TUE VOL 65--NO. 49 Irookilu$prlug Pair OnSturday Was Most Succes -lul on. Recordi neat Agricultuüral Show, With Largest Nuniber of Horse and Cattie Enâtries for Many Years-Many Outstand.1 ing Livestock Breeders in- Prize Money-Sports Cardi and Evening Show.Were Fine Attractions-Fnancial. Returns Exceed, Last Year-Dîrectors Pleaed fi rU9ýl'Il v prig- Fa ir held flrcwk1lýII oni ,;t iirda à atec-t N,;i;ctjr Ç,vk~ rc t( fitan upiihelel 0,9reputa- is bel l ut li. illeat spring agri- rai slh0,,vlin(Ontario ceuntv. iiinumh-- r i itrirra in herse', cattI imwnsi lit' largest on re- "Isd thse e'dîiblt.4 cf tiseme veî'e r. vi-ry Ihiglhest junlit. te avisit la Brooklilu VaIr Il lr. i fi)rd, b s' alize wlîy Hîtarlo i- h uoicd for its well bred teclk tutdiouistanding agrieul- ýs' lrrl'slikpe R. Dift aud Ity-il: Viîn UatyBrook- IL. Vrrnots and '$Sonp. Port ittv M'Lagtist.OghasiaR: la's TJ'lsettupson, X\\. A. Dryderi, cli;W. WLT. fd'h, WhIutby, Vi-sulro0Kt-tl nud man), 'lilttdhanses and calt- offl 'ih-.srcd ellIn hiHe prise 0 F'air lias seldont wltnessed a shiowinz of purr breti Clydes- ogricîiltssrilanti liglit ieas i tc'ulJersý,esanrl oIstrint ln flise horse claqss there- 52 tntrjisand lQ cattie about lIst'xcw'-s'a nifc<' lutoe!pontes, n îlrIvers 0- iiinmbers aof ex- u's si-ssnicwlîat imaller tisat Voilr, iavorcd wilh i l(al Vie'- PAY weiftiser, nttrsietcd a ,'rtwd ifrons tise village' andi 'llf.Tise rruîsmunîty Prark. tlis Fair vas stageti, locheti hi ils arigdresof grein. is nir'd manvny iprevernenis il out t 1i-s tpi-lnis by the dîner- e ip. may tof lev-elhfugsund ug of treri. 'The pîArk laones m tinesFti ii thim, part e! tise y, nti a criditle othe vill are rqoolrlùî. Presýidrint 'W,. psan andi bis dire(ctorg si-e siileg as tiseyv itnessedth ie cernsng tlismois itise gates Iu He Wilt, Consider Whitby's Claim Rois. <;cot-e S. Henry-, in- iter e! higiîiay's, iulti a tepu.> talîiî. f î'oîîs VitbyTown <'ounucl stiicis w'.lled upon hini last -iitay nîentsning bat Illte parliaîtit ibuildigsa ta liewsiult i gîe ceîssltic.'.îl ion ta a-I reque-it matie tisai Whltliy be esicuptci f roi' contnlbutisg aimial leviesi toist he is l'balsa tesa inticonstructionî of tise ceuni>-' soatis systens. ilc-fe Alb.'W.V Jackson, F-POkcsvsiasst for the tiaputatloîs, Ou&incd tise teiî's positiont sii i regard teuftcheoututy reand S>-itqteuîs polnting 1 ut Ifs ré- mîtotesss,,ai thje rs-st that. i benefieti ' very itlte tites-e- fioQns, ais(,utathféb.toivu*'vas bearlng a ici-y heavy finstincial i>uidcn at tht' picisent tinte. lt wias aise Poliafte ut fuat tise teWis lad -oves- 40 milles of its ofi-siros-ctu,(oit5litainL Tise Mialer, v*hile utot-tai'- omrble le altise argumsents fft op hy ltelewis, piOiiseti te taise tise malter Up at os(<'e suwis 3i'r. IMuir, of tise Iigis- ssays l>epartnste,, sd atise -thé tests at ait eas-iy date. MEDICAI. ASS'N. D'îc. ry eiiet. tooa% as hey tise la1rgo eîtry sts iln hersa Tf CatIe, Aud aise tise enow II U H IA nd thea sports iet.Dunia maii ti anel. Orotno, viii - ,l aud s-eiîiei dus-k tisea i liiycredilaisie' m 1 Oüý Dot tMe~ t Whit. nani. Frer eïllage PthQ en tle iat l j n - 4 . e Eceri Were i ring lte attennoon tise lutges kept bmwy passing ou tise mer- Tlie prscsntatiou cf a bianisomne f thse fine animais paraieti be- gavcel te thse Outarie Hosjpital b>' thisu ly prouti ownens. Tisis tise Ontario Metiscal Associa3ken Iook scierai boeurt, andtihie vas sp itsta nding feature ef tise tas-y andc assistant secrotas-y, H. asnuýal nmeeting o!. tiaI organisa- [dllîlen andsTi Toins Hall, vaee iôa.'slelti--in WhAtby on Fritisy busy, Th ise t o!prise iîners 8S.Ltrnon-, wltls