Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Mar 1930, p. 6

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"'I WHITBY G1E1f AD ONCLETH-URDY, MARÇH 27,1930 - w ---se ron thse ArizOna lova o! ]EU- adosa.on the oxim l5uborde:..:ý t Few York, aNi tbon b Pars- . snob la tbe rapid Iraaaltiou ln eh. 11<.1 Of Raquel Raies. a darn, emaiol beauty cof Spanlah andi American parentage. ln tbe French cafital #h lthse chie ot det cf Aphons Courbet, noted fashion expert. Ber tontaii cniptilan i notbor usodel, Greta Trosak, a àunn blonde. On the trip teFrane; Raque! inets Bote Adénu. a mlIlouaIrO tpoirtis. viýwhsue attention te ber are Tesented by ber employer. du her tIret evenlng ln Parls, as she. GretaL, and Aiphonte are diuilug lu I aàbuhinablO restaurant, Adas maies bis apposraisce dan "sien" ousues. during v hIeb Adamns rbubse AiPhonse fer bis "echlldishfless." AiPhonsa leania thei restaurant tla a huif. chapter 42 Rtaquai and! Dertie Adams skii't* ad thse dance-floor lu the gardOu of Ch&tesu Madrid. They ram nssring thse tablOetai hich -lhey bas! let Alphoflseand! Greta. Whou lise roie Raquel bas! takea trou tise oloy! sd froms under tue black lace îtrap O! ber gown ans! tell at Berti's feet. Ho e tooped tô pick il up, aid vwosid' bave returned t to ber. Somothig la ber oves arrested hlM. "May M., ho uked. ralslnt tbé rose te the lapel of bis eressin; By tbe merse drooping -of ber eretimy lits, aise gave lustise Per- isilulon ho sought. 13. fasened thse ra»ie acurely la thse buttaoxbl To Alpisonse - that rose, [Olch * las destroYes! vltb s cingle htroke thse sambernesa et aques es- tumo sud turued ti fhlt a gala gem for aaa "lng enria. vas a rot flat ef revoit. It broie dora the reslstanci hi *«ant boIvo tobis deetre. 11h. couldws!ta bi lger &roundti bm tho t o!this tfsoucIant youth: If he o 001pick up tbt Idolant va- m l a th*e mystery-ef lace anti carry bher avaer ta bis armtne bisl treasure strere la th*e Chample EI7- lie lovee bis bhasno tisai bis -ladeeiolselieRaguol," ho &bot at Bprtie' Adas'u unuvmedly.. l'or the buteest, second Bertie tboveti the oafustoa et snch a bittat attseL Theuaeir&ualonre wtt-oumpgIf !worllsy villa 4pa Ret P08011,"ho ndw I.# 1 Misa RotS hfflseUbas lb. PriVi- rug e £ ivhaug mc!o bc th e ue 'uer boUvéu 1k. a chU&i" 8attts strong chia atoot out cllgrly,. "The rose viii fflain wbff l 4.s, Ua1 lemis3010os8 _go e bUaruelto ]Baqt gllîg 11cr "Omtutliy t teettabhjanst! at ifehe dog I e.u «Y~ou may voar the rose,#ise * salti, Shp spake saa laauldlr. as in4titfonty, as Ibooit-thse bfle- iugi $uleuay, tme sofe age titos an iacron the table dit uut çocora ber. Nos 11Idl at tb. Mo- ment. * "ibls,"aib old, berbeif, "no Ibuawr baithme. 