Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Feb 1930, p. 2

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GAZETTE AND. CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, ERUARY 6, 1930 g. 1 Pickernfg ee paid 9- ni *tothse t. Toronto. tien wls obtained he report 1consider- Township tise road n Victor ýcommenda over until ts Council wiil havi sit and in- :s Countys Atheriey ýe recom- be hereby ýo Coisnty, thse Ilinesa A solicitor matter, but at'.a special meeting this couneil In. the near tutur , t whole matter *111 be t10sed up n a cheque forwardled to Simci County. ',Your committee li as recelvT& the letter -ad copy- of resoltiotr forwarded Ita this councli hy th*~ Township 0f Whitby, re the Whfttê bnidgq iln that townihiP. XdIt, committee recommends that- thfi, matter be held over' until'. thé2 June Session." No Appeal1 on- Bridge On the attennoon of Thursday, Jlan uary 30thb, your comMfittes as instructedl by tbis Council *eut to Toronto and were .granted -a.con- ference *Ith Mr. 'Muir, chrf' on- gineer of' Municipal Roads. Your committee received positive aîçsur- ance 'from Mr. Muir tht the High-, way Act would be amendodIat th6e next session of the Ontario Legis- lature, soi as to maire the Act desig- nate more 'cloarly maut what la, ne-, quirod to,.constitute any bridge-*a county bridgeî. 'Tour committee' therefore recommonds that nu f ur-, Il ýUQ VALUABLS theft and carlcssnems-mI1lhave r valuables at their mercy. afety deposit box costs so littie t no one need take the. risk of ,ng bonds, oock certificatets corn- ,t, fioor éther valuablc e iirs. Cus about this service. THE UION B ANK ESTABLISHED 1871 Whitby Branch J. H. PERRY, Manager LTURAL surveys prove that ibe far- rho banks a monthly xilk or cream soon becomes independent of mrries. The dairy: cow -.the niilk baAi1 a count forn a anindesrutible çlefies *'hard times" and business ,de-. Sience 1873 the Canadian Bank 'of ias catered to the needs Of the daîry- lering efficient service te bis iuüsinessi. CANADIN :BANlK ~ OMMERCE- .a'tt iA M ïLuas Iomtd' rANDARI> BANK OP C ANADA YANS, Manager of Witby Branch -1p4~ thsBnk KEEPS YOU l.FITI 'pi nsadd lkait lUdepartrntý- and,'the" seal seiuch', ta ýenWutr' -the;. work of thè H.louse -dt Go&,ajnd. thse- upbutling. of- tise King4di. '.1 AÀ teature' of the' meeting waW, a.very fine e±prostfogu t appreo-ý tion - of. the work, of iewz o the pastor, given b7 Mr. R. A HutebIsson, ta- member et te com< lnittee of stewards., Rer'. Mr. RICb- ardge. work-auiong thse-boys andýî girls of tuechurchi was parttecu4ï-* Iy- stressed. Eyauanlm ivte e tipencl ofth tieininister .:was :ralsd, d $2.400 per year, thé* Increuaserbeingr" The rames 'ot thirteen-memberq: Nvho were.callud- away by, death,:. durIng t'he yoar were, :roa& whule t1ke contreiatton. revereiIt;r stood. thse minuter offering up.a Drayer., Thse coigregation- by -rosolution« Instructod- the minIster te send a7 message of gzreettigý and also to- ers, to -Mrs. (4Rev.) E. 'rurkungtone iwife ut a former deceased Pastor,: and ise to the Rev., kJ.,M.: -and-., Mnr., Irwun., oft Oshawg, former î'astor and wife' ofthtéseongreg«- A voteot thanks. proposedý by'ý DIr. G. L. Macdùugail, Wag. tender- ed the- local press for its- assistance to. thse.churgh' during .thse-year through the mnedlim of publicity.' - Vbte» of thasika .were alsa ex- tended. to- al organizations uoftthe church for tiseir wotk during the year.: R. A iutchisonp ;C. E. Marper. ànd W.. J.ý Luise werc? re-elected to th Bo ard *ot Stewards,' and Mn. il. Arnold was .n dded.-th thse- Eoard.. *Ttie Session wiiI :shortly. bo ii.