Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Nov 1921, p. 8

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. E. M. Devérel1 F. G. ErAkin rai visiters from UOshawa we'e, ,t mnd the Past Masters amnong :ook pari iu the.work. RESBYTERIAN 'CHRCH ay services il am. and '7 pi. liy School andi Womeu'5 Bible, at 3-P.M. er service Thursday evenng,l veek) iat 8 o'clock. ili meeting of Ladies' Aid& ati ef Frayer service. Ëglrieetuofhe oen' -WJL-R. W. Bro. A. ÈL Ross LP.M.-W. Bic>. W. M. Pringle. S.W.-R. W. Bic>. G. W. P. Every W.-W--W. Bic>. P. J. Gaie. Trea-W. Bic>. Jos. KlUk Claplain-V. W.. Bro. W. M. Vn Vtlkenbun:h Sec-W. Bic>. J. W. Bateman S. D.-R. W. Bro. A. T. Lawieî J. D.-W. Bre. Geo. Brittc>n S cr usCeai W0 havo on Pea ,, steve- '« bond Nut lEgg Sot and Smltblng coal $310 AgelisaQ. L. & W. sepn nt l Wholonale and Retail. Ordors TakenFor CANNEL GOAL Phone 70 PORT WHUTBV leis- i lod lime For Iatoeior Dooorating Bout'Work- Guarant-eed. JAMES BROOKS, PAISTLR and PAPEIHANGER FERRY ST. (P..box 121) WHITDY WANTED! k.\reliable, çnergetlcsaesag fo ioWhtby ,and=Cuty,atoseU flour WeUilnown FRUIT and ORNAXMN- VLTREES. etc. GOOD py l OLTJS!E terzftory Mmd fr4e i- mnt. 6 00 Acres of Nursery Stock Our agency la valuable for w. ro the trees we seil,- and deliver =1y> Wgh grade stock.- Write 'now for ters, Pr>LHAM NURSERY CO", TORONTO, Ont. - 600 Acres of Nursery ESTABLISHED 40 Y7EÂRS.- -~-<a ~- Il-- t BAPTIST CHURCU. Rèv. J. T. Priest, B.A., Minster. Scialanniversary services wilî be keld rn Sunday, November lSthat 11 am~. and 7 p.m. A special thaukofferiug 1llb U"en at theàe services.' -~Sermon Subjects. "Th~e 'Busy-ness' aud the Busss TIeMan That Would Swallow Htisel!» (children's sermon). elThe Goal of the Seul."* ýAil! are cordially welcome te wor- obp it s Dcxlt send your childien te Sunday School at i n a.ni-RNG TFRM. -- ..... ICanadian Authoîs' Week is from ALL' .AITS CHJjRCH (Anglican) November l9th te 26th, -sud is for Uice Sunday, Novemiber 13th. purpose of displayiug Canadian auth- 8 a,.-Rly Cmmuiomors and inciceasiug fthc sale and circu- 8 sm.-oiyComunin.lation of Canadian books. Miss il ýa.m.-Moruin .g Frayer and Ser- Straiton, the Librarian in charge of m'n the Whitby Public Library-, issues the aP. i-Adult Bible Ciass lu church, following list-of new books by Cana-' other S. S. classes in Parish R1o'Q' 'tlan Authors, ail o! which have been 4.80 p.m.- Brooklij -service, with serm~n o '"Bok o Josua."publishcd this ycar:- 7emoi p.m.-Evelog Pisyciat Ail Author *Titie Sai ,-wih. erni ou "Book <>f lHalborth, P. L. Tiailmakers of the Nehenildah.op 1Duikin, Douglas The otc rthwes Weduesday, November 16-Girls' Logbssi Te mt ckai AuxiIýarY Bazasi in Parish ]Boom be- MKilng..asi Thre mprinsk ginsat 830 .m.,and uppr at5.3 Montgomery, L. M. Rilla o! Ingleside Service, Robet.- Baiiads of a Bo- 7__ hemian & * Ham, Geo. H. Reminiscences of a rrL.i ~AA55RaconteurAL Over with Care They may apply to you. 'Beecham's V' Puis have been, for sev- P nty years, used by thou- sahdcs of people and are to- -day considered very useful in safeguardingy health. JBeecham's Pis help to overcome disorders of the stqmach, liver and bowels, prevent biliousness, con- stipation, indigestion, sick- héadache. .-Thýy keep clear the com- plexion and heip to purify theý blood. Consider well an take e '5 la box«. 