New- COMMUNIJ PLATEý TE£SPOON4 tformerly« $9 d now $8,100 per Other'Pigeces in Prop Wehave a Complite Assortment. J.M.Jricks (Suceeésor to R. N. tnnt - ~ ~ o Brc t, WHITBV LOCAL HAPPENINGS The property of the Whitby Fruit & VÃŽnegar Co., Which was te have heen sold by auction last Saturday after- noon, was not offered, owing -to the small attendance. The- V.O.N. are planning a Masquer- ode Party te .be iield Monday evening, October Slat., ln the Town Hall. Keep thi s date ln mimd.' '1Men'is Flanellette -Gowns, special at $1.50, Saturday, October 8th, at Wal- flev. C. H. Shortt, M.A., an A#glican mi ssionary from Japan, preaclred in Ail SaintW" Church here at both ser- vices an-d in St. Thomas' Churchat Bre<>klln on-Sunday last.v -Dr. - Bard, Chh'opractor, W'1 i vht Whitby twice a week. Parties desir- ing adjustm.nts may commnunicate with office at 921 College St., Toronto, or Phone to 275, Whltby. -15 ~Miss l{ilda L4ng ilaulnOshawa Hos- pital,'where she underwent an'opera- tien for appendicitis last week. She* ie convalescing satisfactorily. iP. J. Sullilvan, licensed plumber and tinsnuith, Brock St. N., Whitby--tf. Mr. A. A. Walker-, whlle operatin g a power extractor at hie apiary on Sat- urday morning, had his hand caught betwepùi the boit and drive wheel, and had, bis fingors badly laceratedr Men's ail wool cashmere sox, -ear's pnice '$1.25.- Saturday price. 49e, at -Walters'. last sale1 The regular monthly meeting et bbe North Ward Ratepayers' Association is te be held this evening in the parish -hall of Ail Saints' Church.' Members et the Town Council sud'et the South Ward Ratepayers' Association have accepted invitations te bepresent. NIrs. Fred Cornish is very ilI in Osh- awa HPspital, suffering from typhoid pneunionia. Boys' Ready te Wear Tweed Suits -in unioni and ail wool, $5.90 te $9.90Y at Walters'. * Harold Bell Wright's "Shepherd of the HI-lîs" was shown in moving pic- 'tul'es te a large crowd in the Music. Hall on Monday evening. The story, asý presented on the screen, was great- - W enjeyed. and the pregira, which aise included two reels of other pic- tures, was censidered te -be exception- ally good., %kMnarch Rosc in gray, brown,*navy, wanid black. Sizes 81/ te 10. Regular $1.25 pair, Saturday,, October 8th, 2 -Pair for $1.25 at Walters'. Just As &od" You never hear that lu our store. We don't aay it. We do't have to, because wie carry only the best and: alwaysa full line, iustock. W. give you--jumt what you want and at the Iowest price too.. We do't boie-ve in substituting. The dealer who offers you somothiu-e "just as good "-a substi- tuta.-4s selling et au extra profit, ai y.our-eOxpeuse. We give you what you want wheu you want it.