Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Feb 1930, p. 1

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WIITBY UNITED Makes Further'. to -Farmers iHope f Reaching Settiem ent rid a Haif Mils, on 1929 -Asseasment, With greement, Flatly Rejected - Co6uncil:.De- ke New Offer-Reeve C hargea That Far- kecn Unfair and Unkind-CoȂuncil Divided cil 'deepiy re- WORK- APPRECIÂTED rMers of the ave been un - ciTer of the to~ the assess- Iption on farrn to yet rnakc a - matter, ti 'e-yecar.ar - 1 a hiaiE miiii assessiment to Cor ~Re- r the County ed agrecieet von the with- r?' applîcatiu - Rziilway andf of seCeýsSOfl UEV'. A. l. RICHARDS, B.D. l'astor of Whitby United- Churcis, 'whose work was referred toe. in giowing ternis at thseanunai meeting of the congregution heldý oit Tuesday evening, Rev. Mr. Richards was i'oted au Increatse in salary. LITIZENS' BAND. WeIl-known Local ,Adtists Assisted-Band Showaz Improvement vildence tisaI tise montihly Sun-- day evenng sucned concerts o! tise Whitby Citizens' Band, sre ganîng popuiarity, also that tise work- o! tise Bandi is'becomiag more appre- .clal;ed, was most. apparenst tu,±the 1iýPge ., "'iw4ich géte'd t4lu tise TowHali on Suuday eveulslg. Il 'was tise first concert o! tise wla- ter serles lis year, and uotwltis- standing tise stormy weather, tise hall was com!otabiy illed. His Worsisip lîayor Bo wman -was eisairman, th'e baud was unden tise leadersip o! Baudmaster J. -Broad-, beut, and tise assistant artiste were, Mrs. P. N. Spratt, tise .Wiitby Mlx- ed Quartette, and Mn. W. J, Ricis- ardson, with Mn, Robin Nicholson- at tise piano as accom pahist. Regular attendance 1aItihe weck- iy practîces, und lôyulty te tise Baudmaster are 1w-o factons.whicis have contibuled 80enaucis te e success of tise baud for about.two years.. - Unden Mn. ,Broadbent's -leadership a, great Improvement ha taken place, and at ecci suc- ce ssiveappeanailce o! the band la public ,tiat improvement is more noticeable. Sunday sigit tise bauds- men did exýceptioually well,, aud tise concert was easiiy- one o! tise best o! tisis or'puet ceusons., Tise assisting, artists were wel received, anad added muci 1te e excellence andý enjoyment, o! tise prograna. Mn; Il. N. Spralt, wiso came necently tb Wistby. frein Lindsay appeared for tise finst lime t a local baud concert, -and wus given a warm rec-eption. -Sise-poDs- seses a beautiful voice,- one wiicis carnies well iii tise large. auditor- ium, aud -eue whichi i is, earaestly' isped will be iseané agaîn under. th e saine and other ;auspices., Mre. Spnatt' is' a singer o! -rare talent,_ and tise commnittee lu change oel the concert were fotunate lu eecuning hon services.Tise. Whîtby Mixed Quartette, a; companatvely isew or- gan izatlou5 and comprislng Messrs. John Patterson,E. W. Evans, Mrs. Michael anés Turner, was hourd In two very Sfne uumbere. Tise menibers o!-tise, quartette are - ail accomplIshed slugers o! not and neen uItIle or ne introduction te tisepeool eofo!Whltb'Tise q'upr- bette wiil-ho welcome ut any future concerts. Mn. W. J. H. Richardson, always a local favorite, sang inost effectIveiy .tise .pepular numbet "Mother 0' Mille." RHis iumber was woii recel!edaud applanded. - Tise prognain by tise baud lzuciud- ed tise foiiowiug-numbens: Openiug seleetion. "O' Canada",* Marcis, "Rambier"; selectlon, -"La -Fete Champion;.