2&c.. 50c.' Largest Sale of any'4 Medicine in the World THE TABERNACLE, (Metiiodist> ad4-Gd2à-1"* A Bey. F. H. EowardPastebr. W frrl me Il 1a.mn-MornIrmf-Woranp. - S7 p.ni-E#-enlig Worsbip. mÈs PEESONAJ.MENnON. in dëhn centinued'> -- i"s -he,-M-'or' 'od Tueàday, 8 p:in.-Epwertli League Me.i~of'o Thursdayj, 8 p.in.-Prayer- Servic,. bridge, s tthe *e&nd wl1hh ler - 1~pareuts h=1_e t s. o. E. * Miss R7izel -yartlpd a,,d 'freud,- o - Sussex Lodge S.O.E. held the flsti Tioiro, .isitd l'awi, i. 'of their -social èveninga i the hall onl Mr.-and Mis. -Wai ter-MacCail sent WednesdaY# eveniug lst, Nov. 2ud, the week-end with, relatives lun Toron- when members and their frieucis,Ito and Newmarýet. nuitbering 60,' sat down'te a -Whist MrSH.J.HüIsoI, foriueîly of this. drive. The -frs prize, a haudsome to - th guëst. of Mis. Johnr pipe, was won by Geo. Keil, and th1ee ov**er te eeken.0 consolation. prize by W., Roberts. Re- ' freshmeuts were served, followed by a Mr. C. W.- Scott,> who bas beenlxi bthe Weit on "business for'the pasi msical program of sougs given byf.ew ninhla eund t o W. Harden, W. Daniels, W. Brown C.I rots a etret oi Baker, P. R. Bradbury, ani a musical. Miss'Marie Smith, of MeMaster Un- selection by -J. Ridgley, ail of which iveisity, spent Thanlcsgiving *Holiday were ably assisted by J. Rainnie, at witht lier uncle, .Mr. R. H: Hu1tchison. the piano,. Several applicaticns for1 Mrs.- C.- Q. Frazer, and'.Mis. L. S. membership were îeceived and the ev- Herrou% of Torouto, visited.th'eir sis- ening voted a great success by ail.j ter, Mrs. C. A. Goodfeliow, over -the holiday. Mr. sud Mis. D- P. Haîplu sud Miss Florence HIalpin, of Toronte, speut, a fcw days- with Mi. sud Mis.- Hc rbcrt Wilson; Mr. sud Mis. H. A. Harrison, of To- reuto, spent the week-end with the form.er's parents, Mi. and Mis. F. E. Harrison, Byron St. Mis. F. C. Snmith aud chiîdren, of Toronto, and Mizs. E. N. Granger, and ehiîdren,. mf Scarborro,_ were holday visitors with Mr. snd Mis. James Snmith, Coiborne St. Messrs. J. Bauciel,, C. Clark aud W. Snmith, o! St.,.MichaclZs College, To- ronto, speut the Thliakgiving holiday with the former's parents, Mr. sud Mis. Louis Baudel, of the ýWlitby Blouse. SALE REGISTER. Priday, November il.- Auction sale of furniture, tools, 'etc., the pro- perty o! Mis. Sauford Brown, lot.32, con. 1, 11/ miles west o! Whitby, on Kingston Road. Sale at eue o'clock. Terns cash. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. Monday, November 14.-Auction sale oÈ-h4ày dairy cows, sprixigers aud two st4ck bulîs, the property of Wm. C. Cclok, Myrtle Station. Sale at 1.30 o'clock sharp. Sec bills. Wm.- Maxýv, auctioncer. Tuesday, November 22nd.-Auction sale of high grade Hlstein cows, horses, irnplements, poultry, fced, etc.7 the property of Allen Walkeî, lot 34, con. 9, Whitby Tp., near Dagmar. Sale at 1 o'clock. See bis. Win. Maw, auctioneer. AS19BURN Miln Walkcr -lias ieascd his faim for a herm o! ycars te Phulip Pairott, Pautazzi, Ethel G. Reumainia in Liglit sud Shadow Whilc the last-named book is net a Canadian steiy, its authoress is a' Canadian, who married a Roumnanian IOfficer. It is iuheresting te note that Geo. H. Ham, author of "Reminiscen- ces of a Raconteur," is an old Whitby boy, andl in his newý book ho devotes some sections te Whitby scenes and incidents. Those whe heard "L. M. Montgomery" when she was here, will remeraber lier Iast reading, "Dog -Mundy"l which was taken f rom he r %latest book "Rilla . e! Ingleside." COUNTY COUNCIL--COUNTY 0F QNTARIO The adjourned