- 500 Ibn* Cholce BLACkTEA a Ibs for $100 Botter'Than Ever. 0, Yeur Boumnesa Friend Wm. IWeeker croce' Phono 0& Whltby, O/0 W. H. Kennedy, Barriater, et, 0f- -ftce one door west of lPost Offe, Dundas Street, Whitby. --«. ed bythé Aeolian Male Qarete i bis roçital 'Vuesday eveplng, October 11thi, ià fortunate i securing J. Earlo SNewton,- on~etofToronto's foremost piaila, as -z1s,-accompanist. The' pro-- grain wi eusa îet e peratic, aacred aud secular nmeriu solo,. duet aud quartette formn. Mr.:-aud Mrs. Elms suad faxnily, et Newmarket, bave . moved te towu sud wMl stay 'with Mrs. E. Richardson, Brock St. oih The regulaer meeting et the Wemeu'r Chistian Teýmperauce thion wil ho held at the homeof- Mrs.'Cba4les Ted, on Wednesdaýy atternoon, Oct. 12th at s S.80 o'clock, Ever memnber is urged to te hoPresent te ýcomplote arrange- - ments for oi winter's work.' I OZ. e Men s edd suite, ail wooil tweed, mohair ahd- silk linings, reg. price* $35 oz. te -$50. Size 34 te 39., Saturday flsae price $17.90, W. G. Walters'.ý crt'o.f Mr. F. L. Beecroft bas taken over the lumber -yard tormerly operated hy Mr. 'R. G'; OIýe, sud w!ill carry it ou under the naine ot the Whitby Lumber Yard. Ho e sïuow prepared te quote prices. Night Classes in dressmaing, car- petY, motor: mechanies, stenorahy an-d Fren<èh begin te-night, Tbur-sday, October th. at the Higli Scheol at 7.30 p.m. Bon Hokea aud bis.orchestra, et Tor- ente, were at the Mîisic Hall here last Friday evening. for a dance, under the management et John Bolten. Noarly bwe hundred people -attended, aud en- joyed the up-te-date music for the dancing, which concluded about one o'clock. Every road is open te the tewn lino on the l2th, the day et the Dickie sale. Mr. Geo. *Knowles, et the Ontario Agricultural College Drainage-Depart- ment, wbo bas been in Whitby for the last three weeks repairing sud-oporat- ing a Buckeye ditching machine fer the Ontario fliospital sud Brookside tarms, bas reburned tô Guelph.- Be sure te hear the wife ef Bishop et Mid-Japan at Ail Saints' S. S. at 8 p.m., on Wednesday, Octeber l2bh,,. Navy blue ail wool serge, tricollette weave, 42-in. wide, wortli $1.75. Sat- urday sale priée 98c. at Walters'. Romanelli & Ce., a troupe et Italia musiciaus, w'ere advertised te give a entertainment in the Music Hall on Saturday evoning last. A very slim atteudanice greeted them, only abeufr thirty-people'turning eut, and-the com- pany departed from tewn iu rather a& dejected mood, although reported te ho a flrst-class orgamizatiou. Beys' Heavy Ribb Worsbed Hose,' reg. $1.50, reduced te 98c. Octeber 8, at Walters', Thie Counby ef Ontario Old Girls- will bold their rogular monthiy meet-, ing on Tuesday, Octeber llth, at 4 p.M., in the auditorium of the Library. Several matters et intorest will ho dis- cussed at this meeting sud a ful-l at- tendance is- requested, net ouly of the présent meinhers, but et suy who de- sire te jein the society. WINNIFRIED V. S'CO1T, A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Theory of -Music Resldence-Euclid Street - Whitby The Whitby Horticultural Society co-operated with others in making beautiful the.-Banquet H-all on Sept. 29th.- The President, Miss M. V. Pow- ell, thanks the contributors, including the following for floral deceratieus fer the plattorms sud guest favors: Rev. J. Fletcher and Miss Fletcher, Mr. Sy- mous, Mrs. Starr (roses), Misp C. Thomson, Mrs. Weddell, Mrs. Boston, Mrs. Mgcîntyre, (J)asd others. -M. V. Powell, President W.H.S.; Maud Aunes, Couvener Press Committee, i. P. Stanr, Convener et Beautification Committee. Satunday specials. at Walters - Ladies' ail wool cashmere* hese in white, heather shades sud black. 