Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Feb 1930, p. 4

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TEAND. CHRQNICLE; THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6,-,1930 i tine, 4th assortmieat mines l VI MIS Staioner Whitby amd Tenunîn andi dance InWhitby ,del left thie week ore sIte n-ll enter spital, ns a nurse- mnith, of Scarborn t the home of!li 26th for the brnidgi ho Cottage"' la ait hapter o!flte Col. snociationi. nde of Mns. S. Mur. ad to know aie ji nlcely fom a -e a Cishawa Hospital tonsils remiovedl. f Ontario Old GIrl5 holdt Ieir egulai g on TLueday, Foi la the auditonlur lbrery.- W. E. stimers, o Tndustrial Sebool :r Davict Coff n-au biave eently ber r. nnd Mr. A. W tE. l s s r i. f a P. McGilllivma" as1 lier homeliere for e e kî. Herm -na glad to leamu lierj ranci t e eAux- ts Chutrch, heltI a uesday eveulng of, alwo hours ride ho b te home o! 5wiere .refresi- ed and g pleasant Y) evenias the an- id coneert o!thie o! the Ontario o held lu Luke'e 1G. H. Stevenson. îsli'iteldQnt cvlll :e,- 10 th-e League eî'eniîi I nîçr 13 tCliurc? li th ci adleys m retur, ifor a ol. lu aIfl t Mrs, C mes 111m(1i Wblt'by o! Ânig' recdan su )n store Rev. J. ýat Do Bars ,arold IH ýr 'Maffe, ,1l Bell. and lie proiltal rION TÀ Rouds nted to iduy evei oactin the - LX.P.L1. o! 1<. LUI ;fl~-L.A ,1 FINE PIROGRAM AT THE SAL.tTONARMY On Thursday evening; in lie Sul- vatioa Army Hall 1, *Brock* Street. South., e veiy fine progrmn nas gigen by six -fficers froîn Tomonto> Headquerters, . assisted ,by thie Young People's' Baud of Oshawa, wlth thein troop o! -guar.ds., A pa- eant mepnesentiiinSSn, Substitution antISslutifl -as brouglit ont: in a beautitul maniier, n-hile mueh ap- préciated sèlectIons by the, Oshawa Y.P.S. band intèrspensed the,.pro- -ran. The 'guards. lu 1m e moustration .o!f"ndG arden,*' îsed twc' girls ç-ho m-preseated th£%- humble bee gatlieri:g ite sto* oft homîey. Thtis iras doue well and thme work a a eredit to thme guard leader, Mmefr. Langfield., 1The chair for .the eveniung w;as tlitn. by Rev. -D. B. Laugàford, o!. Port Wlsitby. The prograin Whas 'as follows- Ã"pemiir-g song:, Prayer; lutrodue- tioi song, T.H.Q. Girls: maardi, se- leeted., Oeian-e. .P. Baud; BSible readlug-; trio,, "Soul Coinfot," Captainq Bios§ansd Broom". Lieut.. Rîtchie;* -ecitatioa. "Journeyý of a Tuas." Edlth Oè.open; msindley of. elionuses, T.H.,Q. Girls: dialogue,. "God's Gandeu,'1 Oshawa Guards; maàrdi, selected. Oshan-a7l.P. Baud: reditation, «'The Wild Wbi1te Rose,"' Lieut.. . lgidon; quintette,. "Cross, Crown and 'throon," T.H.Q. Girls:, îecitatili. , 5J Lst As 1 An," Euýlia C. Chapm-an, Pageant. . Sub- stitution and Salyation;" Salvatica 1a7ppeal , Ensigu Dixon;-,Beliedictioli. V.0.N.> ELECT OFCR ouîîntry, witIij 1le electiomià o flcens, for the big sleigli Ne wVear, andI plaminiglte ye ar's ning 10 tIie work, matIetha Februamy meeting beau supper o! lhe Vitoian Order o! Nurses . 