session o! the Coun- cil o! the Corporaticn o! the County o! Ontario, wiil be hcld ou Tucsday, the 15th day o! November, instant, at the Council Chiamber, Court House, Town of Whitby, at thc heur of two o'ciock lu thc aftcruoon. Ail accounts te be laid before the' Council ihouid be forwarded te the Clcrk, piopcrly ccitiflcd, at least thee days before the meeting of Council. Datcd at Whitby this 7th day of! November, A.D. 1921. p J. E. FAREWELL, county Clerk. WOMAN'S NATIONAL LIBERAL CONSERVATIVE ASS'N. Whitby Branch Auy wouian wiling te campaign toeleect the Touring -Ca r JN mountain regions, along the shores of our countless lakes, through the quiet reaches of the prairie or deep into the pine woods- the Ford Touring Car- makes A Nature's playground accessible. The Ford Touring Car has quite as important a bearing on the practical duties of business and pro- fessionàI hf e. Its serviceability suits every- week day requirement. With 700 Ford Dealers and 3,000 Service Statioxis in Canada, you are assured of prompt, efficient and ever-avAilab1eFord Service.- lt Ford- Motor Company of Canada,* Lhnited W -/ Ford, Ontaro assist in the Goverumen II~ il e .1l- i s'1 z &ARAGE,. FO»DDAL Thos. Li- Ro«We Prop-. 1~ t. st e Dist Am NOW ONAT' 7 Simeoe St. S. A large shipment of the and belst in Ladies' Readyý - to - wear arived yesterday. to cotnpl-)ete Our stocks. whicb were depleted 4y -0our wonderful « bargrains of last week. Skirts $ 9to $6099 Suits $199 to $29.e99 -Dresses to $1-9.99 Coats to $29099 .%j î Corne in any day. You can save- dollars byj' buying your Fali Wearing Apparel hert. Pi anu wiiillUliQ a big dispersion sale of lis faim stock sud imiplements on- Tuesday, November 22ud. He lias ai- MNSE N ...STU edy oebr9 t2ocek u ready nmade arrangements with IITRADMPPSTOR nsaNvme9,t2 cokadN "Biiy" Maw, of Whitby, te take- ROADS .iuvlted some 80 mon to be preseut. s charge e! the selling. r Hon. F. C. Biggs, sud a PartY < o Teatinoftu saeole, The annual Thank Ofcring of thre mcpibers of!the Logisiature, on Octo- Mi.eMorion oflaetIùs haTh loe W.M.S. of Burns Churcli on «Sunday ber 27th, made a tour o! public higli- Mr.st niit, eaaed ta Tme Gobe moring, October 3Oth, was well ah- ways, whuch la worthy of n È6pa cruae y xcagdeupoeso teuded and a most helpful and maspir- -ing of the trip a contemporary says: th ae ompay, wsh know mltee of t ing address given by Mis. Turkiug- The Hon. F. C. Biggs, minister of!he sud spr kowliea f thie ton o! Whitby. Offciing over $40. public works, efficicutly demonstîated trueconditious, adsra as n We are Iosiug a much iespected the. uhiiity o! hua newly censtruched formation because o! resentmnent. Thef neigliber sud friend. Wc refer te public highways Friday, whcn li con- compu ilsufrfs fo hs Mr. Quautz, who is moving te Stouif- ducted s party o! some cigliteen mcm- f riem oniithe ser hve.so! tee ville this week. Hcelias always taken bers of the Provincial Legislature 0£ isro.cd employ te sericsoftes tIc deepest interesh lu the work Of a motor tour which covered some 25 the Sunday School, haklug an active miles of îoad. Mr. Morrison statcd that the com- part wheuever ueedcd, which is great- TIc route haken was threugli West pany's books had ' closed ou October ly appreciated by those iu close touch Hill, Rouge Hill, Dunbanhoi, Picker- 31, sund* reputabi auditers were uow with this splendid woîk, sud oui b-est ing, Whitby, Oshawa, Courtice Coin- workiug