Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Mar 1931, p. 6

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THEW - -- ~I rh D "o I Eut juil 'Ire' litE!. .41v "Y wmt wm aisebem s h .re4p6ter uendcmade.cb leM ...,*. 13SIb Visme'. rhiuusm t. andthe<b.children'a cougingan ex. ly. h màl wa n;hey8»ttlmb cuse for uuovng itimmli acrosa the diroS amWadCss*uk halL Botb cribi were put in Cassys day, *Da'. vwim, laahswp Oue glorious Febrnar>' Saturday, at tu L. à" .wba hmI..-s-ltiving<the housse mlter brtakfast Dan "C the . b Vmv.s ma" Se atopped&uinitheyard. Margaret and lttet t..SI. omism n Dda N's Toimuy veto racang about, iad vftb aboui 5f soL* ' dhmu lse ferDuos. wmrmth and spuing sveetnueamanduJ s - -ày 55 amb&, er0-Mabfreedon; Catayr liad a battered& darkUf h.Vwee, hdu sta ail Pa<u an beh aut; $bcwuasstOop- tired UMM ý MN Ï aulgbbooebus .uFte Scatter uuaxed mcii d dtour YO« ass Jprmi laI hspI' zulk and brdbtoaàflufy groap of nigl ie uA tdr es m baby cbickeus. uit ssete., <b. m id .ou Sms l'ea- Wuicc gome ncyesteuday," Dan to hi - ie .ad lo ua M d Dms am tiCd ibrupily. "B raimu., etboL' b.f1 d Csisy iooked up quickly. Thon beruiuhal Ipwo hu " ti*ih w" face barded& aud te logked away panst ber e D *9 tbrouugh narroved lids, ber'.b.ovcm "Fr "t seerp thin baud st&M autooaticanlustter- mmdi j«,4 hwfth a ingte dauep meaL .s wm eba tiesshe et.Ia smbw *lt UN teeber t<dzy," Dan m a"in L BNape-m.'Das Cntu t dogemy. >'v, rat ' - b oii<fue. Site shugged, and tunade no anaver. te thi je es)e ms h MYss f uhave no obectin---»the " ose% býesmais.hlg -A 01a ad"ed.divor *'wouid es à". *What objection Could posbly Iight Dmn Mud Dm".. W se»toe ae " Bu 'eh Iïwlt,«b«,sm* uely. A silence Then Dan said, with a la mesy falltise mid . et 0 1s1oro!forccd PolitÇnest, 'Woiuld you _N je. m uss...Dine cire te go?" buer eý lait."l'd ratier sot!r' te tasnincred. the cl qy sea» the naeur «M suddul oked vitit tht uinvelcorne "S tomas <bat verc alWaye ie aribusit, t'ulff - o.'ready te overehelin ber. OUSly, SIXTEKM NTI JSTNUMT She ssood lookrieg ait«r luun, as he Who1 tried t. e ac tful, 1tried te -be vont 8ay. -N 0dy UIt Iged t i miebow. Al day lon&. ail thr-ongh the Du a- éte le ù 0DI& dt u1t . t'tublit Perfecthauts that br-ought face. - <ho vamtuatn sd <1ev snd cm-onu-utheearly western sprtng. shc shookL' "Ca -,ci ber, draig"oniby vereth ni er rageand buttruesà. Fuir-y tit >d s hy ot teat.mtl dtre -hor te and fre, frm in Sfk ta vouk o?. gueine,reloped in a t table, tue ifstovo te deoryard, like à bave cete air <Lat set .f her dUik vin40os1sh. D mont eYes sud fair bair te' pmrec- "ýSies pourutg hlmn tes ecw-euilv- "«"e adi Dan ou a hassoclu et ber er and crysta--ud lovers, end talk- "011 et 4n about, vitet theyve both btenul vity vsail up-ste toui<ht, odurlug-<tey hart no