k bas gene îhrougk vidons 'tiRet cf traas.uhlpmeuî, ~,lt terives lu MootreaL .~ a~ To ti,. mark lu whlch Il arrives hure msy b. parcelufor si! the countries cf Rompe. h la tise bisa- mess cf tise Esitiais asîd horeign e UTY SIFOCAL taJoy sharp de., V~0U ami 1h. appmzaDc5 et geOCI w~h eolor tes. tavIgIbi. btfeuIs I F.E.Luk&Som 10840? Toep UL, Toe.u, ~ts 4~ Op~ SImpnrn~ brasoS toclaasUy tises.. parcel thora lu time to a train, visicis vil talc thens, to tise port frein wlitch a sisip Karope-boimi h salua. lu tise Britîsis sud forelgu brancis are sachs îaggcd for nearl~ever~ promitteut csty au tise wor d, wi tise exception of tîsose lis Australia md tise Orient. There are bagi lagged Moacow. U.S.S.R.. Paris France, Stavangerfiord, Norway- or visaI have yoU. London mail presenîs a problem. lite worid's urgeai cii7 la dwided, for Monîrcal sortlsig pmpOses, laito 14 dilltrent postai Jivisioni. Mais. cisester mail is spUl lu tu-o. There are othser dites w visicis tise pontai areas arc ,dividcd mb îwo or more. A colleetor oh Canadian stampa would <sud hirsiseif lu a phsilatclist" paradise vere he îo bc Ici boit us tise Britisis anti foreigss brantis. Huge tables packed 10 overflowing wuls vari-colored envelopet ContOin- iug Clîristusas carda, advei'tiaeflsezst&, St&temenf'$, buis an d a tis~usassd and aliter shingu would stare hum lis fisc face. lie mighît evesi Ise bit by a tisicis package oh lettes-s sskitfuhly theov-n f ions tht eortissg table :t5t0 a bag bv a postal workcr wlsose airu seldom <ails. cmrefsssfly Handed si~ Ca an 0f III a. 1932 Chevrolet Shows iviany Advancomenta Ht I SA i te i Ut pis a ho tii 'go us tIi This 1933 ch~vus4.t spodet sois.. t~pscaI oh tisa 100*18 JUsI pimittai te the public, shows Iba nov lias o1 b.u*y lia whlch tn diarsctulstlc. lb. dect et stream-liuhsg lsa<>tloed. ami a~c theuew 4. front ~ wltlt d.w~ la bs.d, imi.- ho plecelsumper, doubh tii-bar, diualbeas. In tise IowsspletwasIs shows tise lastusa- ,ha ment v>mu.1~ NU0 tii. hies - wbed4 - conj~êton. JI'Issuiaouu.edihst zcb.YYolet.,IglmêlazOpBrCUIt. I impli0e~ grrate~ hI paver aid tiser. ans auy eh whlch f. lb. oeshlsmllou et ub.de fer tise fnB ~e ta ~my musa ~thcrpccb$s~>roveuents, tise chiai misS tnasalulos wftis 'Ou ~ko~p Us -- 1932 Rogers for sparkling s Supèrhçhrodyne recep*bon 1. Rpgsrs' suprime achusvumol ~. Tii. lut word ~o mds~iwpoh~. oJ~m. redjo coo*ucUoo. b vv~U ~ng vusharpoea~s~gvKy...tgup lwaai WR!!LIW tisa aeoe1assgor,,q~. smcrnum. Aid voo 55 IbucJu*ch>s.~j lw~U SRîua~rw~ us SlIemî Symero. ta-pois eau gisif t dJ~ 's vitis case i.4 - 'Insu, wbeie.f iii" .Desceedla~sras~ IWssal ~N STYLIN< Lrfeatsses.csa~. s~Osr if ea 1wa~m5 Iewe4at mev a 10'horsepower car ratios sud 50<~ nues Pif ben~ i id. i~P, lu e...