Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Mar 1928, p. 7

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THURSDAY, MARCR 22nd, 1928 WMon-RVs î' e 705505'.AND CtttONTfL5 5 Newsy 'Lellers Fmi Our Correspondeufs C«rmiaossjmntâlu mach plagerpruced wll gladl7 wokome Item.of et aomm their frieads. BROOKIN "The 0Luck et Dryverajb" wose prcsented te a very largo audience in the townshilp Mail on Fcidsy ovening, Marccisitis. Escis charactar mas oel choses s"d actes tise Parts mosi se- cePtably sandltise inicceat mas Sept up theaugisout tise entire ovening and ail endad welL Tise proceeda miicis sscounted te $63,00, attr expenses mare pad, ment ta tise libmary board for pcrcisacteg books. Mm. W. Draper b s isiting triende in Toronto. Mr. Morley Peers spent Sunday in Bisetelin. Mr. torse Hoopen, et Heveleek, spent tisa meek ecd wmus BrasSuin friands. Mc. Walter Hsiiiday ie cenined ta tisa houso wiiis a severe attack oetota- silitis. Sea our nw notie et 1928 Wall paper ai tisa rigisi prise. M. Rase. Mr. E. Bboriidge epent Satundsy In Toronto. Mr. F.' Harrison mas In charge et ties tore in Us sissencis. Mrs. J. C. Bail, et Port Ferry, bas boas us hhan bistiser, Mr. J. White. Misa Ruth Robinson spent tise mecS cnd ai ber home. Miss C. Resu and Miss Deviti ai- tendad tisa Paderewski mocitai os Mon- day nigisi. Tise Brootlin Boy Scsuts visited tise1 Generel Mtera factory te Osisawa on Saturday.1 Wa bava recived a new sipisntg et mes's saies andi caats, give ns a cati and leskte iem oser. M. Rosa. Rave yoe cedeemed your Palmolive or Princeas saap fiskes tokena? Whyý net do se ai EseDeffai. Miss Jean Dryden, daugiteofetMr. and Mr. W. A. Dryden, miss is a ste- dent ai MeMdaster University, Toron- te, bas been oiocted Presideni et tise Wemens Student Body of tise Univer- sity for tise eneuing ycsr. As suc s aie iii ho tenoon as "isesd girl." It is a co-incidence tisai hor sisior, Mise Mary Dryden, aIs had the isosor et being eiected te ibis position in bec final0 year ai MeMaster. Mca Dan.iel Robinson, miss bas becs ilI o tocheolasi twoswaeks, ia mskicg0 good progmoss tomards mecovery. j Miss Riste Robinson spent tise meoi - end ai ber home bore.9 Mrs. C. L Msckey, E. W. Psscoe, G.b S. Wiite and son loti on aturday ta viit triends in Çhatham and Detroit. b Wbile travolisg 60 miles poerissur be-0 imeen London and Chatharn, sevena coachses eft tieir train lotitise rails, 1 bumpisg aisng tise îles toc a consid- il erabie dlatancg. Romeven, it came te A a stop mus aIl cars uprigisi. Anothor lt trains 80011css5e and took tiseceos isole may saole tise morse for their ir shaking up. Ir Borvy te report Mca. G. Porter, ef Detroit la quite iii i tise OshsawaL ospital. t Mactifs have thicienom epring i malpaper in stock. Ynu are isvited te corne in and 800 tisem. DOMINION GOVMMNENT INCOME TAN RETORNS Procure Expert Service in 'the preparation of these important forms, and at smaill cost.1 Income Tax Act requires that a proper systemn of books be kept by ail business firnis. We have an accountlng system toi suit ail branches o rd. Information promptly furnished. WILLIAM A. DAWE 59 Victoria Street, TORONTO Phones - Elgin 4750 and