2drs. Fran- aun unusualIly iutéresling one. The Uliv, wisonmeeting n-as leld lu tie librany on- marge. - lÃ"uday afernoon iill président *hvo attend- MNrs. Harry Tiompson inthie. chair. licaui layuîeîî The rè pont' o! the uominti1 coIiq1 rooni o! the mittse was carnieci, un9-'mÙZy6 on Monday sudthie followlng otdlcers-cerel - . nhal, electei;* Hou. pres., Mrs. T. Des- >wie, Bert moud;-.Hon. Vice Prés., Mrs. Laid- ï,W. J. H..Ian-; Mon. Trous., Miss C. ýTiomP- eamd, hFrank so'1ro., is4Mud*Anies; Vice y, LurecePresideuts, Mme. - Judge Tiompscon, The trip was Mn. Josepi.King, -Mme. , J. Pool, evýeulug w55AMrs. Harny Tiompson. -ecordiung fIY spent. Sec,, Mns. . . mston;, Assist. Sec., Miejls E. Fleter; Corr. Sec..- Ars. J. E. Williàs; Treas., Mns. J.. 'AKEN --i Watemh ous-e; Samunlte.u Commit- tee: Treas.. Mns' John Thompeon, Coniittîc i C onvener, rs. T. Desmoud, Mme. the County Geo. Anderson, ine. T. F-.,Best, ýninig econ- Mm. Frankt Bootb, i..B. Commack' be taken Oon Mns. Frank Enekine, Miss E,. Flot- cher, -Mme. Frank Goldrng, -Ms Jas. Gray. Mme. R.- A. Hutchtson .1 ~~Aim. Fred Joues, Mme. J.,Kea.ne. Mre. A. E. Kearuoy, Mme. TIteodore K_ ing, Mme. D. B. Laugford, MN. cmIfl John Lindsay, M-a. Arthur- Lynüde, M9re. P. Mathison, Aine. J. Mitchell, Mi. J. Q'Connor, Mns.- J. Peel, Mm. A., L.,Richardse, Mm .W. J. -i. Riehardson,Ars'. : Geo. Robli. Niss'Mary Smlt-i, Mns. W. Van Val- keuburg, Mme. Alleu Wal ker, Mrs.' J. Watemhouse. Mme. . WfIlIS, tMm. D.,-Wilson,,- The. ezecutivea wlseb 10 mak< If 'kno"n that lte onlyquallfiealioi I Il ecessany ho- be a .meîfbem ef! - Vielortan Ondle inIitçeet It Iý 1o lie up work. The meetings are open- - You eau al lie ladies and everyon s ue la atI pastry corne. .Iies 3s days 4at ;o the icquest made by. the Sout.h OÙ- tario Wonîen'e Institution for betlt piolice' supèrvision of -County roads, Th'le cominittee's recommeindation was, pussed without discussion." The In-~ s4tute MWas VotCd theannualgrant -of 2 5.0 0 by thé FîiýacO and- Asseeis- incit Cqaumittee. WHITBY' IN THE COUNTY COUNCIL Whitby's representàtives on the County Counicil were given important posts at the- session held. last week., RZeeve Albert W. Jackson was .elèct-' cd chairinan of the Roads, sud. Bridge Comm'nittee, and was, also made a iiuenber >of the commnittee on Finance, and ,Assessrneut. Deputy-reeveë R. M Decverchl was appointed a ieumber o the Audit Board on' Administration uf justice Accounts, and, is a member ,4 the Coiinty Propcrty 'Coumm*itce. 1\Reeve Jackson, is a member of lte Special: Committee named by the Warden' toe qualize the assessinents S1930. DEKATJi0'F JA1.ES £0011 Tlhere passed away on Jafluary 2 Ïrd, lu. the person of, Jas. Coca;:, deceased,. one'o! the oldest- resi- dlents of tItis distriet. The late Mr. Cqook asboru in Irelamd