Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Nov 1921, p. 4

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-n SW. NOVEMBER 10, 1921. COMMENT In the coming election, the houri] Of polling, instead of belng from aine to -five, as la ususlly the custaiui, are to be froeiaglit te six. Ia your naine on the Votea List? Il it ahould b. and5s noV, the ilsat OP- portunlty is offered by the court of revisic>u te be held xe±t weekas« au- t la interestlflg te, note that the charge in the. Town et Bowmianvflle for ene plain water t&p 1in a reidelice JF3 88.10 per yoar, whereau WIl&by- the charge, umd.r the uew-,schedule, la only $6.00. Thbis la in pite of the tact that the tovuetBon'aOful does net pump a gallon of waters the whole syBtern belug operatesi on the. gtivity principle, whereas i lu dtby the p~urnps are iruunrg daily. witli Ceuequent heavier coet. Telephozie Co. The 5 oAiee ore u 'sgazhxe is nt a uew counresa-lge udapectiqL Ssof a big compBflY, congregation enjoyed thýe- services th BéIl e1ephione ComPaliY, to ie ùt etmtLsAg so AU Saints' C led WkUW ui ch heresidence fas prchsedteb tjhIIý6 bet wrkzee tokno InAllSaints' Anglican churçh èeé o t wbat their feliow ok services aise, partook of the spirit of o etes4'~~tSze* ~c eOêsi n»Lether parts of the territory the 'Thanksgtving season. Rev.- T. G. lis us 1 £OMPetd,.d ~I 'd oig, and by a constant 'inter- A. Wright spoke with reference Wo Mrs., Willcox i il z jetuuWiht~t cha5g* of fdegs, to get the benefit of this at both-services. ntem-orning ie hrfrm~ erM~U th*e buit that is being accomplished ini Holy Commniion~ was celebrated, and ccx was a well-known anid higbly es- at the evening service Mr.- Wright teeMed -titizen -before'bis re1movaI te, the pubic Bervi«ce throughout the coniinued his series of sermons, deal- California. whols Ifid. The end and ain of tis gw "The Book of Nehemîah.", idea la that by jýnaking- the emiployees The services,, both in ýprayer and of the Bell Cortipany more efficient, music, were adapted to Thanksgiving. _WILL HOL» ANNlVERSARY more centented and happy in thieirl The Methodist Taber'iacle' Next Sunday, November l3th, ibathe wor, heyshalI4b bete pufl se- specially appropriate in view1 of occasion of the-Aniýversary services vants ln a task 'of vital importance to, Thanksgiving and, Armistice Day, was cf the Baptist Churcli. Both jnornf 'the commnmîty. the celebration of -Sacrarnent in- the and evening, the services will be spec- IMethodist- Tabernacle. last Sunday ially adapted to, the occasion. This 1morning. It was an appropriate timre will be. the day on which the animal C-n ar t the usual orer . for Thanksgiving.- Rev. F. Il. 'How- thank-offering will be coutributed by thing%ý tkeree is, not a single lawyer ý rwocnute oh evcs took thé members, andthis year n ve .PatticiPating in the electiOn 'camn 24, and in his sérnon laid stress on confidently expeeted to be reached. paign in South Ontario. On the çpn- the f act thàt tW appreciate Christ's at- The choir is preparing special mnusic traiy, aU tluree, candidates are well- titude towards others, ours ought'.Vo and an enjoyable and profitable turne knowu farnera.ý L. O. Cîlfford, Lib- be the saie. There was a very good is anticipated.. Rev. J. T. Priest, the. ý 1. attendance ýwith a large number of pastor, wili preaci., Hefrd ofOsawl, an iarutlioitYof visitors, and rnany remained for the On Tuesday evening, Noveniber 15, Herfod a.tl, udbi rpuatonSacrament whicli followed., the well-known reader and_ character- as a farinerud stock man is not con- Iu the evening, continuing his stud- portrayer, P.ev. H.W,, Piercy, will give fined WO the Ceunty of Otario, but ies in John and preaching from John a presentation of %Ici Arden." Mr., bias spread -ail over the Dominion and 7:21, the Pastor declared that Christ Piercy. is very popular in Whitby, the States.' Wm. Smith, M.P., la a !s Our standard and ideal, a challenge having been greeted.by large audien- stok reeerefman yar' s&n- ousand if we are Vo make good, we ces on his two 'former appearances Mock reeçer o manyyear' st nd-1rust tcllow Him. Solos by W. J. H. here, and the Baptist Church slieuld inge aud he has ia more to do witli Richardson1 and P. L. Beecroft and the be crowded to capacity next Tuesday live stock improvemeut and related