Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jan 1925, p. 7

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'i erVerna, asot four P ad have rnsin. mnelY. ;tute wifl a. Parkin, ,r. ortalk ýr girls for .j . Wagg. r. Msc ,haveý (uilt id themn to Mow'bray, th"'9eed if jt fada1 il au~~wo3 m~gg~I~ rî "u032b,14 The lira.or v ~ a j~"e~' f*%sai. dof Jpmiao 5sj murudy, ?xday anmd reort a PUI*ae ýpator -_o uds toses, POry OSs 1 Yaandgli u me ff- pz,"v-tuhiSt. Thoinsa'Cul run gi days. Sc e . Reéoî% 1 . ocik. À Arein«tation i in tand- UtmW. FInàey, e oO'hu~ Mr. Walter ruu hmdthe m V WIi' so l io bis Quit. a Mumber from hure wm at An* pidae i etcoldalias been go- tune ho loe re O çtül 151WO&IL n*r '18aIrIn< tpiêMs aiIê «88tend tho Jauusry ClearancSale at lng tbrougthe toimiiuit hep4 M r-.X ffû ipOnthei.w ek-nd t hI t Pl!cthI ailylumm resa ood LW l use m a ti s o % dbt whh o ens f ou week , nmoie being q e III home, tu Péter,o<> h an d s od 5e" " W 1 sM nlMiss ou a s store, Wand,, which pen Fi'id5WM gin ou -ark s" lu ast ýn la i ly orMotet days. Son. splenddbargains are be- TUoonto, vislted the fonxner's parents) to heYon Pioleo IMKM à& heroda e uié hýy fr lctrlng offeel.hers rscentlY. .Rbý o hr trde hO i oon pe'Vs -0 ingrame hemPonter Iros. are holdng sau.tion 1Mr. and Mrs. S.Rbti, i- 1fr. Banei Morte, et - r flu"M tàaIt ter.â» sale @of10S corda <of wood, steme ength, ley, visited at lMra.J. PR. &ent OdLid rl r uMoro 42na4"" I1" 13 «Mi out, sud &kU conating ef beech, birci, ash, elm Uan., bas been vlsltlng bis, brother, y atthey à51 lotand i, i55en. l 8, Jmy p.Tisu T OR TN30CN R A, nubrfroin lier.attended the Cla Ofet h.eM.g&.AJst C wm] i wu iiafford an opporlanity o etilng Il,'he heavy snowfslls Ibis week have Suuday* Sehool Convention - lneld Iu entertaulued at tbe h« o tMlns.F. soine choicef»rewoed. Iaeterd r adfrtae MYrtie last fridny:, E. Seod 1f er r. Chas. Wison spent Saturday on zng. The maIcarrer, baker, butciier, Ms e.MleCra, 1The Ifetdwdlst choirva ntrai-busineu sn Pl>rbor. sud milk slcigha have had rather a havatingu lehm elia D. tti.hm t1r. C.IL Mackey 1fr. G. I. HunIer look a élelghload severe cold t re thswek It will b. Burns. luit Practie veulug, and in being ef delegatea frein her. te the Sundny very necessary te keep the roads open Mn. ad Mn Rob. liite, et r 1ud Ibis u'ek at-the home of Scl lConvention aI lyrtle on Fr1- r fortlis work. Grçenbank, epent the weeked a th M.Hwrd Achku>. day AUl repo>rt a capital gatherilng.1 The achool has becu closed in the befie et Mr.WÎIl Smith. Snow ahoelng la a popular sport BrooklU liéeodiat achoë) won theaenior rom for a few,<laya ewing te MissesWithhYoung and eld hors Ibis wlnter.ý apeclal prise for the. besl display ett he ilineas of the tenCher(Miff Lillian ~!ae essie Smith aud Lyla Mc- Tednl eure iTrnemtoAglnal deviees sud articles ma~de or Lowry, who has beecs ufeériug frein Bies, et Toronto, apent the week-end Th I izcurd nTrot accle by classes iu their work. Mr. la grlippe. W. ail hope for a speedy here. w79thofer.* Deaiedvaatf brotinhiioe ph arbt as elected President recovery. -TeWmnBIsiuead h,7t er mad.wa rte fCneto for -the year. Misa Olive Frenchi vas a visiter In Tii. Woe' Clu nsMiut. sudrringe 1frW.Ladif. .Harrison Spe Ioar aengaged te do, Toronto this week. menti for the very enjoyable evenlng r Mh. Jenr loi.