lu 1855, and came to thile couintry with his parents at tho age ot six mouth8, eettllng lnu Eat Whiithy, whtre lie llved for a num- brofyFezr.rs* until, ie married An- nie PeIgly. daugliter o! the late Ricli. Ienigilly, wlîo lived. neax Ragla~n. fHe then ettled. onthie f arin just south of-MYrtl%,, where - le lived for forty-three years, mak- * lg a success o!' farmiug. When lie metired' froin the, farm lie re- mnoved.to' a bouse and lot just easl o!th.eý village of Myrle, where lic llved until- bis e!eatli. Deceased liad. been lunoo - ealth for some tînie, but wu, alai kwaye up and doing. Ho w as sud. r denlY seized witlia, stroke and -passýed peace!ully away. 'Iu reli- gion lie wns an Anglican, and In politie a Conservative. ' Deceased leaves t o moura hiz ro lOuih wife, tliree daugl ters, and one sort, a sister and a half bro etier.' The funeral, took placeor (j Jauuary 27 to GroNveside, cemeter3 and iwas largely, attended. An afternooti tea wlll he'held on, Thursday. February 2th, froim 3.3-0 to 6 o'clock, ýatI the homne'o! Mrs. John Thomson. There, will. be. aý, good prograin under lhe auspices o! the W.C.T.U. -Note the'ichanget o! date, Feli. 20th, not 21s1, as -an-i uounced -let week. Reserve, . Tuesday afternoonilz FebruarY 18, for a- Valeutine tea sud home cooking. sale-, ln Al. Saints' Parish :Hall. Wutch- for fur- tierparticulars. Do*nt orget St. Valoutlne's tee. lun Council Chamber, FrIday, Yeb. 7th, Ïa aid o! Duadas St. Home aud Scimool Club. Sqale o! hom e cooklug and St. Valeutine Tea will be held lu- the Council Chamber on -Frlday, 1Feb. 7-tl, lu aid o! Ilundas -St. Home and School Clubi. Reservq Fnlday -atternoon, Feb. 2Stli, for borne cooking sale and a!.- ternoon tee a lie Council Chamu- ber, under auspices o! Ladies' Aid o! Baptùst .Churceb. Kep thus date open, Mlardi 4th., AIl ehurcli goîng pol are re- quqpsted ' b keep this date Tuesday. Mdi4th, for annuel meeting of Bible qocIety. ParticulansI- atet'., FIREMEN:GiVEN GRANT T'f iiumnual grant of $50-00 to the- \V hitbýt Fine Depattmnt ivas passed b-r thce County Cociicil ou -Fniday uight, oen' reconu umenidation. of the (Committee on Finance aad Assess- meut. The. -gràiit is muade be -the aréèIoçate( iunwhïtby andcuino3r ire prot ectiolit the towu receiviiig -,n o ýtaxes .otlier than those7 from local improvemneut purposes,_froiniflhe .buildlings._________ DETU0FW.H.STEVENS 'The, deth- occumired 'eat Liud sayý yesterday.o! ,W.,H. Stevens. father of Mnr. A. R. Whittle, Centre st;eet. ýCommentiitg upon the f e -o! M-ýr.. Stevens the Lindsay. Post 1stateFt: -~~~ ~~ "M~ .H Sees 5years of nge* died tItis -morningý, at ils home, . 