Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Mar 1924, p. 1

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rliE AND ý-No 37 WLILTBY, ONTARIO, CANADA; -HURS7DAYMAC6,92 OadOa rs Ass,. keconnaiI Protesis ARadiag Wll Lhie issEnean-A Donaion ti Librr tsiiWnSn4 oot-ag fiii A---llJaiUilli 1M5> LadneeN I f Atthmetngofthe Board of Man- Fire Bell TolVer MWay Be Reifleled. The third annual "ais ih"f I AtDomenlof bay Rslto SnoTrit-atrnoicas nulLadies' Night1 A iof agement of the Publie lUbrary held Composite Lodge No. 30, AF. & A.M., on February 22nd, the reasurer --r e- In order to 5trengten* the stand, held last Friday evening in the Ma- ported that hie had received a coln- taken by hiatown east sontc Hall, was attended by a crow d NW taen 1,thiinat iediateeloinsUtulaaDoue an muiaion fromn the Ontario County of Toronto witli regard to the Toronto' sfü wk D eBy thtfleteronisocactad « 101ls' -~ Association enclosang a and Esenintefcofhepo s Seo lB ar was pronounced by th &se present to be cheque for one hundred dollars asatonEsrnintefcofheooi-AIU nP l . one of the most enjoyable so far held. -ESL N gift te the IÀbrary,to assist the Board o Pr oet the Toresent route, ayeve in S.O DUilh The occasion took. the form of a mus- WESEL ND in itthsTwnConcl n onayevnigicali evening, interrupted about ten o'- f RECOMMEND JThe tnembers present expressed passed -a resolution expressing their Gaetan Choce:cloeký by the --scrving of refreshments W!krnolesladi~ ofthe ld Grls'Assoia-te at ecsofdthese few pprjuiofEd Der r,Lasett e kat th cl o nebanquet hall. 'v~a' o he great deligzht and thaulcfulness dsr orcr hi iapoa fi le tionfor Ns urthr prctial mni-residents. The resolution was intro- the Rev. Peter Bryce, Chairman of th the uts ergaein Extràct~ fetaton f ih Asocitions e~5tduced by Mr. Kenny and read as fol- Mothers' Allowance 17ommission ofi music was proyi.ided-%yaBrigg' rc- in the Publie Library,. lows: the Province of Ã"nt-2- a pca jA rslto of thanks and appre- "lWhereas the Council of the Townetn of the local ' of -South by W. Bro. FY W. Jones, Master of H ~~~~~~~~~aog Cthieersltomeiger pca estra. T e a inteladd sa d Co*ie ciation was -passed and the Secretary of Whitby have noticed that attempts Ontarlo was held. gthLdgeloigheade an ) h CougLu TnColte eului to the Assd atipon. hae e fteToreto Escrn ilweay,- Oshawa becoming a city on the Sth,Jfollowed, béfore and afier the ban- Influoza ad CThis a'iq by no-means the first assist- *"Thcbrefc'rc be it rcsoîved that the Ohwàiî ae aWsepaate oarul en ur.i f inuhiegpaoutW- I' funz adGrpp * c teLibrai y Board bas received menbers of the Counicil of the TownOashaand in aces*,. 1-Zèprth adam ers.ncnChie, f o hroo I frors thp Ontario County Old Girls. of %Whitby desire to -record the disap- £rom thé rest of the County- Thenlga sDna Cwn fTrno lS1 tt-rîln ordnary cough* The following list of donations to the proval of the .attempts of a few pre-'too, it will take care cf iitz ýhare of j who has few peer-s as an entertainer, f4cn*sor il ruches the seat Library forms only a part of the ex- judiced residents of -the Townships of- the financial obligatio-s nhî meroain fvriu a thetrubl, "levc ie cug g cellcnt conirnunity work being donc by East Darlington and Whitby to divert! It is gratîfying io ro ht the înlcaatra -i si îcl uppli'-- ctInr( itr ont toi I îh ladiesi: 1911, lot-on wýhich the its route, and to stop its 'construction. Act governing the ~Mr Allowan-, laneous selections, both comie and up 1ý 1,t,1 1 tntewithisandi iii s vl erene-e, $500.00; 1912, Cah Jamc steei reuntras ces is so satisfactoi v t' at little orne-sruhewsat isbt.Tog aituks. A 'J11endi'1 blood E pitoBad$00;11,$5.;prainbtenTonoand th change will be mnade in its w'orkings callcd on for a viery full