Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Mar 1924, p. 5

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~- -~ TEMJRDÂY, MARCE 20, 1924 _____ Mise Mary Elliott Wisitiiig vill INV1ED To WIIT.BY. j ronized and quit. a substan" a tsu be late Chas. B. Ballard, lot 32, con. reltivs n Trote for a timp- B'Rev. A. M. Iwwi, pester o! King St. vas raised 1<, go toward-th@e purhas "> 8, Wbitbry Tp. Sale at oné e'clock, J. . ~ Amierson, Snd mm Methoddst Churcb bauiseaved a un- of new uniforma and muipment foi aharp. See bills. Wm Maw, auc- HnyS. hty.aninwus invitation from Wbitliy Mefii- the. team for the coming Bessn. Theie tioneer. - -9 UeryStWhtb4odist Church to bècome pâstor there at1pi .L vinners in the. Eachre snd Tuesday, Mardi 25. -Auction nile Mr. Ronald Hall, o! Belleville, spent thi e lo!of1the. preseut coelference- Whist, wbich was held in the Council O! farIji stock and implements, thie the week-end with hie parents here. ,Year. Chamber, ver.: Eucbre, Ladies, MI!s. PrPry e! BlIch Bros., lot 32,-con. -Thursday, March 27th-Choir con- *....Martin Gouldburn; gents, Mr'. ]ton W by -one and one-hal! miles cert in St. Andrew's Chuch. Goo IM JACKÂ BOLToIq, A.L.C.M. Northam; Whist Ladies, Mme. F'ar- w;ezt cf Ashburn. Sale at one o'clock. program at 8 . Refreshments at 10 (Associte. ef Loun College, ington; gents, Luther Badley. sharp. Wm. Maw, anctioneer. -38 o'clok. Besure en atend. R40:ER.gOlaud) N excellent music for the dancers up- sale, of farm stock,thprpty'> Mr. and M"e. Rbert Britton, o!- TEACHER 0FeSINGING y - 'Myrtie Station, sunounce the engStge- pKeit StrU The Club would like te thüani .H.Ple, o 5 broken front ment o! theur only daughter, PhonI . u MFGe 337J Who helped in the entertainiment, and-1Wib Township. Sale at one o'" Irene, te Mr. George E. Wiua* f t.aIse those who patronized it, showlngdoksrp Se bs.W.Mw Myrtle Station. The marriage to a: their -interest in the sporting -actiývi- autone.-39' For Sale--Chevroldt speciîal. ApplY at Jefferies' Shoe Repair Sbop., Cerne te the Rumnmge SalehIn the Ceuncil Chamber on Saturday pan., March 22nd, at 3 oclock. Miss Warnock has re-opened hem dressmaking shop on Colbomne Street,' next doc>r ho Tod's confectionery ptore. Telephone 342. Don't forget.tii. final Whist League, Social o! the season te b. held Mon- day, March 24th. Whist,-refreshments, prograffime. Bicycles- New and Rebuit. OdI wheels taken in exchnge. W. J. Luke. --~41l Jno. A. Hallett o! the third coures- sien has sold his fan» to Messrs.j Loach and Ballard, o! Toronto. !I'.1 W., . P atton, wIho ias conducted a tgrecery businmess here for the past three&years, on Brock Street north, succeeding E. M. Deveèrell, bas dispos- ted o! Mis biusiness te, B. W. Eaton, e! Hepeler,wh takes full charge to- dy. Mr. Pattn sud family will con- I uete reside in tewn for the pros- ent. Mi'. Patton hopes that ail Mis fer- mer customers will patronize the new proprietor sud enjoy the same cordlai relations that they have had with Mim in the past three years. Mr., Patton wishes ho express Mis thanks te 'hie many friendsý for their patronage in the past. $15,000.00 available for Ffrst Mort- gage Loans on farmn preperty, close te Whitby Rates, reasonable. Applyli