Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Feb 1925, p. 6

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-I F VILLE PROM CAPIONSRIP WhItby Intormdites qstn thoir fourth St!hlght Win in thie< solatien seris lut WedmeWda iug whon tiiey d.féatétd Bownvlflb &-4 in a falrly faut gaine. DlSPlaln the urne ublty to wln by good play as l in th tluprevioua gumes, thea b- cala gave thufr opponenti a "run for *éir roney" afthouéh the. Bowman- ville players in tbe main dld not by any meus e do"wn o the job, par-1 tlcularly in thie second perlod when they appeared to the. fana to be an entirely different tesin f rom tlit whlch took the. Ice wluui the refere dropped the. rubber. Bdialy, it may lie sald tliat witiith exception of the. Piper brothers, Bowmanville tes=n play lacked "pep" and co-ordlnatloii, while the louale probably handicapped by reason of the. amaJille. surface, play- ed au well, if not better than at *nY away-from-home gaine thss essofl. A large number of fans accompan- ied tic local tasin to Bowmanville. The. team was minus C. Bcc, who was un- able t'> Cet away. Bosm Hall was the new man! in the. line-up. J. Slelghtholm drew first blood in a few minutes on a stralght rush from centre lm, and bis brother, C. Slelght- bolm, scored tihe second 2 minutes Int- er on a close-m- siiot on the goal. Qutariton made it "- on a chance long shot froin centra jce. wbch sent thc pu&k b.undlng into the. nets. EL glelghtbolm and DLck Hll cacii acor- id a goal ln tbus period, wbll Bow- manville got only one tally, makmig the. score b-1 when the bell rang. Ice wue very ticky and hampered both temu. ln this p.riod tha ocals play- ed very bard to get a good lead on tbclr oppounts. la the second perlod Bowmanville g.t away to a fast tart and bcgs stil f ciéng. They ecored two in qu1dk succesaon, and ralned - eus aMotson tihé goal s'> Illy bd<lly O'Connor, wh ' were spoiled before thay ua <nce to, become effective. Wbitby only one goal in tisl perlod and Ï&s ecured by J. Sieigitiolm on a ght shot. The third period opened wlth some very fast play on both sides, Bow- nianville players r.aoi'ting -t' stiff body che*king aud doser defence wcirk. C.. Sleightholm scored first in this period for the locals, making it 7-3, and A. Piper, of Bowmahville, made it 7-4 on a sensational rush shot. Bundy, after a strenuous effoîftaal 'ev- ening t'> "get away" scored Whitby's last goal just before the final gong. Bundy found the smal1 ice surface a bad drawback t'> hlm. Whitby--Goa. ,O'Connor; '4efence, Ross and S. Hall; -centre, C. Sleight- holm; rght wlng, Bundy;, left wlag, tharlton, _sub8, Irwlin and SIelghtiiolm. Bowmanyllle - Ç9oal, Martym; de- tonce, A. PIWe and A. Denoçm-; centre, IL AveRy; dogt wing, e. KOyso; .0ft wlng, I. Piper; aube., B. Colwetl, W. Cromsey and S. Luicton. Refere.-Alberts, ToAcnto.ý GROCES WIN MROM BANKMR AND BU'RErms 'rwo hockey oegggatlont a»rP- reenting the bunkers and butdmeps anA theo cUietl»s w.,W O -teie cms' Unon, metin hoeksy traisraon s@ft ice et hBi aémsThursdfPl*V cnlng, tue P«u orsyOr om csfaa puff ed rie sud Ii4iry OpBPl- i frein the peu puàm Mdssi uoatm. Persby tis *clou 0115.44 Meai nove1 stuat5 ver. polid by U*t amumai. a te ot a vtIum cf tino bsnkrelust ilte çpsmm--- andin a dupeat.e ft at e la pou* ed a number cf vordàiua soda", their oppoutots, wvital aedh ssy, verenet bem@e.d-Bmb. th e adlzug puci chasse for ors , wue tué viculin 5 t ie and iashad à MU mI~u ina III * firste tbte, Play *w