Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Mar 1928, p. 8

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I THON PSON'S '6THE HOUSE 0F QIJALUTY" Wsskly Bargains PURE OP-ANGE MARMALADE PURE STRAWBERRY JAM PURE RASPBERRY JAM sweEET MIXED PICKLES SOUR MIXED PICKLES TIGER CATSUP 40 or. jar 37c 40 or., ar69C 40 m. jar 59c Quarts 53c Quarts 45c Quarts 24c WE ARE LEADERS IN BARGAINS Thiompsofle s Cash Grocery Phone 21 - Dundas Street W. WE DELIVER Government, Municip~al and Corporation Bonds Yielding from 417. to 7% Ed. Bowman Standar ONT TRUCK --------- Dernonstration The new Ford 1 ton truck will be displayed from our show rooms on Wednesday, March 21Iet. Truck owners wili be surprised with the ýeatures on this new truck. Don't fail to see it on the above date., The,14ew Ford Cars gre here now. WILDER t? DEVERELL Ford Dealers Phone 10 Whltby lv- LOCAL IIAPPENINO&" ha 2gel CH1EF'S VOG INJUREP ter A sisali collie dog belangig ta osc Chief of Plice Gunsan mas truck eti and barily hart on Dundsa street Tues- ers day afteraoas by a Fard truck travel- en ling weat. The dag mas apparently kir crassisg the road at a point just West th of the Brock street intersection when vel it mas bit by the car. Yelping with thE pan it managed ta drag itselft t0he gic aide of the raad where it loy damwn and t> sean quita a crowd had gathered about a1 it. The chief mas informed and by thi the tino ho had arrived in bts car ta pîe tako it away the animal waa quiet. v<, Its injuries consiat of tom ligaments t>- in the right thigis and as tise dog sruftht fered no braken bases it may reover, i> INTERESTING LECTURE * 'is At the rogular meeting of toho Tu Yong Peaplo's Saiety ef the Unit-pl ed Church heldi on Tuesday eveaing, an intresingblckbardletur ontie Boo of Jool was presented by ltev. h T. G., A. Wright, pster af Al Saints' Anglican Charch. In tise brief spore of timo at is cammand, Mgr.1 Wright gave what ho termed a brd's evl oye view af this important part of 111 the Old Testament. In word pictres ag ho dopicted the plight of lorael at the cw time et Jool mhea plagues of Ideu3ta bc were devouring every green tbing is an the land and tbe ealtiier doasa wre an sot beeding the starving Peuple but ao still indulging in expensotte Isurles t;c and strong drink. Ho polnted out At tbat aven as the fate et Englanld vi inged oa many timos on 0one mas, as ai for instance Alfred the Great, the fate op af tbe Jewish nntUas at tiis crisias w binged an Jool. This prophet called fui the people of ail classes and aven tise hl omalloat cildiren ta gatber tegether fu for repentance and worsip te God, ws and ao strong mas tise propbet's faiti an tbat ho gave definita assurance ci' ce thse notion'asaslvatian if this mre fe doue. Rev. A. M. Irivin, poster of I tise churcb, tbanked Ro. Mr. Wrght oi for bis addreso wisich ho claisnod as ta the test brief lecture tisat ho -had w board os the subjeet. Fellowinp a >e pleasing piano seloction by Mass Dorathy Rire the meeting conclliled, witb a hymn and prayor. a. BOY SCOUT ACriVITIES g Lasot Saterdsy morning tUs, md t Wiitby Scout Troop. occemnPfled by q tise Scouts from Broakil, poi a viit w te the planta of the Generol Motre-at m Osisama. bTe Scouts more tahenîinsu bond by Mr.ltoar, a G.M.C. executive, t an dohomo througb ail tise plants, andti needieso te, oay wbat tise boys 00w b mas a revelties te, then. Tise Scoute g mre sentoton for a trip on tbe testil track, wih tboy enjoyed vory much.li The cars far the trip more furnî,hed l hy thse peoaple of Broolin. Whitlîy p Scouts intend ta bold a play after p Easter inth Ie Tomn 1Ha1l and furtber s particolaro iii te