WfE ARE 'GiViNMie speciai attention to Repairing of ,Watches Now Is the lime to bave youir watch put la cood shape. We Cao give you prompt end satisfactory s ervi1c'e. Alil work'donc on -the premises hy our two.. skilied workmen. Esthnaios Furnlshod When!Oosirod, andj ail Work Guarantood. je me. IIic ks lE WELER First Clua sWatçl, Repairlno. BROOK STREET WHITBV Mr'. D. J. Mulvihili, of!. Rathburn, * ho spent corne weeks in Whihby last year, inctalling Burnal appliances on furnuces in homes and business places bas recently iuetalled a system. în the Wsest Ward. echool ah Omillia, with en- htirely cati nete7 recuIts, according te, the Orlla papej~ Hand sewn shoe, repaire. Ail work 'guaranteed ah Jefferies'. - Arthur W. Lynde, teacher of sig- ing. Studio at reuidence of Mrs. G. fM. Wallace, Green Street. Phono 86, or write P. O. Box 159.-tf. Don't forget the fluai Whist League a 1iàlo! the season te b. held Mon- daMarch 24hh. Whist, refreshments, programme. On Saturday, March 15, an auction saie of fumniture and real estatee tho property o! W. D. Agg, PortWhty vas held. The futniture alkE>t-usl good prices, but A;cd ' va as minable te selI the" ' ý "' net coming V» &. - emerve b d. (me' e! tue beet auction sales heid in this district for soe time, hook place on Tuesday, 'when, on W. J. Rl- lett's farm adjoîning the town, stock and implements were sold. 1h vas ah- teuded by a largo crewd o! people, and ight from the shart, when Auctioneer Maw put up the firet article, bidding -was iively. 10 herses and 74 head e! cathie were seld lbesides other stock sud a largei quantity o! implememihe. The total receipte fmom the sale iver:e $5574. the Town Hall, Beaverton, on Thurs- day, March 27th, 1924. Ail those interegted in the conitruc- tion and -maintenance o! llighways are iuvlteckto attend. D. .1. Kean, Ceunty Road Suph., & Engin'r. Whitby, Ont. WALTERS' FRIDAY AND SATIJR- DAY 98e - SPEC IALS 58 in. ai! yood Homespun dress geods ah 98c.1 3% yds.Anderson Gingham for 98c. Ribbed and plain silk lisie hose in blaci:, sponge, grey, fawn and black:, 98c pair. 36 in. Scotch Plaid, dress goods, 3 yds. for 98c. D. &-A. Corseta ah 98c. Men's ai ywoo cashmere socka, 2 pr. for 98ê. SLadies'. colored silk and wool hose, seconde, 2 p r. for 98c. ,j.Plain. black: cashinere hose, - reg. 36 in. white cotton reg. 30c, 4 yds. for 98c. 72 lu. white tabling, reg. $1.50 for 98c. March 21 and 22. BROCK STREET HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB. The Brock Street Homne and Schooi, Club held their monthly ýmeeting on Wednesday, March l2th, ln the scheol M'ise Bain, the epealoer o! the oven-j ing, gave a very interesting and help- 1 MONEY TO LOAN Fimat Mortgage Loans arranged on improeved tewn propertX. Rates rea- sonable. Aise First Momrtgages pur- chased. AIl business tmeated strçtly confidential. Insurance arranged. Phone 26U., J. Ai. Rogers.' WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The monthly 'Meeting o! the Wo- men's -Instihute wiii be heid in the Gouncil Chamber on Friday afternoon the 2lsh mest., ah three o'clock, viieni Miss - Winifred Hutchisen, B,A.i Na-1 tional Immigration and Trawaiers' Aid1 Secretamy, wili give su address, tell-1 mng in detail somethiuig o! the romnance1 o! International Immigration womk,' particularly' as it touches us hoe in, Canada. A cordial invitation is given aIl the ladies o! the town and vicin- ity te come and hçar Miss Hutchisoni speak on this vihâl and intereshingl subject. Mme. G. A. Ross, conveiner i o! cemmittee in charge. Mme. L.