excellent music provided by other activities than probably any other members of the choir, appropritn oeeigWha l.Asle os mian in the ceunty. F. M. Chapinan, the tume of Thanksgiving, added te lection wiIl be taken at thý docroi theProresiv Cndiate i a athe beauty of the services. defray expenses. tive of Pickering Township, where lie o0.wns gGrasmere," a prosperous farmh. Mr. Chapinan lias been for Yegrz editor of' the "Farmers' Maga- zine," and has, thus corne ini contact bwith moat of thw big men in the farin- -ing industry. Whatever the resuit of àthe voting on December 6tli, South r th O n etDmnoPalmetbtario.is certain to be repres6.nted *A farier, as befits a constitueucy far-1 j I farned for its live stock and agricul- tural standing.I ptha ôr CLEAttIN09 PRESSING a -nd ALTERUNO Do you want tojibave Yoiur -olothes treated by a Tailor Who Knows How Also have -your new.olothes, either ladies or gents, made where, you ea depend on .Lood- work. Briig them to " os,o phone un and we will zail, and. later deliver tgemn. Je.RRUDNE-V TAILOR-Phofle 189 Neaim Royal Hotel, Brock st. Wèston's Fatnous Bread Fresh E 'ery Day. Once Tried Always tJsed. Quallty Tells,' Price,"The Same as Other Bread. 1'apoitnd oef our Baion. It la differsut. W« wanit your order. Give us a ring. Phone 208. ROSS M IT'Il GROCER EUIot'SOId Stand, Spend yeur mney Only 45 farinera iu the County cf Otario paidan income tax iast year, TANSIIGDYNTH frein whick the total return was les CHCHE than $1000. 'The Uxbridge Journal thinks that thefariners are prosper- oua, but that -the'explanation les, noV At retbyAedlew Church e.Ë in the factsthat they bave evaded tlie AtS. nresChrh1v.E Turkington teck as the subject cf the tax, but in the difficulty of arriving rnornlng service, "The Thankfulness at thé~ actual earninga frein the farM, of Jesus. The thouglits cf the people empecisily whien hey are Vo be separ- were directed ,te euee cf the private atedfren te epenss c tl. frinhabits cf our'Lord, viz.-Thanksgiving. Three exaniples cf hs habit were home. noted: 1, "and Jesus teck the loaves s s s'sand gave thianks.".-Matt. 26:27. Lite, la nmade up cf very erdinary exper- Tme Couuty Ceuucil viii meêt here lenées. t la the. ordinary stars that iixt week for ita regular Novemiber alune upon us, If vo do noV perceive session. Turne vas when c nly two God in the crdinary Vings cf lite, we meetings were héld eacl y ear, iu Jan- havea ,very unhllowed way through uar an jue, ut s te bsi eto life. If we begin our Thanksgiving uar sd Jie bu a Vh bsinss for bread we hall o end there. 2, the Council increased it becarne noces- The seco of the Master's sary te bold a apecial session lu No- praisez Father, God cf v br.-Once initituted, thila "spe- h Thou hast Mid cial" session vas continuedl sn<t no'w le d pru- i. lias becorne a regukar part cf the baLe busthe year'a business. Father al secrets -are not * * ,,,the pe worldly wisdoin, or culture. ~ng te the rusttul The Goeil is -endeavering te se- spirit. ~anks for cbmmon- cure information as teý therncst satis- place things 1îae rntgr factory fire siren that could b. lu- world. Such a habit makes every- staiedfe us lcaly.EIetre sr-thing radiant. 3, Again listen Vo lis staledfor' se ocaly.Elctre sr-Thanksgiving: "Then they teck away ens are in use, but there is serne deubt Vhe stene from the place where the as Vo the real efficency, and if there dead wvas laid. Ani Jesus lifted up is a deiay in complying witli the re- his eyes and said, 'Father, T thank quet rcenly, pesetedbyCitizens, Thee that Thou hast heard me.' ques recnti preente byJohn 11:11: The Master gave thanks askng~er Ie nstllaioncf n dc-bétore the iniacle was wirought. Hie Vric fire ,alîarrn siren, it will be b2 1was se suie ef His Father'that He cause the Council desires te make ab-j gave tnan1,s ýbefore'He called the dead solutely sure that whatever system cf 1 to 1Ufe ag-ain. i-lave we learned the alarm is eventually înstalie(l. is ur'habit. Po Nwe thank hii f oý pow-er and victoiy before the battie starts?! te give satisfaction and is not ln the AiU manuci' of things are promised te nattue cf an experiment. the gratelul, but nothing good te the **ssungrateFut. Thianlksgivin-g is a beau- tifier of the regeinerate seul. Teni Eisewhwre in this issue wiIl be jeepps ee cleansed