Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Feb 1930, p. 7

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f GAZTTEAND -CH-RONICLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUA ere vry succeas- d production eo! arlour Mid" t yrtle lust Wpd. frontof a large âîâwed their ap- i haud clapping, givlug ail iuem- 1 hearty supper. s under the ait s' Aid af Myrie. ethe A.Y.P.A. it the home ot <.new members smaîl programn vnl be pub lished everything la o! Toronto, who i United Church ning and 'even- ary lu Armenia War, brokç- out. sily were drlven ;y with the Ar-* Lurks, auf!ering or a number :)' tary of thFI Ar- oclation of. Can- 'hio can, should. peuh on Christ- hnrchi-Rev, r -unduy. F2b. a.xu. No evening ,ýi,cb*tat 2.30 rch-Rev, P. L. r-Sundiy, Feb. dlty Shool; 11 rce ai' Toronto; erce; Tues., Feb, s League. Valen- ing address on 1waa.- given on efore the Young by Dr. G. H. )uitario Hospital, alth, the speuker t of. physical- d( 'mlnd, and ani Chilcren ahould ,eontl'ol and self- allowed ta 'wit- r unduly 'cod- oubles are really [nal states. and )physical candi- appetîte, and lu- oni worry, brood- is a sin ugaînst land as well as B religion shonld and b.uppiness, and Mr. Wm nding thé meet- va Presbytei'y ln (Thursatay). eud the third an- aii ta be held iu ,ooklin, ou Thurà- 'eb. l3th. .- Couts DeGueere, - and' Ilng- teain vlsited followhng - omfcerm r. -P.G.-l3ro. H. . j. urmstoun; v. Ldy; Rec. S - 'in. S.-Mra. Wmn. - o.M. 1Radîîy' lolliday; Con.- 0.Q.-Bro. Wm- 'o. A. Cooper; R. Mannhng: ,L.S.Ni* soin; R.S.I.G.- '.S V.G.-Bra. C. .-r.T. Kiv- >. Gîbsan; Chap. P, fine assorîmeut ts and giuýzhame, gne. tiug o! tisa Hcrti- ,i lie heluIntihe ýayeveuiug. Fois. A good attend- clate your put- delivered prompe.-- 1.Hodgsan e- -Qto'u' Sunday been vliting foc sou, wÈo was ro- Scelebruted is ýthday lasi -weelk -iber'to tise Whit- the pai t ony- spending a- twa n Toronto. W. L. Smiths are k lu Toronto. lus ha been coul- 50e with a severe pe. rman, aof Landau, i With 'Mr. andI t, of tine Samari- al speaker at tise ae on Weduesday 8 - "Tuborcubosias" very vivid ricture led on In Toronto CAYPDEL [T-isT bung Appoiltits by this society. Mrs. Tho pau and Mrs. C. Penzelly assisted 1u the musical part of the pragram, Mr. C. 'Hanna1 was a guest. at the banquet glven hyý the Domin- Ion Bankc. ln the Royal York, Hot4l iast week. Mr., and Mrs. W. Draper spent Sunday lIn.Toronto. The Sewilng Ciass under ths direction ofMrs. Hodgins of North Gorer,> 'is being carried ou' tus week Ini the Township Hall.., Miss Helen StarklAs able ta ho out again.a! ter he.r ttack qf'chick- en *POX. Miss Olv'er is speuding a few weeks in Toronto. The Busy Bee Class. of theý United Church held t 4ler tirot meeting of the year on - Friday evening at the home -o! Miss Irene. HarrI.son. In 1be absence of thet president, M 's B. DeHart~.,teacher o! the c1atA' took charge of the mieeting u»41il the.newofficers were elece f.be !ollowing la the list of, officers *for the new year.