Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Sep 1930, p. 1

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.1 j VOL. 66..-NO. 12 WEEKLY ni*ted Church Con ference At Whitby Hears Several .O ut standing Churchmen, 'Spiritual 'Implications of the MissiOnarY and Maintenance1 Fund Stressed by Reverend A. J. LangOrd, at Confer-, enced in Whty-Rev. C. D. Donald on Missionary Education in India _________ A'. '.he couludi n z session Tisursday afteroon a«rthe On-[1 tario Ladies Collegr of -the CU YCDeSIA A conercco f initer andi laymen of the Conferrnce ()f \lii-1 t real, Toronto. London,. l\îngst un and Bay of Quinte. the main ad- dress was pîven by lil(. J.la- ford. on "The Spiritual !iIal. of bise '.tsionary and su,.,n Fund of thse ( burci. DlPr. l.iii-- ford stressed that on--(-th-' col: ,reaiized the spIrituali j. pt'rtan' e(i tho work carried on ,P e tunfi 't home sud abroad for tue rar or Jesus Christ. ttser- 'saut- be no difficulty in raiist rus-io's1ilizt ever*y year. Tir. Laig(r ttred5 it the diii" of the mis t:- ýai tihe cburch leadnrs ( o stress i f e i.pirit. mla ide of théc wort., and to ftlo- up wutlî cfembticorza-i7iat"uii t se ut Duplex Env-cile','e- A %mry îuterertlug R z uuad 1J <Ut Conferenco sas priesld(d jrr by IRev. Peter Lrye'. PD i, etPràn <hurciuan. sud led iY - res. Dr. Ulendisic-u. uriîîi; li5 e on4cr. bîî'. iL ' tasportand ot Itisir at- ivur-t bean I l be M anrdutM. tbrugbu. A the -sou grcgati.u u Tuplex alatons <fnte !t& i! ]cd b'acr .e cuse. ati . Gu Ta os, uttheanu aîuuu. o utret aid o! ithoutforst reiu Whlcî tum aklt e i sarnsasî A ote of theacns vatinez, tise '.v r. dicued-" i'ileoMr. pro- TMncse st iiuud.foris lu- o apationaslll addrs. durog b (o- whferrure. atte 10 ix e i'ruri. tAfvotefthankoiegeas rthelr 'ot-ù Rer Ct". lDr. Do ald. < i . pro- fesstougi, strrsuogl advo<-al soif Mancestesîr, Vtlt'ie! fratemire.n ;te said. au-h es., u Priis piand l imant lofrhcCllpg#for lise nleltt a lit n sS Y. iev-s uiao Rrv C.l . tDonld. 'ult tr fr is a lUditans aud ie biîevcd thatîîm- ù furey I trnni: muss tde uhel(i rol. Il had madthirgreat eprea sinder brîtands ve slhiiui b . riete r. 1)oii rthe nd ina'.th im', eit i visîcs ht1- saa rI favru Cntal madli vas teird h tom b lu fîully sers-ed front a missions blunit- po lut. lait "car. lie demclarpd. hi vas nicl ofet10.000 ysrnpie wlîlmh bgad nOVk-r had a s'Iait (rom n a(Cris- tlan murslonsry or . ns! ne work1- er, Tise needa of th is> aiss nc it dis India. ve.grant. Rov. lIt. Dnnaid jdéclaredt. Th@- lIves cf maqy the is 10ovest classes of Indix wre Du.'in< trsu-sformed by the Cbrtitlau rua- pet. h. stateel. fIev. Dr. George Jar'-: "t% if Mais. chsester, Etipnd. delis'oret a tel,- tng atitreua on the sublect. 'he * Gospel, or chria'. for Every*edy." Christ W&&nsot 0o21Y the symbol of hutnalby's best. but the ratemor Urtliunsnity's vori, Dr. Jn&kaeou deeireti. The universafiîîy oftme goppel vas attessed. Rer. Frank Langford, D.D.. amr- fary of <hi e ard ef R4gleîuus du- caien, In an lospting addros. i!- ed tbat a miualcnsry prop s .