Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Feb 1930, p. 3

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ô WHITBY-GAZEITE AND, CHRO.NICLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6) RY GUZETTE AMD CHRONICL Dutario County's Leading Wo.kly ever Tbursday morning by Tinmes Publish- any (À Oshawa, Llriited: C. Il. Aundyo A. R. Alloway, Vlice-President; Graydon ellow Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES cin. Canada, $2.00 a ycar in advance: $250 >subscribers ini the United States.or'other' ountries. Tihe date to which the sub scrdp- aid is indicated on the address label. ORMISTON, Editor and Business Manager. hones :-BeIl-23; Residencc-BelI--359. ,f Canadian Weekly New.%spapers Association BY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6,1930 OUNTY GOOD ROADS BUDGET_ ýd roads budget of $122,38d fo.rthe tion, maintenance, purchase"of, ma- superintendence, etc., în -Ontario for the year 1930 -was adopted last ,thé, County Couhcil.- Itis a large h larger, in fact, than in many paàt ut if the roads in the county systemý ,e irnproved and maintained in order up under present traffic conditions, enditure is necessary. . The County. ,ommittee with the County Road Su-~ dent went. into the estimates:very r, and found that the amount of iamed would be required this, year. Iget was adopted without disc'ussion.' inly right to point out for the bene- he average taxpayers, that of the , the provincial goyernment will pay 50,000 as a subsidy of 50 per. cent truction, maintenance, purchase of ýry, superintendence and office assist-o that the burden is somnewhit light- )rii the other hand it- should 'not be ýn thýat the government is collecting nually from th9. county for provin-. 1construction. Vie mention, this fact rto show that there can be very* p e of lighter taxes -in the coanty -so these large annual outlays'for good e made frorn year to year ime is most opportune, we believe, iask the Provincial Government to ith the municipalities the, revenue 1from gasoline taxes and aitomobile If this could be done the heavy of. taxation for roads an~d bridges tion and maintenance in the i uni- swould be considerably Iightened, taxpayers miade more happy and ýd. There .does not seem. to be any son why the government, ,which.,col- the revenues from gas sales and au- Slicvnces,. to say nothing of the ds of dollars in fines,. should not be. to share Up. THE 0 F MEASURES. s8fl eli Vred b>. a Whitby pasiÃ"r- ly evéiing, based on the scriptuïral. on that whatever, a man measures is fellow men it will be measured out; again, was most timelSýr, -and .'ýone ýhould be given an attentive ear in odern days, particularly inthe world ess. measure you deal out to others will ck to 'you," ivag the, theme' of the 4-à message almost equivalent to i itained in th.e Golden Rule-and- oùe [ah that it might be applied by all1 ôectrine of sowing and reapin g is as-I e today as it was -two, thousand ro. Measure out kindly charity,-tol- patience, better understanding and community spirit, andlo, thesé re- aw of measures -is, as the Whitby ioteci, certain and inevitable, and we yr believe that were it ever'borne right in this community there 'would ýce such a transformation as woulId 'hitby an even better town than it ini which to live. ERkMEN'S COMPENSATION year the Workrnen's Compensation warded $8,120,157.78 of which $1,- 62 was for .medical aid. The total- in 1928 was $7,067,943.93 wit~h $1,-ý 54 for nedical, aid. -This shows a, créase in 1929 but when speaking' at Convention of the Industrial Acci- vention Associations at Windsor, V. lat K.G., Chairman of Workmen',s sation Board, pinted out that there àan increase of fourteen per cent yroll in the former year and an in- )f eleven per cent in payflent for. ;atioTi. -If the year 1929 showed. the tio, it is reasonable to assume that: prevention work is showing some cember, 1929, the Board awarded .09 and receiveti reports on 6,288 Dta1 nmber of accidents reporteti by ,i Ontarioto the:Workmen's Com-- n Board i 1929 was 87,103 which ý,510 fatalities. There-were 79,398 lu 4928 including 553 fatalities, so that there is a.,slight iniprovement in tMs latter respect. * Statistica compiled- by the Industrial Acci- dent Prevention Associations, covering, the larger 'firms in