'Tha aly auboyl. anlsacagu ailîhe r o tbel Stria à&uW&.sajaw vv klag* iang.odtslyi. Nov dareti bis fusi« drhmm-tosgaes' rap out aenties n be ovuel. ber. juat becaa. o*b* 'wo:ked fr isM Asà&If MsIc vu e 1 ipIoftyelare e --t"Offle Net eu, u' tbtat toe St e*mat- uè or onc'e Q*to rm.IbOO jj mk 150 for ber vkir.u tOSovu 'NY jANE DION hlm for berself." sécarod Greta. - Aphonse. diapp.red linto the "Suif ein 'cati!" Greta crupteti aorbatle a 8w oie. Aphoise bas takert bls ltte !red vagon sxilgene bome. Aud b.'s 1.f.t Bortie wlth the "Ob no." rUaquel protesteil 41Ob Yeu. 1 theught they oîIy rulledti tat stutt la the moytes. Andi. sa b.peevedT ?Say, 111 bot bWs biova up out la thé Bols." Bert. Adami watched Râquat "rf there are ani dlaagrenble roeults." bho saii, *"if ho uaks a màoi to dischaz-ge Ton. l'Il pse-"... "Put It in the tre-box. old top," adrismi Greta. "BeIl cool oLL Thoue Freches alvays do." "l'as sorry 1 came." BertIes toi. vas apo.1ottie. l **Von are?" Greta drew herse!! up dramaticaily. "Well, 1 like that. Loeok Who'$ 1 -e!' Rer shorp eyes dsacried a figure haver- lag ai the .dgb et thse dancs ticor. **JdY pet geegalov.". 8h. was off in a fIurry cf orhIid tulle, mvaying a Zatb that intr- capted, vilb every appearauee o! accident. that of a thin Young Mau vitis dark. u'ary bal: and lips 1k. a vonans. '_ 1 vilh theYd piay à tango.*' Baquet seld. A musicit wsu test- fig thé stringa -of hie rlolin- *'Are you sure. Raque!. that you~ want to etay " Hrt. Adamns 85"- ed. ' e vas uneasy for ber. Lb. va.s such a thorougbbred. "TIes.. lets Dot speak of 1- tlh. sllly tautrusn of monsieur agai," she said. Thse reques: rau a êommatsd. *"Thona let's da -nes.. Tou tse.. tbey bave givon Yen yeur * ' h Tbey are ipIByIn5s à'ango.", Chapter 43 It 'vas soMOm hsatter midulghît vhen Baquel burried along the corridor going onto the. court of the Cotinental Motel, and entered tbse elevator. oceupeti by a drowsy oP*rator. De bliiked at- ber as if Sbm wstre au apparition In tIse dream eh* had no doubt dlsturbed. Rpqr lirst nlgbt lua1paris! GdY, JOyoUs. thrIlllug. Wers Il net for the stupidity. the unpar- donable anger of Alphonse. AI though b. vere ber Iceeper! 96 m*eis J07, &Bnte 0baro eIl spoileti by a til!y. jealous =a. Ifad thé ereutar brought théensd et ber ausbions Would AI- phonse wthiirav besutl*from ber? if he dld. sheti sesel It eiaewbere. Surr ae*musit.lusd i &gain. BeaUty wqssaIl over tb.e artb. if Oie bati the courait t4 daim [t. At 181Wrate, Mpboe me nov o Ibat abe vasuo»t te i> e bOt to bis viii. That ab* beionged te no eue *eet bno. b#MLO'Wd buetester- ou Whetikar w urtd aceepl ber oâ ber ovu lters. Ob. dlOsed tise d*or betueis ber b0droou aidlb.draviîg-room te Obu« eff a draft thit bev oierbler beti. ,Mon aiese aoke la t4 moralng, the deer vas open. Thé draft muet baye boeetrong. or U=81 lise [ltc. "Il bope 1 b&v'ttrifflht Colti," dahé nId. "Colt s emy isse 1ui &nti tte a 'l so Mrvit$ about me