-. t Instructlionand ;lving vas -iled In bise SuwiaY Schoola te belp m'ake 1he.insmberiq Christian' SanaaScbool Wurk W. J. ('stria, et Toronto. Rell lusyman, spealcing auebaîrmuai eof bise Yquung Poopitma Comiuîe Iltiaionary gîvitg la t usda Isciools, urged sinalsiars o cu'"rt titeir pastoral programme ,-aend 3-oung-people, aspd te eceru'a- epanos cf mlâasiosaryreaiiti-li- ity by Sentis> Sehools and yr * Rey. 1D. G. RIdout. ln ae 1114t rated laaoUt«WlicheN. h«oed i-b. pror«bt xPuIde by a". r ta t WreliglotisanamiSomial Ide 1* Uic Caiadias West à»d ibe nov motlb Ceuforeece Orgaauluslins vu ~tJu ubicct of au Iai.ua<lutbs W'oi table couforonce loi 61ItRvuA. 1 N Thosson. DD.. su <lic t. MAKES H MMBSClE IN IDURNAMENTI TIHOMAS K. <iiEIidtlOnl Wlho sw"s aven iii beforr Judg-. Iio4d>-on Tur»iay norning es Oshwa Club Pay Vibit ta '< N-< lagesti for theCixyl or <ishava. W hitby Law n 'Bow ling _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JIJOE SWYFARS IN ,pf)rL îta.% jartîclpatmdd inat 1 grr' ns o!fIbeWhitby Lai.'-3,,%l lIn t1ub. whpn tise 11rwal 'l", ro trrtalnc.( fil e rilik'- frnni un tib anýa ttotling Utlb. Tsre' zampi vrtruts off onuthe' jitl ne - .vilt1. grrrtns wi-re in finr i-hapr -ijl tut s'uattî't idrat l 1. uue D. lirer- of Osh-awa l- o, fir3t I 1CA ilh ofr.1 o , 1 Mr. tr'v ere-j Potuis ilu bs irsi game atil 14 fnd Slu mthe ,çcot)di aud isîrd gamet-s rexpoctivr-ty.Foi second jplirth.'rs swn:4doe ru u- ninz %% ýtl W. Cook ot Whitbv vin- nlng ouit-Sis a score of Se". lor tiîril prîre ihere vs a s îrcs, or- ue4rpd tlie vitti loor&e ]Rossansd J. 1). J. Fr-i o f I Ohawa, lu1 1ic ecura end itar.t îoe'decide aswvtu- uer (;eor;o 10lgIN.041 ut U "f!J. F. Ilotoîe aud 1i. J Broiru close UP for tourth andi (fils plane The ceu'iug ras oue Qetishe mos4, àa.gc.-'aaful beid 0a1-the gi-cana cf Ille loî]cal ubstht: )ear. It lii not ascertaiucd steMser tise Nblti- bY C'lub 'w1ii pay a returi '-lait la C)sîlawa thIs ><ar Tho '%& itby dlut has had tso %ery iut-e'esmF3tl touruaunents tiia >îcar sud tise- weekiy >t OP%, tou rijamni. ha-a doue murt-h la ltroduco thrse anie in many >ounre b-crIera io usier look. anx tntere.,-lus ito gans e h- tore, WWTBYTENNIS CLUB [OSES FINAL TO1NOTON CUJB Fine Gamet Played of Qùinte Country 'Belleville ai- Bay1 club, çZeveral usrnisa- .ýof! 1--wlttby, Tennis Club >ournneed to i 1e110vIll5 on Saiturdsî- in taie part 1!1 bofinal 0( the Central 0ntarlo Seuils As- aceistici abli c gr'platet on theý courts et thse Bay ('t Q'it-.e Ceen-' try Club. Tise V. tt> lis- t.a asI pliteit againati tise streec ; lt-arfom lhe Kingstoni clut, K 1 -s'o envert- alunera o! the i.as:ertsrn --ctbet0 Ib. lague isa'tig dmftsî.-d Polnt Asu te quslity fon the m fij -oudý of the Trususan Trapu'ý Allbosjgh bbc loc-at <tus :'r o abie te briong home thse 1îrrby tbey made a good sulirn luoj i-at year ln lbague cmnspil ton. &,tui li ho bacis la the league -cn,,t pua mith s *froncer leamts ,d saIye"! of esperleueo.- i The garnis wrt e s-scd aIi uotintiàdîngaanti 08mb sisti cer tarnis-sma& toaolIy coteeto& .sti vas ratIonr agnatahl isa ibi b Wbltby club ri- lot ab;e <s Pmt a etroastste tu tise tt4 dfor <I. finals tbhi be>' 414 (ore cf tis* MtloiSc.t playoe t the c l! foi-cd te retira *borily t>Utefom'i goals due o telennie s-.t$g th18a 4» efetbo<I. Yae,, tai W4 itaP la tM tt fpiac ul-:.