Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Feb 1925, p. 4

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rmm8fl~Y flfltJAEY 19F lIS PAGI FOUI Fer Crowng soa mi Girls, FebeOU People and For WAMPOLE'S TASTELESS EXTRACT 0F COD L1VER Cmugla.Cd&Odw l& cn.Feva,. Es. Wampoies Exi-a o f Cod Uver aho M =aom mcd mey hdtp Ar 'pale. m oemC id. >'PM uddmg l"D wonjalcm& if tnlus regul i1 w oue ti fe d mp retm ahakh 0la lIM ieu Es Ea L. IU Druéggist and WHITBY, ONTARIO Local Bape Ig Miii. C(e9lge liainlton ham etWn- ed from a visit with her brother, '1r. Fred Ford, near Cobourg. Mr. and Mms. Wm. 1)onie left ti week for Toronto where)bey lIIre- Main for two months. Mr. J. E. Jeffrey, of Toronto, was ln town on Tuesday and gave this offIce a cail. Mme.3. M. Kenny la on a month's Ivisit wlth ber daughter in Ann Arvor, )Mch. Mis. Jos. Reard left this week for a month's visit with relatives ln Sxnth'sFala and other castern points. Reoerve Pri4day evenlng, Mart 6th Wo hear Madain Lugrln-Fahey and as- sistng urdoiata the Tabernace. Mfr. and Mm. Geo. X. Rois-sud Misa Marlorie Ross left on Mo>day lor a trip to Clifomnlp. They will b. b sent frein town uuWi about £aster. 3udge Mottinl one of tbe outotaad- bu, Authorities ou the esuinsut Mms W. I. Tbompaon, who biw boom conllned te ber home for théb. a sevn weks, ia able tW b. ao2 Taé regular meeting otet .Tovu Counclvil Mbe held neat Manday 4ef-I enlng la the. Councli Cha'lmborati agu MMs.A. M. Rose r"co'4d qrd 1"i week oetthe suddeu doa of ber bro- ther, Geo. T. epbunluPa aua California, on Wedneadày, Fraw l8th. Mr. snd Mms.PRosa lti pim atel>' for Pasadena, ubici tey' e". ed on Tuesda>'ofetWibI-vek. Mr. sud Mma.3. T. Cavasag, et Barrie, annouaco fb. MMaIMa.1tiad daughier, Grace Dorothy, ta Mr. Loui John Albumn, ei on 0f» etMr. sud M John Aloema, Brookila, Ouiý., Iii .o dnge t ae placo emuryluaMri. Prmmo»r Cossu, do unleAp ciui! Cellego, vil etaou>a Min ante osh»aaruit GOOwsW PacklaglRoue, -Oshav, atrq pebruary itb, ýa 1»* p m,4Aubw tted Wan iultd ta loie Met Madaza Lupl-Fabeyt hililsa sopranl.ai, aalisbY Roeat C. Com- Roue sat tue pe, ou Fddy evu#ls Mardi Bib, aetSouloct. AMlasOu uudust m. uapeoMM IL us Home a"d SCJmoIQb# lub eci., enl Chmh.r-«IouilTuMe' é..mlsg, MiaiCh it lt. A& T. lali Ioa M. V. Pa b.. Velmi O. vi -v wus a&.rtgl&a oqmrmWte attacbed toi w87 ta 8*P~d USSi h heu bsur thatcoau ed t. Ifs eu-I a1 aib.asrogUica- BàAEO gyster supper, gau nes mn em »«h * e W ut.the heurs tin. mld-17« dath«Y "4-. MAW--STEPHENSON Igr. J. IM. Shezleek,(Toronto>, Vo- AtÂUI Saint' RectorY, On Psbruary cil 'ftaherad Conductor. Advaaoed th, the marriage was slemnlsed by pupISproPsx e afor church sd co-Bev. T. G. A. Wright, Of 1MissIsabeffa Mit work; alla speciml cursefor hW Stepheneon, ef Toronte, te Cha&sM. ginsi. hltý tuioat MÉ. Franik son of Mr. and Ums.Wmi. iaw, Of Erskno',eacmouay. --d. Whîtby. The weddlng vas very quiet, -4".