VO9 the ere bhW1-glaSf- ett~ Irosses la tbe asespond t chars diplayed tue ! UahffgY thoy viauld lu cutt Utpa& e, vWl. the lualore t. bbo.kDlug fo4an od40-"i4NSb *M iii uwmtio t" ù»vOro enoo teps - nag 84 ila h 'verof àlik &MaAyl .bUBlS Ibeo irA peri va srowu ~ U m.mer. lpep"OnDo'= the Z tahlU alýt TWO 0008 (IAMSPOWPPO141 ON ACCOU3IT 0F80V? *""»I WMtby sud Pot Mo, aiatoia1lisI veimns....... ât L81Otbiot e i mla t mbS g o tbat at.o 0 ». he I Lterals........he1.11bs mumrin'be tiaio et. gi 4 fastr vthe S IDaos......... tise la 1usdw4 ta; tâ ii SZBlttir pmb ofenelle- Lyn<uWs Cm*offd .. 4U'>»la iimm zgtPlm .Irt 'Who tter bi ba t& adbut pubicoli......8U.8 iri tn. hoa ot cetlMio m. oÀe mSobgw lg Hgh Sehol .. . .. - 1.. .8 'Mdalc vltl" pàiliy e àI cf Nie puay- Si repair.. .... ....1,O52 , oe~ ci< . the O ...U...21,407.7" ta-ai by Issef fl.' lb Wvu a t!flu pie got the. go& als n gt .:..mt b àde uainmi 1ie former wau cfwhlib n dar cWpincOdripa r lbiuia..ma,'Iài - w ms à n ae i me, whUe Mim cet l narrear, sud Uiceaisunt of tb. <amer Ut IMat o obum mm o t d Lu bn eo e rateable proPerty cf tihe NalATowntle i snu c isepsly tbi B.minss 8ns2.U24,946.0O. cril51y g rm lltened wIU ter-t u my 5u& . 1e roacEfor euling Utb-e tute lM&MIWB 'svery practical din- Plsyfeir; defoce, sue of sed débenwm io latha t It oulA pay of D.nnrk'e ndsrfnjagrie.. Imme; centraF. b. imduly budesme t therSbaPaY- ultural ttaluomte aloug tiares eps ainad uLH Bu- crs cf UiesalATou to levy thO dei m.., sud Pissdet Victor Bam EaLH. Merin sMd amount of tueeald ilndebtedueseforth- butmcdo.uy plrased the spprecla wlth andA lb zsDOMMesan d In thO tion of tue audenceut the close ot Blveil; deece, public Interee ttuat power- abou e b. »& Lauglay; contre, given te issue debentures for tIc salA P. Reard Aunes OH« A.D r DATED at the Town iof W it ,TEE BIINGS OF GAb. this 2lst day of Februeiy, 1925.NG -~~~~~~Atu PL.ma BAte aztt udChoice Whitby, Ontario, PRESENTED W1TH MUSIC CASE solicitor for Appllcant-40. BY ORATORIO SOCIEY To fittlngly bring t'> a close a vMIAK DLVR succeseful season, a »sociagtiic ENMRK'SDEL0E was held on Tuesday evening in the One of the smallest counitries i Orange Hall by membere of the Whit- Europe, devnetated by war snd loslng by Oratorio Society. A very pleasant t'> ber powerful neiglibor Gersnany festine cf tue informai programme seem of ber richest provinces, Den- wus the presenta±lon of a bandaome mark haif a century ago, so the Hon. musice casé to Miss M. E. Sleep, Uic J. S. Martin, Ontario's Minister cf faltbful and--efficient secretary-trea- Agrcuure in the Canadian Club ad- urer, wboae work during thc past ses- dress at the King Edward Hotel aset rson has been a great asset te tthe So- wektold the big bell room crowded clety. Taken completely by surprise with mid-day lunersn, was faccd witii Miss Sleep expressed ber appreciation thir . te~ pligbit Uiey decldcdto cf the- theuglitfulness of her associ- spc lzeo three foods mont lu de- &tes In wbat as was pleased ta term mand as to their bighiet quality by a good and wothy cause, and to wbichb Uir greatest possible customer, Eng- se expresaed the hope she migbt b. land. To-day Danish butter, bacon permitted te render furtiier service. and eggs supply more than haif thea Durlng thc cvening tiers was a needa of the voracous Englishman good programme of gaines, at thc witb bis full poche for the. finest ClOocf wblch Uic ladies ucrved dainty kirids of foodstuffs Mr. Martin Imet refrsshmcnte. TMm