Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Mar 1923, p. 5

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THMuneD, X.C ,12 Dàa.non Rings &E' have just reoeived a number-ofz Diam- ýnds, mounted' in the sry newest delligne. W. niake a speoialty f high qualîty and guar-- ntee every atone to ho s repreoented. TPhese we have prioedr ery reasotiable at $[5,00 5 20*00 $25-00 $35.00, ý50.00 -$15000 [ay wC 81h0w you thèese. Ilà I ii k Jewcler and Opticlan- irst Class Watch Repslrîng. LOCAL HAPPENINOS* Ition la rogardel as beng quite mer- Arthur W. Lyntie, teseher of sing- Ilng. Studio$, ».hdas 'St. Wett. Pliome 118, or write P. 0. Box SOS5-4f. W. H. Kennedy, BarTister, etc. Of- fice one door Wtest of Post Office, Dundas Street, Whitby- -t!. Do you keep a dog? If so goat once and see the Town Treasurer and get a tag. lisnd sewn shoe repaire,,att lowest prices at Jefios' Sheet Repair 'W.orks, next door to Burns' Grocery. served. Ai l ldes and gentlemen of uv w the congregation are inv1tet Silver 8. collection at door for those who bave IIAV lueitjt Receive, not received amail aprons. Those who have receivêd aprobs please bring in Progesvei Al or, send in by somie one.Y BEAR IN MINI).Ca ,o i O ýOO I England Hall,'nWdea next, April 4th. Social, goud Music"; program an7d refreshmient.s. Admis-1 ehv 4pnetTU hnls sion 30e., iluigwrtx er ehv eostTn hges body welcoxue. IPariod .Slate Surfaced Roofiog -Un Rois. THR4E HOURS' SERVICE ,Mr. Albert Momr has purchased Re1 T .A.W1h ! i ans the frame residence on John Street, e.TG.AWrgtoAlSan owned by Miss A. lsalop and former- Church, Whitby, lias been invited to ly owned and oecupied by the late ndtti.hrehos'eri aS. John Cooper. M~r. Moore'% son, Frank Stephen's hrj Ton, on Good Mooesa w77ocuJ the thr-ee hours o! da*ness during the houe.Saviour's crcifixion, commencing at On Fridmy a#rnoon a sale o! worlc 12 o'clock noon, and ending at 3 pmn and home cosofring 'as held b1r thç- It iueludes seven addresses on our Kethoditt Tabernbele Ladie' Aid th Lord'. seven last sayingÈ from the the Sunday Schoôl rooju,, Iu addit1iu Cros. to ýhe sale, afteràbon tea waa seryled, '-- and at six o'do* a hot supper «wSfi LIVE AND LET LIVE PRICES. provîded, snd mniiy availed thonisl'- Orml spoue n h ves 0f the oand lremnained. Orml spone ne h The sftern 81e ta er. mont ont samitsry conditions, We Invite gratif'ying to the"ULdies' Aid. isetofo u ar Bt aul ties W a d Ia untimU nili,#l..k Misa Chas,,a. returned misionary to the forelgneinl- Alberta, wili, be present sud spemk st~ the Easter Sun- day- mornin# servke.April 1st, in the Methodist Taboracle, lu the lnteregs of the Women's Missîonary Society. Miss Chase rocently addressed a con- gregation in Simncoe Street Methodist Church, Oshawa, and was much ap- preciated. *Thursday, April 5, 8 - p.ai., Third Union -Missionary meeting in Baptist Church. Subject "China"' Speaker, IRev, Dr. G. E. Hartwell, thirty years fmissigaary in Province o! Szchuan, now on furloùgh. Oply survivîng mem- ber of the First. Contingent, of which the other miembers were* Dr. V. C. Hart, Dr.'