Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Sep 1930, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR WHITBY GAZMEEAMi)CHRO)r'ICLEF, TJg1,5AY, 5EFrEMlit. il1, 193U Riley's VToffee 6 tasimply delicious. We have a shipment juat in from England. 59e per lb. E. De* -OdIum DRUGGIST and STATriONER BrocIc St. South Phone 184 Wbitby The Week in Whiby[ Rose"""î the dIate -October 24th for the' anrual Chieken Ilie Supper held unider the auspice> of the %Vomnans Association of the' United Church. Have you trïed our bran muffiti'! r'hey are healthful and ta.,t\. Phone Luke's, 427W. Mr. and Mis. C. 11, Fenton, oif Fort William, who have been visiting her si.ter, 1r.s. L.. W. F)udleý, havet retu metihome. Foliow the ci-o%,.d to Irînes slon Wetine.sd(aN, Sept. l-th.à Rcv. M. E. Sexsith, of South- ampton, formcrly of Whîtby, spent a few dayii in toAri this meek %%ith friends.t St. Aîdî' '- aIs' Aail] hoid a sdle of home caokîng in tise Cosîn- cil Chatnber oin l-rida\., Sept. 26tb, aI, 3 p.i Il-csJean and Ibuto IRobertson,1 of Taonto, formeriy of Whitby, who completedthein course in the Tonon- to Normal School, are non' on tise Occasianal staff of theTo ronto Board of Etiucation. They> spent the wveek end waith frienda lin Whitby. Miss Ruth Spa]], of Toronta, spenî tise week end wîth Miss Helitha Vanstone, Brock street ,south, and attended the Oke-Greene wedding on Satunday. Do you 'ant a deiicioua cake fan the week end? Phonp Luke's, 427W. Mns. J. E. Stann, of Vancouv'er, B. C., spcst the' ssek end at thse "Mante,"the guc.ýtIcf Mr. aud Mr,,a. Rer. bMm. Witbers, of Saskatoon, who was holidsaing in Toronto, oc- cupied the pulpit ju AUl Saints' Chunch on Sunay lait. The' Daughters tof England ilîl hold -a cuchre on Monda>- esening, Sept. 151h. Everybody welcome. Membens please note there 'aI be no Yreshment. Rensenîber lisnes' funniture sale on Wednesday next, Sept. 17th. F. 1. Beecrott, welI known local dealer in lumber, bas juat delivered ivo cars cf titubera to the Taudolph- McDouald Construction Comnpan>-t Port Wh&'itby. The' timbers are ta be used in the reconstruction e- the' breakwaten, for which the construc- tion company hav'e nt'civcd tht con- tract. Corne and hava afiernoon tes in the Council Chamben, on Sept. 26, served, b>- St. Andrews Ladies' Aid. Res'. Dr. H. H, Bingîsam, o eta. aury, wlso hag'neceiveda unanînsous invitation te occupy the pulpit et Waluser 11usd Baptiat Cisurch, To- rentinl a fornmer paston cf thse Wisiiby Baptist Churcb. Dr. Bing. hu s 'adIkuovu luib is vicinity. and bie retun Iethe EFarît isn nted1 sis pleasure b>' a widt, circle ocf frieuds here. WOIUE'S INSIlTU Tise Sepiember meeting cf tkeý WWonin'mIntitut. vil! be helti at -tie home ot Miss Ethel Fletchser, Ityren St. nonth, on Frlday sten. -soon, Sept. luth, aitiisree e'eleck. it jis hopetl then. vili ho a large et. teadause Wholà Tour. BRIDGE PARTY SEPT 1tti The Geunty of Ontaro Old Girls wili hold a progressive bridge at tise homne eofira. Carruthers, Dundas St. West, on Wednesdai, Sqpt-l7IM, at s p..Admissionl 6Oc. Rayera pleast bning carda. As the Old Girls pur- pose erectisig a sii.nOrl.t% gpole i n the' near future yull tise ladies and gentlemen of tise tesu endeavor l.o be presetit andi heip make tlîis party a huge success. W. C. T. UJ The regular meeting of the. w.C. TU. -ill be held in thse public lib-- ary on Tueaday, Sept. i6tis, at 3.30 p.ns. Every memer is15ged te, be present to help plan wo*l for the' 0. L. C. OPENS FOR FALL TERNI W'ith a large enrolîment for tht! ensuing yeux, the Ontalie Ladies College re-opened for auctier year on T'uuday, vsichcseornemneed ijU 57th academic year, witk Rev. Dr. C. R. Caracallen and a competent staff of eachers in charge. Projpecî.