a large number as-s ou page tweo!f tbisIssue., or-useibers ln attendauce. Tise Sports Cas-c anti vus Dr. C. L. Blird, of, ir ylorta yard thîls yeair vas all Oaaa, tise president. isu tIse chair. coti lia deaireti, althougi tise Tise Presentatios ounlichai! ,o! the i entrnies vaeesnct se large. Associations vas made liy Dr. James sa andgetii n tino exhIto n .. L. iloore, of Brookln, ex-presîtient, i, 'anda's -na xhbtionalgafe anti accer.Iet for tise Hospital b>' Dr. ionoq gingte he ietr Ct Webstcr, lu tise absence oi Dr. G. L insizt gornivtation ofCI' t- eeisots, tise sedical aupeinten. teurnansent. inii visîcîs l dant . ltse Seuh tis Oslria Ladies Soit- 111 cailing upon Dr. '.Moore la League completeti, vere von make Ibis prasentsîlon, 0Dr* Bird e Malleahles o! Oshiawa. ' Pointed ounth t iIilas'tise desire a- wliiers clnlnateti tisa ofthe Association la express lu ien Frîcuviit lis e opeuttîs saise tatigihie usannar ils apprecia- a 1by a sucore ort 134,aise Wiit- - ilai te e ssnsy consrtesies ax- adieu'* -solîliali Icausby a 14-S iended te mntbers o! the Assacig- aý a tait ganse helween Breolihl 1Cisrywoot fotball trams, toit rivais, tise prises velt_ to- lions. tanu, Brooklu. %u un pat s'aira tIselisorsrsime munient attracteti a lange nuns- c f tievohees of lise gante, anti s-e wunu mch ais easiconpetlhless. 8 local tcurnsansbt fvas nWon by Mos-nigonis n.l t1. Witnoy.vs alisled i ,Te,saant J. VIcker>' (Contlinedti di Page 2) IIEF A'I1ENIIEO (1ONF[RFNLE ON gpestions Made 'to Reg- ilate Traffic During Big ,"'CSnvention biet nf Poluce uisson 's'as ln -oto on Nfonday' arlteu nt- [jing à cenasstatIon vilS cos- 1 Draper. Cia! Constable cf tcil>', atI vicis lie ngulation rattie llIsehe ciszibonlsood of unte turing tise Shimnans' Con-, ieu 'ais ust.Chic! Ownn t'nlentiof et awzsiýas ais e s-s tLin oy Dr. Stevenson anti iss saff Man>' limes tise IsQpili Sd beau placcdi at tisa Associalion's disposaI for meetings, anti ssasy Ulimes Sud Ilse meinibers beau cîtertaineti Dr'. Bird faIt tisat whiie lu tise pgst lisera isad beau expressions o! tiseacourlesica. tisa tilua hsati conte si-len it ssoulti take sanie 'mos-e tangible fot'rn. Dr. INoore, iii asking Dr. Webster !o accept tise gavei, explibedti tI It '-s'thée Aselatlon's wisi.t tiat il lie useti aI ail meetings ut cou- nedtion 'ilbtheite seicul profession wiîcisvas-ahait ut tise Hospital ln futus-e.* Dr. Webster>'matie a li-lt s-cpi>',statiîîg tisatItilas as -mueS a piepsure for lise sedical sani-i- tendent ass il bs staff le ha o! ser- vice ta the Association anti médical professilon gcuerally, as il n'as fon tie a 'aili tseniseives. c! that ses-vice. Bs-, Webster raierreti te lise recoguizeti sios-liso!flospitul sud- lise co-aperatio 'n tisa staff racolvat fs-cmthe doctesaandthtsanolet Inl- tes-est tisaInauguration as-rl>' et lise mental hSaillis clnies lunennea- lion vils mental hit-d ln lutise province..w Tise meeting listenati te twversy fiue atidres0ges, Que b>' Dr. R. i.Ras-- ris, o! Toronto, on tiese ubjeet cf 'Headi Injuries," andtie tisers by Dr. C. A. Rie, Tes-ente,. eu "Sinus Infection." BoIS atitsesîs vie of~ a lecÈilcai nature but full cf Inter- est te he dical men. Fs-ca use was made sf lise blackboand fer illustration purpoaca. ci, A heart>' vote ot tha-nka vas tr- e! U lie s estiops nisila tentiedtu th ie visitiug speakers for t trucks 'dellîeniug goodtite iaiver>' llîssminatîi'g &Adresses. ouhtsîtie o! the city siseulti- Tlie repos-t of th>i secretar>'-tne- ueedt ledo -o turing theisassres, Dr. A. F.' Macicay-, et Gais- *s fan as po.sile 1soaste s'a, showeîth ie Assocation te be, day-tinetefila viius laIn a tas-orable position firtuicay Le bu ver>' lsavy. Otitrs-anti frOm a sisenbershlp stantipe4it. ,lets n'es-e mate' andti iey A inlter cf elniunlcatlous -von, mate' issoyst hirougis liserend anti teaI ithli. s Qlfficees eleceit 'ase as fellova: Gunsois oui Monstay ru- President, Dm, cCliutoek, 'U» a lttes' lnviting hlm te b.