program, Mr. w'-'1lngtnic for both 111 P.0 1915, $150.00; 1917 Town. of W%ýhitby, electric service is a4 during the present session of our leg-!Cowan showed his abilitv byve an lIwho take ît regularly. ~ ro0i 1919 $100.00; 1921,,$100.00; ncccssity for the further development iscIature. failing to <reate the desired effect. Ili _____ - 1e 922 100.00; 1923, $100.00,, a grand and grocwth of the towni, and copies We cannot ask for space to give de- Jbscmenmes ekp h u Prce- Itotal of m650.00. of this be forwarded to Hon. McKen- tails, but think some qf the eutstancd- - ence in continuai roars of laughter. -Be.ides ail this the Old Girls' As- zie King and to Sir Henry Thornton ing -facts wili be of interesiteyor On the prograîn aiso, contributing. srori;0î¼în bas pro-videdl the funds for and Mr. E,-W.'Oliver.?' readers. several nuînbcrs each ,%-ere the (Coi- P the liew f'loor on the stage at the Town In connection with the resoîutio n tePoiciiJnay 94 oieQatte ess .W x(c S'150' phl.4rig har oi$1M n 39626.00 w'as expended în Allow- E d. Bow-nian, J. M. Short an~d F.XW t.ll U GI Ii stge8.00; Nol3ew dcai or a MrI. linny spoke briefly. It hardlv 1ances. We havent thie exact figures: Evans. M.Nrs. T. L. Rowe, w-ho pleased! i Let sae 3.Q.'op oudhodin h ohrMo'sh for9, but about one million and a' the audience with bier vocal solos;', star, t sag $5.0.Hoe oud oowîk heotertonshaf orthe entirc vÀ,rk. Melvin Wotteri, of Oshawa, boy so P on i. ~~'ieo Associations war work includ- to the extent pf having the fine divert- Byti proiaevfurtPshrao r .Celo iliit aa >ruggst a d & îtiin~ ent or 12nd attaion d to the old C.NJL. The railway imust and homes werc assisted. Ip these phone Quartette, menibers of theci_______ ~tatone ~ beunoa mrîe maîngbasis, a b ornes wî,uld be four tbousand imothers chestra. Aîîil lastly, this' publie spirited As- tddottuhaylrenb f- or guardians and.'tw i husn An interesting feature cf'the even-1 'BV, ONTARIO -ojîi, is paying over te, the Whit- 4 side cf Port 1-ope. However the s~it- ld oren cut n aur ing was a lîresentation te W. Bro. F. yv Solliers.Ç' Memorial Fundul $155 .00.!'uaî is one te be vicwed with î nou wncunylaJnur 1924 W. Jeones and Mrs. Jenes, on the oc- AnmI the end- is net yet, for' the 1adte an hud aeeeyam 1$1475.00 was expended in Allowanccs. casion of the second anniversarv cf Ldo-now propose te furnisbi the tien possible te prevent it. Ftheya 93aot$7 00-ternarae auditori iii the basetinent cf the Revilww'suaodal beT.hrough this forty-five homes were bandsomie bouqIuet cf ros~es,, and W. i orh o otc. il aterzeMlk .AtBye Jones, w-ho is the Master of Ccin- ii iOne othier matteil otyof-oie Wi atu'z ik Before theAct.:enohrad posite .Lodge, a specialîr deigned IThe îîo boxes and urns for fiowcrs, Mr. J. H. Lavin wrote the Ccuncil cbjîdren, having lest'the br-ead winiier,, jewel ( ?) cf office. The presentation' ~at -the P'ost Office have been admîrcd i-ia regard tàa pasteurizing milk as fol- would have been rriercile,-s3ly thrown w-as nmaue by R. W. Bro. A. T. I awler, D ~~~by cîtiznits for years; itheybave gî'eat- 1 îows. eisa patt at on their own res-ources. The banquet was serve(l in unique 1 l beatified the appearance cf the, Il" intcnd toisa ln ops- -Some May ask, "«How i-Z this money'sye al~n -P R E jpublic building and the main corner. j curize milk; aise te manufacture ice rased? aThecontyraifronoeth.fohf uab ly atet <These -have^ been provided and cared - cream and sell'wholesale. I wiîî emn. the Province the other haif, and ail,and in frboon f cch i spla t-h AXI SERVICE for by the Ontario County 01-d Girls'iploy six to ien hands and the plant co)sts cf administration., talenua a box, on thicontwnas:rîni s'll coiaabou .eventhousand dollars Your board is wflinîgand glad tte d a omeusndt ing ethe ondt e in There maythesechboxeY!th equuestswifoundsthethe plant i nue 90,WH TBV Thee my b rnch ther worthy eeup, ilîa h ln give any help or informiation within lunches, skilfully arrangcd under the me 2909 WHIT13 rpublic woc done by this Association, WVhitby if any reasonable -arrange- their power.dietoofB.W.F aenLap but these are sufficient te menit a'ments'are made re pasteurization cof Too, we wish te say, that those dis- di-r -seti ncfBo W. F.Haren eaphf word -of acknowledgment and f pub- rilk."