thenenibership, indicate' a. general reduction in accident :frequency, and those Jitrsedh ccdn revention cdaim that accident frequency iss ue ud-ta severity. asrrgieta THE COU11MY PENSIONS'BOARD The County Council will at its adjourned session next week-. appoint.n-men to act as mniembers of. the'Old Age Pensions Bloard for the County. Menon -such a: Board oeccupy veryj responsible positions and their selection shoulti be undertaken with the greatest care. . It would in our opinion be praferable to- have men of experience, of,'broad sympathy and of business abiity,* and. the Couricil in making the appointments has plenty of ma- terial from whichtochoose. There are many men in the County todayr who would be'glad to- act on such-a -Board-m-ien who are ini accord' with thè Act and Wish to see that eeylast eligible pensioner receives consid,- -eration. ~The a0! s ecppointments need not necessarily, be, matie' from the Council Board, although it is understood that the administrators of the Act at Toronto. have voicet their' préference for' these, but~ the Board there are men 'Who in -the pagr ave -gven. much_ care and-' time to the work, for little: or no- remunera- tion, -ard Who can safely"be trusted to carry, on. effectively and wel. NO' oM'ore, important appointments corne- within the scope of the County. Council. THOSE WHO, PUBLICLY. SERVE* There. occurred ýatý Ganianoque the other day an ev%,eni that was mo re- unusual than it should be. Under the auspices of the- Can- adian Club in that town, a complirnentary banquet was tendered the-retiring members of the tqwe - council, the: frard of éducation, and, the waterworks -commission.. Their. health -was toasted and speakers referred t'o the. good, work these men had . done for the town in giving their services freely to it. - Asthe Gananoque Reporter says, these com-. <pliments were the only payment these men receiveti for the time they had i gven, and the- trouble they had -taken for the. good of the, community.- But, in too. many towns the mený who freely give their: service receive no_ such comnplimentsi. Instead they. are publicly "hauled over the coals" by theircritics, and once'out of office resolve neyer again to un-k dertake s50 thanikless -a job.' The -Gananoque. idea of giving:those who serveý in municipal if e some evidence of the appreciation their unpaid services justly en- title them. to is a goodone and shoulti have the effect of- making itý easier to get the right men tio accept.office. EDITORIAJJ NOTES -With- the inaugural meeting., of -the. 1930. Board - ýof Education. last niight, all civie:, bodiesý for thîs-year are" now functioning. The hieavy falls of 'snow. this winter have furnished worhk for. Whitby'9s unemfployed. Men in. neéti r. the - most part, have gladly I accepteil. the work provideti for theni by the Àsahary of-five dollars -per year ibr care- talers' of Countir brIdÉes does flot Éeem.like. ers --and. endi for five. years' at least tbeé dis- pute over "assessments.,anti taxation #ffarm landis. The second off eü s more génerous than the first anti should appeal to ý,he mza- jority of. the farmners. First week of January session ofrQntario,>- County Côuncil..coat the county $60d- ' r per diem alhowances, and. a lot, -more for Éi4eàge. The adjourneti session which bp)ens- next£ Truesday will extract more in oney from the, couinty treasury.,. At this> time, when taxes are high. and money scar ce it is to be re- gretteti that the' business -of the January, session could not have been-concluded. in one week. Other Couneils in countiesý as large as Ontaie seem,. toÃŽ be able to do it. U ETS A- SALARY O SIIELTER MODERN .Reeve of Cannington Tella the Counity. Çouncil, andi Says. Not .Enough The qucsLIon ? ppinin care- takers for certain eounty bridges -,-as discusscd at ile- aftcrinooîç)i seSSiOoro County Couincil on Fiiay afiernoan. Reeve Adaîn Dohorr, ofâ Canning- ton., infornîled Conîricil that îLhe care-7 t.aker of a bridge in hi.s village re- ceived the mlagnifiècuit sini of fice dollars per year -for Liis wattk. For the anîount: of %ork . equired of Iii he did îiot think the.ilioney -w-as suf- ficient.