(useHLen theaneamlug fer haeeFleu on January 80th, when a social . of her e e#V« foa w days~ League ou F'lday, evenîn u , a turned home afler a few days' visit, lng, concert and oyster aupper'wflr e t old week ulli lier father and treated te a fine address by Mr. S.i with fneunds and relativesDR au inlton behldi teTonhp al. t frj l iends. Le.kyer on<is t avel& in ue addToronto. bhe Inenin leTowa hp Hall.. u- At the aunual meeting of those lu- sa wblich vas greatly enjoyed. A The werk on the Mausoleum ni thej nt einentiondho akae th:acomm A 1teuested lu lhe Public library on mon-1 duel vas giveri by Misses E. Elliott oemetery has been vexr .slow lately Provincial lady pae ' et~h day evening. AUl lb. old officeras d H ngto, the severe cold weather, but be present and addreaaes by the ocal ere elected fon anohher year withMc rtysd b, Oshawa, the x et finish' it this apring. clergymén willl bu given beaudes oehhe .R adionO er a h XuoA.y pelada i>rts. weec uetry andbet i sd The eclipse et the sun Salurday local musical talenÏt. Ladies please sud Miss Rosraud 1for.Eay rs dec-,Setltwe uSqo r n aotnn ll>*wl ewl o provide. Admission an5Mis OUanddr.Ego5z i linsm . AC. Elliott. aot ieto'cok wie ello rthke 50e n 5c o. rrnennt em Pashor Doive preached shrong ~Ser eeing. Gtyu ic taee Club memens -. oîd talksn oks t metigs n enao udy tehms mruch better than with the naked eye. The annual Spring Fair meeting la Llbrai'Y durlng the. wluter. $100 was ""%e Precieusuess et ChrisVnthe" called- for Thursday evenln!r at elght voted tg bu useci for purchaaing new mornlsg and «Pire" lu the eveulng. o'clock sharp for Ihe-purpese et olecl.. books Ibis year. Mr. A. Ellot ang t1ib Hymns eofLIA ing efficers and trnaacting other The vote on Chureli Union la betng the Olâ iri Ch h '; finely aI ulght. A M business. This je a public- meeting talion by thie Columbuesud B<><>3n The regular monthl~ meeting eft he We are sorry te learri that Miss ________________________Womes's Institute will bu held lu th. Vivian Appleby is ill in Toronto. Librry on Wodnesdny atternoon, Jan. Mir. Lorne Wilkin, et Manitoba, is 28th, at 2.30. Dr. Jamnes Moore vil) speudlng a short limne wtth his par-. Everybo y Cornegive a lecture eltled 'TMe Nervus ent, Mli nsd liMs James Wlkl. Some say the tai wage the dog in Agriculture. Let the dog wag its own taîl for once. The second annual oyster supper on Farinera' evening, Janu- ary 8th, in the Township Hall. Glaod prograrm, good eata. Pull together and make this a community event. Remember farming h tthe fundamental source of wealth whlch sustains this viclnlty. 60c. and 3Bc, club membera 25c, by resolution of niembers Brookli Farinera' Club. B rokiln Farme r's Club lia Brooklln Flour Nis 6000 MILI.NG F4wL WMEAT WAITiL. 1116H PIIICE PASO TO-aDAY. RoiUB.I& sida J% on"us M- Wo Need 600<1 MfiiIng FALL WMEAT- To- Make Mgarvel Pastry Fleur T" ya sack. CHIARLES WILSON,-. BROOKLIN, ONT§ GREENWOOD A good representation frein the Sunday School wau ut Mt. Zion lat Thursday attendlng the. annual 'Township Sunday School Association. AUl report a good timne and a hclpful programme. Robert and N[ma Harvey and dsugh-ý ter Betty spept the. week -end withi Bert and lira.Hamvy. N. and- Mrs. Bie are visiting the forraers brother. er Buffalo. Morley Harlock la holidaylng with relatives ut Lcamlngton, and Oil Springs. lira Waltera, of Oakvllle, la viril. Ing wÎth Walter Wilson and sous. Simon Adanson, of Saakatchewan, ia viaiting wltl I bs father and othei' relatives. RAGLAN Sehool wus cloud for a tow dam lait week owiug te the lmbes of the. teache, 1(ra.Grewés.