Howard 0701 On Tuesday evening, March 13th, Mr. Oscar H. Downey returned aest friends and neighbours te the numberlweek trom a trip te Edmonton and of forty gathered at the home of Mr.1 Calgary, where he ment in charge of and Mrs. Wmn. Arksey, te, celebrate stock. the tents asnivereacy of the wedding M r. Bon Davideon and hie staff, of ot Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hannars. An en- Brookîto, were along this wey iast joyable eveelng Was spent in games oeek epening up the culverts along and singing, after mhich. the bride and the Highway. In days gene by famsn groom et tes years were ushered ers and ratepayers whs yayeît taxes bllndfolded loto a rsemn and were seat- wece called out for read wsrk hut cd on elthec side ef a large decorated times have cbanged. box containisg many usetul articles Miss W. Willlamson, B A., eft tiel osf tinware, avec oisich was sespended O.L.C., Wisitby, spent tise week end a large wedding bell and etreameco. wmus fciends here. [n a few mail choses words tise groom A number trem he tissi a hike thanked tise friendo for their kindnese. accose te Asihuro on Friday nigbt te A dainty luschs mas provided hy the hear the play given n urnsu' cisaci ladies preseet, aftec obich tise pariy isy the young peoplaet Pickering. Ait <scoke up in the early heurs ef tise report a splen4id evenhng. mrening, wishing the bride and groom Mc. Jesee Pikce, who bas spent tise Seany yeam etfisappineso. icvntar in Toronto, bac retsrsed andr Mr. James Lambert, Mr. Thomas h as engaged witis Mr. Clarence Harri- [Lambert, and Mss. Chas. Blight at- son for a Urne.c tendod tise fanerai et Mca. Warvillec, Tise young peoplaet Greeewosd areE of Cannlngten on Theeday. pi5tting on the.ir play in tise chaciè Odd lises Ie ladies' up-te-date shoes basement on Friday nîist ef next1 and oxfords on sale ai MarDuiffs. meek. Those oho have isea rd these on-L Tise sessies efthtie Mock Partis- tectainers are loud in lheic praise et mient aitishe Young People's League them se remembor tise date, Mercs 23.1 on Tuesday cvening was îiveîy from Mc. Willia, ef Oshawa, bas siartedr itarte te finish. Extravagant praise buying eggs tiscoogs br and alongP if tiseir administration feaiared tise tie iighway te Manches.ter. This te a Govemmont speeches, witis vigorous very convenient way etfîlîspesing of support of certain practical legista- produce instead ef taking it sut. House oison Premier Ego replied te Oo.BJ the bitter cciticie eofthtie Opposi- C U U tion by uncevering tise diogracetul Tise ieavy rainsatocm lest oeis eonduct oetwo ofet tiir membece, mashesi eut Mc. Fred Gooîjman's dam,u Mlessrs. Agar and Garbuti, wile they maksng it impossible ts contisue coco in power befere tise presesi grinding hut ho. is istalli ng an ongine govocnment. Tise charges and cous- and wiut ho roadn te grisd nesi oeek. oer charges benoît acroos tise floor Mc. and Mcs. A. MarisonOece Iin of tise Mouse more quito pactiamen- Hiamilton oe day tiss ers attesd-t ary n tsoi ciaracer.TheSpekering tise Golden Weddisg oethtie lattcr'e cas kepi busy esery minute, and onlM.adM.Pie some et hie itecisions woeesot con- Miss Elvina Cook spcn t a feo