- Mfr. Dobsoni show cdliîow -a care- taker w-as nc.z:essarv for tire Canning- tt -bridge. Ini the -w.iiuîcr mionths water collected iwi the. centre of ýthe, structure an.d ice fornmed. The duty oS the caretaker %vas lu sec ihat the outiet for this water wasket-lar He also had. other dûties. During . te. discussion iltý-%vas brought out that .brid.ge forenien were supposcd tu notify the engineer wheui repairs were niecessary. lix nergenti cases they had ta make the repairs thcmiselves. -Reeve.Jackson, (i Whit- by, pointe ' ont that if care-takers were not.appoilited it w-ould bce Occes- sary for hilli, as -chaz>irman ai îL te Roads and Brid.7cz Connuiiittce, to go out ta Canninglon or any ailier place- where. repairs wcre. neccssary, and -autho.ize th.e wark. Th -,Mr. ja- son pointed ont, tvoid cost. the counl- ty. considerabl e- rnonex-. It N-auld -seem chcaperta ha'. e caretakers.a-p- p nrted. The coulicil 'ov resoluitiont reicireci the 'question w îhe Roads aiid Bridges Comnîiittee, ih instructions -ta report aitMins sessioni. The equestioî of secnriïg îLie pic- tu-rs.ai ex-w-ardens of tLe 'couutv toi adorn the walls mfIlle t -) cnnv- couTi- cil. chaniber, a.lonlgsi(dethoQsearad- th ere, -wa s letti ii the hunids . f îthe Property Coniitîe hcîc arc sev- eral -ex-warcns wh tc-faces are rnissing frani the f r a. ines iow lbang- ig -on, the, î'.all.s. Ie\e.2l Dob- -soni, of (Janniington, dliairinaniof thie PrôpertY CousiîîeitélLc, Qsug tsed that from n nw - onthie pi'ctu.-es.* of, the whole, c9untv cau*ncl le îr 4oI the coun cil chanîbe ri'walls. le sîrîed thatt bis cusbtuiii w-as in vogue lut other places. - Tocnlarl-,.Rec'.- Jackson, -of Whît- by, euügg-çsted that if Ibis vas. to Lýe dope the faccetif Dcîîtiny-reee Grant Christie, ai Reach, býe.nioxcd aver in this- vear's grouip, as Le w-as sl)iliing1 his (Jackspon's). profile. INTERMEDA IAIS whîtby- lost their chance to'figure in -the O.H.A. intermiediate play-offs when Part Hope beat the locals -in a tor rid gaineut Bnrný' Arena onI Friday evening by 64 The brand ai- hockey -uas the best seen ili Whitby this -3-ear. .Play wvas fast. fromt starîta -finish, Parrt Hope having an _edge on the play in the first- period, w-hile Whitby - shadcd their opponents Mn thè second and thli d The gamre \was rcniarkaibly c Cca only three penalties bcing hanidcd ont up ta tihe. end of îLte second pcriod. The tenseness of the gaine began ta tell, ho-wever, lui the, final periad and bath teams inifrin-ed -ihe rides wih regularity. - The-game started with -a bang irons thè,loc-als threw-everything they Lad Jato. the ganie and w-ere, rewarded .with two goals. L. Sleighitholns' being -;esponisible for the firsi. The gainle endeti with Port Hope ýshoiîîg the - puçk dctwn the ice- ta stave off a score. A Cake and Pas Q*Sine Purity is a ssrogricfo, -iatesuse 1i rablespýoon les pr'cup ZCra lrrii.yaryor, sot wheat mi1ik, nu. hi ilradhaîf waer (lukei AND WIELLEUII¶i -E- Splendid Building Winl ?ro.ý- RO G E-RS vicie Bright, CoÇçmfortable- :jutplg -the .Mn E Home rfor Underpriv7- une in,"1 Iamous as - h ilegeci Chilciren tew rdsfrtWho ut s'nsttlieebatteryless radio, an wek îeOna-designed and1 buit fm il)Conu nciw Children's1 Shelter, entirefyý in Canada. thýe1 Oshiaaà, las been ocrnpîed by the ruatron and ber twent'-sîx zcharges. Jan. 9., w-as max mig da.v; wlen'-al -- - the-things- that conld X~ mad. use - of in the new home:'Vere transport- - ed frtom ,the old:.building.on King N- Street West,, ta the* fine new edi-" fiee situated on Centre Street -South. -O 'sI . \\a tr>~o Since that day the la-dies of the - - - - Uouiseý Committeè and Miss Colver-O N M se ro and lier assistants have succeeded - - - la' getting, the place in ip-top or- - - der, but - s -.yet, al the rooms aref flot canspletely, furniished. T lhe building la of red brick with the -%vadwork painied. white, pr3- 'senting a ýveryhandsorne appeaic- an ce- fran the outsî0ae. On enter- irg -tLe bouse one"s expeetatIons are nat dispiritcd- but rather.. one,- isý imipressed, with the cheeriness. - an' haminess of the- place. Possess- . - iug these qualities il -also te evident.1 that the place is tinder' strict 1la- Stittîtional management.' Miss Col- -- ver, the inatrori,'s responsibl for thiý spleîidid- org nized manner Isn which the -hanse i u, and hesides C.1 Tubes nd D n- C -p. ieiug firin-and t i t *witl, the ýhlI- o peewt tosdl -';&l q aer-. dreîî wbenii i is iscessary. she ik a