56 Colborne street weet, 1after.being seriousWly l11for more tIan .a uonthl. TIie deceased-Man. -n'as a scîmolar and a gentleman and. wrue well. knowu aud "highly n.e-. ,sp Teeted. by a larg e rle o!f riends i&i ths district- ,fHe *and -Mrs. .Steteais ha«vo llved In Lindsay for the paît 41 yeans. -OunINew Year's. D ay they celebrated themr golden wiedding auniversary, tie -5th _ nniversai'Y o! thein weddiug lu Pjotý Penny ou, Newi Year's Day, 1880., Only lhe lmmedlate.iuemben oftie lamully wene present at lte .anpivrsftry on IaceouÏ.th!- It b- 'disposition of, Mr., Steveus. Mr. 1Stevens,- B.A., LL.B., *as.-bora lu -Manilla. Ontario, aud was. a. grad- 1n ate, o! -MeGIîI' University, Mont- ,real. He tanght school for. e num- ber o! -yearo ut 1Mount Forest,, et Collingwood Collegiate Instituts, Inspector e! Schools foi' over 20U -yoars for West, Victoria aud eMus- '.koka andI retirsd .lun 1923.- Lest «sunnmer, 'ou lie 501h annlvemsaTy, Io! 14ie-graduation from - MeGxIîi 1University, Mn. Steveus .,cQmploted a &four-ýyear course ila w enad wa an-arded the Degres o! Eseholoz' tof Law wt irt-clans- honora. Thensare lire. children, al - I'1them living. Mne. (Dr.)- Chambers5 o! Cleveland, 0Oh1o; Capt. W. Hew- ama Stevens, C.E.. o! Torolitto. aia Mmm. A' R. Whittle, of Whitby,' On-- Itarie.' The -gl'afdch1ldrOeI;-are:-Mr'. W..'C.Chamber, B.Sc., oi Sçrantoi,' Pennaylvanlia; -Mr. LAwrreDceé. »* .Chambers,,-B.A.i, o! Boston,.-Mag%., 1 and sue great grandcdsW, -Beftt , Chambers, of! Scr8uton.], Aitç -Don't F -A Rbdi TUl TRB CIEC RER PLAVERS1 !the ýsuent -but lincreaslngly pop-. rgame, always 'above- board d on: the 8quare," is' creating ua &Ilstr locally. The Round Robin ù4yis' nu eari ng completion, ab- ace from the town o! somne of the lyers lias delayed the, final re- ts, but reports'.will: e 'made lu pnext Issuàe o!. the -Gazette. Mr.. n. Stone.e last year'e ehamploaN Mads ready to de!enid hie title ainat any 'Whltpy player. So no 1t 1e& omb3- ys m 2e9 DISTINGUISHED VISITOR Mr. Fred -R eyuold S, .o! Broek- ville,' superIntendent o!' the ý Bap- t Young.,People's work- lnu On- tartfe pald the local BE.Y.P.U. o! WihItby Baptist Churcis visit. Tmesday evening. Supper 'vas eerved, ut 6.30:aud an-round 'table 'Conference' held. Rev. Mr. Stua-hi and seven of his best workers* !rom- -Sales Reguter TUS8DAYr FEDa. 2.-AUCTION of! f arm stock, -. implemeuts, erain, poulbmy. etc., et lot 1. .5 ý_Pîckerlng, lie propenty of-, I. Lan-bon. Sale ai oeeo'clock. p-eebille. w»~. MAW, Aucîlouer. ÇTIY FER. 15-+CREDIT -o! homm.es, feedîng,,steers, kara-f6r grass'spingems, young i ng1shoalts,* et lai 33, Con. 6, ertagn ar Green River,, ýou roa, lte epre ofJohn A. te. Biglit moulu :credit.. Sale ..z0 p.m, 'Under coyen. 5%t of us' 6ndil euiskr te boisî' ,ht we- -are goiug te do than to about 'what wehave. donc.ý iD naaimpoml ui conaoection wthi tusapom e!, Malilby' aiplne osan Monîmeal aud- -Oh., Laki. ,açordng~tepress despatehýes. ~teboo-~~oUwI thIe heavy rf au ovem thie -week,ê-nd-" - Y. I- i<-'VýàIeiltt again ;uks for -the - pe ton o! ail"Ilwussholde s ilu II )ng-fii'êhydrnants"- lear 1-eof 4IlCGREGOR-Ixi Toronto General Hospital on Thursday J an- 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Rose ýIIcGregor, of Toronto, a* son. ,DOWN-At Plckering on Wednes-. day, jan.. 