days sideced otrictly taic and judicial. li, oer brother, Mc. A.tssok, Brsok- Tise speakers foc tise Govecemeet ln last week. woco Premier Ego, MisesIBessie Gar- Quste a large cross attended tise sut, Povicia Teaerec H Mc-dance at tise hall on Fnb5 ynight andl e uey, Mroinil t reure . Mc-al]enjoyed a good Urne. Wee, Minioter o etgrcuPubLe;WeksL Mc. and Mcs. A. Msrsn Stewartr Webbr, initerof Pbli WokB;and Rosa epent Sundat icits relativesc Mien Desîti, Minisier et Education; at Markisam.a Mien Posgelty, Misisier et Minre;i Ray St. John, Attsrsey-Geseral, and E. Mocrison. Tise Opposition fiee- CLAREMONT mortes ocre produced hy S. lcelesd, Mi leader; Misa Raney, and Meusrs. Wm. Mis Margaret MeNaI hbas rotuned Agar andl Jes. Garbutt. Tise Hon. C. frorn a ciait ini Usheidges S. Thompson road tise Speech frorn Mc. Oscar Hacher hal tise misfor- tise throeos iith a dignits isefitting tune te break twocilis Lest weeis and Lise occasien. Hon. P. L Juil acted oas unable te maisý hi., reundeseo the esn Speaker; Dick Hiciste oas C(lof mail1 reste. tise Housand Walter Nesbitt, Sec .Mes. Ja.Grant asd daugisier Jean, geantat-Ase. our t tie Toreste, spent tise moe ond at gean-atArms For ofthe BoyJas. Evans' Scouts oece pages. Mr. andl Mrs. ('lifferd Pilkey, et Toîrontoî, vsted Sunday us tiselet- BAGGOTSVILLE. tor's parents. A large nembor frem bore attended Mr. and Mon OD. Howe are vsitingt srie MeBelen's sale se Wednesîlay relativs eit Richmond H ill thîseeis. afternoon. MessM. Bennett is witb Mca. Patterson Mr. and Ms Franks Puckiscle mlited eit Grecs River fer a tom daye. on Seeday in Milten. Misa Alice L.ynde mMies Margaret MeClellen, et Ries- oeterned wits tiem. rnd Hill, spent tise mecS end oitb Tise drama held sn tiesecebel bouse ber rnother. on Menday esonisg and put os by tise. Mr. and M r. James Ceaies attend- Audley ysusig people oas a decided ed tise gelden oodding et Mc. and Mrs. auccoe and mach credit is again dlue PUisey at Hamilton on M.onday. tho memisofethtie drarnatie club. Miss Vora listes, et Mi. Zion, vie- risee as a gssd attendance and tise lied at ber hosme bore oser Sundsy- play oas tiserougisis esjoyed trois ho- Mr. Rusell(nowie, ot Toronte, vis- ginning taoed. ited with hie nîster, Mrp. Cowie, as Franks H. Puekeis bas engagod Mr. Sundey. toss Raine, etf coeoed, for tise Tise Womeis Institutesiseld e social snirsg year, whe le mssing thlae.neek. ln tise Unitedt iburcs basemneet ant A wrrnwelomeis osiended t rTueday esenîs g. and Ms. Rine.Mr. Taylor in-t a herse by dcown-i cd M. Rane.ing oas day lent meeS in Usbridge Townsbip. THORNTON'S CORNERS Mr. ssii Mrs Alvin Bosicby, et Pick- Old timers say tise btueiery Mercis erig, esd Mr and Mrs. Floyd Jones,% hie month indlcatoî. a f"se Apnil and et Broakls, nîsîted at Mes. Hushy's1 un earty Spring. os Sunday, Tise fine oeatber lent Sundsy Mr. Pingelîl bed a business trip ta îrssgist rany eut ta Saeday Scissel. Toronto as Mîîedey. Thse sîtendance mas sesesîy-nsmo Tise Hydrîî men are besy ibis oeeb Hemn-Ons funday, Marris tn, 1928, sddieg a tev more sineet ligistain tise ao Mc. and Mcs. S. Bagg, a daugisier. ton Mr. W. Stoneisouse and daugisier Ssrry to e rc Miss