* .W* Dudley, Pros.; Miss I. McCiellan, Sec: retary.1 EGGS FOR SALE Barred Rock eggs, bred te lay, $1,00 I a setting.. Apply phono 280. -t!. BIR17HS TOD.-In Winnipog, on Saturday,. lst Mareh, 1924, to Mm. and Mrs. Deoug- 1 las Ted, a son (Douglas Faim-" banks). St LIVIN&STOdNE-In Whitby, on St urday, Match 15, ho Mm. and Mme. lI Donald Livingstone-,a daugIhter.j SALE REGISTER. of 200 pairs of boots, -sheeës,- and rub- bers, the property of Mark Brignail, te seil ath Ms shop, Kinsale, Ont. Ev- erything goos. go refund. No ex- change. Sale at 2 o'clock sharp. Terrns cash. Win. Maw, auetioneer. See buis. Wednesday, Apnil 2nd- Auctien sale o! comfortable fraine house, 3-41 acre cf land, the property o! the M- tate o! the late Win. Hobbs, Brooklin, int 'Good stablè, well, and- cistern, frut dniving mare, buggy, cutter, hamnse, robe, lawn mower, wheelbar- row, lunber, yîumnber of hens, forks, tools, many other articles. Sale at 1 1.30 o'clock sharp. Terme, chattels cash. Property full particulars nmade known at tinie of sale. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. * Thursday, April 3rd-Auctioni sale of good 'general purpose homoes, regis- tered and high grade cattie, impie. ments, etc., the property o! John A. jHallett, lot 33, con. 3, Tp. cf Whitby. Sale at one o'clock sharp. See buis. 1 Wm. Maw, auctioneer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS -Notice is'hereby given that ail per- son§ having claims against the estate ofJAMES ARNOLD CONNOR, latel ofthe Town cf Whitby in the Couuty, 10f'Outanie, who died on or about the 24th day cf December, 1923, are me- quired ho forward their dlaims,, duly preven, te the uudersiguod, on or be- for the 3lst day cf Mardi, 1924. AND NOTICE is !urther given.that after the said date, the PUBLIC TRUSTEE will proceed ho distnibute the estate, having regard only te such dlaims as ho shahl thon have had notice. Dated ah Toronto, this 2Oth day of Thursday, March 20-Auction sale Febi'uary, 1924. --- - o! farm stock. and implements, tue K. W. -Wright, propertý o! H. C. Bradley, lot 23,, con. Public Trustee, 7 hty Township, ene mile nomth e! Osgoode Hall, Brooklin. Sale ah 12.30 e'ciock 8 Jp -3 Toronto. Friday, March 21.-Auction sale of !arm stock and implements, the prop-t To Rent, For Sale, -Etc. erty o! Chas. F. MacGrotty, lot 25, IWNE con. Broken Front, Whitby. Sale ah jNTE 1.30 o'clock, sharp.WmMauc Second Mortgage Mouey on local tioneer. W-.Mw -8improved Whitby property. Small Satuday Mach 2nd-CrditU amouint o! good secunity, high inherest. tien sale o! !arm stock and impie-OntC,îPornewriteJ.AIRoesWhty mente, tue property; o! the estate o!f n. hn 6J t FOR SALE When the Landlord Rm'4sed the Rent '41 never do ha've a u, e "Core wth m.