. L. Kilborn and Dr. D. W. Stevenson. Dr. Hartwell tells an in- teresting stor.y in a very intefesting way. Our customers are réminded that the Gazette and Chronicle Office will' be closed, as will other business places, to-morrow, ood Friday. This office will also be.closed, Saturday, in order to give the staff the full benefit o! the Easter week-end. Watch for further announcement of the Rummage Sale to be held in the Council Chamber on April 1911i, undèx the. management of the Samaritan -Committee of the V.O.N. Donations of second hand 'clothing, pictu-res, old furnitut-e, etc., will be thankfully re- *ceived. Parcels may be left at the hmerofWils.o hnr rsJ.JomsonnMr. home Wlon rs JohnJ. J.OmsonnoMr. elays are dangerous. Don't foiget tby your dog tag. Mr. W. J. Devitt,_ of .Hatiipton, han 'ou get superier quality workinan. purchased fromn- J. W. Bateman, the il ntletter service at Jeffrios': residettee on Duadas Street., at-"Ha- ,e lZepa.ir Works. - 1inmars' Corners," just we t o! W. B. !Pringlt's. Mr. Devitt an~ aiywl 1J. Sjilivan, licensed plumber and inove to Whitby about Avr aiil lsWin rn1ith,' llrock street north, Whitby, hosropaired by modern" methods. ne 1174tf. -I Skcill wormanship and best leather.ý liss AmiyIlIislop), daughter o! Mr.!Jeff'ries, Shoe Repair Specialist.* 1Mýrs. Johin islop, College St., Th dtriineep o.1ter entered the Toronto General Hes- sThe editNwois la recito! a lne te d ad tain. ig î nus-thé local l'ire tfrigade. As the anme r't4o the orýter was not appnded the eo! Mia. Robert Barnes, Tues- Lrecessary, of course, that the writer's Apri1 S3H. iAdmission,35c. -401naine be pub i,ýhe#, but the editor îniust have it for his own information 'e Daviidsoti 1Mjotor Co: will hold a before' the letter can be inserted- in itiotor show on, Satureday, April 7~,i'tper WilNec e"kn- ch1 et ukrssu frflIpr ly communicate with thig office._ Ir.ChalesLitne, wîl ' t wrk There is is a great opportunity Ir.Chrle Lntnrwhie t wrkfor some builder in Whitby at theý he Onitario lHospfital, last Thurs- present time týo do a little speculatien bketwo fingers o! îsletand build houseif for reating or sale. d,~~~~~~~ anii1osqenl wyfq Real estate deniers in town are daily enîl'oymnent for a while.I turning away maay, people anxbous to ýet your Dog Tag -from the Town! rent or buy homes in Whltby, but they asu re r 1rom pty and avoîi furtiier, are net obtainable. Most o! the ap- s.j plicants are fromn Oshawa, -but mauy ho oglarx1eetngof . , Nr-are fromn more distant points. But wil he lat the hoe of0.n rc e real estate-deniers are flot the Ail 3rhedat thephme -uf-only ofles deluged gby home seekers, , Apil r& a 3 an.for nover bas the Gazette and Chron- ave 50 'per cent. on your shoe re. icle been 80 busy answering urgent s.ý- Jeffrios' soles wear twice aà requests for houses for ront or sale. 4as the'-so-called choap repairer. ,.,, ,. . 1.. -1 1 ýr. N. P. Williams, driver o! thoe union Express C.'. nig, has been ble te attend te his work for the few days on sceount o! his su!