giviog TO ski. On il, joui bere tbs' lobe% Oc 0 f tlie Chualls Wales, the owcn mrent of radio ocapeet ansi le equl 8 ln the serve youi n ' practical M lure de- la pramîsent in radio drié haves idesi la br«iogiot gru ess lechi once tn a better sinderit ha won- througiiuut tibl section. - irice i Ini ialing tilis'Reiaw er wih progreas we desie' te colo fi opr lid frai as une tisatIm a ietail.. mach la the social and, i dia er- lite of the periad by s' lic ne of ail most efficienit service andp ,baller- sily-o peratloc a. sébolIl connect- deveiaoiefll a(radioýo ne, ou have isieul sciences. prdutsandi provlisis country and. are in totich w cunners. pockersa ind ima tarersasnoweli aa grocer gracery buy in large quanities s 4 atter. are ube ta delivèr any qq -rvice In tram a umali order la a sosaec- or ir notice. rlug se. This irm bhas eqccsedf e led. causa ai a saussi busines nu UinesO Alough canservalivs, thé .l 10- agemnentofn iIbis usinie e prlve, qilck tla laIte u any Sw l releile wIîlî my improve IbirS ro&id to thir cusolomraà . Abovà è Ai oee4w tloiig eciao, îey linst upo; id. ae Ing tIsa dealers wha boy of luailtise conideratioo. 1 t ,yaa ai xilisu owneru ai Iiais vaut cc fride what lu thse secce oth ieà tf Cea. fot teir busines1 theywld sore, Iýkely asser you i na kn*j Srie, lbu0 1 taiel cared tor disriu- )f Or eOy r cap- MlIi t Iu- be whlie ter maleum Ibedo lY]1 o.f Icereamin lo Ais Terrîtery aft iff *Iabmatty Gy Terrt*y.-J. L. Beaton. Presideun a '"raiMena in a Publie Spirltesl Citizen of 1h. Ulghet.%ype aoid Eî Tisweilî-knowa cancers Il 1iliat se mauiy proillaceruare slip. eUs a01 th e ntprunsutîn I tm i lisge tlens daliv. 1 uctio> t. lanptlale iodern and licaoios dsiry productF Liii., ut-to-date lu every partIcular, planes an the market ooiy tise déia andesnt aen y thraugbout,. un beotlundairy produstu. pao- The baninets la cauductesi alog teuriiesi mii, Btter Mlk. Ctea- progressive inc andi we ore mairy Butter and tse fanions gepud ta **y it lu a grea redIt Canotry Club ceu Creum-avall. &0 the cemmully. zible t rour gracer or -'il Llede. Titi' serve thse pubicIn a duel lveu'ed b osur home. IEurly eeuaally for oaeay tarmer udnsionrnîne dlivery 1is.aJl parts at ud& praduceutaaip Iheir l ite iy lu a 8.upl eut-teotora »dcau ta tlii. aU kuows und ibeir ersice. A4*p"dellvUer Y uaeg. Tis meava sssa ervieis luanlIiiae £orthc e 1Z th'se gPIsaClUa Whicis Ihey c' oveoloce t cuetanscra, ifye bave .UaWW aIfor eaalîty and nceesdetrmilhl. butter. .'u'an% nr ,eevioe. Tist 1e & hanse 0oed ni'rr,,ns duriug tisa day. ele fiÉ* td itls lie intereal ai phae Ta boe 34 çunty t heurt and pTheir psteuriuad icaldesi mutk Iteulb tud re»-the ceaaedera- andsi1 crupmry butter', fireul but- U~k~~ ~MteaSsiailislk trmîlli and Otag e oare 1!-e. t a1îaîoibW_ T1ia bu- 1er =oc do kyu.i "". auly 851*k '4Just »gjb, ing andi iu pend iul] for liselrsi famniles. euecy part loua recain iilik, becui tiye andi ii .uT, er ai dairi' proi 0t tiehavi iselamn ta ec-nc anen At fluba liuolar mel ut thiela-di ict Creamn. et lire crean ;ýundnbuo kc rraan ,leernesitI île. Coust] d*ean Ua 9eta caneg Brutaid A t ibîl apalo 501 ud m nii appc 1erÊ kt~