ý are bigisI for anotiser verysucs fui terni in the hlstery of theyrol. With the enrolnent not yet corn- pir'te, it is antl.icfated tisatishe col- iege wili la taxed te it capaclty for the' nipe mentis term. As isas bei'n the' case in years pasI, thse cWleî'- viii be unable ta take care of ai: thoFe %who wish ta talle advantage r, ths- e,\cpllefli course of training aý forded by the' institution. Studert, tram nail Parts of Canada and ii)r United States are Vo b. tound in w tendance each year. %l'O)LOGY T-0 BILL RUDDI We '-tincemely regret that in 'ir i'Port n asat issue of the membei- of Whitby Tennis Club Who hati par- licipated in the' gaines of tht' On tario League and won group honor' for Whitby, tht' namne ofBilt Rudciv %%a> inadvertently omitted. '4Bill". is one of Whitby'15 chief "raLcketeer,'ý and athough he and hi&a "opponént extraordinnmy" lan Davey, have not been heard as freq»ently at the local courts Ibiq yeaff Billvas able tii accompany the local satelite.s to Iiclle-vilic on Saturday, and put up s i. ili Kamse -t heni one cf te at-ber Leaizue teama piayed here earl>- in the summer. CHECKERS ARE MOVINt;- k-e'rý Tupsday and Fniday ev.,n- ing at the Guti Club practice games- are played and problema explained. Alil Checkerists in Whitby and vicin- îty are motuested to attend and pre- pare for tbe local tourney %%hîich bhouid begin about Oct. lst. 1{aînilttn hais asked for thse nrx* Provincial tourney about next Easter ani it m ili1 liléely be held there. The next Dominion teurney %' ill he held in Toronto in 1932. Playeris would do weil te watch the' dailv cheeker problems ini the Toron- to Star and- try te solve thero befnrr the proper solution is. mceived. V. oU. N. HOLD MEUTI Avery interesting inetînq eL Use V'.O.N. was held on Monday sfter- noon in the Uibrary Chambens. It wax the firai nWeting sinec June, and M"as ( uite encouraspng in its nature. May of thse ladies *were back frem thse summer vacation per- î>d, ready te a e up the' cric vitb rsnewsid 'gor after the' holiday au-. àson. The question of an afternooi tea and home coeking icale wax dia cuiîged and it "ap derîiged to hold tie sale on Friday, Ort. 3rd, under au.- pices of thse Samaritan C'oimîttes. It is hoped that a rndl-y numober will c'ontribute te tht' sle anîd hep in every waN possibl, to rnake ît a sucresa. It is e.xpected that tiser 'a iii b. heiv)> demanda on tisat par. ticular branch ef the worlc thi S yea. migg Patteen. V.O.N. nur-~ for the district, gave a ver>' înterehun r r- port, Showing that the nîýonth Of August had Iseeri a partît-ulari% bnsy ont in ber work. Riss Paur.niion va- parted tisai aelssd imade mariv t&ll durint the auminer mnanh% Weddings I CiAL.BRA lrH -àlc.*;E- At WhIt. onSept- t. Gh. 1930. 6> Rk«. John [.