~Z Doo~ ~ ~d~i f4ywr.ntsed A/C ~ m.ds.k t~bwi bdl. )ourneylng insu uic parcele d~W >n, tise ~s>sîor wossld 'ic <-'ry neei'.abk 1>-pt uf package. Trssc~-v .d srssck, oh îhs-m, and a hssge pile shem beùsg rorîcd lis tht middle tIse rocsm. lit a huit ccll-I'kc tision oier tsi a curîser 1< tut iti- red <'artel division. 10 ivisicis par. îslar allention s paid. There la the registration diti~ion, sida 15 sucre orderly tisais the ecat tht dcpartmesus, tiser. bcbg l'o rgc bundies oh icucra anti pack- et iii evidence. lnsîead. ail tise gistcre<l mail i~ ncatlv '~îortd bu tic compartmenl%. 1<îse attuos- etc clicwiscrc, hscswever, k ont off mou orderly dis-aider. Oniy about a wcck rcma~ns be- re tise hast boat, leave italifax d Saint John and arrive un Eu- pe us duc for Chrisîbias. Dctweess cii aud uow Mr. Roishand and hie tif viii isave tiseir Isaistit fuiL if eryonc wbo la aeoâing Chrietmae dents ahroad ibis winîcr couid taictit on a PersQuali, conducted ur throiigh tise Briti~hs assd for. ~n bratsi:is bv- Mr. Rohsianti, îhcv seaN realize tise neccssity oh donsg 45 lbcir Qirisimas shopping md of a Switch ~o maoy artIcle. lu lb. gitt llst me day, aie de.crlbed a-s Vîcto. La. liaI not oas oh tise marvels oh i osaient hitebsa oaa corne us. j 1'tbat dueriptleu. If a Victortai nekespw lad lissa tolO et- tise s'very ueasber et lits famii~, Ila use et lbe grsst ~e.ut. povas-, le mot lissil -go i boumbskt, 7taut oh ail IsUIu.wh1*>m4.ltgisî t~ *VU7 boe- * tise h~. * ~SUaNO ami 115e 1Y lie bu ait iseatenu ami ara aSsied Sp i slesUletliy ou~ a-ad a Solde toi Rare pou tise 58 t gltt fer Il eosmtort ted a tsar wtm~! O~ ameleotuloalatfl Vise pr14 ~po~tt I gv~hopf~e1 Tisas. vise lii tisaI - wtt tStUe.gtevel WUM sot ha,. h. sbe eoahê Us OCosfwtbg bar Inss~s_ * ForSmhsiidR.qt roit R~~? 8I~ ftOOM~U houa.. Ah coa~'euteucs., gardon. Ce~tr, Streot Soutb. Âpply Mis. Toronto, <'r Mr. A. (J. !'rdwuung, Wbltby. 9'Oft JtENT....HOUSE ON B'fltON $1. N. oas blook flOrth et 11h. rary. ~li eouveuleuces. App~y 0.0. M. Rice, Whl tby. Ait~cIm Foe 5.1. PUR SALE BT TENDER-MYR- tis ChiireI~ shsd mi tt. by 33 fi. Tender closes Dec. 21.1. 1931. Partîculars tpply Thos. R. Prire. Myrti,, Ont. ~i'OR SALE- o'~ BLACK LADYS cuutis coût, Irisumsd with biaek fox fssr Iii good condition. Prie, *12.00. Sfio ~<, Mrs. E. Want.d F'Ufts WANTED -* HIUIIEST prîce r~ald for aIl kinda 0f raw furs i'hono SI Whltby or drop mo £ lino and i wiU eau. J. Stel n. Woek Wmntgd RADIO 8E~VlC~ SPECIÀLISTS. '~ Mfltrtsstesd lob ti modorato Charge, Consuk us wtt), tout id once. Repaît5 t@ ail ~tkos. 80.1. Arove Radio. 1540 Danfortis, To- lOflto. 36 Losi UJ$T.-.-SEVEN DIA~rOND CTXS- lOT TI.tig, set lu gol~l sud phatin. Ou. Reward for retOnnfÃŽss to Thoupson'. Service StMiou. Whltby. I-'bosse 193* There lu no unoaminessa lUt. not kisvwing how long yoisr gussis are golag to stay. C*aI. MftImAon ~AL I~.L. £ W.