Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Mar 1925, p. 3

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1. i i s.tdtEfortd ba rd & b. la- Tdwpàw"Ds-BOU 23; Rsfdem Ue lOt - embftr ett &êâ dIaa Wo ekl 8paps= nu.to C. A. GOQDFELLW &a ON, FuIbm WbibyThrsday, March StIi, 1925. LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON IT An application to the Legfâlture is beîng made by the Town Counal -for the validation of certainý debenurecs, which it is proposed to issue, and at the ame tarne Permission is-Ibeing sought 10 niake 't poistlbIc to pay for local ùnprovernents. mach as oemdit adêwalks, by alcvyon the general assesmemn rather than by the present rnethoJ of levyzng- a saI rate diectly upon the propertie8 bendi&ei A piently, if the Legisia-' turc grants this permission, there t a serious intention of bringing this radical change Wore the Coundil with the idea of adopting it. We--d<4 not-berm propose to express an opinon upqn -it*ts untll a later turne when fuller details are available, ',u during the present week-a great deal of adverse-coanmet bas corne to our atten tion , w ith ou t seeki ig. T ~ p i ~ i l h r b céanent idewalk, lai n a certan, would be paid for by a general levy rather tat by a le"y of 60 per cent. of the -c-st on the. ere benefited, is a rad- 1 4cal change- from the mthodnoýv i force, and woul mean a great difference -in the 1 nancing of such pro- Jects. Indeed, a measure of so. fa4'reacblng and import- ant an effect upon every ratpy in the. toun ahould, we believe, be paiied upoi byý thon vAio are most vitally interested. -Large poetowners ad ownmr of property unbene&ied by proemetswilibe radically affected. Thereore, esuimit that athe next voting day thÉ rtpaes fthetomiW ought to be given the opportuniity of indeain weher tli.y favor, tii1 proposed change. Thezie can be no great hur- ryý te enact this auggested measi4e_ Let the ratepayers thexuselves decide bow they sh*ll be taxed for loçal improvernents. WORKS 0F ART IN TUHE SCHOOL At a public gatheing bat wýekDr. 0. F. McGâi livray made a plea that pubic-4nrited citizens should inanifest thefr infttest in the sclools of the town by donating worth-while pfturesto be hung on the walis wbere. passing generadions of t. ft e .and leamn to -appreciate thm. 71ùl of Dr. Mc- Gilhavryis.one that rnay wel tesro cn .hde~otothose whôoare W flnthesachoand paig before them, where they gM1U 1 the praducts of îhe'greatest-mIn h e w hbA I. i sculpture, paîntifl%; architCr1aa"te r -rÎmdy in the halls of the Higl I>w c telryin thefmtre cop*a taons of- some qf tht wOo4. t More of -the'sam e woudl teachers and by the. Board f_ -.people of the. old wvorld, thersi es a lov otb artistic almost everwhcrt, frxM ii Nidil * hood these people baZetiibe in pahinnsd sculpturé and arcIilttu~t y efore'dieu, in their public buildings4 oàta thefrvm-i the humblest home.. 'We ei ataôerite Pt"*- grain for securing donations of tc., for the. çchoels of Whitby would b. ie of splenddr&e suits. W AR V Wf rMANS W*#L SumV Frein reliable sources men wbo bave sought loch-up un the Towni i ans othle Great Warif stiti b.aring marks et i diat these men> part icul least bern uéhown a cent meal, and it lsa a the resolution passai- veteransWho may i i and die wbemewithal t atart eut on die morr denied lame. Ont wx conditions as they areà be mort e maiIm cne been the taue thirw" fHalif eani& woe save a few dolhn -ai but it us taise coco comme. every day rem idea. CHARGE TA", A notable