Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Feb 1925, p. 7

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.1, or-daliM eiT*whm et Le ChOl the -end ab.tter ~rW. Beau. iaul your r-Moto r, ?,Gasiiels ,rantoe a the new Syou. If us before 5uw~# ~~uçjg, .t~8 figea ~ Mr. OhslM mlyrluuil th mk. i laar homigae , osp'hm father 1%e d.ath ocôcumled lest Frlday daugbter of 0' sd *g*Jrr Ilwey, ýDeah vm as mued by cSm. plk&OleSaetdng lu- ailr messIes, 5h. U 11W rlbelug " _kfer o«Utwo veeklcu Peae vas a briglit litie girl sud a favoxleamo.g ber acmo mates. T%0.funeral vas beld on Sun- day afternoou, eonducte.j by Bey. J. R. F'naser. lirs. Bell, of Port Perry, vlated at the bomes-Of lMr. A. C. Billott and Mi. Job White last ieek. The Farnera' Club, Mn.' Char. Wilson, and Mr. C. L Mackey re- ceived a carload cf Western oat.s ts week wbieh they are dlsosng of at~ --.. .--.A union praya er vicefor th. WO. Mn. and Mns. Rbert Mtichael vis- m's Day cf PrayeS wviihbold ln lted lu Toronto last week. the Preabyterisu Cburcb neat Friday Th. pastor of the' Presbyterfa Ateruocu at 8 OPélock. Anl Laies of Churci Precachd ou Sunay afterneon lte comnunfty velcome. on I"maldug.th. Desets Bloom," by is E. Mitchell, of Torotý Plid tho application etf(Chritiailty. 8-etM of the W. M. S., Who lias At a meeting iu dia Towahlp Ranimmt *turueed trom the mlseioarSy asat Tuesday eveniug la U4ti~nterest convention aS Wasbigtou viii spek of Ining th. e»W firn oukt, trust- ln th. Preshytariabn ch naiS Sunm- eeg voi"e appoluted te melt&lu.the mane day afternon C8PSCIIY 1U tirtê ftg if àP-011MVil- IMi. Wm. Bz'ookiug la lu Cleveland lage, and 15 va4 iecldei te bou» th.e thusweek ittoedlng the toueai ef Outflt lu Peugeoly'sgarage.-I is sister. Over $4000bas been atabSrilu41ai. Mm <R.) j. c. Bellport Pe;ry, r.ady toward building th. rink. spet a 1ev days lu Our vilage bu About $6000 vIi be tuedi. - wek Wt <ol iens nbe monthly Meeting ef the Wo. W. ML S. met on Thursday afte- man's Instituue iiihbol neit Wd- noon aS thie Metltist ChurcIi Bible ýt South*__ mmlTaeedayir, au , et p.m Au «idî - - -sUm p à$ labobepn vae&id mieu"oe 4ppoY gelug on tb. rodadid»s abariî for the- blamil. The m mrag ok pIl a em "M- day aS Oshavaw s gBericeHar- rison, edes* danghlr of Mr. a"mm ia F. Hiarrison, te Wgr. OP=ar Sha, of Mldland. lir. Douglas Thommon la bavlng extensve repairs a& iete bis home ou the tarmraneontly vacated by Mi. aid Mm Thomu s HIL Mlisse Gertie sud »«ee unter «Pent the week.end lu Tomante. Mn. WUiLicko Of WesternCanada, vlslted this week wltb Mi. gadudlrg. ta Ceuda. Our Club n»là mom behp m.t m stor a&" flght the batb . .1 sasiulub* elmburm Md y ~.Us wbelye btou àhtkit svoe. We boum i . h I et. or Er*lia a-a»bouad opvu w t u ls Nb wogls cda polo, or Infoor ua aWh.1 Bspooklln FÈaPme,"a Club hgsoghm by mm .W. Ca Whlt4 -M JG&»M,lr, IL nRutty,NIMÉ. j pigdly, UM ,N. Wbltet amd lem e, nm«se. Ilàs Ie bg arvested at Bru1D& mefl's PM&d Mis. A. a. lMout spit the week- aMd vuh pot Pry rweli &s At Y. P. Leag..on Vvldy enou Mr,. Robert Wilsongave a Most ea- cellent addresa on -Eqemand thei War" exblbltlug a larme collettioc 01 curlos. h wasthomougly enj@ym A readîng by Min I. RoUley Md a sWl by UMia N. J. Wbite, were am 1l UionW. ML S; "Pmayer Dag" ta on Ftldy, Fïbrury 