- only immediate rels.tves of the youmg POLICE COURT CASES couple heing Present Mr. sud M"s. Aftu mliet svera veeIs a M& left atter the weddlng to visit numer t a se fs vasl ±e ete s bride's parents iu Toronto, and humr c itratsJ. ls lu b heV o iieiUpterelidence in ar few dapsu..L 'lli i Wbutby. Their mani'friends wisb a fe day. *thein ail future happines and pros- aYlmU A q W!U!J peru>' Those abroud Monda>' morning walked, sipped, slid and splasbed, toteir dafly labor, oser sidewaika, [ln spots, cvered ,with i.asd vater.I Saturda>' and Sunday's thav resultod lu conlderable water on the street and with asilght. drop la the. temper aturs tii.sidewaiks vers deserted for the compmrtlvt safety o et im ade. Tien came a Ilgit rain, followed lu au boni b>' a turtier drop ofthe r. er- cary and the sidwevuk became ai- mict Impossible te stand ou. Bain eau>' 1untbe evenlng relleved ibis con- ditIonattiougi where ice had aScu- mtuated pedestrimns simlC-Ontinued to do acrobatie sata; that would put Chaule Chaplin te shame. CONSERVATORY EXAM RESIJLTS Ta. followlug pupils of Robin E. Nidclmon vere succesmtul lW pasaing the Toronto Consezrvatory Piano ex- aminations held le Wbitby on Wed- neaday. Peb. it: Elementar>' Sehool Piano - Miçs, Betty Lavier, honore; Master Donald Bell. * Introductory Sehool Piano- Master Aloi Jeffrey, honore; Miss Betty Odlum, honore; Master Harold A ver>' quiet *edding took place at the home ef Mr. sud Mms.Wm. Swect, 90 Peas Ave, Toronto, on Wedues- 1 [day, Feb. iSth, when Mms M. A. O)ke. formiel> of Wltby, was mnarrîed Wo Mr. Walter C. Jenkins, of Kingston, Rer. R. Newton PoVeI, et St. Paul's Methodist Church, offiailg. Atter pUrtakdng of a daint>' lunch Mr. sud Mis. JenIcins left b>' the evenlng train for theïr homne, 15 Quebee St., King- ston.. FAMOUS CANADIAN POET 1 COMING Whutby là te o b oncred Tbursdy, Marcb Sih, viii a visit tram Chartes G. D. Roeats, the faumos Canadian poet and mitier, Who viiigir anuad- dreu aud read mo f bis evu moasait ii Ontario la~is'Coime 'h. riaioft Igr. Reberte ilM u- doubtadi>' hoe eeet the bo«t lftoary ae"s of tbe am& A quletwadhgtook pisse mWed-~ neSdy taerulg ait te methodiatper- »maua.vben Giadys Vicia feudermon. was uWIn.dlumaria e b.Mr. Homr Ambroos StepisinsofetOshava The. cereamuy as psrformed b>' Rev. A. ML Irwin sud the attaudauts versMi. 1319b M. Aille, cf Oshavaand Miss Lyla May"s. Wbhlthy KUM~N IBOA!! ALMO8TCLEAI Anothr, few mlld da"s il!m cl onltldunw ai&Wice ou thu Kln- Mtm Eoad, at hast ountes.pavdpor- Uom feM Dow mnlIste Torouto. Aludy tIi.,&» are loig steosfri VA" ,ail the s»W basu spme la otber peu. the. read rem kt ts oui throe b. ow l"lu aa i1w spOtUtheare nsaovbabk, but 'lus eu< b. navlated by auto&. On iii. r«o» mm ou bib Iu Mdcl h, but -tii. Wttw bhaa vailar bard ,tumb rotle slo.g a hàw ave eP&aPa*&hgo» ofet tii on *6 ti. mm UImm IMh la MustliPkty of mi.w, but It fs dlapp.ahig adtty uader -fb. Oz' &y by day.