Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Mar 1930, p. 3

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Goal iat aliways tnd -i Dnop - a~ LIFE' IE of Canada fOLDER. îually. ,ability Bencif, KiL-d. de Cemetery ONES, Sexteiy !houe e.505 NA( C.e TOWN ectur and Embalar IMASON AtND DECORATO%, bst the right, Prim~ ~aper book delverM d l withcut obligatlnq ye ( siamples Bat reai]~ ti sale clerk. Do* takes. Settle aBl ic wi ling on,. 33 Yes1r. ta lsokbaane4 41 sale. hti. Phone S IMAWV e/.UCTIONEER .AH . LUATOR îles ptornpty atteawo enta t-or sales cam bu laue Office. Term coe 288. s by the lâte W. ý-'e continsmed b>" , Prtaggo' LENNEDY ITIBY, ont ~eet garth, oe40 M1 IWIN ck ektoseoth Pastiry Hav-- you'tried aur -Banana, Cream, Lemon or Butterscotch I Pies? 40c HIGHWAY CAFEr A. E. STANLICK WHITBY HIGH SCI-IOL REPORTS Ti. followIng are the restilts ci cixanýnatJons teid last week at WViil, Higlh School: . 1 WHITY GAZETTE AND CHRONIcLE.THiURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1930 7' Highway Traffic Heavy as- Sunhine Tempts Motorists Sunday's brlght sunsh!aie anzd Whitby motorîats were inc.luded a- baimv wtaher tempted inany motor- mong those who -uglit 11t-ue p ists out on the b'ghway and traffic road yesterday and travelled to~ on the Kingston rMad both east and points east an&i west. Vçy few iu- wcst of here. was hleavier than usual.j taded the n..ighboring rural Istrict A asdrgnnbofghOchtcars wee frorn fo thr t ctht e oditonar- pase large uni he f Ic cavee rs whli dn bt ye acnthat she r-odrnaiar ,Toronto, as.iat.,ed by the rIkensc sonsiz they arec much bet ter than tlates. thry iwere last year at tli's time-C 53, L. Wilson "3, R. Disney 53,1 E. Wilson 62, W. Mowat 60, R. Downey 48, 'M. Wilkinson 46, J. Mudrey 45. B. Johnson 42. C. Kerr 42. M. Bassett 41.,.J. Cou! 39, M. Cornigh 28. O. Ross 33, B. Clarke 32, R. Rodd 10. Commnercina. - Physlcrraphy- A. Thrpadgold 90. 1. Neskel 70. M. Li.ttle 60. E. Threadgold 68. M. Heard 4;S. B. Dtrkett 64, E. Muir 64. N1. Park 6M. K. Reaves 64. M- Smiths 57, E. Sleightholm 50. T). Powell 45, L. Smith 45. T. Conlîn 41, K. NleRoblison 40. H. Burt 17, M. Sleep 2.D. IRichards 34, E. Southwell U2. T. Tucker 2 '. T. Cordon, 2 2, L. Calderone 2 2 Blockkeeping Theory. Cc»mmer- rial A: A. Thréadgold 76.Ml. Smith 7. M. LItile 71. K. Mi-Robinson 6S. M. Park 67. H. Burt 66. L. Smith gr). M. Of;'-orne 64. rD. Pow- ell 64. F. Threadgold 94. M. Sleep 60,. M. Hpard 60. J. Neskel 60, T. Tucker 69. E. Muir 68, T. Gordon 5 5. K. Rekuves 52, E. 1ýlflghtbolm 52, L. Conlin U,. D. Richiards 4R. E. Scuthwell 41. L. Calderone6 - n ViY--rrnclh *Au<ihors-O r ItOlue'il-ofl90, . Ni. Nestney 85,.AA Dra r 2, < 'old2- 8 . H MUST FACE CIIARIi Qtu4i 74.i . (rahai 73. M. l'uck- FYorm 1IV-Latin Authors -M. Former Preacher ta Appearl Osb,trie 92, J. Parke-r 91.,il Le v'i i' 9'1,Nt. NIi-Arthur 40, K. in Toronto Court r 1.oni. t <1,7.-K. Tiîornpl)won S2 -(G, E"lm- ý%LIl M7erian i X, J. Mac- inlToronto Police Court Coni-i1l 8, S. hswlor 77, C. W*or- folk 72, F. Newmaiis 70. J. Giroux Ja.re Siîiîthrs. aleged lirc bug, 69, 1. ltrawley 67. C'. Webster 66, iws riglîit rr.-ni .