rigt-tiey"-e *Si »heJoýkodavEu! aI di. have no rigitite do îhi" for au a*M4 l'cogud't <et a word eous That n!qitt94sitre d reselutety, "Sa -à' "N-ov Wle Dulce rr Ont t h.. feits. tù i.dy D m d - Oitfinel'" Dan m ueed, toc utal- quiet!. i' hie t<u i an sd off 'titsu ully. .me th ýieï"1sp~-bàre ber ied out." Did she bav'.a ndc. trie, am 1 111t he WYOnt reuesufeels "Sit ue d <ad.te get Lecir,» yor ThatvasaU.L3ter Cu" beard fl f ors ot. But of coum s. hâtOsnlnas be ndreud îu bà<tean] NIe.rus, Eusuuy £blaeie -_O-rame a*cross di. hall. Wbile thed@t-t kW,at thevÎf84!,ai f yo"uCoQuldv arraning a sheet o«« Mat. M1 19 Frils -what I-try tg -think, Dolce. "Do't Mis cite rneo4lhtc, y. 01tii tMprstf,'Su-ppose t'w» Cas" Te.a lok frona ycur vaudo', letsmm IdIt.yeu oîu Il casecougbed Margaret. Md ah.lened ofiun t 1kas wail. of a,5l00p chli, Cop Mt Il tlPtt'heu lisrtete.a. devu' lit boce eMY ,Owoàeart. mothra.~ Cuii ~ ~ ~ r Mo's50 uu t.ueusi>' 1Af O1et ý ban vas usu ely er YO"r $0*u#tou* Afer thý4Dlaim hoawt p C"Ite ?faighî iterngu ba ~, ~ami CasaY gew aCCINSIoeed Miv- ur Jugt4 - MWsiwvfh heu otiw and! u s~ ~. -. sue elim.-çma'n.,i " t4WýeaqFjs re.aig nov Ma numer -s f. 1: 14A 8 if dss f uaagé i tte C adur.ort u8tr (on go back 40 Dulce," ste, *ùd 1>',, unemoualy, -and Ltl i sent yu and ibat 1, mpefe "Ppy Dt iL YOU Can g«-ta rce any day ySn lie, D)an-ýtoi-. iygu liket1"I ,dropped his banda, snd stanrd U or. ýauey. ke said ai ter a whulea eboarscly, 'hiave yo-J thouhî ut i? is-ts- that thet thior tdo ?" )o yon îhink 1 want 3-ou if yoe're Jof mne?» ah. demanded. "Do thinu I li-le te bc mloe bre, st aiter night, whulo you're UP iber, at La Lounita, making lov ut you-you would ho mriserably appyi drvorced," b. said, after a mu not %ery happy now," abecte - ced binu, qwickly. >be-" he was avoiding Dult-s' e- she àu aliys talkïig about aCssy. It just breaks heu litart iink of )-ou being &ad cvu tus. shoiddn't be sad at mil oves a rce,» Cassy assured hizn, in a lihard tone. ýut yorx'c aIwaye taLked-you'vo Vhy," she said, ber 1'oic shakig, eyes resolutely smiling. ulI'd have chidren, and mara-" 0 that your flie wOuldn't be it cd?" bc asked, doubtfuily. amx-i. r, % th teblindnets of the man loves another worrz.aa Lu Bat pondcrng a scovrl on bas ats," he said presenth. "'if me- elîke ibis hadn*t happeueu. 1< Mach b d have kflled ber. Or site vo Id cancelle killcd hef r m ulCe ?" PueaIe. es. She blancs lberseli. terr'bly." c"as i., wby stc>uld she?1" C asa jak- bad i 0liîely. lHe Saw r.othing. . DuJr7 lr ste dots. She never carei ting in my one before." or son Bu'u o Me told mne-" Cassy rose. 'ust Laht. thing,» ste ad Steadily, ln a A ulu y Couiversatiooal r-oice. "Spart pi.>' iu îe details. Go now, Da%, todmy, the. u let me kuow whore yen vaut Mr.i things sent Tomro atalk te your lawyer. 