- selection, 'Carl Rosa">; cornet solo, orden Kirby;, selec- tien, "Mikado";* marcis., "Teith (Contlnued on page: 2) r ME o IIiERiii ENJOYED Total Ra6ed For AlPr poses Was $13437-581- 1. New Memibers Whltby'Ule Churchi, accord- ig to reportsý presenited -at thé annual pongregutiongl m-enetinr tiseld on 'uesday evênlng ha re- cenitly -celosed tise uos t successf a] year o! its hlstory. Progress ,iný every cisureis department was noted, and a' new financial record -sas establiseéd. Aimonids congre-, gation aIso had a y&ar o!, great Tiseumec-ting'held la tise Suaday Dchool room, was presided over by the M Inister, Rev. A. L. Richards, B.D., _under whose ministry- very. marked progresi has been made. There was a large. atteudaànce 0of memisbers and adiserents. S SomeAhieevemënts Pour: outstahding !actors1in tise va-nous reports - presented , and adopted wete-: Thecnrgto raised duning tise ye.ar,.for ail pur- poses tise. iuagnificcnt su Mi o! TisÃ" total amount ràtsed for tise 'ause of missions u t home and Fif!ty-eiglit new members.were :dded te tise churcis roll durag, tise year,, and thete is now a member-. sip of 571. Thse congregutionshow'éd ls up- preci1ation o! tise work 'o!tise min- Ister by - voting hlm an increase, lu stîpead. Hie wil now recelvP $ 2,00 aanualiy, with, parsonage. Every department. Iu tise hurcis showed-fincrease recelpts and new. inembers added. Mucis new work ,and larger. respoasibilities were aIse shown 10 bave been under- taken. Eacis report was received wltis entsusias. Tefinuncial position o!-tise churcis was xuuch improved. during, tise yeur: tise- mortgage belng re- duced by eue tisousand dollarq. Tise chici building eîterior'!rom an architectural - standpoint wae lftucis improved .when tise restora. tien o! tise tewers was undertaken earîy last year, tise total cst o! this work belug $683.00. Tisero was au inerease lu regulur and special contributions both la Whltby and' Alft ônds. Amounts ra ised by the grlowu organizations of tho ehrcff en>,-- lâg thse yoair were: Wo u .- SIble- Clasa, $46. 70;-,- also a,-baie valued at $56.06 sent te Aiberta;' Young Women's * Bible Class, 128;Young Peopie's' Feliow- ship, $219.47; ýY.çungPeople's Fol- lowshlp . Mlssionary.- and -Mainten- ance Fuud,,,-$57.00; Womieu'e Mis- s lenary Sýociety, $h 13;Misbion Circle, .$D1.-7 Mission .Baud, i$218.09; Tuzis - Boys, $63.06; Trali Raugers, $9.07. - At Almnods tise Sunduy Scisool raised m$166.82; > Ladies',, Aid. $104,77;: Yeung Peopie's Feiiow- sbi1p, $6 1.00; - .P.F., - M.& M. Fuad, $390.00; current, acceunt, $744.07« -Tise statisticai report -e!ftise eisurch.was as foliows: Number of baptisms. 6; inarriages, 9; hurls, 13;. members -received, 58; mem- bers reinoved, 10; present. mem- bershîp, 571. Four . of tise new members were ut Aimonds. Tise pastor Iu lis report ré- ferred tetise, loyal co-operation'he- had recelved frons ail organiza- bc made lsy tic tforth iii the d ah tie meet- effec't a 'settle- of f arm lands standing dis- neuts and taxa- th regret Icaru- tirotigi a ]et- un exemnpliosi milis based ou ,9, wviti a five beeirejectcd, Nsere ullaIimnols enter imtoan A ou the basis 1928, wici i s in tiat of 1929'; :m the faruners ;if fhicCounicil r offer but in- write the Ou- unicipal Board on tise applica- -s for au order ['the lie ighbor' e Township e! embers around ' thein opinion n the interests fers, gene tic.