-F~, Dut i. 0 Blase.- oni lest jd.~ w..'. Dtp tai gesi Qua1k~. WImea esadp f., Blbve e.' oio o.a.. ~ Lorie Watches AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFr LgaI Nthgs P~QTICli O? DYeL&W By4aw I<Ã". 1800 A »T.LÂW OU' ?1I~ TOWN OU' WRIT»Y 10 AT3TRORIZE THE ISSUE AND SALE 0F' DEBEN- TURES TO ~AY THE COBT O? COZ48TRUf~TTON - 0F' TRE GItAN» TRU~!1C STREET BRIDGE. WIIEREÀI It lit oxpedielit 10 borrow lise uum OC Four Thons- sud Three ltuudred sud Fihty Dollars <*4,360.00) to pay for <ho coût or tise constrssetion 0f tise Grand Truok Street bridge lu tise Tovu oh Whftby. sud to isatie debentures for lise said sous of *4.350.00 sud tisai wlils Inter- est ihes-ston la tise umount ot tise debt lntendad to bo creaiod by thîs By-law. ANO WIIERE~A8 tise amount af Lise vise!, usiesisIe property oh tisci Muulelpalhty according 10 us. bai revtsed assesauleui roi! la $2.619,82. AN!> WHEREAS lise asisossut of- tise dobeoturo d~bi 0f tise Corpor- i ilion fi 1551,000.83 31~, pari of: tht' prIncipal or lutareat OC wislcls I la lus aricars. 11E 1? THEREF'ORE ENACT- EL' BT TEE MLNICIPAI, COR- 1><IRATION OU' TUE TOWN 0F W'IIITBY: I. For Iho pisrpose mentloned s'i ils., preumblo tisore chai! b. lsorrowesl on tho credit of tise Cofporstion tise usins of 54~35O ssnd debenturo. shah bo lsaued therofore on Lise insialment plan. 0f fiai lais tissu *50.00 oaci> wlsicls shah! hava coupons attacis- od tiserato for tise paymeui oh tise hist..resst. 3- Tise debeututous abahl ail boa-r lise came date. anti slsashh bo Is- sssed vitishi 15r0 peara aller Ils. <liste oit whslcls <hlm By-iaw la pais- M n~d may boar any date wsîlsiu cutis two years anti shah bear lus- tereai ai tise rats 0f tire per toutous per anîam payable yearly lu aunssal lustaluseut., of prhnel- pi! sud Inleresi duruug lb. Oh. te.sn joan isoxi after ils. date vison (bey sisal! be iassssed sud tise respective ameuuua payable lu <IuSeIS et sucis jean shah be as ait oui lu tise sehedule lsOi'oiînto an- ucacti sud forsssIn~ part cf Lisia By-l~v'. - 3 Tisa deisoniorea sud interoat eos pans shah b. elgned au4 ta- iw.Nl b>' tisa Mayor or sous 0115? I esrsou autisoelaed Sp ay-iaw le sigu muid 15500 tise aime aud shah! ibao ho cigusi by tise Treasurer sud tis. debeisiturea uSa-Il b. seal- vît), tise sêl oh tise Corpora- tion. 4. Durtug tise cunroucy eh tise de colores t bore ehaîl b. rs1se4 lu catis jese tise antouat oh tIse- Instaîment oh principal a-Bd lis- tcrost payable lu t-bal ~ear as est ont lu tise paId Scisedille borate anuoxed. S. Tise debeutares ,e~y ~*ntalu at~ jirovIsIon tOi ~lh, 4. lista Ey-llw sisal) tale OC. I fOOt OU U&ê 4y 0f tisebo?