%rcrig and shows I. J.ujki 65. B. Chapman 64. G. nonc (if teusual synlîlons of in- Scof 5.2. u 1324 . Odlum sant)r according in, a report made abs-uti. by W. T. Parr%-. jail surgeon. when Ir'IV-French Atithor-.%. Sniithers a ppçared hefore Magistrale .NcA\rthuir 92, K. Lomax 90, HI. \\Williami :.Cltll Ini côu'nty police court t-Ine >89, D1. Odlum S 7, J. Parker Fridat- clhargi-' v1 *,'h arsoni. Ilie 86, K. Thumpson X 4, J. liaseon, %ýà Ternande Ii 1;cuic v uitil Mat. 94, M. Osbor-ne 81. J. Bentley 7 7. >. B. ('tapmnan 76, S. Lamier 75, 1. Smnithrrs, à% te-ted Ie theâr col- !3rae 1-y 74, J. MacConnell 7., C. tins last weck. was a 1î'rcqucnt tis- Webster 71,-Cr. Elt70, D. %latin- îlot al AI! Sainits' t(hurch during the drell 70, Il. Metriani 69. J. Cironsrcî'slîpuf ilit laie Wl-. M r. 67, F'. Newinan 62. C. 'Worford 57, \r:ht. M. Rîîddy 4C6. G. S<'tf 4,,.. »Iliî v 1 'i an-I chiltirrn arc in deuti- Vo run 111 --A ariculIt un- - Ni miecircumnitaiicrs and i we w'ou1d liktC MWe'îî noy S9, 1). 1ringle 92. i.. 1,4'- kno- v vhc1u ihe crotuntl t-cielre-& v'liî-- 87. F. Romettani S 4' %V. J3a- i-are-I su go ahi-ad ith tise case-we t Ptr 80, J. MrClIntoý,k 79, E. Bird suans s-s keos- just ushere sue stand," t 7.1-. S ti1ets1 7 , i1.N t- 17 5, P. %aid W. A Sswel appearngn for Prir- 72:. C. G re-cnitelîi 72, Z. Gee tî'îb 71, M. 2ierriaîn T. r lea 70, J.> et e~"s'ug;estecI Hv:ird 68, Nt. 'Ntalitfll C"', IL. White MRstaC>eîh 62. P. Lot-inn7 . j.Chapmean 5. rhp onr fa de F. Clarke S'tJ. K Capinan f52, W. C .rarks longr mIsaor sthe 7 adde< Grordin 5l, H. Aligtiesius 49, R. ore o htcon ,-'4sÀrdsnCi:. 1I.LGale :38. 'orm ll -c;prman - iR. Àylea.fUETlD 95, G. L.ý1in9is,1. NI. MacConneli IR ftE E 'à3, 1). 1bRicpf. M.Ni. ante!! 49. ih I"orm Il-it Hlu-r-E. Nesher 111 SB. 13artiîui 71;, It. Anderron 71 BU I E SB O I M.Kaai C.J Wattsiq , ,S I B SN S Yacobôsky ("),K . Sieep ThftiTnats'ad Hct Matndellfi, 3. 1éùp 0.Vv 71rt Teans adeHat- Harkness 57, K. McGri-gor ù7. C xtFo Bic gat Bel]1 56, A. Itosseais O»S, C. nurîj EirrmBidn FOR SmalI or la For ful Pa Citizer Why Town 0 ýFI No Re Fire visicis nas discovered at .1 15 ci'ci>c r1ritiay et-en:ng cauaed m.m~uuI. jabout thlrty tenants cof the lung 111111K St. L'hanibers, Oshawa, to hurr:edly erm.uatse their a artm'ents, andi caused SAL cf tise building. The blaze tstartbd from a eigar- etebut t dropped ina ardao ME 52 Second "bd thirti storeys. Fir. vticuars pply Ch tef W. R- gîîIlotsa- at atght. sinc tbe busildntlàauai oid one, the' blazes, eiquit Dairy rapialy and asticks Oen Sedth i>air~r visai.building. eauiiagthe tee- ants t Inake a geDerai tut. Phone 2 Th Or ure hough a parti- Ou5t imto a tiedrocai on the. Ird floor. This bedrootu, I&aeludsg msont cf 1eIbo a.son «e lte roonser wbo Iahbitd i. wua badly burned before lhe.lire wa« eztlngulahed. 'It lookoet lii. a naaty tire. and it was f ortimate alderabie diflieulty la remstIs u altros aalas Bfloul prepor.u Ope lin.o vas wuSd b> the tice Srefisal, sad the tblaze fl guished uiîh da=,eses«limat b> thefiro c-bWi faabout 51,TUs Dogildg aoWnaed by «Sa * ~ Ace~rdin te rTown of WhItby by.