&Bd sru cure your dlacontent," sugg«ed a viaiting nurse 09 - the National smtarlum Assoclation. Tb7visitel a humble Uttle home. The motiier va«struggllng te uup- the guakkafopiU.l.Ur Comaump- Lit, vwas not resy. It became traglo vwhen the rent vaà doubled. Hopeless despair lookel heom her brown oyes. Three ptirs of chlldlab ayewatching, io sommSumething te iike ovez» baby lps quiver. 'But therel» wl ua milo, aml theI babies esmlled too. "I muauIt CexaPlai. He's getting bettt..r mnyway. fBe write, lt's won-derful up there-Its saved his lite.91 And the brewn oye, were a prayer. "1've Just got te help." exclaimed an enthuslastlc young porion' as she and the nurse walked down the road. Contributionis may be sent to 'Hon. W. A. Charlton 223 College Street, Toronto, DunasStftt Wiiby -t- heHom. ndScoolClb f ui nn Un Ion n1L14, giviiig miaws Duda Sret.Whtb. t! TeHoe ndSeoo Cube!Kigof healhh and the necessity o! obey-P Mi'. and Mrs. A. C. Macphe-soiâ and Street School held a St. Patrick's tea ighs as o etrcutcin dauhte Doôty, f Trotokpýntandi ale cf home-made cooklng in th taly and physically. UÃŽsBî sEd-AFw ffù u t d~ugte Drohy f ornt, petCouncil Chamber Iast Friday afterm'dee a vr me Iss0-Bains ofU 8TDIg î thie week end in town. ,, - ducon h was weîî sud appreciated by - noo., t ws Wil atrnizd n e-1te others poet Doit't f orget- the final Whist I.eague sulted lu the raisiug of uearI Y $62.00. Following a musical selection- Mrs. S cfia l or he ason t. ie hel<l Mon- Thîis moIîèy wil be used in-purchasing iW.Watson gave a paper ou "Healthy VALUES day, Mar-ch 2lIth. Whist, ref'reshmént.s. »ýclîairs for the Assembly Hall cf the j hlrnDon't' Just Happen," which pt-ogranmme. chool. Cooking and' candy were on i1hîde sae da flsh pend made an interest- asvritestg.UT BL FO LE . Shees repa;iicîl whiile -ou_%wait a t j ing f'eatuî-e for the childi'en. Teawias the aents re skeBte enFmOR Jeffei-ics'. ~~soi-yd during the afternoôu to a go1 h etmetnAnlOh Carof çîtitî~ ~e~lpoitatoos (Irish! ly patronage. The club Nish to thankI- - _____ Ctbberi rou ilirooksiueFrîdlfrte r yheaiyc-operation. Miss HOUSES FOR SALE Whith,:i, hbeeîi loadîe'l for Rennie cwel will address the uext î'egular! See oui' list ôf desirable homes for Sed Cc0., Tro-oîito. ineeOtIig sale -on page four. Dykesg & Rogers,i Winter Caught Whitefish ...18C. lb. Mr. ansIMri-> A. E. Luke and. childi 1 The annual eanvass of the Victorian' Real Estate, Insurnce, . Goverumènt;iRdSlosied.. ..1e b roln, ctf j( l 11ou j 1ville visited for a fe\ Nter of Nur.ses ivili be held on'Tues-,' Bond, Dealers, Dundas St. E., Whitby, RdSlosie....1e b das ii uc. tîtefo-e' a di.ýic Ont., Phone 268j. I i M-. ametIl 111c. J.ormer.,; J lien t Nlr h e u25. eSaeU~JWhele or Haif Salmon ......16c. lb.' MisBnX- f h ig eol e r the D.sjniees of the Lje'Aid of! ENCAMPMENT AT HOME. iLargo Haddies ...... .... .. 15c. lb.' sÇta« of PaU. rl.ndl formerly er tes. l'-ibýenacle, îim the Cov.ncil Chaii-n- On Fridav night last Whitby En+- Brunswick Sardines . .4 tis for 25e.