ansaunced later. b FINE CONCERT fl Under tbe auspices of the Wbitby e Bowling and Lamas Tennis Club, tte Genecol Motoro Choral Society, a talonted musical organrisation, gave a igb claqso ntertaisment ta the Toms Hall an Wedneoday evening, and thoy more greeted by a fairly largo audi- enco The chorus and orchestra are under the leadersip f L- F. Unitt, fonnorly organiot and chirinaster of Simene Street Unted Churcis, Osha- wia. and on outatanding musicios and singer. Under bis leadership tise Society bas madle great progroso, and tise programmne gien as ose mhict seemed te pleaell everybody. Tise Society bas a tory fine orchestra af aer 30 pieces and not only did it support the chorus meil but it gave a nuimber ef popular and classical nom-a bors. 0f the entire eniertalantltc mucis could te aaid but tise and space t iii at permit. Thora mre, It ia true, somne out.tanding aumbors, bot every sumbor mas of tise bost. The coerus ia wmou halaiscei and there is almot perfect time and iarmony. 1t t mas a pleasure ta listas teutise von-i- aus numbora, and it waa thse opinion af many that sisould tise Society in thev future give osotiser concert bore they t wiii dram a mach larger crami. The programme mas as fellowa: Chorua-"Tbe Viking Song," (Cola-c rldg-Taylor); Orchestra - Marcis 1, 'The Entry of tise Gladiatere."' (Puciki; Sopreno-m"A sprtag Carol,"a (I. Ghel). Mr. J. N. Noble; Chorus --"The Blue Danube," (Strauss); Orciestra-Ovorturo: '2The Catit of Bagdai," (Boildeu)l 1Male Quartette 225e'ymn efore Action," (Walfsrd- Davies); cornet slo-SBetacted-_Mr. H. Bateman; Cisrs-"Tba Millers 'Woing," f Raten Faning); Orchestra _-04erture: "Llgbt Cavalry," f Sup- p); Tenor - "Sunrisa and You," (Penn), Mr. H. Haeloc; Chorus- "Dixie Lad," (Arr. Bl. 1. iyati); Orchestr-fa),Hungartan Dances V. and VI., ((Brahmsn);<b) "Pizzicato" tram Ballet "Sylvia," (Delibes)* (c) "Ilumoreste," (Dvorauk); Baritee- '2W'ien the Sergeant-Major Goes an Parade," Mr. F. Owen; Chorus-f(a) ",Madrigal,' (Sullivan); (b) Finale Art. H. (from tise Mikado), <Sullivan). After tise concert the ladies of tise Bowling Club; serrai rafrosismenta te for adanc. Tie lubdAsre t il gardener in tise rommuiity. Wisat Lave provod thea test ishlhm, wmli Mserally suit ysur oms loatiaonni-c hough It je alwas adcisable and in-r eresting to, try ose or imo nom tcinda r "ci yesr. Depend opon standard vani-c tion mbich hava staad ttc test of set- Sa sesso, hoeer, for Use main zop. Do sot tri' ta gram toca sony dnda in a osaîl gardon, and only grom 1050 for mhicis o teste bas beau de- eloped. frdcr pienty of good aeed- se seed cost is the cheapeat farter ta ptrdeiig-sa chat there miii tie pien- ,te replant if some occident sucb aa t food or a fro st spoil1s the tirat. In se average gardes, it miii Pay te )nt o fem noms of the bordier sorts rry early, oves if there is only o fIl- r-llfty chance of these csmtngý srough. Tise curlicot ani ist quick- ygromis vegetabies are the beat, and secOOse they are carly they are roi- bhei mare tian those csmilsg laten. ro boston growtis, provide a supply of itrate of soda, wbicb ohould tie ap- lied at the rate of about ose ounce s four square yards of ssii eyeny Imo wetks for the tirot montb or tmoasfter se gardon is put sn. Study the Catalogue Wbile the modemn saed catalogue la casn mare sttractively and colorfully Ilustratedl thas those issud years i ago, mhieh constiiuted a stock jotateor0 cateoniats and apecial mruters, cheo book te-day is as up-te-tise-minuteI and accunate lund af inforssatiOs:fer f sy gordener. Descriptions cfùlietaba- slutely depended upan, and illustre- os are frais actuel photographes.1If