Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Jun 1924, p. 6

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THURSDAY,,. Eigh g THE, AR-CA DE OSHAWA We are showipg bundreils of.very pretty'S.uminer-Drese Made by the Best Dress Houses in Canada, So many ready-to-wear gowns are made« by certain slip shod makers for sale purposes, that. you may get- in wrong. buying thei We bandle only the reliable niakers, such as Northways, Hampton, Roal -Garments and Co-lonial. These r eptbe'aeswho is their garments, perfectly. Their styles are sold. only here for -Oshawa. The materials are Voiles, Ratines, Frotte, Beadora Voiles, Linens,- Palm Beach, Ginghams andý Cotton Crepes. 'Eveyoe edistin ctive bargains every color:in them,;light, dark or medium;'also pretty Ginghanï Porch Dresses from Hampton and> !the Billie Burke firni. r - Blouses are, Very Popular. Again - We sell dozens a day, to be worn with Pleated or Sport Skirts. Materials are Plain- and Embroid- ered -Voiles, Stripe and Plain Broadcéloth, Dimities and Crepe de. Chene. These are all new -and we have a pretty assortment. 0O091FORSET. OUR PRICES ARE LESB TMe TOROITO PRICE8 W. but a' Rest Room for YOD whon you drive overs 1"! A 'k. THOS. MILLER-.& SN ra CosraisM etA. F. 1Unbins(>fl, Mr. Pollard- and sev- Crowii and said that on May 31st she, 1!ived his uiefulne.-,ý a-s a correspond- i C1r l-eea esos ter King saa nle cinfroe eido eramiosethciverN.etwith two other young girls, had at- élit. terecover fwgsa osk~~F .Snli o c(o jite oipoe of> Dr.' tended a bail gaine in Ashburnvi- A Drector. er for hier afhohr rn sbI~asnfrM ~~~~(~D WîItoo' a~ i lnfm,1. . Walls, W. D. Jew~- i e andi there met Beverly wvhorn she (Cniu( froni paeI triy ~ ~ ~ ~ et ýît 0 ot lM. ]adboughit 'n a re-liad known sonie time. She and an- foto ia etidt e ak'-- -- Ili- i j«_ jll# ,Illft 1 ýtePort 4)1111ftho4k- of organization anti other girl went for a car rifle withl iMARRIOT'IIIUBBARD behind thie truck again -but wvas tool - tir rssfor thec )enelit ùf the i3everly and hier 'brother-in-Iaw. A pretty -wedding was soieminized far 'ahead and a collision oceurred. He tfha~,t Ik HLaersh ad evrl gt utofin Wesley Mîethodîst Chiurelh, Toron- wias positîvle that if P.arker hall his zW't ~ ~ ~ o 10 i j t>ýOn l o of James Glendinning the car and went waiking toward to, Jonc twe lv ulie ed1gtso nta fteco 1.-~ ~~~ aînd 1..\. Wals, the symipathv ot home. Shie became alarmed at being- ond daughter of i\lr. Ànd lr.Wm iîghts the accident wouiti not have 1$. 1tj~. ~ Cie s~ain with best mÂshes for out iate and wa.z; afraid to go home.lHubbard, iras united arae to occurred. He didl not think that tfie fwhi.,;-t recovery, after a long iii-,IBeveriy then toid her she couid stay j Mm,. Thomnas M,,arriîtt, son of m anoi cowl i Ights could ho scen at a tlistance on îî ~-.*~ ,- ~ ieIs, V\t1 1 \lpressed and forwarded to with hima if she wanted to. Together Ms V.Mrit oor, o îf nmoreCifan 100 feot whereas the - h:îî <' lot-V g tho Ai.J . lift, of Cannington. thyxent anîf got Beverlv's. car. At 'Rev J. B. Bowles off itiated. Mr. lxfr]ih~vsbea 0 et ¼tlal, lir i- 1 i . ou of* Ml. Poilarti and D.,wsa h ogn Tebrdlaý;1 this point George Parrott, a brother, Bowles aatheogn Tebrd The pavement NI, we ndDiln tiiiiýilig j t> . ;aIi , a strong resol.ution Nvas!met Beverly anti asked wýhere hiS IF-_:wore a gown of ivorv satin ti-i!)rneti thoughit that if 1-nîker had hnd good l-tt oîit jI, îX - t , unanînu earid, expressing con- ter ýwas. .,Beveriy had replied that he, witfi seed pearîs, Si:ow lace andi rose- brakes 'le could have stopped ww-lien hie f7 :Y --i .