Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Jun 1922, p. 5

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1 IL PAMM PUR lauIIs ey Terady .froua olnsof th; amr d rou Tb* Wb.pipti PSa la " *&m71"speetatetu.neIBamd vas ibersi ln bk ad", Pm à @sy.rt ri tI- Unpr a M in U"" smt or tpr mun M»de .l bmh weW lth. resitbeiog Itht taey bave asnte bus aie bàwàm bemrnfed aut magagoeul for. July edüm lut, Doululea Day, for a rmuer- atioof l:wle lthesmpaid the band he.ts tuabu m s,.bmutb Wbilby bus a remlly geoi!bau ~~ osenluMwh atb.y May *eU laka wM be b uled M add Mi é1 1s jso. blopddet >sad deservng -cd ,ULWNE>N libe sppot-cfthe citzenw eaerally.] L 1.SOSIILLO M11 u IIê,s -l 0. Cllordp Liberat -ILP. for THURSDAY, JUNE lut, 1922 EITORIAL COMMENT Wblitby Citisen' Boad moade a m 1ot favorable Impression n l ts firut pub- lic engagement.at Brooklin Spring South UnWaio, hno sied Premier King liait ho in opposed te th. budget proposai vhiciaplaces an- ncreaaed sales Iax on meter ca rs.Et Clifferd dWasthatUme. launjus a diin- atios -agalnast lhe motet induaty by Ibi increa, sad Ibat Oshawa vould h. bard bit. There Ila sot. tue leasa doubt but thal thb. motet Indutry vii experieue a depression If this che~IAMno - CmplteStaul F.O.B. Oshawa-S al«s T«nEta da4 785 <' RE es.cople. ln twauard, naus nov sbmll lo-dnct ocm.- "1* pa ltm ilea lb.evrole sd staMd orf aIl ompruce o017. Ch* G.Wat ai u -t kV3 - k -1k d et"& -SU1 *ias~~~dé te Eon-k1 dm b bm MWam bsaisi.cars. Ciswow lbu a »Iseo.otmbdh«im" ChosWslbu lmsau pa.mdu m es i obm.mt lourd. oe.,v.at lus a maotop. ln*k tbf-a. ape& foewa4plmae cbmmw tbas a vatas gunp mi dom wmbunm ibmà triuhdm. oe.-ami.t lu wkdald Clur b u à»tpla ra OIls ate kcidw a. aMei. rd.ausi ci.a lu a s t n"power-f DÂIDSON MOTOR COÊmle Distrl utprsx«.tedIYOt FRED LANDON of.O. Box2, N EW HOT POI-NT RANGE $85O HOT POINT WATER HEATER 835.00ý Standard Bank, Building, WtIITBY Get. Our Price ,Instaleidopee BLIJE BIRD a ASK FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION.. OPEUfrom'8-amnto 8pm nhe Town Couie bas deaIt with the pro position liaeed before it te lease the groundé of the Dr. Warren property, recent1ÃŽ-purcbased by G. P. Lynd, asa Park, endbasdeclined teo enter imto he= ~ement suggested. It appears teb,~i general cencena- sus of opinion tbat tbree, or even five,. years is tee short a peried for the leasing of ground aiitable for .a park; that if the town is te entertain the idea ef a park in ie centre e f the town, itmut be c 1a basis tUbt would permit ef fti being -a perman- ent acquisition. Tinat keing the case. there would be only one method by, which tis could be accomplished, namely, býy purcbaie of the grounds. Tis, we- believe, t7ie town as a'cor- peration, Is net jat the present tine in a position te ýâo, as the funds ne- cessary, te be rised would mean an unjustifiable incrsase in the tax rate, an increase tbatthe taxpayer is net now prepared toface. Many citizens, heowever, favor îhe idea of securing the grounds as, a war memorial te Wbitby's soldiers vho served. over- seas. This could. lest bo done un-- doubtedly by priv&te subacriptions ameng . the citlzené', and if isuch a seheme were enteïed, we believe but we 'do net be- Hmev that. any proposition te secue, these groundse as a park,- based -on -a plan that will directly affect. the tax- rate, -will be approved. The -Legisature bas iade a amendment te the Muniiipà Act by wich municipalities are enabÃŽed t o held their annual