'Reg. prices $1.50 te $2.00. Saturday, Oc- toher 8tli, sale price 98c. On Wednesday evening, Octoer 12, Mrs. lober Hamilton, wife et the An- glican Bishop et Mid-Japan wili speak in Al Saints' Panish Hall. The Wompn's Auxiliary et the parish is ar- rangig this i»eetiug, and a cordial invitation is extended te ail those in- terdsted in imissions te ho present. Mrs. Hamiltgn. bas been many years iu the Mission 'field, sud tells ber story of *thie work iu Japan in a very interesting sud- delightful way. Remember the 1 date, Wed. evening, Oct. l2th, at 8 P.m. Ladies? Tweed Suitiugs, ail wool, 54-mn. wide, ouly $1.98 per yard at W4iters'. The Westen Times bas the follow- ing te say eof thé' Aeoliau Maie Qurar- bette, which is te sing at W. C. Rut- tsu's Recital lu the Music Hall uoxt Tuesday evening: "The Aeelian Quar- tette was oeeoe the *best over heard in Westeu. It was a rosi troat, the mus- ical programme that they gave duriug the evoniug. Each.! number was so0 well renderod that the artiste wero called [on for repeated encoes." ARCHBISHOP MeNEILL HERE. At St. Johin's R. C. Churcli on Sun- day moruiug lait a large ciassa ef eau- di4ates were couflrmed. The coir- nigtion was lu' charge ef Archbisbop MeNeill, et T9ronto, wbose presouce at- St. John's was _greatly appreciated. TENDERS FOR PAINTING. Tenders will ho received bythe un-, dersigued up te Octeber l2tli for scraping sud painting tihe gun receiv- ed by thé tewu as a war trophy.-Tei- dorera must guarantee a flrst class job. Fred D. Maundrell. WINS TENNIS TITLE Mr. J. E; Carruthers, et Whitby, cempetêd in the aunual teuruament- eof the- Oshawa Tennis Club at Oshawa, en Saturday 14 t; sd won the cii-m- -pionsehip for bme-second year i4 suc- cession. This',io an houer ef whicb Mr. Carruthere ýmay wel ho proud, and bis- frieuds exteud congratulations onj his sucees.- j ~-M EN U Scalloped Potatoos or BAked Beans with Bread sud Butter, Cold Ham, - - - - Saiad,- - - Tes,- - - - Pie, Tai-te, Cake or Jelly, - With Whipped Crearn, - - We Geo.IWRice, Hiqadquarteps fer the Best LInBS - Te fficers and inembers 0f the Whitby Amateur Athietie ýA#sociation wish. to thank al those whc> SUPPOrt. ethSm4'i the parade last T1%ursy, by appearing in costumne ,enter-ng decorated bicycles, cars or floats, orT who amsised in- the community s- ing, concert'and daace in tbe eveuing. BROKÉB COLLAR BON&. Christmkss Fair, it was decided te pest- penoe the imeeti-ng anid hold'it instead ulext Moudayevoning, Octoéber'lOtb, lu.. the 1asme place. Wbitby business men are aked te makeý itlipoint te ho piros- ent; se that matters -may. net ho deîay., ed, sud -there may bePlenty et tii-ete carry, eut, the necefflry arrangements iu prope;, style. -AUTO INJURES BOY RIDING Mleà S MayYWllis the, misfoi<- tu last week, Vhile visiting in Ou SundaY evenng, George Forrest- -HaM-pten, te tai-I sud break lier col- er ofe.e Mr. aud Mrs. George For-j lAr boue, h twas a very'paintul in- rester, Henry -Street, while