2=h nluthe. P>reshytelan "Church At ".0 p.m. Ted Camdy has been viultlng hm gr dpabt at Aâhburn for sore Reserve FrIday evodng, March 205h for Methodist W. IL S. Bazaar anm measurlug social. It il) be good. ZMon Lodge No. 89 A-F. & A.M., h.ld thelr anntua "at borne" on Fi1- day ulgbt viti a large company at- tanding. Progressive Enebre and geod eata vue the atatwUna. Mr. W. J. Taylor ia moving occam- louai loadso0f mscbiner, etc., to CherrYwdod, where the7 wiU rmv early in AprIl. A fiue trai laIl store for the Rp- worth League on Friday niglit. when Dr. James Moore v iiive his popular talk ou UA Trip to Wiîndsur Csstle-m Ai should hear hlm. Good progrsm wlu b. given. Mms N. J. WhlSe la upudlng a week with ber mother, Mms W. M. VanVal- keaburgi, lin Whltby. Ail ame orry to s.. Carson Luke home from Osha'mwa wth a severe at- tack of mumpa. Norman White lias beeu aamesng thie southern section of the. Town- ahiP this week. Mmra Campbell Burliugtou, spent the week-end vtbvMlage frinds. At the meeting of thie Quaxterlyy Officiai Board 0f the. Methodist Churcli lield on Monday niglit, Rev. R.-A. Deire was invited upanimous1y wte e-i main as Pastor of the. circuit for a third year. and acpted the saine. A resolution of varse appreciation of theý serçices of lMr. W. J. Taylor as Re-' cording Steward waeso" passad, wlth1 regret at Ie impendlng removal from' this community. Mr. J. Harry Joues« [s his succemsr in t"aoffice. Mir. J. Wilson, Oshawa, visited his brothers ber. on Sunday. Mm Evans, Claremont spent a rew days wlth lier dauglter lma Autos arm again navigating beten WiSiy sMd Brooklin. liMa.Wilsn and daugliters, 1ev tonville, spans Site veekend vitia her! Parents, Mr-. and lira James Rouley.l Mi. IL Basse bad good suceSa lu the curlng Beuspeli I at Ew toar, woddlng hm vy Into She finals, OZL7 to e destsdintiaevey lastgamn by a &leader matngLLa. ris lk euhb won a set et sterling silver fruit bdl- vea. Congrata. GIadto e .Gorge Copsrabout ain allai bis o MIlnu. &hanh Suade a sies.Da Pr im" la * Mot b la Mme cf is1h ami e I L A sMbaMd1 Ib er, e ou* we onjoye 40 U ailsW" asvevm 1*ury mtasWll ms l auIgbs ee. dsAsdlpsv e-aare ait e<t Tima»: Mn mi uJen Daiytw lit sufedng froua an att a "etl )"e missSua. Bray was lu tbidtr on Friday cM las# wu*hatt.uing *Dlài Oral d ia ret ive. Bora-To Mu. ad Umx. illVe Kappou Snday, ebk 22n4 ason. Congratulation&. mussAlie Avery visàted bV ftep, M r. Thosa,'IHall ciM B r o bln ieU t1y. M imsBlaxaLbe HodÈ so» fOr4 spet Sunday t er bora. ber- Mr. A. J. Gros. attuded t faur- al oft-tbe lote li. red Mc»dBW, of Tbou~to, ou ffl ay Atternoouo Mr. John Burns vlate l in tmety one day lad week lira John Brent and fandY spnt Sun dy w tb er glte, M ma.J. tone, Of Columbus. Nis [roe Vallant, ofIbono,ila vÙdlingat ler bore ler. Mr. Frau Dring spet a f w days i Toroto lut week. MIrsum ma Bryant vlsted ovet the J GREENWOOD Mr. Gralton, ci Victoria Univemalty, the. Greenwood circuit last Siday whîle Rev. W. M. Ligli tooli the sac- rametai servies on the Whtevae circuit. spent the week-end with Toronto friends. 