- WhtlîYH!t: jI[.Pit the wleek-endj ber on ,S,-turtly-ah ý o'clock, March 22.' ;ampent fL9Ã"F. h'êld their annual Mcrn rSbget,2pg.2e Be s,'rç,vouattend the concert-t Mr.Geor-ge Caruîack, who has heen dIei au-pîce-s cf the choir'df St. A -to he fomni o! a banquet with a pro- F eodNwZaan hee3e b inTot-oliteo <hîiing the wlnter months., reî Church, on Thursday, 'Marcn grani, followed by' n dance. Thcst.;Fn l e ela' hee3e b wa ~ A intw hswe making ai-- 27th. at S o'clock. Goodprg-m t present were the members o! the En- Tod's Hot CrosRniia ranvneuîs.tusmoesone of l'or S. Dainty refresuetsa10occk campmiexit and -their friends, and ail O OaBnPia 0.dz h(D«jj)jj heexpeenjeyed a very p leasant evening. The I____ hcweîoldefl'cts.She xpecs terS tos ethe '4Rebecca Brandi" was mai th~refera yar hil he 50<1The option lists for the Wib respouded te by Mrst CG. -Kerr, D.D.G. Will i' ttendug sclio' Horticultural Society were sent eut P.; to the "S,'ubordinate Branch," by lW . 0IGL G last w'eek t-o nembers aud others. F11' E. J. Goodmnan, Oshawa, D.D.G.M.; ho 0 tP I G E C a 'oui vour list at once aud seud it te the "Enceampuiiient," by. G. Bunker, jPOE3 'tihe Skimetarv, W. G. Augustus, Mary Oshawa, D.DG. Patriarch. The toasts POE3 St., Phono 71W. were intereper -d by vocal soies Jeaqarte o Ofn eTue. day, 'aM h o t% a Is. Miîceî 1. Heard, Mtrs. HadMo-ee o S o teV.O.N. Committees will under- wat, aud Mr. -Sid Erskine, who sang Choice Groceriest humorous songs. After the 'banquet tfke heir axînuaThecasfordl iicept5' there was a dance te nmsic providedi WHITBY9 ONTARIO Wintor caught White Eîsh, fothrwokThcrdarephn bv Rainni&'s Orchestra. -ISclb.and liberal supportgvon-them- on ail- ocain nbete oanticipate * the sainie degree o! suce se as lias iIRELD ST. PA4TRICK'SDAN-CE Siiced Salmon, par lb. 18cé been achieved fornmely, and a splen reWlb aebl lbhl did result le hop)ed for. TeWib aeaiCu il Extra Speclal ' successful and enjoyabie dance, euchre and whist in the Towrn Hall sud Coum-- Frosh Sea Herring, BUIESDSC!IUD cil Chaniber on St. Patrick's Night. S O ' 1 0 , , USNSSI)SSNTj UD Botentertanneas e Wi' eil pat- S OP lE L o 3 Ibo. for 25C. XuR S. Abernethy, Who forthe _________________ Large Fat Haddie. This store is packad from front to baci: with the boat groce riesa at moderato prioe. lie prume 2ilà& 24 sula udJa Cou I lu et IusTe. Lis V.MokerI WbIIbv COL pa.s7t wo years hue coniducted a clean-~ ing, prempgingsd tailoring business in town, held an auction sale o! store fixturesîWt. Saturday evening, when ail articles, including a smail stiocko! ciothiag, were disposed of. -Mr. Aber- netby, who has been iunii health lat- ly, bas gene th Ms home in Campbeli- ford. W.j -4 FR-ASER DIES AT OTTAWA A. foererresident of Wltby <ied ah Oh w%%a last Thursday in the p«.- son of W. XFrmspr, in Ms 77th jea. Fer many years Mr. sud Mm Fraiser lved lu Whitby, n eewukw t ere, beng atv eb f* Pre.syterian u ML AS YeersNPgothey dlsposed o hbefr r dame on B= ektust meuh, te Mr. J. (entear, and mov.d to Ottawa, viiere tthey have reulded ince hm n. Mr'. Pisser Is suMvvd 1>7 hls videwsad a grovn-up family, aul e! whem rfewe, eut UmrPublie aid 1gh uachsedu- CationluWbitby. îhautmw b'tes' in failng health for som nm re so 801H WARD îRATEPAYERts' ss1 Will hold a public meeting on T'ni daj, uni 20 at 8 P.r.in ili fou discussion of a"Oar ome»e Ev.rybody W*Icoms.