on them sud prepariug. a wishes go with hum sud lis familY t ecrs, Bowmauvillc, Newcastle, Newton- statement te be submitted te the an- their new hoer ille, Weicome, Port Hope, Cobourg, nuali meeting, December 13. Untl, TheWonen' Guld et u Wd-Grafton, Wickiow, Coîborue, Brighiten,th adtosha finished their work1 ncsday evening, November 9th, in the Trenton, Belleville, and Shannonville. ne one woiild kuow the exact finan-1 baseument et the Churcli. The party crosscd the Bay o! Quintel-cial position of the, cempany. Therç Choir practicc aise WcdnesdaY bridge into Prince Edward couilty sud. ______________ cvcniug as u.sual. inspected the section e! the highway Mr. sud Mis. F. A. Qakes, Of îcading te Picton. Grimisby, accoîupanied by Mi. sud That such a program couid be car- Mis. Nelson Ashton, spent a !ew days ried eut in eue day was sufficieut The with Mr. sud Mrs. Edward Ashton, proof that the highways in this sec- r P t and Mr. and Mis. Rtobert Heron last tien o! thc province lad chauged eut week. 1o! ail recognition, was the unaninieus ,, 4 jBank, like a:xii ivîduý We otce ises aroryHaig opinion of thc party. CI, AP keeps -in o Lher wcrcXý, Emma Fisher, Ethel sud Pearl Stud- ln ail soîne eighty miles of road lias I S I3Bti a ens daor, om fr ve Tausgiving. been piauted with trees this- year, in m i- h ps al tî Miss Hailett sud Miss Girven were 1mn nteps i-fcnu-, away for over the holiday. 1 Lthei words, some 12,000 trees have -? Farxueî,s Pauýier Quite a few attended Mr. Drury's> been put in, the cost o! this work be-I o r okn o rc meeting in Port er on ensa- ing îoughly $1.25 per trce wheu in the I If yMaar eon fr rac evenng lst. erry Wednsdayground. The trees used are oak, lclMngr eosrt Mr. and Mrs. John Parker aud Mrs. mal adcm. AST- Steele, o! Toronto, spent Thanksgiv- -D,-XI iug with Mr. sud Mis. Gordon Fisher; - PUBLIC MEETINGS or0F Ar aiso Mi. Parker, o! Norwood.- THE J. C. ROCKWELL ""SUNNY SOUTH" COMPANY.' There are few more popular theat- rical attractions on the road than the J. C. Rockweii "'Sunny South" Com- pany, the big coiorcd show,-which isa accompauied by a solo cornet baud and a sympheuy orchestra, whuchf' 1 aneunccd te ap'pear iu the Opera lieuse, W'hitby, Thursday evening, Noven-ber 17th, The "Sunny South," aithough biled urrder its old titie, la, neveitheless, a brand uew perform- ance fnjm the rise te the final fail o! the curtain. This season Mr. Rock- well laÎms ho have the newest, freali- est, most artistic sud thoroughiy equipped colored organization ever sent on tour., He backs hus cdaim and aîîe-shs public attention by presenting a Performance whueh has more orig-! inal ideas sud up-to-the-miuute fea- hures than any similar attraction. As ou its former visit§ it wil b le - !ouud' ho be dleanh o a !auit, sud during the entire performance there is net a hune, au action or an insinuation ho which' exception cau ho haken. The ,fun, w'hich will be handed over the foot- liglits, is ail newi, sud niceds ne arrow ho point the wayto the lauglis. It la bristling withucw, novel sud- enter- taiuiug feahures, sud ih la hum full o! lauglabie situations, charmlug mu- sical nunibers wid excellent vatudevle stunts, of the better css, whuch will niake the audience ait up aud take notice. It is 'a musical show, weddcd ho the rn-ost tuneful muusic one would care ho listen ho, full o! ginger and ife, witî net a duil moment fiomu start ho finish. The. dancing aIl goes with