- rîg froîn inflamnmatory rheunia- iatceh next week's Issue 'for a fl era o! the big 'moter show at Davidson Motor Ct,'s garage next urday, April 7th. r. A. W'. Jackson has purchasedi nu MNs. C. %Raven, (ho ten-roomedi ne houso, and twe lots.on the cor-, o! Keith St. and Brock St.,.southi ýh Town Park. Bfore Mr. Jnck-i takes possession (ho house wil roniderably renovated,' r. James Mu' ooe Î s seriously-ill at homne on ('olborne Street. Mr. ro underwent an operation a* auwa Hospitali ecently. but ha. net vered his heaith, and his -coadi- -SAVE3 t is good econiomy to buy arunedgtrt by the-' dozeru, 'ou not (o-ily fiuud it very onýIVenIeuIlt but you will effeci a saviflg as well. OIE Sý1.35 pet dozai '[AS,1.45-par don. rONiSES, 1 .50pe de '[118 15.a tic '[ASIES.164 a tic -baIu, <1588 ths Sla@ Fb.a NI ker The- Brocok St Himeand School' Club held a meeting last Thursday ai- ternoon lu the achool. Aithough the meeting wus not well a±tended it was quîte Inter.stng. The Home and Sehool Club la taldng steps te better equip the sehool along the Uines o! soport, aud bas, purchuoed basebal outftts !or the. beys suad a play side at $70, ulmlar to that In Lakeside Park, -O*hawa, vhich providts plenty o! amusement for thekIdddies. Dele- i gates were almo appointed te attend the Home aud School section o! the Ontarie Eduwational -Association, which meets'lu Toronto during the Easter holldays j - TEAMING. IAil kinda of tesrnlng, on shortest notice, Exeavating s specialty. Es-1 ive n. Ton ears eince n Toronto. R. Le., .undas St, eut of G. T.RILcroalg. -f CARD 0F TRANKS Mr. and'Mns. William Hopper wish te *& thak their friends and neighbors fo in teseen a nd s ,h hndr EASTER VACATIONjTIMEvaca rcb24-81 WEEK Uanoh 2. tion trip urcha -e >urticket reuîr- 'Thé Consumors Opportunlty1 mentsand mrake ail reservatiens fromi J. D. Fluker, Grand Trank Uptowa Stock up your shelves at tho follow- Ticket Agent. For rates and, al in- nlopres formation phn'. or cal trieBroë>k ing wpie: cm nhny St. phne 36 reidece,276 ,Canned foods always tei hny St.,phon 36,resieace 276 Standard Canned Corn, 2 for 25e or 'e-$145 dozen. ý COM ING-EYESIGHT SPECLALIST I tandard Canned Peas, 2 for 2.5c, or Do your eyos tire? Do You, notice: $1.45 doz. Iany change in your vision? If soScn-ý Standard Caaned fomatoes, 15c, or Inuit Dr. F. E. Lizke, Optomnetniat, of $L75 do?- 167 Yonge st, Toronto, *bco wlfl b. aI Fancy hand-packed Tomatoos (Sun- A. H. Allln's drug store, Wltby, oni set brand), 2 for 35c or $1.90 doz Tuesday, April Srd. GlamueserW 2 Cans choice Plums, 1 tan choîce ed enly If requlred. Pears, 1 can choie. Peaches, 1 eau MIOTOR SHOW I-7 Cans Camnpbell's Assorted Soupýs for $1.00., On Saturday, April ?Çii, tho David- 1Heînz Sphaghetti, 23e. ïSon Motor Co., Ltd., ane holding their Clark's Pork & Beanas, No. 2 size, 2 annu.si Moter Show. 'Io latent niod- for &5c; $1»90dms els of McLsughln-Buk, Oidsmobiie, Ail prices o! canned foods alnash and Overiand cars i wlU beon the floor. Ibis vesk Next week the prograinofo the day"s Corne in and vo vil sort you up a proceedingt vil! b. pbliàed. doses et anylhlng y=u chou.. SOCIL. W. ooYKIULê W. Thero will beaoa ! o v4shà béid P-U t iu tho Pariah Rail, 4AUISita' Cu rel, under îhe auspim ife<Parish Gulld, Hesdqusrtru for on WeduM.d A sI4* at-S8 pmu l. Orocoi. Good prersm bet ave boen arrangeâ for. flofreshansm*'-wk jb. WHITBY* fONTARIO J [G public One, Two andl-Three Ply Rooflng ln Rois. Uteavy Asphait Shea ting ln Rois. Wall Board, Plain or Oak Finish. $esure and get our prices on Roofing. Poualry Fence as Iow ln price as Light Poultry Netting. We havre* It 36;1n., 48 I., 60 Un and 72 Un. hiah. Farm Fence Un'ail styles, anid will meet any Toronto Price on same.. Be sure and cali as it will he a pleaure to show