tqda.y- Aid!1 aut *I! Mrj «orty' te e04oYthis wolidert nomleene vas MOvlUSgabout la the drawlnig-oous. ",Wbo Il tbet" aes,0àai. pull- fIg the covers- Close quduir ber ceus. 1IMiMotitely tbeil eppoared le tla dceprv tue fligre 't a vose ai. x heav roma vitba a b'et a cia c«a -a long sarop ose. "01 mthe rawp me a&,#et Md.fo Za «uir ok vas 11.Uclamner 9,. oi roteveai - hUi *Ile t h 7-l*ou**aM-. iII1 coel esm.' "abe subosttte&- LShe vautet te cet sharp-nSe ont o! the iw so abo couLd tlu vtuGreti formulate som. Plan of action. &"Kademoi. . Miss.. *there lu a jar et colii creamiu tbe dreaslug- table." a Sa ois ahitialready pokedbe nce through wbatever vas pertôn- il lns the rorn. OlYes, but itlfa net te my likluw. 1 vant ft quite fresis. You vill lnd cbange la thse bat.'# "And thse bat la.. "In that top draver, at thse rigist." As If Lois didn*t know ex- actly vbere thse bair as. No sooner bad Raquel disPosed of thse unveicorno uaid tisai Greta came boundîtIn. , oy-fu1 as a yonng ptnppy. "Eferytbing'a clee." sise crled. d -Ontg airfly around thse room. -1 vus. »eanxiou.a to tell yosi. deart.. 1 didu't ecran stop ta rf"r th. bell." d'Yeu mean Aiphouse la cet ac- cry?" This wvas good ne",. "'He's go inad ho could bite hlm- sef." Greta nodded saagely. "~But he's calns.d devis. Dld't i te!l you tise.. F'r:uhies aliways de"" ~'Then I'm to go on. as if notiiin; hast bappeued?' "1 hope tO. but 1 have tmv doubts.i »I"honse mu-, havo -ometblug up - leera' herufde hlis hanIlde."' itaquel fellt "Thse ...!wm-aid arrive'! t Ms morricg.' 'lie e'iid t.'n'ahttui. **So X-C 7 ' a"r bird rsibblcr *'Sbue inlthe£e rooms viscu 1 roke up." "Wby thse ol<l sneak-a-bôo. D"%. ishe Carry her own burglar tools?"» -'hbed bec'n tiironrh everythinc. I-suppose. At lesat she seemsed to kto*v iwhat vas 's nsy dre,- g- table." "Whst le sh@ lik"" *'Like a.. a. . ferrct. A fat ferret wnus. .' "T rn1w. kesqrothInzlh ~insn. WàÙat a ratiberrv we're galrg to elIre lier. .tep on ItL r!'1Yo'u. desrte? W. ;ot to 'get over ta thse rm4!." At the entrance 10 thse bote!. un- der thct, irne areb. en s.iterda.ust tou9,d paquetIandre!ta1 txi "iTf ron'd Ditat' tîention t<, papa inLad of pulll"r g the Carme', icene r' ' itertli Adstnip. you'd probably bave had 1- '" M< or the 1awfee-ove-Iay broo-haoe n'i~ for rou.-." e!--",4 Creta, *1 1ke tht. better." s.ad 1?&aue1 ta V. Y "You vold"l T'he broad boulev-ards rere lirçp ly Vi rople. *"Thts inuit be a holahd'rnu tomes thadI" Reque! remariel as obi vutebtitheni. "«Wht a ies yau uthink ro?- ak, bd Greta. "Ecreryons seoms te be soe merry. Trippin: alsies aif uher eres:go lu: in a pieute or a par.' "'i'bt ala'î a holiday. Thatus tihe na'tur* 0f the beas!.. Tber're jut ta like','te be erylnz <or rat-calllix' or swa a hall of a rer tne rit minute. A Vrveéel Oueen*s BtrEn- thîniortn thse recbi. '-%heu, it ecolnnte Qslek changea. floid ei'erylh!ng noir. dearie. Bere where vs enter th@e !lon* den." 