Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Mar 1930, p. 5

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'T. Wl-I TUV !~A7rrTI~ A ýn seck. ethaSat' Diût.', C 11th tii.' (lames iher a Year or Lt h iir. ality Plus 6OOAL WHITBY ond ndu tylclilàg. ONE 275 h will ders. "T Whitbr, r- i'ltished every Tbhisday oiardlg by TiMisêUhbà b. ing Company uf O8bawa., Umted: C . & lundy., President; A. R.. Altowgy, VicePresdi4entGayio M. Goodfeilow Director.1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywherc in Canada., $Zoo0asycar in advance $ àt vcar ta 8ubscribeTs irthe Uzdttd Stattà or o«ber 'Greîgn countries. The date to whLch the subscr>p tion is Pald buis idicate4 on the addreus labeL 1. H-. ORMISTON. Editor and Busiess Man««e. Telephones: Bell, 2s and 79; iehldence, a$#. Mcf nibe r of Can'adia.n Vtck1y Newopapm sAssockaIo WHTTBY, ONT, MARCH 21, 1830 REMEMBERING VMY RFUME *Whîcbv branch of the Canadian Legion proposes to hold a banquet on the nlght oi April '23rd te celebrate the battie of Vimy Ridge-one of the mont important and out- itanding engagements of the Great Wïar and on ine which many Canadian unita part.lcl- At Vimy Ridge the Canadian troops cov- ered themselves with glory. Mlltary mnen today are agreed thgt the bettie marked one' of the turning points in the war in fîvor cf the Allied forces. Succesg did net alwaye attend the efforts of the aflled forces afttr the taking of the strateglc point of Vimy_ Ridge, but it 18 safe ta say that the manner of its taking and the great sacrifices made by the brave men who gallantly went "over the top," thousands of them to their death and immortal glory, remabied throughout the war as an inspiration. It is over eleven years sitlce the noise of battie died away on the western fro9t, but the memory of Vimy Ridge and other en- gagemnents of the war still lves, and will, we * venture to predict, live on throughout the years. The question "What mean ye by these things ?" wiIl find a ready anawer at every Vimny Ridge celebration and every observ- ance of the Armistice. It wlll be answered no doubt at Whitby Legionsa observance Of Virny, for although that celebration WinI be madu a festive occasion there will stand * forth ishiniiig as a sparking gem in the sun- ]ight the memory cf brave lads who went ou t f rom Whitby and were no more when the laking of Yimny had become a reallty. ClUt izens of WVhitby, even if they do not a1ttrid the banquet on Anril Brd, wIlIIbe with i he returned men in spirit. WHITBY'S HYDRO INVESTMENTB 01* intereat teail light and power usera in Wh'itby is the article appearlng on the frot p&q'n of tl1is IssUe'explanlngp e ponu gof iew IHydra legîsaatidu tte benefi l4sL t ]es in the Central Ontario Systerai ndudWig Whitby, which 18 rio' before the Ontario Legisiature. The legisiation is to enable the Hydre E 1lectric Power Commission, who art truste«s through the government for tht Hydre nmunicipalities, te turn back to, the oonstit. itent municipalities *within tht Central On-, lari'> system a total in excesaso! over two million dollars, The explanatlon of this nov p)iece of legialation cernes frein the loca of- fices ef the Public