- pensing the Att say do se with the Yea-ms tey n vlis w'r n ec Ibox ais and these added to the fun. lic coinmnendation, froni ail of the citi-î Thi.s communication was referred'to greatest care and vgîlance; but only After the banquet, the toast te "TPle i me ~3U _CARS j zens, w hio are, every ene, reapîng the1 the Board of Health for their consid- temtesai .adaso h King" w-as proposed by W. Bro. F. W.i i brrnefit tif the uiiselfish work and Pat-. eration. ch-rncncrwl: îh h eo oncs. "The' 'Ladiès"l was proposed yN -riotîsm #)f these %wemein- nhe wSe Line Crosng. it deserves. W. Bro. G.M. Gocdfellow and tespond- - L ~ IAs heBoad o Rilwy omms- For the-present, tI'e board for South e d, te on behaîf of- the ladies, by W. 1 muEvwuuwuguj - -sioners ha&~ notilled the town that the e members Bte ndr igu- A.Hutchison, ar-4 tfte guess te Bal ~n u'<~ iflieu jquestion of the'B- eLine subwyW.I. . PrePny; journed te the louproomWe a towould cm pfor tthecosiprograMmMacom was w aa ttng in Toronto a w "ek au-a, , lbert" "'içW ty i~~~~~~~1à '41 ~ i J E 0~ as the ,towitwwprt:ncu&.aîves were -____ L iît..lame <i ~nt~i'roéepng - u'nabe te be represented Oi -aecunt of >~~'fh~ IR I U k Tiis)aiOE "~l Club -wa-- held in 4-he Fire ceîved from them. The letter came ,.-An&lqfI ajtooir htyth tr.- ommat6,wsre f1' Haly on Monday -evenîng for iL4. ur-~ through the Canadian National Rail-1- M .p Wi>rk Ou~~ sntqd of rganiziî-g anýd making ljiansways, from thé office of the Superin- G& ve Song'Service'a yDeeni d oa WorkGps#. ist«d- forthecorring year. The meeting tendent, J. D. McMillan. It follows: -Nas an enthusia9tic one and from all uDealing with the resolution pass- The menibers of the Whitby War indications Whitby wiIl have a bump-J by the municipality of Whitby on Jan- St. Anrew's Church was filled onnVe ntsClhe r Rollns ied h er- year se f ar as basebail is concern-tuary 24th, which requested.the Board s on nams on the aeteonor R-oile )fpubli e eeto o fier eut of Railway Commssioners te have the the song service given by the choir. 2lst, and -..,de three additions, te- dheRalecaioCompany consîder the quei- The entire service was most enjoyable. i'stlier with a oigof those naines tlaaponPn oftRKERowng tien of divorting the Base Line road Prier te the singing of each hymîî, thiealed puisd. thaaso e theRKER ive f theh alownd as ta* f rey p oving hI hs l o e AX S RVCEHon. Presidonts - Mayor Bassett, aleng the northaide of the right of paster, Rev. E. Turkington, teld bnief-ldecided te pemmanontly close the listt doreKin. foe cmprie naiHnes will th e )ne 29% WORitby 'President-Francis Melntyre. - hoconsidered in Toronto on February vey. In his sermon,-Mr. Turkungton' 1ce on the Whitby Memorial. 1 Vice President-Wm. Correli. 21st, but representatives frein your dealt with the value of- -musie in the M=eîran G. Bailey......... 2nd Bn. Secretary-M. K. Kenny. j4ewn were unablé te ho present on ac- service of praise. Ho said he b.liev- Wilfred L. Bancroft..... .. 