* ereÈvl - dent, Helen. Nesbtt; Vie-Presi- delnt, Madeline Blight, - Treas., Irene Harrison; Séec.., Ruth White; Flower Committe4, Marjery,,May- nard and* EleanorMackey. Othér itenm of business were put through and an 'enjoyable -evening. spent. The regular inonthly meeting 'A the Home and -School Club will be held on Tuesday, F'eb. il u t 3.30 p.m., lnu' the Assembly Hall of the At a well.attended and -enthusi' astic meeting o arners o! -the' district, lncuding Whittby. E.ast Whitby and Pickerjug' TownsltIps. hield -ln the >Township' Hall ut Brooklu on Monday evening, plans were formiulatad for brlnglng .to- gether men and :women -of! the rural and urban centres witbln a certain area, the'gatherlng to atue' the !orm of a nwnster banqnýet- ta be. hLelf lu .Os huw.a in the; near Etuture. Mr. W. A. Dryden prsied and over 50 far- were li. at- tendance. In. arder ta make the oqr- ganization - ;more effective Mr. Dryden, was elected president, Mr. Harry Arnold, laét vice-président; Mr. Nesbitt,ý 2nd vice-presgident and, W. S. Croxaîl, seretary. The farmi- ers 'have lu mimd the excellent t-reatment they have received, froma tinie ta timea by members af ser- vice clubs and others iu the ur- ban centres, and theyt eci that lu- returu, and, witb a view tu pro-ý mating a atil better, feelinug be- tween rural and urban dwellers, a,- gathering- dl'th'- nature propôsed should be held. The gatheýring will be a mamnmoth uffair. Each farm- er wçill- take care of four Persans ut the- banquet table,, there -willi h no lack af entertulument. The' or- ganization, bandling the big gath- oring 18 anxious to secure the ac- tive co-operation of other farmers lu the district, and those who cure te belp are asked ta get lu toucb wth Mr. W. S, CroXal ut Brôok- lin. The next meeting'iwill ha- eid el on Saturday, February 22nd, u Broôklin, w'hen the .f ine arrange- ýments wili ha' made... COLUMBUS The Womoý's A ssociation a!oftise Unlted, Church have had a succes- fuI year. At tisa aun 1 meeting tise !alLowlng Iadies _ere elected ta offices for tise comtng year: hionorazy prosident, Mra..Clugtan; ,fresident, Mra. Wm. Dyor; . ýit vice-prosîdent,, Mrs. H.. Paacoe; 2nd vice-prealident.- Mrs. F. -Good- man: secretary, lira.- H. Hayes: treasurar,- Mrs. L . ,L Guy. Thé saciety tea preparlng a - draina n titled "A Kentucky Belle" wbich !a ta lie given Ilu tisa church n a F'riduy evenlug, Poli. 2lat. Pai'ticu-- lurs later. Master. Bolible Poilard, Osbawa, visited utMr.-H. WIisau's. BALSAM Thq 'congregational meeting of tise church was ýield an Tuosday evening aet lat -week when a good' nuimbar were ont- and onjayed, the tea -and. social evenlng, Tisa taýles were Tory lerettIIy decoratad ,lu green and pink.. Rev. W. Smart, proaldod and à short program waa givon as followe: Solo, Mises Marie Fias, Glen Major; sala, Mrs. N. Goddard;. solo, Mrs. R.. Sadler; r eading,- Mn. N. Goddard; violin selectian, Mr. Burnet Jamiaesoiàu Splendid, reportsa were 'thon given by tise vârious arganizationa show- Iug a balance oit hund lu every casa. r, and Mra. George Wilson visIt-, ed Thsuraday lu -Ubridge wlhber ,mothor, Mra. P. Joues. The drama entitled "Murrying Aune?" given by- tise Greenwood- Yaung,,peopbo, Waa inuch enjoyed. by all.present.- j Aeuccesstul aig Bee was held -on'fthe Chnrcff awn on Wed- nesday ai' lat yeek., aud thé, la- dies ,aerved'l a hot dinner lu the basement. r. and Mms. R. Wilson vlslted: one day lat woek ut tise borne'ai' Limted ON~!. Louiaa Bertruin I estwsses, -wiII--take -part- l thre ýwynieth'Osbamue I secia nunmber, 4D anseModerue," ..two other girls Itabegiven inthe Fronte'nac WinLter o Skating Club, É parts Club Icesanmt ut Quebec ,ty ed aznd black Y1bïIu 12I-13.