the. gooda. Everythint la Hardwarme G1eo. M 0 R Icetl at the Lowest Prices. FOR SALE FOR SALE Kithencabnet tale nd eatr. Good frame hous. in village ofJ Kiythen caie, Mr tabeadae. Brooklin, with good well and cistern.1 Appl toLomx, arySt~Electric lighted., Newly overhauled.1 FOR SALE Apply K. F. Beamis9h, Brooklil, Ont. bouse and property for sale. Apply FOR SALE.t W. H. Kennedy, Barrister, Whitby. Fordson Tractor, double plow and - 'HOUSE WANTED. cultivator, outfit complete, ail in good! Six or seven room house, ail con- running order. Must be sold at once veniences, centrally located, to rent for cash or reasonable terms'. Apply for onef year with option to buy at any to Roy Truil, R. R. 2, Bowmanville.; time. Married couple, no family. Ap-Phn1713-4 ply Box 24, Pickering. ---43. FOR SALE. BULLS FOR -SALE. -Six roorns, brick veneer house, ai A good roan shorthorn bull conveniences. Harwoo.d floors do.own months old; lst prize dam of go stairs. Centrally located. Apply box' milking strain. One good red bul, 8i282. WNE -0 months old. J. W. McCormick, Brook- ATD lin. -1 A large room, down-stairs, heatedi MONEY WANTED. eby coal stove, for middle-aged lady, Party to take second niortgage on!With board, in a private family with good town property. Apply Box 25, middle-nged couple only. Box 279. Gazette Office.-41 TO RENT. EýGGS FOR IIATCHING Haîf acre garden, fail plowed. Ap-1 Pure bred barred rocks, $1.00 per 1ply to Mrs. C. Wilkinson, Coiborne î setting. M. McSweeney, Pine Street, Streét, Whitby. Whitby. WANTED. -- "C U-BA, »U5 IIUK f UU117«I that wîil fot stand city and Govern- ment inspection. Loose milk 8 cents quart. HILLCIIEST DAIRY.- Corner Athol and Peter Stis7" Whitby.j COMING EVENTS TH RSDAÀY EVENING, kPRIL l9th. 1 23-Cantata, "Hiawatjha's Wedd- in Feast" (Coleridge-Taylor), by the choir of the Baptist Church,' as- sisted by niembers of the Methodist, Preshyterian, Al Saints' and St. 11 John's Anglican, and Alrnonds choirs, and other local. and outside -talent. Miss BaIl, of the Ontario Ladies' CollegeÇ -will read, also Mr. Will Ruttan, Tenor of Toronto, wilI sing the solo. HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN to send inotyour option list to the Whitby Hor-1 ticultural- Society ý If so, and you still wish to becomne a rnember, fil it out at once and hand it in to the Sec-: retary. The time lîiit for sending in 1 options was March 28, but the Society! has decide-d to keep the list open forI a few more days so that any who have forgotten may still have a chance to become members and reap the ad- vantage of getting good shrubs, per- ennials, etc., at a much lower cost than you can get them from any cat.e alogue house. Every householder in Whitby spends at leat one dollar every year for shrubs, etc., then why not help the Horticultural Society by spending that dollar with them. Your membership fée of $1.00!entitles you to one dollar's worth of, goods and ai year's subscription to the Canadian Horticulturalist. Join now and encoui- age the Society in its good work- of beautifying the town. TRAFALGAR DAUGHTERS. MEET Monday afternoon the Trafalgari Daughters held their regular xnonthly1 meeting in the College'drawing rooms, the President, Miss Powell, in thel chair. After the minutes of the forni- er meeting had been rend and& passed