Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Mar 1930, p. 8

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A. A.- Mi-iTY GAZEITE AND CHRONIC LE, -THURSDAYe, MARCH- 27, 1?3O0 Hobnobbig 1Boys NOT WICIEf W itli Sport B AUESI L~y A DYIIAY9 AÏ ----------- flflhni T'fA HOCKEY NOTES lts a bard ri>w titat tlIc \NI1U L rRI To- ronto juniori have to 1hoc n h qutat for ile junior' Chainîiloitih D. ema f lvil of Canada, %ilc ýIiiWinieRc ar..na o owmaflRe giflaPais wun iithe \ester-n Charl- 5.ik. to simcoe ChUrcb pioshl)inlindvfalionihrt di.s- 1~' poino thîp in art ahlry tarn w1.1Bothehood tv, &Iraigifl gaint-s.3-O -and 241__ ThYtin u ~ayier lt.(-) Handling 'iunîan rature l iQ'.o stacle - (tht- \\ rn * peg E1,wo -r'ta* simple problem. MWe are only the tunfl 3-o1 ean'li_!-O. The- Pl's bt iegnning 9to realizo thalt thit la nowiect \-5t Turonio* tomethînz whirlaTetuircs a great Junior igrcwioi t lu- aiWiî'a;cg p t tud!.' içtrted lDr. G. k_ right crhurslai.) and oi isdturr'ay Ileaman, prin<-lpal of lte Soy' r'-ennis .ls l iir-uîîd tr u l.Trainirît-ScItool. lowmantilte, ii, l-Jc n unî iv(S11I cliiL (r i (;'c-Iip ourse of an s4drcis.gbeloret te r-fl'< tsi-. iiii. r'iaî i re 7 i f, l1-n* i l'.,th rod Simcvý Coal!le Wood! Coke! ATi-IMRACITE COAL D. L. & W.-For Best Reulta In alil ize.s - and best prices Dry and good Qualty,' Szca ready for tovc urne. O [O Coke. Best on d lec m&A-ct j PROMPT DEIVERtY PHONE 182 Wk IITBY --"-r-r-r-r-i ~UONTYIfALT I R RB A 5a u ne, a m Wouald Have Goverumeut SPO1180t Plan for Health System ExPenart 6lat Ter? ~in tand i.rre heaith mag. u ecides in tavor o! the County iielaJt U;nit Pla-n, it tg clalmd by lprop'on- enta ofr eplan. Rorl.aMo. Liô" 0f1 E SPncerL'Unted Jl'ai- Iet-a of Alberta Member for Battie r River imolved in the houa.orcf Cern Inons thât the goverument "abouldL Laie Iflto COnsLderatjon the adîlsa-! bii., __ - -' ---- c" lv- - -dt- illyr mrauing g=ata t e seprt- ltainghtcî Vrfll.4 <JSiC *!.'tcd ( (i 4't j i rîr iî:îad <rod i i iht. An appeal 19 made 1Io hlSOirVIflCes Oqtain Oone-thirdor-ithe cost Marîorri ,' uî'-11 ~ ~* *' ~" -' sau. beternatturea an.d the rP-SPOngO le Of the establiablng mach bealth nt ir.4n ici i-H - ~ < : - * i- ~~ ~ 'c 1- ncouragtng. If a boy Per at8 tu RB insaY be orgaizejApoa -. ilalîîto ~ ni i.i ' c~- îî'l~ < rr.? ~ . < ~ n' etrd reking the laws ofthLie school U ive n emto.Peoeta c even j athe mot-old sao oe n ilowt "nIrufit \i " fh aueo 11 i <~~ Îs discipllnýd andi Dr. Rcaa h lnsyI diay <ctii . i<ii C PuPeand 0( the rc;-" 1AfS A",i! look rfor !'Oubitr:r - î(an stwOn find : pointeti out that ecoporal punkshi- cold euh, as veIl as in the Unes of l,cin;ý thi- t\wrr-ei\) 1, (lers \l requires a orat dû-.of.i rstga- ; tif'v î i' f i lccIï)k tur îLîcoment odIen brought a student ta bOaltbe h=a It would Mts. trai i i tric n >r t.anii sacd ndCin u'don iar" 1 2 the point where ho miade an boneOihL'üut ut Ui' e. liarnlirrr \tiii i c r tltîpru'.îdit a a i w letiitn;aY bcebrr tililtý, il 1 - 'v thçv are effort 10 orercomo bis faults. Tbere Te~run ljhUI"i r<asui i. r<t ii' - - n- -.