1h. recnt rins baue llberated a number ccd ar,the. W road la nov opn Se the Kingston lghway. At time et witig $muel Stewart lo very MI at the homo of his daugl. ter, Mmra. ankn, lnu rnto. flic G.G.M.C. met it the home f Miss Eda Mddleton lâ&S Tlmsday afternoon. lins Josephi Harlockîs vsitig wth ler daughter, lirm.W4ter Richardson f te Kington Rodý Albert Harvey sug*led rther a painful accidnt imtweek wen ha slipped n a step and ýalljng, broke a rib.i (Toc laté for Itl ïe) Tle Ladies' Aid sccaty met aS the home o!flira.Norman MeiclueSt Fnday afternoon. Miss Dortby Leighile supplylg àýs teacher for the Colutus school, ow- iug to the Ilnesetf Mas Sea. Miss ML Frasr spotSte week-end ln Westou aS home wb em parents. lin. Dinal Sadel. of Whtby, in vWating witàb ler br<>*r, John Brown, At au earty heur 1 *t Frlday niera- lns ie mplatsy stOCIyed tSi. old brick BaggetsveLIe&.Nb. ô s"oo b m e.4 M!be s ool z vue eÇ«t ite ld cest lu Ste ceuty&. beI4g bult lu 1874 by Spen.SudM Dev.ll or Wlhy, 0040 M d Lnis. o ia Mis U lote, m nty et 51 a u o g mae a ýbséu. sh tâ th m ail is v eiy Iaoovam lj utl *oolng dm. at the "Ws nuis arm la a bi la wul.~avs pit Sà we *lexpeet toam larg4 e of e l~am&nthez&e mlsplm - h5 H ow v w wsi s at hlb o n lRarm"a lat Snday. The -ScoU. bld a oda een la8tFrfdv7 nilt he Suday -mehool ad spent -a very ejoyale tUm.- Misa OliVe Frencbhvau a vister ln 1Toronto this veek La grppO as been very pemalet t"i inter sMd mny of the old rs- denti have beau quite III. urr. J. Suliy la rePairing 1M boume latey purcA»an~ sd viii on bave a fiue UP-to-dtedwefling Mr- E. Ba« spet a day receutly lu the City. MYRTLE 'fU M atnu, 0dOttawa, bas benu vitng ler mm, R.. H. Latirer. Mr- James sMd Miss ODfl Dt er lu Wick Wastweek atteudixig tbe lu- nemi of thoir cousinMr. John lir- on'a dauglite. NMis Rodd, of Greenbank, hbs e visiting wfth Mr. and lr. George W. Rodd. Mr. NonnuJ3. White, of Ashl;urn. bas been making hie aunual zounds assemsint thro<àhberm Iffr. Jack O'Boyle la havtng log hauling lices getting the logs froin the Wood preparatory to putting ln tie sawing machine. Miss Beatrice B1allard bia accspt- ad a Position ln Toronto and left lItM week for ber new envlronmeuts Mr. Oscar R~. lowney spont the week-end at Alkeudaje. Mmra.Todd bas reurned after spend- ang a ver pleasant week wlth ber daughters lu Toronto. Two more homes were placeadd with wlioopig cougl carda I&Ma week. The chidren of the neighborbood aru cerbaluy dbmng their ahare of whoop- ing "hl wlnter. Some tram liere were at Prince Albert on Sunday attending the tu- nersi of the. late Edwin Brlggs, a former residont of titis diatrict. Mucb sympatby la teit for the 'orrowlug widow and friendu. 'Mr. and Mrm Mandermon motored tram Toronto ou Suruday and vimlted Mm. Monderson's rsrnts, Mr. aid lRs. Will Joues. The reccut lievy rainashave been wekcoied by those who bave beanu su- ferig âmm a water abortige, ai- though they muade the. rads rather slppry L qorTa 110ne lin R. C al bol n w u 'ln p rince A I- bers lait suudmy atteuding te tu- nr.! cf the lite Edvlu 3rait liaff of thi. eider resdents hoe yul re- m=ebr Mn. Brlgga lving baie soe trne agv# aid bolng Superintendent ef thie Suaday -Sebool aI Ilyrti. fer lry tuumty yaars.We extmnd our sjmpathy ito Uma. Biggs la ber ber- m .IavlTS«lif» auPeut PSr- y "as Tueaia, eadmi attenii 5 eont lu tbe evodugg tienby 5.11 «,O D. E I iS MPl= -- ¶1. ladies'Aid th* Iv pn Miu.J.N vas iifo.9» ettmus vsa b" pat a pmmlm boa a matmlos bla b.Oui vo