riding hid jury, sund Nwfl incapacibate lier for bicyl, a truck by a'oe cro some time, - ut ber triends, hope- for Dundas sStreet, aud badfly.hurt. Theè a rapid ,recevery. accident occurred in front et the Gz_-, ette sud Chronicle Office, at the corner1 - - o f Byron sud Dundas Streets. E4. PAVING AT PICKERING., dently the driver et the car dd net -The Warren Pavin~ Ce., have cem- see the lad on his bicyele in time te pléted ail their work Ihw Whitby and,- aveid hitting him, sud George was their mon -have depai-ted. They are, throwu te the pavement witb great however, deing a small amount - et force, being badly bruised sud censid- paving at Pickering, sud their mix- erably dazed. He was unable te make ing Plant 4t the C.P.R. station hre' his way home, sud had te ho taken. is beiug used. The bot surfacing ma- there by car, where ho lias been con- tonial- is hoing rusbed from Whitby te fined for several days as a resuit et Pickering by large inoter trucks. bis experience. Theowner et the car wae net a local man, but (Jhief Lav. COMMENCES PASTORATE. er$flias bis liceuse number in case lie 11ev. J. T. Prie4, iîaely et Canin-sliuld ho at any tim-e required in con- ton, commn-jned lus pastorate- in the nciuibbi ae Baptist Oburcli bore on. Sunday-last, wben ho occffpied the pulpit at both WHITBY ENTERTAINERS AT services. Mr. Priest lias moved his BLACKSTOCK. f amiîy, cousisting et Mrs. Priesb-, two sens aud four daugliters, te Whitby, and bis mînistry ha being locked for- ward te as a perioçi ef- progress -sud usefuluess for the- churcli. Spruce Villa Inn,- will giý-e bouse dauces duriug fal sud wiuter months sud will provide luncheon. Private parties o.r clubs will ho accommodated. ~or full particulars apply Mrs. Wed- èell, Spruce Villa Inn, Kingston Road Jest, Whitby. -Bell Phono 114. -17. HORTICLYLTURAL SOCIETY NOTES. -The Horticultural Society wisb te t'hauk the fellowiug ceutributers, who kindly donated flowers te ho sent te. Toronto Exhibition on Labor Day, aud wbose nam-es were'omitbed in a former ackuowledgment in this papor. AIse te W. G. Augustus sud James Mewat for packiug a-d sending flew- ors: Mme. John Rice, Mms. E. Harper, Mr. Thos. Hawes, Mrs. Yourex, The Hospital, Mu. Irwin, Mre. Greena- way, Mrs. Geo. Kiel, Mrs. Tbeo. Mc-, Gilli*vray, Mrs. C. F. McGillivray. SPECIAL PRESBYTERy CO NFER- ENCE. A Conference under the auspices et the Whitby'Presbytet.y will ho held in the Presby1terian Chai-ch, Brooklil, on Wodnesdsy, the l2tb mast., atternoon sud evening sessions. Among other spoûkers will hbeh RevA Duncan MeLeod f rom For-mess, sud Mme. Grahamn, Presideut oethble Toi-ente Preshyt-erisi. A large attendance from Wbitby is earnestly desired. XMAS FAIR MEETING POST- >PONED. Owing te the smallnoss et attend-' suce at a meeting et local morchants called for Tuesday evening in. the- Council Chamber te make arrange- ments in cennectien with the annual- At th'e concert in the armories at Blackstock last -Wednesday-evening, following Blackstock Fair, the pro- grým was given by the Jazz Boys ef the Whitby Minstrels, consisting of