- uroased by. three member si , a e- commendation to tbls effoot blng Te: 11E FARMERS B c -fi rz ai VI nr Nv h (Contt*sued trom pa. «I) to bargg3un Lrilerwtht amers' Boardjudg3etit ta tàlee ts: course,-si Istatinig.that ini bis Ã"pinièin the Coun-ý ci had ýnothing fa fearfîrum -It._ lHe fetthat even if the' Couneil -con- sented to .tise 1928 ýsscssmnent p r o- ýosaI, the - farinera would& ualacceptn il and w*ôuld ask',for sie furtherun concession. On -the motion introduced byReevea Aibert W., Jackson, and secoutded :y Cotin. W, J. Davidsoni, te make the fanmera, the furtiser offer, the Council was divided as -feliowsa, when ýdeputy.ýC neeve Devereli calied for the, yeas and fiys Yeas-Reeve Jackson, Coun. Rowe, Coîni. Davidsoss, Coun. Landonr.anà Mayor Bowmau. -_- . -.. r Nays- Dpuy-eee Deverèll, Il Couin. Ormiston, Coun. 'Reid. la Cois. W. M. Pningle was absent. b *A copy of the' motion gees for- ward to thse fanera and. to tise town, solicitor to be'fonwarded te tise, -RailwaiyBoard. Tise farmncrs unti their letter, sigued by J. G.. Fuîhergill and John. W. beîween tise 1928 and 1929ý assesa- between tise. 1928 and- 19299 assess- ments was $8,128. and, in taxes,.less tise 75exemption, and based ou iast years' -rate,, $307. _They .suggestcd that tise. amount involved, was -tua stail for tise Council te. stop-ý at a possible setlement and puinted out lisat.lasI year the farinera lad to *paya igler increase lu tiseir taxes' than qny other citizei.s of the-tewn., On ise :letter- tiere -was c onsider- able discussion. and ýa general expres- sion of opinion. ina making- the o"ffertise- Council fethat it 'was strengthetnug.,is ppsitiua witis-tise Railway Board,, iich bodywouid se etthIle Tw was auxioua te ruake a fair and just settienient witi tise, farineram Coun. Fred Rowe did.flot tîiuk il wise for tise Council, -ià fairnes.s tao etiser saxpayers Ioe make ,furtiser .of- fers, aithough hie f cittisatIune or lwu of 'Ise,-fanmeîi would probablyý, *secune. reductions iii tieir. assessa- meula f nom thse Court--of ýRevisiotrii thse cient'of anc appeai; He-ifel-that fer.ise anil amentof mnyr -voivèd tise farnera sho'uld.take Cosn- cfi's offer and SttIeC - Deputy-reeve. Deverîd.i .ét that tise tewn hadteecg quite fir - tu the fan- mers, uffe isig îlsem ,ti ve yer agreement azd goung bcyun&, the sta- tutonv unovision of 6.6 ex"n t<.14, e - i 1869 expmnmoei etTA. Rs»ul Just, à vel.-balanced fo6d to keep you fine and fit -carbohydrates for heat- .and en ergy, proteins for good, muséc, minerai saits for. bones, and teth- and, ail so easily digest ed, EatShredQ *ded Wheat -with, plenty of mnilk-hot' milk is best li Winter, as it brings out the delicious flavor of the cris baked Wheat-and supplies the warm-th the body ýneeds,. Deliclous for any me'ai1. BOWman VRiTbir, 0 SHREDDED ABrst'..Jac(sont SIiýHEAr- J-MY LISTINGS COVER '~L~~GNÂDIANHDDED VW.oAT COMPANY% LTDi Board .would recognizt. that thse L:ounicii was imaking -an honust* ef- Fort ta e jffcct a- settiernent. He opiral ,d, tisat, in- coinparison w-ith other ratepaýyers$. the farmers xvere, bcing treated ex.ceptionaily welI. They were .ushing thé Council into a corner ud-in',so doing-were defeating the very purpôse of the Counicil in seck-. ig tue corne ta - an agreement which' would. be satisfactory toalal concern- cd. Later Reeve Jackson cxpressed iniseit..in 'favor of. Canaii. Davidswez' suggesticn .because hli t-t, tiat it cft the-door- stilî open for z possible settlement. lHe did not wish. tao, 9 anything: that xvou-ld preent such s a ett1emelt -being effected- if -at all !yo7.E-ý Rowman exppe -W suÀgesth ivleft thé' way opcniior 'nôther effort at ýsettienenL 1C'odn. rOrinistoa kiet that thé Cour- :ici had aiready gone thé lumit, liHe did not place much, faitis in a report ta, ,the. effect that re .presentatives of« the Efarnxers. had seen the Railw'ay Board and had . been led ta bulieve that fhey- would get a -favorabie judgnxent- [t was inconceivable that a jud-iciai ýody likeé the Board ýwouid tell any, pcrson. what its intentions wvere. 