* el Mas abme01o4o etIbmo rtcbup "i tee çt«Iffalod -mmd lu s1o4~ qoine Ic dayere w'ascsaij y*pfflecIbm gamos t pipe tisrai pp0omtf rom re& â dame Iruigî au out:* 'a-~ 1iW~o li#an>" K~swe lamr bm g a aie v.WlPiby. WIaaoe 4mIL L Te Ki CHRBTON AS MAfiISIRATE ~f"rna1ll' as rtslis Tiepastioinitç and tlook tise patti o!altcgia-nce b'- f ore Jud;e' Ruddy- crn Couutv Court. et W'itbr % large rstlsering of Court aundC,'unif offle'ial-t luctoti- lux :$ir! Pitxtun and cl tisr* ivre pre&mvistand o(Iermd bhc-lr rongratulatinIns ta tis ewti 'iZ- pot nteir. After tise fortriai rcemony cf- Iusttaltatiou, J udgr tuddy Con-J grattilated Mr.n t'nelttîtou on hie appoInt ient. flo e bcevt'd tbatlise' Gost-rniunt isa4imode no rutwake lu lhicr solertion. anti afisecx- presF*d lise hope that lMr. CrIgist- un would fUndth ie sorls cetgeuliJ Hie lienor mlated tbat Mr. Crelgbt-J ou.a ubereugit kuowletige or thieJ Crîinîual Code lu alil ls phase wottld atan4 him lu good aeadin l hi# work. on b llcaIt of th" Croru. J. A.j M.Ufibion. <rvu<Attorney for lise dt,,erict. tende-reel bis congrmtula 'lIons. Kr blellred that tise ap- poitmt puu as s gçodti uea51 ai a il weu)d prose in ho a popular oue. lit. UrGtlbon asmured Ur'. Crelgitoni 0ftht > ooperatioa of thc meuners et thse Bar. tlanklng Jssdge Ruuidy anti CI'ovr Attornev. lcUlbbous fer (ho feelihu mnanner lns s-is-b tlev liai spokes cf hlm. Mr. Cretlgites n e*ed tisa' lie reultido aitlnluhlm puwr-s to sscrk ln isarusony 1itistii pmih r-boni hoeanis 11n<conact lit tise coumr e f lsSr offticSildueis FINE JITNEY HELO ON WHITIY fiR[ENSý LayBowle. cown r Men Fmm n shav vies(qistaêr-ri#*& «et tuai] W"" fflu lnageil a Juit<e. Mmm. Tuet reuILas uniquela t*at ~hm o.mrsuk.Tb"W heu btd aà skpAsMi at o catil M4 k.asm uset. a pet >ub t iIL SOMw verJ 11gb mm aw«rm a p dmter u». orouiag sd h vu siloeetws <bers sM es " teriw hotitI«so v psbu v ela. t ut(rIlib -»P le bo Ma «P Me rma& -4WhIciscwIbe etYiet»aibli Vît$" e#Ulr sire traN4wt Ote"aandut Wbilbi7fjbqtb mm lotie umie fus lieh tea , i vs Uae Iris' . 01 10*M1u7%I*a abrr v A fuafl . 1 Thec third. annual spvi %%as an unparaielrd rvery point ci vicw. spIcndid wscatlicr coud fine crowd of patients the ycarly evcut tas a brziinning Io cmd. Not was sten during the wl and tho*e laking part showcd a sportsnaiisb do c redit te manv athicir. Besides the ands patients there mwerc ber uf representative ci freun Osbawa. BrookiI Witby Tow, who lt tuch picasure f rossi i as the colitestants ih, Spt-rt's Day this year mi thseîneniorv of tlscsg cd ard it willbc 's'l] antwîkm t t hev surdl tu ibis dav of à* Tho progasi of r ttortainunont beganl 1.3# p.m., andi ws.u fvltholIt as btcb unti .îtroon. Thse ply eo"Slteof morne 1wq affortiet great fou ti a13 wiil as te the P zelvot. Probablv thq tar erentis on thu Pl thes Selater ber ait lbe Suctett laiwbicb taat and fuîrtous. The R and ofethé fleoiment uider thf rectlon cf Baadtnu sçidcd greati> te th* the afternoon by t] selerttces ibat the>, band aIso aidei l l march cf the coms bat trtmuunt g couler 'rts dea at t 1 »UtAgt theatternoon nueabe-- by yest tCT5Y k k MU onès lire dltbu.