-law, the, for the psyment of dot. taxes ju'April let of h yer. hs sai a gruai 555b««Ioa 00m-*~ ta' Miy cabbagus wîtb lu t LEGAL NOTICES COLJNTY 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F SPECIAL MEETING N;OTICE IS HEREBY GIVE-% that a special meeting of the Coun- cil of the Corporation of Ille County of Ontario %will be beld at the Coun- cil Chamber in the Court House in the Towvn of Vhitbv. in the County of Ontario, on M16onday, the Second day ot June. A-D. 193Ã". at the l6ur c4 2 o'cto>ck in the afternoon, for the purpoee of considering a by-law to authorize Lhe issue and sale of de- bentures of the County of O'ntario in tht surricf $M,.000,00, the rrocceds of such sale to be applied towards paynirnt of part of tht share of the Count'-v cf Ontario for the construc- tion of the Narrows bridge at AtS- et 1ey Dated at the Town of Whitby in the Ccunty and Province of Ontario, this 24th dav cf Ftbruary. AD. 1930. X. E. Christian, James Read Clerk.Warden. TOWN 0F WHITDY Notice of Reffistration of Dylaw S.t ice i herrby given that a Ey- lav Was pa3sed by the Council of Ille Corporation oi the Toc %n ci \'h*tby on the l7îh day of February, 193, providing for the Issue of dc- bentures to the amouint of $20.000 for the purpose ùf paying for the con- struction of' a new Municipal Substa- tion and thiat such By-fawv was regis- îercd in the- Rrgistry Office for the Regibtrv Ln Illefthtcojntv of Ontaria on the lith day of March. 193A) Anv motion to Quash or set aside the sarne or any part thereof must be made withîn three months after the first publication of tbis notice, and cannot be mnade thereafter. Lated this Illh day of Mardi. 1930. -John R. Frost. Clerk, Town of Whýitby. Re- EsSaieoft I*te T. B. 'ones, Flort8t, %Whftby Should any :red"*ur«s just daim have been over.Ioked. we would asik for sarne 1 be lenewed before th1e 16111 APril neit. rfter that date vo dlaims tan be entertaine-d. W. should also b. glati to r.- ceive fi-onI those stili owtng to tht estate. th-eir rernittance Ini settle- ruent ne' car!y as possible. DAN JOXES. LOi-rIE L JONES. Ad ministratort. 'Box ý. Trenston. Ont." Mf Valuabi. FassiGepder Fi'apegy »tUmated li th. Towsshp ot Whie by la th. Couuty of Omaw4o Uadir a.nd b? rirtue oft he Dow- ors of &Me eont.ained tln a ertain mortgsge wbleh iiil b. produâced ât the Urnee oM. Thore viIl b. offer.d for sale by Publie Auttion et iMaw'sAuetioc Room, Banik of Commerce Butld- I55, lni the*Towni of WhitbY. ltheU Vounty, oi Ontrfo. at the hour cf 0.30 Oeloek in the forenoon. vin Saturday. hUîrh day ef April. 1930, the foflowlnspropffny. Ailan sigular thmertai" parcela of lanad 4preutm aitu- t, ItI lad botlng in the Towni. thiP of Wbitby. ln the Cousity-) 'DlArIa, boluig s p* et Lot Fort y- t'o (42) on Wallace P'at-ev.& eolkr' plani of!asub4itiion ocil Pat of Lot Twea>y.stne (11> in~ *é, Third Coae"aon et th. Town Ihip Of Wblîlvy t'a 1111,ceuaty and %eflae et Oaijo, bangmmr ýOUX£NCb sat the amib I 04M « et t uobev Toutr-twe 43) Ma u aiPm*s: thimosorte Ixhilec dg - - ) wsita die- Ive <14)>IliteU a pelai: tisac «tb »Mvest.tu dot"«sacite) ret a diatase.