* Hen house and hens. Apply F. Mc- lutyre, Whitby. TO LET. Unfurnished mooms to lot ho party vithout encumbrance. Also' electnic l'on* and cord for sale. Apply ho Mme. Fr'ank Mackey, Kingston Road, wiest o! town. FOR SALE. Quanhity o! seed oats, white Apply te Dewart Carruthers, lOSmîl, Whitby. wave. phone -40 NvFOR, SALE OR RENT Nwsix-roomed bungalow on Byron Street, ail cenveniences, ready April let. Apply ho, W. Bunu. --40 FOR SALE lieuse vith water, sewer and eleet- i ig good gardon and lot adjoin- ing Apply H. R. Wilson, Port Whih- by. -391 FOR SAL.E1 A good barn 76x36 feet with hlm-, pers in 1h suitable for biiilding houses. W1 eireasonable. Apply te ýWm. Maw, Whiitby.--eow. 2w. FOR SALE. A brick house 24x32 ft., square plan; aIl modemn conveniences; large corner lot; geod garden, stone fire- place. Iu good state o! nepair. -Two blocks from Four Corners ou the highway. Apply evenings toe H. D. Wilson. I Make Your Own Phonograph * IRecords, on any machine simp]y Ius,. loud needle and sing, whis- *tie or play in horn.. Three* *blank records (6 sides) and complete ,instructions $1.30. .3 eiltyDuImasrt, orontoek ., Wpesty Irnport C.;Toront. G;EO. KIEL PAl NTER & PAPEOHANGER Box 218 WHITBV, ONTARIO* Palmor's Wood Yard BARD, SOFT AND.MIXED WOOD., Ordems left at MaundMr l rware will reeive prompt attention Phone 25 J. HL PALMER WHffBy, ONT. K! LISTEN!.l FîFTY FOUR VEARS IN Tiff COAL BUSINESS 18691870187118721873 18741875187618771878 187918u8811882883 18841885188618871888 189189189118921893 189418MI18618971M9 191419UI191619171918 119192S12119221=2 We're wMot tWrugh yet! 'StIlI goig strongi1 0.1 ln your neit soe.so's supply now 'wbile the price is nght. -W. ecm supply yOU with g"&d, dean, clinkerleet Nul, Stove sud Eg Coal. WIITBY SCRA14TON COAL DEPOT Fm* R. BLOW, ec. IL s. nUllî There are two real big reasons f< an Electrie Washing Machine Second reason first. Becauëe husband eh#'s prctty mura to hav W. have a machine haro now at Cail and se. uis Phones 139 w, Standard Bank: WHETBV, FOR SALE Threq-quarter size white onamoel IMid bedstead with spriug and miattress, in home Igood condition. Price $15. Appiy te' den w Gazette and Chronicie. . Ont. 4 -WA NTED By Young woman, position in store. 9ro lHas had provious experieu'ce: Apply -jj(j S îAdvertiser, Box 419, Whitbv. P.O. conivei FOR ISALE - Quautity' of mixed grisial for seed. Apply W. E. Hobbs, Whi't- Chat by, R. R. No. 1. --40 .,. FOR RENT Small apartment. Convenionces. .Apply R.'N. Bussett. -t! FOR SALE Complote stock o! violine and flît- luge ut very close prices. J. Pool. -tf FOR SALE 300 bus. dlean six -rowed seed Bar- ley; matched team clydesýdale herses; Massey Harris Bluder, 6 ft.,; uew Ma-- sey il hoe dise drill, fertilizer attach- ment. Apply te Levi Ward, on tho promises, lot 24, Con. 4, Whitby or te W. E. N. Sinclair, Oshawa, Ont. The ment Io on the -FOR REN4T: . The 60 acres pasture farm, lot 1, con. 5, thei Pickering, and a quantity of s tove and preo cordwood £or sale at same place. Also to rent 100 acre fa-rm ini 2nd con., north hall lot 33, Whbitby Township, or would rerit house 'and barn separ- ately, if desired. Possession April 1. Apply to F. Mackey, Whitby,. Ont, Herb Wile Propriotor of the business formerly carried on à phone 169 Dun Burns" Cash E t .SPECIALS FOR' O H einz Pure Tomate CatsuWj7 Large botties, reg. 38e. for ...... Smail bottie, reg. 2i8e. fo>r.......... Olpecial, 2 tiensefr .