Elles Scott le Louise aitended tise fuesat îof tbnr set so eil. asusis ini Cassingios, obo died theore Me. and Mms Stapisens and fasslly, tunday morsing. if Owes Sosnd, sioved to town st Keep le mland tise drame "She' tise Tbersdey. Mr. Stephens begas hie pas- Girl' given hy tise young peopleein terete bere se Senday st, mises a tho Sunday scisoolthtie ast et Marcis, ststendî,t rood attended besti services. Friday, 30tu. A epescial progrars of We oetcome tbem in esc midst. t ruic wmut ho given tise same ovenisg. Mr celee attended tise fuserai Mc. and Mes, W. Stasehouse and et Mes. MeCteLleris iater ai Tharnes- family more visitare ibis oeek mitis cille tact mecS, returnimg os Tuesday riende in Brootelis. esesîngeof thîs ineekv Mr. Jas. LuSe's nom bouse is coins Our hockey beys isave wos tise club ig alsng fine ibis sunsy mesîher. bageset Stouiffilte Tourriament by ale We regret te report tise deatsof a feating Agziseon K, Altona, and Locu.se lgisty reepected resident os Saturdsy Hill. Tises aIsehave securedth ie Kai- uarsisg ai hec home sear Thsmntossa serc cp isy deteetîsg Port Perry in tise amrers, in tise perses et Mes. Raoer finals hbî tbree geais. Thbis cup mas Msrris lOrilla Annse aged eigisty- prested by Dir Kaiser, M. F., et th r yesrs, She mas tise eidest daugs Oshawa, fer Souts Ontario ontyý br ofthtie laie Wm. Assis. Mcs. Mer- BROOK IN FL UI~fMl LS FaIliWheat Ylanted Our requirements for Fail Wieat wiil exceed that of last year. We are prepared to pay you the highest possible price for good Milling Fali Wheat, and 2c above cievator. price, whatever price that may be. ' Phono-Day, 26; NIht 2713 or 2502, Brooklln, Charles Wilson Brooklln, . -Ontario tise Dosmimnion'Arrangements more made ta invita Mon. R. H. Hennett, leadercoethtie Consorvatiso psrty in tise Federat fieldi, te attend a banquet in tisis city about tis endofse April and te isldais dance in tise Oshawa Winter Gardons on Aprit 13. Orillia Ton's tes rate fer 1928 us 49 mille fer Publie Scisool supportera andi 49 3/tO milîs fer Sopacato finhoot catepayers. Tis lcvy mili yield $234,247.322tn taxes. Tise este is 4 mitis iigisor tisas fer 1927, misestise rates oeire 45 and 45 3/il respective- iy. The esly peint ai obicis sny re- dantion in tise rate is becs affectait us tise Tows rate whbleis laeut oee Eyeslgbt Sgeclalist Ko tise trac condition ot your eyee. Do psu cane fanriicm ase tiseir delleany domansi? Dont negleet tisais. -101 Disney Block, Opposite P. 0. Phase M06. Oshawa GREENWOOD The youmg pesple gave thiser drama "Theo Eyes af Love" in tise Community Hail ai Claceisont test Friday oves- ing. Ariser Mien and mite ansi Mm. Jas. Harrie caltesi on F. L. andi Mrs. Green ?p day lest week. Arthsur ansi Mca. rien hail becs an a moter trip tei P'lOdda and more an tiseir way boern .o tse Wostern States. Mira Margaret Cee returnei te Toc- onte lest meeS. Clarenice Perkin ansi friensi sisited cis Mca. Jane Bayer sn Satsrday. Miss Esine Greeosepeni tise mecS- endi mitisTocante friensis. Tise Sunday Scisot otSel a St. Pst- meetes Social in tise bisecment efthtie ihurch lates aturdey esenîng ohere ail proacci sasi an enjsysisle time, Tise mes botS a lhe