- success the ti'b imcémmisarlat depart- FavOred "-~4t'to the youcg people a"4 a» Sand sisùioreb«g 0( rmedcindy aaM apples 58 à sccCfr ir lel îas tbe prixsefr tbe raues une xmr W b a 'wibt'clhetoo k part. A short hCle 3 ftfTflOl*IpIogam e Vaudeville la Lother in the sM110* fîtCSe et tbe atternoon. Thffl ip that COouudlus dategs srersi tursôt- aprof~8 b"a4 bahidog « ad Nablisit. hoptal £4 TbopograuLofaports lua astoi- e a lare nu, -.. itizni p I.m'OttPatients-100 yd. rate, s.'Tocai-'IL* 3Woinen ipatients, 7iyd. rce oe inok PI-a-back race, Men Patiets- be dais'ipft1 4 ,. éeb la>; 4. P9tito race. -mseTel- WtsM*8 ajpuffli; 5a. oepIoye.i, miîl lise 4o4 lboysand gablse nter 7 yeas-IZU we * ho itttiWl Yti race; 6. Employees, boys 7-10 ht a feelin yu* -s yd. rac- & EmUpiOyes wl dl icwtk boys., 11-14 yrm-40 yd. race; avs ntext cf .Euiyggrs111y>- Me an 60I~ j iti. rffl: jWmnPeU sbortly aitt L«E and .4pooxi race; 11. Men Eus- Mos1taousinl, o1 ograrn wbda lics Me and Women Patiens: anty-stz telS14 ifn4 F014 Race. >fues e nly; <O the vidlLo 1. Tu.g of Wer Contat; 16. Rat >atieuta tli£1D- Trîmusng Rac. Wom.aPatients; m Mcost pQpvý 17. C>btacte lise. Men patiets. Itmm 'fme!*TIlYn yds,.; 18, lk1pping Race. Wo- i the Tlt f ie atients. 21fM. l >4,.; 9. 1 tc fu 'SWoineu Employesa Race,60 ytin: 20. Men'a TbrE4'tged liane 1 341h Qnt&«4% emloîyer. 1 patient; !'l' Relay a capable dl' Rae Mlxed EMPI*Yeo. . 4 1* a tee DeoePi7. tuui, Se y>4.. easeperson. :«,. Sejeymmat let WoÎn I >'uîlna* Consolatton ho mnasy i0'*Race; 23, Woen s£mployeeslPo- rendeff. Tbc- talc Race; :4, Beistsr-ber, Meni the grao4 ICPIpoyeus; Tilinig the Racket. gants la tto7 »en Patiants; 1-6. Quarter Mile t.1 Rate, open. FORMER Culf ýi City Councilce t tThaomu Pi.aad Wifth Work Of A temâtît ssue elthUe Si. Thome. as Tinsca-Jsnal ceniains th& nuishly report &ubWtltedtelt ci' covisci sh9wing ilsat ele Cta (Geston1 formç ly fW wq - Iwc niotflbtaI ii tut ibe crty clefis inoriedthlie Coetsàal ,uncarly the enfin assoqn aaticipai. ed for thse finit six UXaOuis % o1the Thse tics apprra' s that thse Vit- ras s-ery mucuh pkaaed itît tbm report. alec antis the inupreve- tulents msade in thse Police Depant- uset Dî>ng the past veek. there si>s a ruiner whicis spi-cati lise -wid" ire is tio ,th ie e&.c-t (Isat Chet Gtiiî hati isen %hot b>'a boote-g' cri. m-ranwu inia dangesu tti-cd t con. Tise Tintes rang up <lie Police ùeisarounest t ilSt-Thotmas - d learuse'I rein theiser» enea' Reporta trou 'artosa Parts ot Ii rooty are o le e ffeet thil 'a coM rais ta vory mia Odci. Peatin.. aan drylmg ep vIll farmeor* reai»au bem <oir ratai- sepp>p. 7TIc ralufl Tptay w4m qutaosko uti more cXtaffl dme riai tr u ui tin Q.vumlti hA mIrctua vol-~ <'-esa« ad i-lea 1»&& nWe *et au~i.