Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Feb 1925, p. 3

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WEff ST gAw~l h MOITERU r ' 'a mi ~ AiYvEtJinum-uE&àoTU.-@0r .m*,lai m M4 & rdvutbo.b k pT lris,, ]Ipseeta26.1925 . EBhBw otrYasantcois -tes Pvre u ti d of 1dv the amtow lcku overeeigtl ot on wula psstd 101 the TownCouncl on oday-ngtg gi at hebxPse f thedjaawn.nefoswprta iA"M suat Apadhre tlysan ot comdedof te mresematuorercona b8ihn foen.7 foreppyxg e lepng tersiithev cella ng in thettownllbckaup ovet.ngohtearmotionnwas pn assd yth OwdnarCouncil yon hmanononda uhtii inuctions thatompo mor eobeafasae to be mas=efrve athe ytoexeeof oheat2w. bHeakfort, if his motio is adheredtatandesi or ecndaftr ore matr on- à deratio, nottwsyhard-egive sleepiin quatra an temorr>irg wtoeen i borcin ivi whalst terhmblest an poobretof he opnleb would gladly give the a lpr . tin mad tifnarysmarehy fote mait dowon hc- lckm theumdcproptmoenpeopae trapinthei a anfo Ther day t rt ntofa Yc eakfathst, We ntonrd-o lywn haive that adesr oigahr elieofywould inadtis ach At che a Dt t tosyhard-n hrde "son.thet we ar larmembe of the Council butareuldaly givge the hpbu that asl r a nczic ody tbe larireung. hyh h p Iot ani d at if eal reole outWhty moreI be- chome tiorirmeafinen wh arc thaming Sathe d there îuothe eing worhae i fi rged txfor moatd on tha b n d oina tieli ftef oi n tore for- tnte preustaunes.thnmiwhoares ifon le road" ar largclymofhe wclasn a haey ubctogatwo kbu aho would a recabandonet living, if theadtepop- petoruty.bWeoubd t ss therefo very aiymeral anodo.nsorprofesscaion* toramthn t ntothe btes uxeoent vrycodtons h aewclethe no a toe.thoe eixilesand ohe foncedthem to depexid- ng tha ewifpahy ad ood-wilhael c uythsenmoef-ne teseti mcxi e wI find thda the wuld btQ egltwor mn carn a lreectal nd ec uete tcrpongifhemony- moeno Icoudbi fudst em, hrfre1(er m 'I il I THE TAX ON GASOLINE VVhik- the proposed iww gasolîne tai ot thrte cents per gallon is hcavy, being equal to an excise duity of1 ten per cent., there is thîs, at least, wo Uc saîd in uts favor, that people 'Who use the highiways of the-province Most# will pay Mnost largcly towarc5s their upkee P 'r ajloeig turne there bas been an agitatio that the owtw=r of heavy trucks, wbk'h contribute Most tothe destruc- on theix icexises in order dhat they might Uc made to pay an equitable proportion cf tde cst cf upkeep ofi these highways. The ncw tax will meer this demand in another way, provided it la applicd tri commercial vehicles, as of course it should be, i A faîrnes. Heavy trucks whuch travel the roads constanti> use a great deal of gasolixie. and would pay, li gasoine tax, a much larger sum nax the owners cf pivate cars. That is as it should bc. No doubt there will be a strong agitation te exempt commercial vehicles freni die application cf dhe tax. This ahould certaNy >net bc accedcd tri, for, ai alrcady poinred out, it la dhe heavy vehicles which wear dhe reada ont moor quickiY. If the revenue from dhia new tan 'saapplied solely to tde construction and maintenance cf highways, "i1, dhose who psy tdia tax will get dhe ummoof tht bensk, which isonly right. The Oovernea ahoujd mate t clear that the revenue wulntbe applied in y por tien te dhe general funds of the Ptovr, buttbc und oRd>y for dhe bene6it of dhose who contribute it _by apfflig il b expenditre on highwaya. 