'Couin. Onmiston was flot in iavor of Couni. Davidson's. suggestion.» ýAfter. further discussion Reeve rackson's mo tion, s'econded by Cou. Davidsoon, ws voted on. and carriud, :he seconder strongly supporting it as a means ta a settlement which bie believed -was possible., ~FIASURE IJEAU BAUK TO fIlV[R (Cuntinuod ftram page 1) contention. Lincoln. once ýsaid: "No man resoived -teiniaku th9 îuost oi hiniseif eau spare tume for personaiý c.ontentioni." Lincoln himslif is a goo4 illustration of--the principlu, fur when' his oee lime .enerny, Stanton, atîacked hi, caiiing.hins a low% cui- ning ,ciown and tise. oriliiial gorilla, Lincoln turned round and msade Stan- tua bhis Secnetary for, W'iari because he was-'tise beat man. for tht job. Yearsý afterwards, in* a little rumonsi acrs frai tise Ford theatre, Stan- ton, stood.attise bedsideof tisensar-, tyred -president and- iooking -at the sulent face said, "Tsure lies tise -great cet nuieraf:men tise world has ever see cn."- Lincol.inmet-bale by ,love and ave ..-axneback te liii. Biesscd is, thise Ictisat. dues nat-.collect reselit- ments., Exampie of JgUýS Tisene -s no record of .Jesus,ever trying, to gel *even with auy nman, Hus '-enemàies cauid spuil his plans, but they' ýcoulint, spoil Hum, li e )Wtew' ait. about* the political tnickery and eccesiasticai deviiry of lis* day, but-H, stood before it al nnafraid ýazîdI u'spoite. i. Tisis -phase of lis character alwaye grips my soul. - Tise boomerang always cernes' back, a liTe meaure ,We deal .ont te otisers 1 vMi aways cerne back to ourselves. Thaiik God it is we whlo choose, wii:xt w-e braadcast - froin outr an wn ls. \Vonderiui isn't it, that if ve, broal èast fricndship, friendship - wili conIll back, if, we broadcast kindness ani( lalve.1 kinidness> and love xviii c 1oue back. 'fslaw s certain,:.inevabc ti for us ta avail, oursei' ves.of>! it -1 An experimecnt would bu 'tise sinsi- plest thing in the %,v;rid, start- off 10- rnarrow xvsth a 'sîniîe on your face and it wil.î be refle.zted ont alinxst evcry face you meet., Said a smail girl. to her niother once: "Mother, do you tisink Charlie thailin xviii goto-,huav-en." "h yes," ,said the rnotheri _"I think -S ý"'I aie- ýO glad," repiied the child,"flor c't, God laugli when Chatrlie, Cbap- ilàilsin.", There is- .a1ways4 a, c&ôntagîpn about 1aught6iý anùlI fÈrm* and, good feliowý,hip. Wiii- you .re-. inember.the law? Thse mensure*yau fd eai out to, others, will -corne back to Iyou. - If you 'do, it wvl l save you in- faîite trouble and sickns s- and pi. fAnd. if ypuhaire'friendship with cess., -When Dr. Miliar w-as dying-anid lie was askcd the secret of-.bis beau- tiful' life, he was, obliged to say:ý "Therue is no' secret' except that je- sus a4d- I have béen' friends." .. May Gýodý help us ail ta bu abie Vo say that.". CITIlENS' BAND BEUONCER Ff V[RY 1111111 ORDER (Céontinued tram pDage 1) Reglimeat"ý; hynn "Glony ta Tisee My God ltis a Nil'; God'Saveltie King. - Ina bief address -Mayor C.