elettions on the first Monday in December instead of at the New Year. .in order te take advan- tage of the new provisions Ceunmcfis deuirous of cbaging theelectiopdate mustr do se hy by-law passed net inter than the fiat -of November. Frequent- sugestion bas been.heard that there might be a better tiine for the anui SHIOEING %and- Gieneral Blacksniitbing Of very ý.Description*, Cheapest- Possible Priées. Brôck 3Stree-Whitb'y iuy M r. U 0O. Cifford, M.P. for SoÙtu Ontarie, bas * regiâtered strongUbjec- tien te tue propesed taxes on lb.-au- temobile. industry as o-utlined ,lu 'tue. budget cf >Hon.-W. S., Fielding' Miu-7 ister *of- Finance. . Tis wcek --t.' lf ford sent 'the .folowing-telegam te Heu. ýW. ,ýM. King, FP .Miutr Hou. W. M. King,: Prime Mimaster,-- Budget-proposa-sas'-Ã"utlned'-,is-1 crùinuating heavily against the auto- mobileiý uistry cAuàing mch' 'un- favorable comment hero. - Dealerf ai- ready csncelliug endors.' Trade .mudu d.iturbed and- upset. Why' .-should Ibis industry be singled eut for sncb specialierastic Ireýalment? I cannotu support budget -with' thoso discrimÃŽn-- ating clauses ini it, 'wbiclu vitally. af- fects tue, largest ludustry in my. con- stituency. The incroase lu- sales lix moots with goneral approval hoe and ail - -parties are wlin opay tueit fait share, but object le a single ludustmy beung specially taxed' over snd aboie othor- induÉtries. Automo0- 'biles long ago ceased te be a, lhxury, and te-day are vety essential te brade, co mmerce and Iransportation. day meply came fmi Premier King, acowlcdglug me-, coipt. of Mt. Clifford's telegram, I he' preier pnomising tbat vetycaeu cosdemation would b. given te Ithe reprosentations made. Speaking- ever tue telephonoetM. -Clifford stated tuaI he was- prepared te stand by his. plodge *made teu oleclors during the ciection campain 'thal ho weuld no t gvinm portt auv:niiasuire tbn-t nnl bA etni. SEPARATE SCHOOQL REPORT,- Sr. iV.-Honors- Mildred Vasele- skyr, 76%; Pass-Robeâ i Stevens 67, Eileen Desmoud 66,.,William Long 66, John Giroux 64; Dorethy. Giroiix.56, Mae Roach '509 Helen O'Connor, 45, Dorotuy Fomester 35. Jr. MV-Kathlen -Bartou 86%7, Boa- sic Sheridani 81,. Dorotuy, - Long 78. as-Fred.,Long 63.. Sm. IIL-Honours, Mary Forester, i1%. Pas--,-CharieGilby '56j_ Nellie Falnn52. J r.- IIL-Honers--Canila- Staffler, 81%, FËranl Steffler !72. Sr. IL- ,OtilIÀ Band, jSteve Sarhnnhsuw Teacher,. Z. Rellis. JTr. -H. -Margaret 5haugbuessy,' Jiminie Shieridan, Tomimie Heàly, Kate Giroun, Mary-*Podvuuski,,Stanley Vas- elsky, jacki FalionS St., L-Wilfred Gitoun. Jr. L-Frank Rosettani, Marie O'Connor, Leo St. Pierre, Mary Bar- toni, John Bratenaki, 'munie PÉodvon- si, Jee Shaughessy. Part L-George Gilby, Jack Forest-, et, Clifferd St. Pierre, Llligin Gilby, Margaret Forester.- Er. Pr.--James Giroun, Cecil inri Primer.- Grace Steffler, Mam Caidorone, Catherine S)augh- ucssy, Helcu Rosettani, Harold Ingles, Leua -CaIderée, Dorotuy.-Filon, Mar- gueriteSt Pierre, Sarah SIcilienr, Juue IngIes,'Mary Mackey, eiy Banidel, -YadwigaWaLsele<wski, Wilie Bandel.' Junier- Primer- Agnes, Sbîngh- nessy,'-Steve;Yacebosld; Willie Falleni, JacileO'Cenneir Julia Vaselesky, Fred Podvinski (bel - Kidergrte Glas -Mary BraI- inski rnie M ceOakey St. SECONI)ARY - EDICATI ON FOR TRE RURAL DISTRCTe- flcfeiloviu8g article eentitled "Secondary Educatien -for -thè Rural Distiits1. is, from tue. pen c -fR.A., HutcisnseeB.jLA= IupecofetPublic Scbeels feothentuuaie. Ih.appear- ail luthe Ontario chol 'Board Jour- ual, vWhlu s publisbed by 1h. Ontario Trustees' and Ralepayèrt Associa- hou.