'hProvince bas spent millons cf doaas ce roadi. Tht- cool muet bc met in smre vay. Pruemier gumo pointed eut te dhe deputation from dhe MotS rLoagu on Monda> that thse Province would bc under an ob- igation te anyone wbo would show dem iw tri devise a new source of revenue. On dhe otiier band the lax burden ie beteming somo uch heavier froanyear to yesr. dhat dhe mari who bears it cannot hobmed for -oh- jecting . te anodier shock. Tht question is, viis ait aIl going -to cnd? We kcep on demanding dû. improve- ment and dhat addition'tri the couarryà expenses, &M thenthere la a howi when tune go up. A JUSTIFABLE INCRBASE * ~We bave failed ta me. Mn the prese a"chfavorable comment on the propocd icrease in tht usosion.l demnity of members of dhe Ontariolo Legdslure. Jr casy to preach economy vintdes dw diems.àh cm carne.And yet, va beliéve, an e hlba qumiy stated, dat $1400 a ycat r netsafden ruuralan for men who ame oMW- lave d"itborn for $cme montis, and estblil a tempoesy bom la Torwno Uiieeeven for dose vilo-pwecio.pla ing n h* hi Iaktng, 1pe qâmua * meabo f the e Mat<wrbsst A'tri is a, t *Wu hoàugli ls%*y mot be r ifU 10U. h e.l i mouiaa dm%~ tbk m lhim«wr Legialatm ~Under preot conditions oBly enwIIo le hanali ale tp. etthe constant demanaf f- 1oe ar le" ro offertheudvesfor public liEs. An boeaum in the sessionui hidemnity would make it PaS oblefor moremmntri ,bc andiates for the. LegiuldatuIe9 "id a conisquent weeding out of undeifrables, Of which à=r arm always morne, and as well would propely re- mburse members for the expenaca to which they are pu which lû only fawr m any dCm .At tuia session of the Ontario Legisiature the Town 1 î of Whtbyàaakag tht a pecalAct be paed Pro- mm viding for the consolidation of a floating debt amniat- -A defn ing tri $35,0O. hIdisamount laiciuded an-item cf lsud folU approzimately $18,OOO which for a long trne ha, been quire ti Zcovered by notes in <the bank. alan sud Tuas money, with thi. except.o of intereat chrgea. PSTIOd. i wua expSndsd for sadewalks constructcd under the Local tioned im Improvement Act, and as been accumulating sixic as p«n _far'back as 1918. Ie provisions of te Act insanie bing nu respects were carried out, and ini others, it is fredy above ut adxnirted, thcy werc not- On some improveiflsxts un- out I du dertakexi and carried out a Court of Reviuion wau not agaîn a, held, while, according to statcmcnts made Lait nomina- ter-" tion nigbt, local improvemexit records for yeara have n ot bem exi pt up to date. lIn accordance with the Act Fo saxty Pet cent. of the local ùnprovement costs vere FI chargeable to the property owners who benehrted there- fromn and forty pet cent. to the town. lIn some acs, aléo, diese provisions were Dot car- tied out. The resuit of these anid other irregularities ( which cannot be laid at the door of any partcular Coun- in the Tc cdl, and which, it is needicis to say, wcre Dot intentional O'Brien, a that while debentures wcre issued for some of the Oh,,, works referred to they could flot be sold because dhe i"' but recorda wcre not such' as to allow them te bc put on thesud <liod market- Froin tune to time, year after year, in fact, amuln di amount of money had to bc covcrcd with notes Se- amcmpai cured on the credit of the corporation, and the amount vas wate of fliterest paid on dhem bas been Do samail item plained c -Th. purpoae of the Ac to be premexted to die Leg- w at isiature is to wipe off tuai and other amounts of floating bo"la ambulanc idbtcdness by uasing twenty-year debenturea, tdus Tii. la, enabling is ycar's Council tri start widh a clean sheet, îng bar t7 axid solve a problcm. which bas causcd Councila for vas borr years past considerable: axxiety. If authotity as given years ag for the issue of these debentures they will b. placcd on ho conduý the market at an opportune trne and sold for the high- ini Oshaw est prace obtainable- ber o! ye It might bc weIl to suggest here tdat future Councils "W4 undertaJking local împrovement work should take care daug*iter, dhat -thc provisions of die Act are observed trithe let- ter, inasmuch as the debexiture systemn, under which By the these are camreu eut, as one of the greatest assets to ', 'h1 any muxiuapality. daye, 2nv There as ancluded in the $3 5,000 other items which Most terni were Dot properly taken care of, zlearly demoxistrating known bu that ini cvery stage of civic fixiaing the greatest care w»s hem should bc excrcised. The Council of last year, on ire- 72nd year commlendatin of the 1923 auditors, authorized the pur- As ay châse of a riumber of booksian order that ail civic ac- Istatw counting and municipal records might bc keptin acStore on ý i stores cf cordance vvith modern adeas in use in mans' progressive!trad riwunicipali tics. Some of these books arc now an use, S'of bis ow and we believe that in the finial analysis it will be found!during pa hat the audîtors' recommendations were in the towxi.sled the W 'est intecsts. Reun Ie~amics (4w lba acbool rq Iad b.. MUCH LO)CAL RELIEF WORK DONE lI a report on tuancy froan publie achools in Whi- by-r pftscaited to, te Board of Educciod=-te #=the: lago by Truant Offîcer C. F. Lavery, ut was oed that & number cf children were being 4Ïp from &c"iciby their parents for lack cf sultable cloting. Cluef L-averY thc ie matter up wiri Ilocal rraaain carrying on relief work, and widh private individuahs whoan bc 1rhougbt mighî bc inrerested, wud dte resit tdat aml have nov been provaded fer, and have b.en rein échool for some lime paat. Tue prompt action Securedi lu "iî and other casesof necd dmostrates ver> dlear- 1>tat-h people cf Whitby when infoemed cf case of istês ar aways willirig te and can b. counted up- un tu extend the helping ba"d In additi o the i.relief work carried cm "i visier b> dhe I*ef Cammit ft h c e Couacli a put=da" bas been dont by Iceal oPn15aions sud individual (citazeru*ns telt dthe resuk dat 89ail abetio har ad umvredcam 5requirkg reliefhave aven %n attention. Later on a samary ofmm cf tde votk accmp. lished along bc chi upii ogvS a ndes.colwnaa A MNEWS Qui RR WIIS. It is undoeso"d dbat dhe Roay sud Kivani Clubs --bcd ommuait>' arvisaorganisatios idiborst work a e, ditclief obiftüver, bavebad doit ye n Whnhby for -onie mre pau &Msudat bufore longan viii twMbe masde b>'one.'or rider triorganea m tovu. Eodicl"bamae p f um snd profemSeoal mm gpdwred touedier for thecommon good, u an -placs ubere tdey now opeame the oSm- Muniy sisiMisvery m=Ch mandé«.