îicertaineii n 1% , humniaisîrbigs u(Ioiiw Îiit, ;rtfTri-were of course boyq of a ner'îOu&l., mal - full-UmedJ depariment o! ucr i- i1,cr'i - rain ihitr. lTO hatil tbacs)tI! Î tn S(.iqoaIlias îî, ti'-inic -h1gh strung type ID wlsom whiP- heahh, oCperatin; In a rural andi îîrjîît-ii- - î tiiltpirne-ss voryl i ,d frarll il ation <'f 'ti12 --- . lie Ir Iccan n j ould do more barm than n-u-Iret prfr- th rrt,.ii'itl t' rt r r-mphalîzed. asud ilînîi, sutri alni ;îr n'nit Il r ui ii!t urir sýîgea -.îi ood TItege were dlçclplined 111 8% errlIice. IIIthe interetta of 2 crrîi WrÀtlil 11.to rgan?< *.-'- .:Ii e b -a'iiiz %%)thItlit41 - 11ýl ]mnn 7 e(1 ii -îi' .oliraroeter way and I ln any instances bealt h i e edcaiealth De. -~~ uti - t c ~ naniiuri unle-s rvs" rt iW t rtl-cîrrrî len lads of this type were foreed a bigse c abtelyerform1ln -Jr'rAi- 'ri'b bNucr. sî NntitîilN Iir-k.'-iI ispenti -a few dayti in bcd for r biiSDh e, eerding t the' 1c i ' '~-I'-' -i'~ 'tfS ltcnutte eabeiltI '8 Plan upgt1 whieb Mr. Spencer 1 .ii~~diti-tj ' f -or- \r<cil t rvîngr Io<'IdPi' p tg l'le otIon. the 0055 of cs i nitt \rcîî î r1 t iu arte or;;ar .in z1bh-i- n1 iti , ,'l[i in-wnh- b ty1g1 lr u twuId 6e borne equally by the VO-1 iirrl,î iii t t - - I ci-' agi- i n 'rîl r r ~ida i.1i if 9-- h .u iliCi- atndard oxpccad of theni. fltinlon. lhe pt>iaeadtl m le- sx-tei g ný(tr e-hoot i- lirr-t -t îV lit Iu)lisr Abave Alilpatience 1% roQgnîreti îl M ae ante url .- '1criiv glii )1 eabfrîtrf-V' crtaIn 7 r 1'.- 'vrJi-thi' worl. 1)r. ReInan stresacti. cae3 bte old o cirîr 7 r -Ut iibt lot i aNe rc s o üi r n rla i- ia '- i--r, ii i «" *I~ Ci'rist lad patien-e wIth t lwe * ut bu î%%oîleapable of drrccrt,fg 1111 Irjttr --e , rirha(Il i e- who dJJ -4rong îbhtispeaker con- Splendid succes a basrn-wned thei \irî J ~~- ic s'arried. i erij- "ri - ,r r- cr iiîrrrr uded. -He U n-as vnlio sugges'ted efforts nt thest. unit. intte pf-u-Lne a rifi oruieii,,cý4 fr ai (ring rolOrof Qeru lüTAiebab 14,unft etuin fl m un -r r.l' [ Ir '-î n-ti't are applied Ili ditiit r S iiud,,' i 'tf--4 >r1 àr")uicl)rJr0 tt sVej limnes seven. » i jin T «b jt nt ý q qIdelÎr 'r 1V *!. r',1,- Il tIlt boys ta it 1e serti iiwIit cltti Ih- andîird .cJ:ridrCi t. Apotrctation for Dr.î n's Cuunî y làUs taiafâ"hd' la 1906 Dr ,tuîirr, r t 'r s in char;re. lar. IIîa"îiani (la1îiàfA-d- 1 iotr ~en. - r(j erjîç itii- ,ir'ndid addrcrcs w i oived by tttr. It~1<6tbore were 43 deaîas in i riirSSCri eu ciiiiîg t lien a y os uslirou;.i b tin tlit % 1 à4 r r ' il ïi, ~ldls'-nrd 1rrdlr,.. prezaiden, or the u uîitf-fignricuel 'lite girl., %ucrc k-,Ct(rârasurig c 4rd:s. 11rboolr Yex;'uerted 10 ic u;)tut i ui;tonu'. ,' ' t i;ui il~> o lroittierbood. 