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Russel Dowm,. Pickering, a- son. I3ROUG H-Iu Whitby, on% 'Jai r 29th,- 1930, to. Mr. aud( Mrs. Broug, ]3roek St., Southi, a son.. MONTGOMERY-Oa Wednesday, January 29tli, at Jopln, Mis- Souri, Geso. A. MlontgomÏery (for- muerly o! Mlorrisurg, Omnt.) be- loved husband o! ýLouise Hick- ey, ahid some of thée Inte ugh and Christinia Montgomery *and brother o! Mrs. Stanton Baker, o!t Whltby. Interment took pl ace a!te rnoon at . the Churcli, Cemetery, Ontarto. bÃ"ld- Stone Ileaverton,. WOODWARD-At -lot 19, Cou. 4., Wmhitby Township on Frlday, Jaa. 31, 1930, James Woodward, 'beloved, hueband o!fIthe lateJane Arksey., lu'n:bis 8l.st year. Inter- ment. Was made in Union >C ere- tery. TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F"ADJOURNED FOR TANES SALE,< the 'oW Rw i ,:,iUroc.&i, un :rarbi Say eneung, Feli. l3th. .CoMati Reserve Tuesday afterwooii, F6b.. 1g for a Valentifle tea and' home.- eooklng sale, lu AIl Sints' Psrillk Hall. Watelh for !urther Particulars. A euChre -c111llie.lield ln the,,Or-. auge. Hall on.Thursdqy, YFebrttarT, L2 Otli, at- 8 panm. Re!reslimeflts- serv- e d. EverybodY welcomei. .34 "KlRndllng. the Heart Fires"- The ýdrama, whlch was such'a rsuc-, ces at lmonds Church, "wlll be' presented. -by thein 'mun St. John's- rSulidaY ScItool Hall ,ou .Tuesda&y D-next,at 8 p.m. Admission 25c. DURNS' UNDER AU WHITBY, BOWLIIN 2ND WHrBY Fine Programme. b y 1 *ro Aiter all, it xuay be better for a man to stand on his dignity than to have. no standing.ait ail. Putiy Wanted1 Hicrhè"t market pricés fi486,cWhitby, and 1 il)l PERRY, STREET The Card la our-wIndon- says SaePrces, anud. took part ln the discussion whloh waas bot practical and lu- splratlonal. At elglit o'clock a pubi- lie, Meeting was held lu- theý church auditorium, preslded over by'Mn- Leonard hidi,president. of tie lo-, cal -B.Y.P.U., wlien an address on "Consecratlon" was.'given by Mr. frd- Reynolds, wlho proved hlm- selfito liea clever publiç -speaker. Mm., C. Parroftt-sang -an apiiroprl- tS solo"la good voice.. The. meeting o« tie W.M.S. of lte Uliited Church, ou February, 4th, was not. as wel lattended- as bhoped for. An. address on '<Triai- dlad" 'byr Mrs. Geo. Irvine wagmost instructIve. sud insplriug. giveln as oxly one Whiolias had experience lu lte work eau do. The Axlayis puttîng' on a «.Being-A-Member'.. çamipalgn,,boping.tht's tb lcrease atteudance.ansd by that,- gre ater 1- tenest lu the work. W19HTTBY HIOR SCHOOL E X A.M1N Ait1ON S The -following are, the, resuits o! examinatious held, lait weeký at Whltby Higli. Sehool:. FormIV. . Geomctry-Mý. \cr Ihurs 84; I. Lulte 84; R. White 83a. 13. Odlum 80; M. -Osborne r?79; .T. Parker 74;. H. Levîne 71; X.. Thoumpson 6 7; C. Webster.,6 7; J. MacCone.l 64- PF. Newman 6-i;,J. Giroux.51, K. Lý'niax 51; S. Law- lerA3; C. Norfolk 374; G. Elume 2U.; G. Scott 19.; 1. Brawley il; M. Ruddy 0, SFormn IV. Latiu-M. McArtliur,. 