-. - 'EtK IN- CÃ"U-NT14 iOIP NEWS FROM LIVE RtUUAL*CENTRES a STAFF CE~PWET MYRTLE "1014 Bruin'" wus unable ta sea bis sbadow on. Sunday. Now whati' Time alone -W Il i rove the .correct- ness o! the oad sayings".that are quoted Inu connection wlth Can-. dlesman'sDay.- Mrs. Beï't Dufi' mêtored ,ta Ta- routa wfth ,Ashbuu' frIenda. .ou Thursday.,1 ,A number, frorn here- attendedt the Camnmunlty Club ut Mr. Ror.. Percy's on Friday nigbt. The' usual .gaod time lai reported 4 f progressive euchre and. dancing iss Efle Graham *Won the hlgb- ,set po inta for theo*ladies. lu the euchre *contest,.' >antd wou ftit prize. Rev. 'Merrlam hatis eau confineti ta- his ledl.and' uniider Dr. xJo#nu. Moore's cure su!! ering f ronm a pain- fui attack 'o£*sciatica. Pre.achtng «ervicos -wre.canceu*led at theo dif- forent appoiutmelnts an account a! . hia illness. The heavy4a11Il f snow aver the week-end made th' rpads alm.ot Impassable again. T e bhIghw4y *as plough, but -the...c ncessions and. kept dcean on, Sundasy by the, . zw sideroads 'had ta. depend on bors power for being kept open. Fnrm - ers: are very optimittic about the unlusual depth o! sr 1 w this, wiu-' ter' us ithoy aim it 1l-a',asplendid' sigu o'good crops Lhis hary'est.. Mrs. Percy Pboerrill who lias been nursing ber mother, Mrs., !3atoman for, over .two montha returuoed ta her home lu Mautreal last Week «- A trulued' nurse ta now lu attenïance and .Mrs. Batemaù la. stili -In, a«very critical'condition.. Mr..-Cocil Wilson a! Whithy' la buying patatoos tra.m the fumiers trghehro.ý MYRTL1E STAT ION At tise annual -meèeting - ' the League, héld recentby tha following officers -were eîacted.: -Prasident, Mrs.: C. 'Hariissozi . firat vlca-presL- dent,, Henry Merriani; aecond vIcée- president, .Helen ClIaugiston;* third. vice-president,. Allun tD.owney;- 4th taryr Electa , ;eirkètt. -treusu-rer, Ruby Cook, pliist,. Olive Harris-' son., Mr. Frank Hgarrisson' -bas hadts hydro-iaaled lu bts home. SMr. L. L' Rasa, oai"rmota, was lu tise village -for Sunday., Tise'dran given haro lat Wed- nosday eveuiug by -tise1 Young Pao- pie oi'theo Anglican Cisurcis, Brobc-w lin', was weli -given, and: a gaad. crowd -waa -oui. -Mrs. D. G. Ross spent- Saturday. lu Tarnot.- Wlth. reference ta an item luI- tias section two, weeks ugo'tram, Mr. R. Britton, il mnay lie expbained that, Mr. Britton was nover. lnuane way. -blamed' -for tisa umbr. GRNWOOD Neit S'unday eaýning tise C.G.I.- T. ara bavlng -an *open meeting,- lu tha,- churcis when they ar e -giv- lug a program'gud wibi become a!- filiated with tina W.M.S. lu théir mission womk. ,, Miss Doris Gea, oa! Brooklin-, wus home aver tise *00ek-sud. Tise now.iehoe ownems are enj .oy-" Ing tieseavas tisese deys. 'Tise Men'a Bible Clussa la ýplan- ning for -un oyster auppor and ma .ch trial about tise end o! the ýmantis. Ropresentativos tra'm .Green-- woadwere ut Brougisam latTuas-, day utternoon u*t,-tiu tpwnship Sunday.,Sebool. ,e.xecutive meetinlg, wisen plans - weme made te isold a township 'training.acisool uat Ëroug- hum lu- May and-a. commttea ap- Point ed té. laok after a baya' and- girls' camp next sumpiar- An lu-,ý terosting feature 'o! the meeting - was tise. presentatian ai'J. H. -Mi- chelu, witis a cabinet o! iliver flat-. wure, as a sîlgint takea o! bissari- vices for tise pai thity-twa yeurg us s-cnetary-treaealrer'o!