- bridge. meser i> !tishe AtivIsor> - Vite-Ps-esîdent, -Dr. C. O. Miller, tee cftishe Ontas-lo Hlgisia>' Oshawa. Coeasnitlee, asti aise to çivè Sae ar-treiasrer, Dr.A. . nggositiouss ais te mnetheda è,,3Maekay, Osisaw'.- doyeti durng tise sse 11 Te xeutîre cfiî va itation hai& ou natceptoti. ect6- WHIT ANUALI FESTIVAL AT THE-CLIEGE. May Queen EIectW and Crowned - Addniss on S"h IélWomaw" As these un came eut frbm lie- h-ind a cloud andi bearnet brightly on thse green lawsa so!,tise Ontarlia Ladies' Collego at noou on Victoria Day, Misa Frances Grace, cf Sar- nia, was forrnoiy crowued Queeu ci the May. isavlng prevlous!y by pop- laur vote et ber fellow students been declared as being ln their op- mica "thse stost popular and the nearest appreais te theis dea Wontan. Thse queen, attendeti by hien coun- sellons, Miss Bernice Eddy, ausu- ter cf Rev. Dr., and Ms-c. Fraser, o! Duabarton, anti Miss VIvnau D)avis, daugistes- o! Dr. andi Mne. Duvs, e! St. Catharines, vise wene aise elected*by tise students, andi by ber suite, Betty ' Dewland, Peggy Dewianti, Helen Poslum,, Bernnce Ducoffe, -anti -Elleen Fitzslimmu'., presenteti a pleIns-e e!girlsis love- iiness as lowly-aise proceedeti frein tise main deen o! tise Coliege te tise centre efthtie. lawn dlrectly lu fs-ont or tise building. Rare se vas met by Miss Gertrude- Ruthserford, sec- retaryoettise Students' -Christian MIsslcnary Movement, vise vas tise speaker at tise bs-le! exercises bes-oe tise coronation, - ndF' wnu placed thsee revu of beautitul fIow- ers on hon heati. A thtie saine time Miss- Janet Moffat, May Queeu oz last-yens-, 8teppeti f orvas-tandi pro- sentedth ie pin thaà t Is woru for oe year by tise Queen. Mm.- R. N. Bas- set preseuted Miss Moffat vils 'a pin tisat la donateti annualiy by tise Castie Alssmanae cisapter, ta eveny girl vise bas been eéreveeti oeen, tise precedi tiffyean. It seemed -mffl approps-inîe tisat Olti Sel, vise had- ail mosning been ceesplcueus by his absence, sisoulti shîno forth la- full strenglis for tise cos-onation, antiva-m Up tise atImes- pisene fer tbee.,eranies viîcisteck place, outise lavnaatorvards lanlise May Queen's houer. Theése were undor thse abue direction e! Ihth Col-- -lete pisysical 4irecfôr, .'Nls Hele Merkley, vils Miss. M 3arlorie Xlrj- beyAC1I, aItithe plane. À lange cs-owd, inclutilng 'friends Of thse Cellegse froint-fan anti ner, vi- ne s4 tse coonatio a enxy ~1 *erecJses for-'tise Queen, "d, alto Tise May Court- Fetiv>ai aI tisie Couegebaialvaysbee e ofet tie ccslatandutug events of tise yens-, andi this yean *as nup exception te -the rule. Early lu tise tonenocu thene vas a chillinlutise almospisere -antid nain threatened. BY noon. isowever, (Coutinueti on Page 2)- TWHENYNURSE Graduation at 'the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, on. June 4th T-vent>' gaduatas cf tha Ontario. Hospital Training Sehool tor Nurses 'eilui on Wednisdsy next, June 415. neueve tiseir diplomas,j tlise occasion belng the a4anual grat- uation exes-cises. 