8- * B.. Odlum 87,;IH. Levine: 84; K.- Lomaxý 78; J. Parker 7 3; M Os- borne "i1; ýK. Thompson. 71; P. Newman 65; I. Luke 65; C. Webs- ter 62; G. Sdott 59*- -S.*Lovwler 55; G,. Elini 5 ~J ox5 1, J. Braw- îey 50; J. DMa&onnell 47; J. Bus- com -42; C. Norfolk 37; H.Mer- .rinm14. Form III Algbra-J. Chapmau 94; -M., Weetney 90, W.« Baker 90; H. stein 90; W. Gordon 90,- E. Bird 90; M. Mantell 82; L. tLeome 80; .1. Merria M 79; J. Heàrd, '76;1 Z. Gçe 73; B.,-1awler 69; D. Priii- z65;.P~. Pice 61; F. Rossetani 44; Me nimtock 2 8; Ir. Clark. 25; 8 dTchm* i1.'Physiog-rapliy---B. Ay-.. lesworth 83;. M. Heard 81; H. 'E m 77; D. Butler -7 7; X.Scî 72;* J. I£cQuay71; M.1 Smi th ý71; M. Nlddery 68; M, MgcConnell 67; B., Dalby 65; ý G. Levine8; M. Bart-u 57; J. Wilson 66: P. Eyery 6; N. Clemence 54;,- P. Néal 50: IL Cooke 56.0: F. Brooks 49; M. Holtby 4 5,. W. Rudy 44, M. Rob- ents 43:. S. 'Cotrrell 4p- D. Rics 40: B. Pries 39, D. Smith'.38; EB. John- ion 24; M. Smith 33: M.' Mowat 19. Forin Il. Agrcultre-R. MIjes- worthi 98; M* Smiti'94*; M. Hettrd -9;G. Levine, 91; M. Holtby 91; D. Butler 90; D. Hice.88; B. Feus-' by S7, A. Scott -86; F. Maudersomi. .86;ý F. Brooks 8S5; M. MacConuel 84; PI. Neal 81,- F.'Every, 79; M1. Mowat 73; D. 'Sm1th 77; IT.- Elmis 76; B. Pries 74; B. Dalby 74;.Y Sumith 73; M. Barton 71; -W. Ruciay 71 .Davey .71;-A. Don-bey 70; Li. Johnson 6S; -S. Corneli -62., Form IG Freuch-G. Stef er 97; S. Steffler, 94, J. MeArtliur 92; 'W. Pltte '92; UM Mhaîko &5; M. 'Cor- biell 85-, R. W"lshem 85; C. Madda- fod80; -J. Webster 17G.-N. Bennett .67: J. Wilson 71; H. Anderson 60: E. Soutliw'ell 60; R. Merriain 58, A.Boynto'58;,E. Clarke,5E5, E. Beuson 50,; E. Heard 47; 'B. Cam- ýeron 46; D. How-ard 37; H.,Claugi- ton'-a1; C.. Geutiles 30; r. Merritun Form- CA Shorthand Theory-. J. Neekel 89; 'A. Tlireadgold 88; M. Srnlth 87. M, Little 85; W.-0Os- 711; K.M.obUson1 70; 'M. MeKn- NA TENNIS WANT WORD DEFIEL Aun'effort to irifl1uemico ,the parimemit of 1HijhiVays to pLi clear defimitiou on tiie nrd( Way" a s. uý'ed niti'- 'ch wvas miao Ihi. 1)y~l tt' upon the çcp tn u'ýllt i*ii w itl .1 ii 1 -c - , < 'tt ammd Ai:'c"-,(~-x ir In a recent . tîîc pi tweei connity and the.twiipo ering as "() wlicilier h c sliou1d beii a,ýIiame mn11thie co recommutrutin'-ticridge at W, vaie -tho cwî jdorilcul tho le ngtlm or fic.idc.sa to' be meaured jf'-r()nt lie ~\ 5 ti~iî~ U1I~Yk~ To s ee the quait-y ofs are supplyingy to.our cuc disappointed'when 1our our pDrices are-withàin y( Herb Wilson Dundas St., Whitby on ail Overcoats It mneans -just what it sayý, You cian't af ford to let thlese, go 6.by -if You ineed a Coul. Ail. "ýCamnbridgc" Coats aire. included. Mecu's, fBOYS, OF 'Iiddies'.' 