îndxây. helen <'rnrIý niece of Mr. and'Mra. 11-mc)fer te John (Galbraith. or' Burwaad jOnt. niaed ut WhlL6y. Ont, on Saturdai' Septereben êIb. 19~30, uIt the hem of -Mr. andtI r*. iRobt . liet. et-V sim« etosuil'Sahen tisit ass HellenCurnmvn. awut Ut in W =ageto Mv. Johu G&Ibruîih, ef $0. saab. Ont. John lndsay, Pb> ter of St. Kurewào Pre* Chnwh, efflelaUns. Thsebr glv.iîtu tmark4g, y b«t nr>* MW looet esamniv l aloa ew viste geeru«tt, faa*OM I~ ceaS IW s.sui a yoke amd or ehaaiuýly tacs. nPr va ofet ssci rihty embite r tu4pm in.j u I aide wiîh clusters of orange blos-1 "MFn. She aisa voet a strink -of peaIs. tht' g'ft of tht' groom, and carried a largP bouqjuet cf Sweet- Y-art rut-et. Mi!zs Mary Hutton. of Toronte. a. i i idesm-naid, wore a beau- îjfu! gono of Madonna blue crepe, N%îth gzrs'y bat and shees, and car- ried Amemican Beauty roses. Tht' long veil of the bride was guided by her cousin, litile Mliss Margaret Mc- Net', of Detraut. who was dressed in yeliow satin. The groom sras ai- tended by Mn. F. Magreive. cf lt- by. The livingr room was tastefully decorated with ferns, asters ansd tali giadioli. Following the cerenseny a buffet luncheon wa.- senveti, aiter which the happy couple left on a motar trip ta Niagara Falls and De- trait, the' bride travelling ini a g"en suit with bat and shees ta match. On their return they wili ne-side in Bunvas&-h. Ont. <iii -GREEN Ej Ont' of tht'prettiest vedinga ef the' beason in Whitby teck place on Saturday afienoon in the' United Churcis, vien Helen Marjcry Lu- cille, daugbten of Allant W. Greene and tht' tale irb. Gre-ene, becanse the bride of Mn. George Etivant Oke, eidler :on of Mr. andli ns. R& G. Oke, cf Whiîb'. Tise bride, sho vas gis-en in marriage b>- her fal.ber, was chamusngi' 'aed in visite trans- p arent v-evet, tnimusedti a-tsilver. Hen long tulle vt'il wa-n arranged wiith orange blosomisud pealns, sud she carried a eshower bouquet of Opselia ro.ses, maidenhair fernansd vaIl.>- Iilies. Her ouI>- ornarnent vas a nope cf pearls. Tht' bnide's ivo at- tendants, Missei; Helen Lucas anti Helitisa Vanisione. 'acre faebionabiy trocked iu green sud orchid, =ci ensemble coniplet-e ibrougisout witis alsoes snd piture hâts te match thse govus, ansd tise>-c.srnlsd bouquets et Talisman roes>, gypsophila snd fera. Tise bridaI procession proceodeti don-n the' aisýe of the' churcs, "hich n'as manketi off 'a us white rib- bons, 'ahile Mre. Vernon Rowe pro.. sided at tise orgasi piayiag the weti- ding mareh f ron Lohengnln." Tise groons 'a-asattensteti byMr. Ted Baraut. of Montreal. Ti s ahers' vert' Messm umet Oke andi tucien Mlichaud. Durnu tihe siguslng of the rei sten eMn. Stuart AI r r sang "(ýdHats Madle Two ansa One." Aften tht' Srenzy 'tise g'uest.a. nurnbenin about uluet>-, veut ta spruee Villa Inn. n here tise %eception sas helti, Rèrewiag itis tise bride sud groom weneth ie brides susi,, li. 1'sid Vandenvuooni ef Oshawa'an sd lins.R.. C.Oke. ef 'Wh.