ý -1.r tchsAiulias VetYMndfly perliltd tu 'aticle eb. rcpruuedi Secoudary Edsctiî for«. he raL. Ont- Province lu cmpanatively nev. Masy cf "tueheautiuf ifarms 8tuaI eue ses everywherê ever tue,- eeuntry-ide. vote -virginferests .less tuai a e n- ,t$y,,o, and lt lu oniy in compara- Itvy'ecetlimes tuaItute whoe eunltr y bsbeeme cdeaned-an&} mode mto tue prospero-us rural districts tuaI Wc b ave - o-day. - . Durnugthisdeveloprnentperlodsa Announcemen' .J.JONES, with 35 years êxperienoe in 1he' BUSINESS, has ciPened shop in the Smith Blockc side of Brook 'St., opposite. Mr* John O'Counor's - -hop. General rpisep for Harneau, Collars Top>s,Cuohions and Ourtaîns, inder Ganvais, Truni Club Bage, etc. No-.l"material uoedonail work. noatly and quickly..dons te yqlr satisfaction. C unupeol miy stock. 'No' trouble' te -show goode or pricer.' .PRICES RIGHT.. ___EXTRA- .mEN'PS ý.RiJNNING BOC Go4od:Weight Soles For Frlmday and Saturday $1.45 Nsw --Cash Croci Fancy M'ixed Biscuits-, regular price 35c, for Neilion's Oâhocolate Barst 3 for- Fineet Norwegiag Sardine», 2 for Canada Corn staroh, .3 for PeaMealed Back Bacon, per lb. Davieu Pure Lard, in. bulk, 2 ibs. for Extra spécial, 200-lb.. only Port Perry or Brooklin Creamery Butter,,per,: Fineat Old Chese,per L Lobster Paste., for Sandwiches, 2- tins for Kelloggsý WaxtteCorni Flakes, 3 for 2-Tins ChoiéeCoin andli tinü Standard Peau for .Smoked -or Piôkl.d Pionic Hame, per lb. A fui 'lieus!of Mut Kru st' Produèts aiways t Don't fafi to see our, Windows and Bargain Cou FOR SPECIAL PRICES Our Terns are -Strlctiye Cash and Phone Orders wil You. can Save Mone by spending yoûr Cash at oi Bùrsns' Cash CGroct CUlmya OUd Stand Phone le STOP Frthe tires that wni give yo moSt service, and..most sat cost per mile.- le 88-'., -k 1' Poe2289 tom is not iemwdwm&On Mhle pxd IP-rovins., or l hte i inimu, dý ou aU a a a mtba j laq b li oa sgot iany e , l*u~~la tb cm rb liam msset11% ~per-cer4the tu poddon of tt *Zvaimo fIems at thlii zbms ai lew Y.ar m- bes' teta f romte im fsff..ti n W.~if U siliOf aawmeuiof<tamuoa lb is iiea olied MILNominatiom n o*r ~~i~ c a " y sdit 159 xtrue the qia»y - teC5 o' mnauactured by the i ery bmpdy> Que urgeméf WM(jy7 814-15 Sist lova h ewsWO8àtiS General --os- Crprai . O(h d .uely. h helë M odythruugh prunisitim muérn-is ,ofpeoÎô ae.. louer._#riSeiicars 1k the aevrci.t IiàK tlie0fin fa tsjxi d f theb.Qld' ransd eeleti mea irst lb.. .vez.'uek -to the. Sntry ac mmsu ix th. jurss n ots. large, o! course, pei oent tax on ,li wxgft on race-- IMouday in t&e New Tes. t. h«eus- t O u fzusboum aeub mom dm aevr'aelesit la appredable. A. tracka, taken a itep- tat 7mSts vithla uy IiàpPeuaa thaf. thèsetUo ff vhi erabv ooist al oe r vl .trong prêtent vill .be made tothelb.aiuigt nversal ajprï-al -çxý b ly ffl onmCbzitmù sud Nlew yees luinthe counmnitS -invbiclath1eouy giat i goeee 3tagaat lb. big inoee"se Wc. i ho mele 'dat s !D.Yz. -luthat, event it labeam t.b. Ili. aastseen rnl.slstan u assit-la boumd lthe courues. Pepe via. attend cou- UEcouveuient for rnay peopeto at- On.ur gh scbcols have, #mouéthe be- oompulsory for e te> decress e 15uaiaS 5"d erefore 1cets,: 1th 5Dhockey -games, or ai -tond lthe nomination'héeting -or tgjvnmir, lies prepazàtory smolos.for scout nil las i decreaseprodton. On- cars for ex- mm say, form- cif m gen-ý-a vte on aNew Years DyOW t thewing .. A boy veut to bigla And se, jusl asE Part, however. therela e ncrsWd lle d ~ tà mk i»cotIuincrurn tances arising fromein ué lîi sho eas uIvsaneesr httaesn .islep toward beoombag a lawyer, a doc- viz., proper ,seco taxud ast.he Generai ilion aI Oua- tb thePravince i theway of *a lax. 