Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Mar 1925, p. 2

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WEMTBYGAZE=T AND OEWOLEý PAGE ?WO . - r.... ~.. ~ A . grat scces audwould r"sff't inre tte the members tb do anytiig twith theS ngu t AdIa 4 Tran~i U5~U1 U L AI orof 1ý.M.S. Appreciated aqw church organisation.- Home .1 pqs - muAhvoe ii ~ uue.ta ol daneteitrssof Atyne." a (Cn'aud ro.p*4 1 .m.. <Avoeo!tnkÉte the mqembers Of ThSIk, Orchestra and Quartette. A teIe meigo ed hestatd, a ho ee~Ud th scrp- - 0S a t~~~the Women'a Missionary Society Who awa Board of l tD..W <: eh t'ia nuitted, e re ul the on rvddtespe a oe yMr. Avote of thanks te the orchestra, McKýay statedthtiJu -ftia tertain strangers, peradventure they R J. Moffitt, vho declared that with- comp Messrs. E.W. Evans, F. hr le will haecml12 e' might be found te be eritertaining an- f out the ladies the banquet would have T.;eaouG.P L , service as MedclOtie he hd ben stonguninlst fr 3 U Uonded by Mr. S. A. Sexsniith, manager rendered a number of much appreciat- the a hrhe s had been for that easnitfo 3pofth Bnk of Cotmerce, wh ht$ elrngta udeMt'c eear.Wiefr 0pg F. ok yerhvng in an address g*e 0 ____o h ako omre h paid a ed selections, and to, the maie quar- vears ago in Whitby i strongly adv0ý-1 glowing tribute to the fair sex, refer- tette, E. W. Evans, J. M. Short, A. W.A o FO o cated it, af ter having been ini the west ring te, their part in the home, in putb- Lynde and Ed. Bom-man, for two very 6O TO*0.DAL and having--eefl union work there. He!I 'X la . ca ke lic life and thtir heroismn and self sac- fine v'oc 1 numbers, was moved by Mr. po1telou ha ortre eerton'I~n1e ol rfc during the war.Beecrof and seconded by Mr. Sennett, 50 MEN WANTDNoreouexrlJe -t-raddressatcould in the efuturei- Repy>hgcho theIote ofbowayouMIon: 'r' whch e poai-wi vidually united, after many great un- Ibulk.. Your Igrocer seils -this T. G. Whiitfield pointed out briefiy the fi tesswoudi he t uref e heu>- uigto work Inciy ,onhiVaAt~ iosicluding_ 9 in the Presbyterian S A ,..w aims and objects of the Women's Mis- ' ~ ~~Welding Expert.Cafe.Saqn.etd ani s in.the Nletholi,-t, and now they sonary Society, at home and abroadj tng Aso rlcan aatrt ng ehil were goiflg forward to a greater un- and__________________________________ that it was always apes h aqe a ruh o ls rt mw ion. -T'he (divi:.ionls which separatedI Government Chree rd, eoI th pope ndas on b o otai-he would upset the present school cur- lus boy and the nation, and the pro- Emioient serc.13Kn t . o theinpeoaplouin kidiesthe eotion-o gnosnesa.ronto. pea]lt Lusu," he deciared. ricuiiim' and iiclude therein such motion o! those things that- make for 9: ---------- W inl Live, if Fit to Live 1 ife of a boy and not purely his Im o t n e f a z P r d "TeUitdCurhwlllv i t~ intellect. The speaker averred that Jde ot etnt eawt.F ed fort lv,"cflreytR.hetA~. Hsne n r adbS oy andgirl wfe d ge Mrot eam pbon & Son Store Gala UedaleTabr fit~~ toltoecae .Ast H.tehi teehdbe o uh astage what he termed tee gang period, theeC m b l o 1 ica forcthul movemt t e n Oustoyluwand gr ea nd . btore picurd tisg-therng as the resuLt ta vrtigpsil should be tm hntebyddnttiks ofa great coast to coast doem n et e much about his parent.s because of bis Ua I .A . which wvas sifting men and ptigiu a natioà life o! întedirest in bis outaide companions. He fâiIN U fUU l tenweete eogdHepuitctiupensdanbo warned fathers not te forget or dis- - Deaers Un - ed out how the final resuit o! al great couageth Tag. PUlbteat lu'. afoma broke forth but, he stressed, these But te do tbi> is