38th Bn.g @OE Treasurer--C. -Quinton. count of the blockade. and the Pca ed tat evryon shoid endavoqr to+ý Phoue 0 - br ugh p at Oshawa and it was de-1 D icm .ian JFrancis A. MacGrotty.116th Bn.1S cided te appoint the head ùïmpire at j ut.1a"MBro ....2 d ORI WIIITB3Y each gaine frein eut of- tewn while To the communication the clerk,. af- The re<luest was referred te the Fin-, J.Innin McClellan........th n th bseumir hould -ho appointed iter conferring wth the MyrNeie ne omte.' .AtailRer cilliva...R~M _________________from the -home town. -This was forî statingý that the>' wouid icave the date A letter and plan Was received fromiln He. eill....5th C.M.R. W - the purpose of cutting clown expenses.i with tlhe Superintendent, andi pointmng Messrs. R. Beckley and H. C-ompten, Clln . r ............ R.F.C. w u Each town k te farward the naines of out that the>' did net mention the asking Council te change the location Victor 0. Porson.......4th Bn.L two umpires. The group titis year 1- question of diversion, but on the con of- a -street running te the gravel pit Arleigh C. Rîe .... ... -.... 2nd Bn. tcensist of six teains, W~hitby, Osh- trr wanted.te apah th - -t beionging te Mr. Coinpton north of the William H. Stark.......... 2nd Bn. W u aw a Red Sox Oshawa M orB w th -an open mmnd and te adopt what- C.P.R. tracks. This was referred te theEretSoe .....2dBn MLON M E-ON manrîll, Orono and Port Hope. h ever s agreèd uon by ahl parties con- Streets Comittee.Ton GordH.nei. anone ........6t.CL YDERTAKERS wa appointed the membèr o f the!Hgwy erty, Fire and Light and Relief Com hal-H William L .... .....24th Bn. wu mWhitbv exCl.utiete w~a trnewtteCofe. O mittees all presented their reports.Wikso .. .4hCM.RI Thi'î e.uie s rm t epre se The Suwa i de"iwa 180The Relief report showed that only J Th umire frin hity, ho' - Te Dparinet o Ilghwys Ise$11-50 had been expended on relief i naines will ho sent in te the execu- wrote in regard te the subway under since the last meeting. Suffer$ Sl ajj< I tie ae Seve- BaggandGeoge theC.PR.-racks on the Kingston read An additional report on the town '1 Iro . east, which is - unfit for pedestujan bell çwàs:presented by the Fire and0i Th It was moved by C. Lavery and sec-:, traffkc, 'whieh inatter was te ho consid- Light Committee. The>' had asked H. Acting for Mrs. Ida Levine, of Wl-ut- Th se e nded by W. Moore, that- a letter of iered at lte Board of COMMissioners Wilkins, contracter, who has had con- by, D. A. J. Swanson. of Oshawa, last IVEn IUAK Ion<iolence should be sent te MTr. Wn. -.hearîng aise. - The text of the letter siderable expe-rience hanging holîs, te week issued a writ for $10,000 <lai-' WUUCoi-i-cii, the vice-president. on h wsa follows: look over the present location of the gages agaînst Max*Lifchi tz, of Toron- Jdeath of bis mother.' "We received from the Board of- town bell and make a report, whicb bete. Mrs. Levine's counsel alleges Inat r goo<I quallty, ceut The secretary was instructed te get-i RailwaY Comn-issioners information did as follows:, the defendant Lifchitz eut and woundi-" F etoVe lengthS. in touch with the town council in Te- that your Coui>cil bad applied te, the Repor on ire BeI ed her, causing wounds frein 'hîch gard te charging admission te the Board for a hearing respecting the sebsntytrcvrdadwih ompt diellvery; esimers, and -aise te get' permission to - subway on the Provincial Highway in . "I. find that present results of thesh a e e eoee n .hc ise the park.. The grunds commttee the easteriy limits ofthétb town in or-rngn of the hellr naifceyJwl esl npraetdmg u aord on-ha -. %as appointed te consiqt 'of Stevej der that the safety eft edestrians for the foliowîng resens: disfiguIrement. t Ba Quntn.F. 