- WA8 FORIM l WHITDYuJD<T IL. .ja&"ve , bs pmsa a St. Audnrva Cbuzehb i hor eu "5 -OU"a", sauud latb Sb- te, wtas bu omm bar. tVI*lb poreat*lisab. -wu Ibm. ys et tmotl behto!y$ Mdw loe NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS AU dog takxe for the year 1925 are novî due sud payable lu the. TownI Hal. Ail dog ownere are hersi>' no-I tified that said taxes muai hoe paid ferthwltlL C. F. Lavery, Guiet et Police. HBLD SALE AND TEA Under the auspices of the Parish Gonld o! Ail Saints' Church, a inost sucesaful sale et home-made cooklng sud atternoon tes vas held at the. home of Mr-. . H . Perr, Centre St., on Tuesda>' afternooeFebruar>' 24. The -westbçr vas idea) snd a large number called durilug the aftrnoon not ouI>' W attend the sale but toens- je>' the hospitalit>' ef the hostosa vie was se kiud to open ber home. Th. proceeds vert over $40.00. AN APPRECIATION In renewing hie subsexiption te tthe Gazette and Ch:vniele Ber. J. H. Poe- sou, a former recter et St. John's Churci, Port Whitby, but nov et Dun- dalk. aya "I amn glad of the oppor- tuait>' of expressing my> warm appre- clation et tic improved appeartuce et your wfekly. I arn sure your min>' subacubers must b. pl.aaed wiii it, 1, ad yeu yourself feel much gratlfied vlth the. success attedng yeur ef- forts. You deserve ever>' encourage- ment. W. maintain a eontiuued lu- teresainluthe. affaire et Wbitby sud visi thie good oid tovu ever y suc- ceas-" IWrERDENOMINATIONAL PRAT- ER SERVICE AND ADDRESS DY NOTE!! MISSIONARY WORKER Repreentatives firam five Women's Misaonar> Auxdllarles- met ait the if,. ail Bros. eu" st vat ADMISSIO, )buu" aud nale~i#*= merAî for the Mithei, Trou PlId ecetar7 od W.t uebs-àtuded the recen la to e olu Wh"#Y ioday (Thursday) it wau 8ocded tO hob! the meeting tha# aftaruoo, s that ail might have the opportunity of bearlng ber. Tbh mneetfing wiiHo be d inithe ¶!abernaCle sel room an41 viiicoemmeyS at three o'clock îm order tW give ilinefor the prayer servce, and Miss Mitchell' address. Ail wolare cordially in- vited to attend. POOR CRHLREN'S SUPPER Weuneada7, March llth In Salvation AmRa> all Cidren are admitted by ticket ,which may b. obb.ined f rom the Offie- ers lu charge.' Anybody deaitIlg tW assist in auy way idfly comniUICate with Capt. Langford. Box t64. Whutby. YOUNG LADIES' BIBLE GLASS' GAVE FIXE CON.CERT The Young Ladies' lass of theI Methodist Tabernacle on Monda>' ev-j enlng presented se Interesting and en-1 joyable programmife of short plays, musical numbers sud reading lu the echool ruera. Tbere vas a good at- tendance consideriiig the luclemeucy et the weather. The programm iu- elUjded an address by the chaîrmnan, Rev. A. M. Irwln, two chorus., by the. dlass, a piano duet b> Mns. Ranris sud Miss Lulu Harris; a short sketch, "WbyWe Never >larrled" b>' six boys sud six girls; a vocal duet b>' Miss Wilzna Jehuston sud Mms Holliday. a reuding by Miss 1-. G. Fraser, who re- sponded te a deinand for an encore; a piano solo b>' Mr. Roy Phile, who vas aise encored, and a short pisay, entltled uSvoethearts of Long Ago" by mers- bers of thecelss, assisted by Mr. Ed- ward 0k. Tus vas ithe princi pal number on the programme, sud the young ladies were asslated iu the mus- "ra parts by a quartette composed ot Mie. W. HeardI, Miss C. Painton, Mr. Ed. Bovinan sud Mr. Wm. Ayres. A repithitiofeti. programme ai au cari>' date in; under consideration. At the. close etfithe concert those taklng part voee ntertained in a social way b>' the members of