vim suad dash. Jokçea fly !ast-sud furieus nd,,he entiie production la a kaleidoscopic masso! colon and4 muuic- spaikiing with jnonsense The "'Koontewn Parade, a decided Tiovelhy, takes, place at the noon heur. Thc pruces o! admission are 5c sud 80c., amusement hax included. Secure seats eeilyv and avold stand-' ing. They are selling aýt'Âlllu's ding in the interest of HON. WILLIAM SMITH Nationai Liberal-Conservative Can- Ididate for the riding of South Ontario wiil ho held as follows: *November 10-Scugog November li-Cedar Dale November 12-Park ]Road November 14-Whitevale Noveniber 15-Kinsale November 16-Clareniont jNovember li-Seagrave November 18-Greenbank November 21-Utica Noveniber 22-Pickering November 23-Port Perry November 24-Brougham Noveiher 25-Whitby November 29-Brooklin November 30-Oshawa Dr. Jas. Moore, Pres.; J. A. McGib- bon, Secretary. SEES POLITICS IN DR. FARE- WELL'S CRITICISMS. Inl the statements miade by Dr. A. A. Farewell, of Oshawa- Saturday, re- gaîding the financial condition of tbhe IU. F. O. Co-operative Comipany, Ltd., J. J. Morrison sees nothing -but an at- teipt to make politicai capital. Dr. Farewell is a sharehel1der in the com- pany to the extent of 1,000. He has lias caiied an. informail ueeting of the shareholders of the *company, to be held iu the. Caris-Rite Hotel, on Wed- NO Smekine -I puyiu-Ue br juif Swallw a Capside RAZ-MAH lh-Guarantaed te restere normal breathing, stop muc gatherings inthe bo aitubes, gs long nights of quiet sleep; - ontalas » habit-foruxing drug. 81.00 t ist'&'iil froc ah Our agela o LOGALIA61ENrtM E. 1. Odm an .d T. G. WbItfUd; laBrokila, 5. S. Prungu.. were absolutely no grounds for the statement made by Dr. Farewell that' the Company had lost $300,000, saîd Mr. Morrison. "There may be a losa,"Mr., Mocm- son d.eclared, "lif se it 'wiI be tii. tg turne since the eompay Wa" formeé& eight years ago. Should it be dectded flot to pay a divideud, it wil be the. first turne in the company'sa istory,." Our fariner shareholders, and there are sorne 20,000 of thein, cannot be- stampeded so easily," eMr, Morrisun stated. ."They know thus to be part of a political gaine and have, been ex- pecting some inove." R. W. -E. Burnaby, President- of the Canadian Council of Agricultue, and a former.President of.tiie-Co-oper- ative 'Comîpany, ernph-atically' declared that the whole thing 'wasa a poUjtieal dodge. 'tner ai, is '- '-own by t1le conpan'y ii - '.aun.iK -s ca l arac.ter. Liati a.s he IE NAUP.i L4 Ž~N X - TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Whitby Branch: Brooklin Brar.ch: * - - - - C. A. MClIellan, Mamoe H. H. Loosemore, -Manager, Victory Bond Interest War Loan Coupons and Interest Chequesunabe cashd or deposite t ay of our bacu Deposityo= iLr d adintereot liour. SaIvmg parmn 'udELr ueet hm TH11E DOM-INION B ANK WHITBY BRANCH, OSHAWA BRANCH, BROOKUIN BRANCH. G. P. LYND, Manager. C. N. HENRY, Manager. L C. CROSS. Managez. - THE. RESP 'ONSIBILIT IS YOURS ~oeabs.sSud Improve "On1sl s.,but the=. of& a.coutrts ttI e. -mo tbe ufoetg of the fumier luin ut. A" YTUDOING YOUR SHAIIE e. aeglad. te assist a«Y roaponufle. £Um TH JE CAN.ADIAN BANI 0F COMMERCE PAID-UP CPIAL* 5,OOG P3R V ro . :'~5vu - . -. - i - 1-~ 1 CANADIAN BOOKS IN WHITBY LIBRARY. -Oshawa^ ~2 ~L~W WEITBY, ONT -0151- . ýl 1%ý Fi 1 verv nowtiQf . 1 - -00ý J-'l - eýýcw ý' 9w 4- à Sdéty Dep6dt Bomm-umd modum>-

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