Messrs. J. M. Short, E. W. Evans, G. P. Lynd, W., D. Dykes, L. Mclntyre, H. Doherty,ý.T. L., Rowe; by Miss H. Kenny, pianist, Mirs. T. L. Rowe, so- prano, and, 1Miss Kathleen Nicholson soprano; andi by Messrs. M. M. Gib- son, F. T. Mathison, and R. S. Hatch, who put -on their tumbi'ing sunts. The Jazz Boys gave a minstrel show,ý and, the entire company joined in the second, part of the program. The Larmouries were,,crowded te capacity, and the audience'was sô enthusiastic over the performance that requests for a return, visit were made. INSTITUTES ENTERTAINED AT PICKERING. Quite a number. of members of the Whitby Wemen's Institute had the pleasure eofpesafnglast Fridauy af- terneon at '?TheHrinitage," the DANCE~ to the music or Befi- Hokea' s HawaIlan Ormchestra MUSIC HALL, WHITBY FRIBAYS OCT. I14th- DANCING 8.30 toi1 Admnission 8000 Danalng 108 a Dance JOHN BOLTON, Manager NICHOLSON A SELDON UNpEIRTAKIrRs Phono 85 WHITBY , am Ce LANDON '1 Plumblng, Heatlng and Electrical Supplies WHITBV, ONTARIÃ" :JUSI ARRIIVED Shipment of Fresh Caught. LAKE TROU'? ou sale Thursday, ýFriday and Saturday at 17«) a Ibo Peterboro Pork Sausages, froisl daily. Qi-dem early at 1h.special week-end prie* et 20o lb« Dairy sud Crearnery Butter and Strictly Fresh EggB alwaYs ou hand. w. et PRINÇLE &CG, PHONE 34 Readquarterafior SChoie. (roerf e -WHITBY9 ONTARIO. nPasco.; forwards, J. Rlobertson, Livingson, Katterson, d. Llntuer, aud Watts. It fs expeeited ta otber games wiil be arrauged for the near future. A, ABadlDa o sawa, This was 'Qshawa's bail day iu sport. Thoir basobail teami, champions ef the Central Ontârio League were beaten in a enmi-fial gaine by Hillcresté,et Toronto. At Oshbawa' the -Lacrosse boni- was aise defeated by, St. Mary's. No person toit much' sympathy for Oshawa in'their defeat i lacroýse, for some members et their teain émployed tactics *that were' "d#rty» thzoughout. -Meu such as Oliver su 'd Cook are, .a detrimont te any team, even though- good players. When they use abusive' aud unsportsmanlilr& play te endéavoir DERATHS. BURNS-At her late residence, 413 Elgin St., Ottawa, on Wednesday, QCktober Sth, 1921, Abnes Rogèrson -Buru relict efth~e latte Henry Herbd'rt Spencer, labeofet- Dorset Farm, Brookiu, Oâit., aged eighty years. The tuneral service will be« held at St. PauP.s Anglican Chureli, 1%/ ùilles. weet et Columbus, on Friday ýatter- noon, October 7th,-at 2.30 o'çlock. FOR SUE'R Crystal peninsular cook stove, -ý Anderson, Garden St. Est.. FOR SALE - GryWicker Baby Carriage'and go- cart. Apply Mr". -T. Richardson, op-. posfte Royal Hotel. HOU$IES FOR SALE Two bouses, seveli roon' bungalow and five -room bungalow, brick modern couveniencos. Possession at on<'e. ApplyR.. Underwood, Whitby. -17 FOR SALE - -,Six shoats, a brèod 50w aud nihi* Young pige. Apply-Ham-ilton & S8on.; May,ïiew Fam, Whitby,'et-On- V ANTFID R., Balley and Nlck Rudak wiah to buy fruit, vogetables sud poultry aiid ail n lnlumeatsý Appy Balley RUdakc, Whtby. - - FOR aHALLÃŽB A young )Durbain bull, two Yoms old, in prime condition.pply to Geo. Coz, 'Whltby Tp. --tf. TO RENT House to rent, ail convenlenes AD- ply te Kcing Bres., Whitby. ladies ~o-thle thre6e Instîýufea,4«ient a hà ppy sDeial tine tog-ether 1?eore adjeurnent teok place.