conductor, Mr. Ar- umrpet9eiesxdynth thur W. Lynde, rfernred te the suc- slfhirseîsm reeuyi h oessful acason jiurt cloaed. and an- conditions of tisi UttIe agriculturai floWiSd tlat ncxt, fa ic he Soiety country which is not s'> large as Nova would tae up work more vlgorously Scotia sud with a population but a #ban ever. He ale announced that a third cf Canada's and but une large lailes' minstrel show wus leing or- city, Oopenhagn,-a&bout thc saine ganltêd te give a concert after Emter site as Tor te. Mui speaker vaaof Ini co-operation wlth Whltby Wom- th p**i nt1xa province, iniglit cn a Inetitute, and that Uic first prac- Weil 4dvantue ocf the. succos- tie would be hld tls Yriday «en- ceothDinsnteï ing in the Orange BeIL. g on a fcv hlgh quallty ifor the British market. H.ebW lieved there should lue no dlfllculty ln APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT emulating theni as to production of NOTICE 15 }IEREBY GIVEN that thc superior or high quaUity of these the Corporàtion of the. Town of Whlt- articles of common diet and denmded by will mekeapplication to Uic Leg- by the fa.-tidîous- British people be- isiative Assembly of the Province of cause the only differece between our Ontario et the preient Session there- geographical relations to the Britlsh of for an Act :- ies and Dnmark'a close proxlm- 1. To consolidate the floating in ity is constantly being dlmlnished by debtedneaa 'of the àaid Town incurredi ever increa.-ing and speedier facilitiez in thc years 1918 te 192.4 inclusive, j of ocean transport. There is one amountlng te $36,0OO.0O and te issue thing he thought above aUl others debenturea t'> psy the sanie. The snid contributes te their wondcrful suc- floebing indebtedneKss was incurred for ces, it is the prînciple cf co-operation the. folbowlg ug ou. which has been by thcmn develt'pcd t In Uic constructonof sldewalks; thie ntb degrce. t ie shown by thc Expenditures for -Housing Commis- Ifset that the producer cf these trlnty alun pus.pomo; of <cods- nets over mwnet>'-five ý par The. purélbase of a war memorial cent. of tii. pices obtained £roinithc site-, ,conmum er.0*ou .,othcr. country For into peLA 'Mdt'duBa; 806WUras u MSmw ltaattslh& nb a.. For a1tltebons aoid repaire te Mu- thint lik " poin e p "mfo nlcipal builing; the. prodacer of h.estables - Md Andothelt unfore»Mso n oitureS Uiey aM tbo %fru Im of .1 l- in cxcets of tas Ievlee during ltee ald forula. Mosttaitu ns detailsof pcrlod. dherfauwaya from neproctieSd by 2. To authoilte thoem»W Town t. the. Dan"lsfare m esulm q athe borrow thc salA sum of $85,OOOAIQ by çova tIre.tinte a day, dllsering a spoclal Issusof <hboptues, payalIs the vole inil tg Uic buttot factor- lu a period notaxceedng twsnty years lu in plac of smmddhine thora oely to »etire the.*Mati oathtg ladeod- the creaxa am i tabluerlng ti~la ln Deme. paatures bd"of etallowlng thera 3. Te authcrdu tino lova9oSWblt bisruetoStibld.. Tias1%m m ot te rolicie ii. o prsopertis elfenSced m b is am reso oontatly ractlY cbarglh viiia Prop o f.advaaebug laMm lse sloeu u-r the on oef mamk e cnmbruet. tmiedur, stia tu ofbsvg t. as t t> Ittn oclRp'outt from hib d Dvuy ow bas a ariu for »&é direct Pl M d IoWthebiscoustaut tulleg - t. b«rqet. ora rat. upos w voba utesilaPm- lm are s amrufmlyka biai Uic 4, ho sintue ichdm et lbu. Egsar aratees ut. 9is $94 lowa anouate te IMM^,~g rues 7 v uu , <ow Iu d s U mrs .vý.- 1h, .