~ in thuanvle R.t" yCM ub a ccmplib. match for the tnsddirihogicol>' a amatiand cou- Paratvd« Swe incb, h là reqarded o-dY ascmofri dhe-mou acunthve ti.provauaca WhLtby to-day, outaide Of Church and fraruMal or- gu attnsdd e Board of Trade, hbiS ,e orain tios tri brin dhe bu"=nes sd goesaa uitgt voeekly f« thd dlcuso f Plo mou=ational p r and for the coosidera" nCf emufyinrte, sudên sud, clUa ROI. xry Kwaxalor eena ConadiiClub wril bc a god dMg fortde touc. cm -bbc u cole r. MaPk&tuisgMe&-4 r osx bot ii qn pemed se&a uIàW hotalMd byo. qutud 'I "fia t imo ~s a h. ~ A Uft 10 .s~. cf mms~ idmne vmg ol R for us itmdmoéW55 hpt la the register. eor do! wozk ont vawu ODbbdd wmmeww Made umlug Up tO Ifl5ittor 8178: Rite auiuliOUId be drawn iUp lowad,au »tii. regfIstousru- aI lbh. bop ho u=der aupuvi- dtescbintlmlflg lthehalf.daY TJiueCusqcl rtio. res mn- i Ibis "ePut I amnnot able .t ta i'oepmd auy grant for rfour mti5 worfr, no tifi.d by7the princIpal thal the uaggestinhave been carried ilbe al tWttheseaho id furth e Ouiisder the mat-. Continued f rom page 1) oronto Anena, William Edws.rd aged 67 years, a native of and former Wbitby busness tvho had beon living in Tror- the past fev years, collapsed d whlle buiug reznoved lu, an ice ta is home. lfr. "'rien, raled by huason,4 D. C. O'Brien, ehing tue game, viien he cern- of feeling 111 sud !ainted. He ended by lus son, sud tael IÀfe wau extinet viien the ice arrlved aI lthe home. tte Mr. O'Brien had been ai]- two sud one-hal! years. He n n Oshaira, aud up until 15 o, wben b8 vent te Toronto, aCted a pbotagrapby business wa and Wlilby. For a nuan. ears he ll'ed retire&. Smu-'iv bis son, Dr. O'Brleu, sud a rresiduag in Montreal. J1. S. BobeÎtacn edeata cf Mr. J. S. Rohert- >pnssed away at bis Rats rosi- 10 Keewatin avenue, on Mon- aril bas lest ane!o ber fore- nPerance workers, and a vol)- "sness man a! Taront.Ife rin that city and vas lu bis r. 'eung. mn, Mr. Rohertian work t aI A. .rving's book King street, oneocf the fimi the kind lin Toront., sud af- he conducted a book store mn at Whitby for 12 years, art of which lime le pubias- bltby Chrontele. dng t. Toronto h. enagdl rtislng business»astle prwn b.e J. IL Robertom,Àd"ml mey, sud for s$"erg Y«a" to ir" iet fbw «W ,Bi Bras,,c sud ir_ basnés. li cIy- *~wusfor severa retary -etta uIoaSa- Omie opeatuL u saaipeh- Iy knowm trougho. Ou- îg predual ai le Canadis mm Lassas 6r asperlod cf Mirs. ne Vas s ataunci Pies. a muba et Eglit>m lad a'I w ine l poUlis.fi ed Imy bW Vite . mAnae berte Mm" MV94nsWaIa , MaIo4sd W. UM. et mid tie didauWlm.r: Mrs. rOttaws»9aUR«iss7Marya la fuasrte*och i..Tbas- SmSlwMomi -Feru etnsd*mpae1 &"eR la n t i s lva à bal, the tevuim a mc uaib uM& >IL Viiiï *d tebav*tbsýl A" tê paW7u PlM theadver ing Agen past ui ti of Robba tarlulmAi larlum wo amt advc vas videl tarlo, bel, Temperaft fleen yel bylealan, Church, as ba srvive Moore Roi Aile. La & Wrong, horas. T day ai tu c--try (Col matag *1 far ukici'i Thie CP. Idwaku dam Stus be, m stIl Mtg t. sc lias tmm a the. MaUs A bOl t for h&It4a vith u»e, front etta batt vas J «Tour e>'.. d flealth" IEA.SIG13T (By