~ ji>nce in lea-drship of fie Hon.1 diti not know hrse was. This h;Iuds, with tulle ve i and orange blos- - saw hn Or if hie hall turned out Arthr Ni-ihen.andthepolcy o cvdejce à-ai corobrate bvCha-li ý sIms an cariedwhie r.ý;es ad* ntot oetofearth a tat zî(e o th t > he Conserx;iîive party of Canada. Taylor, another brother-in-iaw of the: lily of the vailey. anti wore a pear - pavelitelt tho- collision wouird have I E -wi ttilt~ 001 '~~- On mnotit of Wîî. A. Robins4on, Parrott girl. Miss - Parrott, stiîl giv,- brooch, the gift the groom.Sebn viei Hscrhd te _ t - lx- t ~ ~tiaiîti Dr. 'Ihanchardl,-the Association ing evidence, san1d Beverly ht otvaatenîltiby her sister, -Miss Ethel v ly aîageti, repairs to the extent of t' ~ ~ ~ \Iý wraeîiie- xxlt li vnt on it-fourti endorsing.Hon. G.akdh o go with him, but bath Hubbard, wlio woî ' nue green satin $175 being necessary. , id {îitsli itIgti~mîand î .1.l4iIoxcard Ferguson and his ;Govei-n- taken hem away in the car, andi to- dmss wvith lace trioxmings andclilît 1to Dvd ahwho.adbenrdiî 4ohltilt, Vîii- h o ti ent. gether they stayed in the car Satur- match. Shealso w-mre aý bracelet, the lin Dilling's car, t-nid in bis evidlenî-' icol l' ttî- iî;im las ro- Tlie fohioNwiîg otticors wvere re-elec- iay, Simntay and Mônday Tights, driv- gift of the groom, a nd cnrried pink that after the cal- hati turneti out to- ti îii-gr I I), îtlit oî rted:-Y-President, J. J. Gillespie, Bre- ing during the day. On Sunday she carnations. The tv-o flo-w-e grl, ?ss the tr-uck hie had seen notbing -t ui lt' irlil'tht~<-~î hin vie-pt-sden, W. A Roin- met'her sister at Ciaremont, andi me- Miss Edith Hubbarii andi Miss Audre oe mijor. inIX --î.-ig -son, ('annington; second vice-presi,- fused to go home Nvith hier. This the' Sargent, sister and jtiece of the bride. lis Honor gave judgnient in favio ait-îîl~ -ttl il 2îîe t icI> Am-nt, M S--. an Sap,- Uxbridge; jsistei' corroborateti andl furthem said w,,ore pink csilk with frilîs and rosebud of Parker to the amount of $248 anti ir v' i-et nl ttaldo tto, ~th";--d>vmG. h-' Sundleri.lntl. that in î'eply to her euest to Bever- trimming:-. and wore rings, the gift css ai~fut itDligwa n~tt»tI -til, W~- î~- tly to take ber- sister home he sait ihe1 of thegom anti carriti a basl,(-t of guîlty~ of negligence. W. H. Kennedy' cilti tîik ii t ii- tnt~-- IQL' IZ NNEI< "VICT1ORYY" ouw-oiwen hie got gooti anti rendy. white anti pink sw-eet peas. The groom ,anppt'aredj for the plaintiff... givat a t:tliIi>, 1iii t tîto il 1tI-IZI)AT BUF'FALO) -Went To Oshawa 1'wice was attentietI by '. fHorace Hunter, Oî'tx o e as e veber iii-o- i l Ihi hut e nt ci- Adîînttîrîus Voyage' Ended M~u1aî~ xîandwhere sleit ie groom's gift to i ben1a ia> nt te essions fini:ýhed îl atThurs-' Il - - tm-axx-î-t ail been ho the car, saying tlîey haallof î-uff links. The ushers w\ei-e Me- <u noon. loi t t - - tuit'nd T he -tt- m0, uilci-, 'itr"Which - boon tm> Oslîawatwicc aind caled at isrs. J' Craig anud E. 'Thlomlpsti. The J.N. 'rhîckson of t, e Thi-kson Mo- t tt t - - i .; tîu g -utîatîî îilc> nWi5a.at i eî' 'em'aiwere îrivng around i cLurch --as beautifulv - lecomatet witii tom Salezs, Oshawa, --ý o at arihetiil m- I ti lii't -t ti îtîî ' t, NX'. wa-is î~c y \irc abotut a mile front hem home, anti on signing of the retgister -Miss F11ic loaiem jrowne. 