< ake a just and Iie farmners and itizens andi tax- son, a.rnember1 1 and Court of the suggestion to brnnwabout 5 make t lie assess- 1930, and tunily, af- an are- ont hué finish- te lieheCouuty n was certain' d agree to. suci would sigu tic nas offered by 1Deputy-reeve offen wouid not t it was iuseless page 2) BY THE nppointinents. e conîscil vrene d of Manage- Refuge for tic -ceve of Whil- stries, ceef vere isaincé te t deputy-neeve ced a byiaw Smith ta the d; Cecii Beare ~oi board; Jo- y Higi Scbool riod of tirce B. Beaton te ,eputy-necve o! 1 by-law whicls lercil, dcputy- f Whltby,a preperty Zeeve of~ ougit ia recomn- Scouuty 100 on Monday,* Jan. 2Otis, thse. ieast was -on -New Year's D)ay, -vt, 351,S00. Ayear a go tise. record: stood at 12,96,300 for tise menis; ln 1928 It was 12,5 98,200._ Tise peuh" dýmand'for electrie- Ity uppears te have ,oeeurred u 5.52-p.mi. on Tisuroday. Jan. 2 grd, and àimounted- te 869. Iii>.' The K. W. H. consumption #r-tise month'ý was 252,480. A year ége thse ree- ord wu 960 H.P.-forl.thè ronth and 'fte N W.II'cumntin 3,04.-1 mcce werc; 1ning-nom WHITB]-Y MAN« IS. rIens ; pur- îrnkey aisé GWEN 2YEARS s. Fine ex- commeuded- ON THEFT CHARC For the Chie! Gunisen bus1 bee nu drIi Ie reçeni- that a local mais, George Burt, w) ires for fie Is wautedfisene on twe charges, wM Of a new 'sent, te guol oni1'niéuy et Kitcheni on charges of theft. Ho recelved Lws sentence oetoeue defliite and a noduced by other year Indefiuite. fUxbridge, Burt may"be broiýg ht back here1 s of bank stand trial, but il lu possible tbi currnul ex- If tise fine ho left unpald lere -ou 1l thc taxes L,,C.A.cisrge le fortiscounng, wit] Ln of' $1900,- lu a. certain lime, ne !urtherj authorized' tien wlll be taken agaînzt him. E for counly was wuuted 1er u a charge4 aise pass- cotempî of-court, and aiao on. L.C.A. chnargà. WHJTBY, ONT.-, CANADA,,THURSDAY, 'FEBRUARYi County Roa-d Estimates For 1930 Total-'$1223 80 . 00 Hold an Adjourned-:Session BuIk 'of Budget. h For Conâtructon -and Main»tenance o Roads, lo rdge Co tructions, $,50 orOsaw Suburban Road Cormnmiaio-County WiIl Not Appeal Further Whitevale.Bridg'eJudgment--Council to HOldI Adjournment Session on Februtry i RALPH CONNOR Ontario CG-ounty's good r 1oacisz M budget for .19&, as pse yts TO PENMISIO jCounty Council, Frlday -eyenlng.f HERLE IN MARCH wiIl total .$122,380, representing. _______two and three quarter milils on the -Éar las . all theSesiot, otal.equaiized assessment o tib EVl as alth esl c ounty. Thse budget Is xmade up as of Whitby Ulnted. Churcis ap- folýws: proached Rýalph Connor. (Rev.. Rod eonstruction,'. $ 40,000 Dr. C.W. Gordon)1 famouà Ràigd maintenance ',..34 00W author and Oftstafldiflg. flsldge Construction ...1 Z 1,00SI preacher, of!.Winnipeg, invit- t.piey.........,0 ing hlmn to couduct. a milssion S-2UrbaýUn roaxis......3,500- ln lVhitby. UýRn roads *........5,6800 It is now Iearned that Dr. 's rintendence....... C,0 Gordonhas aceptedtiý u est,. debentures re- Gord omplepte r tseoIn-'g vitation ani arrangements are dmd ra urbnno nts 21,000 two montisa heure. Ttl........,$2;8 The speclal services* wil be- CThlie budget was adopted without- gin on Sunday mornlng, Mlarch discussion on recommendation of 3Oth, and willI continue ever y tha t,Çunty Roads Corml*mttee ina nighit, exett Saturda y, until repdrt presented- by. the chalrnian, Sunday night, April 6th. I Reeye John -Ross, of East Wisitby.' CýuncIl wà4 unabl6e to complete C E T ht6e buslness of thse Session,ada- Jotirfed to mebit again on February LI P ~ER Q B bridge questi1on.,lias been .beforeC tfia County. Council, an# as yet It. 