- Mr. Frank Nottinghamu spout a few days lu the.c&Y luat wok. A number trom hmze *tOu. thIe Concert at Columbus on I'rldsy even- Iug wtien ho- young poopi. preaout their Ply "Pétrel. the. storMCh"*d Great &»&dt la due tbe yossg people iu actingtheir part sa ol0& 'gr. Emmersn Flatesvitd ia the. city tor a tcw daylatet wÉk& Mir. snd Mra J. Stose, ColWuabuî4 wore reMt t uesa et th ltt.r' s-, ter, li. J. R. Brmt. Mud Mr. CarlA rWhi oe suot U8 dl esto t tisdar&hoolld coovetlon last FndySave a. véry W«tOtig ud blj<ûl""Tot a Uic WU M nd it hUeo vodpu amu IMss Pana W*Ie vW»Moi.me hi I tending lthe Ivo wetS' course lu mil-. linery whiciha beiug held in Cure- mont bughnnuig Monday ofthIs week. MMlaiy Kerr, etfAglcount spenî tic week end wlthhor Parents. MLi .Ward, et Claremont, vîsltied lasI week, with hor daugliter, Mi, W. BfrketL % A number from thus commuuuty ah- tended the Wbitby Towuabip Sunday Seheol Convention held at Myrtle on 'Jauuary 101h. Mir. sud lins. Arthun Silver speul Suuday wlth Mir. sud Mms Roy RIed- man, near Greenwood. Several et oui Young people vislhed Asuburu skating rlnk Satunday evn-1 hng. Devland's Janunry qtàesn lu itiry wiii b. attended by qut. a numnber frein Ibis vilage snu-d enlty. The. Mrn. W. Ward, eof bLwa, 4patd uts frienda l ila" vIclWly ashort ilWt Sat&rdan sd Surs.dy TUeSadal Sébool..Assoca#ùlofe Pleherlg Townahlp.bod ther aunual convention aI Mount ZlnMÇiu h ltmrday, Ianà.,16, The day wsa idéal o»e s" tw .cbh vas croâed et ai bsaulout. Varous mlnIten donhili' report et the Prvinia Cou- veutien, hid -et ElIduemer, va mi& onjoed. ins ?eg's e Ml4us vie bh-, W a.ppreclatsd botii aftoroou adeY eing. evin ont. <Of 1 lie *tlMir SUUdaY Séoëool-of the tewshlp ver Xomt MZon vas àleeIeêPrealdonl<of unw AssocIatnMad )GOBuuIIuget P~ «oru, daiegate *0 lthe ?rov. C-- 8 nIoto be Wlua xmua*1 th; i flut [hanl, e nu b4eabyts MAtoi,4- W, w iah thora belug lield i arib, w-biicla ' a cbmxuunity MYRTLE STATION M. aud lirMm T. k .Prie. speult the week-end- with Peterbo ionda. mM ULlwTordulà vhsftng lh friends in Port Pery Ibis weok lin.J. Devitt iad tie miafontuneý te bave the end.eof her fluger cmushied ~5' ri q - g ef 'vhuO iig a CUiPbaard door. ItY. The i8Ie atrts 0on Saturday sMd A ueigh 1lof 1Myrtlêipeople, weni continues for 17 day.. ~o olmbuI~stFrlday ght th 'fle Pastor wIlI take chare t of1U hoarthor dma.serviqes on- the Greenwood Circuit Mmr. T. RL: Prie. and -M»es.p. Ha next Sxmday -following the regular w.visitera i Torot.le#tweel.: Pla", viz. Mfr. snd -Mn.Hart, of Xxbrdàge, Greenwood-1080 am. are vlsltlug st J., Devtt's. Mit. Zion-1.O0 parn. ThIi. LoquIiS woek wlll be ii:-,KlnsÈe-&00 p.m. charge oi mf. Cas. (lordon, sud will Brougham-7.O0 p.m.. 'b. Citlzeshlp iht. The Sunday Schools will muet Bt their usuai hours -Brougham at 10 X: m. Kinsale 1.45 p.m=; Mt. Mion 2 p.rn.; and Greenwood at 2.3 pin. Tii. January Clearanc Sale at Young People's L"gue at Green- ýDewland'a store, Wbitby, will be atél wood, Kinsae and lit. Zion on Friday tended by xa uiner fromn thîs vicih- even1ng. TH1E PILE i .1 * i i 7.40 ý2k i.c00 7d

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