0oil. e, u abso buy 1"Ilter 'tUnderwvear- now at sb stant1Iardutos Eeep in id and -plan'n evpeingn o!etpleaisureut. theý Bowling, and Tenn.11i Clubj Dance, TowvnHll Wed., 1 Clothlng Furnishings Phone 259 Brook. St. South :1 Whitby - C.- N. 'B. Ticket A$t. DEBENTURES FOR SALE. The Corporation of the To1wu of Whitbyhfereby o!-. lots o! serial debentures: By-Iaw 1332 Watson> Street Bridge $25 00 B', Iaw 1333 - Dundas,. St. Culvert .. $3300 By-Iaw 1346 -Sie- walks.... $30 Thesce debcnitures. are is- suedl for a. perfod of 1.15 years. in aminonnts ramging f ro m $150.00 ta $300,00 and bear iitterest nt Ille rate of 5 per cent per an,- lux". ~The price is par and zic- crucij Ipterest. Further particulars mnay lie obtamned at. the office of! the Town ,Treasurer.- Jolhn R. Frost Town o!' Wht i.recogun BEST, 1 Coal' naIe in Just tr Fy à lai 1 -ID 5 wire wheels', car - one you 1 -CHRYç -Sedan. Business(C.oupt are al -1929 r spection - an( In.Si -1-192, In G. PHONE 147 E*yI Speed and,.Fancy Skating Mee ON -Wedài, lb. zq9 ige - an.zi Take notice that an adjourned sale of land, for* arrears of. Taxes will be lield on Saturday, the fif- teenth day of February, 1930, at 10 o'clock,, A.M., ini the Council Claxnber.' And furthmer takn, notice that if -4e price offered ýfor any land is less than the*amount due for ar- rears o! Taxes, charges and cost3 thereon or if- no price la offered, such- land 'be prcaedhy -the Mîiunicipa1lty. of the Town of Whitby. Dated at Wliitb-, this 22nd day of January, 1530. :1 OHN ., Towniof Wib 0OIC F APP LiCATION FOR NOTICE IS HEREBY," IVEN* that JOHN'WLIMJ ESo the City. o! Oshawaý, iu-the Couuty and Province of Ontario, ýLabou rer,j will apply to thé- Parlianient -of Canadaà, at the present or mmxt ses- sion thereof, for a Bill of Divorce, froni hie ,wife. *LILLIAN _M AY JAMES, -ofthie>City o! Toronto, in the Coumty. o! York, and Province o!- Ontario, 'on the ground of adul- tcry and desertioni. *DATED et the Cit-y, of!ýhaa in the County of- Ontari2, in the Province !o Ontarlo. tItis 23rd da y o! Januiary, A.D. 1930. LOUIS- s.* -1Y m AN 16 Simcoel Street N., Oshawa, Ontario. Solic t or f*r -Appllcamýt. - 37 The bigger *he bankroll, the tiglît er the rubber baud. Misery loves- cornpany,- but not any jore than happiness does. Painful rheumatls'm is- qulckly. relieveci bY the use, of Gallagiler's Kldney. Remedy. A purelv Herbai Medicine sold by A. H. Allia, Whit-. by.I ETESIGUT SPECIALIST, Author ci "The Eyes.in. Modem Lite" 1"Optometry Feature:Servia" «Your Eyes. and Health" "E!ie- are"and Eye. Strain ýPHONE Z1516 Dimy Block Omawa, -Ont. Opposte Pont Office rth Il Rosi bsl'ong been used il as the COAL on the free froru siate* We are fortur '1Ge-n Brock St. Nori

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