'q3 .l ot settled,,and may ,not be forf lione time. -The -bridge, spanning ýIIURINfIIYEA9R 93 the Narrows at. Orillia,. has - long been eompleted. aid tise County of, 'Sincoe hiclh financed thebridge, PrcsWere: Below, Other lis demanJng -fror Ontarie( Coun-f Year, Sys ouny ~ eil able to obtain'proper vouch- Representative 'm rshsowing just wi.at Ontario rnotiýrn of Reeve A.bert *W. :Jacks- -0O*ntarlo County Ceuncil at tiseir ýýon, oet WhitbyP a* resolution wats meetig onFridy aternon halassed' authorizing the. solicitor to thse 'pleasure of.an interestlng ad-, dress,'presented, by .Mr. W. M. engaee a competent aceoduntant t.o Croker, Ariultr*a. eprsena-g0o aier the vouchers -of payments Croskry, Ariculural epres ntf- ade. hy Simcoe county and report to tive o! the. couiity. ty of Ontario is entitled to pay. A The crops lu general have 'been speaî sessîôu of tise Council:will good throughout. the eounty beiiig bec tseessary to pass ,a ,bylatw au-f favoureti by good clinsaticai coudi- ihoiizing the issulng of eebentures- tions. Prices have however been be- Àopk 0 i Ct'ssar.Itwl low those o! other years. be ýeld ln June.,< Clubs were orginlzec1 amonigtise The Roads and Bridges Corn- teen age boys-týo encourage Inter- mittee, o! whicis Reere Albert W. est iu,.betteÉ rapi," 5 tO1k. ?to,'Ja cksôo , oWhitby.1 chimn, W~~ ~ presented a. repr 'o, County: ,,iWspeaf îteýa w sCouncil on FrJ ay c - f~ ontain- ns, Ofl6o0f whlch W s stha une trIpz té .C wr w% tith rcetltgation bet een 'tned 1 ons7nip o! Pickering an the Partictilar stress was laid up ouny.c Otal rgrding the the question o! potato -crops anil (otne n ae2 their fertilization. The representa- (otne n ae2 tive- stated. that whIle the Uxbridge districtwas !ar-famed .for Its -pro-IU Q1D2fU I dluct, he was endeavouring to get ILiJU L ILIL LUp/ JfnJLLV - M rnpild.i1ka in nUUa or two vanleties as'in se, dolng bisey weuld gel btter prices nnd a nead- '1er market. -Mn, Croskesy stated that tise county could ho .proîud o! tise fuelt hat there -wene 6,0 00 ba gs> o! potutoes shipped -this year., in. tise' field o! refdnostatfl tisero' wero 2700 youag- trees SUiD- piied for wlInd break purposes wisile luquinies. were received for trocs for wood -lot- plauting. Two plowiug. matches were, heid- as wel us somae smali cosupelitions among bie-boys. The, 'boyse han made great.striées lu tise ancieul art and lu tise youug boys' cluss ut tise Iater-County Matchiseld - ut Kingston tbiss7 yeur, tise Ontario Couuty boum placecI third lu a class ef 14 -ontnios. 'Ur. Croskery, salé this wýas very eucourugiug and stated. thaisaIheled higis lopes for a higis-,position next yean. Ria :depurîmont .wene -reaéy te snpfiy fucilittes for spraylng or- -cisurds anud for making tests o! 'nillc for those farmers 'iris were shipping te Toronto.. for a nominal, Tir ty boys- lad been- piaceé lu tise county ou thein'amriral fr oin Englané. POULE REPORT Teri."CasesOtherwise Dis- psed 0F' Made Clear - o the- Council- At the,,P'Duneil meeting ou Mon-- day. eveuing Coun. J. 19. Ormiston, chairman of tise Conimitîce on, Ap- plicationsr, -wise was instructeé te interview <éhlef Gunson and ueR im tise,- neannng-.o! tise ,worés, "Cas~es, otiserwise élsposed of," ap- pearing in lIs aunual, report for 192,muée a verbal report. 'Coun, -Ormiston 'stuted. that the Chief explin ed bisat, under--- this bheading came cases whore tise nate o! a& motorist vioatlng tise '%way Traffie Act was. secured j~error, tise wrong number o! cars ýbeing obtained.