'the tax topetOP4 bafO?,e 1, a atout buildint et noble bui'¶ cand zSoportion. Thse buil!dir Ap bad eîtter*d sbort!i' afte' the!r ar- rivalilit Paris !«etsday. DetIei Cd~or aaqyt The porw ai ViY o! Cali1- buta s .ralisor bot veaber dtu gticsmmer montha. u'iîb Ms WrIre ei orer 100 de. p-ces.m cutCeirt.liehomtet !T. X. Geolteva.6 0ft blev nu haret *bd eitath, coutaUsn i turIng lic massr smaths preflde Jup.4»Otutlly for a"y auto- Rani taow il» gti ue. n I Oooula dreve bie Vikit t"ma Ire bs i esestrM at îbis essue bs. o liecries«cftâc auliege uoeu ts mou 4wis tt ît h ibe usCe la elesaha às tmr e SCtisab.iv -e. l"eS ta ttemabffl. *isat.stala M Jeela »uala d*om etes-t4eMisthé amhg as bu k" 3tÛ.sor e~malag ut USOY I~bd*ucs 1»eutli1 ed: ho ow ÏdW e.l mIW. asMdt Uà# i&m ,lettrhb~4 t% ftmest 0te 43 IWiaiue. Vs v*MU topa lie Mi* tri 9 a",>mi la 0 miêrau taes .a 1 d* > u»i$ tu ism tou. âàm Im '¶aleto"bave onulynasct1o- ditonvhc ù e S e ceted in &0e or tii ajdutes. An êffeetim'5 ~autni£d ike Phltipsof MAR- mas oos rosl rt tglnonsa Phiflp does a&vy vlth ail tba', mrnesa and gai regîter inca]' Il. puevnet&ëIsadistreus seapt t bc cur tva bourse aler esllng.Wbats a peaaat prepuratlotake! Anid bOwgoad à la for th»se stem 1f un- 1k a burnbsg dmof o! a-which in but tomporamy relief ais bst-Philipt ~Mlkof Magu«ia iSeutrallzea maa7, imues tivolume in aoÏd. Nexi lime s eartl mea] or toe r"c a diet bas brogilon lb. leut, &Wdlcmort4try- I ANADA HAS MANY FINE CLAY TYPE 30 Millions Invested in I-. dustries Using Dominions J Deposits 0c Yr .ooo iC3 pcicty cDedi- tion. Hie fouid. ,thet~0Se r hlarssed and the, yOunll'gteçp ý cos- [and swinc-ýwltd, -and -ýeôcililSde)s- Icendantýs of saîlors' pets ef' n h i5lands in the last century or 0o Ironking1fndnslrleg. aS ttetr en- gîneersn niiassistanti liteengaged OU varioua larestIgasIona bèsl»g taPon tise Problema o!f saIiutsctSUe. Subjocts of generai latoreet 10 groupa 0f ceramic manutactarera are tuvestizated in dettll, and loch- nient ftdvice ans! assistance lu Mini- or probleus, are treely giron ta lus- dividual manufacturera. Thse oto- Jects constantiy behng varies! for are tise lmproning ans! cbeapenlng of tieDse s,'seseo! manufacture and thse aidin.g o! the Industry te prOdure botter and! vider ranges o! ware. %-i" railAai lI EXCEL[BIIHl ASMABISMEN Wornen WiU Not Be Barrd Froin Shooting King's Trophy maBitley Tlc t*urcil .1 tlle \NatiOlnai Rifle .\ssýc;%tun lbas no steisun mh a :rfy r cf dbains; 1,14i, rini s ( 5 i ii7,1 i iseir i~ r1 and ohcir inlatlcît i litle, whicrc fýIC" al arc sisibcr3 ()'ïutr uus eqr>sng cdetsnsc ~stlsiand1 ui r m1îlsta<s eu'uîîicl. 