- WILL IIOLD BIG DISPERSIONq SALE. O11scar H. Dewney, of Myrtie Sta- tion, wbÉo is se'on to leave his. tarm, là holding a big dispersion sale on Wednesday, Octobe-26th. In this sal he wifl offer his 'entire herd ef Shorthc>ru Cattie, <consistiug of tweu- tyý-thrtee&pure-bredf registered anim4lja and, twenty Shorthorn grades-, aise ,sixteen Olydesdale horses and sovéral I reistrod Yokshiù4e hogs. In addl- M'i.'Dw.ny wll ellal bis oth- alogues contaluing pedgres of the registered stock are now--r.ear;y for diâtribution, and -announcenients with full p.-rticular&.of the sale are beinr prepared; This will be an' unusually imiportn sale, and one of particular' pinterest tealî farmers and stock- breeders. -Thé im.plemeut sale will eommenee'à t il a.m. and- the sale of catewill commence at 1.30 pa.1 Thre auctioneers, WW. Maw, Whit- by, and George and Ted Jackson, port- Perry, have been -engaged te handle the -selling. This sale will be the mec- ca ef large crowds on Wednesc%.y, Oc- tober 26th. VOTERS" LIST,' 1921. Mùnicipality of Town of Whitby, County of Ontario. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered te -the persona mentioned in Section-9 of theOntario Voters Lists Act the copies of the list required by said section toe sotrans- mnitted or delivered, and made pursu- ant te said -Act, ef ail persons appear- ing by the last revised, Assessment ýRoil of the said Municipality t» be enY titled te vote i the said Municipality at electiong for members of theLegis- lative Assembly aud at municipal -elec- tiens; aud that the said list wast first posted up at my office at Whitby on the 17th day of September, 1921, and remains there forinspection. An&i I hereby -eau upon ail voters t-o take immediate proceedings te have any errors or omissions eorrected ac- corcling te law. Dat 'ed at Whitby this 4th day of Oc- tober, 1921. Albert W. Jackson-, Clerk Towp of Whitby. Kate A. WrightAcO.G.m. Organlst, Mthedist-Tabtrnasie Pupils Recelved Forý PiA-NO and- ORGAN" Phone 102 or 201 W E wil sho youCwat yo Adi hewye eeti QDEPIItOOKE &8 OROOERY STORE- SPE ~ ~for OASIcIA THIRSDAY, oct. 6 Cheice Creamery Butter,,per lb., Pure Lard, per lb., Breakfast Bacon, sliced, per lb., Breakfast Bacon, by-the piece, per lb., Back Bacon, lu canin',-slhced, per lb., Block Coeked Ham, elicod, per lb., Bologua, per lb.,- Goed Bla'ck Tea 35o lb., or 3 Ibo. for Pastry Fleur4 ?4 Ibo. for Seeded or Seediess'Raiins, per package, Excelsier- Dates, 2 packages for,- Best Curraube, per lb.., Ceoke'. Baking Pewder, per lb., Magie Bakiug Powder, -per lb., Potatoos, per peck, Rolled Oas,, 5 Ibn.. for Quaker Oats, per package,.- Tillseu's Oats, Aluminum, per package, Puffed ýR1ce,'per package, Puffed Wheat, per package, Corn Flakes, per packages, -Shredded Wheat, per. pack4ge, -42e' 22c 41 c 396 - 63e 22e 26C 25e 2le 3*Ç 35Ç 24e' 37e- 18e Highest PiricespaId 1for Butter amd Edgs W. K. Coo0ke, G roCe r Mathison BrMosl' *Id stand, Whitby, Tîsasurer's Sais 'of Land For Taxis BY VIRTUE of a Warrant under tihe lian-d of the Warden and the 55.1 of the Cormor. atiou of the County of Ontario, dated thee 15±h day of Septernher. 