at tse niurcison Tuesday ansi rat op e ceeS pile if weod toc future use. Tise ladies serveut dinner in tise beserneni PALMONDS Mr. Jank Mess bas seceresi e pneu tias sn G. A. Cannisg's miii ait Witby MusaeMsibel Rame, et Toronto, spont tise week end olts Mm. and Mme. FP T Rame. A large namber frsm tiss icunity attendosi the St. Pstnicis baSar et Wisitby ssni repart sanest Seîigbttul ti mo. Miss Ida Brown reternesiborne f rom Osisewa Hospitalon We.tnesdey lest, msem ase Ses heen foc tse puet tisre meis, ansi is imnprosing nicety. Her many trinusomiish fer her a speedy recsey. Tisetaies oece Sept husy se Tues- day, quiling ai theo ciumni. A social heur mas enjoyod is5 ail at uinnem. Mr. Ninholen Heses, eiss esbees ecgagod wmus Mc.W, Heledon fer tise minier menthe, ieft an Mondey for Saskatchoen, misece ho han securei a position. Me. John Adamcs' sale of tant oeek1 turnosi sut oeIl andi gond pricos more roaleutMr. Adiam ses selsi hie fsrm andsi sengageît muS Mr. NormansIre mvin for the summor.r Me. Cordes Trigg, mUle drisîng un tise Higisosy on Setsrsiey lest, has iUs mages stracisby a ncrtise contents boîng tsmown t. tise rossi Mr., Trige masnet bur,, ltiseagh hie oas thcswe from hbu seat. KINSALE Neut Senney ouIis e Quertri meeting iseld t et reenoosiet 10 30 ansi the esenisg et 7 n'dock service miii Se consiaitesi home bp the pastar, Pies. Jan. Bamoes. Os tise fsllemîsg Mondsy tise Officiel Hsard of tise Cir- nuit wlli mret un tise isemest if tise teenoud ciserci et 2.30 te the aet tercessa Osîeg te Qsamiemly servine Seing Sel st Crerenoi<tneet Sebisetstiere cuItib ho nSunîlay scissl here. Mn E. W, Redmes han retamnes boise atten npi'nding abouta s esek sîtilhs huester. Mmc. Rogers, of King- ston. Irain,' MBrupnes uurtun sale et bis isees if 50 noms tous place Wednesdey. Tisco mes sîaî0d mrpcnsentatlne crowd ofailk mePcesent and thej noms Srsught goonu prines. Win.Muo miedesi tishe rr usinbis usuel happy masiner ansi J W Siepisenssný acier an drSk Miss Thomas, aur inuriser. -pont te weeb endiitber borein Marehais Escices nue oshase disposeS of ail' their ccii cloese erlat gass pricos. 1%e secS ms guiesi. geraimentin- opeetesi. seul 055greatlvin lemcsasd. Tse Ladies' A-id et aur cburcs met ai Mrs C 0 leton's an Thursdey tant. Mr Mestieys n eori heipine levine MeBnien arrange fer bis suios sale.ý Walter Stephsenson cent a tOadsiOf hags isy trucb ta Tenante.,ssnd mas oeil ploases iauth bus retume 14ee un gosg ie otise ou us hsppuog business- Sire. Annie Harbren epent tise meoi endsi ethec homneihere. but lot agan for Witby asdeshawaso Mission Bandi mlI meet et tise home cf mes Edoard Hentioy Ssturday et- toon of ibis meek. Win.Danis. mise orisesifer Hec iscas Bren sao fox poes age. spent Sua in sur outRage. Me looks oeil, andsi ba tsn a position ith Me Wil- son soar tise village et Brougham, isavisig matoea doms frein Hamilton. I PAGE SE OVESN Its superlor strength makes Purlty go farther than ordinsry floues. It la perfect for all your baing - cakes, pies, buns and hread - so the ose flour sack oniy la neccssacy. Try Prnty Fleuir to-day - it la oertàain o pease you. PURITYFICDUR y Sked 3&- Mn 4smp fir sec700.reap