-thse tor-* sip, JaShssTodd, a! Ciserrywood,- moud an, 'Illumlnuted ud4iress and:- Edward. Wills'on, ai' Brougham, made tise preseistution. M'. Michel muda a Suitable. reply, .tinanklng, tise Suuday Scholsa! .tise towniubp faor their kindnesa. -Tise Braughizn: ladies 'aerved'coffea and 'a - dainty- lunch ut the close o!tise-meeting. I-ALMONDS GAZ M A» 3cmUOlçz I ber' bvwothez, J. Birkett, Myrtie mrs. , Carence Redman bas re- turneai te ber bouiê ln Siitbfteld, after isenug two weeks at tba hclme ci ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. The Mt. Zion Young Peoplê have acepted an invttatioui -tram -tie, United Young Peoile,' Claremont,' te meet w1th thiem-onuIon4Y even- lnt Feb. lOth. Mia Dort& Jobnaton, aof Broug-' ham, speut the weekend,'_wttr Mieg Sde Ward. Mr. a ands; .- 'Tliompsonb cf. Toronto, yislted thé week-end ultli bet pýarent9, r. andi Mis. J. A. Jouées. ?4r ROSS. Broome a! Myrtie Fait, ed Sunday with bis parentLe KINSALE Sane. from here atte-iided Mr. Whi py's auctian sale lansi week and soveral o!fihis besi cows pase- ed through oui' village au, Satur- day lat eou rouie ta tiseir siew hames lu tise G reenwood nei,-,Woor- haod. > Tise Womens Missiolsary' Society o! tise. circuit met ai-tise. Parsonage ou Wednesday o! tis aweek. Tise usual- quota !from bore atîended. Mrs. Jones Whoa las beaui witis hdr sister haro, hàs. gon.e .aver ta: Brooklu ta -romain svit-ishec bro- ther foar a tînse. We were vory sarry as' a com- munlty ta -learu an aabbatl éen- 4ng tisai Miss T-omass fotiser, 'who resides ilu Markham, had besu afficted .with a stroke, tise ews came'haro aovec tise telephone and' Miss Thomas immadiately buf for' beèr motisor's bed aide. Rer mny frIands here sympathise with tise ufficted andal hope foc -à:-peedy- recovery. Thora was no sbooal bore au ,:vlnday and Tnèadeay 'oWing ta Misa Thomas lieiug ai her home lu ýMurkum, cailed, thora by tisaeI-. nasa of. ber mother.- batter, it laà feared ber case wil necesîtate an. -operuatioanad _tisai sewill bava ta g o to tiesaiopital.* Mr. and Mrm.Scoat ànd family movod ta Brookîta lasi week where thywill reside- lu future. Some fram haro-,atteiidoti tise auctIon sala'o! farm stock- eudimu- ploments' 'belonging ta tise Clarke, ostato, ou Wedneaday.o! ibis week. Tho Oshawa PBresbyiory af tise Unlýtad. Chsùrclh met tisis week et -Xew Castle, our. pasiar, Rev., W.. Srnart. and C'. J. Stevenson were ta represanitisaé circuit. Mrs. Huriron* bas a- girl f ram tise- BanraHomo suit ber ibis lest woek. LISTEN TO WEATHEr Little ros e,. aged four, had.-re- ceived a brigist red'spirag coat. Sise wus unxiously awaitiisg Sunday-, wisen se .wata wear for tisa first tima. - But- Sunday snarning- brait;e - cold and windy. She was inconsolable becausemother said it was toa cold 'ta- waar tlie ciseris'ied coat.- A littie Ïler asedisappeared. roturnlng, triiîmplant, eoxclaiming-: "ýUther, .1! you will go' ont an tise front parois and lilten ta tise climate, I au sure you will - lo me wear My new coat." U. cf T. Fâcul.y -of Arts Un- animcusly, Appro ves - This Action Stringer,_ a borrowing neig hbor, Lois Balsdon; Mr. Hartwell, a' gra- 'duate ,of'- Agricultural -C0116g.e- Lloyd- Morcombe;, Mr., Field, a pr,.ospe rous'- farmier, Laine,. emp; DuveDatn a neighbor w'nao wus his own farm, Eddie Bentley; Ida -Jhusnzon