«et Oyebaha(a) b«we "Mb iaisg u m"M.s<i Ust a dWuam « t au etuh (1) ceaymtsv lats (116) ta tb stb ltmh, t ot *totp4wo <421 T aê M* S" dw <S es t, 0. liaks aer.eor lms te t». Pb" on -b M aff *b to looklnt for a shOP on a sIte With many Banas. Tbey are agltatIng for utrei name mergerslalu te Interesti SImpilCItY and COnVenfence and be ter buliness. -At preset One cati finti Baki street by Walking ISOsth aIe Park Road unt I t becomes U;pp Baker Street. Atter being Baki Street atanfor a few blocks becomea Orchard Street, then At loy Street thon Grosvenor Squa] and finally Souths Audley Street- Baker Street, hon-ever, là on STfIT NS - CONFUSE TOURISTS Buiness h L" t amd Shop keepers Want Na..e Mergers A revoit oi-er street naInes in old London Iis brewng in Lon- don. Il Is causeti by th1e MMy, mu&ny cames wlxieh 18 Zictsresque London often Clutter UP a single mile of thoroughfare. Shopkeepers Ini sections f re- quented by foreigners and other transients flnd they otten joue business because of thse bewild.r- ment of a st.rnger unSs tomai) - -qlè -% Wv -ý TNiRE 1!nohjpgtbat bau evmg akn atdoe fPLa0In.Sfrpyso j aum woaidnt Use t,an Wlit use by ailiers. Sure, or seper Mil.' bion uses would have turned to s«ne- <aIaiy rugtoe)wfth Banr unaich box, an h odgmnuiws.PHinedin red: gZe s I t: t' s v a a c t- i p tI aI p p c ai SI t' 5 s' w SI t' N a' .4 Il (1 ou e1 w as w a nÙld example. There Is Oxford olr F C ele Street, so Important aznong the Hyde Park Terrace, Hyde ParkPoLatr. sPnhu.i t shopping thoroughfares of Lon- Place, and inally Oxford Street then Aldgate, ' Whitechapê ù eet don. Yet Oxford Street Is not th1e again. Street, Whiîechapel Rôd and of balf f i, 'cor even thse tenh cf A ter scintilatîng as Oxford MI le End Road. et- lt. street for a n-hile,, howeyer, iL ________ cal tefNwOxford Street. but ' A stroîl aloug this tlîeroughtaie quickly becomnes Hoîboru. then 1 don't 'wish to Bay a fg1 :eér really shouid begin spvêral miles Hulborn Viacluct, thien succesvelY word that raight-.fterwards. te re ng to thse west, twbere it bears thse Newgate Street, Cbeapsido and membered as ut(VAUL 1 >er sporting narne of Goidb.awk road. oer IAller a w hile tise street-sigus d- as Bush Green; but Il tires f tisat re quickly and becornes Holland P-art- Aven ue. tiien Nottiug HF 1 LgI f LIly1 Stree, thers Bayswater Rond, thenT O IS S A 0r- 5T 2 CBteT&Lý More Lines, Quicker, Better, Cheaper Service Last year we added about 14,000 miles of talking chan- nela ta our long distance zysI= .Associated apparatus - switchboard, cable, arnplify- ing cquiprnent - has also been vastly extended and iniproved. And Iower rates on calis ta, Points 75 ta 800 miles dist are now ini effect. Long Distance now gives You quicker and beter corn- Munication - with the next town, or across the contin- ent And it conts less than ever beforc. wtCau J-o - - Here' s Real Valué. IN USED CARS Just When You Want Them 1 1929 Plymouth Sedan Thes tryo ar ar ' eychi priced. 1 1926 Chi 1 1927 Stai This pair of low. Corne 1I1926 Che 1 Buiclc4 7 BUY US] tDavidq, Phone 4 a nd taciel ryr Fourda cars are ini splendid condition and price evrolet Touring. rlkourùl CARovîyS HaER -ONIDEC MRE DEAL AND EASY TM son Motor Conxpnany Whitby, Outaglo, ~t4the Indiase# says the; fRD 1ND U!ê- aatim o,~ohrooh FS thosanwsý~ 'fou oa=« -b. (4* ag1 a sd4eC0ý, Il LOOb die mgobiaken eut Die bourim of, Pl c~. Wpw aunes>' two. w --l à dLz.ý ý - -- «0- -"M-- * 8*àomwmmm«ý ý N 1

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