sud erdu wu tà- therewllbeah" À* ~ ,b e larg 6argsdtoed %sit ;-i ed thaury of di. t -ni dadtr l uhtby f ai -titi havehum veter- fnolt a fiw ci diem dlabw d ç ou 4gbes t kà.aie ln lrybave sevetal ontha a ae.slî êbe ofaitwenty4ve f.tegbe dt becauseof lmieù at wdeI 6.TwOM adI FVure ." i Ikkup to bwwaug s ly ow tbe pm tm Mtob lldalao msy bet somyto ây . olabkvw la au. egnftimof d ;= qi ep- =uard dm bc dho uz -,do so. Them lci« ar dR yi UrB n 4amough àa oernlicaed sales oranuzation tat ct A...M. JAYouM yoe SU el bmu. 10aàaàtin. Ithbu bren saîd that it cous nearly to is a atmbl stemk t bt el ~PW (B> C. R. Tuci, Optometriat) inicotý f course, adludes tthe service. And the ma--i eycmo r keigSt of the other machies named av>eijemuch (Cotinued 1 fozage 1) i zat;im lmat a yvey om ee- bighir than the origi ncot of manufactu-re Of the in- thereore be. coeNfU6O. He could see duoes vision. In very îew errera or atumntnoting to be ga4d by refuslug to aatigm theal eye attempts cerrecý 0f course modernmari and modern womani demands dlean the matter up once sud for ail.causes pain and diucomfort. service.. He and she gets it but some persoti has to PaY. . Rev. Mr. MaXWVMU conteuded thaI Comneal aslgxnatism ia due to un- Bvery time "ltes styles change, or the beSt cot8 of Presbybery StiI bhd charge ef the eequal cumvture of the cornea or Imeat are ordered aI the. butcher siiops, some person1 congregation. and If the resignabion front coveriug of the eye bail Len- hua to pay for that which canet b. SOUdOr if it is, -was accepted lie would Pres for the ticular iistigmatism is due ta unequal at hatle or no profit. The modern tcndcncy is to cai in1 appointreent ofaniterim moderator. curvature of the. surface of the cmy- an expert where once people used to do jobs for them-ý A Unique Situation talline lens. As a resuit of this un- selves, It isa human nature-and who can stop it? The1 The ModeratOr, Rer. j. R. Fraser, equal or irregular curvature, light exetin the. food line 1k ge.nerally the middlernan, the'of Columnbus, POi*d Out that theralya caninot b. brought to a point wholesaler or the broker, ini other iints it is generaliy P ebytery wa's deiling with a inost ocus but may lie brought to a liS expert i niu st ati".Rd pressed for a' focus NwiJ1th le resuit liat the image the "service", and of course that boost-c the ric !souinuefstue 10,hc oud sawasdsore rblr n customers were not so insistent on 'scrvce"they might bsoaiutio ofhePrtieblen ifhich oud d heal aïs itOrt I or bre d fin cots onsderblylowr.vellygrct i th prcenot conform to the rery letter of Uic A noticeable feature of astigmnatiain of sevie church law. It wua a delicate situa-1,inchuidren, is that they wii hold tion, and hee questz>ued if there was tiie4r l>OlOe close te tlieir eyca in or- A MIS-STATEMENT 0F FACTS any other mode 3f procedure. der We get a larger and clearer image Our good friend,- the editor of the Uxbridge Timnes,. M v Mr. Turkàigtou, anaweriug adIu cto a1ea emei hia f t~ su;cc onwluc b.w~Mr. Thomnson regarding the pastoral <short saghtedness> as welI aa a cer- due to i ignoranceOftesbc o wihh u work outside the pulpit of St. An- tain Sinount of dWaomfort. Astigm- writing (for vze cannot think he would wflfully distort drew'a, stated t hb did net Inted tisrm by itaelfif termed simple and facto) makea a statement in his issue of last week wbich to cali at the homne of auy non-con-we obndwi thrrosN la quite untrue. H. says: "Me reporting of the. CcintY cumrng xnemnbers, Unleslie