erut~ ak t clAn.wi erovid ne edbledh agd Ir èds ra n asr lus bursts coul] not take place without the great st ntee0 wk orld-A mien..roviebnce ed eledgagdoir edBedadPsr l the preliminary work, as was ilsth rae institutionintewr- laid the plan o! teeh ~te ga gWefn ntroO t utai o ed trated in the preparations for the great the Home--and in teus declaring' instinct wns true to life but care must W aefn O troIt ulal o ed att.ac at Vimy Ridge. The. United Judge MOUI stated that hie would not be exercised Usat it was properly Timothy and Ciover Seeds. Chuchof hefutrewould reur even excçpt the citurch. The homie cosn At this age, tee age o! 10 or mehof rcho tee The church wa eld was the centre bulwark o! Society, 12 year, the boy began te discover i a e by sme o hae ben alee but heand its training and influence counted himself in tee hf. o! oteer boys. He declared, she could not have been .f or much. Emphasizing the value O! was ntxicated with tee new situa- otherwise this great union Of forces ho me training for tee boy tee speaker tion in which ho naturally !ound him- Ca p el& Sltih could net have taken place. Hie be- stte that last year there were 2M0 self. It was tee storm and srssr - Mam bi ~o e se lieved that human nature and idealsm boys in his court and only 100 girls. o, and for it if fathers bit wiselY r'~- rc t..W lb l k a had not changed much with te Pia"- lHe declared that the first great factor and well the anchor-the anchor of Celesdiigcue ing of the years, and test people who in a boys de a is inether. He proper teachiug and fneundly interesti ME M ---butthicrfu r,.rufr had gone into union were but follow- loed toe lr in i s difficulties and -would hold during that period. The ing an ideal. He referred te the meet- bis varied young boyho><d exprenes, boy would look to hMs fateer as an un- Y4ucn ffr eb ing held in the Council Chamber after and one poil thing se should teaeb forgetting friend,, aiffito hie mother Theft, icoisnpbli the vote in St. A.drew's Churc wt a h e f t picil o bi bo as his sumI guide. Just as a vessel M e ar? Ae~ .r taken as a Ailent but in lus opinion when putting inte port must have a one o! tee greatest reivals the town o! the spirit o f c<-operation in tels strong litcliing post to prevent it had ever known. "How long will tee country, se let us cultivate it in tee from drifting out inte tee son.,'so in LookW.JH RI Unied hurh lve, ased r. ut-tranng of our *boys as great 'e'n-tee Hife of boys the home could hoRp.enigl.INUAC chison. Answering the question wit al teward' their ftr elbig"md e ra icigpaad a declaration that it would live onlY said .4udge Mott,as he pointed eut it broke tee boy wouîd break withit. -at "hyOdsiÂouraTiea if it was fit ta live, and that it would teat two great factors in a boy's life "Make the hitelung post safe withvoue cease ta ive if the plan of the great were thst which he had pCIrso!ally intelligent use of the early years," > y vrnjosuiorisraO*gets Architkct was not followed. "Don't pîanned, and then the doing of thingm advised Judge Mott. »1I1CER' We bave Every Repair- et u; as citizens criticize other chair- which hie had planned ini conjuniction The Boy ini the United Church '"A"-ae ches if they rive and are growing, as with others. -htis~ a big job, and ug Mott expressed the hope teat AC 1v & WVATERfrAIMae they will only ho so doing if thev are fathers, your J uty is to stand back and the ypolr ol esle i of Batteries. fit to ]ive," said Mr. Hutchison in let mthrdo that job, becatise 1 dont tee United Church that was to be, and TE ST GRAVITY Cet Our %rces E. . HI1E ,closing. beletthat you can do it. Let mother that its members would not have te % h% efore buying a. Battery Voterinr d ttefirst 7 or8 years, and fate- g usd efn i hnst o E T V L A ESrIo F'acing in Right Direction ers, will you co-operate with hier in gotiV e tcommndebig oyns fod. teeOL A%% Rev. Edward Turkington, aiso re- that task?" poin out st commandecboys furLECTROLYTE RIerimu ChUrh," hougtAha tei wasthethat whenaà-by 7a ior 8he in their earîîer years, 3ithin tefold R P I S i ao L B te y ~ ~ .