-E Bowman noted tise improvemenlI made by the band under Mn. t-le veny fine cammuu.ity service being nendered by tise- bandsme at gr eat personai sacrifice. Regulan practices-nI wisich mànay *hours were. spent mastening .difficuit membens were -held, and -all,-,-that tise towus miglil have a-good band. it was a.fine service and tise.band déecrvcd every encouragement, trom tise ettizens. Mayor Bowmau expresbed thse hope that at tise Na- tional Exhibition this, year-tise. band would .Win -first prizg tW its& ciass. Altisougis theylbat this honorl lat yean by only a few points., many ùnbiased bystandens were et' tise opinion tisaItise baud did ýex-.1, eÇeedingly -wii and desenved lte-. ltigisenhouer. . . . . 1. Tise next- concert -ili hoe id the- ,second Suuday eveuu. ng ia Mardis. De. Hal Faces _Frau<l Charge il Toronto.--Dr. Alf red Hall, yMa- hy1 S is lectures. on psycliulogy, dnew a good deal -of interest invarious parts of, the province a yean o-se agawas srcmanded for une -seek, 'without bailj when he papeared in é.ourt--today Ù.6j answer te a charge of fraud.: 30 to 40,.fine Resîdentia' PropertiMes 'In.th Tuown 0 Whltby. Cail and ,ses me If you. arë. 'nterested. Albert W. Jacksoin imhonc.Rie. :15, Off ice 3 3 First-cla s ravelnd sharp ~d'for concrete wo ,- perfect- iy~ - ean, -dehivered )i My place. withun ten miles of, Whithy. We, have three tnuls. and can mnake prom-pt dellvery. Also LOÀM 80r) AND, LOAWM FOR GARDEN PURPOSES Also filling foir holes -on iawnzs old.welis, etc. TAXI SERVICE tô and froin ail trains. Jos- H~i' &Sons ph-emes 39, 14 su' 749 I 31'OCk St, N., WlmtbyJ Nothig ITis a istako ta upeak 1of "buying. Life Intur- ance.q. nsursce rotection ls reaily a sure andcoenven- lent method .o! arrang pour personal fmnncng. You know, for instanceof certain obligations whh you mut be ready te- meet ch5dUthronghCo l o ý-yen, wlsh ta provide e mzoney ta enabie your b;y te acquire a businessof bis 'owi-.to buy a tarin of hM -yen maiy visia teprovide addilenl seuniy fr> 'roux 2bulteu. -you may vus t. brovide a paien for y=urmom old Lie l mlsaeeabtes yeu to znuke tut and euMo. lent - provison fer ahy -ak -etI vii bat yow ed, Ie DLe .REFIN1SING ILaquer .work p~~ dsig& o ing u O'pieces n- iSdae.tu 0e Workmaýsi hi#gli. est quallt,1fetMaei J. .BEECROF ieSt~, --Tel. 127 Pjrompt attention to aul orders in' 10 &fving and Truckinge Good .Service. A .4 KINS ON ~one 65, Byron St. South of Gazette Oflice. John McC Phone .397 General I1w FIRE Whitby, DISTRICT REPRESE] the Mutual Lite h&ssranc PURELY MUTUAL. NO .Profits Mlloted to Policyhol Ail Latest Features.1 Double Face of Pollc«y If Ac IF INSIJRANCE SEE lit.' Get Ir om druggisl NCholson & Slo UNDERTAKERS, Private Ambulance Phone 35W A$. A. ROBINSON trimeri iectr yurniture Dealer, àýgent for- Hoover Electric -Sweeper Rrooklin, Ont. MJUMJ~ENTS Phone 68 K. 3-2 iRANSTE AND MARBLÉ DEALER 1i-ny kInd Of cemetery work done a. *asonable pnices. ilSa,. -Commission-Nu Agents. YOÙR EYES rThe Moment you fe I. luig our eyes, r l of vIys Or aCo Mlie. of- -o o jmF Es LUKE, Opte I j$3.167 Yonge Sireet, Toronto (Upatairs opp. Simpsen's) CANADIANAP!ACIFleC [Y. RAIL & OoeZAN TICRETS, Connections wlth -ail Railways and Steamships. money orders Issued. For ail information.. phone, write or eall. Tickets delivercd- If desired., E. R.BO, Agent, -r~ock Street South, Whitby, Ont. P.O. Box 603. Phone-434 CALI il Éon't lot your. coal bin be- carne empty, Phone us o D. . %IL,.d1-as, - izes W. AIse >1 V Coe - wo Sizes R.GOLDRINC. PORT« WHITBY Phone 70 - L. H. -DILLING PAINTE AND DECORAT Interlor DeMoating ia Spedial Oppoalte Royal Hotel Plions GEO, KEIL Palmier s&d Paper Ranger Wall Payera in Stock WblIb W'lin yu.think ô ieo Augtomobie Insurance il* kof That Is A. 'And the kind of SERN goes withl D.L. & W.

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