~sIua I souts te lsy tise-Zlectous, !i!A%8 34OT1O8~ titat 1h. fore'. I entua la a liai LOUV <su a uro. i TI1W51 flÇ SALE 0F LÂNbS FOR AIREARS CF TAXES - Teva et Whlthy-Cenaly ef Ont. Notice la hereby given that tise lista oh landa asow hable b ho muId foi as-rein or asseansuent oh taxes ns tise Taira ph Wisllby, bai been pi-eparci sud us betuig pîubiîsbed an su ativertsseusesrt bu lite Ouistiti (isenîto on tise I7îls, 24î1s md 31st <Ian oh Octoher anti lite 7tit day oh Novesssber, 1931. hi delaubi oh istynseut oh taxe, a-s shovu ou sutis liais on or lie- hors Mouiday~ tise 251h day oh la-lin- asy. 1932. st eheveis ccloek i5 tise 'forenoca. I sisphl aI tise raid disse asti ai tise Towu Hall, Whstby. pro- i cciii tome» hi piuitlit aisclion tise r sali bauds or sucis positon thereof as ,isaII b necessat>' b pay sncb incas-s. io«Otiser tise charges theroon. Co~ics oh s~cis adve:îisrssianî voeu application te tise ou or ihter- lis. 17Uz day oh Oclober. 1931. 10H14 R. FIIOSTI 2'owtt Treasîrer. Tus-vu Tncasnror's Office. Whitby Tins 141h day oh Octobor. 1931. ~U-w ~0UNTY 0V ONTAEIO TRASURItS SALI 0W LARDS FOR AIllAIS 0F TAXIS Notice 1, horsts-y gjyeu tisat tise liaI sut la-uic a-ew liais-la- ta h. sou I s-hall, aI îh~ catti hossu. ut - tise C 'tri Ilossise. Wlsiîls1-. Ossiarlo, h'>1tiir cees! ta s-tII by pisit ic auctbois. tise s-aid lainit, or ittels Isortiosis tis~@- oh as shah be neceîsary ta »ay s~lcb arrears. togeîlstr siltis tise chatites thercoîs. -- F..A. McKA~ Treasurer. Cossniy oh Ontt$o. TOW'SRW ABVEEW~ SALE QV LANI) POR ARIIEAR8 ~ 0F TAXES Notice la horsby givia litai tise Uit. 0f bauds nov- hable te b. seld - for tristes et taxes lu tisa Towu- ublp~ oh Eut Whitby lias bien turepaîsi sud lai be!ng publlghed III a-ê t4yeetla~moiit lit lise ~Ou- tarso Osseite upon tise lin. If Ils. litS ami 84111 dmys1h Ootob~ (optee 0f sucis lîsi o - a-dverllae. mont rua>' le bad upon tisa le sue. Ou detesaît og -~9ay~ luelit Oh taxes su ubovu O1is1$lhe sala 1181 ou or berore- $ot,~n~y, lite Suis dfty oh J~nflary, 1»~iju*~ 10 o'clock lu tise- liiorulug, I ~11 sI tise sali bout il Wwtuiat Senool proceei to soit by p~1k ,watlon tise sali labifi. -or c1~ portion tisanUof au eliahi lie gary te pa>' suais amers, tog et wttb tise charge. 'tisreoti.~ - 114Usd. ?reasurn, Towmablp : tisiliai 5101 *514 ~! 5 ip- fi sans attt Si [soies. ami by OCsc~rt. Thaltisa sha, 1 ~hs - - - * - TIIVO4LO'S F1851 £LtCTB*C RA1~<O su~y c.w.. Mais 0w' daty te oui' custoussers maltes us cnî>eet- ahty canotaI lu recommeudlug a watc'h for puecisa... W. flnd (ho ssew Loris' ttissehîc tise mail perfect vuteis meclsantMm issasule irseapecltto eh prlce. Thcy are beuutlrully ouctoasi-tadîca' Wstehes in dalnîy hasd cuared asies. Mou'. lii ,sandsuome, umtîsrdy cerne. whtch befit (beir diguity. >lodusately pslced ai $15.50, ~19.75 and $24.75 J M. Hicks I r. Osa Elgbwag enset eh Posî Office

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