clerk lu a' department itore, Beirnice Love, Mirs. Rhvn, the. mnanager of a lodging h1ouse, -Katha- iine Bentley; Mr. Bond,- a man with moneyP Melton -Balsdon; Miss Brooks, visiting, hQuse-keeper for Welfare League, Mrs Lamne Kemp; Poete and, Olaf, h1red, men, Allen Webster and John Howland. . At' théo cloise o! the drania, the mem- 'uers presented Mrs...J. E. Webster, lerestand. Mrs. Webster-thanked the'omembers *for- their gift. The Ladies' Aid. provided refreshment s for the .companiy. to whïieh a vetç, ai' thunks, was teuderect.,The even- in.g receipts were almost $27. Tbe tadies':Aid. met at t7h e churcn on Tuesday niternoon. A goocl number were present and ni- ter the business 'houra cup of tea anhd Ilght lunich was en.joyed by a!.,- The Young People are- givir.g their'drama on Tn.esday .evening, Feb 1ltn, 'lu Port Whitby Churcil. Queblea, Pcb. 4.-BooàtIeggers iared badIv in uhe provi nce-ai -Quebea. dur-e ing 1929. Tlscy-bave Sud ncarly 50,,7 000 gallons. of eontrabaîsd liquoir seiz- >ed - b.y tise Qnebec Liquor Commis- sioxi, two scho.oners- have been don-"~ i scated, ad -a' nnibrai é ot leg-gera are- ut present langnishîig ûndec lock and kce-, or striukg ta recôver frassi the effects ai a hea-vy flue. .Tise principal hauls made byr ihe- Commînissionnijas he ýcourse *aoftheir vigoraus canîpaigo ag-ainýst the co- trabandists lait scasan were ut Ta- doussac in Jnby, -dhen 10,000, gallons 'ai cosstraisbxsd iquor svere seized; from a sa'hoci-ser il ucez abu a aîoîsth ater -(5,000 galbonis)i whle uc-chape tlisanIosi startling event' af ail wv.s the scizure ai a distillery ?P- erati'tg ai the Arena where imitation af wcll-knssvxsbrands oa whiskies w-c bcbg sode., A-simnilar seizure was made during theý suismer ut, No- tre Daine du 1.ac, w-lhera, a fake bat- îiiîg plant with ýup-to-date electric iisaclinery ias in aneratiolu., At cavh of' tisese' scizures several thousan d gallons ai liquorw-arc côofiscated.' PÃ"iicc patreis directed by the Com- missio n watahl bth-isanka ai -the -St.. Lawrence River, anti dnring't.he.sea- sois w-lsn the river As open patrol- bouts are continuahly an.the river it- ýself. Tisat tensp patrols are -deter- micI d ta let-Inotlinig escape.them is show-ai. by the fact.'tisai onc *of theuuf w-as amaung tise:Iast bouts ta ornome up ta Quebea isafare th-i closing aI -nu- vigratioli.-- * CONTESTS IN FIRST INTERNATIONAL DOG. DERBY E4nil-,St. Godard of The Pas5, who wilI contest, ýývtli 1eauhîaprd Sepp the first international da'g derby ta 'be stagcdl at the câpýti citvyea 3i, 4 and 5. Godard is shown here with anc ii bi ls dags, SEURTIFBFAUDS AND0 -1 o ire Approval .aoftIhe abolitýion, of thel first ycair 1pss Arts nt the Universitýy of Taranto was -vated unaninmouslyi.j nt a sxeetinsg af the cauncil of the Fa.--uItv aofArts-on Malnday night. P* RLîifi-catibin must .be givon. ,by thse 'Scoute, and the- Board a! Gav-' ernars aofise 1L'siversity. Mli hdiscussion a!- thé sulijeci has takeai. place -in the University publications, among thé students and throu'lsout the. whale -o!fIn Province, by, reason, o! the-,,far- reacbing ieffect, on the secondury, .echools. Ptrmier G. Howard Fer- guson lied a.dvisod 1'ae carryilg o!' tise first Year oa. the university, couirse Iio the secondàry schools. Sic Robert Falcaoner- gave..the idea bis approval in lits ann'ual re- 1port. Ar.