1921, couunandiug me to .Ievy upon the said lands nientioued lu the tolIowing lilt for arrears of taxes tereon sud, costs as herelu set forth; I hereby give not- that unles ucli arres4rsan-d costz art eooner paid, I shall, lu compliance wlth the Aemesant Act proceed to sal by piûbhc sue- tion, the ýsaid lands, or se mucli thereof as i-nay be necessary for the taxés, at -th# Court lIeuse, iu the Town- of- Whitby, ou FRIDAY.: DECEMBER 23rd, 1921, at the hour o0f two o'clock iu the afteruoou. Part Lot Part 13&14 S. part 21 S. part 23 Part rosi! allowance between 24 & 25 25 -Water lot in front ef Lot 21l - 21 -Water lot iu front of Lots 23 & 24 238'& 24 Southerly part road ahlowance Ibetween 23 & 24 1-5 ef S. ]A 28 N.part i Part 82, 187, 191: 205,. 12p, 180, 188, 192, 206j part Lot part 7 Part - Lt 88 Part Lot 29 Part Lot part 13 S. part il 29 Part Lot. 12 19 29 18. 15 -19 Part 21 part 1 Treasurer'u 0fflce TOWNSHIP 0F PICKERING Concession Broken Front, 8rd range Broken Front, Srd range Broken Front Srd range Broken Front, Srd range Broken Fronit, Brd range) Broken Front, 2nd range' Broken Front. Srd range Broken Front. Srd: Lot 28 & 89 77 142, 169 106 181, 182 207, 209, TOWNSI Plau 170 170 172 172 172 172 172 172 204L 208, .210' 172 ToWWSHIP con. Ac« 14 450e 14 96% VILLAGE Op Street Âcres -Peace TOWNSRII -plan Âcres Ethiel Park' 1-8- ITOWN Con. 12 4. 10 Con. B G G G L G.R Hetmi u 121 Acres Taxes 22 11Ã68 1- 213.88 4.94 7i.55 l 59y4 134.13 5.35 rangel 87% 186.40 10, 4.78 -'18.08 p 0F EA5T WMMTY, Acres Taxes Costa $8.0 - $2.25 8.09 2.25 - 11.89 2.20 7.18 -2M2 2.17 2.24 - 28.10 2.68 4.18 .2.25 22.97, 2&57 21.78,- 25 0F - MACH a, Taxes Ceste $14.87 *2.87 54.55 8.86ý PCANNINGTON a Taxés Costa $ 85.20 82.88 OF TEORAR- a Taxes conte 1 * 19.87 -$2.48 0 F NARA 4s Taxes Case $6.07 12,25 17.96-. 2.45 80.90 2.77 OF RAMA.ý z Taxes Conts *23.80-- *2.60 14.08 28 --18.78 2.47 18,02 2.47- 18.48 2.46- 84.29 2.86 16.70 2.4 170 2.42 20.90 2.52 .16.70 2.42 1801 2.83 0 1-801- -2.8- --141.96 -5.55 S189.87,. -6.48- 139.3'7 5.48 1 109.68 -4.74 - 8.99 - 2,26 9.66 2m2 Total $10.28 10.81 11.67 9.8 .4.42 2.8 0.48 2U.4 S24.U2 Toual *18-.91 122.62 2t1.28 Pat'c. or .-Xupat'd. Pst'd. Patd. Fat'd. 139.45 PaVd. 6.98 Paf&d Ptdor tTnpat'., - Pat'd. Pst'd. lpId. Pav&. . 1 pst'd, Total Pat'd. or Unpat'd. 817.24 pietd. 57.91 ?std. Total, Patd. or Uapst'. M0 -pa.t'd. Total Pat'd. or ÙPÀ Tot al std. orUIw.T'D.w *8.82 Patd.- 20.41 Pstd. Total Pà t'd. or Unumt'& I5e 100 se 10e Thon. wili se b. lJjxne Made Caudy for sale. Corne, have a good odpper aud help a good cause. OROOCERY SPECIALS - 25c THIS -WEEI<1 END 3 lb.. Blue Rose RIce, 2 pkgs. Sun -Maid Secdless Raisins, 55c 2 pkgs. Benson*s. Coin SÙarch, 25c 2 pkgs. Woodward's-Crea-m Sodas, 30c' EJe CuRRy, Phone, Ne. l1 Grocer qEI! -Acres 1-8 Acres 100 100'- 100 100- 100 100 100 100 0 100 .100 50 50 40 *0 1«00 100, 100 - - - - 1- -~ W.C.T.IJ-e .tIPPERI IN* OINCUL CHIAMBER FR1 DAY, -OCTOBER 7fh - FRON .5 OCLOEK %Mne MMURMW-"- 1mâý ý . veýj &. I. 'I