îby, inciSer of thse groôom. Mm- Oi, wo- nas-y bitte andi sauti eýomg- cite, 'ahile Mmi Vanders'oor>t nore a aroa'a of dhlia chiffoin, snd betis vers corsage bouquets of *saulam st Pinks rosm .Tise toa tai.tise bride W» pre>oseel by lRem,.A. t.Lu-I soa9, B.,. hiseofficitt*ed at thse cs-e- mn. After tise luscbeoss. the happy CQ;lett on a meon rtript s théa Bt*,>. Thse bride *as aai> stUrOetIn A na usavbive asdti'rey os- smle amt i etise reoms,rît, a pt;imilfox ts.ur. On tiseîr va- ftutsMr. asud xins.Oke viii usabu tior haý nseuslîkAu ot,Qai. iai în WesIslu vse.h e bths SrOom aiets-ery tarer- ter a hapy 7 (tar ow. Âmêe Utvkse Mt sàd? Il v %W art* DIED HARBRON-At Lot 6, Cou. 7, Pick,. ering Tp., on Wednesday, Sept- 12tb. 1930, Frederick Harbren, be- loved husband of May- Tripp, in bis 65th year. Tht' funeral wili take place trous bis laie re.-ldence on Friday, Sept. l2tb. Ser-vice at the house at 2.30 (qtandard urne). Interment in Salem Cemeter>-. Pirard are spending a holiday lu Tnonto and will attend the Exhi- Mr. Js Harding and NMr. S. J. Wnolrldge spent Friday ln Tot- Nir. and INIrs. Sutherland ef %Voedstock. Who have been sin- ln& al, the home ef Mr. sud Mm,. J_ Hardin.g. returned home ou Fi- dav after a plessant holiday. Mm. W. Keen w-as lu Toronto on Sundmy. Miss NtarJorte Mitchell la viaIt- Ing relatives ln Toronto. The mouthl'r meeting et the WO- uIen's Association viii Se held at the homne of %fns. Geo. Clemeuts oun Wedxiesday aftrnoon. Septens- lier lICth. A tuil attendance la r.- qucîted. Mtiss Lottlee Mark snd Mr. Steve Perkines were isitnfs ai tise homse of Mn. and lMm. H. Eaglsou. on Sunday. Miss Armstrong. et Bowisan- ville. annived on Tuesday te tako ap bem duntiez as teacher for the contint terni. Mr. and Mmra.Adanm Wallâce and iàsrilv. of Toronto, vuiied tihe lat- ter'& parents. Mr. sud Mmi. C. W. MNoon on Idonday. Mr. sud lirs. Howard Couch, of Oshava. vislted relatives over the week-end. MANCHESTER Manchester. Sept. r.Mmasd Mn.i. Howard Latub and mon Bob- bie. Mni. Rusell Lamb, Mrn. andi ,Mri. Charles lAmb sud fauslly, of Lindsay. apent Sunday at tise homej ef NIr. and Mmns.Frank Lambs. Nm Fred La5mb sud lMr. Eanl Mitchell. rnotoned te Toronto lait veoek. NIr. WaIeer Crositr. ot Toment o. isaî tise bollday vitb it lmparents, Xr. and lirs. W. Croien. Ovin; te Infantile panalyshs iuay ehools art net yetot Oieod atten tiehe lidaya. but -tise puplae boe stanted baek after a tory pleasant holiday anisal are rsady for a falthfiîl Years verk.. lia lmeue Spoliard, of Oresnbank, la t cacher. îrday et thse homsetrMr,,ad Mns Ile~sr ai Stouffll.. Mias nee- on spetste 1055e shontly for ber .Iss PoarsnofsetOshaw'a. riait- cd a fov dalya at lt-*boumetofis. Please to **0st' M. 'rester on duty aain fi sera tcw dai> . Mr and Mlr# T. Johiatonver*' le Toronto for a fev day. lista li" s Edia a MKes 4 la Iitns feo' a fe, days At tise hem.etofMr. spd ~ ~ ~ o lr.veaetftagblau Mr. stresS 1tati*lai*lewI>u vitis tie ibrutos ataiW$it Cre- srl#rs bar*srmtly "ud bre» a bous In bila bldsfAt proits ho to Ustas a ail08 but ltgalitato be Mt. PloMW4te W*a. l oba moer esqt m* th"afie ifaut sousvos%*s *W J..£5 oiZ Moue, IMu ai mn Ifddd 04'famil _Mr ÎÏ4 3M 0 Dstu **84 *0 ty «c Mth.»MO Otts ,54 8.tIS versla 1 nst Mo am> s T$.