w e-trmcompoud wt hrer Counci minute is being paid for at the expense of the quesbed by them te do se. Persanaily The glass fer correctiug errera ef newspaper who sacri&ed the publication ofetliit' h. could st no rea&>u for su juterin Ibis natMr must have sufficent ir- tinga of the. Division Court for which tbeY were being moderator being appoluted if the Pres- i!tffllar Powera incerporabed ia its paid, in order that the Gaztte and Chroflicle ahould bybery accepted the agrement as pre- inake-up te neutralise the irregular- bc reimbursed fur the cos of reporting the 'Couty sented- H. stated, however, that if i"i~ in the power of the e'. wuth Couni] inuesa cpy f wich ~ wi ~ he could rernain a memb.r of the the meuuIt that tht uuit.d power of the forwardedintes,c perobutwhich bmitnute u ourrC rchCourt vitheut putting any.. tye apd the. glaisewifl caus the. igt forwrde to cah pper bu whch as o dte ccuredthing in thc waY «et itnon-coneur- raYs tb cernete a poiDt focu on the. only once, but for which service to the best et Our ring members he 'would 1k. te se me- retina ferming a clear image. Thora belief the Gazette and Chronide ha& been regularY main. H. *could flot ste that It would. is ne other rsmedy for astiffmatiai.1 If the editor of the. Times bas really ben under the impression for the past six or seven years that t Ga- zette and Chronidie ba ben paid for reportig the ses- sions of the Ontario County Council, we regret that b. did not cail te our attention the supposed neglect to supply him with hi» copy. and we would long ago have dlearcd his mid of a misapprehension. We would have told him that at no âme had the Gazette and Chronicle been paid any mma, large or smail, by the County Coundil, for reporting ita sessions or for for- warding reports te the County papers. h is truc, we nade a proposition to lic County Couril some years ago to undertake such a responsibility, but lie offer wus consider*ed and refusei. Th. discontinuance of lie advertising of Division Court sittings was a measure of econornyand not a diversion of those monies te pay for reports of lie Council sessions. Ii. Times la correct in statmng that a report of one session was 8ent eut to the county papers by the Ga- zette and Chronicle. That, however, was undertaken by tus to indicate to the County Cou 1ncil that the pro- position would b. worth wbile, and when the Council declined to favor the proposaine further reports were sen eUL. -On on. occasion about four year ago, 'and once again about two years ago, a $10 grant was ma*e toee O.bawa and Whitby reporters who attended the se.. opA, but dii. wu a persosidonation, and in no j"s W. repeat. for the. benet fithte Tinaes, and- any odiera~i f u"idthe be, Who lao,' under ubel'm= dc- lusion. that di".Paper bu atmerfflivd ala Ur. for fothe bene& 0ow reïdeo admeundl hementioned mas-sttement lmstwe.k.: "*Tru Temperance- ust be mspriSeziat âmofrnele t stew friends and advocates.-Orlu aPacbet. It asf,sid that the farinera clown win - sylmama umking tests se diat diey cm beeed "aay at houe'. dcacens No doubt what dacy have in mmd à to pra' duc. a-chichen with on. kegashor t t, th .ier& . The bird WOUId dth=bc able ta> M&ioaly ia cirde, and would b. bound to stay li a own yard. Who got wdl alonf in the OuIA à t-eki The rad bS* 6gofq>opm 15 huminiig ta> play falztye sMd tobegood lsr. 1.WLIbys he ave play 4en, bcêfwg*ii. yMa, md d M-&h but' telmSRtýY * e auà W he eb dn.W. miglt resWàd l. e l, ai Coibom lthle Doea