- si *mfl-' ls SUPERAND SALE ~aimw Au of -theBaptt OuC" Nad Eveut on i héTis Ladies- Aid o et iS. BtIa <l4be ili ey ussfltes *4 nie-et r-ors ocmFr1a7 atte>- qqu. TI. tablis aiciy, docoraimd. lut. &trugmi on-tis e olt't.b lav". vftmni malsàe 1#appoarue 1aI.tale waved loto titi #MW*"ua epe t téàdimieat. pottoc. clai, ckes, p1.., tee ecrÏ*ia. ad 011cr tooi ibiaga pro- rîdeai'b'e i. (ber. V» a table laton W1111 homue nade ceoUaanti cidy oethlis ottn« verft. and ererytbiag Vas a oit a- eD rim.. 'Ph. Ladies' Aid takes a very &etlve part tbi ogI et tise-Sal- Ilci Citirei. ani bas maie alargo ,ceuttbulgtute bm e iCf oovqr. baulhw tiae tufel ite«or. About 44.00 usvalsitd ro (le tu "d isale,. SEEKNEIEEREU Wend...HMve-Apiotioaas -Foe LeMM' HM et St Pmsvr Tise pulit <of Au tb * s'AigIsea QScisi W»"e~c «Co. mSentay a botS sorem ros. or. 1fr. Wluibor cb Imp#4a Sab, ome 4, <lu1 ltoseto g14 but ule- "taoïs te se 1:ýç Coret, Thorolds W" Shot in Brusb With Provincial milice Thrlee Miles West Of Whitby Early Saturday Whio vas electeil 'eiteat et Uthe lonal braurlofth<leBible Iti4 aimet oent Ofthbme ecuutti .Sre Tunuay rang. NEW PRESWENT Reasgntionof T. S. Load Accepted With Regret Otiior Officmr Elect.uI A weIl tîtenedtluîatitîg ef the peeutivo of thse ieal.bfusseofethUe Sible Society', lu Use office cf A. G. BrownIng, K.C., on Tsuesda y vealssg, hait belore i the resignailo te I ?reaitientlMt. T. 8. [oac>, visecou%- uticaloit bis destre <o re4hqm"i the dutles of the office cwtng to bits iuspcnding departe trom this tome- unnty. -M itis great regret, thse reulgnation vas mceptçd, andi by unanimus '-ote Use Secreiaey vu sedti t forward Mr. licacl a let- ter ef, appreciatlon ef bis services as viii asý a mesage cfyr at ln bism entialbertavement.Z a bu bien a raluid mosnber of thm 8oclety fer airer am.as To complete the term et office QG M. Goottclow vus clectoti, asnd ;ies- ais W. _A. 11olllday andi Maitbew Km r* apo>sc4 ed Uste Esecu- 1, WhoIsbuheeeue et *0o Socetys men seUwl *eit-' ega,4 cenm #as locrary Preal- G. Brlowning «as ecm- apmeersfor i thet awmetuns la outiadng in abe soc uteit akdi-aises. Lia - yn .eeybat one et tise varu meesil y ar- la lise Iiaer>' of th*se"locasneli. andi it ,% isopedt iat 19»0-31 vlt soi We lest noter orthy' »Mes oethlie proSttOUOTi Ie bave entetei upotitboiriri yclut *Mur"sla thb.,G«nemal lioupIt <r*anitseboola~r R m .s:Jueai 1 4Satto. Deudela; Mat4rgaret Maefito. OIdudaa; arlo IL. cardin",Or. lrkllle; Menai isal- fer. BrockvlIle; 1auraLot"s. -YoIereOeavidmos, LysD; Militai, <ierl, BlIvtl.:Aike Ilaynp. oilften: Merle hurant. Stmith'a raila, Viols Allmus, Brocki'ltO: ioîbeli laes. Eiston: - Sybte Toilots yieulmtns; Mer4yl chsî. Mailorytowu; sud OÇutrado Ca»'- hjw ,W *.W M. bis T SFair Sbows Fine Ba- ice fer Two Loca Enterprisoe Tic'books maud vëu«i ofthse Jrir cimtM ,A'y be aen ai, tii. 'ava Cu~'a amuiq iand.TtIanon Mo #9oây fo SIayçt he' of.the?