Utllity CommIssIon, mmd cati be relied upen as being thoroizghly accur-. ittc. It should b. roui csreuly, by evor ratepayer in Whltby beause o! theIi. ae irîvcsgtment which the towu. hua maie In the Hfydre enterprise. Brielly, the Governumt, proposest. intro- . ce leglalation which viiitond to mak tht îaous municipaîltles la the CenralOn- tario> system, many ef Wb=m novown or are purchasing their localPlanta, feelthat more and more, anti In à rMffi lArrW WU than most people reallît, tiiiel *Parinor in the great Hyrdre enterprise.-The govermi. mrent prop ose etake sud> stop.'as vi eventually reduce. thf t oa o!operatke m of course, as a naturalcosqeeeds the cont of power. -lIn a word. tht*Md- palitiesa&re to bave a fuio-rosllatIof*$ l fact that the gospel o! tht Hydre entpels tl~Y.~*~s5ê 4w ~trot".tl ~~ ~~e tSr3IÇUC 9the oomy îçd cn men m as d.>aftw<elag tàottIcIs ofDÎ the b" D fv boyiu*Wuaunet: -baW if uwy amf ms a peeU outaboteý tIse té em w. u t~to i Umè,teii.,huai. e fthé rallwqs -antb rtngla and siilppng out the& goods-by truck from nd t. oroio and elswhere bed by express and by fret. This r«eveus la kast to the rallway comffy. If business mm Are very mueh coud »Mlu keping on goodrallway servie S mlng h4o tovuthey shouli coopeat* m bIntinct slpmets to, b. made over the rallway.- We may proteat until vs areblack la te fam ~but if the mer- chants u&M the. bsiness men pporulnlasend- Ing frelght and express matter by truckin aid out of -towii, vs havent a leut. stand on whmn t cornes to an argument. Business le business -"As for pasur trafic, that à5 another thlzig, for nhi>t people have their owa car and It looka s tbtoug the msofo suai- nmer travMellgcant be cotrofledand the public does not want to travelby train in, summner sMr moeM S. Koweem, o far a& goodsanareconcerned every business nmnshould co-operte. Char- ity beglns at home, and tse»msto us that whnte buintusmn ter full sup. Port te the CNAR, asUelf-Interet ahould Prompt theai, then, and then amibe ca they show earnestness and alncerlty ln deniand- ing frein Uit raflway heud* tht very best service froni the rallva." SHOPPING IN TUE £EME To tht edltor's deak this veeis cme a re- port of tht Sxeutivt Cominnitt4e, o! Empire Shopping Week ln Csnads, which vau hld lut year fa-ou May 26th te l e lt, amt whlch viiib. rpeated this yesr. A pçus.l Of tht report revuls tht faut li in la Ipo. vlnes much vas done throuh mdvmtalug duuplsyu andi patniotie ppealsluthe vwu ef prounoUwagtht puarm fso! ondsmie vîtin the British Empim .largedépert. moit store everywhiee co-opena tti.Put the "veekop ovsr big, vit tterut that for matuy eeka afterwat'dsthm wu*a ne- tîceabe Increase deenand for empie pro- duels. 7%t emort coutas an exlntion of the objeet of EMPIre shopping We** as ofoflva 'Mei mesage of Empire- Shopping W.ek lu la two stages. Thç he# ttae lungl lou to btiyCanain ii t lî4at la the aiM &Wproita b er * ON».sm tila prMuU4W:whir Wtbey mtbe pgtlý* proftcta of your OcIds andi froua. ylm rivera anti orcrd, or tht ecode- a duts whlciamsb.ibg produ 'i ««vo 1W creasing quanUttes br oui- v0» ooislu your 0»owu <ctnle f05MbIe «ohmfIgl&i Ported mv matornla h e smi tbilng yme are urgedto- .