ai"appo l Mn afl e u s la>dt -aste heb h. un 4a% Mdau SwS ena fawS>eab M by te h. tyesY=uhm e .braw vau sibsimttit>o dui, b ooà«nfendisbulias bsn ed Of te.prostÎon aârSoe toe 9s -e e a s ade lairot Feuâg end21oa e h ~s'àiehe ubit hampeaee chm la ami& le. fmu t e h 88 dé, lite e Lciing Motion Aflter considerftble discussion, dur- ing which the general desire seen.d te lie t.hat action lie taken whlch ,would lie fair ansud man sd meet as far as possible tie deirSof & concemned. RevV. r. Beat, of Bew- manvile, lutroductd a motion te the effeet that the Pi'tsbytery recognize the agreemnt as present.d by the. Whitby delegation, liaI tht resigna- tien et Mm. Turkiugton as Minister et st- Andrew's Chureli b. acoept.ed, but liat Presbytery mcognixo as a cou- gregation wlthin ita beunda tht con- curriug menibers of th. church vith Rer. Mr. Tumkingten as their minis- ter. Ruled Oui of Order. This motion was carried desit. the ruling efthle Moderator, wh"c waa net upheld by a rote eft lie.pres- ent, thal kb Vau Out et order, iu Ihat Prssbytery was creating a »w conà- gregation which Lad net asked fer asconition eas mac, sud 1vlci d net vaut to e inur ever lntudd te b. a asparto congregatien. H.eaa&" how Rer. Mr. Turkiagten oula b. mninister et a congregablon liaI diii net extil *bht bd v*t.4for u"iMd b ý tmb TIIROUGROUT 0N'rAMO.,COUNTY DURING MARC!! UNDER AUS- P'ICES 014TARIO DEI>ABTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE lnterestlag Salies of Faruera' Meet- ings To B. eId.]k A specla two-day seri« of lectures and dernonatrations have beu arrang- ed by thuè local County Branch of t.he t>ept. of Agriculture and will b. beld at: Pickrlag-March 10, llth. BroekII-March 12. lSth. Suaderbaxi-March l7-l8t. Uxbrldg..-Marmh lStb.2Oth. SCRANTON COAL DEPOT We e mamsl ls i*pe t. da a0 SOVE SIEz a" PU CammTuy! Aiea Dozeutclamp,fo g Ito rfre p-m = Oresk am~tug. No.. Our owa ,u edazessammnad boom il dogme »0 O.ztmhrtg t ioin ANDERtsON1 PAGE TERN These- courses will be frS tot. auy- The Live ÉtockJudging ije. eaigned especlaly for boys and Young men un- der 25 withthe object in vleyrof giv- ing 'therncorne practice in ti e .Iudg-. lng of Stock preparatory te te Annu- ai Ontario County Lire Stock Judging Compebition te b. held in bhi spring and for other Competitions ol a simi- lar nature which are held aiually at our Fail Faire. Jramrne for ench Coursl will be about as fIollows,- lst day. 1.30 p.m. to 3-liàve stock .Judging. 3 p.rn. to 4.3O--Poultry. P lumur fiph... 288w, WHITSY N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The~ Mea CA S Whitby Market fand CA RR Y PIAL Saturi >uIi ,ay ~optoe n uu «M«toNe»t We t "his, mire. V"t a ltbyw mat, s e asubW Ifth" wtsbd I. Puâ«tsM lw" apel u ltu" &&$Mdte l sale 0"eo "tau l ,malnlng et MWutk&m gl ttauwulImte 1hnrchand ths rpiedlaItky 1 OâbêfetUm&er- . Nabera CtM UPrbyty ssa any liant.la mwhngut*Mrhu P@a 0b5l lutt btyzp tra du dsoead ma&L assm.:w- umb 4a0 ai, but th.q 40 m bl eu* MSW d aIwçj% * 5 talc tii. lut OWP - b.n Co m .TtCI N Si fi 't M-- à -d uni 7.8 IL».te 9.80-ýpOultÉy (mfuaf- tated wlth slides). 2snd day-9.8O a. n. toe 12-Uve Stock- Judgng. - 1.80 p.in.th - 3-Modern Orchard 8 Pmr. to 4-Fleld Crop and AMial- faMilustrated with sides. 7.30 p.m. bh 9.30-SnaU fruits. W. M. Croskery, Agricultural Repre- sentatlve. Eight churches in 'Whitby Presby- tery have tacen a Union vote, only two, Whitby and Port Perry, voting, againat it e * ý . 1

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