~~. .Ok proper and opportune ime tassert, cagd"da,8ebga !teSirmaey ol b aiego as hoe had heretefore asserted, that tee o! his fîther, his father was the e ou- cWL'ADQ dL three great churches now, entering theenection whkicb led lus littho mid out- Ad sVgbmsiEt osJug LrARS o~f- SevVice. Service union were fsciug in tee rlght direc- wards. Thon a boy walcbed bis fate- drughmsltobyJde tion. He feelingly declared that he er, ho waated te kuow tbe kînd e!fiffe Mott pictured te them Cn"a's eat- tho United' Church would always ap- sins about it but hlieuvas e ut vealt ad uunliutoti aturai reseurc- W alPhone 133 0h11phon preciate thse kindness o! teeWhltby nvr l& "eme,'wdtees,aasurig thm gratfutre Methodist Church. "In our hour oo! neveit0eh wss. "Re"gmbi.r.» smldi"h. speaker,-&y«u eanotieMa ado"bel M ~ h olnce need they met il splendidly,"h e yvtsu our boy kowlig it, ~md sle llntml iemro claed Tochng n hvisaIlbught te liefor tbey ame avat- clard. oulngonthe meeting Inst êu*dore *" ut a ju «acen .ju gthse touet cf mo»eCàadista m- tee Council Chamber Rev. Xr. Tu*k- ington.statod tisaI lise ftIte r itàn ..tlac o - niday M e J inau, Md liatuede Inpla ,,' wag net-tisat dof 4W«t*d Wray 1u wu aI R.iut.endo Il te ls, a 1ma "Wé eam remain Psbteln * w .i. f t.odudwwlleh uaso Métbodists wltiln the Union, a"muidos' feendaiv* bâg m a vWS of w a Eme ofshea mgreat people " lb. iaot flWWlY * lil5»5 tegin, but a place te 3udge Motlu elosug stronegy ou- wet uhie t a eee earer-! dcUI1O5V C3.4 -1v...0a poltemid cf servie de- phaslzed ltbe power w"le jay vlthh ate'mor e nlted t owa w eerdl Sp&miib tine list -'.w-.av- a place th.emc«i ef every fatber et meuldlng atnisy" e tat ed fth o h. ofwbere everymma aould play bis lbe lives ef tiseir beys Ibal tbey ml<1it Cisureis union as lie ased aU t adPr I le Mtefterodsewt"thmtei" o W isheulder le sisoulhler andeur kep o! Ibis.Couu oWy v awdaokn te thetr lov% wmud bringlng about tisatdesir- thoir'faces bowards tiesrse . reipdault and mufid ld u itheir able condition visem Iyour son vl b. boys cuoe Ideus tisa would belp glad to look up te yeu mandoril jeu Delinea "Fise Oider Boy" them te btter buace lb1mrro.»tuer, mid jeS on lise otMlr baud vin Rv. A. M. Irwln proposlng tise Boys, declaz'sd, 1usd tee vison ef b. <lad to look upon jour boy anid toast te "Oui Older Beys," defiaed tti 008Ioe, ilustratintbi" point itis eall hlm son."laB a latter as tee younger mon et tIhe COUý tisestory of a Boy Scout viso but re- A vote eft lianka to HI. oie muuity, boys who but corne te lise m4P fassite t8ue mmy fer a bard ci- ludge Mott fer hi. splendid address o! self determinatlon, aIteebrsucishigrand performed ou a colN vto liat at vas mud by Mr. C. W. P. Evmry, o! thse Ways, and wiso hadl cioeii or tlb.tIsu. c1h. appeal for Nortisern vbo stated tisat bl beben on.et the whe vore chooslng thoir course fer th. Ontulo beem t 1h.Scot lava obl- best eh. bd oer list«wd- to. Mid future. They were tee mon vise would gatet hlm te do a Sood tara every visicislie feit sure, but bem an In- eltiser by their lives become thee Me day. At bs age la tl boy,% le fate- spre" »im4vwould be fortture velue o! tomorrow, the statesmen o! tise «e" ud fSd l tise besttimae -toe lcte <alliera viseb"tboys. 