Peri* Flser CeeA Bsck l IBROOKLIN FLOUR MILLS BA BY CH11IC KS THEPERFECT FEED FOR THEM US CHAMPION CIIICK MASU BIESI RESLTLS GUÀRANTEED Made by the Manufacturers of CHAMPION EGG MASII. DISTRIBIJIOR charles Wilson, Barooklln Polty Ml ùWant EverY Peaitryman mante iots of large, uniform, strosg-sbelied, and RATUH " ABLEt eggs. And more and more are % flndsng tisai Quaker Fui-O-Pep Egg Meuh le jst the feesi ta get tise BEST eggs, as prroves meii--oameai, mort digestible of ail] grain produrta; casi iiver meal. Éfiat tames e p tise digestive systece; rainerais, esaerstial te egg building. % Greater isatchebility-asd stronger, besi- tier etunke-make Quaker Fui-O-Pop eggs jent lise eggs fosr tise porsitryrsias, breeder % and hatcbocy mas. % VUL-O- "a' Mc, MASH , M ado by The Quaker Oas Company SOLD BY G. A. CANNING, Whitby, Ont. M-ACKEY & SON, Brooklin BYQUAKERt f EDS 1,4STB.IpED SAOX-S Don't experiment with Incubators and Brooders Asn lacubetoat &ial&etsta batcis e lot et hatchabte eggs, à brssslsr SScI tetz yaur citcs ie Si-thaote expasisre Oquipment et eny price. Ys lotes the valse of tise cees andi cse. S'os aiyour a snclwtuwors 5 prtfiostoe. rel petn ime-testeS ansi reiabis equippment -the Seat buy an [he saket-we invie jou tovisit ueasyalse, W. wî elyuhwBacteae inusssors ansi breoders bave proveS their profit-making aiuity. W, siiteli peu isow lsey iii cash yau mooey ansi hem [bey iii Maka noney for you. Don't issy ps.slcry-reais equlpmenl until psu eae chaI w. bavs tao ffer. SvmMonoy for a Mlliaa User* More lises a million usera are naking imsney ils Busiseye poul. lry-raising equipinns. il l za king nsoney for manypoucsltry ramsera righin latisie icloily. 16 simiima meney for 7015. Viil euretore. Sesomisai eazlsin nem Bucissys equipuseot me bave ta aller yau. 10 i1 Pa you--sd pay yeu bg-to e otU The Brocklin Hardware MIARCH SALE Ail1Lines of Dry Goods Great1y Reâuced Ili Puce LADIB & SON Brooklln Sole Agents for Lowe Bros.High Standard Pa!ntz3 and Varnishes evoning tact te support efthtie Ladties' County in Rev-iew tenus emil, and tise inecmssféis due te Aid efthtie Trnited Churcis bore. Tisore .tise extra demandsainadq b4 tWe Ceun- -s a fuît bouse is attenîlasce anii At the Test session oethtie Canning- îy olsicis secessitates an Incmease et about $25 mas taises in aitishe door. ton Village Council a committe as 1/0 itscm 5'etyec e W. H. PeckriA, eecoeded by F. H. astisorized teisuy tiese teel bridge te /0mlsfom5datyg u Puchrin, sn ehoifethtie Ladies' Aid, hoc eovtd ta mako wsy for tise nom 9 1/101 thie yesn. : ssd s soie of thanise ohici s eceecretoestructure from the Cssety __________________ besa)rtily exiecded. A deLigbttutlanchisnse bst possible terme. Tt is te re- was sorved by tise ladies te those tek- place tise sîd structure on PeeceTA L ing pari. Tise play mas a good 0one Street. i T AN lM anît oas e el staged tisceugisout. Ras. Tise Oshawsa Peut, No. 43, efthtie T AN jE A Mr. Sandecesnmas unaiste ta hoe pros- Canadien Legion efthtie Britiis Em- oent ebing te ilînees.pieSrieLnuaewkngc- Tise regular meeting et tise Club irentService Lege arebusrildgo man iseld ai Winters Bres.' hbee asi fott ionardereta