'Thie graduâtes us-e: Edlis' Allan, Balton; Jean N. Asistiowu, Tes-ente; Margaret M. Campbiell, Toronto; Ethel, Chu s-, lile>', Bellaville; - Afargaret Foy', Tramoea Sylvia, Gyte, Sudbury, Mui H!fnn xboridge, Donna 'Hudson, Tes-ente; Mudelîne Kisig, Tononl<.; His Kausuitra; Wellinr'- ton; Elizabeth, Lova, .Nliudemo-a: Rita Milles-, Teronjo: Lî-llian Mac- Las-eu, Campbellvilic,:ý Rachel Mo- Langlin, laley's kStation: RHas-nle O*Gos-uan, Roufs-en; Annie Ponter, Lleydttovss; Aln Iîotigers, Reit resv; Beats-Ice Robiasoînt, Cobden;, .Vas-.yStotte Tes-ente; Ruth Taylor, Lindsay«. Zeila '.Van 4os-no, Mmdc' lu addition te lise diplomas lisera -wiIl be presentati vas-ions anars-i fos- geues-aIpreficieslc'r lu diffèr- ent lir.acli 'es o! tisa nns-sig ses-- vice. Tai grdadsnîng class vilii e addtinssaci b> Dr. W. T. B. M,%itchell, directesf- ettisentliHygleu Iriaitute o! Menti--ni. To Iew $ CainMit Not di 1 iaof Ma lley WRBe 4 Muai Hve Tu of Euhl Year., Thse ¶!ownCouneil at a-- apetua meeting held on ifondai eV=u tpasseti a.bylaýw-govenbtgthe I nz anti harbour-i-ng etodon lt$Ii sthe towu limtita. Thse bylaw, wjt *bas mas> et tise proTL4loniofet eld'echic ordinance, soeto t th»M having -been reviseti and Ibrwsglt'p to date, as'well as several * eues, vas conuidereti by lise (oite la comitteo! tihe viole anti gtr en. unantmous approvaî.' Thse bh law vas Introduceti ln Cueunil'y DePuty-reeve R. M. Deverefl. Oie et the meat.Impttnt P visons etlofthse bylaw 1is Liat dul the itis of May, June, July eï d Auguat, ail doga rmust be kept tfed up, andi if uccoxpan>-ng- t»tIr owuers on 'thse streets, mtuât, be à ii a leasis Tise byl aw proyîdes ttM. dogs'fantidu t-large du4ng ti*e mou±is vIIi be 1rilled If after be4ag lmpeunded andi net clalînetiby oi*-. ers vitiu four heurs. 7hiS' 'Vision, v*i. promp teti by tbe-fl tisat thse Cou>4I1 frop7 UmeGto ti*5 reelveýs eP lints f rom - Propë4>' evners ttt" roaMlngdogh are dé- stroylng their gardens -and lews andi etiervise causlng annoyan, Provision in . aIse matiethsti dotg owners musI '*1tiln test«d atter tihefit' Of April of - di -year, tisonliceuse fees cf ;z.40ifor niale anti #5.00 for femal o ga 'pigr due, pay -sanie te tIse don-U t-reamnLres- ofthteimunlclpality, ý "6 vlll lsuea taig for each ' andti ory dot for.-wlich a 1lcensel. i~ Power *lto'tiven to tis econstubl eo>r snchb'eterofficeer vorktng usxiei' hi& direction t. gatiser lu aIl doip founti sithei' on. tise wnehi-- pi- perty. or on thse streets wittheut tags.*-Tise canines are te be t*ia te' the rear ef' the- municipal'buflê. lig, anti securely tied Up, andti uis ownons notifiei. ',If, vitisin ,aaspei- libd tinte tbo-y are not claimedj, tbel are to-elo humanoly destroye d"-;nd thse tost, mot, to -execti two, d'e-, lare, clsargedto tehie owuer. 'Pro'vision- is matie thnt a dos Mnay have Ias tag rmv&vé'l mie ego iiuntlng: 5 or 21 a e common ga.l f-th oeutyil tis--eut f thons .belag. lio mbang e!collecting tise. fues' levieti hy a magistrate or justiet titi' e *peace.*'1 .r -rh'Pr pniel Provisions et the bylaw. are - betng treely ativertiMeti by tise Council lu'- ths anti ether Issues o! tise Gazette anti Chronile. Donad Rice. Recovers Frçpm Accident Injury Donald'Ulce, tise yeun& Oshawa mnu Wise vasi niniietilu' auauto- mobile accident a short' distance n'est o! Dunisarton In lise earlyl mornnng of -Monday' last - hile lie. t'urnnig le Oshawsa.isreporettb> tise isospital authonlîles as i'ng left- tisat - ustitution-' Tuestiay. li ivas- nemovedto tctisshionte on El- udot Avenue. WIsile Ms-. Ric isati suifes-ad ne vis ible injuries lu- tise accident It vas feaneti for a ime tisat he had suffis-id internaI in- jurias. WIth huai relus-n te his 'home tise fear et such . Injurie.