7%e.rm4- eomlng day, or become fallure In tise th. chof etiseir bon ,M if they let tien vas mmeee by Mir. J. 6ope race et life. Vlvidly Bon. Ur. [rin Ge0«1-ven oppetunty go past t15.7Fletchser. vboxyW w1vte pkme* tisat plctured a number et strilisg cou- veau tueV"rgel l bmek.At Ibs mg.tise iscynote oftlb. uutire erelig bianas te bear eut tels contentien, ens- f Wi s la n poprtually te shoIns lieemed telie tisaIt fservim . The phaslzing very strongly lhe cmr ia a Ide.kàtrmlvemaidymsuse vay tisaI omem o ebd"n up tbelr boys i siseuld be exercised In thse trman*g e lawu lituuroilalu bis boy. N k - ms a proper manner vas ene wbheh young men., To thoir business , tfthtet àe istuê aiul-to bat op- hopsi vould net go unhe& .He lbe- ai, Intellectual and spirituael a far 1etp@itmulty for the vaMm eof! hluseIleved tialbe banquet b.d been a 'Isle Older Boysq," h. asW hatie audi- once te rise and drink lie toas.____ TIme Day oft tIe Boy "T'h. boy la thee sMntota tM T et auj ru t -s e given Urne o e p Theverean rlhLStor lb. home mand I'soclely couplet id u wr ouv, u s bis owu pisysican ud spirtuaW________________________ slrengte," doclW har ismnerJuig Mot, lMe speaker of tise evWalui, ris.. lng te respond tle t"etoas e~li Older Bey". as h. wsuied t*a M«Y Eut FmItMd.1 midl*recton etftho boy, « mauj ovsr' tuuilles negected là teeslmng W* la tise rigisi courue, would bu.W4*a - bU t oej ebleft hi. betl ,i dwl rarely came Ivice, wliilela, dm vb< .t . t .i Q . as lueder lifs tei v *qually tr» &Wl ho ao Wm.*duI qb les et tsa.. vhlemardlW.me. -o ;edgey W s aved v 4I W e8M t - ' W n>oi. luteresin uboysn I o'bM a tte 6 59«% * awt or ir iÏ * ; e d o » d l Ww Usb.Mm~- Dlý OWT aglc t o.m*mcest b.ous y m Do .large ameunt le ma" t. opopit, the DominonBa VIii accept depoef $1.00 and upwarde. W CI= amnaccunt uewand add ummmli m regulariy. You viiibe aurprisedte sne rmpidly jour savlup viigrow. MMJ& 00 . I9.M, à OOKAWAMfANche uti00m UAtnch I ¶ l o romipt1y- ttttended to. P. 0. Box 403. ost..pathit Phby8IoUGaq Graduate Dus Mohies Stili ýCollege Of Osteopathyý .icintiate Iowa and,[ichigan State B"ord of Medical Examiîners Acàtp and. Ohronuc -Diseases treated- EËiseame of, woknen and. children -scietifically treated. Royal tiote!.saturdays, 2-s o'dock DR. Ce S. DICIUNSON Vetinry surgeon Houer grdumto of the Ontarlo VetzinurCollege 1918. EIcl-Dàinl0f Government Veterinary indu «AnfinalContagions DieaaeAct AgfWatad 'WUtj:. S. S. Dickinson, V., of port Hope Specialist ln Surgery Âddnm&-44 Broek SL EAat Oahwa T.lphom .3 T W0 to th. majority of accidents- m cpareltss about insurance. labiity-what insu rance do es th. kind you -need? CHARDSON *M PANV 0F NORTH AfMEPICA d marine insurance Company" yqu *ould your lawyer or dootor ARTHUR E. CHRISTAN4 Euuistr jicîtor, Notary Publie, îtc OkIoe0ln abouth wlng of court 'noma. fouey to loin. '.lKM N5>Y QffIo-OUw sr tfeet, o». door wut 01 Pont -OMMi - L-. N D.Le àonc,~Mallo Bîocis, BreisEtN. Scrute ~s1 L WH1TY1ONT. Nut ansd Stov sas D0. T.MmLAE RwexnceMud OMMe Coke oshahi. C»~. &>iMstreeto, Wbiby DR. ~LL Mmc QUGAIL Q hyd sud oGA Rehus7 , ' PORT WNUTSOnt ouat i&&W Maximum Sccority at Minimum Cost A di uau &D!reiveay amuey re, griêewh«eeabo.zwCity=a àwhlk4eupcrmkung freS amm wo eh. by yAM oi aa daaiy aU"dsù p a ny « l ue cid nt di. Tamble Su àebue" me cm w Touge au Notisi fen npsdoe * b. Ioyal COUPgeoe s and , Unlveruly ef «Ue murdowcis(oui- Ofpace boums, 9 te X#4 ITL 1D Y s'n ide

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