111 mgre uMMM lything you think buet- But Adu --don't tbink voS have te - es« upergvI gpolegise <o nie. 1ne vn«« j« t«Ash ,t o« agaitu. aftor you valk ot Br«olhl e orIPerhaps 111 canemgnlty tine, ,auid wuaut to see you-I ari 1mev. But unlets i1do. spare foM W Cence. Spare me-Dute.. vin lJ (.ba t0eiam A ui Vreth 19-33 liv Ka.'McCuIMou-is have be my have be« u auferug trou 'ye lem. 1 L~~~~ UBlS'àâ5 hih IGGAR E. MUNRfo: Promotind rEaeaCa" ud1r io esen Cam*d lles. w.I1kuov adusfoma Y.avePam have b.. om uced ha s0» off the larausid otsoeuhl ui and mualw sr.oîmauamIsee~ CaaM ad ue tluuIqaUIdt dimet t6a ewWecghu. amof deuuopln t6 .busiueuiof ii.rt6 . u mu" l a ussifuom a seeoui ose 9eà bkwhIcW" 0» be eariced os s mur swombeouts-luti.0 irZ, better titan having ail train,% by Junior andi 8onlor Classes, al- md. go Aduit Bible Clams- Lecordian eoue epideunle of flui ut solo. lfltrUuintalg, dialogule andi ent juiL ui@w, and ln mox t due"a. Aler the concert. wair ( ver tNOfe wbO ame ndisposed have auctioueer WUS. M&lr, Was esieul m bleeda with 11. Lo the Plattouxu sud auctionej o« 7farmnera baye been busy t- the boxes.. Tbe boxeg vero very their lce suppIy wbich JoZ. colertut and stracetive li sbapps. tas. ha ve beet ut un i atMud Lunch walso 0serv'ej by tht ladis- e uaday Ochool vau utiber from ber, at*ended the very pleaeed to have Mr. Mav andi i hbunu on Tuesday uuight, mnoied a hogny Vote oft tanksas ail good.tire beingrPo e o dded lunc ut AJOYrent «) tho and Mum.Hanry tlooke, o!.veDiagu eýntort*iument. The pro- Os speut the. week-end iL thie oeds amouuted te aveu $6c,00.. xboue ber,.Mr. And Mrc. -Ralpb Bommer sCero tournment wider thé. ville aud ftaly. Shirley. v mie of IMemm s.Fred O'Boyle, Smuday <igtS a t the homo et Mu.- bMn, Mid ' 111 Heron, oi Caulés favï lJa b b. eld i he bCer.m- l issset ?i.rsou Toronto, -vas ll on Miouday mvnlnt, a wfek-euid <'et of ber parents, tJ, îes champion Player Mur. and Mus. Prod Flose. Putb7, Bréoklin and Ashbun 311"IssUal 88 Mr. Fraguk Grose tmtte compete ~ itIùs of Torontto, voeeveok-gnd gUUUt ; PUY.ettheir parmfi.. Mr. audj161m . Unber 01 the sebool chdre J. Gros&o. «ns conftued wtotebe Mu. Bort.EtheuIeY, of Toronto, the. week wth sevexcoLis.W%%&5 a ameVtit wlth fiuja Mis Msry 'Wale, !tOsavaw, RA(~JAN vas a veek4Bd "est o! ber tnteu, Xr. Orvifle Lue. box rWut a nd t4nveaiu< «ýOsha a . *ur. W eh-.U4 Week-enid <'Ost ot ber perai. M. ad Mrs. A. miner. Mr. and Mms JobniIItuion and sou, Roild of Cieltaae r. week-end <lests o! thideparenu M4r. Ostoode Qumnhstou -vasu Sonday gUtof hs l& iter. J. Stark. ila Eulleld. MiD4 wi1uurs »ad Mr. loyd ilngsun, orato. ver. week-end guesta ef tb.Iottev'spar- ents, Mr. aund. Noý mer Mugit- sua..- Um St BellaDrbng, e ou siva. va seeken4<mut0* iippar- Mu nsd bmis. I<Otu and unio Roal. C s ý ,wermuOàdai guta Mr. "& bim .M. (Cook. lut their pouw r 4tým, "Wit- .4-A Witt.