1.92~ b ie Igre drspe b.y 146. ltt lie (s 48S. llarIy. infant dealha uuere __________________________________________________ ____ ____ - reduceti tri-M 13 tn 16: detha frni deaths trot aconaglous dtaeea f ront Sd to 2.idei lu alra e t Y@t gallablebUt a atudyr 01 he e% r10- mkSomlgica thse GAIN A £&P O F a"auxupîlo tttis aton maut il heen eomnparaus-.,y impert=zt. Tbrfte ogisr lseth uztita nere &a1s' w t~stabliahtrd. tctlowlng tise oe inl 0 VBeau-c. Cotant-. andi n a&l tbree A ,%ati rexcelent resulti bav 1mt The.,. new low- price.,fer Campbeiis Testa .Soaap. iHein& ethu ail Salmon are setbier pof etA lndet lth» esutolos:I ZV4 SION STATION Vcrc.d& ru constant ieadma'uhin ta fferizigt tehigiseat quality foods at the Iownti of m y luu7Wmesau 1 MiONi Il TE) 11,A.N. DAILY âteA P yu tstl ist&rteý F.XCEPT DATURDAY rot BA gr.CCJ70.1 t A £ - yUnital19a:6eu19a38-1r91n4-ME &p noust OF MUSlIC. nt 1619891-i:j and fous-flic ..- 668 4261; Ibolo BROCK STREET NORTH' H N 81Ia t.S Jean ..-. 625 312 -064 :la ~ ie i'ie rit............ w er ' a osrus.a-i. St Hyainthe ani flou-s ____________ pt,- --r l- - A & a~scarya fl U ne et lmtsî fth aad poulIry aet biiut qaallty et lowest prIces FAriCY XMJK FEI) F'ýOWL war £551501m 4 tes. Ib 350 FINST1OUlGCANADLAN -rLAMD-I LEGS- - b.334 LOIN ROAST .....lb. 26C LOIN RIB LAMB CHOPS.....lb. 33e FRONT QUARTER . .. lk.9 SES? MLS<FED Vea - luta M. 38 TENDER; JLIcY ROasits A & P QUALITY SU! PQRTERHOUSE PRiME RIS - * rD~D RAST 1RUMPIROAST lsHOULDE0 Ibo 8 on Ibo2 de Sb5 I b28 t eni220 - SLICEDlb. 42e Il Ri GOL» bh*. AD SALMON s@Ok@ye o39 MiKtr) A'.%* mLxNT LN A Gondola Chocolates t45 ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS 2 2ç SPAGHETTI, Hcinz --- .....3 A I&AL IIIALTiI DRINK Coc Maflt iBan-pou id 1g MACARONI Z86-1- 'TOUX CUeiOI o4ç.8< rto.%%on 46.%GREmAT rIm LOW LNTCN es&£ SHIRRIFF'S ORANGE MMiMALADE t*1jm 21 SKIPPER SARDINES, Impoted, 11ý's, 2 tdns » 13RANSTON PCKEa z*l 1n WHIZ CLEANSER........... Tia21 POrk&» 2 soi-< LAYER F10 ZIG.» sono£w* #01 I MUSHROOMS9 Fii, Coi.----.Ia3m liI lb.40 n8o m to" MA=S O! tu s VNh Aylmise'Fancy GoIdeus au b - 40?0 'TAmr5 RASSTU upM . Woeê.. ',ROYAL CREAM U DJ umlïàï- New -Spr'nig Ltngerie Loyers' Formi Corsets Priced per pair at wi $4,095 m $6.95 -$8e.0 Wood's -Lavender Lino S'lek Hosiery Nice range of 8hades to clioosc f roaxi. Pr. $1.e95 A. Dewland -Ltd. Phone 318 -Whitby, Ont. -ccitlltig ton-crs nt i-aih endil ti I. bu RIant ma-. 81tyof ithe lîlutorr KOLD TEM ERANUL t: and4'qIx oftheexwiit t ype.--1 S upps'r duct 's ii llran' foutlaii-r TIIIIR throtaglioptcilog-î in the colîix MErINI IUESI labîs.wlierîî Il wiltl e t-onp iv-td Intostack-k trn t he s-nti tctlng busilti EJ>~Ingr. A ppros jitlt-v on*-nmillion Educationd a y ERBJIY <'utle f" f a ! ~rlir mîr il l bit . t-lcin rel" under nin\iinuIttins-prat- to bit L8treey Attend. fl.eur.NjUrdorh t MacKtnnon. ot kutoita PutO Of Rann-vmedle t n fa t Jean i ~tt t-...... 68 '44 -Churcs, Toronto. and W-r Saint Jeuan d IbervOlletonsn III *.,0 OlrVct cor-t Unit-------------~ ita. itt * Penak ai a blquràiittsti51 £44s P*ln of rthtie vers. temperanceee: tî blx tn heh Inti1 «J5 et eue eé tititenat la affo<î-<. Kinu tr r.'