- Mn. e~rthur Gllroy and son Ern- est, Mr. Wiil and Raymond Mar- tin and Master Bobbie Vernon. Miss Melba Grey visited wltb ber parents ou Sunday. A very pléasant evenIug was spent aI the home of Mr. WIli Martin on Friday evenlng whefl tise young people gathered and preaonîd Mirs Katberlue Reaves wiýth a beauitiful prari-on-anîber dlock. Thse followlng address was read: "Dçan Katherlue: wc the mena- bers of Prospect Voiing Feoples Club, hearIng tbat you are leaving our nwidst, has c g.ihered liere and wlsh te preseut thîs cdock ta you as a loken of aur klnd wisses and many happy meinrie% that have endeared Yuu ta us and as you go te yourneno home, vo hope for your future auccess aud happluess. SIgned on behaif of the Club, C. Webet er. * Miss Reaves leaxes shoi-tly to laIte up ber resîdence lu Toronto vsene ase will aittndtschool. çf.1 ]FTS 1 would baNfiz iicenyou other gift than this- Sang% and b1ar daiv> and little prayers ftiltilled- nut re-tt',4 li!. And rest Io nahtic wilied- 1 wouid hav#e rear-e(ls-ou ujp wlth littie joYs gley's bouse was struck, a chimuey was destreyed-and plastor and pa- ver ln the rooma were badly dam- îged. Sehool opened on Wednesday with the new teacher, Mise Thom- bumu of Thealon, la charge. The children of two famillee are ab- sent, owlng te the lntant.lo parai- a, while t.he chlîdren ef Mr. Ken Sutherland are out of danger. tbey are net ou% of quarantine yet. Miss Ruth Studford left on Tueaday te take up bier duties "s teacher lu the school at Chata- worth. Mr. and Mns. Walter Ashton. of Oshawa vielted with Mr. and Mm. J. Ashton reeently. Mr. PrIsom, et Toronto, 'vtalted at the home of Mr. Fred Ashton recentiy. Mr. Will Stone, Miss Edna and W. Cl-emence of Seagrve, @peut Sunday wlth Mr. sud Mrs. Charles Wilson. M ms. Chris. Wilson, 'Miss Wtnnle Nlddery and Miss Jean McClintockt have retun-ied atter apending a mntb witb friends Ini Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barber aud Mr. and Mrs. F. Miartin spent Saturdav lu Orillia. Mr. and Nirs. Olderson-n werc guiests at the Orrhard home on Nionday last. Mmii. Orpwood and Nl%&s inie.1 of Oshawa. spent t-he week-end at the home of the formuer'a iter. .Mrs. Jack Barber. Quite a uumber bave Tited thic exhibition ln Toronto thLs wook wera at thé fair on Wednesday Wod This is th-e tîme of ',ear that a few pleces of good sîze Hardwood in your furnace wîil take the chill off your house. Our wood j, aound andi ;dry. Telephone for phce. IF.L.Beecrott Tehpèoo. 12 as linnets1 1 would ha'.'laid life's har-vesî In >'Oun arm. Not these mail windflowei-gqIlve~r- lu; ou the stem. Tier baby charns Biddiug >Yeu match wiîh thena. I oulti bave let you visons the naeadomm's aken Flung Yeu the suusmen's treasurel that they keep- But you have t.aken God's early rose of sleep. -MARJORIE PICKTHALL Bathlng on the Wane Kingston.-The cool weatber ot Ibis week caused a rnarked de- crease lu the number of bathers and visitors to Macdonald Park. This spot han been one of the most popular In the City ail summer and the cool breezes and excellent bath bouse have been greatly en- Joyed. IWIllD ]UY Hens and Iron Best cash prIces paid Telephone 486, Wh1Lby EJ. BARKER Perry Street ORTHOGON, W o are the authcorlzed dispeu- sers of Orthogon Lensej. Yen get clear vision fa the edge of >our giasss. Cali or phone for au appoint- en lor an exarnin. atien. F. E. LUKE, Opt.D. -NIs-_ W. E LUKE; R.O. OPTONMTIISTS 1163-167 Tonge St. Toronto Elgina 4820 Opposite Simpson'* Adetpnie4novI1 '"ba4t a IQsIsJe f054 ý I---w OU se *4$Mdmt.o4 l",gope l'cap ud aiSe mooesre i roug emugis 8'u0t RetUW Mêor su *d qulatte us>vdadlabing t doy kld sbud 4vu--pewW tap etreesi's k.", MrS55 0»5 4b1«f ued lM fume9004.,Pare sailas fuel peh m aPoeabe. - If uts Stuigeas, "taa JI iuu DC hantis with us " i.bot gst « , pi Ijs; weather. We selles. beti.