-uments broughit -frward, ta support:tise resalutian' have*.lu-- cluded : Tise- entr:ante -o! .mare miiatutre- studeots inta the Univer- sity; the. econamia aspect. especi- a,,;; afar an the ôut-o!-the-cl-ty'. ï,tudents are can.cerned, and -even in Toronto, where, parents wllý seud their children ta collegiatea ta study uýppr scisoal work- will ho seved the expense o! '-a year's tuitin at the university. Quebec Liquor Commission Co nfiscated Much lilcIt,ý Liïquor Lait Year n mena- Cetain, Objctioônable 'Pr ac-. 1 stincîly brauglis ta th em by -ru-i toalu o- transiniss~i>1 Supie seh tices AffecigSock 'Sales' cw'"oischouplie Will Be D~lt ' iîh- e iVP ae been fprtunete lanlieiun taf ell ta meect the ever crsn'conl Bount for IronOe to be - omnd fori electri-al eniergy hY ý:ocurwgng new sources of power.tute Pro'viced The future re-uirernents ai-f the ia aci ___il_.provilit-e cafl fonr the utili7ntian ofpr.xe tisie-,Nater pavo'er of Ontario lu the lka SOCIAL MATTERS Si.. Lawcence- river. _My mninist.erc Thic . I-lVE~ATET1 h ave, recently been ili' canference cas U wiîli the teclera autisarities witis a ize a - vieve toa falitating this Important> Past vy undertakingî. 'creasec RoalC missn Report -More raýpid( pragrass ws mai eduSircWeý lest yeec in the extension af -elec- rgtireln A waited With. Interest- tcicai services,'in fle rural diitriets dit con Extens5ion cf Povi ial i ctducing nniy previon )-e a r. cnhanc .'oin till greaýte1r .advance cei< e'D e tc i-Iihway--To- . e-adust cbievod.. bv a modification oi the 1s*o~ os ! ucs service. -You will, tio Rural Hydro Rates . t1ierefore-_ bemasked ta authorizel s(JUrCC5 tise service 're ta rural con- th, c, Forecast a! amendments, ta the ucs and al- o taadvasce, 'bans be sui) SecuritY Frauda Prevention Act for farni instalIlationis and permnan- Ili C eliminating "Certain obqectianiablt! enî'oquipmiecnt. ~ ' cre featurea" -which were diaclosedisni ' Reseprcvh Vork ncsi tise investigatian into tràdiisgprac- T1se rnaried public interest i lu atti, tiées on the' tn dSoka, iewrk ai the researchi founda- biessini ilug,,Excliage, was ,cantaiîsad.ii tiais is most encoura-giug anld. a!- ' ten îhe sPercis from the thrane -deliv- fards. assurance a! - ca-air1eratian terlai ered- liy Lieutenant-Gavecnio-r W.D. iframinanv 1quarters. Gaod -pro-. Rosa at t'heolpeniing oZ. the OntaËico - gres lce been made lu the exten- Légialature tis eltornoan.. lan ai tise laisoreary accomaidà- Other important -disclosures tiaa-,'and tise ýaiectioii a! the staff - foresh.adoW amendments. ta th'n f a experts. - The spocial attention Wlt Liquor ContraI _Act,., extension 'a!- ,hichs agriculture is ta- receive aif 55, ,provincial- igisWay system iliraugisfah bsrsa~~fndta wl aa rural, and Northern Ontarioa;,twp- prove, ta le ane af its mast valu- -tise fo piug of tse lignite coal f e t able features. and u -i ReporteRaeseivedbythse Depart- -source Bla-chmith Rpidaý by extending rsn i'dcto otnet u oe 'tisd Tentskaming and, >No',rtlsern dmetfFisatie geoie-ral 'e in-eii owr Ontario -Reilwey -ta Jamies.Be .y; o! btielte enyal. ellcny ftbe re-adjustmaent a! the. serviqe charge oshôalsis leieing, andseod.the d 1e) -to >naln an ale das e îis s pint trecarded. Von o'dihe fo rra pow3stletionc sand peres - iftekdt gv osd ein d' eut equipmant. ' ' t maures calcula ea silae ue Au iut