'Iis ss 1% guaI lc3r lis-tise Earl i c1licc m.r' (4 Ille.as4r.uses:tîo:î tllct tir resources lai nisnny t pc's of Clay enl- dv- Jlise prc srrnîtîtsosescl ployed ln thse mnauufaturinc li- snicts o.giecIctiby foui clerrs dustries. lu a list of 35hUes oi wis 1,i a,ssser fus certain crilticsisîu manufacture las the Domsiion. dlay us'scî ;srsasi. of ose typo er anotiser ssppears Lordi ihec-sset c vi 10 5pcusIk of amtorsg tie upplies for 24 ofthuent, fIsc grçat ini-test lseîrg exlî;siicd a- 1: lg used lan largo ansounts ln thse tnssnc ii st oli î'f tise' ciIpsrC in Ilis nsaking of sue uialcr.al% s nsce- K iz rs'i s iccsuîseis'tsvli ment. riaper. and ttsltlUi It i O-ils< 'nsIi.cii'sn -VOI1t. us :sss ueed as a purifier of lard inîd cils. cl!-5d'~îîdct- IIctl $<nstise [ts Sreatest usc. howeser. l is ntise 4t o u-.. 1 s te4. so-calieti eiay-ss-otkiiig lndustnieu q Tlie prtu.slçtit yt itfsi'i1,.isX) cnt in rieisorer a mililcsssand-a hall .ânti 515 SouiIi sAfrîns .lrentis ais! ton& ot sarious types of! day enter S jtI i- Ç ~ls.ie thosîgit tflic rep- loto ttse composition of theo pro- rrscîitatif'n c <30,jrCidetI b dueLs eaeh yezr. Tse Inutstries vi t îcilt sc!aot1l"cou natry.%ta S represent ssni icvested capital o~f "rilseulouaf' nsil"whiens te coutit. axer $30.000,000 asnd euxptoy al-. r,," pcpuiatitss vvas takcn anto cciii- usait 5.0.00 menî. siart'n -Theseo type's of!Clay diffe eat- Ivln tasIcal properties such s mai 1'hc standar o!arkuowIuiarssils ,olor la thse ulîurai and br - beflsiiarsoiid ubeo ia sia. piastlcIîy. sît-ength ivien dy4r Qsum in. iSaut . Afrira and !cati- and burned. buk .vurflsia ada." Lor ,d Jcice eoicluded. range ansd refractoripesi 'lise <*8 uaed ias tise ray-woràk5lnistsrtai« are alfie arc are o te r. R W Ni( IK poses for uviicis thPy,ý&sre adnîsted.6 W1N5 EH1 ar eamsile. aere arb e pt" lniant bailOilu- u[F0 lnItheFiHT pousdnof poreeeln. stoneware N ÙPD sun .aia au a eartisonware çay jor msaki" th-i t É -> j 1d ive O more ponous earthiesîvare: nef roie- fud OU V tory clays capable cf vitstiandtnî i dasMo un ub ver>' higb temperatures usesd fut j tise mnanufacture»! firebrick. %*Iez~ tut pipe elss>s 'wiieh predu"e a dee rnsperviousl bodly capable of t-skiai rsn iauc,0 iihn a salt glaz. for u-thessakins 01 t Tiâin g<theait piad d!s<ing sowei pipes and almitar produets: isk s iemseras merl pii and! brick and! site clavtansd .s*i<e 1 > ers nw aC'tor 'hg $is cidis- for tise manufacture of struc,tuai <tion et broodbu.- praclic.- em brick and! 1Mead fai» drain Me.lv io blatrcbia'ig as <loits. Uttil, tht Thse pottery clar cannot be "14 tlc ien~stuswhtu bmuiial swnshnst' t .plentilfui se fa a alsrtu- w" arIl4c bis lbthe escks. Cou"lse tien te concerneS but tiert a" la Imt to 10bto@tkr bouî doIii iaiuabei e, deposite et importacé. iîatt<er ioWXtiite£4~ks U ths- ps'tus ly ef,*&îna ay in QV" UO.