- Thene was other àcssunder:this heudlng whlcjh J['v-rwent te Conrb because tise -I,>- Attorney udvisod that tise 'e -dPce was nt'ý sufficieut- to *ec aconviction. Coun. Ormis- téý,xPiaIned tisat tise -sais refer- .,Êeappeared In police reporta of etGunson -'explinîed 'tînt At p ften, auch cases. were luné- 16àfêtotler.police fores.Asty 'estet te Court they must bo çasdas otherwise,'dlsposed of. OU'T IIL[ OME BA -6T VER 'Rev., A. L Richards, Gives Timely. Sermon, at United Churcli A timciy and inspiinsg discourse wus dcilivered aItiché evening service in lie Unitcd Chunch . Sunday by tic ninisier, Rev. A. L. Richards, B.D>.,- preaching f nain- the text in Matthew 'I 2, "'Ané witi wbigt measune yc usete, il shahl be measurcd, ta you aain. The mi-niter used'aiesv version. cfthie .texI,. "lie measure you deaI out ta otiers - wilil come back 10 you," anédunüing tise senumon lie said in part; - "Tic native Australian uscé a pe- culiar weapon calicé a -Boonmrang. it ivas miade o! -liard wood and 50 siaped anuécarved tiat x*'len bhrow'r in a certain minenr,.il mnoveé for- Ward about 40 yards, thr-n tunnedI and ravclled backwurds to, the place' froua whici it hué been tirowîs It is a ,good illustration 1of!thi tet. The iseusure yQti deal out ho others Wil came back la you. Deal out mean- îîess and meaunes swiil come' back-; deul eut bale and. bute wjIlcorne back;décul ouI -love and love will came back.. Every fhiugit, eveny word, evcry deed, iikd ti.c chickeus, - aiways come hom *e t'roaslt.'Thut is whut Jesus meuns.- Tic boomerang' comnes back Sa dif- ferent ways,, sanatimies t cominS lie.forsu of physical and menifai sick-ý nese, !Y ait one's batreds and quar-, reis and misundestauéings ,were clearcé up, mso f our sauiitan*itims .and hospisais woulé go eut.o f busi, nos,. Il has been scientifically demon- strated that anger sets up poison in thý biood as neai us'arseùi.-A maun must be very -nricli in physical healti wio'an aufford ta be.augny or won- ried. Yet' I have heard of' mca who boasted tiey wene good haters, .te them il was a,- source cf- pnide. .Just as weli ho, prend,-cf cancer-,.s caniet fever and feeble mindeénesse<. Those of yenu who have nread, Géîie Straton Porten's book "Tise Hurvest enr'i1 wili recaîl Ruti nuacked inPain and iUuness nundatichesaine *turne nursing a bitter hifred towands: Dne wio had causcé lien indien te suf- fer. Tise Hurvesten shows tînt tihe iatrcd and tic sickacss are linked togethen. "Tic oaly way.-te cure it,;' lie says, "ii by fongiveness,? tistaInsd froc for lif e aisé love-." NoW Place by ConMtcution» Weshouid fiequeutiy reininé ont- seives thut nobody gels uuywisene iv (Contlnned pnipage. 21 >adb enti ;rant te, theFirémen - The Secretary cf th.e Whitby Citi- zens' Baud, Frank Threadgoîd; waited onz the Council'IMonday. evening with the request that, the salary'of the Bandrnaster 1. Broadbent, of 'Oshý- awa, a mounting- 10 $25000,- and if' possible an inrease of _$50, beè paidl by the. Couni.cil. ]îhe' îoltn bas paid the- salary for the past two> years.ý Mr. Threadgold referred to thé good work -accomplishedby M-Ir*. Broadbent- sixice lihe. assumped the leadership aio the Band, and noted that when hée wus - offered recently the leadership of anotherbýùd for $300 lie had de- ,cided-that lie would consider Whitby - first as lie 'as satisfied with.his vor- here. -It.was further pointcd out that ifMr Broadbent was not -retained here it would lie very difficuit ta. se-, c ure a1 man who could.take, bis placc. Mr. Threadgoid inentïÃ"ned: ihat- the Band 'wished ta erect a -suitable- banýdstand - .in the îown -and' was an-xious. to Mworký with.a special çomi- mnittce .of-' the'Counéil, :Chaniber of Commerceand other organztons in order that the work could ,be linanced without coming ta the îown. IHe pointed eut that thc Banid was able, ta buy, its- own ins*trum'entsý and *music andI puy «ail other. expenses but it could not pay. the bandmnaster s saiary. Trie Council Nvithout discussion. re- ferred the ïequest ta' the- Finanice, Conmittee for èonsideratioh,- and-ta- report-at the next' regular. meeting.