Asateur' gardeners mouli bo mou ad-.f vised to- aupply tisemoalves mitis a ont-,: logua bofore attempting ta commence operations. Men of their questions will te ansmerei and varieties wmlii bo fully explalned. la mont of tise rata- lgues to-day milI te fousd very oaa-a ai tables in tise tomer sertion miicis wiii give tis e ight, time of ftowerlng, 1 nd the aiaptability of thse plants toie certin conditions. A seloction of dit- 1 ferent typas oetche saime vegetable la r isted so tisaI oen rshave a succes- sIan of pes cors, and sinilar toge- tbles miih miii oxteni bis seaseis oeil beoni tise averageofeta tom 'ears ogo. Soea andy Annuels Even tisa iusy pons hooanot afard te spend venry mach tise on tise gardien, con haVe o gorden contalnlng sony brilliant aens.S-Of course" thse muet te easy te praduce-ire- qalrig littie caennot mach in tise cay of speçlal, lacation or sol. 'fheY must bloom freely, farnishing a go0d upply of tLomere thougiout most et th season. Tisey mnuot fot te tee par-I tiular in tise may of staady matering berause me are planning nom a tlomort garde>i for tise bissy person. Studied from allcsf Ihese pointa, tise fellomlsg isi scema te rosme as close to tise re- quirements as one cauli posslhly ax- pcti Snapds!egons, Marigalis, Pop-, pies, Larkapurs, Nasturtiuma, Scabîo- ab. 7inias and, Saipigloosis. Fer a hot sunriy and saiy spot Pomioloco tea scrce lipdi This iow epreadlng brigisht s H r%ý!1tbriva oves misas negiert- ed. New Power Line is Now Being Built Hydro Improving Its Line Port Hope to Oshawa O Ttc Hydro Comimission etates in a latter te Mayor R. D. Prestoi25j.Osis- Oms, tisai a transmaissiann i5. *ielg casotructci tetireen Port Hope osd the Trant river. Ttc leiterrado os faliowa: lieferrisg to our discussion on the improvements tat are teinlg made ty tise Commississ in lIa transmission lises and trasformer atations ini or- der ta improvo tise power suppiy and voltage reguatios ta tise Oshama sys- tom und other musiripaities along Use late front beteen Trenton and Osis- oms, tise Commission bas recestiy cumpletaîl an s ivvîiatout te, placeOia operation a second bigis voltage trans- mission lire trom Port Hope te Osis- smo, more tisan ilîsuhlissg the rapocity avallable, and isplirating tise prissent lino, thui. materîaiiy lmpraving tise re- iiatiiity of -crvise and elininatlng tise neccssty of the loing interriupions for Masnteance of lises. This lineo b becs conuirurted ut an espenditure of $175,0001. i To furtiser improve, the pomer sup- piy, a trasmissisontise is boing con- structed hetares Part Hope and tise .Trent river, matîng availobie anotiser ;circuit, ai an expeadilsare of $250,000, tis matîsg uvailabie tirsme circuits t ram tise Trent River te Port Hope o, an mto cîr,.ultq fra5 Port Haope te DOtshw, us acaînst tmo circuits te 1Port Hospe asd one te Oshawa. To 2im r,, rthe voltage regulatios Dfurtier, thercommission bas piaced . in tis ebtîmuiro an itein, ot $126,000 Sfor the elaibîhmnent osf the secaa isysschrtiii.u o- lotgo egulater, te tee ~~mil C lors thatn runspa" nth ie four corners af the varli protide tise cntrastea ta make a iaating las- prrsi onostise memoer of tise vorld tra. le.DIutrictu vhcUy dferent la tser colorfu iaI aaslis are but a fev milosaparf Md tsalcynnteo f tisertrtdncotmaatlecaior. Teday veisaarmuchahostterayisolocy itz affect on tis e 59a opte su af animais; and boy It affecta tom- parament and aveniseaitis. Clots cf tise scatterai prt. ef tise venld tisai horst ires quasat bazairs ani tise cotumne. o e ithabitanta on tise streata. ste vitis tisse of nature. Tise lansaape. and ess differ; colora in architectura. andtae colora