-ut Unite-d Chsn-vls Oshavu a.t reti by Dr. A1p4t» oua.tâaard. Diret»r. <îfl Thuurslay nigehî 'rus ricCttui mad Dr. LateYau. sIStnj» promets s a"MnottC t m'Ivnt Im-'- rfloit. Quec tOPoltneW D Iur«et cfportant cf itt lnd and ih lae e- UI #i& Petedthat tise cisrcis -ti liii1- %'h18 ath* emmtCisoutyiah trait-, d. aYstem a ommuop.ttt41 a the Iraddition to thse epeehea anls Pt*o et Qiteemiit e lais iiprogra-rebus wnarae5 4 11 thei etblItft-15)a coutat e tuIn-thse 014 Ir"- Viti*"OQuartetter two, unan U«ib<er @Ogifflu ntcfla te ho presosat trom ?.êtoefflI i lUSis b. .at.t.4as ~8u ?rvloug to thse o4 eue teAt gutaedCgiliJ l )(llliUr,*ccWitt- ut easIOo f Lthe Ohawa brartei a ,d t II icdci et tbilistrlo 1rothtlon Unton ~ pbli iwltl uweaa wîU be 1104- SastyIagja4 norPsd wltb tise e enterftomt t C'ibe b.SIêb ap Nae w a «u&ki trla «bu4t -_i J ~~m? Io Sa*-ê..*ruPim.ra gse lteat - NM b i7.1~ ~ ~ ~l* osr-s ça -8e Stvuo I ~et ktr 11w s*4 ' îuetitI5w f ïsi ïâcer 4 nl*U* atv1 1 >111M. IR1181 fue ~ciltls. I~Sai88 t#,a a-vmUt *54 4""W ~ ~ ~ a18" st-r ft if 4& th« u in 00 redwa ft - 22 fit« "d4 tau* -Ir" m> 140b ~ 4*NU Vil ' w ggw4*84 bol, I r Sunnyfl,14 Ds~m Daek SlIe~ '~?i IS. SMeSSI ~t- W f2SSM Pork Ibhould~s ,4~. b3B --z.a~rw INN aoeoeuwa Il ~ iu;z condtions anti acotl-e chnnge- of air n-tii' emaite e-ut-li 9u seconds, Butter Milk FOR SALEr Tnite i l- l 1< recelvd unf- tii :tarch Jlit.. for this su - us .rpiirî Iluttermilk t'l5i'îor annvtender nudt tuits'-u'-îîry ahre lxcd. Fori liartictilutri apply- CITIZEN'S DAIR-Y Th Ite iutas -s nîikl:tt Usearlyr uîy mrorntng trip tr o îotiit-t nli t - ' tte"' ' train on a bnuai'c lin'-. It suaq filid 'r li ta(iniEa-o :kapaqi4t-ners. n-iîh tisao exccLt1n of oast ver>' tîsik*tIvû ,traveollng saleenan. Punl- îni; to .tàttt te uiui t caîîr-r u n tetunelttuîorin- Sro driver. "stn» h eirîti ,ty. li In tisu j . . 4cor titi lry puit &Qs~uttns i 5 ~ L !fi-m thc turnu "t aln tt k4no -ei I Nld y , ie -o& yr sielcry n-gja. *tî0'irrs 1Ut de wauts Ix t n Illtuîroad. -(t-tisvte*âr fo Parker$*) - ---r'- --'r'- r tAil omfrd i eu- ft here still ho 5tHy&o11 LI~IIU t.s Ext-rms '-"-- 't- Coîburg, -- -. \titherrui'bGr. leii mS <lie. ti s keiv t îtu q-c ititu thel- blieved cit<ru5uitarc cnteiîti 114i i-. rscre ls ,nsitlanvixn-Ia nu-liîîc. exil antd tdiver. Offic Rou ZWoa Children say",greqt," m *àÏ Shrcddcd WIiot JMsuit. VOL. Un -A Spiritu Fu eni Ed WOODS' LAVENDER LINE SILK LINGERIE In ai] the new shades. Veste, price..,.98c and $1.49 per garmeri Bloom ers, price $1.49, $1.95 & $2.25 pr. tht Mý 41 S,,'. -ia rs James, Sawdou j' 'FilUrsd a tarîo con! cri layaten total, andE dretis w tord, or o!thie F'undi tord si rlte Wi at harr of Jes rit unr- .li bir ron fi!' cii l D r. CI eot-o t Drs wn-th r Fund. ied b n'as t ed. tt had 1 but i titroli Tih Fu nd TOMi Mont Layn r wbic, A the 1 f esse Manw &pire fori aiity f urli miea les. r Indi r t.rol f ull pol vial - er. loi pel 'Go Ch hu de li si Pajamas In plain colors %with contrasting trim- Mning. Special price, $1,095 Silk Night Gou'ns Reg, préce $149. p.......... j r' zczcm-_ 1 -effl --- - - -- z 1 i T ý .MÉmý

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