'i-action \wa5c for-tht lit ~ -- ---t >I -~> ih- otii menit, 'iýt iîa, N .YnH, adIit u1 a onn h ett heGlepe fWibetsn of the ilegai driving cf a miotor car -ih Ix c un-o î >1 tii' ieui ni ~ -t in luriiliareutiîci'ar>esttue omne of lbeirsisici' afterthe car i~n t ride, sanz "M.%v Wo-'<(i." wa h rpryo hc'nMt of 1!~~, - 'o tiliýÎand îthe, other >nIIalhîer-. of is of gas andil hecnme di-iablei in a dlitcbi. heit at fhe home of the briiie's par- The collision'<)ccur-reti soi timie ago î~îii: it-\ai! il 'iiî -î-tîxxs-capedi. . ISesad-e id r'angements tents, The happy ctople left in ti -he n qn -stahn m mn ltiedl\ bondx the brideu- a prospcecttiiveii>-bart i pt>Crss xamnet bD.A. . to oai on-bord1_10 ýien. Cos ex 1 mind b D A.J. ith-santi bat anil rt ei fox ftur. On J. P. Mangan appeareti for the ' hâ- tclî' [ralb.iWih , Of beer. TIiî. ship however, uas Swanson acting for Beveriy, she ad-i their return thtb residle at 'y)51 tiff. D. A. J. S-wanson deferdeti. niii Tg x psit- -- P iv'i toi*11- a le flicrotgu70hoanft >hie nitteîh -he got into the crwtot Crawford S.,Toront--. Jutiment washandled dow-n o),i lotitiii"t - t- t -i -ht.hflihl~ iti>-i ca' -bingaketianti that she bail toIt ~yt- xi lt-t-n i-co- l tît ical-Alein e -hw g oi Oweo ntiset erhoe he oud ayîlwn itiîîiît', t> -miixax iiifliciltie'mvputi-m eveieifli pt utm'o ofo tetahe- car!___ n I tt l'itttttîFuttie *"7ictor'y"e again ptut back into on the rail,.\ay tmacks before an ap- -___ i-'p'ttlî 'uoi, 1t- -M I"i dorî tcks xîitliia -pî-utitg- opeiher.- -Thi-s 'ahn r.. - och .g tai , sothat Bevemiv hal ti i attht Wlu ali-l ht- i - ept ied anti -le -ailetigi nîe'e'akt e to go withIlim' nt Oi O hl t't' ltti ' tti- vt W îhihstiîy hst.that she wouiti not go homne when fit hutitl i ,t i tig ii l'o('<îsgnee on Board suggested such a course tfi hem.T - lb I Ilt l t' 'ttic ti it.ha i-i- \'an hi uyiici. un Oswego, N.Y., Col. Grierson for the Crown. esta-M i'P r11u0 iit-lltt uitttr-Ahi titwmeeip w'as on boardi the' ish the custodyý of the girl, liem ag-rt. I Au ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ba an a îi t"tt Iî:tO ix - arhesteti by'the Fêeeal (tc., andl the affest of Beverly byIi It,~ ~ ~~~~~ia B>aitil i ahtt -u ~'>'iufhalo. 'T'hecarmest amd seizure Mm. Sw'anson subitted wtu he cour t C B 8PI hugi ît t t l ~t t t. ý-r th(-te boat with it7- "w-et" cargo eamie that there hati been no case matde, andl 1h tltttg-tlhit iilONt iîtt x lî-î siadwsmovilig near a "cr-ib"ý quoti a number of Enghlish cases te - imorthit tIi -tih-ihtîig1 i- k toti thei Fetierai otl'icers, aiî'ousýe*i prove his contention. which x,.as- baseul-t________________ au-lu- 1lii t. p hut 4c a tut-li- uattenîtion of a coast4guard, wbo on the fact of th'ere liating been no in- i xlet li t\itrossetil rime hopelite c i ini pî'ohibition officers. Witiî ducemc-nt offereil to the girl.- tIt-t!~t t-ji'iti i gim kp-1 ru-g ibts out-the otiicers proceetiet to tbe ('oh. Gmierson repiieti andi hel theî'ei t tF tî i gt~iîtîîuîauîtxuidit -ot whiere thie shaliows hati been seent, -a- evithence of inducement anti <uot- - tht - hîr r ilt orhauj lu i1îtîl with timawn rev~ol vers boardeti the cml caýzc -antI the kw wNNhîchestablish- t lm11wl -ti 1 t 1rIl iîîhv sulit- lx\'i ilt he sihaduows malIe by a ferry for a nian so chargeul. k- H E . O - I-nuîtl- iOt dux" t trt -t boll at. 450 cases of the '700 loatî-te Mgismae ilis helul there tia Il tir ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wr iillîi - it ii- ~ '~ oul iiin toard anti confiscatedl .