&& - t» Wau us Standard BnkOf Canadaý Maie Go AnulReport Wb" Btade 8ma ik et Omi ada vas umtey am gsuasbd Am m" abgla d.sw-islsMW Ira reesuru u< u t " doue 1 bt- vI,l» tm s -m, sommel a leM u urW oaalMWow w mu sort lss, id US n mahMWmbi to l #ad< USW U d ub* h., enumai i. UU, SSir.-Moees sa lA, "Thmiaht ln Tlu greatest of Uic grant "Thon sbalt love tby nelgbbor as thysel! r' To the. great Herbert Spencer the viole venld is eternally indebtod for ti* uamersbl, and uncnitlclsahb. definition of gamhllng.1 Gambling i la i!lewroug, sud tihe cr11 dosu net arise f rom Uic anount cf money gsmubled, but from the prac- tics itself. Herbert Spencer poi"t out t.e objections t. gasblingfro tue social a&M ethca isudlnt Firat of ail, gaznbllng la gain wititout menit, anAdeecSdli, snbllug le gain through anoteru lom .Both of thes Scaturo.eigeihbllug demonabratea tlatItlb eintI-soc anad tbarefore in- huma. ai nuorlTn M»trutu la, that gambllng stands ln predely the sent reltim on e temlltha t suicide Acea t. murder. The day wl comae vlan ail people, especùlly parent, viln realizo that ewvuy gambien, b. ho vIe lie msy, le uotblug other or bot- ter tha sa thWe-and bluet every thief lea à ambler. Thèefore, ln evory commmuuity the mdccl, the church sud 1oueaetboy, la bh clama, vIL% Wsb= ught fac b facilutbis hm seaulg, promptly dqiv gItu ats . oi owevuaa.SWIcaboy, lýbaaa VlU nOer gammeoM nloch« e IPWIIURflÂ? VEEEUA>XL~Li~... l IM Mti ~tonyï 4mc L -1 10 .,7wbu- dimm ArhtW. »«IL ive rlan i RmANAs NIQxASm s athe W oeWds Iw v~oecarw*dMg J wU~ OAZET~E À oemoma~u il Oshava seboolby a ta, tu aoot vn far là the motfor t fer Whltby Colego. té ster eft Ue gai Lmngey, McKensla si for EIab.op Betimne - hokigbroke OLC.-GoL 1. P. Smple a" ILBE Ourre; SAngsELH.d n«t; subis., IL Burgo B.B.C.-..Goa, N. B. Burllug sud D. L Irwln; vlnga. F.1 -Lumabesuubis., ML luanmd A. Blggar. lem, n o v I il la cn cf d 1 e g *~' I ; '-, lý-, - 1 1 1 dus abatsshwud micw oe Up b 0 e a!'is lese açaleino lly m"d 10"s w*18t% ss ë e d outin d un- ealug Ieruston-m to the invald- amS «f amb, and thu ttus fu sto lu a mbllmgle «pla$u mafbflu for hep.," Il cbldr« &a» biobrut- edarlght tboy wile otraiodita garni cf marbi swblch dovolop ddu1 anA uofing but àkl-4bý tkbIs co-rela#oaetf*ye*sud haun&They vi thm on acoru dopend on "bcho-ý tbe gamblessho"e snd Uic fool'a domin. DrîllftItotthe ebldrom « that every gambele £ athif id cvwy thiof le a gambhie-ani that tho A.B.C. of gambllng la "plsylngi Mar"esfor koopl For -Sale Wood, Said Gravai and Stoe. GloodSOU"d mlxedWOOd $10 pet cord, stove Iength, delvered. Grael and Sand, $1.50 per load of 14 yds. delivered. Stonie, $1.50 per la of 19 yds. dellvered. JIose isad & Sous P,.soa3#9 14 or 74, Ex"tr -L 00" Saturdl with fi at thc Mr the wE father. The Pearl daught Railey. * plicatic girl an mate. day ai Rï.F'ré thbc'ho MrJO The Wilson ceived week low pzi m. fted ti The Ohuri on"#in At e last Ti of met puewe: capacit Oûtfiti ove, rsady About Tho men'a Froin now until March lSth we w-il ov.rhaul y*our Chevrolet or Ford èar frorn on. end tb the othor-Motor, Transmission snd, Dofereutial, lnoluding nov Gsskets and Promh O1-to e the -'aum of $30.00, sud guaranto. s firet clama job or noi psy. THE'NEW CHEVROLET Thora are 83 inov quslity féstures on the new Ohorrolot. Comae ih and lot us oxplain thom 10 yOU. If you are thinklng of s a v car for thieyosr, ses un bofore you buy. Luke's Garage Chevrolet .mdOekiend. Sales end Service. Telephone 22, ê Brock St South$ aSpocial

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