% sBeents le have bien unteundeti.' Tise accident.1nu yici Ms-. Rice vas Injureti -as tise nîsuit et tisa front tire"on a car tniven by Chas. Perny, et Niagana Falls, hlevwiug eut. Tise coliapse ofthtie tire tire-v tise Pers-ycas-eo etise Seuth aide cf tise rend vises-e i camse lu- te n bond ou. collision wuith tise câr in isicis Rice.vas dsiving. Tise foreraifethtie collision cornpletei>' vs-ecked onueofthtis cas-s, nisile the oIson escapet almost Without -sers- eus injur>'. M-o. mca vas tise only passenger-in elîher-cas- výe suifes- ail an>' ses-bus sssjur lu tisecol- sien. ' ivasataken' te the Osisawa, (louerai Hospital anti -as unies- oh- servation b>' a doctes- unlil Tues- day nisen il vas 'deenteti atisaishe te remoehl te is home. Lindsay-The. Bolseaygeou Lis- eral Association 'helti n ver>' en- lisusiastie meeting, electati offices anti madie plans fer the nominahlztg Convention tô e li elt i luLinti>. H. Mas-k vas ., electeti P resident anti I. R. Stew~art, .1ecs-etantra-10- us-en. Ontario County Council Wîl onvene Next Week - Tises-e là a Ilethy tecke-'et bus- iness for- "Gitan. Ceunty Council visen It assembles ahtise Cous-t HouaéinluWitby next yack. Tise stlklag efthtie tai rate; censit-. enationoet tiereport e! tisecent- mittee on asaeslnent equniisatlou; oonsldos-atiou et rond ant idtge verk, anti nany otien equali>' im- portant malfera - ilconte -npfor cossideratien. An adjous-net ses- sIon la possible. Tio seuanu peng on Monda>' aflerneon, and tie fst ortor cf busiiesa vili 'probably be tiseDa". lng of -a'byliv torais. by yiy et- tebenuues tise Coùnty cf Ontanio's I hane -etoise- ceaI cf .Atherley bridge. Tisene viii be. tise usualwardteus pIeute sente tinte turing tise session andL il isunderato4thaîtthis yeav Use 'varteus o! Ontario ant -imntee Counties 'e-lîîjoin -liq staging Ibis amnual eting. e im nia. A cern- mille btearrangelthe pîcule viii hoe apleinttiean«ly_ la the sessIon. Tlker viii be tise usÙn Jun ede- Putaýtiona, coulderalion o! ý co*' Munksiîons anti necouaits, andi-ie conà islenale h Cm -tee reports. WMandea Jantes Reati, oetara vwiil Pniuldts liyandAig O * h r«14 eF..à eDenq.Aprâ lit Çj ive Judjmn 7Mwtmei. F. wMuis vIl eeacames an yil . I Obufetboa, wth ahle#etitbefts frei.eOualHeptla Tise easlepw "tea'e a ei pr mthuudlor, tanaoà - ano1 *tier. elght dy Iu'deac, talon lp emt d&W- Iagfthe tlbb7 && ii«.bees s11al Wnip o el.Ts lui.! fheïr lil boa&aruw~ Tise' ive«otitox bythe *POre sltqewéalito be.,mm. ie i.esult if t4 olc - vrk hene vs lltara Lau« tht ean Or .fa, large Lu-mber e oa.where it legei tehavebeesallim 11f nom- tise boskal migit be 1fouat. Vad.Ouptor£u« gi O...Grad.mtin ci Tleconeent -*ail o aai ade' ieg u, alt- doisfn heavouthe aIt on iieili p M lip9esl Cbie»s.g iluaintedth itstise d-ute cî O! tise cOllege, 'thîs yenr. Huge bas- k-ets O!fllaca ant.i 1:18 idernedti ia s-cent and.i. aded a toulci et 'bruii- sncy te tise,-'ignity cf tise -hall.A chnnm'!:g xProgrà mme hati hein an- nangeti b> Mi-ss K. Lensk seules- teacales- e!thLi year5 cai. Ail vise teck .part vere memb ens'cf tise graduatlng class. Ench tiepant- ment efthtie school, ezclutilng tisej commercial dais, wve.rept'esénted. Miss Margaret Cs-nlg rendeneti s plano soI "'Ais- de Ballet" cy Cisaminade. Miss 'EnIti Richsarsosn cf tise Art- Clasa, gavé a neatly prepas-ed -'talk on -Cunadian Art, unj ic s aie -sînessîdthet'aiimportance of tise Indian: Influence on outn countrYýs as-t. A. favorite 'peeni 'iYleIîe sud' Yvonne" b>' Wilson Macdionaldi vas eecitedi b>' mena Hart a. member oftise, Dramnîic Class. -Miss JacquOuine MeGnegor tiemonstratoti some, !nteresting aex- prnmeuts lu Cisemisîn-v. Vîtamilsa vas tise'subJeet cf lise tal k b ' Miss Auna,,Brooks as Tepresentative et thse *Heeseholti Scier-ce Clas. Missa B3rooks, luatipacked a.gnmat deal o! Infermation