p-,rf-'t m otheri taý thena at- ait - T'ge' a iras impression of the- Preruata - nu w ,shelteir bnild* ;, one muet vis- iit and-Le la.keis aà round. Ineide 'PoesMjsiendyn 1b e- front doarthere le a eniail re- ceprian hall, ta-tLe right of %rhich -- *. isMiss CailVer's office, the main ~o rso ib'e for tibe ui roomn of.tise ground floar. The ai- - -- stdni-é pcpi-!ericy/ tk - hls fice is eqnipped Witb a largè omlis Ciesk, -Look shelves, -ani a numfber îQr9ry4 R s B e' : - of aiomZrtable chairs. There i à Ue-4 uryrn coe aiso a piano lu thisroam. Baoth.1he3 Lj 1tik adMjsi i~îi'Rdo receptian hall and theý off ice haive L s laid wood floorisF<.' Bmck of e-e - - ----- 'î- -- thelânt 5iîý-aî twvo roonis i3 îLe, main corridor, ai aac -lsoth ends aof-shicb are staircases .-- Cnd.- lemding ta tise seconîd f.loar andtu - --DmnîaindOl an- tise buekl entrancis, one for boys and ene for, girls. The rigb-It endi- prove the' rany up-rîc-rtieS - af «the cariridp.r ran3 ia the. dits- - ffi-.-:. ing room, wbicble s equipped.witn -c. tec es-vi)cl caI ncw- chaire and tables. There are - ee '.iHcar [itdyMe six tables at whieh six or fou LI dren ma,,-sit. -besides these is îLe Uritmscpy-î, -- - heàd table for the- îratroaai dnai- Rogers"- Majestic :Model 592 RI -- assistant. .EmieL talble hbeas centre Lwb4 piece w-bieb te ,at present a Loxl f ai ulips or hyacdiLThes e tables- have Leexii pîsrebmsed by the HToùse - $8 e h Cainihittee sinee tlîey moved ta COMPLET-E1- - - A vne ôtl Contre -Street. Lowboy wlîh l-ievily carved paneJs ai A door at one end. af thý dining- -sides, with neat iiîured cvetlY ilt riw o llay r-h room leads ina îthe kitchen.whicls fully-quardnteed Rogers Tubes.- Super- - S lsa -abright, sunny- îoam, wiîll: every sens:îýivity. Genuinc Electro-Dynerde - t or toe modern conveniene 1.. Th5ýro are -Speakirr... t u tr ~rOmad lo i~r:ît~O~Hig hway Cafe D - Int the- diping-roomn. avss Cal Ver's -pris-aie ,moulunsare a t the 'T UC -op -n other end afthie corridor. on îLhe A. E T N IK rp main floar. Tbey- arc very eazy in Dna t et-- ' appeararice. Thegera s face the> front aifithanhose, and are 'aiea 7__ finisbed witbh larriwod flgoriflg. boys, and'girls the r-, e, ra in airg& :gl îw l M.-O h'a-a-dl The~~~~~~~~ rear-e itemi loL sdernly oquippeti lavatories foraiix-rlT-aolîk--nd i -flnished Witii mastic -looring, Lotir boys - and' girls ai- 1an-tisLIt fUt lIt-la iii' n atto 4 - 10Wua wbich reeîlsoemewbat, black fldfià-. The assistanti niatran*s.r.oan*i or lee'tbJude- io xt s rancrete. The stairways. are ail of and a .snîall sew.visc- roa smro(1. t poimirý1ofi Ori Iis l lrt'l -- z hie sul )stance. -At the back' ai t-bh' aka ieioseo-tetgn -intu tilt sut> bouse aLLhlutformiots e îîooi. cd n tthesi-l ti--tjf w-s naÙ ta Le her tnees aro themd- Te'l ateYlreîlc ii-î<iat ta-i i c - tenfion rooms. Thae,,tnirs-leadirgI leadtý tathe' basemeitw oiv lî ~is not fnmniehed ite tise - haspital or QVrs~>n-ssf ~ iihr~ rire' 1w-olarge airy pa omoaisolation, quarierF, for.csirnws i ieuiiassr~ for boys. nt n argrs iebave caîtracteti comtagians dis- IleT11o11gisý1a-- iosi't - girls beibg on tLe rigbt andth ie -euss. The roame ulsýwipli coinpao( -erl, oi-Wiîsm l rcla boys. ante it sl ir aeiis section are ai the zsoiith, aùm lbea -rathe-r Mltin- ta -ânmd I O- tbroîîgbout the w-blebulin. ram thie',utside il appeýars like a ftaken ction f) ii 1,7 tai~ x - Tîscre le- a large room la the base- large. sui parias-. This end aih )i,'.el :ýuý , ),1,1, r h are seven Leds lu îLe senior. boys rcvu. - aof ti ue '%al - - -vrs ý Althoghnn vlsr ere , rom andti ive in th,, junior roora lufgott~ os aeLe In the girls' rout there are seven,_,decÙouttb they useaatve bsur Leds. EmieL -chilt.-istep-rovlded witlx iiý a chais' Lesi7e7 hie Ledant in ail t hat tisey euh L eur the appemrancep If you want t disueputabie condition wheu they ai fresh dcean ia--- The -Wood- haefnisiseti their play. For bôith dw o lis ids rotsi teelet sun, al dey. I makes. aneclnt- o lngds work* iu, -te interior le entirely aû -- need to give t fir, colonial flnish. STyExperft Sayson: - - -- ~î. ~t ,fntndi2 ~ PliAIIIQ l tD AIIQ fow jUSt to ýg flour. - If ircalsl i e.warm) with Purity you wai You ca on an" tion-to-; lower r; you car ,~ -more qi in callir your

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