*u'î h<iuh-givinsry tsicu. bec andtBritlis CotumbW-e:oft bAI aptira Miteîccsrbaique çà" mhltaa 0157 Suatekevaa »S Atierma. petmsr V op, lastOseabott Fi'eclays are igrad*d acuerdtug 01eslugXl t,tàitaiy isour c l orek tû tisat'r.frmtetheâoor tt, et»,ns<aMs! ht uussr-cxt=rkrkolt vet pemro ste icli lisetu. eautu thtie fr*Iatl in setrie. s'.glug trams 1er user thbbem Î <saistisaItW talsajti- daty te sedfluu. autd lhb hs*. tutejsvlyesîsigisart, avaiablo ai tuaty. Tb*e llisb S.u4Mor Iulb nui t-si * secýte tylt*t or usa*b gesSe iueciaîl are « tif raUe:rt ehicia. i ust . ura rIikt va» <frff ocurTc ltoCaMUda4 but Ibe t»*- * w4 iti *nMs! o4 14sr vil. 0 lIeu. W»t i t» «rPu« i a" seet terPerususat ibc poicu s imc Etisuti lai naSsd iMatt*b& &U-»d a iD il I prtet bkiche apIsal u lie pmerueu et Cu"*isare IIo" bê otu diow ,et4 o01 Pov -c«.e te pU»«e 4epuisf U OC it £sY ip ae«« Stt. n oIlin * tieg o us»MO t tb* «*D«u M,51' y eailv. Ï0 4QuliY ili e% taoveme greonthne ts oi sul«;t * t bc4t ise iie ui nos BoetaPlia"; uemlo J<ut4«mmaklo11* " est4o labpkx bie4 j eUau.i bncisut .stil~utuiR »t. 4 ie ecurne n~t.e01 4 ansh Mme.u. ,ubr" "d. Oueu **»wè acd» lsWe <1 tflcq5a s*w = m >î- W u*PMsko Englisb Author N ainesa Books He Would Choose Hf Put In Exile A tait. ianky usais ln ample dres suei %vihcagelrae, islio spkandian tiset fuandes c f a îo ni'ent teui aly th onesdrofpea torentat etures ai oc do oped heprt qlsait (uci ing Lear" - sueS %vas thee pic- turc tisai a :arge audîene iroughlt awas' frous a lectire of J onlin s uetyr Powys las Sonkrainister Chssreis. Toronto, reeently. \Vàthtie 1icture tvemnt also a Estu of' ss 'at uhe fn u'Enlsîinand atithor cs '..IfSolcnt' m-dr thec 10 lbook-, IbM lic ss ta .kC s' i 1 ili ihc isadl to spriiithe ti r<ciio' lits liieon as ccri îsian<l. Tie l4t ai .xash IVS otlcti çUusint io îsssu "Psn'cl<es.'thr 0 >'"5 i Iloracc, 0.11cSuts sL>s-zrla (:nicolA." t)Un ~u Not C, SlîarscsearC'S -isn) ",Itir.- (<e le Faut. licttes sks*sv»- i s . l' i 21*r cCk u- -l *s.L Mar. tcss brouglit to tise naking. 01fK hr ice uthe ir% Ctnes- ssandse îy an! pzsastnatc passiicilissi t1izi in thca ue earssest trnans:'r oi Ili ive.sithi tîsat sis'(i cst!s n 1: se andi t l'u , r ilie lssaut. snd ",oeîry oi thse vcar eassèy rc i ,ssabl i u s"neicvl is.as rrs! -ss-n tnl, a bittle <f isiI>set. \\ hülwes choicir feu Ln l-King le ar7*lic nos cdl tr0111 111e JiiiIl lutise - i-e(,Ï Iir '.5IlICIIý,lrv asl .iî 11 iîs king i î:slie î'A1% S Lu-rtî! 'r, à puSaSzlueail tise lecttise iti lt asutiieýce c d i nt erlstect as! en' cdir <tr ncsc -..1li sli-t rli! <d viu% îfsIesoisv.p îfç and <rctiilily, andI pins hs.issk- ail kxLutii tar- tilose [soks ssbascl f11t the treiter iscfore iuSe *'<nikcîl ns. sîc-v <f iLfe." Ilis lit Saughlt b 115e 'iiits trin-i tcelîcesisal. aeicls ue klitts iiritt-i sa- tisfaction." Tueii ts hasîIlic ci had "siie, Ili aihor's feelsng t'ou tise %vrittest r, a issosi