upon a delightful hôur of Canadian poo~ ws ~erymu-h- n~aei1by, the large number present. Mrs-Robert Thompson read froin Miss Helena Qoleman's "Songs and i( Sonnet." Miss Coleman was a forý-1 mer graduate and teacher o! O.L.C. Miss Fothergill read "She Just Keeps House For Me," ;rom, Jean Blewett's beloved poems;ý Miss Meath erpoem froni Wilson MacDonald; and' Mrs Gray, o! Oshawa, sang a-solo. Mrs. Bascom arranged a book con-1 test which was won by Miss Copelnndc and Mrs. Gray. Afternoon tea was served by Mis Copelànd and Miss Bail. 11IRTRES PASCOE-At thé-V.O.N. Home, Whit- by, on Wednesday, March 28th, to Mr. and'Mrs. Ceeil Pascoe, a daugh- ter. To Rent, For Sale, Etc. FOR SALM. The following articles are still foi sale at the residence of the late Hugh M. Rossý-Walnut Book Case, Bedrooni Suite, Hall 'Rack, Parlor Rocker, 21 Crex Rugs, Pictures, Kitchen Range,1 2 large kitchen tables, 2 amaîl tables, 2 coal seuttles, covered buggy, set of russet harness and miscellaneous ar- ticles. MAID WANTED Maid wanted,- highest wages paid. ROYAL THEATREý Thursday, -Mch. 29, "When Knighthood -Was jin Ftower" "When Knighthood w-as in Flo er" broke ail records for a two days' rua at the Royal Theatre, Bowmanville, and was acclaimed by al, who saw it a truly great picture. Friday -and Safurday' March 30-31 LOIS- WILSON 66Broad Dayllght"- Monday'and Teesdayl APRIL 2nd and 3rd JANE NOVAK "Colleen o! The Fines" Wodnosday and Thursday APRIL 4th and Sth IIROKEN CHAINS" Witlh Coleen Moore, Malcolmu Macgregor,. Claire Windsor and Ernest Torrance. "Broken Chains" is taken fromi the story that won first prize in the Chi- "cage Daily News Scénario contest. This is one o! the greatest mn-elo-, dramas ever made and a picture neyer to ho forgotten. lun Monswoar For Eastor A generous collection of Sprinig andi Fali Overcoats, highéàt grade taîloring, $21 .50 to $25.00. Blue Serge Suits, of exeeptional quality, for $28o50. Bats, Caps, Gloves, Hose, Shirts, Ties, Etc. Genuine Pailiey Si1k Sçarfst, for mon and ladies, Up to $3.25. Pongee Silk Kerchiefs at *1.00.e e-ROY FOWLER- Phone 2160- Whltby's MIenswear Store - Opposite Burns' Groceryj The Rosurroction of Vour Hoalth is a good subject for a lecture at Easter time. The secret lies ia those -ner'ves that conneet witl> the vertebrae of the spinal cord. Chiropractie adjustments re- lieve the presure on those ner- vos and the whole bodly health improves. . Cali and consuit us. IL hU9 sABé tWISOT FOR.s tTwo cows, comaing in on March 28, aIse bull for sale. Apply te Geolrge tCox, R. R. 2, WItl>y. -1 EGOS FOYR RATCHING. Pure bred Barred. Rocks, exhibition1 matings, $5.00 per setting; breý4-o-lay 11 Burns" G SPECIALS 4 tins of Lynxi Valley Sweet Corn for... 3 tins of Gold Medal Peas, 2s, for ...... 4 tins of Lion Br-and Corn, 2s., for .... 3 tins of Gold Medal Tomatees, size 2%,s for . -3 tins of Gold Medal Corn for'............ . 7 tins of Campbell'aSo&rps for ............ Clarke's Pork and-Beans, regular 18e ........ Tiger Salrnçn, 1 lb. tins......... ...... SPECALS FOR RASTER. 2%h ibe. Davies' Breakfast iBacon and 1 doz. ne-w 2 Ibo. of Choice Peamealed Bacon and 1 doz. nem Genuie Smoked Ham, special price........ Finest Cooked Hamn, reg 55c. for ..... ..... Strictly Fresh Eggs 3'A dozen for..... .... Davies' Pure Lard, 6 lbs. for..... ...... ... Sun Maid Seedless Raisins, reg. 20c. each, 15 o2 sale prîce, 3 for .............. Don't fail -to see our Windows and Barg FOR SPECIAL PRICES. Our Terms are Strictly, Cash and Phone 01 Strictly C.O.D. You can save money byspending youir cash ato A foul lini of Mut Kruat Produots ali Biaros', Cash Gr Uurry's Old Stant Pringlels- Phone 169 WhatSh, lWef, Pork, V( We are prepý %vith any kind you 1ay esr /(lualitY and stu We dliverp o 1etownl. Pienie Hamg, per lb ................ .... ... Smoked Hams, haif or' !Iole, pe-r 1b. ,.- . Mapte Leaf akBco mild vitre. per ib. Sweet Pickledi pea'-meal id Back D)at n, per IL Breakfast Bacon, per lb ............ ....... .. PRIM1E BEEF-YOt ,R CHOTUE 0F 4NY C 'T. A YWiJ DES!RE. Prime Rib Ro.ast Beef, ]b .ib....... ........ .. Blac1e Roast Beef per lb............. Chuck Roast Peef, per Ilb. ý.. ..... ..... Shoulder IZçtast Beef, per l1,b .......... ........ Round St.taik,.per lb.......-. ...... ...... ..... Sirloin .Steak, per 1b,............ Rib Hou Bêef, peér lb........ ........ ...... ... Brisket l'ctnt, per lb..... ............ ..... Fresh Beef Liver .............. ......... ..... Browni's Stationery A Sec oui Chlckens, Baskets, Lot us sui Eo * Brown, THIS WEEK Co OKES GI1 SPRING IS We are already to give you a -TI MOTHY -S ALSIKE. CL CORN Compton Early Yellow Prido o! Nlshna 'Yellow Wiaâconuln No. 7 White White Cap Yelow. Dent Improve Lesmlngton Yellow AIl tii.m eeda are highly tested andviili give PHONE 21 Mathion a a Youn'g woman apprentice to 'learn dressmiakîng.. Apply to Miss M. God- frey, Brock St, Whitby. Phone 296. WANTED. A girl for general housework, with sorne knowledge o! plain cooking. No washing. $30.00. References. Mrs. H. H.- Loosemore, 65 Prince Ai thur Avenue, Toronto. ' FOR SALE In village o! Brooklin, house with Isix acres o! land, nearly aew barn with stabling for 2 horses, 3 cows, pigs, and poultry; also driving shed. Coin- fortable house with good cellar. A pot-. tion of-this land suitable for building lot. This property lie.s one block east o! G.T.R. station on east side o! Duke street. Apply to Wni. Prouse on the premises. ,- 1- t! -t Bugl~,new, ýi ~coaveniences,i sir. rooma, half blocSý froni paved rend. Large garden. EaFy ternis. Aipply .W. Bunn. Whitb&. FOR SALE. 20 Yorkshire white pigs, 7 weeks old. Lot 2, rear th con., Pickering.* Don Spencer, Brooklin P. O. WANTEP. - About April lst, a girl, to assist in housework and to milk one cow, at the sumnier home o! Professor Boswell. Reply, stpting wages expected, to Mrs. M. C. Boawell, 321 Jarvis St., To- ronto, and after April Lat at lot 10, con. 1 Pickèring, or Whitby R. R. 1. -41. FOR SALE. 'At the farn of Profesoi1 Boswell, lot 10, con. 1, Pickering. Tp, horses, milk cuva, steers, and calves. -41. FOR SALE.. Quantity o! seed peas, Golden Vine. AlaoqËantlty o! mixed grain. Apply F. G. Hrnis, R. R. 1, Whitby. -40 FOR SALE OR .RENT. New framne house for sale. 5 rooms and- bathroom, ail conveniences. Ap-. ply at Gazette Office -t!. HELP WANTED A cook wanted at thie Houa of -Bd- ugo. ý Apply te tthe Manager, Dr. J. F. Lsvery. LOST Between Whitby and Pickering, rim_ and spare tire (Dunlop). Finder kindly leave at Gazette office or phone 257, and receive reward.

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