Inte bier !ive min- ute 'speech ant tie ladies present founti il ver>' iuterestlng. No fines- cholce c'! mosk deob>' tise Dram-1 alla Clascoulti bave beau 'madet tissu the. scene front Jesepite, Preston Peabody's veli-kuiova playd "'TisePipes-", l i is Iwo aistens, Misses Eleanos- anti Masion Cronic, playedth ie parts cf tise Motus- anti tise Piper. The pleadiug b>' liet Molises- playeti by Miss Eleanor, ifon ion littie .lame, boy jaun, var, inest alucere. affd. Misa Marlon 'as thse Piper, titi an extremely clever picg et acting viseu as tise piper, 'nshe batlus-edthtie ciîbsen fron t tise people et HamelUn hoe.plenti t vils tise 'Loueiy- Mans" fer tiseE pnivîIegîetofkeepissg tininu isii isauda. Tise final usîmbes- oa thisl tiellgisîful pr-o gramme ,vas t-vo1 soles b>' Miss Frances -Grace. SheE chose for liern selections "~Little Brown Bird" Anti.'"Peggy". Ms.s. Leo Gray, président cf tise Casîle- Cisaplenrau chairiman for tise-a!- ternoou. - - At thse close ',cf tiseentertain- ment, tea vas serveti- b>'-tise ment- hes-s et tise alumnuse. At tise lau table, cofonfuuir ti'.ecorateti vilS baskets cf fie-vers,, Misa A. A. Maxwell, anti MmL C; R..Ch-rrcallenc itoureti ta.Ths xtse >ot theet- Ciap4tand member t' lishe col- - lagbe tacuit>' ver. tea assistante.* '.Anuteysaiy-Obsmedt -Mrn.ad , Mrs. Reot' C.* Allan, eCoogceleb"fflet tie fillietl aniversgx.y o!f - teir -- wed- tiur éenuly M anniti lu 1380 te Mary Susanua- La- or. etCuing- Wood., Mn. Âllsaengageti intise nsllgbusines aev uat Féelson - Falar, laiers- mcv'ng- I. a tas-m voit of 'Cobeunrg. .Fer thise h1it>r-six yean*héecouple bave oc- (tUiOdt hem prisent- home ou Wil- liant1 Street. -They viere thse retlpi- 1415 et mauy -gliflaet. Devers anti- ctifront tlteir-!aiiy rand fniends. 'Sesven chudreà w ve- *ppnent Onta AYIAND Pies -for GmeteÃr.Uî*ty Members cf the Port, Whitby. Ratepayeni' Association" and cf the Town CeuneL, attended: thse n- Iug service- InS. Jôbn'iCurho Suaday evefllng and-I iltened. te a ve q fte -&d troes by tie. r>cýtor, Rev. ,D. B. Là a*gierd. . Thse Coicil attended inl a body at the invltatf~ et the Association, andi for 'aUl tit visitozz* speetaitUSlanthe chureis vere prend., Durlng tise servicu ilis Wership Mayor Bowmru rend-; ered & a ur gpreelit4d soie. The. aUditorWm.as ' Veil l lti. -Thse1 rector' extezsteti a r-ery cor- dlii weloeto tise visitors on bie- hait ot huiseif andi ti'cengrega- tien'.. Ré v'as art1eulanlyî plein-_ eti te sec thse- bbys- In thse- r seats and stated th at 'elisircis at- tendance zithe- part 0fbeys should, receve.ee nergaet - hadisourse was, basedi on mu words of Paul, la bis epîlstie te tise' Ephesan, "Endevprng te keep" the Unlty et thê Spiril la the bai'u of pse; andth ie retor. mte an ïarne«at plia for-uiftzand a-tipinit of self forgettlng Pertvce..--Thesa, * em r e s sq ib a t il f r a il c i ve bodies "d - huaA& efal '*geverii- ment te bserye, aant te,.they l needed- to.bepractiseti' lu aU svalks, et lite. -Rv.Mr. -.Langford con- gratuateti tise Port Whltby teen béague, sëftWeI team. thé "Sea 'Fleas" on their succes'of, mat sas- soâ, wlnnlng evnygamo tisey play-' ed. -Tley 1wen by their _pirit et trà e saportsmanshp*-,,sud thse nec- tor. vWhe further- tisankedth ie Poirt Wiiitby 'Ralaperst ,'Assocl#t1pnl_ takln-g the.:bo-baà Inliat Ilvaa .work vorth whilt- w'nlëIh tisey hod- uaderr.ak n lsfiet, ,tis' ot m- port&snt",Wok the aoealueu do waéazamong h bys. Tbi. AsSSOUW, ion 'Vas îi-ged te ýal*aYs 1gider-4 take. ,.ntethsâg veft>-ýh'vle1or th*- eOmasuilty.' A unlIti of pupeW . *as 'ha ëted aise tiio s qlrt ôt eC > ope*itlofi to miii, affeettro -th- back