cof price.. peasaat ad~ara gladien tis.oyeand mat-e tC breo rus io nunisen. e Pros Neoo n Deenter 2tse Canadila Pacifie stenasiip Empreis of Australiea, vl commnsce anepiserc croise teu tecontrasling poraiefaitisel venld. This vosmel vil mate ani entire circuit ofthtie globe ascisringtsn 66 porta and vsitiug 21 difforenaI cauntiea, eovorlng durlsg tise taur-f monthe crisae apprezlasately 28400a mies. FascisaI tisaCapital of Madeira, and tise fiut potet aI elanrad]iant wihaliocolorehoumeamidnieu, Naples vitis tise mossarlul hiue ae t e ses and sty, titis Mount Vesutlust aion aida amidte llania cf Caprs. Ischia and Frocida la thseiutace, affordsa avision ef lovelinae. Japan lu cherry hiom tise la a fairylani cof coler ami sunahina, and Fuiyssa teeu abeme the marnes e blo. Ita visite sussit costratei againat tise bine sky. Nov Yeaeà'u eme lu Caira la maog festive and hors colora rus neot. Tisa boasaru, th@ palaces aad brigbt isued masques vitis Useir nomerous minare*tand dosnesare colon scieses et rare iseauty. Mach .ofishecoontrime affur ~ae-mr.cisn~ng o f Icolar and t otisa mm". caualnztise tramelier to becmme là- tsrastai, eaacioualy or not, la cler pqc.lgy. Ose of tise features ai tise vorld crutue et tlb. Hýprasof Asatrala, ta tise WaY da 1ilvrries hom ebasu taIses eut of tis asof thie memers ai tise croise party. Pros etaru te finish tis i la thiai homea. Warrlsa la emiestii5 titis foeaga zsosey, custem regusiatiais andsilanguage are a thlag uskaava ta tise pasangmr, S these details have beau ivorked out montiesh sisan md issied entlrsiy by the. crulue managera on board.' À-5; tl (-Me -ma M .aMI lhflMIL w t an v MA~ Ssi. 12 Prices range from 25e to 35c a yard Nov Ores Acoossories aWabasso Silk Our first showing of new scarfs, lace for lingerie a nd children's wear, a collar and cul! sets, vestees, ties and splendid wearing and washing cloth beits, which you will find so neces- which retains itis finish after laund- sary to complete your new spring ering. Plain shades of maize, green, costume. pink, honey dew, three shades of Ties......... .. .... 50c. to $1.25 blue, also white. 36-mn. wide. 75c. per yard. Beits..... ........ .. 25c. to 85. _______________ Çollar and CuffSts .. 85c. to $1.75 Vestees ........ .. ..$1.75 to $1.95 Spriiig i.oats in tweeds, wool failles, poiret twIlIs, fl~..é.4rnn kasha cloths and tricotines are ail re- Silk Gém inatons presented in this smart showing of new models for this season. of brassier and bloomers sherred at Styles which feature many exclusive the waist and shown in maize, pink, ideas and prices which are sure to and peach. Sizes 30 to 34. appeal. $2.98 per suit. $14.95 to $36.50 Ee WA. DEWLAND Dry Goods and Ready-to-Wear Whltby Oshawa 2 Phono 318 Phono 2595 _. .-2 1 2 311î- 2 2 .2 .22 . .2 2 22 22 . . order ta meot tise demande of your ins- formation which yau deaire in aider ta the power supply ta your municipallty. dustries, in addition to the surplus inforis your people as ta what the Yours very truly, now avoulable on the Trent Syatem. Commiosion is doing and contemplat- (Signed) C. Magr&tl, 1 tout t"a ii givo you the in- ing in the future in order ta improve Chairman. Egazemammm! Printed Fariorl for -House DressesI -Smocks and Children'9s Wear pRETTY Floral and Conventional Designs in such 9 new .mteriaLs as . Atlanta Fancies, Priscilla9 Cloth, Lorraine Taffetta, Victorian Fabric and Steel Clad Galateas. The colors in these materlals are fast and are shown in 30 in. to.36 in. widtb.à Tihe k'svchotogv of0 Color on a World Cruise WRMY GAZ»,Yrlg ANi) CEMP-brICLE TRIMSDAY. MARCE. 22nd. ;lM

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