C. E. Teck, Op"t.tls) Referrhttag an to tho illustrtion umsd i the. prevlou art i f t us acree on whieh the. des, pictin la seen is movod farther bak, tUn pWc ture would become blurred owing to the. IlUt traya comingt toàatmb e.n e fore thi re n a reeed eroalg' and d1verging mufoity to M»isa diffusion circle ratr thmn & tisa Point focus. TO make thé. pitmr.per- fectlY clear the machinemutaI W b- frCOIJfrSCOLD$ Ib m lar~h « àawn s il mr la ia aee-aghedor myopi eme lie ati aistoé tar hock or too brar forth "ie Wuve«.fli em thle eyebaf aeagt». ot gfbr b. power Of tu'e 0 0'all th e ru it ha raya m ii,. bi te eye vnI foeus in front of tue aslenasd foran a blured Image a éxpilud 'abovii4 .Clear vison cannot bhoobtalusil by the. effot of the "0 muscles, tue only gossibleway of obtalnlngt imr vison for distant objecta je by Wear,. ,Dg tue propertRas.. The. mopie eye eau 8ge tsaivision &llose rnge vihhout the me etci gassesby hold- hig object am n7 o te ieyes. .1y7pie or skoft ulghtdaea re 60W'i lres*rlced vision, butit;hêlow degrm ceo t"sen« rare mt -dm- gerOO&s, If It la of high errer, how- evp, ori I t la progrssive, It 1 danqeruk lIf ucr td m Iead 'to , blides., it li pg tsrfnespeciafly to eblidrm. to s~.tht uaerrer ncedve mr yat- ten msd la properly comctod &» the bust meens ci preveng Ucreaser of tue arr nsd at the sau m reob- taining botter vision for distat ob- Sarerl Whitby people wu ie la o- roulo on Wednesdoy attenUistWe We a n filbu ae potu deui U" O MTO E , GNCHENUT Our 1M uAmdmuà ébène Domoai é sv aVM xdu a iosaà veluete oppoitmdl~l MW ilatI E.~~~ma OuSr, gt 111 h. lot t) ai ss T.h& Ont ffl M igs Ibis aftisbiM monLLArmoE. six Ske Mr pagtankes TaBe ducted ai Brechin ly *tImm ocaâBrno «f tbe OntaxoDepartanat of Aà4M. cultue.arem eeting W"t uoea A spatlw tio-days, on !flurady Mud %rday eo!Isat W«ek4 on ameep E'asbandri msd Marletiug w aa a taat- mne «i lie fouveeiCourseinuAg. rleult0%eand vas takun advaàtags ci by ovar foty fermera The. ofer cefhlà»k .Sto* atuc Of tue Faderai Departmet of Agri- cultur, t auassith leInsaflation dlpplng tanks vws appredMaed sud Avi~culture j ar taUre, W. M. CPoelmsrY, recoived appU«Ucatin ro six farmezu troughout MarsTomu- ship for assIstancealong W$is u n accordance witi Ibis spacia projett the barmer agree to fonisi owan sd anc-bal yards of gravel and six baga af cerent when the DepartmM wvii sond aiong bor=nsand a -an t. amsist in the installatioL<»a.her offer holde good for any farnior iu the County. Requeats vere aise recoel-e foi diPPing demonsbrstions to ho held next sprhng. ii. two weeks' uewlng couru for girls and vonien of wbieh Miss Jean Beggs vas tuae iatuetor, camm ho a cl»os. ou Piday.1TIi ades of the. clas served afternoon tes on the. lest afternoon whlch vas atlonded by orer seveuty-five. Forly-tour girls sud women tloc his Cours.. % .dresse were placed on exhibit for the vlmitors ta oue on Fflday. A two weeka' course in Eou»hlold Thea CASH and CARRY SPECIAL- -Friday »aQnid Saturda, ou t R 22 Salmnsln £«1418 eonm Ssandl Filfetts, -20o Lard, POPeuU 0 Whitby Cst v Sido)f us s- J4 I -i annual meeting of tii. Staudard Baak. h ýj JOHN ANDERSON, Plumier, Ph.$ 288V, WHIISY CLEANING UP A CMIC N09M The

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