n;' Up of every. verîù-wiio organisation lu the! "eommui#1 inch i the ciiuii h, the achsohiio tai »okagt, eheoi Glui, anti etl tangileg'-fte <ccm1rh osutistls r jbliet-ng ts icesussogo<>d.iýua jrnrta tg i m s*êTatluli ~' t,îho-~g~~-' ~ nrr I rUnlty wai a Most _-important thing -i u gvernling liotiues. .. Scrapplng anti 1igiting. produced . decîmina- tien, ant iimpainet tise 'naluof etses- vice. Il v-as essenlial, Isevoever. les sisoulti figist for tise nigst ien-' ever. neceasary, utllizlng cieail play ,anti a tIe enoly tafo beo! s-ouises- vice. Rer. 31r. Langfo-d ur,-eti ,iss isearore -net;te 'vote for a -mian wbosî sole objeet lu- offening hlm- self for publie service. vas te lie lln tise. limeligist, on'for tise-mnu who vas auways- seeking ta -gain prestige, for fhimueit'anti vas pas- sesset iviStisa heIdes tint ie.-vas, neye- getting eni augis it.. 43uéh a, man vus lient. on sesring isimself onu>'. anti iad 'noe'tisougist. e! iss coustilueuls os- community.. Tise Te-vu Council n'as comsnend- ed b>' Rev. Mr-. Laugfo-tiftes tak- iug ovin 'tise.Cemmunil>' -Hall ut Pont Wisithy., Tises-e vas Afeeling tt'i ilas nov lu sale Sands.- Ha isopodti tit thse hall veulti noin lia useti -mos-etiss ilis ati been in. tise past, sud te' .tisis andi-ne suggasted a consullaln lietween- the Counil anti tise Ratepayars' Association laý dates-mine tisa future policy vush regard letiste building.- iu closig -tise rects--dinoctetibis .seas-ors te look to Christ visa vas tise -sou-ce et ail unlty an'd power and - vIse by His lite sud example deémonstrati tise real. value ..anti hîielconception -o! ses-vice. tise attisess by. Rer. Ms-%.I. Lang- tend vas*mes-e tissu- a:ppiecialteti li tise visitons.- Dectos-' M alt ]Ro Utdal CorvalCsnwall Medical Society' is luaugunùatingý a plats, hua 'yéar, wsene-by tise doctessoe tise. to-vu viii enjo>' hà lf-iso.lidayt3 ench. Wetinesday durnig. June, .Tuly anti Augupt. Tisa doctors bavae ars-sugedti iat t-vo pisysia*ians'-sriil lie avai-lable-- lu case- c f -nocessity e&acis Wednesdsy aftes-noon. ~on 11,0 A Mit ReIçoiva ion-ýNet S r 31,19». la -on. A-ioeUici;iy iwremc GUnà soR, i ' aH s lmP-s t-Mef ef Police lHerbent (jhIùo on Wcdusseda> morts- ltèstiereti hAisreaigntlou i n lVrtlng. ibte c yon anti 'Cosuiel. té tike eot on thse 'first' e! Jtsiy' ,Titiaction is lit aces-dance vîti a nesoluation 'Pasedt tI he' Couail iso-ý 9 n-NIiouday ýeveîlng, lest. '-bif' <unses, I lanser-, in thse fouis cf tLorà id, ai i Jeaves foi- that towvu te at verk iext 23lenday. *t Tise Uuief had thse offer ef nEyerai '-,posItionis, inciuting - ene, unDeacroste,. Me 'êislted thv fesa-oit Tuesday-but vas ,M b p ressed i ~ l h il i e iCse iilea-ve bis- fauulyIlu, %V'litby untit suchs tinte as bu Iable te novýe. The Towvn Clil lias ne- eelv..)' t* iunisré o! appliea- tioeu 111U tiseposition, anti ibeso ylprohbib y' be .dealt -viisnet Mondav ictise rogss- Éa meeting oCithe Cotsi.' -. oz-*,S47 c-edit net nature cf licoui vee Thse a' Plied: te iva s 8Si 0 ,IPice P-il p crors ie fa Th ta( -tie veoar finanelal ecinplellai on Brock chsrgesd Wene nmet charmsi'i m-"ere' 'ilis TisePr bas aisci 'the Centi i'om wvi ASK MERChANTS e ni, Ea is., Good3 Ea' ly' wi elc Bin COiraNgVlNTI l A inreMIonDe asked to lceep the -business streets asI free front, cars as possible front jupe - 4 ths te 10th on account ef the- Shuluers. Convention lu Toronto. T1ýey will also be asked 'te accept -deUvieryo! goads from wholesalera between t a ô&clack ' -nd, fine a'- cd uthe forenoan o! thest days§, laion e that t'be high ay may lie fr0e s ossible of trucýks> iduring. the buÉy hours of the 'day when ItP