-....lprce tnsf *Corn Syrup, i»n.5lb-tn. reg. 4.5c., spect Pure Cocoa in bulk, reg. 15c. per lb-, for Liptons 'Crimsop Labpl 'Tva, hlack or mnixi lb, special. . . . . . . . . . . unn's Pure Lard, reg. 20c., speial, 2 I Finest Smoked or Pickled I>icnic HIamis, 8 14î. each, reg. 20c. lb., special price Wanted, at o6nce, 100 bags of choice lpotattoe@ Watch our viridowR Saturd(ay ni Saturday nîght Extra special. We are Sole A gents for Nut Kru We willcarry a full linae o Doughnut and Cakes. Aise Nat Krust Bread at 8c Burns" Co Brock St. Il ~J3rown's Stal RECORDS 200 A Coré ne uand the».i agoo( E.Pf- I w- Hallett will hold a clearing sale on Ap- te J. AI.- Rogers, phone 268J. mil 3rd. The sale was made by Ed. Bowman, of. tho Willoughby i'ýrn PRIVAT AE0 IRIIR Agency.One leather couch, 6 leather seahed P. J. Suliîvan, lcensed plumber sudJ dining room chairs,:, oak; one china Linsmîth- Brock street north, Whitby, cabinet,,, oak; oee dining room sèrv- 11nel7-tf. i ng tablýe; 2 brases bods,--prings and phono mattressos; walnu~t diuiug rooni table. 'About thirty members of the Youýng Several odd chairs and tables.- Appty Poople's Unioù of the Baptist Church Mrs. Geo. Cormack,- Dundas St. East, went te Oshawa o'n Monday evoning up-te 4.30 oach day. where they were eutertaineà by the B. Y. P. U. of the Oshawa' Baptist -. Church. The evenlug teck the*foi-m SUMMER PICES ON COAL of a St. Patnick's p rogram, and a I have ehip onts ef ceai. comxng j most enjoyable time was jpent. this week; on'which I will give suni- Keep Thursday, March 27th for the mer prices as' fellows: Steve ceai, concert and social heur lu St. An- 4'15.50 cash with order; $15.75 boeked; drew's Suuday school room,, under the chestnut coal, :$15.75 cash with order;, auspices of the choir. -40 $16.00 beoked; egg coal, -$1525 cash; $15.50 booked. W. E.* Vanstone, 'noie- Mrs. Rosa M. Agg and son Gordon, phone 166 or 39. -39 left for the Old Country to-day, eaul- ing by the C.P.R. stean'ship Mount- ~ ROAD CONFERENCE laurier. Th third annual -cenference for The Ladies' Aid of thé' Tabernacle 1Ceunty Road Foremen, County o! On- are holding a Rummage Sale on Sat- tarie, will be held in the Town Hall, urday ftemneon, March 22ud, in the Port Perry, beglnng at 9.45 a.m., on Côuncil Chambor. Everybody ceme.- Weduesday,_ March 26th, 1924, and in LOCAL HAPPENINOS Mr. Chas. Ros. Port Whitby, left for Sault Ste. Marie on Tuesday. Mr. Rose bas obtained a posiiti*on"there. .Mr. Wliam Jeffery is spending a: few days- with- relatives n Arthur, Ont.1 ReUiable- work boots, $2.98- at Jeif- Misa Mary. Baudet, cf Toronto, spent the. week end wlth her parents at the, Whtby House. Mr'. snd Mrs. AU. Gates, o! Torou- SWee Rýpn4 *V im #à% lwe andb . Theodore 1Ung.- Mrt. andM M. Wm. Downie Ieft on Tii6sday for a two months' .stay un Toronto. Mrs. James Shaw returined to tolwn on, Friday last after spending the -win- tor wlth her son in Toronto. Miss Etina Mowrbray left last week for Gravenhur4-s, where' she has ac- cept a position as Supervisor of Nur- ses in the Hospital. W. H. Kennedy, Barriter, etc. of- fice one door west of Pont Offi.,e, 1 i M 04, 1

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