einreato lbe pr-v catid n effort. - frya cmIssalion and ea a, ta )èai ts k bedeato e nt sieto otd ontvetite ato bl nsrue mafesdeglaiyte owinae oi -at oeisrne ap by t, ieiterest la ebiof hygeu-str A complote reprt ill be pre-catind eflu t.c E ~hsevc-BT efr.aroyal commission . a>sidh ortath eqly. hIpateelis er-eut chesarte ntut biion, scia - e nfatuise recegn aut e o inan- minî trares and other kiblt o indred metters.' hIe fprall pu ndbli c ompa til ys p- tr- i autmril's inùance are ulu e byta savt e nrsulinvatuile lyies. Te AcaeAsrpu e report l ed for pàv-in. hae sbeen edded ta iervc nuýjln te flmaoa l comii whichcn e tse rvincael - h ha systepand ho prov iial credfi t be "osticely muanis imra el epefeed t ism-et h cehancabe Indtiti ,s o iam eot wll suhastdt eryre da 'Increese. go rua-. Bol 'pei and other resl eae- f r trascsrain biscilitl s ts a ' mnswihot te ueesiy-o!rr litction ' taroie. Th -iv Oanto! iabonty' on ra n arecil ses sss ise Kin's igvalu -hl mado.rhist was one o! te pro-i- os, mil~e esigoficeranentowy O'aermeu ed wllliedoe av nothernbee opie to h .fstertisa e irn ed stae~lduth.rovni1hgwysse n h -ai'tisele rlt o ntcbY -, ueS ipubvli t e1tepon hua boon h enhttceceanta tise 'rnining wndus Dot Aeàl'ýGmeint.c É f oast -' mbyt sis otainuons ijj ncreeea!ielY-S mendmensan 'ta tifrsefooingg fran'producation(isiaciiis intheoanr11 acet wlie pr te eeduintherecsd b.i00 udrdaf -sessiokn Foresfi revente;". milin. Minojas u ele Act; Juicutur Act-;MinI ofAfti'ise een tidquaithé o!ino- -lighaYmrovemeuh'nt ActExe'reassi a "he g isugh 'in-. sembl ActPubli Trusee Ac ,obiderbleprorae ras' esado" élPonrommssô,_teFuo hisin thOtaial s to ec p tise.pcma !'~r 'Elactiamn Ai ad eMand wl d n tisera oveeop eutloietiéteso '1'te he along athetexit 'teprin !ts' rvic hc ae -o thr.eaer 'au getleen u' a".rpi a - Ileo oe t h.LgativdenAs.P àst: 'carry o thisis very noceser wry. unguruensthe ci teenl lewigiaaDllsal eoesTllcsea-qeortthe tureo! btsproinc sice on!d atisfactiPond-ti-ton ' r ric -erts ian.-- pre e0 dinIdeire t isrie nalntied l te'r- ~pre~ thepleauro 1 affrds eacthed, atons t oise prneprav- sh.ool l-asemb.-Hi hw t exten Durnt ise vat cfnthelscoies Io4l p ro 'lsemet a alt Y luri ,ate pe.,thon. - - bactih lu. oucilAct enal a rep-s"f vabuabe . m iera depoits' lua4of sevupr*Coimmisnè, - Ontarorthen Otaei arraent osefr- -ýe f ;lownglàth fxtof the' r xteiniofevno! tise proncial - 'elfr ùiý the' thwa one'a u- iv- raytawa.prsams Bey. h' a- r . tÊ-onjègelatvues thakl taÀ carryy . ond-duriug tho n cmnsaas wou,'ho Tt a Èyprvi1getoayto n- Alhkhta.elay rils- a - d anceta r a Xutte the ig~nYlýýean.Igisa sa- y-suficit ro .tureof t -s Prointes-e unifalls strsfatisenoarly cmptetion o tise hs.r .eion. -Inr te du -rt tîo- rvceia wae. n -he r n,.-o ti rêv- ImrveFauaAc expesstheplasue 't afods e .thfn, ausrioonn t provepo to-geet heý- -- m enez î-al isnew greavlut ta ari a mad' uin 'ts n ln~ -Durfnanc the-craslutisee, so mrk- Be hos- o se l nd eet -eu sa heUie Sac ndCn ,Côýdiý 1Zgd ishje t al f ou- dur- th la ben 'llwd w~e hat i'--nir'nreinzl nd A»ý_ f aral the omini o- taIn .J No ohé Orange Pelke eau ýequal tliis lu.flavour. 'lFresh £rom the pardeni, Featured in Ice Pageant rANTED I!ARMiERS ltmg istauceoet orouto, to grow 40S0 dley. For partieulgrs of cotrut appIy

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