'days, but when thesê tlays ame other ton, a. preacher or a leadier. ,I1arnmedation and pre au rouceai te CroainsWa hnhudntWgn~vic ahdaYr, 'theTownI of WhUi>y at ot sreVietlier, frein a ftancilIfor Ihese adolesc cars inteuded fer expont, th!& brandi is purely a. amusemeént a"d a "Inn- lhast has,.al*ays found fair intereslst audpont, the, lawyer or thae doctror larger urban cent et^ the undustry viiimot b. affecte&. ury,» ho ltaxed? A t the Woodbine exhibited in municipalaffairs.IV: la shouId b. placd aI lb. top of this UsIdeors te noh-resi There is a greal deal cf anxiety inu S ratack Iast yack ove? font mi-,very doubtful if the a lmance ut teei edutaotpaiisqi.psil teteacher, at the bottoin. As a -e, cies will foliow Oshawa at the presentI lim'eoven Ibis i o olar aswagered on -tue nominationsor thb. vote. at elections Iut. âeal lllawyers are men and Il must b. mir neW tanand Mr. Clifford's iltotest races. -People who bave -money .to..wquld b. anylatter were th. ieeEotistnnely au teachers are w0men. A the Onaio> G< remoesnta practicaily th. unanimous ruak on a race arnot sufenring the date_ changed ,te the flrst Mndy-ie as seldom attended. such a scheol Ibi condition e1 e..o fthte citizens cf Oshawa. least hardship if' the GÃ"vernment Decenmher, with -nominations a ~ s uIho e h eeeabte i.ls eso -T- ~~~talces 5 .pet- cent .ai wbat-tbey 'i.bfr ht .-At Ibal limé oet he. year iamr-mrh, o ehni. lPou.iiOrt e o C ~~And tue surest -Pr6of is that tis in- business- men are preparing. fer .-tue- ur e ducationinTsr- si e1. H Those sho.are sJe are the people m ense. sm m w a s ý iagred by p o l oi a u i e s a d h v e a l m e t the Boar ds f duc ti n1.th a Ta e coiua who should pay.lb. largest proper- atlb. Wofflne in eeweek follow- té spare tbaxa afle r vrsh la ever. towns havýe, in their Wpliies, bad Ibe sarne baSi- wath lion et -taxes Mi lbe tbsn, _inltheuhm- lb. Goverm 9n'sannouncment fW bhave- heard of ne great, dend ]professions only in view au c<ni- errnent and cour ef mpoiUo~f ins If axe f u Wltb fo a hane. he ainquently, until.very recenutIy, any sib - ingh schools. -ofbatehe avily * etueos=Umerxes cin Wiertie'nfoub. é weThe iber Wet -baving aa ehaùical or manual L The countyj ber oohemÃŽ 4 heco m t .c dr" ol ewe-e hr Ulo-hshad ne Place O ur School tributs net only .a -certain comm"cty, tue consumer would b. any edvautge frein t« ue- cuua Apparently Ibis arrange- cating tue county stops buying Ihat commodity alto- fisca viepit uadgte plané-,mient'bas'been satisfacteDrY te Our ru- of the eouaulry'a gethir -et buys ià lu smailer- quanti- ning o! tbp year's fnncsby t- rai people becauseneCemilaunts bave of 1he bigh anad tics. The tan bgo net bindered wag- ting the new Council iute hauss«o'aier- b1)m erd build¶s. --ering on races linthé least-an lu- lier. -Buta g1pent changebas coeeover 3.. HAll gh Sc fallibe preof t.bat nemeslasultering o=_______ - srland. Suddenly, Sud te 'the aaisa» 0bahed.-. lean etet eane f l.-ment- of everyone, ail >1he. aibej These arnen% M& CLIFFORD OPPOSE seedaFys6holshave bos ie d tEe juilas h W*1 q mma INCREASED -MoTOR -TAt. ovenfowùwg vitustudents. Eey (Continueý [lui

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