n- thutmgis ci lite - the ls'stit one rvtsikvould lac mcadaigain." "Bcksk arc psar tuest frierîts, - t-uru isa thisn shen s s3e ae lcrs ibetraycri. siescrtcd and i riculle < -EuUt 5ALAAOS iORTI~SMAKE jiVILL TIP Lesu'. rom :C" , for Tdp bt AuatnIi Govroo wu "trip to Aassratisa mientbeyi wul iL e u çuts of bSm Dli4y Chuir,l tika tIs to4c gif 'e o! the Z.o stlin Nirw $eih wufro.vi lphotmph hems shw (Ldft> -.section of Isa efronat fece,near Toronto, baftersd down by force of waves durins rosent storme. (Right) -Maion Carpentes', Il years old, b.- ing carried througl4 flood.d atreots to seliool by a "Èobd Sanaut an." -till bc living xwhen ic twenty-fourth century dawus ,and weighing a corn- iortabIc 400 o~r 500 pounds apiece. Thcv <are a squad of the 180 tor- toises brouglit back f rom the Galapa- gos i-iands two% cars ago bv Dr. thiarles Il. Townsend, leader of the chetortoises which suMviveare 1 nal1er of being eatefl by snad be- cause they bave been esteeiiied-as food since sailing sbips began stop- ping at. the Galapagos for water il, 1780. The sailors discOvered that a 400-poufld tortoise hinP;elf could-live without food for months and stili inalce good food for othèrs-a valu- able quality on shipbOard. The 180 tortoises broiight back safely to the United States by Dr. Townsend have been distributed. Dr. W. Reid Blair, southerfl California, Louisiana, Bermuda and the Halivaiian Islands., & «!Thlis litlc colony M- are sending out to Australia,"' Dr. Blair wvent on, "gives lis one more corner of the carthlin iiiicli, withi varied climate and- conditions. se may study these interestissg animais, about wlîîch so fittle is kuosen. "In cacîs of thse colonies. ini the United Stales as wel as in Australia. cach tortoi.se is given a numrber and 'a tag. Thse fc--od, weight and measure- mients of each wNilI be carefully re- cordcd and reported to us in' Ncv York semni-ariaîuallyr. After rnanv vcars of stsch studv Ste sviii beable ;o determine the average nmaximumi wvcight and age and breeding age oi thec Galapagsss tortoise. Mosti ms- portant of ail. we hope to learai hov to save tiseni f rin extinction." NAIONAL summer. sce"h mgh cc7 y of eýut Far West. Mie Ja1erPark odgce la Jasper Natioal ParkYOUfOIrn5IIfhauQlero exloe. PACIYIC COAST ..followtzsg the tubuent Frasr Rimerte Vaucouver. Every tursi a ncw tldl ee" mâte a vista of spctaçuWa beauty.,ý or AAK A 1'000 mile boa tdup <rom Vazicover ihrough te.coiorful lsido Passage. Se" gladçrs, eh. K1oudtike, Sk r87*yGorgeous s .e . y Congeolal fC 0W -* vuBYC Tours May bc m»de by varlous toutes. anad Cnian ational 'a.t ONTARIO Officiai Warning Lroad MNut b.Rc-d DutgMa'rch adApril Im~ ara simnine tbu Rit olUUWeis lu14 se tatio Uv. 'j t J I -TmaEic Act id unpvetI. t[s do .* in.- li 1 à Il 1

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