* lu Ode..whén -y« *ant sornethlng that lu-not p«odusêsla(mda to buyit from m a.eothoPunti jM. pire lu dappesi lu in »rt a sentiîmetal appoe-vt neeti M lbe afnaMt. admitt tiaI --for sentimeènt andi ond feelig Puythaïr Part ln'goay quph of tlhbIt St lua &W an apPeate tht busiess smme «!a peopl vii. posogandi have ovoey riososto be promi ! of essl ba ma m J taàahMgi ingres' No Counitry pMdoas m rylbisg Its peopl repieM; ad mavi.,>., baiset. outaldeCtaadaf«,soba~yeavlla thniear et !yomrne4 ma 4satb t b> a tg Otsi art epofnstaIt00 so lai -whleuC&*nada -a ~ 8>t w»Ome thobua&h sit ru at ut *as y=1 vent e46ow bonchesto bor *Mu le Jin vMfetobe t w e usle. tht ý» Vl ta ata M u putw oà- CaO ua4IMWopo$wmabos. âem-0- V" hvia s.. lb. pomldwer mto ,ornla M iU«W -l thi »Smo atU.PIV Imutie Km" sln meating 'when ve Perbapa to - many ilsteners li sounlds quit. forrlere-a men~ jumble ut notes. and coriainly Il' barMOnica are Ver difierent t'> these of tie lslit-Bctj BeethoVenand U-topin. Thse man Who JO UnreserVekdiy acknowledgonI to ho head of nmodern imprsoetuni- itata ta Claude L)bus-ti. 86. W. are conceruuod cliel.y vitis ini as the One. Whoe sine Chopln, dii More ta reoaiontzo theorica about ta' n4 tisais afy Oue. la &U hi. 4 ho, istriseaa tkorougisl5 içlual note. by 0«» sOf! .4". ant use ut bigiser ovettomes ho lias created bhs Dow st. 14ev aa stangoe efects are prodUaced by bis e1supoyment or thei Wb.@i*0 Me sca le: thib entire systeni le tounàded om diaan-ance. To u Ua4 an lis follova, Muale la ta o et h MOMnetary retietton of !lee.Ong luoffs: t.Iuir compoutlong, rence- lions o! their r ovatunprestions, are Vague. eusl', itaout clearly-cut melodie outIinea. But th*ey amre yrY .tli;tiey bave vided out conception ai hbrsucn.v'ansd bavet enrlched tise v sais ham«o u#cb*mè.We canot wtUu trutis iecry cwpnouIoae OBaUt. The t follovint nu*ters. m il wwk ~ dbua ton hWel,'eoi ratiservl th"tia a cuii tlty, to play. Ilb h a curiona ttulu tisaI «Wst s'eoetl hbava compoprt dons aiuàttig spettkaly foi ehid»În Thsasa4"mlau Mot cisverty pro- duoi, *ad aboui appuai toehid- Navisova a litie*auto&- Oroup1-7bsCaret*, "Tise ,Iou""' (Sittéabnhort liyeal. -T» Dbkq*». JacqunsIbert: 'ChilW TalWeg 1 &- C&t,â* cyIttro uo! Clvs, Alovil "04 uas ea< sumeo Goo. iuTobe aW'. » csisiatb a ie «qpssesaclut vit»M bmoa "Mutc ÀApgnàola And mgttmalr l , « th* * timale -or FA.RM FOR SALL OR RENT- c-Ii>izng ut 1Z7 icrc%, in Pickering~ Tp, . ht ' cen. 4, suital>ic for Pasturc -r CUhlitlufl. Fur tifrtber rticul. rts apl on preiwîses. or WrIte Xlr. J. M. Ldwards, R>4.D.Pikcern.- 40> 1-OR RENT-THRUL ROMS erilar. yard, privat ntrance and bath. Very reasonabit withlisght eçr- vice, Aj.idy G.4seît (4offitce cellar, yard. PrIvate C8tra.ee And bath. Telephone xervnke. Very rets- anable with iigbt nrvlcs. pp*y liaxette ottIce. FOR Well Ramat aun Iundai St. B. Apply Urs. Ncskêll. phons :. Wbltby. l'OR RENT-TWO U14YuVaiau1. ed front roow.is.wtt usof c#Iar P'hone 409. 