'Cnnr E cùldhohru-5 t te - of i'. The aIl-steel structure of the s.Lvn- had ,been livini 'in Tor- - Brwa, C.eQio. O'Ce Cn or. .B olow t e board t h tenino oot frsm ie Frto er 0%IaGo Cnor o Bo h orx e a h fec tgonigteprier te 'November ef, las-t year sýhe d8tra~ For Sais and M. Kenny. « We attended st the Sessions ofthte sound sud of coniderabiy decreasing had been empleyed as a dornestic lnt TIL -"he cenimittee appomnted ta o b lBoard in the City al on the 2st:n the range. The vibrations ef the su-tLichitz5 housebeld, 55 Vanauley St., afttr the sale of membershîp tickets 1Stant, and were advised hy the Sece-porstructure around the bell conIfuse oot.I oiecor nTrnoW.e Steveuts ermaî>' cear tnes.last week she stated that ahe hd met Conner sud C.Quinton. plication adta yuwudnet *p.- 2. Teconstruction o sldplat- Lfbtzo hosre o-N1ene 0 . a____ ____pear h efore the Board st the present foi-m of two-înch plank immediately 24 -,M2p te receive $100 which ho' B ..5. ~-sittings under the bell, ais a platforni eight 1 s «Weloe oens.e té Mark i r eEeet a f.vth bseofth owed hon snd that whiie in convers- "W av onierdl r e ts u renti.bae-ttetien wi-' him ho had drawn a knife D n' E ~pedestrian traffic at the subway and touwr would -mteriaily improvre theltroinhhp- ke ïd lahe hn oioa Atite L* m we find that the wldthb=tw Qn . mat eniii.jhe arms. iàfcbitz lias heen commit- _SE OT abutment& of the - aubway is 24 test 4 I strong reCOiDiRid, _howV«i, ted for trial and is now on bail otf SttD OATS "' '~~ inclies, m dthuieugli the.sub~wa thUat the. bell berehagla rte former ~ eiecamdta fc buhl fN .I Whltby people wers Very otuae m a pavement 20 feet in ssutableloction in the. old wod J" OaC .da. on Wednesdays eaglastin halng that tâiewidthtfor pdestrima k il n oer sbecw he, o _instabrng she va's confined to hosptali boulj, on. MortW . oYd'sa tes <W. would b. pfraaed tsta»a up iotnsrcet theO top soas to eW hom@ -la Whitby., She aise .allegedj jpLaiý#,in areciW at the Ontario vti oicounel ii - ate tihe bell a further frv eL oot.. aï~lifebit: and other mon éuin Làl'Cle&Teconcert haf Wus ion for pdstintramie at Maint, v@uld ho pfrned to submift a sketcin15 Wthy whe i,,tey offered money to - 11114 wtli n adiene wich as nd , wll hve oi M. À.À. rt~this conecti n f called for. s< irwihas HU , m thrillld by thea matarful playlng o « yqtM se. II sa gmrlpo i n h ag-rfm thse gretar Rt a s a W»aih, g ot hells $bat thse suportint beamns __After the. hearing of the.e a s c. w fro itihe wev of e l ctbom»m. . Mot MuîD I1 cAu roisonsaM M&.t. cheCk tii.dou- refused te leave the. courtuntil g-e ttvrcmItdf oiecutMs a D.bnss mmd Lait, a bis l.. ~ ~ wadtndecy ouid by the. umofettihe prdtectl of epolic, sygtu tepiainof tiiesawusgratIy aM- from beng ameimero thtieÂaUocMla.. iurveing tforWMIM&she stWllfeaed Litchiti would "tete js>yi. by thom promut. 1o1ýa" udaak for thse «anl fe& (Coi*tiawd ona pfge 2) ber.j (J .GOOnnuLow & SONO orStock Tal re, f ind we have a nuir Of -broken uines in oo0ts, and Sho Iavy Ruiler:, Spats, I h WiIl be -Greatly R ta Make Roorn for PRING --G 1,5SHOÙE' SI -Retallers of Good Shoes. - REPAIRING. 151 -W Brock St. South,, aunrars Hardi :ÃŽEN THE OHIEAPEST - ALWAYS THE We have a. complete sto< NORMLE SKAýTES HOCKEY STICKS SHIN PADS9 KNI Extra C~harge for puttlng on IBO hâve T0IfOHAPPY I 1ANCES 7/Bell ed &à- aw'g 1Weather Stre~ Building Paper (tai' and il RoofIng-i, 2 a 'red D. -Maundi a (seoeserte W. M. Pflomge Seda ere'd te ail parts et te t. ~SPECIAi8. *dless Raisins, per lb., 0106e Ourrants, per lb. i-. go Prunes, per lb., [p Top Jam, 4 lb. glass, a .ybelle Tea, per lb., ire Lard, -Der lb., )tatoes, per bag,- i' Apples, per peck,' lhite Beans, rape Fru it, banish Onions, PATION, 1ph one.9 WLEN T= mson of Lent is now here, and' hand always &a full stock of esh and -Smoked' This is also the season for AfARPdALADE 3-Ibs. fo-r 3 for 3 lbo. for cpect pur firet 1*hiipment of Oranges t-hisi week. forget that we have an whioh We boan our custon HOF 0F000 - e e c -LAý

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