- Seeks' Tax Rebate John Watspn,.in, a, etter :applî2d- for a, rebate' of $49.50, the a"mount paid-, in taxes last -year1 on bis- cot- tages and loýts: at- the. ake. which ie. st atcdwere flooded neariy ail of' last suimer tb hthe' resoît that.lie- su- cured absolutely no revenue frorn thcmn while he :aiso sustained -consi- derable damage. .Referred ta the- Court'of Revision. -A bylaw was passed. toauatlorize the issue of ebenture.s amounting to $3 300 te pay f or sidewaývlks hult in 1928' and, 1929. Clean Up the Celîs ýCouncil supported. by a vote a ýre- solution introduced- by Court, Roweý that the Chie! f0f Police bc.iiistructed to' make the men who -,njoy the town's hospitality in ýthe town celis, in the municipal. building eàcb night elean'up before, they leave. Counl. Rowe'described the inost .ulnsatisfac- tory condition of the celîs mosninï- after mrrnin- old. C1of e. Pprrs and ctbei! rubýbîs bni ' 'around by the kuiiglts.cf the -road . l feit. that it, «ias most unfair- ta -the care- taker, and an imposition on -the part cf .the- m en who were. giveii shelte'r cadi night. .A letter from the Depaftment of Agriculture, -asking Çouincil ta for- ward* the name of! thc Weed. Ins Pec- tor before February 28 of. this year,, ivas , referred ta, the Comnmitteeý on Applications. An - applicationfomWlim -ar ris for a liglit at thegornier cf Byron and M1vaple Streets -was referred to tic Committec on Fire and Light, Council voted 'the annuai -grant of $500 to the Whitby Pire. Depatrient and also the sumI o! -$i5, thc Pire.1 Chief's salary for.1929. -The clerk and Cotin. lDaviýson re- ported, that William.- Wilkin soni, an aild valuable member of-the Fire Bri- gade, wished te resigii. Counicil Jelt that 'aithough> perliaps 'past. the age. limit Mýr..Wilkin's'on ivas very active. and a most reliable fitrman,, and, if possi ble, bhis services - should b e rel- tained. Th*eèchairmnan, o! the Pire and Light Committee will ask Piremnan Wilkin- son tehis dcision. Sllm FINANCES County Councïl 'G'iven Fig- ures froôm .Maýy 2lst to Dec. 3lst, 1929 Tic, reportof bbc -audîtors of the conybooks- forj1929, l*abicé ut tfoc CsayCouncil 'session on Thsarsday- afle-neosi, showed liaI fr .May 21 te December'31, Inclusive,, lie total, receipte fnom ail sources, includinig cash in" tiec bank, on' May 120, we%,re »360,531. Ticdhe neliuswere $35,531.74,, with. cash- in the bauk on tise last day cf -tie',year amountingý te $11 '383:16. - Somne-cf bise langer Items in thle statement o! receipîs are: $102,500; rates $184,386.83; educution, .$45,ý- ý521.4;Ciy.of Osliawa, $11,353.83i 1Amoxsg tic larger itemns of expené- iture were tise fcliowiug:- administra- tion of justice 'accotait, $19,035.32; eduentiosi, $70.6067;-*building con- s'tction, ' $9,112.53 - nsiscellanueous grants, f14,65122; - debeutures,$1- 93063;loa5,$164,50W.- 'the vounty's -share of tie cost o!. Old Age Pensions for tie mentiscf, Decenlier is ii<swn as a liability Of $1054»0. :lt is well- te note, isowever, tisaij tiset vîw of thse fueltinht quite a uumW -ofinSmates of tise House of RefugeaZ~t eciving pensions, and contibutnï-towad-fheir ma'steu- an 1ce, thecoIiizy will -aow Save Iutnd- reés of dlles 'n'uually.- Thie cou;ity:îbôks rc ~audited. twice a -ýé;,an ined report of te guflsofai the-ÀdiôÏs isubmitted> S16 > to C ~~lb!pseçcaeblé and .n- k~r ~te~uw~ s is s E r JETTE ATID~ i Letter Frôm Bell Teléph Modem Equipment Ask .Taxi Drivers to9 Bus Station Discussei plained-Other Co'un WHAT COUNCIL DID ON. MONDAY I tii IN BRIEF FORMi fer -ta0 'aas. lai fd' oierlu ti in i Whtàtby in hope. otf - efetissg ea set tle nie it of disputeit. 