-officienit evidîence to place Beverit n. i go t:it'-ttu-ti, .tt-l'initci a-,wefi a- titi- boat which ils valuei at biu- trial and committeml hini to the tue ~;L xxe-c'nfrîur tsgtt.lig 'tacptureti out of three that m-'ere he haci elecl il to be trieti. u utîgafizul ou it1i t ,to k-t the boat iin. The automobiles dasheti'- e> Ihio iolr-inpe wixat- o-; soon as it tia' seen that the *~ pvaçr Id .1 a uuîogil tcent 1biat* w as iii the lhanh'mof the police. -om u ictin h tttht'gem-it nitil ,-ttr >1250 Cases 'Missing ______ îi îttsi l-îujhre ii' he î-f-rmei Eaniiiiation of the cmaft revi-aleti A aIIrfit ln- uot ie. n n1e aeîot it Der Sîrt-lnGazeitte d o el A Pla e here- you can stili Iook after o r b sne sa d as e î~etit eolr-hpcfte intitat -be wa s equipped with two ~ Wi-ylaceteen Croice n h-t Wcix~ .tîx afm- - 'td4L4L1 ýiI ntneiioO [ie crew wqiv - Oitî 'jj nz wt - ' a )I'Lu 1oaM ltv nen Cô 1t" iv~u- wîrefloJIl oer rdandI escapeil arrest, whilf- the buines.izumen inthee o towwz un ah ir' u- itf 1 01:11ig. 0'-takeit nto cu-tody anti will be arraign- arpeintemi toeaUâ on somne of the manu-' thechag n tisrîuuiglul~i ehbe'fore a Fetieral Grand Jury, as f aturinr- conors h a- doinz -td %.g i-ag--L ell asý the driver of the automobile, business with the public in generall owu ani T -n opan s ouwhoý it is allegedi, was on the docks andi who figure on such in their annu-I hip- have bq-t-n attIlt'd t tsOutil for the purpose of carrying awv part al expenditures bIut as far' as a skingý t>. ani Sf' îtî nhumaleiti h exi~et ber I- al of the busineýss men for donations< 1.1-'mi itsitksNrt taaiî i-i available of %what becamel is coneerned notbing culti be fartherý leong.u ~ie rii ~abu ~ the. mitutufng 250 e ases. -'f- romiath'e truth 2as it wSS iever di-! iden ~r j' . (i-!ltpe, n ~russed tu- ii'as ýit the desire or inten-j Mx a-i tr.- haJ, attito .SBRNYWTnoFAE of the directorate te do Fnch aj theeveaispeker lat or ABUICON ('ICHARGÉ thing. the-000l pekes.ndiï rThé 0r2'niration is strong fixiancial- A.- o. . $40W oRtail rdI 4, ~ > v andi has a balance on hand at the (flane, gve bref ddrio.~<~<~jbe rlyag24,tate WIurS â__ lero f each year that would compare t G.ner, di veabrieof ai Cf enI r ai r4hnb Police m isrteWllsintevery favorably with any otlier fair hn new(liisý'oi o Fa:t ental %htbvPolce our o Frdayaftr-the* Dominion compratively upeaing. 0Liberal--Coniîervative Ass;oci- neoni, charged with the abduction of1 Now, Mr. Editor when "such an ir-~ Lnd itts object andi purpose, and Y1ya Parrott, Ashburn, and was coin- respoôniible perçoliperQiFts lf in sendinig itd good thîngs for the Con-.nitted for trial, bail beling fixed at in quhmu dlgadut rutfl vë at nthe nw.r future. $4000 items for publication, I would suggcest t druswere made- by N.. <fr$ On Stand that you try to dev1ue SOU', iDt8D kea ,W.-tD. -Wal&, W. (). îEra Parrott, a fifteer-year-.old whereby lie may Ite promoted or Fu-!t r, John Blanchard, D). Br4ce,' i;chool to h stand for the peymnnumwl as»le bau long s4nco out-- For fuli particulars apply to. J. Ne THICKSON, 9Bond Street West, Oshawi, Ont. Je . c.votjr 6 Prince W.eR, DOIDGE9 206 Gerrard Ste East, Toronto.

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