Bi<mie , oi id foetmW la e~jSk lnu Tfl RfWyamdois4C bredhq i frm 5. v Dm1 et Tb- routo C.NIL a"i RoyalWImter PFmltu .Auy et théesbhir.,wites or bufe meupe i. shw sud ane hem »W ceptite IMpuaMPye $7M00to $10M00 eb. ý ih mhu EGOSFOR SEITING We are nov booklug ordsrs as foflowa: 0. A. CBrod te Pftis 80 40 1< White WyamDtt.se glm.. Bf WYamdttss (Durant» .... ....M&W 8L00 15»00 18.00 O. A. C. Whit. egorns ... ..... &00 S6.00 9.00 12»0 Our largPetp Roks bIseo e t lheatproitathelb.Provine M. . Iocison ASHBIJI lrs. Ha, Sr., 'il visiting relaties Iýdy Mr.~R.<u - i siand. Mm-.John Baladon, of Marlhar, Mr. James Knght, Brook- Miss M§4a e orie Elg pet the week- lin, Mr. and lMrm John Burnett, 0f end withber patntsat the.lis . Prtier Mai., were the gueasu of Mr. Mîmmes Hlda and MaTy Hoi>kins and lira. W. Baladn on Wedncsday visita WUt Marie West oni Suu-day. last. A nmbr Of the young People of Mmra.Annie Hal, of-Port Whitby,- the community met at the home of visite<I with Mme W. Rall lait week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.- Walker and traat- Miss Mary Hlggs wa eafled away cdeo M s A n hr Hlm an t e a m i ecl. o u F rday ow lng te h.edM ath ci ler l a n e o . s h w e r.u n le , M . B . P o nte r , cd r a n k o r d , Messas. Robert and Andrew Heron, who " edverySuddmul. MMa.LOTn" "lm MM 10Jon LeA". attended the Kemnp tauglit sebool ou Monday and tuaners.! f t si iecel inm m Normnia TuesdaY durlng M ies Big« 'abeenes Robertson, at Wlck, on F'riday cf lutHemuyfin xtdtola.ha Teei " ptyoth sympatiy. T h e sy z p at y O tu e m m a m ty l Mi ss l ie l et h ua V a n to n. e n té r ta n e d extended to lima. WM.Dra"iupon a numnber offriende on Frlday aen- tii ney" of the demtb o! ber mother, lng last when a Very enjoyabiemn ,Ia. ElIen Pearsou, reuieSoft-th. e eVasispent together. Wm. Pearson1, wlkh took Place at Mr. amMms.Cadi Wood and tain- PVrt PerryIo Mouday moring luatIly spant a couple o e » aalust eek Intermeènt took place at Buras in..m with bis býrother, Mr. Normai Wood, etery, Asliburu, ou Wednesdsy aftar- before going into theïr boum in towu. noon. linr. Aiex Makey ln vlstlng e"a Mark Dut? liad a buiess trip te tives -i Collgwood fer a fev veeks; Rlxiwood cone day last week. Mia. Dr. Reid la spandlng a week 1mis H. Holmnan spent a 'e ly iurlaIe iTnuo l a W h l b y l a s w e e k .M i s s B e a i c e B i e v u h b a s r e t u r y u e d home after spending thm e eos wlth AL ONDS relativies sd and s lu InBellerlle. l*"'Ira. Ea W . aksn md ch0uircn, i ia.BrldMwra lltdIe spent soveral <laya vlh Mrn. m i Harold Mowbnay. lira T. Moneombe 'pent tho week- end with Mir. andl lira W. Hçard. MIss Clana Hopper, et WhlSby, spent the. Week-end vlth Miss H1elethia Vaustone. Mr. Fre Ince, ofDonlanta" farm, SPECUAL fop I WEEK V. W . iL & T u .. .... . . PurCow m iw, 2 &XIa. *S.... ..... D" cl. ~ l. W .'. ....... ....... . lc Îzmtu.jes. na4 Ux , pr..b.... -CUlSt0 ry< *f0& aiwadmm -"aMdéo In connedteon vlt'b Se reclamatièn project c et iiGoverumett fli Columbia whieb laàesimatd viiioust Miltions of dollar, Clty Plumeur Ccerw W. Smith 0 Oshav, -bas beau sumuiond by govmenmt oU k- lais M lbe WesternProvince b <l ~LV. I Conea mo~ I fat ~ te -~ la ~I WedoaLaw~VoIumoI ou A I I p q omw

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