but only oee found( a list cf bocçs by% Cana<iain heaut.' fied I by returning te give thanks.1 autor tebufoud u te Vhtby,, The subject of evening service was1 authos to e foud in he, Wi . T'ie 1-eai't's Gra-:ttude"-Ps. 116:12)- P~ibi Lbar uY. Qn<hn13. Cliies M. Sheldon asked twei-1 Author)ts' Week it is desired te bring y-live j[)'sons for one reasea for! Vo the attention of patrons of the Li- "Thînl'ý>,iving, an(, it i otyo brary thê vast store cf literature of note tbat net oeewxas thankf ul foir the highest type preduced by Can- mri outward conditions. But such adian authors that is uvailable te book a- "JON tChiti-oief Hpe ý1,hrist, "Love cf Obvrist;" , te. No ievers. Histery, fiction, travel, science., eue can be realiy th:' fui without a in tact, alniost every departinent of; ense of proportion of -values. What, literature has been contributed te by! Nvas the secret cf Paui's cotentment? generatienis ef Canadian writers. Can- "ualhings give thank. i a adias c thepreent ay houl be f ound the essence cf lite, and at the comebeter cquintd.Niththelitheurt cf it stood a Divine Redeemer. coinebette acqainte withthe it "Vs easy te be grateful under blue eraturé of their owý,ncountry. Skies."- "Any miii will grind when * the wind blows."y We -are te bless A fne ew eto fie tuckpasedHlm in all winds and weather. The A fne ew-oto fie tuckpasedbest reVu ru we can make Vo God fer through Whitby iaat week bound fer ee of lits gifts is Vo take a larger Deseýronto, which town lias added it one. "What shall T reuder"-P>"L will Vo iVa >fire fighting equipmeut. This ia take the cup et Salvation." The what Whitby will-require betore Mnay Psalmist takes the best gift on Vhe Lord's table. We eau scceept a larg- more years have passed. The =ucer- er endowment for larger service. tain, system of waiting until a team 1 With an enlarged capital we can ren- of herses is brouglit aliug by the first l'der a greateir service. The way Vo ênterpriing ovuer isunot aiways ast- quicken our obedieuce is Vo deepen our isfactory. Furtliermore, Vthe charge eoin We can keep our vcws by et 9 fr tama~fr eeryfir woldeuriching our communion of $ fo tems or'ver fie wùld At the morning service the choir iu a year erdinariiy b. suficieut Vo reudered au antherny, "Praise. the psy VIe-interest on Vhe cost of a Lord, O Jerusalem!" sud in the even, truck, or uearly so. With paved main ing_ their selection was "lC0in, ye teta 14-Pe truck would make fast thankful people, 0Cme!" inost eve1ry mùuuicipiihity VIe practice bas been Vo place wives and daugli- ters on the lista as-joint owners with- out auy inquiry as Vo whether 'an ac- tue~' title decd cf joint _owuershîp is in existence. Tf hla matter ver. fol- -lovmd Vo ta logical conclusion, it is &de to »Y that méat of Vue vornen w» namea are uow ou the votera' 1ista would loe their franchise.- -'e*. onrý ~pof a cony of"The lpplI$ a nw monthly journal, lèmlà&ma&us4 Vappearace,pub- St. John's, Port WhitbY The Thanksgiv'ing sermon at St. John's was preadhed by Mr. A. J. Goîdring, a student of Wyclife C-' lege. 'Torento, and fct-merly a mxemlber Of St. John's. Mr. Goldriug lias been doing a spiendid work for the past two sumnmers lu Vhe Diocese of IlRup- ert's Land. This vas the first oppe-r- kuuitY since hisreturu, that bis friends lad cf heariu n . > e ba h is sermon on tVhé DIu- grateful lepr l in the ale of their liealing. "Th e prosent generatiena,y hea'aid, "are proue Vo dipIlay muid' et their ingraiýtude." H.li appeaied for, a more thkful sfpbit t odaifor the, Phone 25 OFTIEN THE CÙEAPESI. We have just put in a, complete- stock o.f- These goods guaranteed to be exactly as repreEented or Iw cney ref uncleci. No order too large or too amali for us to handie. ROOFI NG iply Roofing, 2 ply Roofing, 3 ply Roofing, White paint, Green paint,, $1.95 per roll Brown paint, 2.45 per rolBarn paint, 2.95 per roll PAINTS 2.95 per gallon 2.95 per gallon 2.5per galon 2,95 per gallon 1 .95.per gallon 1,.25. per, gallon 4.50 per gallon' 1.95 per gallon 2.95 per gallon FREID 4 D. where it huyg the Most.' ALWYSTHE Grey paint, Slbingle stain, Shellacý, Black Japandryer, ýSpar.Varisih, IF IT IS HARDWARE YOU WANT, WE HAVEIVU. GOODS DELIVURED) TO ALL PARTS 0F THE, TOWN. MAUND WHITBY, ONTARIO

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