eet bilding mecS and about 60 mono presont. Tt frtersnue tsmeigt toskth ie torns et an syster sapper, tiseir presnt iseadcuarters, entise tstewd h seeces buinsssagsmarkeot building, ih osa decidei tots (Standard Tima) flend a sehs uines, sng place tise balance et G.W.V.A. tunîte, C. N. R. and Steesenssteeeicatued istebeîsg turent oser te tise Le- Wbitisy Junctiona rtbsoisn tse angu ettis maes on ient a "building tend", and tise GOING WEST-fà.36 u.m.; 4.52 s.m.; mabs isaskherig sueoftise bans, ie building question mdli ise gene ints t9.10 ara.; t2.32 p.m., t7.34 p.m.; wsiped hlm. fth brn ade more tisereugbLy et tise nesi goneral t8.55 p ce.; §8.23 p.m. swpe hm.meeting se Tisursday, Mercis 29. GOING EAST-t8.t0 asm.; §8.48 s.m.; Tisere is us outismais et rubien te '9.51 a.; i.1259 p.m.; t2223 p.m.; RAGLAN Coburg, andi aI lolgs are te ho tiesi t6.42 p.m.; s9.32 pus.; *10.58 p.m. Me. and Mes. Sleightholm, Wiitby, ep fer an indefinite perlio. (escept Ssturdayl *12.18 asm. spent Susdsy ai Mrs. C. Blanciard's. A Petition bsa eensigned hy the Wiiiy Town C N. I. Mn. and Mes. Normasn Ragisson are' groceresand butchers et Cbourg, asei- GOING NOHTH-t8.31 amn.; t 3.30 p. spending a vacation mush relatives isnieg tise ton ceseicil te pas s aîytawm c.; **6:55 p.m.; f 52.53 p.m. Oakville. cloeing these storen os Wedneeday GOING SOUTH-87.51 smr.; f .50 p. Qette s number fcom bore attendad atterneons fsr six meenthu et tise ce.; s0957 s.m.; f510.30 s.rn s dsnce in Columbus Hall last P5idayI year. Ifthtie petites te igned by 75 C. P. E. eer. pearadBkee Ob centofet tese merribants tise GOING WEST- t5.55 arn; §6.31 a. Messs. . Wy ad Baerof sh-ceuncîl hue ne suber courses but te . 73 .. 8.0am;*.6p awa, visited friondc in tise village on pes t. me.; t7.4 smr.; 85 r. 45 ss lsWlsnba scre. A tender utfWood, Gusdy & Csrn- COING EAST-*9.57 am.; 51.57 p.m.; tien tl iseWilenrasi Moiers, osi-a.pany, Toronto, for $319187.42, oblish t.5pm;tl0 -. 10 .. Weo is btse ben tosecshawi . ber presente $9765 per $100 on tise de- 1 s0am. We ishlie te bst f sccss n lerbentere issue et $32686884 adsortis- .1am ri n .0am ru new mork. 6.31 ath, traisoafdO1.30asm.strai About 60 et the members eo tsf e yt isCi5eteis'ama n Snaswl tpa htyt e eommunity enjoyed scotuer social ev- cepted Monday iigisi up tise uncil.of ansunae misopcathWisityte lor ening ucidar tise auspices sf tise La- This tender mas tise higist ot soven fo onsws fTrno dies' Aid at tisehbeefetMes. J. Evans tenders rceived isbthe euîy. romDintl etetycee lasi Wednesday. Theso sociale bave Tise MacDoanald-Cartier Club et -Daiiy xetSna been greatiy enjoyed asd are aise Oshsawa, ai an osîhusiassîl meeting iDiyoetSund uy -nl quite profitable in the intereste et tise Fnidsy sigisiin Welsis's Parlers §Stusdy, honly Strdy Aid. A bearty voieeoft tianse as heard. Mc. H. M._r'erleins, secretsry of -¶Mosday, Tisucsdey,Satrday. rendered Mrs. Evans for ber 1Usd bes- tise University ot Torosto MacDon- 5ody enssFia pitaiily. ald-Csrtien Club,mise estlimedS le a__________________ briet sddrens tise erigin snd lptrpose et these Young Cessorvative Clubs ten m . .1 1

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