*sud OUt karsecaPlêmeî burden of Lte houmewif. 1 Iread maker. ~ ,'~ 55a5,8p Have you tried out Suali. Om- Ar f = OIQd las Semîe? Youl ik 1*0 ~ e î[j t. OurIceCrecxm in the. coqm4st paeh îowm - Corn 1,for Ousi. hts clcreuAw hir, 'l4 'resus ~8&~ Usadelali 8he~s, us., Peut e' Mr a vis w,«eek Sund; so; sale ( Dr. nsedic tarie ver' Spart Tuesd Amy Norai where isedic, Mepso whule Mn. P ing th join h: B. Theî yvoung on Moi ci ous 1I devotic ficers, etc. Mnr. S. Pres Vice Secr Tres Plan Dev( Rjch. Litel lotte 1 Miss Étanme Phyi ý&nderi Jurdi son. lassai gatiser E Thoet ingise Sliiathod juu wlt h lmo tram the sun. But allusy 1(,-s Are poorer than H isane SELAGRAVE Seagrave, Sept. 5.-Tise sympa- thy of tise cousmuulty go"a eut ta Mn. sud Mrs. Plsk snd fainil>-. ot SauTa. lu tise Ioascf thein baru vIth the visole seascn's crep. ix herses. siut>-pisuad gsovemai calve.,, b>- fine on Wednesday af- te-rnoon. Tise tire- started f roui 1he tisreshing machine ovned by Mn. Fisk. The bigis wlnd blowiug msade l huma se quickly it vas Im- possible tle avethe stock. Thse fire could ble smou for mlls. brlng- lu; mauy frein a distance whlch iselped te save tise house. it ho- iug' lu groat danger efthtie fie. Les, viii ho at least S$10.000. usostly coi-ered b>- inmurance. This i% 36m. Fisk's first crop ini Canada, havlu; just cose trous England Iast Spring sud bongist tise tani lateIv owueti b>-%Mn. Harrison, ci Mr. Elgin King bas purchasoti a nov tracter sud Plow sud vitis lhe bslP OetIn. R. Owlos la dola; s ushîn; business. W. vhis lm sueceas lu bis undeniakint. Tihe farniers. arc ncarly through hanvestla, sud plevia; accus nov the orden ef thp day. These ouud ofe Is chool Iscl oa Tuesta>- inerninlg warned us tise iselday% wene oven andth ie eblîdren aIl eager te mseet thse nov teaciser. smde It eoscin lla;a rowsd. These ervl<,eslu the VUssted, Chureis on Sundas>-eveing vers lià charte ef Rer. B. F. Green andi vere tali>-Weil atteude<i. - ai- thougis tiere anreustar *spt.y ateats lu tiso choir sud chureli. Cous, sud brin; youn friezida te cisurcis. Mrn, andi lra. Hart-y I.mb. Of Toronto. ver. vistons at th. ernoe ot li. n.sd lis. las. biais on 8 iday. ,Zr. and Mmins. lPatiden andi daugister. et Hamltoen andi 1-fo of e Tornto, speut tise veok- enuti Mr.li aad lMra. * Orypi1 Stone. Mis Elh.MOOs D te stit mi-el &(l'eu lat Torontofoi, à tew tis),fi sud alisudeti thse asbttoeu. .Sn> to ftpont thse draili ni; e0eto Kean . %13 brother oi lins. Louzo Sayder vbleh eceurrqhd vey ssdd.ly lu Teoro s mrne dams s;o. Mu'.. Suadr ha-stise aryapat» -c' eu' erMaur Soatrave Mn at4rai WaaMakor lias retiajned iboute fro res onto dey. Mr' f eagi u . JaS. Eteelidabe. e« Toses,la ta ltmsu ai ilboas u t MUr. sud lMms.L lcoeSOxaiay afieseon. tunwed te lise' sbom as teu#aiîi Ur. -Blute V"»se6sudbey r isad et Trsais>. *out Bauds> euh ili fos'ee .êpsil. ta Ie Ws. sMM Pffl R.Rssods a14. Ilis lts. «440400pvoshaU"t lm esiselut Pisat Plsito b* bt latP sa. pu üy et *s#slis 81.004a « a~~n na84

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