#l ,Chargeat WW01tbs rîcs l b itmr um *kgtyti pmaU do a i is allwia 't t Ca - ASi4 t tisa r a .uit ou Cout 1lM5s ig WbItaby' Z - Ti el «ngoê- s1i a h#ma mals oau, mot to it l aiogat t aoi wM.ii,lkMy 58 4>1» ta illai' b la *bd'lgl po beoat'tbu)ni ei Te ib* ia ~vviiêwi Paul Cornet. agcd 40, of South rîsorold, was tzsken to the Oshawa ltcmpltal witti a bUllet ln lits -ung arter a bruss wltl a squad of pro- vincial polico wlitch occurrei on.the, Klhnzston higilway usai the farm-cf G. Normau trwln, three tUies enat osf Whltby. éliortly ater 1-o«Clock Saturday monng.. Âlthoughme'r-' tiufly luJitred. Cornet wll recovez'. Coniet waashoot, it la éaàid wheft wiih a comspanlon bc attempted tai dsi frnits.,car <andceucape ln the dars. over the field, l1igtxwaY" raMc Qftcor John Èayq wb o5e bouit extends trom Scarboro te) Toi-ont, firéd thse shot 'whch fflcrred t ho man'ialng. -t i-tted. Hie t hnught bliIati firéd )llgh but In tho darknes hccou nîiiotsa" the tugittres. Ma scoîupaIo* watsr-" rested. police statiz&Î thsttbey tound 150 gaIl<nna et utraght, *Iakth'lit thse car which t lisêy bai aandozeti.- _. ' inapector Jerry Je,,ol pimtba btgbwsiy.tràllloofdlera' sqfladL. WËgl wa>' Trefflc COfter &Ica~af Hlghway etrae e fcer leuyr êr-tie mien wbn lent -tuepuruit et, be adi- legod beoiegen. They Itd bien. waitîhng nu the hlglrway near the* Irwtn tari wtchIng foir Iquor Titis- ners. An accldbnt.0ocUrea III witkh une car aide-awlped attWe. «_isea cnatablex weni ta ibm scetto 5114 0, inuto inter a hg-ecetc~g~ by. '-Ttiro go the rumz'uuners boyi.' someone calied. JnuedllatelY the chine wstakenU p &anti tývI.- dently Melig ibat h4 could- net out- distance the 'tait pdUo tory p auddeiuly-brm-jtht hU car -te a -asop> and wiLh hie ccn>ptW&s olQMed -,-t Cucliptithrough lb, ous Utgbwal, 'rafINV c er $8 . A .1i- UrIl" of Wbttby.sTrived at-,tlwe M etj tbý motor uaço iabot-th* naz tîme buIt vuwon amuthe st W hieh Wt t a Uràlt f Ua1ted looU saer CUMO The - Wareti 11sn vas -iashet t hi 0c qt iil ID. . L M&eDbuMi gt -Whitbr' 'wharefirat ild irlsbell tu b% voulel lur it tIl S~uspIss Tu u.~Shoe fr~ e U rut, )yerz %.oaf 1~-A ýD VOL. 66-NO. 12 WEEKLY The corsinitifri lurbhArgr o! thse AunlilStiecîl'air whîch wam brldl tbis year on tise tv'erting nf the laili or /suguîîs. eId a meeting ou T leudaY cmroiuîii;lu theu ffire o1 the Town Cleri to a ako up tise Iioola et1 the Fair and lu poua sov- orial ceosîîi-titst iat badbontsata lit comlng in. Il 15,-tlî thse greit- st, et pleaisure tisai.th ccmmitt.e la abk o luanounce that lPort112. Cîsatian iîon and Tise Whitb CtzesBaud vili each rteint $54l4.33 a,; tisir sbire of thse ou- toviâ& e.TIsa vo reripionta i re two of thr must desersiug of tht, support of lthe ormuuIty. It was wîtis a feclin; of oplîns- k*M fer thoe'wnrk that the romi- mittèe bas lunv, that (bhey wlsb to tbUk lli people of the WlsitbY ditrIOt for tho'- aplonditi nanner tu wbtcb btbey patrontlW the atreet fa(tr-tis yenr, The Fair itéef waii one of tise'molit seetwaitul ltait tua »senn îdortakt uby lie ova In oeany -es. 'Th aPalr vas atue- cous both frosi a fînanclal point et %iew andto Sefiom the> stand- pelai -of the higt i oder ef @nter- taisient peos'idut. Oneoftheb largant trovrd lae bl-tory. of' tbe IMair attessded andi . uy ibeir genuaresy andi gooti behaviour, lare t tade the VFair ont t o lk back On vwltl% #easure. &'No! rocopts forthe. Vir total $2.92t47. 'The ubismsia-e ,t.ý y

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