exPected that hundreds or the Amn- erncan visitars - hýll be using the. highways. At two 'confeeces held lu Tor- onto on, MNonday,'ane. with Chief Draper, of the city. police force, a!Id tHie otiher >witli Cnerai .Wiliamns, *of thie-provincial >police- and. _ai- tended by Chie! Gunson, Whitby; Sei'geant Flintoiff, - ZPresentin g Chie! Friend. Oshawa., and'ather- polà ce heads in the Trorontù suburb- an [area, the- aboie -measures far -rell*eving traffic .rangeâtian' were, deçiJ'ded upon. -%Ilrntînicipali ics ,in Ihie area will be usked ta' ca- aoperate in relieving thse traltie con- gestion whicls la' bound ta' exist duxýlng- the days of-Alie coinvention. 1 was 'decded te have ambul- anc"s statoned at-central -poinits.tô be vaïlable la the event o!' acCi- dents. W.'C*. Town. -Whitby, lias been asked ta keep his aà mbulance In readiness'-for, efiergey ,calis durn teconvention Uays t'ýili- othr xeas ure décidd uponi Vas thtpjicecals wllreceivespecial attention fraom. the telepiione.coi-- panIes. 50' that* therenay-.be no delaly In cases of emergency. jMeeting , .o tents--îsrit ar, 13. Oherdcr nuf mese atn; StamyRi edgteiriaz- ÃŽ ter~ Rometing lu Viytddge ap-T tIer , Rcin Athens .%.~ r. prsaxidB. and 3es. rtiinf I.GM. ro-e auoid P Mr. '7by ilSînlton a! r-1 quis< P.W.MN.83.- or Morriab MuS]v, Chale r . No. . wa fo teunaniuli'j yeeadDDGM or h nun Ba f Quinà te Conferee Now in Session, at Cobourg Deleg;itcs 'ironi thrcc hundred i>rcsidcncy aircv. T_ U. Rcxbinls ai churches and seven Presbyîeries of- Trin tv' United chtarcb, omavl. ,twelvýe central-and 'castern Onîj.ario A c vie W*elcome', was extended by couinties are m'eeting, this .weck in the lown-, "Wedllesday evening, at I'rinity United :churcs. Cobourg. for which.ea nuhmber of notable nmen. piro- thse axinual congress of th c Bav af i mnqntin the - life ofthec couiy ciý ýùnt_- Conference. Tenumber of '\orhuniberiaýnd. and the. 0w n i ÀCo- tinisterial and lay delegates «111 bel heur',, toak part. augtneted by representativ;es of the GienerallCouncil .nd United -church "tablefeatures of the wveùk at Educational and, Missioaar. Cuommit the conîc'rence wîilbc ha HieGre-atM is- tees. Thse delegates to the Confercue sioflr'y. nais s lccing. on Wednesday will number 'close' Io 300 menîbers evenînA 3 May-28th. The e p"ekers>,Uon nd their .'presence ii. Cobourg iDil th ar occasion w -ill be Rev. 'C G. no doubt be o(f great moment Ithie yo4sgD.,' owô Iill.s pcak on'J :own as 1wèll as to the 1Unitecl.church HOri Missions and Re1v. J. Arnup in. the tewn.L Quite a nu-mber front D.D. on Foreign Missio-ns. Oit T'lhure *Nhtby ,aie 'attendting 'lncludlnz day escénîng the Cà nfcr-cncc Laynscns 5 -e;A L. Richardse!ofthse United llanquct %vill be hel i nder the chair- Church mniîr-fMrA .Denike.' o- f liii. cenference was-omfciauny Open. Hai doôck, presiden<t of, the Bay cof ed -on TÙesday atternoon under theiagCn e Layzen s Mssoeaticn. a tg a ne' musuti pia iiîbesc DR. 'KAISE PARTI ON I -ii a copy oj O! Ille iiL.se c tIlle EspCC lies ce 1h. de-Âaon atîîted licrewii Iw'hicli Dri.. ILp i- l s-as of LoM'icjufilai ben-rset baf k rlî ivuloinc",i' cm cc.;ers i~L per Contl diawi s3tumr.dUg, c mianulactua c0 tsCes-ohlaan>' d atiab lei iler' n l9se 5te ttsie"s" n osisto uI droppeu lan h" lypograpilital e distu-fsi-1. ay frici. 'Mr. K.e ino-cinteL- CGraton ici-t b"tsscssp a r-absie o b' ca'n ony eteswse t'han lon, 'wh;c', I dq enteti vrpIs-mn 10eOnas t!se miý d. atid thay a: e d abc-"--IL nos' lien. 'friand, nr. Kaiser: tkeatemns tu irt boas-dlloade 1N . D u n nsg madie nu blunti Ameiidiment- Mr. Kaiser: -Mr.funaïng: ed"' -;n saz-ej mm 4« 1 -1