11%oun Olu 1#, St Apply 1listett Mi. o 14., Wtltbr. I visite, kbv oue**n Ket treet vefteu*tfr UfI*We., bvek rs».1 AUl modern cottveilenves aituaed. Appity 14 Muueîî AUDLEY SeTOrs.!from -boreattendeti 1fr. qIbI*on'e leonTuesday. Hiarvey Edward à pnssd la Con- sidei*ble quantlty of hay and Otrav and soId sane tis aweck. We arn PlUmad 10kuow that MIs" LelaPratt bas Q<lte recover- cd froiu nJuries receivcd li an a*utomoble accident Th'e sale 0f Western orses on ISaturay lmut drew a large numbet - Of buyerl. iessr.- Michal. Bell ind BenOtie each purchs.ed aone for tileir uprint ork. The trutees ofthtie churr-s in- tend puttlng a 'Iiew roof on the shied. Âlthough tbis building id very littie used,"mtthe triistees do neot dccii It advlsahie'to part witi Wieter Bra0s., bave 'naterlal ou haznd for a nov home. Work -itaî already commenced, a new well having been: dug. Rer. 'Mr. Dayid, of Lindsay, oc- cupied thse pulpit here oil Sunday afrernoon. Tise union of the two churche% ln Pickering la nov compîleted, and the congregatIon l prepared ta cal! a nov mniilter tb cominencm SUPERTEST Serif ce Station Grease and Washîng Seiberlint Tire Dealer Hiecks &Sm'ith- Dmdas» St8 WhitIr r nouffla ift UDflm bUIL IvSul. entes, »»d romdktên. bpty Browning Md il71514, Raruistr Wbltby. slrett-sentis. Apply ta ors. char- te"e. 14 tauved (rom rpet.- n 4.reI*d. lot. e. o.4, Ple»srtsq Ah*S baudtvas» aasmt lut as.m ror sain IAPrd7A. W., omw, 1Plêkorig, Plu., or Pb"# $ wbubi~y._ Tratel The King's 1-Iighway Dal Coach Service, WHITDr'te* TORON4TO lAIE 700 es.WhI»by (Standard Tit.> Leave Toronto dYls-M M.840p.M. d7.30 as. .4.3«»m aa~ 44O~51 &930 s & 30 pn 9.40 au&540 pm 030ar.7.30 z.n 7.40 ~11.30a-.830pn, 104a-ems. 8.40 pirn. 18.30p.rnm. 9.30 p.m.ý 11.40a, 8&40 pan. L30p..1,0»3pn 1&.0p 040 p.rn. m 2M30pirn. 11.30 Pm.rn 1.40-p... di .b. 3.30 p.u. d-Dsy 01pt ~y. c-Sito* Dgds S. hIb -fPo a 111 -.o Csbse.io iTornt c So-sle Hosi Oé~. ,WEEK-D" I. LLuc.sts 2.5walp 30â ée - 0,im rite gala. as al in 'KY be1 Gasolùs ad O ût I«te.st.d Sra PAGE FIVE FIN£ NEW ZX011AJ4GE Telephoe users who bave bac! oc- casioc ta visit the »#U Telephont Coospueys.offce reenty bae been falvorbly imptesici by j*j neat, brght app«arnct. Tue hlw Office oIahwa<pened Ust W@tlibas f588 itS nts M ewrmnt aU ~l~LiUr fci t Bruce. Utrict Mngr of thse Bdl Comn- pany pointt(out to the Gazette that manychanes hd boeiImdo- The Uew sWdteb n sd 4p~i~ qzp mnt have p 6d 0 as ta Uake care or' future growU for sanie tîme. Tise switdibor4 <@=igis of fve sectîonsf«r Ic4tttbtcubernand a lonig distane secio. At preseat ther are six hundred àshtity tele. phone.s rved by ths, Wbtby ex- tha2%ge. *ansrdd nctea.Se er pre- vices yrais. ýThis uok bu beesi duetco.aiderale ea o the WVblty t»t bet posifl t*phoue lit. ryomwu l aet Peet Pet.- [~Im oIs*sre.lie beffl hi% CWMwtiste J. IA3cColi &;miatw b oi#cttd with the CaimtaOà ý Lt4. wth wéuh 1e fflt log MU Md bkhm lservcec, He *s b abr of tise Toronto Board o rs#,e tie TrSmto Canoe club, tis Graite Club, basonic Order (St. 4edreW"sodep Raincit 1%e, Wmori lt wa ed waa ate euimi6 by bib iser buinesas- La. A.Lki4s, WL).R CeL gê"«, . . -1,. W- A. CoItreU .Md IGC.stwmeýeios1%e fai trsboteg .ststsd tia8ibgie sm w« = i* puemek ws e morthieb mdsl AdtiMsoe, and bis. Tb*ise f4mJtas Ur s. C m &L ~ ~,b L .1,

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