1thati Heard request froin Citizenls' 1);lIlnV' -Bandl for pyictoff ba.t i- S (-i , nsaster's salary, witlh suggest_ - ut Ij cdiscrese(Iqtiestioips off taxi X_11j j stand ani union station too' ail 1beau bus lners IoIcraitini i and out Jid -o! rVîty , ya Voted .1111ual-ratoff$5Ù 1i t te tise Wiiby lire epart. TIi mnst. i5 Deflt i Il Severtl , coai- -usunîcations asîdct mnujiittve re- i ports, ani heard 0epîstat ion s î and application>s foi,'fax -e- butes.I Deciderd b o vit -i wO ssle i ' oS o! debenitilses localIlY t e oî. p, Isiglier prîce cail bu obtiînel tiue ýt tisan frosî rkcs ltis IIOUSE 0F RFUH[1 ý 54 Inmates Last Year-Two t1î Pensiorsers Have Lef t ' ' the House iuý - Ohtrio CiintyCOlnucil tiss Ier sion aI t ise Court Ios.WlIiîjý7v Thursday iafLeri,iiIseard tise anM- ai& nal.report off Dr. Chsarles F. ]T 0fic Gilhi.ray, ~rei ftise b1us'..' tni o! Refuge, for tise year 9i 9 l IMai was:-tise oiy repot tale(1d drîn Towu tise day, tli-,cou 1-i. (1auiînv nost 1Hallf the counuii' i otfî-~on î L 1ivurned erOl~*i e ni, ces'iltx TI e is muci yet. .> bce doueý. There are acreraliaws.nuéo OX.l t mlilIe Yeports gloetg ede1tfor-ea -with. Ou-o A It nnmates cd-i ia Dr.Mcilvy' repor t il Im w-as notcd thaI there are lnow 54 gi lumales tan thse Hanseoff Refiige, og o!. wisich ô34 are -meu nd-il i2 0 womcn. Titss two lcss tisan-last sau year at tise same- lime.. On-ly îwotn inmates isad takéèn advaiitage cisan tise :Old ge Pension Ailowance and tno lefI this ètnsliluitioit. - - ta II Dr.e-("cillivray stýated - tis tia mnany o! tise aid pceople w er e in capiai)ie off doing for thlemselves1oi being toîn.liy destitute off menus s aad friends. Oniy, a very-féw weretat n P-îtally dýeficienit. Tliene were ten Ge( deaths during tise ycar. ail thse de- cnc ceascd being wefl advainced *n blis yca rs. Thle doctar tisankcd tis1e yor counicil for tiseir adidn l installing "' a Frigidaire Systcm I bis ycatr. 1'. ,0 Wvas a grant aid ta the isealtis con- nd ditions. he said.-sre Dr. J, F Lav.ery, managér, sypoke a biefi-y.. Tisis *year tiise crop on tise tn ffarm ivWas eut la liaif, he salé T he l institution, usedltise produce ef tihe 1to farrn, excliussvey.-Hotgs ttnd ca1ttie tc tise'total of 3300 erc saé 031 - together witis' i1lk, e and fowl, att ail of wiie br.Dnglis in consiide r-loa able r-eFeni-iie. D r. Lavery state' -t x t."'t tiscre. wcr.e IlirestandaIrds ile li tise- Hanse off Rfepiuy- off food, plenty o!flieat and clean1i-dei ness. Tise inmnates werc given tise leise best of -canée and Dr. -Lavery cx- th-1 pressed bis thaiiks-<tcDr...cGlli- ray for bis isearty co-operalion. pake 2T11tlsReport- pr il- nuéi Conaut, - a! Oshsawa.aisonTiursday &lCh -moruing ta go mb otise malter ot rft tise Wiitevaie bridge appeal. Il wais il-lii decided tisaI tise comulitîce wait G. B3 upon tise Mîinister -off Public Hîgis Pil) ways tishat afternioon.in .Toronto --.ilo1-,a)sS order te gain furtlier. informnation ,ister, on 'thé'finýding o! -the. court action Sel: fz which tise bridge inl question Waltc was a- contentions point betwee.n WI)lst tise - Cousîty and Pickei;sg Towxn- HIardf sip. If. favourutie informiatilsu 1-33Y was fortbcong n--tise County would Mrs. file ,au appeal agàinst -thc court Board ecision, - 14 Ontario C Imùp'rtant Mattel Deait With by Council Moii

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