thi.elasa. DISTINGUISBED ARTISTf TO AP- PEAR IN WUITBY Wiuifred Lugrin-Fabey, the dram- atie soprano who is Wo appear lentthe Methodist Tabernacle under the aus- pices et the W.M.S. on ffiday, March 6tb,, la an example et a Canadian vie bas achleved sucesa by bruinsansd 50 4ENTS 'E I Remember the set the sbohteola...etthe iJnSTRO CEuJCE Fiay Evsngt Fra, 27t1 «tIl wag@C ,MlMee.This rematiable singehma wS n i enviabe reputatlon wblch bus Sarrwd ler ta the pinnacle tcsueesal, amd las doue It by ber determination to bec . on eta the best ln ber pro- leuslon e a.resmit la tat &ai laDov icclalmed «aseeof Canada'. foremes SopraOI.L oyersoetmusic Should net rail W 1bear het on Mardi 6th. Hec- tor Chialesworth. podbably the moat Outstanding music crities in Canada, id ef ber in 'l'e 'Toronto Saturday Nilght:---"She revealed a master>' of i>road dramatie effect that ena>led ber te sweep the. enotions ef ber sudi-I moS"» Equal>' high opinions are en-I tuertaned of Madame Fahey la the~ Statea. The Portland, Oregonian iaid: "Mme- FaheY la eue of the muatfn it9s 1~' j -ROY Phone 361, ished singer who have vlslld fi City." BROWN-At Ana Axiior, MIeh, col Friday, Febmuary 8tlk, 192, ta o aud Mrs, G. W. Birùn. <nee Versi the*zhome t Klngatou n mW.dnes- às«]80- MDRO-At Ibe XOidit ar.ng< 02d -àeè,WhitY, ta Hary Amn- IMoM Stephenion, cf Oshawa. B. Kenuy) a son. Churles -Kennth. DA BIMPBUPXM.-A-Â20r Seti Orange MARRIAGUS -Give Ave«,, Pgsadeua, CaL, on Fdi. JENKIS-ORE-Mr.Wlter -C T. 1Ù419U5, GeorgeT ebrbu jenkiiis, of Tor*nto, Out., ad hm uer of Mms.Andrew M.-oso M. A. Oke, of Toronte, wve ounlted w ty inà marriage by Rer. . Nevuani oBRIEN-Suddeuly ai -Toronto, - on Powell on Weduesday ai teapon4..Wednesday, Feb. 1Mt, William Ed- Feh. 18, at the residence of 'Mi. j ard O'Brien, belved husband of and Mis. William T. Sweet, W0 FurniEthel R. Peck, in bis 64th year, for- Ave. Mi. sud Mrs. Jenkins left'i fut merly ef Whitby. Thi"nk About Wîth Easter leua than six weeks away,. we are payng special attention to Men and Young Men's Miade to Measure Suise for the scason which marks the rcturn of spring. We arc agents for the wel known Randal 4 Johnston's "Broadway Brand@ high dscl or.hmg for'men who arc paruicular what the>' wear. Ail swits made b>' this frm arc of the highest workmanship pos- ,J ible, and arc guanantccd to give servccable wear- Corne in and let us takte your order for Easter delivery. - We have in Whitby and vicinîîy many satusficd customers .wcaring "'Broadway Brand Clothes- ME3NS NEW ilATS Our firet conagoment of ncw Spring Hais arrvcd ibis- wcck. A special weckend ofcérmg ai ... -..... . . . O4 Shirts, ics, Collarst Etc*, Complee stoàk etOf au% Tic., ColaWNs, ocsI4 mact cvcrtwbi Brock St. 4rtI , Ont. Sj t Layruce Route 1.A.LS ferTlrifty Bq r UWDA FRAaY27*, 1THURWAYAI01 5*, VS~l TFS JXUOING vmty IL iio ON quAU1 GoOD ï ~AUi AV D~VL IN= IF"m U*k, y'.,,. ~oe Time t o That New Suit_ for IBASTE R MEN'S SUITS M50MMN WANTED TO HearJDGE MOuT on " The Older Boy." ai Bi i m1 Be on Time. WI 'dLSON*8 SPEÏ -f Il Il t! N t' --t! --n P Il i 1

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