#~ s. uii. Andemsn luNit ytie *Iharc . ue. day event«n. Mri I uad#u tbe auspicwes ofg .o pie'. Luiaue. !hbtadî*m<lta Worth ielog '&gain, 80 èqm #r$m au"d oI*n Iii.erwi. Mw*ioo vI»I be*Isq.J T ih . u a a r t e S 4 g . w . ~ rBp iiacot Tii. Oxord 'croup m'ovemoat la Steadily galulug<round. - A meet- tag uWas bld s hort turne ago -lu htli.OU Wetminsiter Schoal, LOld(u. uLt. beau re»fatb tram r k Thé 'chair vas occupled LbOSOe prUmL veus Dr. Douglas. vommlm!MUknovu Congregationai minister attii he Ubuuy Quadrant Ciiureb. tauj Sir £ran fSpicer. Two Of the speakers yeïea son of the Bsiop et Ranlkov, ad anther tout of the Bibop -cf Newark M . "..) The-. vork la South Africa vas -rePorted on by Dr. Brookes, ~al Ik &IrW. Jackso M" cst 34Whtby Real Estate. @s *My Laiftfbook- tuge - Choite propos" lies 1 . ai&Uparts of the Ammr W. Jackson POMM 33s 5, - VE- L r4 1, ~ " Wii hmi AXyp t' o b t' i..' 010 coke. BsS« on the rMarket. James Sawdon immd by t"s coupuy clou sie "Ue po gieul t.plhold"nesI L. W. DUDLE r~7 utmie, use. Iti4u Id liat.'ta to o nie tle omlyi.ld<~as> tht h.had inet ate OaIil nbuiesht ho fliut 4.>'-,'li- aaouoa.d Dulcc's de. sm Iu«~lneesteqltwflDn vomt-,d«mvtethe h. te 1 mice y dtu"",Calv-rn - -- -m ochec -'s' *Uuw &a sas Uu U8Wf%0 bd -quit*. - T vu "s atumto tu 'Wad~wo ('tsg dooewn e l*7 an'ais dt*.c ÏtOd-l9sg ehIMt et a ~guud ier f~ sMÊi * gp~iek.Pm4ai vilady haej as 1 ausi'a a.ed j i W Ifeba o t" lie 1,k 1r,.em . 'I i Yoe M Yom Imm tai; w awias1 ait bei..a*sy1e, v . >sfsat di, 4mt '*ouh,$ 'MelisI spsoti ie, t ftherevtt lea feupmy~4. e u ~t inuksé neat.la~'sqe mutse. massmet ta s.ij pIai viLla cum eur oea~mint RoFr.-~LOtt IL, IL Mev-i ha purebamd -Waltcr et, dav*Wt. Sda - Sktbi.ld Iffl WOU for n»C» temu,s"4*m lièv* bft Os. theft, . ï es ~ 8~ u an ~la mauga ~ Di~ Ic, cas frr mol hi." lic usWwgg ~ 5 b -i f4 -ci j' t - 'i c sas * KA»e' mu ao r4 #0 id tbat-country fh '1827iithe ceàe U ben~akn.upwitt wondwefl eulit. Tii. movement bas spread ts Germaaypk- UOm' leSt 000 coulblu coi» empli. Fsom m- fW MoreDé L a'W.OSa, in Coke - Two. Si:.. R. COLDRING PORT WH1TD Phono 70 AYwiMACITECOAL .L.&W.-For BosS and bouS p4cs. Dry and <ccd Q"!ty Sue. lroady for etov use* ~- >me 1 S, MISS lusmeek »c Men' :reg-ulai Misg fpent: Parent.i "P "'Toront, M' Mrs. A -have b sister, .,Mr. 'aeeki iof Osi 1Spent Spear' Misi tIse we ýronto, -home* !ln To: 'cousin Thed in thé On" ~Mr M6icabrnma lSe Of .co ane pm.. &ka, of ml - 1-icak.producs. To direc t6i. n.w andealre at liesm of the. u»w tye ius m and lectrica ameq. th. Canadin WeeekglaosmCou pauy 4" .secured mand, mnnm s "pouuast off thes foilIwg, J ., à&.I MJ. P. Rqsu u eofS ý 1 P. ItEGAN H. Be

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